Lovely, Dark, and Deep (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Lovely, Dark, and Deep (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

- Morning Rangers.

Another morning Roundup.

Let's get started.

104 over.

- 104 responding.

Gonna hike around

Bench Lake. Over.

- Copy

that 104. Thanks.

107. Over.

- 107. Responding.

Still camping in

Atla Valley. Over.

- Thanks

107. Copy that.

109. Over.

109. Go ahead. Over.

109 what's your status? Over.

Barney, are you there? Over.

109. Over.

Barney? Are there any rangers

near Barney's station?

Can anybody confirm the

status of 109? Over.

- Okay. And

it's that thing, you know,

don't turn back for a second.

So many times the

parents as a kid say,

"It's just like that."

Were there one

second, gone the next.

But like very often

without being a trace,

like nothing without making

me sound just vanished, gone.

Right. These places

are supposed to be safe.

It's a national park

for Christ's sake.

People are there on their

vacation with their kids.

Then they go missing

sometimes from large groups.

And it's not like these kids

are being neglected or ignored.

Let's talk about

the shoes, right.

Sometimes the shoes are found.

- Yes, in

some cases the shoes are found,

but there's no trees in the body

and the children aren't found.

That's what gets paused, okay.

- So who did she hire?

- Ranger Lennon.

- Thanks.

- Really?

- You heard of her?

- Yeah.

- You?

- Yeah, she said she's a little.

- How are y'all doing?

- Hey.

- Hey. How are you?

- You must be Lennon.

Y'all meet Ranger Lennon yet?

- No.

- She sat right there.

- Hello?

Excuse us.

- Nice to meet you.

- See you later.

Congrats on the dream job.

You've been after this

for years, haven't you?

- Yeah.

- I'm not a psychic or anything,

just another member

of the rumor mill.

But don't worry, it

spreads nice things too.

Ranger Jackson, at your service.

- We've gone through

a lot today, a lot

for you to remember.

And as most of you know,

90 days in the Backcountry

can make a person

awfully forgetful.

So to help with

that, we've set up

a lot of resources for rangers.

Morning Roundup is still

at 8:00 AM and still.

- You hungry? I got trail mix.

- We will have an answer

to you within a few hours.

And we've put together

informational binders.

Take one.

Inside you'll find everything

we just talked about

and probably some

things that we didn't.

For instance, we have not

put cell phone towers in park

and we still haven't

run the electricity

to the Backcountry

ranger stations.

Any questions?

Okay. We are going to

separate into our districts.

Good luck rangers.

And remember, leave

nothing but footprints.

Take nothing but memories.

Peel nothing but time.

- Oh, well if it is

our favorite ranger.

- Mr. and Mrs. Finley

get an early start?

- Getting

wilderness passes.

- Really?

- Oh no, we're not

planning everything crazy.

- Well, not yet.

- Since Harold had

his knee surgery done.

- Ah, should have had

this done years ago.

- And then the doctor

gave us the all pass.

So we planned an overnight

for later in the summer.

- A couple of nights.

- You should see the amount

of stuff he's bought.

You'd think we were

moving out there.

- I wanna see the rest of

the park before I die. Yeah.

You know the bits that most

people only see pictures of.

- Well, we're gonna take some

practice hikes before we go

build up our stamina.

- Yeah. Give this

baby a test run.

- Hannah, how's your

summer looking dear?

Have you been

giving tours again?

- I got a job in

the Backcountry.

- Oh, that's wonderful.

- Oh, about g*dd*mn time.

- Oh, your family must

be so proud of you.

- Yep.

- Run like the birds.

Look's like a bird.

- Good

morning rangers

and welcome to the

first Backcountry

roundup for the season.

Let's get it going.

104. Over?

- 104 responding.

Current position

is Hump trail over.

- Copy that 104.

107. Over?

- 107 responding

gonna see the cabin today, over.

- Copy 107.

114. You're up. Over.

114, where you at? Over.

- 114. Responding.

Plan is to hike Black Mountain

Trail into the lookout.

Long pass. Over.

- Copy that 114.

For most of us, hiking

in one of America's national

parks is something special.

We go with family or

friends, making memories

in some of the most beautiful

places in the world.

But what if all of

a sudden that person

who is just right beside

you, they're gone.

No sound, no scream, just gone.

Which is the massive

unreported amounts of

missing person cases

and unsolved missing

person cases.

Usually children.

Usually children

that come out of our

National park system.

- There

are so many disappearances

and a lot of similarities

between these cases.

Yeah. One of which

is they happen in or near

Granite Boulder Fields.

- The largest granite field

is at Alvarez National Park.

The largest collection of

missing people anywhere

in the world is at

Alvarez National Park.

That's not a coincidence.

- I know

These missing people

are found in areas

that have been searched

multiple times.

And the searchers know

they haven't missed the

body, but they come back

to the same area

they've already searched

and suddenly there it is.

Exactly. Yes.

There's no database

for people who go missing

in the national parks.

- So

they don't even know

how many people

have gone missing?

They don't know.

- Well,

we know what's happening,

but nobody's talking about it.

- Why

aren't they talking about it?

Are they scared?

They're rangers,

I mean, they have to know

that this is happening, right?

The rangers know,

they have to know.

- And

their shoes are gone.

What's with the shoes?

Yeah. That's weird.

People go missing.

They're gone.

Good morning Rangers.

- Good

evening rangers

be safe out there.

Speak tomorrow.

Over and out.

- Call to 114.

- 114 responding. Over.

- 121 to 114. Over.

- 114 responding. I

didn't copy. Over.

Come on.


114 responding. Over.

- Easy there, I'm a ranger.

Hello? You all right?

- Yeah, me too.

- Ah, neighbor.

You get yourself off?

I tried to radio you earlier.

Old batteries die?

We've all been there?

Those things, next to worthless.

- I forgot my spares.

- Oh well I got a few in

my pack if you want 'em.

- Sure, thanks.

- Alright.

You wanna get some dinner?

I know a great spot.

Come on.

- How many seasons have

you worked for Backcountry?

- This is my 10th year.

- You like it?

- Are you kidding

me? It spoiled me.

I don't think I'd be much

good at anything else.

Tell me about you.

Why the National Park Service?

- I'm sure you know a

lot about me already.

- I do.

But I'd like to

hear it from you.

- Why?

- Rumors have a way of

getting people all wrong.

- What would you like to know?

- Are they true?

- The rumors?

I'm not crazy.

- That's not true.

- No?

- Nope.

Everyone out here is at

least a little bit crazy.

How you sleeping?

- I'm sorry.

- Sleep?

Some people have a

problem with it out here.

- I am.


- Thanks 113.

And I think that's it for today.

Be safe out there

rangers. Over and out.

- I'm gonna head out.

- Oh, hold up.


- Thanks.

- Hate for you to be

without your radio.

Worthless as they are,

it's safer than nothing.

Till next time neighbor.

- Yep. Till then.

- That might be a bird.

- Where's your sister?

- 114 responding.

- We need help. No hurry.

- What's going on?

What's the problem?

- Open the door.

Open the door.

We need help

Open the door.

We have to hurry.

- Sir. Sir, I'm gonna help you.

But I need to put my shoes on

and to do that,

I need you to let

go of my arm, okay?

Okay. Let go of my arm.


Sir, wait.

Sir. Wait.


114 dispatch.

I've got a 10-33

in progress. Over.

114 dispatch. 10-33. Over.

- 114, this

is dispatch. What's

your 10-33? Over.

- 10-80 of an injured male.

He's in shock and running.

He might be leading

me to people.

I need assistance.

And a 10-52 over.

- Copy that 114.

SNR have been dispatched

to your ranger station.

- Sarah?

She was right there.

Then she wasn't.

- Okay.

- Lost a couple of

hikers down there.

- Oh no, don't do that.

We'll give it back to her.

Thank you.

Missing girl's name

is Sarah Greenberg.

According to her friends,

she was at camp one minute

and gone the next.

The rest we know.

Now it's easy to get

turned around at night.

So it's not likely that

she's far from camp,

but we'll treat this

like any other S&R

and walk on a grid.

Jackson will take the lead.

One of her friend's camera

and Sarah's driver's license.

Look through the pictures.

You fit to stay?

- Yes ma'am.

- There's no shame

in coming back

and getting those feet

properly looked at.

- I would like to stay ma'am.

- Excellent.

Well stay safe and smart.


- Ma'am.

- Quinn, Johnson, Rodriguez.

Y'all clear on your

search perimeters?

- Yep.

- Yep.

- Great.

Mark your maps and gear up.

- What about me?

- You stay.

- I can search. I'm fine.

- Someone needs to

be here in case she comes back.

- If she were close by she

would've heard the helicopter.

She would've found a trail.

- You stay.

- Jenny? Jenny?

- Jenny?


- Sarah?

- Jenny?

- Sarah?

- Jenny?

- Jenny? Jenny?

- Sarah?

- Jenny?

- Sarah?

- Jenny? Jenny?

- Sarah?

- Jenny? Jenny?

Jenny? Jenny?

- Sarah?

- Jenny?

- Sarah?

- Jenny?

- Jenny?

- Hello?


Ma'am, I'm a park ranger.

Are you in need of some help?


Sarah Greenberg?

- Are you real?

- Hey hey. It's okay.

It's okay.

I'm real. I'm real.

I'm here.

- Good work ranger.

- Did she say what happened?

- No, she didn't say anything.

I'll get her home and make

sure she's taken care of.

But you need to see me

at the end of the week.

There are some things

we need to discuss.

- Yes, ma'am.

- I'm happy to-

- No, thank you Jackson.

I think I need to

do this one myself.

And you are to stay at your

ranger station until then,

you are done for the season.

But I-

- I'm serious.

You were well intentioned,

not listening to

Ranger Jackson earlier,

but we are not giving

you suggestions here.

You've got five days.

Just pack your bags,

let your feet healed

and wait for the helicopter.

Do you understand?

- I understand.

- I mean it.

Stay put.

- Look, I'm sorry it was

wrong of me to ignore your-

- My explicit instructions.

- Yes, but we found her.

- You found her

- Piece of shit.





Hey, hey. I am a ranger.

I can help.


I am a national park ranger.

I am armed.

- Lennon?

- Jackson.

- We have reports

of someone needing

help in your area.

Possibly wounded,

maybe disoriented.

- Copy that. I think they

were just here. Over.

I didn't copy that.

Repeat. Over.

- You

should go after him.

- Okay. Copy that. Over and out.


If you're hurt and in need of

assistance, I'm a park ranger.

I can help you.


- Did you find them?

- I think I'm lost.

This looks like Bench Lake,

but this is,

it's impossible.

it's miles away from it.

- No, this is

where you need to be.

- What?

Jackson I don't

think you understand.

I'm across the park

from where I just was.

- No, you

don't understand.

- Jackson?

- Leave nothing.

Take nothing. k*ll nothing.

- Run. Run like the bird.

Run like the birds.

Run like the birds.

- Take this trail

then we can go die.

- Birds don't run.

- Well. Well, Jenny.

- Some do. I've seen them.

- Birds fly.

- Wake up.

- Ranger station.


And then.

- We

hope you understand.

Leave nothing. Take nothing.

k*ll nothing on you.

- I haven't.

- You have.

You've taken from us.

- Are you real?

- Leave nothing.

Take nothing. k*ll nothing.

This isn't real.

This isn't real,

this isn't real.

- Leave nothing.

Take nothing. k*ll nothing.

- Replace what you took

or they'll keep you.

- Oh, Mrs. Finley. Thank God.

It's Ranger Lennon.

I need some help.

I need some help.

Mrs. Finley?


Mrs. Finley?

Mrs. Finley. Hello?

- I hope you washed your hands.

Good enough.

- Mr. Finley?

Mr. Finley, can you-

- Get the bowl.

- Oh.

You've outdone yourself.

- I'm here.

Hey. I am here.

I'm here.

- Am I ready for this?

- Oh, hey.


Hey, hey wait.



- Nature calls.

- Be quick.

- Simply perform

the following steps

to guarantee years of

satisfactory service.

Keep action lightly

oiled, with good oil.

Apply lubricating oil to

trigger barrel and chambers.


Easy as pie.

- Oh, no, no, no.

Oh jeez.

- Run.

Run like the birds.

- You've really

outdone yourself.


I'm just gonna go and

use the facilities.

- Okay. I'll be here.

- Okay. Ready?

- I'm ready.


- Where's your sister?

- Be quick. Okay.

- You've

outdone yourself.

Tell us about you.

Why the national park service?

We'd like to hear her from you.

- I need to find her.

She is not lost.

- Easy as pie.

- Oh no.

Don't k*ll them.

- I won't k*ll them.

- If you don't,

then we'll keep you.

- Then keep me.

- Mountains. It's

about 50 miles east.

- Dad?

- That's not hers.

- Have

they found Jenny.

- It can't be hers.

- I'm so sorry.

- We were nowhere near

the mountains. 50 miles away.

It's not possible it's her.

How could she have

gotten that far?

- Girls?

So what's the plan

for today, ladies?

- Can we

play outside please?

- Sure.

You could walk to

the park if you want.

- Yeah.

- Slow down.

- I can see Jenny. Over.

- Report when

you're sure. Over.

- Copy that. Over.

- It is

her. She's not lost.

She's been taken.

There's nothing I can do. Over.

- Copy that.

Pull everyone in.

We'll talk to the

parents. Over and out.

- Copy that. Over.

- Jenny?



No. No. No. No. No.

- How do you catch a squirrel?

- You climb a tree and act nuts?

- Oh, I was saying

man this is just,

This is just a

nightmare sweetheart.

Go back to bed.

- Run.

- I'm so sorry.

I was supposed to

be watching you.

I should have been watching you.

- It wasn't your fault.

- I never stopped

looking for you.

- They keep us here.

- Lennon?

- Who are they?



- Can we play

outside Mom, please.

- Slow down.

- You could walk

to the park if you want.

- How do

you catch a squirrel?

- Jenny?

- There's

nothing I can do.

- It's just a

nightmare, sweetheart.

Go back to bed.

- Lennon?

- Lennon?


- Zhang?

Are are you real?

- I'm real.

- I don't understand. I don't

understand what's happening.

I hit my head.

- This isn't because

you hit your head.

- I don't understand.

- They take.

And we'd let them.

- Who?

- Who knows.

Whatever they are,

they live here

where it still gets dark.

Where you can still

see the stars.

Usually rangers come to us.

Tell us about the weird things

they experience in the woods.

That's when we explain.

They usually give us

a chance to explain

because, I think because

we protect their space.

I've given them so many.

I regret her most.

I am not going to

let them take you.

- It's too late.

I won't give them

what they want.

- I know.

I will.

Goodbye Lennon.

You are going to make

one hell of a ranger.

- Zhang?

Jenny, I'm not

gonna you leave you.

I'm not gonna leave you again.

I'm gonna save you.

- Lennon?

- Jackson?

- Oh my God.

I got you. I got you.

You're okay.

I got you.

I got you. I got you.

- What's happening?

- You just got lost.

Let's get you warmed

up. All right.

I got you.


- 121 to dispatch. Over.

- How do you know I was lost?

- 121 to dispatch. Over.

- You all know.

Don't you?

- 121 this is

dispatch. Go ahead. Over.

- Why didn't you tell me?

- 121, this is

dispatch. Go ahead over.

- Dispatch. I got eyes on 114.

It's an S&R, to Bench

Lake south side.

- Copy that 121.

- I got you. It's

gonna be alright. Okay?

- And in

areas that have been searched

and searched and searched again.

I mean these are not

small S&R operations.

These aren't volunteers.

These are members of

the NPS, DLM and USFS.

People that are trained

in Backcountry S&R.

- This

phenomena, if you will,

seems to happen close to

large volumes of water,

significant river systems

or in close proximity-

- Remember, may seem like

you're alone out there,

but we're all neighbors. Okay?

And that's about it.

Y'all have your binders

and most of what

it says in there.

If you've got any questions.

Don't forget, leave

nothing but footprints.

Take nothing but memories.

k*ll nothing but time.

Have a good one.

- 119 to

dispatch. Over.

- 119. This is

dispatch. Go ahead over.

- We have

a missing person

last seen near Pear Lake. Over.

- Copy that 119.

S&R are being dispatched

to your ranger stations.

All call any rangers in the

Pear Lake vicinity. Over.

- Dispatch. This

is 114 responding.

I'm in the Pear

Lake vicinity. Over.

- Copy that

114. Thank you. Over.

- Dispatch.

This is 112 responding.

I can be near Pear

Lake in an hour. Over.

- Alright guys, I got

batteries in the back.

- Coming off behind.

- James?



- Are you real?

Are you real?

- No.
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