02x03 - Underwater Worlds

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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02x03 - Underwater Worlds

Post by bunniefuu »

Ancient monuments deep under water...
A once-thriving metropolis now

half a mile under the sea...
Lost cities submerged for

thousands of years... All over the
world, there are sunken cities.

There's more than 200 known sunken
cities in the Mediterranean alone.

What we're looking at are the remains of

cities at a time when mainstream
archeology tells us there were

no cities, uh, anywhere in the world.

Are underwater monuments
examples of mankind's

earliest civilizations?

Or is there evidence of skills far
beyond that of primitive man?

And if so, where did it come from?

The native legends are very clear... that

something or someone landed,
and then, knowledge, all of a

sudden, spread.

There is many, many legends with
lights coming from under the water.

You start to get the idea
that there's some kind

of ancient alien underwater base...
Millions of people

around the world believe we
have been visited in the past

by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

If so, what evidence lies deep underwater?

# Ancient Aliens 2x03 #
Underwater Worlds
Original Air Date on November 11, 2010

Covering more than 71% of
the planet, the Earth's

oceans are a vast and
largely unexplored mystery.

For most of recorded history,
man could only guess at what

lay beneath the ocean's surface.

But new technologies are
reaching new depths.

Researchers around the world
are finding the unexpected...

underwater complexes and
sophisticated monuments that

defy the conventional historical record.

There are remains of urban civilizations

on parts of the Earth that were

exposed on land 10,000 and more years ago.

And this means that urban civilization
is far older by many thousands

of years than many scientists
now believe possible.

Scientific theory suggests
that during Earth's

last Ice Age, ocean levels were once
much lower than they are today.

You have to envisage a world
in which there are two

mile-deep ice caps sitting on
top of northern Europe and

North America, in which are accumulated
enormous quantities of water.

And we know that this water began
to melt about 21,000 years

ago, and finished melting
about 10,000 years ago.

As a result, rich coastal
lands were slowly

submerged by rising sea levels.

Ten million square miles of land
was flooded all around the world.

That's roughly the size
of Europe and China added

together... were just
rubbed from the record.

They just disappear from the story.

And in my opinion, archeology
is not doing enough work to

investigate those lost
and submerged lands.

While much of the ocean's floor
remains unexplored, for thousands of

years, philosophers and
scientists have been drawn to

one of the greatest mysteries
of the sea, the legend of the

lost city of Atlantis.

It's been said that more books have been

written about Atlantis
than any other subject.

But most of what we know comes
from the Greek philosopher

Plato, who wrote two books about
Atlantis, the Timaeus and the


Written in 360 BC, Plato
described Atlantis as a

highly advanced city, ringed
by concentric walls, which

flourished 9,000 years
before his own time.

There are descriptions of
huge palaces for kings.

It's stated that Atlantis had
huge naval forces, which it

used to conquer other parts of the world.

It was an urban civilization.

According to the ancient Greek
texts, Atlantis was connected

with extraterrestrials from the beginning.

It was founded by the Greek god Poseidon.

Poseidon can be regarded as an
extraterrestrial in the sense

of not being of this Earth.

Poseidon, one of the extraterrestrial,

found a pretty, wonderful,
young woman-girl on Earth.

And he took this woman-girl,
made her pregnant.

And to protect his new
family, he founded Atlantis.

According to the legend,
after a failed attempt

to invade Athens, disaster
struck the island.

According to Plato, Atlantis was
destroyed in a day and a night...

...a cataclysmic destruction
that sank the entire island and

its capital city.

Some researchers believe
that the Atlantians somehow

destroyed themselves.

According to Plato, Atlantis
was located in front

of the Pillars of Hercules,
a location beyond what some

scholars attribute to modern Gibraltar.

And to the ancients, as they left the

Mediterranean Sea to go into the
larger Atlantic Ocean, this was

where they went beyond the
Pillars of Hercules between

Spain and Morocco.

Across the Atlantic lies the island chain

of the Bahamas, just southeast of Florida.

Here in 1968, archaeologist J.
Manson Valentine believed he

found part of Atlantis when
he discovered an unusual rock

formation off the coast
of North Bimini Island.

It's only in about 12
to 18 feet of water, so

you can, uh, view it easily.

At first, scientists thought
this was just beach rock, but

then several other scientists
exploring the Bimini Road

noticed that the beach rock was
on top of other beach rock,

with balancing stones wedged in between.

And nature doesn't do that; man does.

And they realized this is a harbor,
a breakwater for a harbor.

From the shallow edges of
Bimini all the way to the Gulf

Stream in 300 feet of water,
we have found many fascinating

complexities that look like
remnants of ancient cities or

structures... roads, pathways,
structures covered in coral.

Could the Bimini ruins
be remnants of Atlantis?

And if so, could these roads
lead to other sites buried

under sand and water?

In the year 2000, while mapping
the seafloor off the western

coast of Cuba, a research
expedition led by

Russian-Canadian oceanographer
Paulina Zelitsky spotted

symmetrical stone structures
deep below the water.

Remarkably, they were
over a half mile down.

Divers cannot do this kind of,
uh, investigation, so we have to

use remote operating vehicle.

And this vehicle is equipped with
video cameras and manipulators.

And it controlled, uh,
from the deck of the ship.

The expedition was also
armed with side-scan sonar

equipment used to create images
of large areas of the sea floor

and underwater objects.

I was in control room on
board of the ship, and

we were receiving that image
coming from side-scan.

And this is just one of the
many other images that we were

obtaining of, the 80, uh,
structures made of large stones

placed one on top of another.

Well, what do they end up with?

It is an image that shows these
rectangular 90-degree angles,

over and over and over, on very
large structures that seemed to

have wide avenues.

The exploration found huge stone blocks in

pyramid shapes, others more circular.

Most were gigantic, reaching
16 feet in height and weighing

several tons.

30 geometric structures emerged,
appearing to be the remains of

streets, buildings, tunnels and
pyramids, all at a depth of

2,200 feet below the surface of the water.

We might well have here the evidence of a

prehistoric culture that would
probably go back tens of

thousands of years, and
that's very exciting indeed.

Using dating techniques based on the
presence of nearby volcanic ash,

geologists estimated the underwater
city sank over 6,000 years ago.

Could this be, a half mile
down, some part of the

sunken Atlantis from 9,000, 10,000
yrs ago that Plato talked about?

Well, the Atlantis myth is
integrally related with

the area of the Caribbean and the
Bahamas, in particular Cuba.

Plato talks about an island empire.

He's probably talking about
dozens of different islands of

different sizes, not just in the
western Atlantic, but probably

stretching out right into
the central Atlantic area.

Both the Cuban and the
Bahaman ruins lie on the

western edge of the Bermuda
Triangle, an area of ocean

covering over 500,000 square
miles, known for magnetic

anomalies, extraterrestrial
sightings and unexplained

disappearances of aircraft and ships.

Could there be a connection
between Atlantis and the area

known as the Devil's Triangle?

On the edge of the Bermuda
Triangle, there are

underwater ruins of the
ancient city of Atlantis, the

prehistoric city of Atlantis.

So, yes, there is a theory that
Atlantis lies, not near Greece,

but in the Bermuda Triangle.

If Plato's texts are true,
then other Greek myths

may provide a hint of the
true fate of Atlantis.

One myth tells of the Titan
goddess named Asteria, who fell

from the sky and became an island.

In ancient Greece, we have
a number of myths which

describe islands... bronze,
gleaming islands... that fell

from the sky and landed in water.

I don't think that Atlantis,
therefore, was an actual

stationary, physical island.

Atlantis, according to Plato,
disappeared in one night with a

lot of fire and a lot of smoke.

See, I don't think that Atlantis sank.

I think Atlantis lifted off.

Was Atlantis a safe haven
for ancient aliens before

the end of Earth's last Ice Age?

And if so, could there be other
alien cities submerged deep


Yonaguni, Japan.

This small island is at the
westernmost tip of the

Japanese archipelago.

Scholars believe the first
inhabitants migrated here from

Southeast Asia during prehistoric times.

In 1987, in nearby waters, dive
tour orator Kihachiro Aratake

made a shocking discovery.

A massive complex of stone
formations lay hidden a mere 60

feet beneath the ocean surface.

Experts call it one of the
greatest discoveries in the

history of underwater archeology.

What's intriguing about the
complex at Yonaguni is

that there are a whole range of
monuments, pretty much side by

side, and this, to my eye, looks
unmistakably to be the work of

human beings, not the random
action of the ocean on

differential layers of stone.

There are several reasons why
I think this is not a natural


Some tools and engraved
stones are found at the site.

Because of these things, there
is no doubt that this is made


Submerged beneath 60 to
100 feet of water, the

largest of the underwater
formations resemble a massive,

five-layered stepped pyramid, the
size of two football fields.

You see unambiguous carvings that
clearly are geometric in nature,

tons of right angles.

We see channels that you can
walk through with stairwells at

the end that are perfectly
rectangular in shape.

There are places where
you find megaliths piled

on top of one another to create a
tunnel through which you can swim.

There is a set of megaliths
positioned side by side against

the side of the cliff.

There's a gigantic human
face carved underwater.

There is a stone that inscribes a
big face, about seven meters in


Our first impression was that it
looked a lot like the Moai on

Easter Island.

Then we began to realize that it
strongly resembled the sphinx

which guarded the pyramids, and
we wondered, "Is that the"

function the face is serving "here?"

It's the whole combination of all
these structures together which

convinced me that we're looking at a...
at a ceremonial complex.

The mystery surrounding the
Yonaguni underwater structure

is, when did it go underwater?

The geological evidence is that
it was submerged during the

meltdown of the last Ice Age.

All around the world, whether it is
France, India or Japan, there are

man-made structures that lie underwater.

Two ways how our ancestors
could have done this.

Either they had scuba gear...
I don't think so...

or this stuff was built when the
ocean levels were lower, and

that was over 14,000 years ago,
and 14,000 years ago, according

to mainstream archeology, we
were just dwelling in caves,


Could the Yonaguni structures
have been built by

such primitive people?

And what evidence exists of the
people who inhabited this island?

Human fossils were found, so I'm
sure there were people living on the

island, but I'm not sure if they
had the technology to create

structures, or anything like this.

It's not so much the question
of could the stone have

been chipped away and removed.

It's a question of the vision,
of the scale of the complex,

of thinking in those kind of terms.

And we know of no other, uh,
Stone Age culture that thought

in those kind of terms, of
creating a gigantic, seemingly

ceremonial complex.

If, according to scholars,
the ancient Japanese

people could not have built
this monument, who did?

And how did it get here?

The speculation is that
extraterrestrials created

the Yonaguni monument.

The engineering is just beyond
the capacity of Stone Age


Ancient astronaut theorists
also believe the key

to the Yonaguni mystery is found
in its global positioning.

Strangely, the complex lies
within an area of the Pacific

long suspected of
extraterrestrial activity.

It's called the Dragon's Triangle.

Just south of Japan, you
have a mysterious area

called the Dragon's Triangle,
which is very similar to the

Bermuda Triangle, because
you have planes that have

disappeared from the air, ships that
have disappeared from the ocean.

In fact, Japan had declared
this a disaster area.

Don't sail through it.

Don't fly through it.

Stay the heck away, because if
you go in there, terrible things

can happen to you.

In ancient Japan, and even
into the relatively modern

era, there are stories about the
Dragon Sea, in which objects

rise out of the water and
sail through the air.

In ancient Japan, these were
winged monsters breathing fire.

In more modern times, these took
on the appearance of actual


When you compare those
descriptions of these devices

with the description that
Columbus gave of a craft nearing

the Bermuda Triangle actually
rising out of the water, a light

that followed the ship, you
realize there's a similarity in

both of these locations to
things, objects, that are in the

water and rise out of the water
and fly through the air.

But why are the two
submerged structures found

within the perimeter of these
strange regions of the planet

where so much unusual activity occurs?

Is it coincidence that the
Earth's 25th parallel north

cuts through both the Bermuda
Triangle and the Dragon's Triangle?

They lie on a plane along
the same line, and both of

them have the same magnetic
phenomena, in which compass

bearings are lost and instruments go down.

People wonder if there's a
real, strange UFO connection.

If UFO's and flying
saucers do exist, then we

should suspect that they could
originally come from an ancient

super civilization.

It makes you wonder if flying
saucers, UFO's, whatever you

want to call them, actually use
the area of the Triangle as

their major base, and perhaps
are even coming back to the

remnants of a civilization
that they were familiar with.

What if the sunken monuments
at Yonaguni and near

Cuba had alien origins?

Might they have been used as alien bases?

And if we believe
extraterrestrials functioned on

land, could they have also
functioned underwater?

Could there be more evidence
lying in the vast Pacific?

As an island nation, it should come as no

mystery that much of Japan's
rich history is tied to the

waters of the Pacific Ocean.

But although many of Japan's
legends are largely unknown to

the West, some are drawing the
attention of ancient astronaut


One such legend dates back to
1803 and traces its origins

to a beach north of Tokyo.

Allegedly, a craft that
was quite large in size

washed up on the shore in Japan.

A strange round ship drifted
ashore in this area.

The woman did not speak any
language they could identify.

There were written inscriptions
inside her craft that they

could not identify, and she's
clutching this box that she

didn't want anybody to touch.

Known as the legend of the
Utsuro Bune, or "hollow"

"ship," the details of the story
have puzzled historians for


Where, for example, did the
mysterious hollow ship come from?

Could it have come from the area of
the submerged Yonaguni monument?

Who was the strange woman?

And what were the contents of the
box she guarded so carefully?

Was it a human head?

Or was it, as some ancient
astronaut theorists believe, a

type of brain or other form of
extraterrestrial intelligence?

If so, could it have been
intended as a gift to the early

Japanese by an ancient space traveler?

There's five different drawings
that have survived from completely

different regions of Japan.

They're almost identical
to modern UFO reports.

As evidence to support
their claims, ancient

astronaut theorists point to
early Japanese carvings and

statuary, each suggesting a variety
of extraterrestrial encounters.

This is a Dogu figure,
and it comes from Japan.

And even to the untrained eye,
you look at this, and it's as if

this being is wearing some type
of a suit... with a helmet, some

goggles, on the back there are
all these weird buckles and

circles, you know, straps.

Very similar to a modern-day space suit.

In my opinion, this is a
likeness of a possible

extraterrestrial that visited
Earth thousands of years ago.

Archaeologists have
catalogued the existence of

more than 15,000 Dogu figures
made during the Jomon period of

prehistoric Japan, dating from
approximately 14,000 to 300 years B.C.

But could, as ancient astronaut
theorists believe, these strange

Dogu figures really be a
primitive interpretation of a

pressurized space suit or diving apparel?

The story behind those
Dogu figures is very

clear, and anyone can go and
read translations of the ancient

texts that the Dogu, a long time
ago, descended from the sky and

taught the first Japanese
people in various disciplines.

And the whole Japanese
culture, including the

kimono, the tea ceremony, the
use of wasabi and ginger for

eating sushi, the way that they
build their architecture, their

written language, everything
they say came from these

visitors, from these
gods, from the universe.

The pictures shows beings
who look like astronauts.

They are dressed like an astronaut.

They have the helmet as an astronaut.

They have some strange tools
in their hands, tools which we

do not understand.

Now, there is a link.

The Japanese call it "Dogus."

In North America, we have still
the Hopi tribe, in Arizona, and

the Hopi Indians are still
making today kachina dolls.

Kachina dolls look similar to
the Japanese Dogu figures.

Further back, in the Sahara Desert,
Africa, we found cave paintings.

When you see the picture, you see
definitely an astronaut suit.

No doubt.


Now, you compare these cave
paintings with the kachina dolls

of the Hopi, and with the Dogu of Japan.

You have one line.

Do the mysterious Dogu
figures provide tangible

evidence of extraterrestrial
encounters in Japan's ancient past?

And does the legend of the
Utsuro Bune suggest that the

Earth's oceans may be hiding even
more proof of alien contact?

Perhaps the answer can be found
deep in the waters off the coast

of India.

In 2001, researchers from India's Oceanic

Institute detected anomalies
on the bottom of the Gulf of

Khambhat, seven miles from shore.

They had been commissioned by the
Indian government to do a survey of

pollution in the Gulf of Khambhat
up in the northwest of India.

And they were not expecting to
find anything except a mess

down there.

But suddenly, their side-scan
sonar started returning images

of regular structures.

The images revealed an
enormous network of stone

buildings, now shrouded in
mud and sand, and covering a

distance of five square miles.

What we're looking at in
the Gulf of Khambhat are

the remains of cities.

There's actually two of them.

And it turns out that they are
positioned on the side of

ancient river channels.

They look lime cities that have
been submerged for a very long

time, at a time when mainstream
archeology tells us there were

no cities anywhere in the world.

Powerful crosscurrents made it nearly
impossible to dive the 170 feet

to the bottom.

Still, scientists retrieved
dozens of artifacts, including

wood and pottery shards.

Some of the dates on some
of the human artifacts that

were brought up extended as
far back as 32,000 years.

But the oceanographers concluded
that the area had been covered

by water about 9,000 years ago.

So this city had apparently
existed from 32,000 to about

9,000 years ago.

Mainstream scholars today claim
that ancient Indian civilization

only goes back 4,000 or 5,000 years.

Yet, Hindu scholars themselves
say that Hindu civilization is

going back, uh, many tens of
thousands, even hundreds of

thousands of years.

Might the ruins below the
Gulf of Khambhat prove

the Hindu scholars right?

Another recent discovery
may support their claims.

200 miles to the northwest lies
the modern city of Dwaraka.

Archaeologists digging deep
under the city found signs of a

settlement once inundated by the sea.

Inspired by this clue, they
began searching for more ruins

in waters just off the coast.

In only 70 feet of water, divers
discovered sandstone walls,

cobblestone streets and evidence
of a prosperous seaport.

Scholars declared these ruins
to be the remains of the

ancient and legendary city of Dwaraka.

Ancient Hindu texts explain that
the legendary city of Dwaraka

was said to be the dwelling
place of Lord Krishna, a deity

worshipped across many
traditions of Hinduism.

Imagine what it would mean for the
Christian world to all of a sudden

discover the actual Holy Grail,
the actual Ark of the Covenant.

That would be akin, for the
Indian population, to discover

an actual Dwaraka.

This was a very powerful city,
which was ruled by Lord Krishna.

And Krishna is still revered until today.

He's one of the highest gods
that we have in Hindu culture.

Hindu texts explain that a
king named Salwa att*cked

Lord Krishna in the mythical Dwaraka.

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the descriptions of the

battle suggest the use of alien
technology and even spacecraft.

According to the ancient
Sanskrit texts, with

this spacecraft, Salwa att*cked
the city, raining down energy

weapons that resemble lightning.

He destroyed large parts
of the city in this way

When this happened, the king
of the city, the god Krishna,

responded by firing weapons
at this spacecraft.

The weapons are described as arrows,
but they're not ordinary arrows.

It's said that they roared like
thunder when they were launched,

and resembled bolts of
lightning or rays of the sun.

In response, it is said that the
spacecraft began to appear in

different places simultaneously.

It appeared to be moving in
ways that resemble modern

descriptions of UFOs.

So what I find interesting about
this account is, there's a

spacecraft made of metal that is
firing down weapons on a city on


The legend says that Krishna
eventually departed

Earth, and the ocean consumed
his city of Dwaraka.

For many people, the description
of fabulous ancient

cities in the Sanskrit writings
of India were simply mythology,

but with the discovery of the
remains of a sunken city off the

coast of India in the location of
Dwaraka, all that has changed.

People are beginning to look at
these ancient writings in a new

light, and see them not simply
as mythology, but as actual

historical records.

Did India's ancestors
witness a w*r between

extraterrestrial entities?

If the mythical city cited in the
Hindu texts turned out to be

real, could there also be
evidence of Krishna and his

supernatural powers?

Ancient alien theorists believe
a link between the submerged

ruins and extraterrestrials can
be found in another set of texts

known as India's Sangam literature.

Sangams were assemblies of sages.

It says that the first two
Sangams took place on a sunken

landmass called Kumari Kandam.

This area was once above water
thousands of years ago,

according to the accounts,
but it's now underwater.

It's also interesting that these
assemblies of sages included

extraterrestrial beings, as well.

And this fits in with evidence
discovered in the Gulf of

Cambay, and off the coast of
the present city of Dwaraka.

Are the interpretations of India's
ancient texts proof of alien

contact in Earth's past?

And are the descriptions of
gods actually descriptions of


Perhaps another discovery... one
beneath a mysterious lake...

will yield even more evidence of
alien visitors in the remote past.

The Andes Mountains, Peru.

Here, at an elevation of 12,500
feet, lie the dark waters of

Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable
body of water in the world.

In August of 2000, an
Italian team of divers and

archaeologists launched an
underwater investigation of the

legendary lake.

There, submerged under 100
feet of water, the team

uncovered traces of a paved
road, a stone terrace, and a

wall nearly a half mile long.

For centuries, local legends
have spoken of a lost

underwater city called Wanaku.

Could these ruins provide proof that
such a city did, in fact, exist?

Then, another shocking discovery.

Lying on the lake bed was a
large, sculptured stone head.

Could this ancient relic offer
a clue to the origins of this

incredible archaeological find?

Comparisons were quickly made
to similar stonework found at

the nearby ancient city of
Tiahuana, just 12 miles south

of Lake Titicaca... a city long
thought by ancient astronaut

theorists to have
extraterrestrial origins.

When the early conquistadors talked to the

local Aymara Indians they were
told that-that giants at the

beginning of creation
had created Tiahuanaco.

The Spanish, too, were amazed by
the gigantic blocks of stone.

They felt that the devil
had built this building.

If you look at some of the
rock cut on megalithic

structures at the site of
Tiahuanaco, I personally

believe very strongly that we
are looking at an older episode

of construction and the traces
of a forgotten episode in the

human story.

But if the ruins found
at the bottom of Lake

Titicaca are from the legendary
lost city of Wanaku, what

happened to it?

Did it fall prey to a major
earthquake or other natural disaster?

Or was the city, as some
ancient astronaut theorists

believe, deliberately flooded?

The more you know about Lake
Titicaca, the stranger it gets.

Archeologists have problems in
really explaining why there are

sunken ruins there, because
they're saying that the ruins

aren't that old.

They're only 1,500 years old.

And that would mean that Lake
Titicaca has gone through a

number of major changes in that period.

And it's possible that somehow
the lake itself and the

shorelines were manipulated
so that certain areas of Lake

Titicaca were flooded in a
sort of artificial way.

There is a type of seahorse
that lives in Lake Titicaca.

And seahorses are coming from
saltwater and oceans, yet these

seahorses are living at nearly
13,000 feet in the Andes.

But just how could an ancient people
have artificially created South

America's largest lake?

A lake that is 118 miles
long and 50 miles wide?

When you ask the local
population, "How did all"

"of this come into being?"
the Aymara Indians will tell

you that all of this has existed
since before the beginning of time.

In the Aymara legends,
the lake is like the...

the place of genesis, the place
where it starts... all the

civilizations... in our continent.

We have these very, very, very old roots.

I mean, we're not talking only
about this civilization, this


We are talking about our
seeds, the roots of the stars.

Some people believe that the
extraterrestrial built, but

what I believe is that the
space brothers help us, direct

us, teach us, because they had
the experience in many ways.

The legend says that once the
space brothers came to this

planet and they used to live
with us, and they was very

important in our lives and they
used to be very powerful people.

But is it possible that
the lost city of Wanaku

was really built, or inhabited,
by the ancient ancestors of

the indigenous Aymara people?

And if so, could it have been
deliberately flooded to avoid

detection from the outside world?

Cristina Sovrosa The elders,
they used to talk about the

underwater city.

They talk about the lights like
stars connecting with the lake.

The stars, when they come down
to the lake, there is changes

in the temperatures.

There is many legends
with lights coming from

the underground of the lake.

It seems they come, they go and
they return in different moments.

You start to get the idea
that there is some kind

of ancient alien underwater base.

And it's possible that some of
these sunken ruins are, uh,

somehow part of that base.

Could the ancient city of
Wanaku really have been

built by alien visitors?

And if so, why?

What was their purpose?

Could the discovr of this and
other sunken cities pride the

evidence that mankind has
been seeking for centuries...

evidence that proves...
that we are not alone?

These mysterious underwater
structures really

don't have any context or any
background; they just seem to

come from nowhere.

They seem to stand out as being
out of place in time, so there's

some question marks, some
mystery surrounding them that

might shed new light on human history.

Atlantis, Lake Titicaca, Dwaraka.

All those ancient mystery
places always have had a

connection to the gods.

The gods who, in the ancient
astronaut opinion, were flesh

and blood extraterrestrials.

And in the end, the ancient astronaut
theory will be proven right.
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