10x02 - Cargo: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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10x02 - Cargo: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Professor Danbury may
want to run some tests on you.

Just so long as I don't have
to be locked away in quarantine.

The decontamination was just a
precaution. I'm sure you'll be OK.

We don't know who
else might have been exposed.

If anyone goes to hospital with
symptoms, they'll be onto it.

What are the symptoms
of a VHF, anyway?

Well, it varies, but generally
speaking it's a bit like flu -
fatigue, fever, dizziness.

Until it really kicks in...
And then?

Bleeding under the skin,
in internal organs...

..and just about every
orifice you can imagine.

Like the body at the PM?

Exactly. Eventually the patient may
go into multi-organ failure and then
they die from that or from shock.

Lovely(!) Yeah, not exactly
a common cold, is it?

Professor Danbury, Nikki Alexander.

Hi. Hi. Any symptoms?
No, I feel fine.

You carried out the PM?

Yep. Gloves and scrubs,
although I wasn't masked.

Did any fluid come into contact
with your skin? Not that I noticed.

I checked the PM recording,
it all looked fine.

Did you get the PM
sh*ts we sent over?

They're reviewing them now,
but I'm inclined to agree with
your diagnosis. It's a VHF.

We have to find out everything
we can about it so that if it
does break out, we can deal with it.

We also have to track down any
possible carriers. Dead or alive.

According to the PM, the bodies on
that boat were all symptom-free -
no internal haemorrhage, no rash...

No physical signs doesn't
mean to say they're clear.

We need to get blood work done.

I've ordered blood and tissue
samples to be sent over.

Who else handled the bodies?

River police, my technicians.

They all need to be given Ribavarin.
Take this.

I don't think you can have been
affected but that will make certain.

What does it do?

Ribavarin, it's a reasonably
effective prophylaxis for Lassa.

It should offer some protection,

as long as it's taken
soon after exposure.

So that means I'll be OK?

Take that and yes,
I'm confident you're in the clear.

All right, Radley?

I'm done, guv.

This thing's highly infectious.
You all right about that?

Yeah. Good.
Masks and goggles on at all times.

Keep contact to a minimum.
You're both double-gloved? Yep.

They're different colours
so if you get a nick in the
top layer, you can see it.

No-one touch the body apart from me.

All right, let's get in
and out as fast as we can.

Oh, my God.
Beautiful sight, isn't it? And to
think he must have known his k*ller.

No sign of forced entry.

This is where a blow might have
been struck, spatter looks right.

Full rigor's set in, been dead about
12 hours. I recognise this.

Same MO as our tattooed
bloke in the sewer.

May be Snakeheads again.

I'd say two blows were struck.

Both from the right...

Both from behind. The
first one over by the sofa,

then he staggered over here,

almost definitely would have
been fatal within a minute.

The second blow that severed
the neck was struck here.

There's a laptop here.

Bag it.

He's been doing his washing.

Or destroying evidence?

Not all of it.

That's not the same tread
as the footprints on the bank.

Those were boots,
these are trainers.

Looks like silt, though,

consistent with the river bank.

So maybe Pearson didn't
just supply the boat.

Maybe he was on it.

Organs look normal.

No sign of any free fluid.

If he is infected he's not
as far gone as Nikki's body.

These bruises on the knuckles,
how old are they?

Couple of days. Consistent with
a fight like the Albanian.

So it could be Pearson and Sasha
Preka who had a fight on the boat?

Possibly, but our best bet
are these wounds on the neck...

Similar wounds to the dismembered
bodies. Still not convinced
it's the Snakeheads? Not yet.


Gov, we've got a sighting on Chazika.

He's heading your way. 'Where
is he?' In Brixton High Street.

'What?' Shall we stay on him?
'No, you've got to bring him in.

'He could be infectious.'

He's on the move. 'Get him now.'

Let's go.

He's off. All units, move in.

'Have you got him?'

No. He's coming out the market.

Yeah. He's coming your way.

Don't move.

Melusi Chazika,
I'm arresting you on suspicion of
entering the country illegally.

Listen, I think you've got the wrong
person. My name is John Dexter.

Dexter from Bow.

Don't move. Stay where you are.
Stand still.

Nina Solnikov, our mystery girl.

Her name's just come up trumps
with the Dutch authorities.

Two nights ago a known Russian
prost*tute, Maria Borzhov,

died of an unidentified viral
infection in a Rotterdam hospital.

She and several others were
being trafficked across Europe,
working their passage.

They'd been promised London
as their final destination.

Before she died she spoke to doctors
and told them that she and Nina

had sex with sailors on board
a Liberian cargo vessel in dock.

So, there's our source.

How long had the ship
been at sea beforehand? Months.

What do you reckon, rats?
It's a common reservoir.

There must have been contact
with infected mastomys excreta.

The ship's on its way
back to Liberia.

Authorities will isolate the crew
on arrival.

Maritime have been informed in case
they're already dead or dying.

The Dutch authorities are confident
they've contained things
at their end. Yep, that's her.

So if Nina didn't pass on the virus
to any other survivors on your boat,
we could be home and dry.

If. Have you managed to detect
antibodies in the patients' serum?

No. And we've tried using
standard antibodies pre-prepared,

and ruled out Ebola,
Lassa, all the usual suspects.

Marburg, Crimean Congo...

We've no idea
what we're dealing with.

Pearson's done us a favour.

His laptop includes a passenger list
for their little boat trip.

Right, let's see what we've got.

Right, Mei Fong,
Li Fong, Sasha Preka, Manolo Chota -
we know about them.

They're all dead.
The bodies have been recovered.

Not infected?
There are no signs on the bodies.

Nina Solnikov. Presumably our
infected girl. Right? She's dead.

Ying Fong. Aged six. Missing.

Melusi Chazika, he's on the list.
Alive and in custody.

You've got him? What's he saying?
He's claiming to be a John Dexter.

He's not saying anything.

There are three other names
on this list.

Presumably those are the three
footprints from the river bank?

Yep. Good. Right.

The mobile we found at Pearson's
is the pay-as-you-go number given to
us by Luca Preka, Sasha's brother.

Pearson made a call on it
yesterday afternoon to Dr Preka.

So, you still think he's connected?

Luca's a very clever man.

He's got the capital to set
up an operation like this
and he's got something to hide.

Yeah, I still think he could be the
organiser and his brother Sasha's
on the boat collecting fares.

Radley, you bring the doctor in.
I'm going to talk to our Mr Dexter.

Where are you going? I'm going to
see if I can catch up with Ashar.

I want to see Chazika.
He must know something.

About Ying? Yeah.

What have we got?

We've analysed the microscopy
and although it's similar to Lassa
we've found a new mutation,

a new variant haemorrhagic fever.

Virally, it's fascinating.
Anything to help us in the field?

Ribavarin appears to be
effective in halting the disease
in its early stages.

The danger is that the
incubation period could
be as short as two days.

Anything after that and
Ribavarin may not be effective.

There's no cure, is there?
Not for VHFs.

We have to contain it or we could
have an epidemic on our hands.

We don't know for certain
that it ever got off the boat.

Hi. Nikki, what are you doing here?

Has he had his medical?

He won't agree to take one.

Maybe I can talk him
into co-operating.

Why is...?

Why are you letting this
become personal for you?

I just want to help. All right?

He's not saying anything.

He still claims to be this
John Dexter from Bow.

He won't take the Ribavarin
Leo sent over.

He won't even speak to
his appointed solicitor.

And because he might be infected,
nobody's in a hurry to go in there
and talk him round.

How about letting me speak to him?

That's not going to happen.
I've been exposed.

I can ask him how many others
were on the boat
and what happened to them.

I'm sorry, I can't allow that.

Nikki! Tim! What are you doing here?

I'm here to represent John Dexter.

Look at you. You look great.

He must be a very lucky man.


You must be
Detective Superintendent Ashar.

Where is he?

In here.

You are Mr Dexter's appointed brief?

I'll take over from here.

I'd like my client released,

I'm sure you would,
but he's under arrest on suspicion
of entering the country illegally.

I understand you have no
evidence to connect Mr Dexter
to your crashed boat.

Only he's not Mr Dexter, is he?
Why else does a fat-cat lawyer

like yourself show up to represent
an unemployed man from Bow?

I want to see my client. Tim...

There's a chance he might be
infected with a very serious virus.

So I've been told.
But since he was never on that boat,
it's not very likely, is it?

I'll give you a minute
to get organised, shall I?

So who is he? He is one of the
top human rights lawyers in Africa.

Well, that's it. Now he's here,

Johnny Boy might as well be a mute.

Well, Tim might talk to me.
I've known him a long time.

Worth a try, I suppose.

Just like old times, eh?

Come on, we worked well together.

So you're doing well for yourself.

Things are getting better back home.

I've got some clout.

We're working across
the continent now too.

There's the office here, of course,
and one in New York.

You should come back
to Jo'burg you know.

Stella and the twins
would love to see you.

I don't know why you left. Really?

There is so much more to do.

There's quite a lot for me
to do here too.

This country's old, its time is over.

You don't really think
of this as home, surely?

Well, I'd better see my client.

Tim, if you go in there
you have to be careful.

Nikki, I told the Detective
Superintendent my client
was not on the boat.

The virus is highly infectious.

At least wear a mask.

And ask him to submit to a medical,
and to take that tablet.

I took one and apparently
I'll be OK.

I did the PM on the infected girl.

For his own sake, please.

Don't you just wish we could hear
what they're saying?

In the interests of co-operation,
my client has agreed to submit
to a medical examination.

Would you please remove your jacket
and T-shirt, Mr Dexter.


That's normal. Have you had
any nausea, diarrhoea,
flu-like symptoms?

Looks like you're clear for now.

Mr Dexter, what happened on
that boat? No questions... Please.

There may be other survivors.
A child. Anything you can
tell us. Doctor, please.

We've got so much on you.

We've got Pearson's phone,

and it shows he called you
three hours before we found him.

We've got your fingerprints
all over the flat.

On the front door, on a table,

on a glass.

So I'm trying to imagine
what happened.

You had a nice little drink?
And then what?

You lost your temper
and you balled him out
for messing up your operation,

the death of your brother,
and then what? Got out of hand?

Or maybe you just k*lled him
to keep him quiet?

I didn't k*ll anyone.

Well, right now
that's the way it looks.

Pearson returned my call...finally,

from the mobile I did give you the
number of. Why didn't you tell us?

After you'd been so understanding?

Like the day I found out about
my brother's death?

You don't believe him? Why should I?

That's twice
he's held back information.

We're going over his flat
and through his bank accounts.

You don't believe he could have
committed a m*rder like this?

Why? Because he's a doctor?

Any case, I thought dismemberment
was a Snakehead trademark?

Maybe they don't have exclusive
rights. Oh, I don't know.


Do you think I k*lled him?

It's not for me to judge.
Can you open your mouth, please.

But you suspect. Listen.

You are an intelligent man.

You must see that your refusal
to co-operate doesn't help.

You could have told me that Pearson
called you yesterday.

I've been living in this country for
15 years, contributing to society,

saving British lives.

But you think I am some uncivilised
peasant driven by
a bloodlust for revenge.

Like I say,
it's not for me to judge.

I went to see Pearson
because I wanted to ask him
how did my brother die.

I just want to find out the truth.


So do I.

..Got it covered.

Take me back to the rats.

Another fun day? Ashar's
taken over the Preka interviews.

He thinks he's got his man. And?

I just don't buy
this Albanian thing. Mmm.

You hungry?

Yeah, I'm starving.

That one.

15cm blade, heavy handle.
Cut through the bone.

I bet you that or something
very similar is the w*apon.

That k*lled our bodies in the sewer,
or our skipper? Both.

Oh, Not exactly the Albanian
part of town.

I wonder how many of these
they sell.

Hardly any.

Hello. Radley here.

Tell the boss Dr Cunningham's got
a likely ID on the m*rder w*apon.

In Chinatown.

OK, great.


This is the address of where
one of the sewer victim's worked.

Same name as the owner. Let's see.

Table for two? We need
to speak to the owner, Mr Han.

I'm DCI Helen Radley,
this is Dr Harry Cunningham.

Are you Mr Jimmy Han?

Mr Han we've got two bodies whose
DNA matches a Deshi and Kuan Han,

the same surname as yours.

These men were m*rder*d.

He's sorry, he doesn't know
anyone with that name.
He doesn't sound sorry. Mr Han.

You have the same name
as our victims.

Please, Mr Han cannot help you.

Were they your children?

Were they both Snakeheads?

Or just Deshi?

Deshi was no Snakehead.

Deshi and Kuan, my grandsons.

Kuan should never have been here.
Why not?

I have been here for 30 years.

I've worked hard, built this place.

But I had enough money to bring
one grandchild from China.

And you chose Deshi?

I paid the Snakeheads
to bring Deshi over two years ago.

It was the only way.

Then when he arrived,
he began mixing with them,
but he wasn't one of them.

But he wore their tattoo.

He was just stupid.
What about Kuan?

I told Deshi
we didn't have the money.

But he did the deal.

He told the Snakeheads
to bring Kuan over,

said they would pay the fee
when he was here.

But he didn't have the money.
There was an accident.

The Snakeheads lost passengers,
lost money.

The night Kuan arrived,
Deshi left here, said he was going
to confront them, face them down.

And they k*lled both of them.
He came all this way.

I didn't even see him before...

Mr Han, who was it that Deshi
did his deal with?

I don't know.


As discussed with your lawyer, I'm
going to show you some photographs.

I'd like you
to look at them carefully

and tell me
if you know any of them. OK?

Do you recognise this man?

My client reserves his right
to silence.

Do you recognise him now?

Do you recognise
any of these people?

My client reserves his right
to silence.


Interview terminated at 14.13.

Let's take a break.

I'm sorry about all this.

It's... It's difficult.

Look, you know and I know that that
man in there is not John Dexter

or whatever name he's come up with.

It's Melusi Chazika.
You know I can't...

He might know what happened
to a six-year-old girl
who could still be alive.

Let me talk to him.
You know that's not the way it works!

Excuse me.

I'm his lawyer, Nikki,

and the only ethically correct course
is to advise him not to say anything.

It'll just be me, not a lawyer
or the police. I won't tell them.

Don't be naive, Nikki.

If the man in there
were Melusi Chazika,

do you know what that would mean?

Tim, I only want to find
this little girl.

Who is probably dead.
But who might not be.

Just let me talk to him.
Please, Tim.

What if it was your wife or one of
the twins who was missing?

Ashar said it was OK.

My name is Nikki Alexander.

I'm trying to find out about a boat
accident that happened recently.

Specifically, about a six-year-old
girl who was on that boat.

Can you tell me anything about it?

I'm not saying that you were
on that boat.

Maybe you've heard something about
what happened from someone else?

This is all completely
off the record. Ask Tim.

Nobody's listening apart from me.


Nobody's listening?

No. This isn't Cote d'Ivoire,
it's Britain.

Great Britain.

Where the Government
monitors the pin numbers you use
to do your shopping

and looks down on you from
satellites with cameras

that can read a newspaper
over your shoulders.

Mr Chazika... Mr Dexter.

All right, Mr Dexter. I'm sorry.

I know you have to be careful.

I know what happens in Africa.

I've seen the scars on your back.

With the greatest of respect,
you know nothing about Africa,

or me, or what may or may not
have happened to me.

I am half South African.

Hasn't Tim told you?
I worked there.

Oh, you worked there.

Well...you should be au fait with
the predicament of African people

and naturally you expect me
to trust you,

just like that.

Nikki... May I call you Nikki?

Of course.

Have you ever witnessed a mother
and child being disembowelled

for living in the wrong village?

Have you had any friends ex*cuted
for being spies?

Do you know of any girls trafficked
from Nigeria to Cote d'Ivoire
as sex slaves...

little more than children?

You see, in those circumstances,
it is not easy to trust.

In Jo'burg Nikki worked with me
in some situations... You're right.

I don't know anything
about those things.

But I do know about another
little girl, just as innocent
as the ones you're talking about.

She was being smuggled too -
across the world,

in crates, in the back of vans,
huddled under wet tarpaulin,

cold, scared, not knowing
why this was happening,

just like those Nigerian girls.

But unlike them,
she might just be saved.

If someone would tell me
what happened on that boat.

You know what, Mr Dexter,
I don't care who you are.

You could be Pol Pot or Nelson
Mandela and I wouldn't tell anyone.

I care about this girl.
She is six years old.

Chinese, dark hair...

But I don't have to describe her
to you, do I?

You know what she looks like
better than I do. You've met her.

You've smiled at her.

You're picturing her now,
aren't you?

I can see it in your eyes.

You could help save her. Nikki!

I thought you said
nobody was listening?

I had no idea he was there.
Tell me quickly!

Excuse me. What is going on?


My name is John Dexter.

Have you any idea
what you have just done?

I know can tell
he knows something about Ying!

I don't give a toss.

The other day
you gave me a hard time
about being tough with illegals

and now you are ignoring
their basic rights in custody!

His brief gave me permission!
I bloody didn't!

If this ever comes to court,
his defence will have
a frigging field day.

An unauthorised interview
by a pathologist!

I'm sorry, Ashar, but he knows
something. It's in his eyes!

He remembers her alive.

He knows she could still be alive.

Oh, that's just great(!)

She did know something.
I should have pulled her in.

Who? An?
Who else? We need to find her.

Tell Radley I'm on scene. Right-oh.

Make sure you destroy
all the clothing.

Keep the body sealed in the bag
till you get to the mortuary, OK?

Double-gloved at all times.

OK. I've got your name,
I've got your details.

Can we move the queue
over here, please?

Guv, I've got the personnel records.

We're doing a head count
on the staff.

Let me see. What happened?
He was found collapsed in his office.

He'd been complaining of fever
and coughing. Coughing?

Leo, what have we got?
What are we saying?

Someone else on the boat
must have been infected?

Who gave it to Orhan, who passed it
on to God knows who else!

Guess what? One no-show.

An? Her name's An Hoi.
Have you got an address?

Mr Orhan didn't keep
the most scrupulous records.
Someone will know.

Obviously, whoever gave it
to Orhan must had it before,

so the illness will be
that much more advanced.

So we'd better stop wasting time.

You all know An. An Hoi.

Now, does anybody know
where she lives?

It's very important we find her.

Does anyone know her address?

An. An Hoi. Does anyone
have an address for her?

Does anybody have her address?

Fantastic. Radley give me a pen.



Which flat? She just knew the name
of the block. Try them all.

All right, let's move quickly!

Oi! Oi!


Try that one.

Police. We're looking for a Chinese
girl. She lives round the block.

Ashar, round the front!

Come here!

Open up! Police!

Police - open up!
No-one there. Try the next one.

Police - open up!

Open up!

Police - open up!

In here!

An Hoi? Police. My name is
DSI Ashar. She's got a rash.

Has anyone visited you recently?
Get the paramedics!

Whose this?
Friend, relative, boyfriend?
Is he here in this country?

Chung, my brother. Where is he? An,
it is very important we find him.

Do you know if he's ill?
I don't know.

If your brother is sick
and you don't help us to find him,
he's going to die.

Nikki... I don't care how you
came to this country,

but if we don't find him, more
and more people are likely to die.

You have to tell us where he is!

The Snakeheads have him.
We need a name.

Chung's friend, Zhu.

He told me Snakeheads want money
or they...

they will k*ll him.

This Zhu, do you have
an address for him?

We really need to get her to
hospital now. Address, please!

Excuse me, one, two, three.

An, did Chung ever mention
a little girl called Ying?

No. Are you sure?

Nikki, leave her now!

One, two, three...

Don't look at me like that.
I'm not looking at you.

All right. Don't not look at me
like that.

She's so ill she probably didn't
notice anyone shouting in her face.

Oh, stop it!

I don't know why it happened.

Now you hate me.
Never that.

Do you think Ying's dead?

It's likely.

You know that. I know.

I know.

I suppose I feel that life has
ganged up on this little girl and...

And she needs someone in her corner?


I've done the PM on our Mr Orhan.

The liver was haemorrhagic,
consistent with the signs
in the body of Nina Solnikov.

So Nina gave it to Chung,
who gave it to An and Orhan?

Looks that way. An was lucky
that we got to her fast.

And Chung's on borrowed time.
He's being held by the Snakeheads.

Somewhere in Chinatown.

We have got to find Zhu Yonghi.

If we don't come up with some ideas,

there is nothing more we can do.

Excuse me.

Remember me?

I'd like to see Mr Han, please.


What do you want? It's just routine.

I just want to know
where to send the remains.

The what?
The remains of your grandchildren.

You're the only next of kin
we can trace.

How dare you!

I know most Chinese funerals
are held with open caskets,
but I wouldn't recommend it,

as I don't think Deshi's head
is going to be found
and that wouldn't look too good.

How dare you speak to me like this!

Have you no respect? Yes, I do,
Mr Han! I don't think you do. What?

Your grandchildren have been chopped
into bits and chucked in a drain

and you don't want to help us
find out who did it,
and you know who did it.

Please, don't ask me this!

I know about this code of silence.

But when you are protecting
the murderers of your grandsons...

..I don't see the honour in it.

All I need is a name.

I told you before -

I have a family.

There is a young man out there
somewhere, locked up.

His name is Chung Hoi.

He's going to be butchered alive
by these same people

and somewhere there's going to be
another grieving grandfather

wishing that somebody
could have done something to stop it,
and YOU can stop it.

Thank you.

Armed Police!
Stay where you are!

Don't move! Stay where you are!
Drop it now! Drop the w*apon.


Drop the w*apon!

Through there, through there.

He's infected.

It's OK. It's OK, it's OK now.

You have to concentrate.
Do you remember a little girl?


What did he say? Yes, he saw her.


He's in and out of consciousness.

But he says he remembers
a little girl.

He saw her go under the water.
He didn't see her come back up.


If you don't charge Mr Dexter
with a crime, I want him released.

Do you know, it's my birthday today.

Happy birthday.

I'm deciding whether or not
to charge your client

with entering the country illegally.
Well, that would be regrettable.

If I let him go...


I know who to call.

You'll need her number.

All right.
Your client is free to go.

Take him home, Mr Kallis.

And make sure you say goodbye
to Nikki before you leave.

Nikki, it's Tim.

Everyone that came into contact
with the infection
is being monitored.

We'll stay on the alert,

but I'm fairly confident
the outbreak's been contained.

Everyone except Ying Fong.

Well, assuming she's dead,

her body will decay in water
and the virus will die with it.

I'm sure Nikki'll be delighted
to hear that.

Cheers. Cheers.

I'm being released.

Well, the suspect has emerged. And
my patients will be glad to hear it.

You should have told me
Pearson called you.

Yeah, and you should have let me.

Somebody here was right
about Snakeheads.

Well, yes.

Why don't you lead the interview?

I know nothing about it.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

I know. You see,
I know a bit about Snakeheads.

I know that you're just
the debt collector,

just a message boy.

No, it's your boss who would
actually have k*lled them.

That would be his privilege.

Sure, you were in the room,
but you didn't k*ll them.

Don't know what you're talking about.

We've got you for kidnapping
and extortion.

If you give us your boss,

we'll see what we can do about
accessory to m*rder.

You think it's that easy?

Why not?

Why were Deshi and Kuan k*lled?

They tried to rip us off.

They were stupid.
They knew the penalty. We all do.

So they were m*rder*d
for not paying their fare?

We trusted them
and they betrayed that.

That is how things are done.

We show each other respect
and loyalty.

Otherwise... So what about Chung?

He was willing to pay, wasn't he?

Things change.

We lost money.

We had to call in debts.

That is business.

Congratulations on your release,
Mr Dexter.

Listen to what he has to say.

We found one of your brother's
fellow passengers. Chung Hoi.

He's told us what happened.
I thought you'd like to know.


Let's get back to the boat crash.

So, you went over in advance?

I went over a day before to check
that everything was ready.

You posed as one of the passengers.

Look, I was on the boat.

We both were, Manolo and I.

We flew up to Orly
with false passports

and it was in Paris that we met a
man who told us that the Snakeheads

could get us across the Channel.

We were to meet a boat skippered
by a man named Pearson.

Your brother and Chung met the
others at a meeting place in France.

There were ten of them waiting
on the beach for Pearson.

But only nine of them were cargo.

Although they didn't know
it, the tenth, Zhu Yonghi,

was a Snakehead strong arm.

He'd been sent to
keep an eye on things.

No need for them to know who I am.

And what happened then?

Nothing went smoothly.

When I arrived,
I was very angry because I found
one of the cargo was a child.

Not good business to bring children.

You can't be sure they'll be quiet
when you need them to.

But the run still went ahead.

Pearson hadn't made the trip before.

He was expecting a routine run,
and things appeared to go smoothly
at first, until...

one of the women
became violently ill.

I think her name was Nina.

Anyway, she suddenly went crazy
but no-one understood Russian.

But when we tried to help,
she started lashing out.

There was so much confusion.

One of the other women,

I think the mother of the child,
went overboard.


They never stopped for her.

Well, Sasha did what he could.

He tried to get Pearson
to go back, but...

..somebody att*cked him
with a knife.

Zhu Yonghi, probably.

He nearly k*lled us all.

If I'd have been quicker,
no-one else needed to die.

He didn't know how to fight.

Sasha did his best.

But in the confusion, Pearson lost
control of the boat. It went over...

I heard people calling out,
screaming in the dark.

I started to swim,
then I heard Manolo.


I heard Manolo shouting.

He was splashing around
and holding onto the little girl.

Manolo couldn't swim well.

So I would have to take her.

He handed her over to me
and then he was gone.

The current was so strong.

It was all I could do
to keep her head above water.

I thought we were going to die,
but that little girl, she...

she held on to me.

It was like she knew, you know,

that...I was going to save her.

How long were you in the water?

I don't know.

It seemed like a long time.

But we held on, you know, somehow.

In the end I was dragged over
to the shore.

I just threw the girl
up onto the bank.

I tried to climb up after her
but the current pulled me back in.

We made it to shore.

Chung went to find his sister.

Kuan and I came to Soho.

You know the rest.

Sasha, it seems, ended up in the
main current and was carried away.

He wouldn't have stood a chance.

Thank you.

I'm so sorry. I know.

Thank you.

Can you remember anything
about where you pushed her out

of the river?
There were lights, bright lights.

You have to understand,
it was all a blur.

There's a refinery.

It's here.

We think that's where
he put her ashore.

Thank you.


You understand why
we did what we did?

This is the refinery
that he mentioned.

Way outside of our original
search radius.

But we weren't to know
that there was a strong swimmer
keeping her on the surface.

You know, I never thought
that Chazika would talk.

Now I come to think of it,
I never gave Tim my mobile number.

You don't happen to know
anything about that?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Ashar! Ashar!



There we are.


Oh, come on, darling!
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