11x08 - Double Dare: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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11x08 - Double Dare: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

We have four possibilities -
Jason Colebrook.

Michael Drage.

Anna Holland's mother.

Her mother?

All may have known the
whereabouts of a safe house.

And the fourth?

And what other evidence
do we have so far?

Possible DNA on Anna Holland's hand.

And a footprint.

It's a running shoe.

Almost certainly a
'Prorun Milemax 07'.

It's the latest model,
won't be for sale over here for
at least another couple of months.

It helps create a picture
of what blood went where.

There were three different
types of blood, remember.

The microscopic particles
coming from Paula's body
as she as she was being stabbed.

Blood on the knife.
And the yellow strings?

Post-mortem blood...

Now, Anna told the court

she was standing here
holding onto the children.

I don't remember it being
quite so far from the body.

Well, you told the court that
because the patio doors were open,

the microscopic droplets
were carried in the air currents.

And while she was here,
she got blood on her, from the knife,
as it was flicked backwards.

And what about the
post mortem blood?

Anna said...

That Drage...

pulled her over...

to the body.

Truth, Dare,

Kiss or Promise?

Then he kissed her.

So the blood on her top
could have been from his hand

or maybe from the knife.

But Professor Ibrahim said that
all the blood found on Anna's top
was fresh blood, some of which

had clotted in the viscose giving it
the appearance of post mortem blood.

So if Anna was already here...

The evidence of the
blood spatters would be the same.

Let's assume that
our k*ller or K*llers

att*cked Anna Holland near the car.

There was some kind of a fight
and then DS Masters is
pushed against the wall, here.

This is the safe house.
The knife goes in the hedge here.

What, you mean he ran off the road
there, saw someone, came back

throws the knife in the hedge, then
comes along here and goes up there?

It's possible. Sorry we're late.

I thought we said ten o'clock?

Where have you two been?
To the Colebrooks' old house.

We wanted to revisit the scene
of crime. After four years?

What if Anna came out of prison
and met with Jason Colebrook

and told him that she did
take part in the m*rder of his wife.

So Jason k*lled Anna in revenge.

Hang on a minute, four years ago

you told the court
that Anna Holland wasn't
directly involved in the stabbing.

Are you saying that
you've changed your mind?

Better late than never, eh?

You told me yesterday you thought
that my interpretation of the
evidence was more questionable,

so I questioned it
and I think you are right.

You have to think very carefully
about this, Nikki - it could
have serious implications...

for your career.

Four years ago, it was all so clear.

Drage and Holland were just kids,
Anna was barely 17, they'd only
known each other a few weeks.

Anna made a stupid bet with Michael.

And he, drugged up to the eyeballs,
stupidly carried it out,

but now...

What do you think I should do?

Whether you change your mind
or not or whether
Anna Holland is guilty or not

the fact is someone m*rder*d her.

That should be our priority,
whatever happened in the past.

Oh, the DNA sample from Anna's
thigh. Anything back on
that yet? I don't know.

I haven't seen the results.
I thought you looked at them.
Well. I thought you...

You mean, they haven't
come back yet? Damn. What?

Peter - the technician that I
suspended - he was dealing with it,
probably didn't send it off.

Just to let you know,
DS Masters operation went very well.

She's off the critical list. Good.

She's our only witness. Don't worry.

She's got 24-hour protection.
Huh. So did Anna Holland.

I'm looking for Carla Masters.

Can I help you?

I'm a friend.
I only just heard what happened.

Your name? Mathew Harris.

I'm sorry, Mr Harris,
but you can't go in.

It's only immediate family,
I'm afraid. Sure. Of course.

I just came, you know.


What about them? Initially when
a body is buried it lets off
gases, which stunt plant growth.

When that phase is over and the
body starts to decompose, plant
growth can become quite prolific

up until the point of
skeletisation, of course.

Nettles love dead bodies.

Yes, there's something here.

Looks like you're right.

Yes, I was hoping I wouldn't be.

You look so like your mother
sitting there.

Dad, I told you to call before...
Sorry. You're busy.

Yes, I am actually. Ahh.

When were you going to tell me?

Tell you what?

You know exactly what.

Well, for starters, were you going
to let me know that you'd remarried?

Would there have been
any point in telling you?

Yes. I think so.

Would you have come to the wedding?
That's hardly the point.


That's Kim.

She looks...nice.

I know,

too young,

but she wasn't, not really.

I mean, it's not the age
that makes a person, is it?

Why didn't you tell me?

I so wanted you to be at the wedding.
So did Kim.

But she wasn't very well at the end.

She thought she'd get through it,
we both did.

So we brought the wedding
forward and there was no time.

I didn't have your telephone number.
I wasn't sure how to find you.

You find me easily enough when
you want something. I was right!
Didn't send it off.

The DNA sample.

This is my father.

Ah. Hi.

Professor Leo Dalton.

Pleased to meet you.
Victor Alexander.

I am so very proud of my daughter.

Well, so you should be. We all are.

So, everything OK?


I actually came to
see Doctor Cunningham.

I'm sorry.

It was never my
intention to mislead anyone.

Least of all you. What are
you hoping to get out of this?

How do you mean? Compensation, is it?

From the bus company?

Is that what you
think this is all about?

Look, I just want to know
if you think that Kim's meningitis
was caused by the accident.

Well, I'm waiting for the X-rays
taken immediately after the knock.

I have to see her medical records
before I make a final evaluation.

But you must be able to say if you
think it's likely or not.
I will get back to you.

Yes. I met with Anna Holland.

She was a lovely girl. Full of life
and plans. Like any young person.

Unfortunately she got side-tracked.

Young people do.
I did when I was her age.

Anna though, got caught up
with something, with someone...

You don't think she assisted Michael
Drage in murdering your wife?

No. no. I don't. She told me
herself that she didn't.

And you believed her?

I liked Anna.

She wrote to me from prison.

She'd, er,
she'd got herself a degree

in English and history and was
hoping to train as a social worker.

No, she wasn't.
She never told me that.


I want this k*ller caught as much
as anyone else. Bollocks you do.

There's the mounting speculation
over the cause of last week's crash
after it was revealed

that Anna Holland was being moved
from a safe house
under police protection,

the police say it may be several
days before a clear picture emerges.

But we do know that Holland
had recently completed
a prison sentence for her part.

Nikki? It's your Dad.

I'm not blind.

I was passing.
How do you know where I live?

Oh, er, whatsit...
Harry mentioned something. Rubbish.

Is it too late?

I'm sorry.

About Kim.

To die so young.

Any photos of me?


Aw. Hmm.

I remember that day.

Me too.

It was the day before you left.

Was it really?

You know it was.

I've been watching that man on
the television, the man whose
wife was m*rder*d by those kids.

Jason Colebrook. Yeah.

He seems somehow to have
managed to forgive those two.

It's not the same, Dad, come on.

How long am I to be punished
for something that I did, what,

over twenty years ago?

Are you here because of
the compensation money?

What's Harry been saying about me?

You're surprised? You know,
I wish now I'd never left,

then perhaps you might not have
turned out to be quite so much like
your mother. What does that mean?

You can think what you like of me,
But you'll always be my daughter.

My blood. And no matter what mistakes
you have made in the past - and you
have made mistakes I understand.

What! We all make them, Nikki.

We just have to get over them.
Learn from them.

Is this what you've come to tell me?

I'm your father. Not for the last
odd twenty years you haven't been.

By the looks of things,
you haven't needed me.

Only you can do this to me.

Oh, Niks.

The thing that annoys me the most...

is that you're right.

I think I have made a mistake.

You mean, at the trial
of this Anna Holland girl?

Nikki, er, it's me...

I don't know whether you've
seen the papers this morning,

or which ones it's in.

Just give us a call
when you get this, will you?

The m*rder w*apon?

Possibly, let's have a look.


There's a gaping incised
wound to the neck.

Starting about five centimetres
below the left ear, passing down

round the midline ending about nine
centimetres below the right ear.

Total length about 25 centimetres.

So I think that large knife might
have had something to do with that.
I don't know how you put up with it.

The smell of a body can actually
tell you a lot, even a dead one.

The knife has severed
the strap muscles

and the jugular and carotid vessels.

The larynx has been...

severed...ah, what have we got here?
Tweezers, please.

What on earth is that?

Calliphora vomitoria.

Yes, that's exactly
how it's making me feel.

A species of blowfly.

And that's good? It means that
the body wasn't buried immediately -

an adult fly
must have laid its eggs.

The larvae would have hatched,
fed off the corpse, obviously...
You don't look very well.

First on the left.

Or on the floor... Sorry. That's
all right, Nigel sorry, do you mind?

Have you seen this? What's that?

Apparently, Mr Alexander has sold
his story. You're joking.

It would appear that his daughter
has serious doubts about her
findings of four years ago.

She didn't say that to me. I knew
something like this would
happen. The coroner is furious.

He wants me to take
Nikki off the case altogether.

Have you spoken with her?
No, have you?

Barely seen her the last few days.
Any idea where she is?

She's at Anna Holland's cremation,
with Dan the man.

Why, for goodness' sake?

He didn't mention that. What?

Jason Colebrook. He's training
for the London Marathon.

We have entrusted our sister Anna
Holland to God's mercy and we now
commit her body to be cremated.

Earth to earth,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

In sure and the certain hope
of the resurrection to eternal life,

through our lord Jesus Christ
who will transform our...

(Is it true? What your
father has told the papers?)


That you've changed your mind - that
Anna was involved in Paula's death?

We have but a short time to live,

like a flower we blossom...


'Nikki?' I can't believe
what you've done, Dad.

I didn't
know that she was from the press..

don't contact me ever again.

Mrs Holland.

Thank you

for the flowers.

For coming here.

This newspaper story -
I'm so sorry I didn't...

I know and you know,
my daughter almost certainly
helped k*ll that woman.

I don't understand you.

What are you doing here?
Paying my respects.

My daughter was responsible
for the m*rder of your wife.

I don't think she was.
You know her better than her mother?

I don't want your mercy.

Your forgiveness.
Please, Mrs Holland.

Did you k*ll my daughter?

Of course not.

I wouldn't blame you.

No-one would.

I didn't k*ll your daughter,
Mrs Holland.

I shouldn't have come. I thought
I was going the right thing.


The fun and games are over, mate.

Unfortunately they're
just about to start.

Mr Colebrook?

I think
you and I need a little chat.

If Anna had been found guilty of
murdering Paula Colebrook with
Drage, she'd still be in prison.

Her innocence or guilt
was not for you to decide.

Why was I so convinced
that I was right?

Because that's what you're
paid for, you're paid...

My evidence helped sway the
jury into finding her not guilty.

Why do we all think we're
so important? You were not the only
person who gave evidence.

Anna would still be alive and Jason
would not now be facing charges of
m*rder. Nikki... Those poor boys.

They witnessed their mother's m*rder
and now their father...
Nikki, sit down!

I'm sorry. I'm tired.



I got your text,
you wanted to speak to me.

Yeah, but it can wait.
What's happened?

Nothing, it's, um,
I asked for Kim's medical
records to complete my report.

I can't get involved with
the second post mortem.

No, it's nothing to do with that,
it's just a small thing to do with
your father.

I'll put it on your desk.

The idea that I would k*ll Anna
is... I've managed to
identify the running shoe

found in the fire bin
in your garden.

There might be enough
to identify a make.

It's a 'Prorun Milemax 07'.

There must be thousands
of shoes like that.

When was the last time you
were in America, Mr Colebrook?

Is this relevant?

I was there
just before last Christmas.

And when you were there, did you
purchase a pair of running shoes?

I don't know.

You don't know?

Well, perhaps you would like
to check your credit card statement.

For the tape, Mr Colebrook.

Yes. I purchased some
running shoes whilst in New York.

And a pair of running socks?

Yes. And a pair of running socks.

Traces of blood
have been found on the socks.

I fell over some weeks ago - up
on the common. Look, I'll show you.

I thought I'd need stitches.

The blood ran down my leg
onto my sock and onto the shoe.

Same knife? So it would appear.

Both had their throats cut,
both had multiple
abrasions about the body,

hands, arms. One girl lost a finger.

And their ages? Both late teens.

But how did they end up in Mr and
Mrs Binefa's garden and allotment?

Mr Binefa's now dead,
he would have been 92 at
the time of their murders.

You're not being ageist, I hope,
Detective Constable. Mrs Binefa
is in sheltered accommodation.

I'll speak with her, she might
remember something. There's evidence
of serious drug abuse.

You can tell that
after all this time?

The tox report shows that our
blowfly was completely strung out on
heroin when he finally passed away.

What a way to go!

How would you feel
if your wife had been m*rder*d?

And the video of her
played over and over.

116 separate s*ab wounds.

At what point do you think
she stopped feeling them?

The first one?

The last one?

And my children getting spattered
in their mother's blood.

Oh, I'm an expert in blood spatters.

And now it looks like
Ms Anna Holland was lying.

She did have a knife.

She did help Drage.

She's as bad as he is.


And now,

irony of ironies,

I am being charged
with Anna's m*rder.

Well, let's face it, I had motive.

I prayed to God -

I screamed at God -

to help me to forgive her.

To see the goodness in her heart.

So young,

so innocent.


I am going to tell you
the truth now.

Mr Colebrook. I need to do this.
My advice...

I don't need your advice.

Harry's just told me
about the Binefa case.

What? Binefa, I'm sure
I've seen that name recently.

Does it ring any bells with you?


I have to admit, Inspector,
I was attracted to her.

Is that sick?

I think so.

Attracted to my wife's m*rder*r.

You went to the safe house?


She invited me in.

She looked so different
in her own clothes.

She told me she was going away.
For good.

A new beginning

and she told me she
wanted to say sorry again.

Ever since my wife...

I have been unable to have sex.

But with Anna...

I realised in that moment,
that the last man she
kissed was Michael Drage...

after they had m*rder*d my wife.

I could taste my wife's blood
on her lips.

What did you do?

I pushed her away.

Please, Jason.
I want you to forgive me.

Not like this. Don't you want me?

I thought, from our letters,
from when you came to see me...

I was just trying to
be open with you. Open?

I may have been inside for
four years but I know when
a man is coming on to me.

It's Carla. She's early.

The policewoman looking after me.

She's taking me to Gatwick.

I can't be here.

Well, you are. Please, Anna.
Oh, so now you want me.

I hid in the bedroom.

Like a stupid farce.

The policewoman came in, took
Anna's rucksack and then they left.

Anna was crying.

As was I.

I heard them...
walk down the front path

and then...

Screaming. Shouts.

"Stop. Get away from her".
I didn't know what to do.

I couldn't go out there. I wanted
to. I went to the door but...
I couldn't be there.


When I thought it was all clear,
I went out.

It was so quiet and still...

and then I saw the blood.

I'd stepped in it.

I didn't know what to do.
I had to get back to my boys.

I should have gone out to help her.

I'm such a coward.

And you burned your trainers
for what reason, Mr Colebrook?

I panicked.

I knew something dreadful
had happened and I knew,
no matter what, I'd be implicated.

I tried to get rid of the evidence.

Lovely looking girls.

Has something happened to them? They
went missing four or five years ago.

We think this one's called Kathryn.

No. And this one.

Of course, they could have
been friends of Michael's.

Michael? Yes,
he came to help us out, you know.

Bit of decorating. Bit of gardening.

We were all very shocked
at what happened. Lovely boy,

very popular with the girls.
Shocked at what, Mrs Binefa?

Well, everyone knew what happened
with Michael. Even I remember that.

Five years ago, Michael Drage
did some community service,

during which time he got
to know Mr and Mrs Binefa.

And he also knew this woman
Kathryn Eyles. Bit older than him,
drug addict, on the game.

She was m*rder*d, with this knife.

And there are cuts and incised
wounds all over her body.

Now because of her current
condition, it's obviously
hard to be certain exactly how many,

but I would say there are at least
eighty wounds on her body.

Was that before
or after her throat was cut?

Again, hard to be certain but given
that her throat was cut, that
was the probable cause of death.

I would say the majority of these
injuries occurred post mortem.

The second body, found in
the Binefas' allotment,

has been identified as Jennifer Kirk
who went missing at the age of 17.

And was m*rder*d, I believe,
within a few weeks of Kathryn Eyles.

And the date of these murders?

Both women were reported
missing in the April of 2003.

Do you think Anna Holland
knew about the other two?

If she knew Drage had m*rder*d the
other two, she'd've said something.
Unless she helped him k*ll them.

Anna Holland
hadn't met Michael Drage

when these murders were committed.
How do you know? Blowflies.

On heroin. Anna Holland met Michael
Drage at the end of summer 2003.

But the blowflies and other
evidence suggests that these girls

were k*lled not later
than May of that year.


Just keep on walking. Nikki...

Nikki! Dad, I thought I told you
not to contact me ever again...

Look, I didn't know I was
talking to anyone from the press.
Did I not make that clear?

I went into the pub for a drink
and this young girl came over.

I don't believe you, Dad,
but I don't care. Not any more.

Then what are you upset about?
This is so embarrassing. ..I'm
sorry, Dan. I'll meet you there.

You sure? Yes. I won't be long.

I so wanted to trust you.

You can.

I've seen Kim's medical records. Oh?

I thought Harry was taking care...

First you don't tell me you got
married, that I had a stepmother.

And now I find out that
you changed your name.

Oh. That.

Kim didn't know
anything about me, did she?

Of course she did,
I was always talking about you.

Did she know that
you'd been to prison?

Victor Freeman. Good choice.

Come on, Niks... You've
completely disowned your past.

Well, as you so rightly pointed
out, it's not a past I should
feel particularly proud of.

What, including me? No, Niks.

I am such an idiot.

Why do I always let this happen
to me? You don't understand.

No, I do understand.

It's not me you want.

It's the money.

What money? From the bus company.

Exactly how much do you need?


Er... Mr Freeman?
Mr Alexander?

Have you, um...got a minute?

Good, um I wanted to tell you
that your wife's meningitis

was almost certainly caused
by the collision with the bus,
as you thought.

The X-Rays taken at the
hospital just after the incident,

reveal a tiny hairline
fracture in the front of her skull.

Then why wasn't that seen
at the first post mortem?

Easily missed and it's a very
rare cause of the illness so...

You're quite sure?

Well, I expect, um,
in the few weeks before
she died, did she have a runny nose?

Yes. Like a cold.

Yeah well, um,
that almost certainly wasn't a cold.

What was it, then?

Look, just tell me.


From around the brain.

Oh, God!

I did Kathryn in her sleep.

And Jennifer
when she was off her face.

You cut their throats?


Why choose now

to make the phone call?

Anna's dead.

If people knew I'd done it before,
they'd know Anna had nothing
to do with Paula Colebrook.

I always had that on her.

So let me be clear about this.

Anna didn't help you?

When I stuck my...
knife in that woman's throat...

..Anna just screamed her head off.

What difference does it make?

Anna was telling the truth -

she was going to be
Drage's next victim.

Out of fear and wanting to protect
herself she turned it into a game.

And bet him that he wouldn't
k*ll the next person
who came into the park.

And in walked Paula Colebrook.

I was getting rid of some photos.


What happened to her hand?

Next door used to have
a bloody great Doberman -

took a chunk out of her
hand a couple days before
she started her new school.

She was so upset.

Excuse me...

Hi, how's Carla today?

Doing well. Very pleased. She no
longer needs the ventilator.

Would it be OK if I said hello?

She's not fully conscious yet.

Hello, Carla.

It's Matt here.

I've been in a few times.

See how you are.

You silly idiot.

Nearly got yourself
k*lled looking after a crim.

You want to stop that, mate.

She's opening her eyes.
Well, that's good.

Hello, Carla.

She's opened her eyes.



Dan... I think you'd
better get here quickly.

Hello, Anna.

It was you, wasn't it? I saw you. I
don't know what he's talking about.

You and Carla? It was him.
I saw him going into the house.

You and DS Masters were
leaving the safe house.

You were att*cked by a man
with a knife, do you remember?

I can't believe I'm doing this.
Where's your coat? I packed it.

You're going to get soaked?
Here, take mine.

Take the keys...

Quick, get in the car!

It was Adam? Her husband?

I thought I was dead.

You weren't the only one.

Adam Masters was convinced
his wife was having an affair.

With Mathew Harris?

He's been in
witness protection for three years.

I knew something was wrong.

Eventually Carla told me
that she and this bloke...

had fallen in love.

So Adam was right?

Carla told her husband
about what had happened,
promised it would never happen again.

But then I found she'd been
taking the morning after pill.

What did that prove?
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