18x10 - One of Our Own: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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18x10 - One of Our Own: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

One of Our Own
Part of 2

What are you thinking?

I was thinking...

is this a conflict of interest?

Depends how
interested you are.

- Sullivan.
- Thomas.

Simons has been abducted.

Jack was there.
He was att*cked but he's OK.

We're on our way.

It's my best side.

Not any more.

"We're on our way?"

I thought you were supposed
to be good at this.

Don't make me laugh.

Any news on Simons?

- Not yet.
- He's been on the scene a year.

Had drug connections.

Maybe someone knew that
Honeywell was onto them.

Got Simons to bug his car,
tried to compromise him.

- And when that didn't work, they k*lled him.
- So, why take Simons?

Maybe he double-crossed
his own people.

Or maybe we're back to Dean Fallon.
Whoever did this knew how to fight.

We'll check Jack's clothes
for DNA transfer.

If we bring Dean in again,

we'll need a hard link
between him and Simons.

His lawyer's already filing
for as*ault and wrongful arrest.

Go through Simons's phone records -

family, girlfriends,
his customers, everyone.

At least we can rule out Carl Parry.

He was in a cell all night.

Thank God for that.


Muzzle impact where the g*n
was pressed against the skin.

No stippling,

powder blown onto the wound.

Almost certainly a contact shot.

Time of death?

Rigor in the small muscle groups

so probably no more
than four or five hours ago.

Same kind of rope used on Honeywell.

No signs of a struggle,

no reports of a disturbance,
let alone g*n fire.

He wasn't shot here.

So, he was abducted,

beaten, and then shot
and dumped like Honeywell.

Except there's been no attempt
to wipe forensic traces.

No attempt to hide anything at all.

These were made after
the bruising

and main lacerations.
Bramble thorns in two of them.

So, healing took place
after he was shot.

Are you saying he survived this?

The b*llet entered near the temple,
skirted the skull,

which absorbed
the energy of the b*llet.

The exit wound
is in the parietal area

so it's possible that
the motor cortex was unaffected

which would have allowed
basic functions -

coordination, balance and movement.

He walked here.

Which means
we're looking in the wrong place.

Hi, it's Jase.
You know what to do.

OK, so,

we've got drag marks

from the track to the grave.

We've got ourselves a m*rder site.

The b*llet is a .44.

Same calibre
that k*lled Honeywell.

I'll compare striations
to confirm a match.

He must have entered
a catatonic state after he was shot.

He was taken for dead.

No heart rate,
no reflexes.

And was buried alive.

Fits the MO of someone
wanting to wipe their traces.

Revived as clotting
stemmed the blood loss.

Kicked his way out.

Got as far as the street
and collapsed.

- What about the vehicle?
- Well, no treads.

But whoever it was,
they were in a hurry.

Tried to take the tree with them.

My consultant called.
I'm on the Oestriol trial.

Well, Vienna here we come.

You know it's the home of the waltz,
don't you?

We haven't done this
for a while, have we?

The police have found another body.

My contacts say
they're linking it to the dead cop.

I've made it hard for
them to bring Dean back in

but they'll try.

Just keep him out of trouble.

Not this time, I'm afraid.
He's a liability, Terry.

- He could ruin everything.
- Look, I'll talk to him again.

- No, we both will.
- Morning, Ben.

- Staying for coffee?
- No, thanks, Trish.

Looks like Terry and I
are going to have a busy day.

You all right?

Carl, you are being fully

There will be no
charges against you.

This won't affect your record.

We're putting you
on gardening leave.

Take some time.
Sort things out at home.

I'm sorry.

How long did you know?

Did they all know?

External examination
of Jason Simons,

27 years old.

Polypropylene twine.

Visual match for that used
on Honeywell.

IR spectrometry to confirm.

Severe bruising,
indicative of a sustained as*ault,

predominantly to the middle
and left torso.

Body punches.
Like on Honeywell.

Were they being kept conscious?

Like a punishment beating,
you mean?


Or for what they knew.

Septal damage
and associated inflammation.

Toxicology to confirm
possible drug use.

Two small dots on
the first knuckle of the right hand.

They look like tattooed marks
or something.

Borstal spots?

Home-made tattoos.
A dot for each stretch.

Simons was in and out of juvenile
detention from the age of 12.

They closed down the borstals
30 years ago.

I guess
"Youth custody centre spots"

doesn't have the same ring to it.

Simons was a heavy smoker
until a few years ago.

You'd think you'd see signs of
some discolouration in the pleura.

His notes also say
he's had an appendectomy.

Could have sworn
I just saw his appendix.

I did.

Mistake in the records?

Almost no dispersal of the ink
into the dermis.

No evidence of it overlaying
any previous tattoos.

These were made recently.

I don't think this is Jason Simons.

This body belongs to someone else.

Yeah, I've got an address
for the girlfriend.

- Do you want to go or shall I?
- No, I'll go.

Hello, Tess.

I'm Detective Chief Inspector

This is Jack Hodgson,
a colleague.

Have you found him?

Was Jason in any kind of trouble?

dr*gs, for example.

Buying, selling, taking them?


- He was better than that.
- Then why did he run?

What do you mean?

I went round to Jason's place
to help the police.

When was the last time you saw him,

Yesterday after he finished work.
We were watching telly.

He said he was going out,
and that we'd see each other later

and then he left.

He had a box,
like a child's lunch box.

He never let it go
all the time he was running.

I don't know anything about a box.

Did Jason ever mention someone
called Dean Fallon?

We saw him
at the Octane Club sometimes.

I knew him as a kid.

And Jason never met Dean
apart from that?

Not as far as I know.

Do you know anything about Dean
dealing dr*gs at the Octane?


Jason Simons bought your dr*gs.

- So?
- He's dead.

- The cops like you for it.
- This is bollocks,

I didn't k*ll Jason Simons.

This your excuse to get rid of me?

We need you out.

We're taking over. Sorry, Dean.

What are you going to do?
Bar me?

- It's not your club!
- What you been telling him?

Your father needs to raise
a lot of capital,

he can't afford you to
screw this up.

You mean you can't.

This is the family business

and I'm a chip off the old block.
Ain't that right, Dad?

Why don't you go away for a bit?

I'll get Paulo to open up the villa.

Have a holiday, take your girl.

On me.


Too hot for me this time of year.

I'll stick around.

What did you keep in here?

I just lied for you, Dad.

It was heroin, wasn't it?
What are you doing?

Someone made you do this,
didn't they? Was it Dean?

Now, sweetheart.
Listen to me...

What did you do to Jason?
What did you do?

No, no, no, nothing.
I swear.

Please, don't talk about this...

- to anyone.
- Why?

Everything that I have done,

I've done for you and your mum.

Trust me, Tess. Just, please.

I loved him.

I really loved him.

I know you did. I know you did.

Where have you been?



I thought I loved him.

He talked to me.

He made me laugh.

He was my best friend,
for God's sake.

He treated me
like I was a real person.

Not just some ghost
waiting for you to come home.

I was trying to earn, Kate.

Overtime, promotion, for all this.

I thought you'd k*lled him.

I believed you were capable of that.

I was scared of you.

What did you think
I was going to do to you?

I'm sorry.

I miss him.

You think I don't?

The real Jason Simons died.

Born 1987,
he was taken into care at six,

young offender institutions
until he was 18.

- And then?
- He disappears.

Blips off the radar completely.

Just another kid on the streets.
Easily missed.

Body never found.

But, six years later,
he starts showing up again.

We think this guy
stole his identity.

Well, that makes sense.

We found more surveillance equipment
in his flat.

Pretty hi-tech stuff.
So, this is a major outfit.

ID theft like this,
that's a sophisticated move.

We expecting anyone?


But you were. Weren't you, sir?

This is DI Peter Richards.
Serious Crime Squad.

He was Simons' handler,
under my command.

Simons's real name was
Detective Sergeant Ryan McManus.

He was working undercover in Essex
for just over a year,

trying to infiltrate
regional dr*gs gangs.

Both victims were policemen.

So, you had Simons bug
Sam Honeywell's car?

Well, Honeywell was rubbing
shoulders with a lot of known faces

so we needed to make sure
that he wasn't playing both sides.

You thought my officer was bent?

Simons was a regular coke user.

He formed a sexual relationship
with an 18-year-old girl!

Well, the girl who had no idea
about Simons's true ID so...

You'd lost control of him.

That's why you couldn't tell me
about him.

Simons did nothing
to help or hinder

- your m*rder investigation.
- But you left him out there!

He said he was close to
a major dr*gs deal

so, yes, I left him out there.

His death is on me, Jim.

Well, my news is...

Simons sold a black BMW X5
three weeks ago...

..to Dean Fallon.

Tess Hughes said
that he and Simons

only ever met at the Octane Club.

So, either she was lying of her
boyfriend was keeping secrets.

What about the attack last night?
Anything to confirm

- it was Dean Fallon?
- No.

No DNA or fibres on Jack
or his clothes.

I've got enough.

I'm bringing Dean Fallon in for
the murders of Honeywell and Simons.

No, no, no.
It's not going to happen.

If he's involved in
a major drug deal,

we should play this one out.

And what if he hasn't finished
k*lling police officers?

Jim, wait.

Maybe he's right.

Maybe you shouldn't bring Dean
in yet.

Simons bugged Honeywell's car.

What if he did the same to Dean?

Then we need to get inside
Dean's car

and check the stitching
in the seats.

We'd need to break into it.
It's too messy.

So, how was Simons planning
to get it back?

We found spare car keys in his flat.

He must have cut copies.

Get me eyes on Dean Fallon.

We need five minutes in the car.

I reckon I can get you that.


How are you, darling?

I know what you did to Jason.

Come on, you're upset.

I was really sorry to hear
what happened.

- You bastard.
- You're wrong about me, Tessie.

You always have been.

I could help you
if only you'd trust...

I don't know how you made
my dad hide your heroin

but the police are so close

so you are going to get him
out of this
or I'll tell them
everything I know.

What's that then?

You deal dr*gs. You hated Jason.

You threatened to k*ll him.

Well, I wouldn't do that
if I was you

because it sounds to me like
your old man, he'd go to jail.

Not for m*rder.

He'll be out in a few years,
you'll be in there for life.


It's ridiculous!
What is wrong with her?


Leave him...
before it's too late.

What are you talking about?

It's not safe here any more.

Dean was nothing to do
with what happened to Jase.

Just leave him.

- Morning.
- Morning.

Can we load the photos of Jack
from the other night?

- The ones in just the pants?
- Yeah.

Hmm, I think we'll go
with the high resolution.

Show me the other victims.

In both cases,

the major bruising is to
the upper and middle left areas.

Injuries to the right
are less severe

and don't extend above the elbow.

Can a sample of two
be called a pattern?

The fire damage
to Sergeant Honeywell

obscured a visual comparison.

Dissection revealed
sub-cutaneous bruising.

So, what we're suggesting
is a specific incapacity

on the part of the attacker.

- Such as?
- Well, according to his notes,

Dean Fallon was born with something
called Sprengel's shoulder.

Congenital high scapula
to his left arm.

It restricts articulation,
like frozen shoulder.

- He's a cage fighter.
- Doesn't affect power or musculature

but it would mean
that he couldn't swing a left

much higher than his elbow.

- It's speculative.
- Umpteen variables.

- Was the victim standing?
- Direction of attack, etc.

Well, there might be something here.

I'm going to need a whole lot more
to charge Dean Fallon.

Wait till I get a stairlift.

I used to come up
here with me cuppa.

You, hot chocolate.
Cream and marshmallows.

We'd talk school,
music and boys.

Things haven't been
great between us.

You've been growing up so fast,

and I've never really been there
for you.

I know you loved him.

I've been worried about you.

Please don't shut me out.

I'm still Mum.

You can tell me anything.

It's all right, Mum.

I'll be fine.

Are you lost, k*ller?

They're not going to give up.
They really want you for this.

Hey, hey, easy.
Easy. Easy.

Nobody thinks you're stupid, Dean.

Why'd they send you?

Whatever you've got going here,
they'll make it impossible.

You need to think about

Why did they send you?

just cos you been in the ring,

- that don't make you a copper?
I told you I'm not a cop.

The real reason you're here,
isn't it?

- No, it really isn't.
- Come on. You and me.

It was always on.

Let them get clear,
then we move.

Your mate's not big on etiquette.
I'm Jack.

We're not here to talk.



Come on, k*ller.

What happened to that shoulder?

Come on!


Parry's here.
He's got a w*apon.


I'm not going to fight you.

Come on!

That's more like it! Come on! Now!


I'll get ya!
I'll have ya!

Come back here again, yeah,
and I'll k*ll you!

Did we get it?

That was quality, boys.

Have some more.

It's Dean Fallon's
cokey bullshit so far.

It's embarrassing.

how much you got then?

30 hours of tape.
Two teams.

You'll have a transcript
first thing.

Any procedures you did
actually manage to follow?

I'm aware the recovery was

"Compromised" as in "inadmissible".

Right now, I'd settle for

Build evidence off it.

We're still sh**ting
in the dark here.

Hey, anything I withheld
was in good faith.

Sam Honeywell was one of ours.

So was Ryan McManus.

But we won't be burying him
with police honours.

He doesn't even exist
until this operation's over.

Try explaining that to his family.

- Thank you.
- Not sure I can do this.

I've already jumped
down his throat.

Might have finally have got
through to him this time.

He's no good on his own, Kate.

This isn't the place for him tonight.

I don't know if anything
I feel is right any more.

You came.

Looking at Jack,

I'd say the bruise
pattern theory's on ice.

Thanks, Nikki.

Real nice theory by the way, g*ng.

Dean can swing a left just fine.

The Fallons spent
the late '90s in Spain

and Dean had an operation out there
to correct his shoulder condition.

I saw the scar.

The procedure wasn't on
his UK medical records.

That's why we missed it.

Doesn't necessarily rule him out.

We might be looking at more
than one person.

There was heroin
on Simons' penknife.

The DNA test showed
this opium poppy

is brand-new to us.

A new supplier? A new source?

The variety's native to the
Quetta mountains, north Pakistan.

It's also extremely pure.

So, we should be looking at import
as well as sale.

It's got a street value
of about 60 grand a kilo.

I'll pass it on.

Is that us...
done for the night?

Not me.
Stuff to crack on with.

Me too.

Nikki might be free though.

Do you fancy a lift?

She's got a car.
I on the other hand...

good night.

- Night.
- Good night.


I thought
we were being discreet.

I can't.

Not such a good idea?

I'll decide that.
Listen to me.

No, you listen.
Forget Honeywell.

Ben Osrin?
Fallon's lawyer.

I know these officers.

You could sh**t their mother
in front of them

and they wouldn't make a case.

No more screw-ups. Understand?
And don't use this number.

He's getting a visit.

No need. He's downstairs.

Came in early to make a complaint
on behalf of Dean Fallon.

Stick around.
This could be fun.

Sorry, there wasn't
another room available.

No bother.
We know why we're here.

Dean Fallon?

A suspended officer turns up
at my client's place of work,

causes criminal damage
to his vehicle

and attempts to as*ault him
with a deadly w*apon.

Nothing to add
before I file the complaint?

I'll decide that.
Listen to me.

No, you listen.
Forget Honeywell.

I know these officers.

You could sh**t their mother
in front of them

and they wouldn't make a case.

Am I mistaken or is
that your voice on there?

You got here fast.

how did you even know...?

I've a big mouth.
It was a private conversation.

I apologise.

Why were you in Dean Fallon's car?

He's a client,
a friend.

You know sometimes
he needs a hand getting home.

Who were you talking to?

I do 50 calls a day.
I don't remember every one.

Last Saturday, 23:04.

The Sergeant Honeywell
you refer to

was m*rder*d the day before.

- Ring any bells?
- I'm sorry.

I don't deny that this
is embarrassing and I've apologised.

But there's nothing here, is there?

It's just some off-colour shop talk.

If there's nothing further...

Would you provide
the call list from your mobile

as a favour?

Given there's nothing in this.

Of course.

I'm presuming that you've got
the correct RIPA authority

to be bugging my client's car.

The tape fell into our hands.

Like I said. Storm in a teacup.

I'm sorry, love.

It's easier for me,
I never forget that.

Your phone call.

The police got my
end of the tape.

They'll trace it to you.

What do I tell them?

I don't know, Stanley.
What have you been telling them?

Come on, don't insult me.

You tipped off that cop,

That's ridiculous.

If you weren't needed, you'd
be dead. Just don't insult me.

Come on, sit down.
Sit down!

You got cold feet last week.
You panicked, yeah?

So, you tip off him off,
what did you tell him exactly?

I didn't mention any names.
I didn't say it was dr*gs.

- Are you sure about that, Stan?
- Yeah, I swear. I just...

told him I felt there was
something wrong about a container.

I just wanted it to stop.

You're getting paid.

No-one held a g*n to your head.

your little girl's boyfriend,

how did he end up
with the stash?

I told you.
It was an accident.

It was in your safekeeping.

Your accidents have meant
a lot of cleaning up.

Tess she...she doesn't know
anything about this. Please.

I'll fix this.

But it's going to cost me,

so it's going to cost you.

Half your share.

It stops!

You understand?!

But I didn't tell Honeywell
any names.


You've got too much to lose.

Get off.

Don't hog it.
Just a little one.

Tessie needs cheering up.
Get her down here, will you?

I'm the one does what you want.

All right, then.

Go and get my fags from the car.
Keys are on the desk.

Fetch them yourself.

Oi, do you want a line or not?

Let it go. Things just moved on,

The shallow grave meant
for Jason Simons.

I can put Ben Osrin's car
at the scene.

I'm about to make our Senior
Investigating Officer very happy.

Or did you beat me to it?

For what it's worth, I think
he's all right. For you, I mean.

Craggy, middle-aged, stubborn
workaholic. And then there's him.

What you doing?
You all right?

I need to talk.

Tell me the truth. Both of you.

You've known our Stan
since we were at school.

And if he was in bother,
you'd tell me.

Wouldn't you?


But Terry ain't involved
with any of that now.

Tess' boyfriend has been k*lled.

The one you came round
to ask me about.

The one who knew your son, Dean.

I'm sorry, June.
Don't know anything about it, love.

So, why's Ben Osrin round our house?



..I'm scared.

In most cases,
Sprengel's shoulder

exhibits as part of
Klippel Feil syndrome.

Fused vertebrae
but there was no mention of that

in Dean's childhood diagnosis.

But he had Sprengel's in isolation.
That's much rarer.

Either way, you're born with it,
it's congenital.

Klippel's is dominant gene

Sprengel's alone is...



You hiding?

I was a bit mean.

Come and have a cheeky line, eh?


What's the problem?

The beatings on the victims.
I think we're there.

Dean Fallon doesn't have Sprengel's.

It's rare, but in isolation,
the condition can be hereditary.

Father to son.

Terry Fallon never had
the operation.

Paint from Osrin's C-Model Benz.

Matches the bark
from the Simons crime scene.

We'll put a call out.

Like to see him explain this one.


The police.
I'm on tape...

talking to Stan Hughes.

- It's a matter of time.
- What did you go and see Stan for?

How come you didn't let me
know about that?

- I had to do something.
- And what did you do?

Look, it's anonymous, all right?

All we do is tip off the cops,

they raid Dean's office,
the heroin's there,

the twine you used on Simons.
It's for the best.

It's for the best? What?
Setting up our Dean?

We re-group. I still got
my clients in Pakistan.

They're solid.

We wait six months,
and then we go again.

I can't wait!
I've put the lot into this!

The police are too close.

If your guy Hughes
hadn't tipped them off...

So, you've decided, have you?
It ain't happening?

Yeah, I had to.
To save us.

- To save us all.
- Yeah, but not our Dean.

Seriously, Terry.
Who needs him?

And what if I don't agree?

They're my contacts.
My clients in Pakistan.

It's my money, though.

Without me, you'd be penniless.

You'd be in a cell.

What? You think Trish
would have stuck with you?

Are you all right, love?


No, I'm not.

Dad's let us down.
He's going to get us into trouble.

That cop and Jason Simons,

- I think that was him.
- No.

I couldn't work out why
but now I know.

- He's at it.
- No. You've got this wrong.

Tess reckoned I'd got her old man
to hold this for him.

I never.

Dad did.

- Chloe found it.
- Right.

Let's go get a drink.

- Mum?
- Your dad is going to look after his family.

The cops wanted me for this.
And you knew it was him?

We protected you. We always do.

Your father is going to
set us up for life.

What's he doing, Mum?

- He's working.
- He's k*lled people.

Look... look...
look at Chloe.

They'll get him.
He'll go away again.

He won't! He knows what he's doing.

He's in trouble.
He needs help

else we're going to
lose him forever.

- Hit the clubs and the residence.
- Got it.

Alert all units for Terry Fallon.

Anyone that ID's him requests
immediate back up. Understood?

Get DS Haynes on the line, please.

If this is Terry Fallon
covering his tracks,

- he's not doing a very good job.
- Maybe he's in a hurry.

For what?


This address.

Tess Hughes lives there.

Jason Simons' girlfriend.

What's Ben Osrin doing
paying her a visit this morning?

- Terry?
- Hello, June.

It's all right, Mum. I asked him.

I-it's Dean.
I didn't know what else to do.

Why? What's he done, love?

It's just...

I think he might be making Dad

do something he don't want.

I think he might have k*lled people.

She didn't want to worry you
with this, June.

Have you told anyone else?

About what your dad's doing?

What about you, June,
you tell anyone about this?

- No. No.
- Cos if you have, I need to know.

- Terry?
- I'm just talking to Tess!

You sounded scared on the phone,

Who else did you call?

Right, well, your dad
is just trying to help his family

and I'm trying to help too.

So, now,
we're all going to help each other.

Yeah, probable overdose.

Inflammation inside
the nasal passage.

No sign of any dr*gs she took.

Have you moved anything?

- Have you touched anything at all?!
- Nothing.

White granules.

Looks like a match
for Simons' penknife.



Sean, check up.

Tess Hughes. Age 18.
She's on file.

Jason Simons' girlfriend.

He needs a hostage. Why?

The fish stall -
Honeywell's mystery meeting.

We thought it was a police officer.

Try Stanley Hughes,
customs officer.

The girl's father?

Tess lied to us.
But not for Simons.

She was protecting her dad.

I think we're about to place him
at the Honeywell m*rder scene.

Witness at least.
Possible accessory.

If Hughes is the inside man,

maybe Terry Fallon's
taken Tess as insurance.

First m*rder scene's
not far from the docks.

It all points there.

Sure you won't have some?

She was a good girl.

I mean I knew she had problems,
but nothing like this.

Your husband k*lled two of ours.

He m*rder*d Ben Osrin.

Now he's taken Tess Hughes.

There's an innocent young girl
lying dead in a toilet cubicle

because of your husband.

Innocent? Like I said,
Chloe had problems.

It's over, Trish.

But you can still do
the right thing.

Where is he?

I wouldn't know.
Would I?

Nothing's going to happen
if your daddy does the right thing.

And don't even think about
going anywhere. OK?


June OK, Stan?

Not too bad.

Vienna soon.


Came from Karachi.
Never got checked quayside.

Not like you.

You look terrible, Stan.
You want me to do this?

I wouldn't bother.

We've stopped that carrier loads
of times. It's always been legit.

How's it going?
Everything OK, yeah?

Yeah, it's on its way.

Where is she?

You get your deposit back
when the truck's off-loaded.

Hi, do you know where
Stan Hughes is?

He just drove off.
Took an early lunch.

I want the waybills and
manifestos for all the trucks

that have left here in the past
hour. Come on. Let's get to it!

All right.

Here you go.


Mum, are you OK?

Yeah, Tess, I'm fine.
The police are here with me.

Where are you, Tess?

I don't know.

Tess, this is Jack Hodgson.
Your mum's safe.

I need to know where you are.

Are there any road names?

There's a...there's a sign,
Goodman's Haulage.

We're coming for you right now.

OK, hurry, hurry,
he's got a g*n.

Terry's got Tess
at a Goodman's Haulage yard.

Repeat Goodman's Haulage
yard. He's armed.

- I'll see you there.
- Hughes has gone.

Expect he's heading there too.
We're leaving now.

Goodman's Haulage,
all cars and ARVs now!

The suspect is armed!

I'm here, all right?
It's going to be OK.

It's going to be OK.


- Who did you call?
- My mum. Just my mum.

Let her go, Terry!

Let her go.

uYou've got everything you want.

You talk ever...

I'll have her found.
I'll k*ll her.

How did you know I was here?

Mum told me.

So, what's the deal?

Hey, let me guess.
Sell this lot.

Make yourself untouchable
but keep me out of it.

That's not what this is about.


Chloe's dead. You k*lled her.

This is over, Dad.

No, it's not!

This is for us, Dean.

That's exactly what Mum said.

This has never been about me,
has it, Dad?

Where's Ben?

Ben's ain't part of this any more.

Now, shut up, and listen.

This puts me in a different league.

I'll bring you in, I'll teach you.

The clubs will clean the money.

No cops. No jail.

I ain't leaving you
and your mum again.

But we've got to go.

Give me the g*n.

You remember my first fight?

I was 13.
Hammered the guy.

I looked over, fists in the air,
you weren't even watching, Dad.

You were too busy cutting a deal,
you didn't even know I'd won.

You never did give me a chance.

You ain't going to k*ll me,
I'm your old man.

Drop your w*apon!


Lie still.
It's nothing.

Look at me.
Look at me!

You've got to hold on.
I'm here now.

No, Dean!

Drop your w*apon!
Hands behind your head!

No. No, no.


Paramedics, now.

Jim! Jim.
Can you hear me?

We need paramedics!

His breathing's shallow.

Pulse is dropping.

There's no pressure.

We need oxygen.

Where's the bloody oxygen?!

Don't do this.

It's all right, Nikki.
Nikki, come away.

- Nikki.
- Nikki.

Hello, sir?
Can you hear me?

Put the mask on.

Look at me, Stan.

I didn't want any money.
You know that.

I just wanted you!


We'll be here when you get out.

Thomas, thank you for coming.
- No problem.

Appreciate it.

- How you doing?
- All right?

You OK?

So, did you make detective?

No. No, I tried
but I couldn't go back.

I never thought I'd miss it
so bloody much.

What will you do now?

Who knows?

There's no hurry.
I'll save you a seat.

See you in there.

They told me I should thank you
for saving my life.

You were lucky.

I don't usually get a live one.

So, I guess that's it.
Case closed.

Well, there'll always be another.

And we know where the whisky is.

Hey, you'll be fine.

Sam was 17.

He'd just lost his parents

and was wondering
what to do with his life.

He told me he wanted
to join the Force...

so, naturally,
I tried to put him off.

He told me he wanted to do a job
that was worthwhile...

which he could believe in,
with people he trusted.

I'm proud to say

he became a good copper...

..and a decent man.

People make mistakes.

Coppers deal with that every day,
it's the job.

And we make mistakes ourselves,
we're only human.

we're a family...

and families support each other,

forgive each other.

Love each other.

Because in the end...

it's all we have.
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