22x01 - Two Spirits: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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22x01 - Two Spirits: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Transaction. How can I help you?

Thank you. Bye.

I'll see you later.

Police emergency. What number are you calling from, please?

O20 79460932.

My name's Evie Williams. I'm phoning from a helpline, a support line.

Somebody's just called from a phone box on Regent Street.

They said they're going to cut somebody's throat.

I've still got them on here now on another line.

Stay with me. I'm going to send a unit there now.

Hold the line, please.

Oscar Victor One from Control.

Receiving. Go ahead.

Call in progress from a public phone box on Regent Street and Pall Mall.

Responding. We're three minutes away.

He was into you!
Do you think?

Not the way I was dancing!

He was quite fit, though.
I'm pissed.

We didn't need that last bottle of Prosecco.

We'll regret that tomorrow.

Right, this is me.

Thank you so much. I've had such a lovely night.

You don't want me to stay?
No, no, no.

No, honestly, I don't want to leave
No, I'll be fine! Go, go, go.

You sure?
Yes. Yes.

I'm a big girl.
All right, see you later.

Bye, hon.

Area searched. No trace.




Nikki. Hey!

Hi. I'm back.

Good flight?
Delayed. But I slept all the way.

What about Matt? Is he OK? All well?

Yeah. Never long enough, though.

I'm going to drop my stuff off at home

and then I'll come
straight in, yeah?

Where are you?

Hmm. Nowhere special.


Look, I'd better get on, OK? I'll catch up with you later.

Welcome home, Nikki.


OK. Here we are. Typical g*nsh*t entry wounds.

Let's have a closer look.

If the abrasion ring, here, is eccentric,

that's going to suggest direction.

Exit wound's usually bigger. They lack abrasion at the margin -

that's a key feature - but you know all that, yeah?

OK. Have a look at this.

That's got to be an exit wound, yeah?

Well, no, actually.

Can you see? It's got a sort of D-shape to it.

Yeah? That may indicate that the b*llet ricocheted

before entering the body,

or that the w*apon used was defective in some way, whatever.

There are other ways to determine that, which I'll come on to later.

But remember, things don't always conform to expectation.

Right. What about this?

What are you up to tomorrow? Can you spare me an hour?


No, no, I can't. I'm chocker.

Why, what's up?

I was told I had to do this formally.


Don't laugh, I'm trying to be serious here.

I have a proposal for you.

I've spoken to your man in the Home Office,

and he's very happy for me to talk to you about it.

We are expanding, and we would like someone from Practice

to lead this next phase.

Oh, OK.

And the job is...?

Head of Faculty.

Susie, I can deliver a guest lecture, but...

Now, the plan is to completely overhaul student training,

especially with pathology, and... Well, it's not just me,

but none of us could think of anyone better than you.

Right! Come on.

Don't dismiss it out of hand.

Think about it.

Look, I'm flattered. Thank you...

..but it's really not for me.

I'm going to send some stuff over, anyway.


I'd better take this. See you.


Yeah. Where do you need me?

Thank you.


They lD'd him?

No wallet, no phone.

Bruising to the right side of his face, and his throat's been cut.

Extensive arterial spatter.

Who's in charge?

DI Carey Murphy.
Jack Hodgson. Good to meet you.

Would you go down there late at night if you were a woman?

I wouldn't do it at all, not without full body armour

and a hazmat suit - unless I was away in the head, of course.

And how did our attacker not see the witness in the next cubicle?

He must have, right?

Well, the lock's not working, so...maybe he thought it was empty?

Don't know.

I've got the CCTV.

Here's the victim going in.

Followed shortly by this person.

Could be the perp. I'll get that cleaned up and see what we've got.

You got anything for me?

Well, he must have put up a fight, so we might get some touch DNA

from the perp off the cubicle walls.

Other than that, this key fob was in his pocket.

That's it for now.


So, how was Clooney?
Loving that you call him that.

And the road to the White House?

Uphill, I think. Lots of schmoozing, raising funds, you know?

Oh. Hiya. I've just remembered we've got those bloody auditors today.

I'm going to cancel them - we've got a postmortem.

You can't cancel now. They're already here.

I can do the postmortem.

No, no, no. You've got a tonne of casework to get through.

You want me to entertain them?

Show them my spreadsheets.

They'll love that.

Thanks. I'll see them first.

So you're telling me I have to justify every single test I order

financially as well as clinically?

If you're ordering tests the police haven't asked for,

they won't pay for them, and the Lyell gets stuck with the bill.

Look, it's not up to me to tie your hands,

but if you want to stay in the black,

you can't just order and order.

Ragged marks on the edge of the wound suggest

a possible serrated cutting edge to the bladed w*apon.

The wound itself is well ex*cuted, straight and deft.

There's bruising to the side of his face,

indicating a separate blunt-force impact,

plus further bruising to his lower jaw.

We also found...

what looks like vomit in the stubble below his lower lip,

and evidence of skin, possibly, under the fingernails.

Come in.

Anything on his ID yet?

No. We're still working on it.

I've got a few things that might help you.

Quite a few, actually.

Firstly, there's the facial bone structure, plus no prominent larynx.

Also, he's had extensive surgery to his upper chest,

likely double mastectomy,

and a phalloplasty.

He's transgender?



Hey. DI Murphy there still? I've found a wallet.

She's in the PM.

A bit of cash, no credit cards,

but there's a gym membership. Photo and a name on it.

I've e-mailed you an image.

Yeah, I got it.

Thanks, jack.

Right. Bye.

No. I just need the next of kin for Rico Abbey.


Well, when he did his membership form, you'd...you'd get his name,

his date of birth, his address and his next...

Emergency contact? Yeah, that's it. Thank you.

Can I get some paper?

Give us a name?

Alex Edwards.

And relationship to...?



He came to London for a doctor called Viv Gordon.

She was a specialist in the kind of surgery he wanted.

We just fell for each other.

It just happened.

I never expected it, and...

It's all right.

Take your time, Alex, yeah?

Can you tell me about yesterday?

We left at about 9.30 and got a cab to the V&A.

And then?

And then I had a meeting at work, so I left him outside the station.

Which station?

South Ken.

We're ready, if you are.

You ready?

Was he in pain?

Was he frightened?

I'm sorry. We're still trying to establish exactly what happened.

Everybody loved him.

Come on, squadron, quick march!

Quick march! Left, right, left, right, left, right, left.

Left, right, left, right, left, right, left.

Left, right, left, right, left, right, left.

Left, right, left, right, left, right, left.


Wait for...
Amy, hi.

Amy, let me see the kids.
HL Daddy.

Get inside.
Come on. Come on.

Come on! Let me just speak to them for five minutes.

Let me just see the kids! Come on!

In the kitchen...
I just want to see the kids,

just for five minutes. You can't do this!

You know what I want to hear. What more do you want me to say?

We need to talk. How are we ever going to sort this out

if we don't just sit down and speak?

I can't even look at you.





Amy! Amy!

Right, let's get started, shall we?

It was a sudden attack.

This impact to the side of his head

could have happened when the cubicle door was bashed open

and he was pushed to the side. If it did, he may

well have been standing with his back to the cubicle door, vomiting.

Do we have the tox?

Routine tox came back normal, other than alcohol.

105mg per 100ml.

So over the limit, but...

What about fingerprints on that wallet?

There are some. Victim's only.

Right. The wound itself...

Clearly made with a blade of some kind.

If the w*apon was straight-edged, we'd expect sharp, clean margins

but you can you see here they're coarse and irregular,

and this area of fanning...

Well, everything suggests a serrated blade.

Jack, anything?
Yes, sir.

Key fobs.

Key fobs.

So, we found this key fob on the victim.

We traced the serial number to a charity called Transaction.

It's for transgender people.

Are we dealing with hate crime?

Sorry! Sorry I'm late.

Sorry to interrupt.

Morning. Morning.

I'm Acting DCI Martin Cramer.

I've been given SIO on this, but I'm still playing catch-up,

and Carey will be liaising with you guys, so don't let me interrupt.

OK. I was going to ask about DNA profiling.

Yeah, we've requested that.

Did you get the sound file?

You what?

I asked for it to be e-mailed through to you.

Sorry, there's me saying I won't interrupt,

but we got a call from a helpline called Transaction.

She received a call, and I'll play it to you.

My name's Evie Williams.
I'm phoning from a helpline,

a support line.

Somebody's just called from a phone box on Regent Street.

They said they're going to cut somebody's throat.

A squad car went to investigate but there was nobody there.

Anything on the phone box? Prints?

Uniform didn't pursue it.
They just filed it under crank call.

We're going to follow up that helpline lead and see what we get.

OK, everybody. First things first.

I just want to say a massive thank you

from the bottom of our hearts.

We've had over 20,000 calls this year alone

and we couldn't have done it without you. Without Kelly,

for all of the publicity you've spearheaded...

...and all the lobbying that David's done, getting the Government onside,

and all of the money that we've raised.

You guys are incredible.

We love you for it.

I'm getting emotional, so let's get these lovely wealthy people in here

and get their money pledged.

Nikki, do you remember my old friend Susie Merrick?


She's offered me a job.

Head of Faculty at UCL.

You're not thinking of accepting it,
are you?
No. Course not.

Have you said anything to jack and Clarissa?

Well, there's nothing to say, is
Well, so...

Well, I don't know.

Do you remember? My mum was a teacher.

I've always fancied...
What, giving a Ted Talk?


No, inspiring the next generation of pathologists.

There is life outside the Lyell, you know?

But you're not going to take it.
No, I'm not going to take it.

OK. Good.

Go and do some work.

What are you doing here?

Come to support you.

What, in this place?

I'm sorry, it's just...

It's just you're the last person that I'd expect to see here.

Are you well?


Are you haPPY?

Are you clean?

All of the above.

Excuse me. I'm sorry, have you seen Evie?

Um, no.

Uh, please.

Come on, let's go and have a cigarette.

We can have a proper catch-up.

So, the helpline is solely for trans people, is it?

People thinking about changing their gender identity

and their friends and their family.

It's been good. People are using it.


Do you recognise this?

Yeah, it's what we use to get in our security door.

So the volunteers have one of these, do they?

So they can get into the duty room for when people phone in.

Er, I just... I want to play you this. Jog your memory, you know.


My name's Evie Williams. I'm phoning from a helpline, a support line.

Somebody's just called from a phone box on Regent Street.

They said they're going to cut somebody's throat.

I've still got them on here now on another line.

Stay with me. I'm going to send a unit there now.

Did you take that call yourself?

Can you tell me what the voice sounded like?

I don't know. It was, like, muffled.

Male, female?

Like I said, I don't know.

We try not to make assumptions here.

Why did they call here?

It's a trans victim, isn't it?

Do you recognise this man?

Oh, my God.

Was he a volunteer here?

Hello, Transaction. How may I help?

Please don't say


Don't...don't speak.

I've been thinking about what to say for a long time.

So just...listen.

I just went out in the street...

...in public...

...dressed as I want to be for the first time.

The rest of the time I'm stuck in a kind of...limbo.

I can't be who I am.

There's a woman inside of me that is desperate to get out.

Do you know what I'm saying?

She's my...


My id, my spirit,

my essence.

She's everything. Everything.

It's who I am.

Hello. Police emergency. What's your name, please?

Maeve Williams.

There's blood in my daughter's bathroom.

And she's not answering her phone.

Her bag's here, so she must've been here.

And someone else.

Can you tell me, is there an intruder in the house right now?

Firm, no..

I-I don't think so.

All right, Maeve. A squad car's on its way to you.

Stay on the phone with me.

No body?

So, where is she?

Reeks of vomit in here.

There's bloody fingermarks in the basin.

Probably Evie's.

She was vomiting into the toilet, hunched over,

with her back to the door as the attacker approached.

There's a scuffle.

Evie gets cut.


Somebody slipped -

it's more likely to be the attacker -

allowing Evie to get away. I'm going to check that for fingerprints.

She came out the bathroom, grabbed the phone, maybe to call for help.

Maybe...maybe she threw it at them.

Blood trail here - all the way,

all the way, all the way out the door.

Oh, she buzzed them in!

Possibly knew them. Just saying. Come on. Keep up.

Blood trail. Blood trail.

Blood trail. Blood trail. Blood trail.

Stops here. OK?

We've got a tyre mark.

We've got a footwear mark. I'm suggesting the attacker comes out,

catches up with her, picks her up, chucks her in a car, drives off.

That's impressive.

We'll do a door-to-door

and get a press and online appeal for information out there.

Maybe somebody saw something.
Hope so.

Evie's been on television and radio a few times, hasn't she?

Was she...?

Did she ever receive any hate mail or e-mails or...?

Yes, of course.

People are frightened by what they don't know.

People like...?

Far-right groups, religious groups.

Some feminists.

Can I ask, was Evie in a relationship?


How can you be so sure?

Because we're close.

Always have been.

If there was someone, she would tell me.

This is hers, right?

Just one more thing. Where were you, both of you, this afternoon?

We were having lunch with friends.

At their place.
All day?

No. I went for a walk for a bit.


Thank you.

Double-check times and places, OK?

For both of them. Oh, and the fingerprints.


Um, can I just say something, or am I interrupting?

No, no, go ahead.

You all right?
No. Not really.

None of us are.

Look, I saw your appeal for information about Evie.

Did anyone come forward?

Sorry. I can't give you that information. Not at the moment.

You understand, right?

I don't know if this is relevant,

but there were lots of people in here -

in Evie's office - when we had the fundraiser.

What people?
All kinds of people.

Coming in and out, poking around.

Look, I don't know if that's helpful, but it's her stuff,

so I just thought I should tell you everything while I remember.

Thank you.


jack, have you got something for me?

Yeah. Another possible entry point.

Somebody's tried to force a window, giving us another fingerprint.


And they've left this behind, haven't they?

Hair strand.

The assailant's?
Could be.

Can I have some help, please?

Thomas Chamberlain.

Hi, yeah. Cramer here. Now, we may have another victim.

Not trans this time, but she was coming out of Transaction.

OK. Where do you want us?

No, no, no, she's still alive.

So you may have a witness.

Yeah. She took herself into A&E.

Very nasty wounds to her arms.

We're about to head there now.

Photographs have been taken.

I've forwarded them to you.
All right.

Yeah. Got them. OK.

I'll have a look and get back to you. Yeah? Thanks, bye.


Amy, it's me. Let me in.



Amy, we need to speak. Let me in, darling, please.

Come on, it's freezing.

Please, Amy.

Please just open the door.

Just open the door. Amy, please just open the...


Can I come in?

I don't know.

I miss you so much.

What about your parents?

Well, Dad found it quite tough at first, obviously.

I've got him onside now.

In fact, I'm still trying to shake him off...

Nothing untoward re the prints in the bathroom.

They're all either Evie's or her parents'.

However, there is an interesting one on the pendant.

You've run that through the database?

So, we need your money...

Literally what's happening right here.

Evie Williams from
There's no match yet.

You don't fancy women now, do you?

Evie Williams told me this thing -

that gender is who you go to bed as.

Sexuality's who you go to bed with.

I want to go to bed with you.

Well, you're not going to.

Can't you just role-play Nick Marlow for the rest of your life?

We could pretend.

Except that's what you did.

Not everything. I didn't pretend everything.

Do you know what this feels like?

It's like you've had an affair with another woman...

...but that woman is you.

And affairs make people... very, very selfish.

They just think about themselves.

Right, then. This is Beth Roscoe. The surviving victim.

Same attacker?

I think it could be, yeah.


Deep slash wounds.

Possibly defensive?

The same ragged edges as the Rico Abbey wounds?

Hard to tell without seeing her in person, isn't it?

The fingerprint from the Williams' window is a match

with a guy called Toby Logan.

The hair - well, without the hair root I can't extract DNA,

but judging by the hair shaft, the colour's a match.

And the print on the pendant Evie was wearing is a match

with this guy, Nick Marlow.

Arrested in '04 for being drunk and disorderly.

Two strong leads.

Nice work.

Right, we need to get these over to Cramer and Murphy.

They're interviewing a possible witness now.

People were talking about an attack that happened.

Is this that...? Is this that guy?

It's possible that leaving Transaction

was enough to make you a target.

You think he's got something against the helpline?

You just take it easy. It's all right.

Look, before I answer that,

can I ask you about his voice? Did he speak?

And the knife? Can you describe that?

It was...

It was a knife...a knife, you know?

Yeah, but just...how big?

L...l don't know.

He...he grabbed me first from behind.

L...l thought there was someone coming...

Do you think that's why he left you alone?


You told the uniformed officers,

the ones who interviewed you first,

you gave them a description of your attacker.

Could you do that again for me, please?

Firm, yeah..

He had a...long dark coat...


boots, like big, working boots...

...a black beanie.

Not very tall. Like 5' 8", 5' 9".

Was he white? Black?


I'm going to have to ask you to come down the station, if that's OK.

Police! Stop!

Put your arms behind your back.

Nick Marlow?
Hey, hey...

Hey, whoa, whoa! I've not done
...suspicion of m*rder.

Toby Logan, I'm arresting you on suspicion of m*rder.

Agh! Agh, that's tight!
Calm down, sir.

What's going on? I've not done anything.

Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand?

Get him out of here.

Professor Chamberlain.

I'm a pathologist. I need to run a few tests,

just to cross-check with what we've got on file.

I'll also need to take swabs.

Could I ask you to remove your clothing, please?

Hand each item to me one at a time.

Start with your footwear.

Here you are.

Put this on.

We need to take a swab. DNA.

Open, please.

Thank you.

What gender pronouns are you going to use for me in your report?

What would you like me to use?




I work in a bank.
As a cashier?

I'm Business Affairs Manager, actually.

So, what do you do at Transaction?

I hear about people with money

who are looking for charities to support,

so I introduce them to Evie.

I'm not trans myself.
Did you know that?

But I have family who are.

Military tolerant, are they, of trans people?

With the Army, you get what it says on the tin,

and if it says tolerant and inclusive,

it's because they're tolerant and inclusive.

And you've told your colleagues,

have you, that you think of yourself as a woman?

Why is this relevant?
You do, though, don't you?

Think of yourself as a woman?


Even though you've got the body and the life experience of a man?


So, how well do you know Evie Williams?

A little.

When was the last time you saw her, then?

At the fundraiser.

Tell us about Evie Williams.

She, um...

She-she saved my life.

Or the helpline did.

Where's this going?

Did you leave the fundraiser

before or after her?

Before or after?

After that, what did you do?

I went back to work and then I went home.

So where is Evie now?
How would I know that?

And where is she?
I don't know.

Where is she?
I don't know.

Why am I being subjected to this?

Your fingerprint was found on a window where she lives,

so we thought maybe you'd seen her.

Well, I've never been in that apartment.

But you've been outside it? When?

I don't know.

We found an item at Evie Williams'

home address with your fingerprint on it.

What item?
How did it get there?

How do I know unless I know what item?

I ran the cloakroom at the fundraiser.

I helped her out of her coat.

Maybe that's how it got there.

I went there a couple of clays ago to drop off some information

about someone who wanted to support the charity.

She wasn't in.

So, what, you thought you'd try the windows?

I looked inside, yes.

Thought maybe she didn't hear the bell.

I mean, does Marlow really think that changing his gender

is going to solve all his
Well, I...

I think it's more fundamental than solving any old problem, don't you?

Yeah, well, if he tries to use gender dysphoria or mental illness

or whatever to get off...

Being trans is not an illness. Look, we'll process the DNA samples

and the fingerprints. We'll get straight back to you.

Terrific. Thanks.
So, you think Marlow's guilty?

Depends if his story checks out.

Depends if her story checks out,

which, let's face it, it might well do.

Let's get to it, yeah?


Do you want to check downstairs?
Yeah, sure.

Yes, ma'am.

Will you bike this over to the Lyell for me?

Right away, ma'am.


Hiya. Cramer here.

You got anything for me?

Yeah. The hair strand from Evie

is a colour match with the sample we took from Toby Logan.

Great. We've sent you a knife we found in his boat.

Could you compare it with the victim's wounds?

Yeah, we'll get on to that.

So, what's outstanding on Marlow? Anything?

Nothing forensically to link him

to the crime scenes, apart from that fingerprint on the pendant.

OK. Thanks.

Thank you.

Right, so there's nothing to hold him on, then.

Let's bail Marlow.
Are you sure, guv?

Yes, we have got our prime suspect.

Do you like Russian dolls, Mr Logan?

This is Logan's knife.

A heavy-duty sailing knife.

15mm serrated rope blade.

Nikki, have you got the postmortem photographs

of Rico Abbey?

Jack, can you get me in tighter on that blade?


Thank you.


The spacing between the serrations might correlate.

The depth...I'm not so sure.

So, what can we say?

All we can say with certainty is that the knife that k*lled

Rico Abbey was serrated, and Toby Logan's got a serrated knife.

So do millions of other people.

You should sue them.

They treated me OK.
They arrested you!

They had their reasons.

It's fine. It's over.

Something that policeman said.

How can I think of myself as a woman

when I've got the body and experience of a man?

Did you tell him to piss off?

He's got a point, though, hasn't he?

People say stuff, and do you face them down? No.

You hate yourself just a little bit
I don't hate myself, Kelly.

I hate...this situation.

Feeling like this.

I know I say I've always felt like a woman

but I don't know how that actually feels, really.

Do you feel like a woman or a man?

That's the same for anybody.

Whoever you are, you can only feel like yourself.

You can't presume to know what that's like for anyone else,

trans or no.

Come on.

Let's go back to yours, get you out of this,

and then we're going to go see David Stein.

David Stein? Why?

He's in politics, isn't he?

He's a lobbyist for bloody health care.

Whatever! He's got contacts in the police. That'll do.

No, no, no. I'm staying at home tonight.

Sitting there brooding on your own? I don't think so.

Come on.

I think we need to look again at the toxicology on this.


The police asked for routine testing. Nothing else added.

I know, but I've just been watching the CCTV.

So, Rico Abbey is unsteady on his feet, plus he vomited.

Possibly due to alcohol.

Precisely. But Evie Williams hadn't been drinking.

Not according to witnesses, no.
And she was sick too.

Maybe it wasn't just alcohol that caused Rico problems.

Let's add GHB, NPS and fentanyl derivatives to the tox test.

And, er, who'll pay for it?
I'll deal with that.

Oh, and test Marlow and Logan's clothing too. For transference.

All right.

I have it on reliable authority that the police have another suspect.

Toby Logan.
Toby Logan?

There's no way.

That's what they're saying. And there's been another attack too.

They won't say anything about that.

Anyway, the priority is Evie.

Finding her...

Holding Cramer's feet to the fire.

Can you send me them through, please? Right away, if you can.

Right, thank you.



Well, good call.

That was the lab.

Rico Abbey had GHB in his system.

Above the natural level produced postmortem?

Significantly - at 180mg per litre of urine.

Right, which is why he looked so disorientated on the CCTV.

He wasn't just drunk, he'd taken dr*gs.

Or he'd had them given to him.

Yeah, but there were no signs of sexual as*ault, so why spike him?

Maybe to weaken him - make it easier for his assailant.

Also, the attacker could protect themselves. With that quantity,

if the attack failed, then Rico wouldn't be able

to remember anything, would he?

Like Rohypnol, it would be a blank.

It's possible he took it recreationally. it's...a thing.

I've got something.

Powdered GHB -

jacket belonging to a suspect.


Well, that justifies the expense.


I'll call Cramer.

Hi, Thomas Chamberlain here.

We've had some further toxicology back

that changes the picture somewhat.

Rico Abbey had a significant quantity of GHB in his system.


We've also found it on an item of clothing

that Marlow was wearing when he was arrested.

Marlow? Are you sure?

Yeah. Yeah, I'm sure.


Ole. Bye.

Where's Marlow?

Has he been released yet?

Yeah, like you said - a couple of hours ago.

Well, get him back here.

Get to his barracks and his wife's house.

Issue an all-cars and all-ports.

Get him back now!

Shit. Shit, shit!

I'm going to go.

Not to Amy's again.



Look, you've just got to give her a bit of time, yeah?

You haven't come to terms with yourself yet,

so how come you expect her to just accept it straight away?

Babe, I know what it's like to be you.

I really hurt someone that I loved, you know that.

I have to live with that every day.

So don't make the same mistakes that I made.

Go easy on yourself.

And on her.

Small steps.



Amy, there's something I want to say to you.

Are you listening?


I have been a bad person

and I've made you suffer.

Where are you?

I love you, Amy.

I'm going to do my best to drive this out of me.

Everything I can. Do you hear?

So we'll see, yeah?



We'll see.
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