22x06 - To Brighton, To Brighton: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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22x06 - To Brighton, To Brighton: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

That's a foot in a pizza bag.

Let's see if we can find
the rest of this body.

Dismembering a body
by hand is hard work.

It takes time,
not to mention the mess.

You can't tell anyone I was
with you. No more messages.

- I thought you lost your phone.
- Just make sure you lose my number.

If these body parts
are from the same body,

what you're looking at
is an irezumi bodysuit.

So no identifiable DNA,
but we do have the tattoos.

Which we can show to the various
tattooists in Brighton.

- Does this tattooist have a name?
- This is his unique signature.

The carving butterfly.

- Is that the head?
- Left arm. It's an irezumi.

But we already have a left arm.

Excuse me?

He's taking the moped!

A second dismembered body.

Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd
Sync by Marocas62

Season 22 - Episode 06

"To Brighton, To Brighton"
Part 1 of 2

What fun.


Not the yakuza gangster
I was expecting.

Akito Emon?


Akito Emon, I am arresting you
on suspicion of m*rder.

- m*rder?
- You do not have to say anything,

but anything you do say...

- Morning.
- Morning.

This place is so quiet
when no-one else is here.

What's up?


I couldn't sleep.

There's something about this case

Like a jigsaw without a picture.

And we won't know what it is
until we find the final piece,

which is not unlike this little lot.

But I've located two serial numbers,

so we should be able to identify

the vehicles involved
in the accident.

- Morning.
- Morning.

Sorry I'm late.
It's usually the trains,

but this morning, we finally
caught up with the moped driver.

- Did you find the moped?
- No, just the driver.

A young woman
who works for the pizza restaurant.

You think she's involved
with the two murders?

Innocent people don't run.

As you can see, the body's been
extensively disrupted.

It's been decapitated,

and all four limbs removed,

possibly as a result of falling into
the recycling mechanism,

could have happened earlier,
or a combination of both.

I'll examine each body
part to determine exactly...

how it was amputated.

Poor man.

Who could do such a thing?

There's bruising to the chest
and lacerations to the face.

They both exhibit signs of
vital reactions.

That means this man

suffered a number of serious
injuries before he died,

including what appears to be
a sharp-force wound to his abdomen.

There's a s*ab wound,
orientated transversely,

measuring 4cm long,
with the edges opposed.

It penetrates the skin

and enters deeply into
the peritoneal cavity.

Can you say if it's the same knife
that k*lled the first man?

It's possible, but hard to say
unless we find the knife.

A koi swimming up
a current of water.

Like the first body.

What about the others?

They appear to be from different
parts of the world.

I'll send the images to Heisuke.

The tattoos on the left leg, left
arm and shoulder have been torn,

in some cases partially destroyed,

either by the dismembering
or the recycling process.

I'm hoping, as the search
continues, more parts will turn up

and we can complete the picture.

His body's like a travelogue.

This man travels all over the world

and ends up in a recycling bin

in a back street in Brighton.

- Nine o'clock.
- OK.

This is Akito's room?

You will see she has got
something of a shrine to her family.

She wants to be a surgeon,

- What is it?
- Pizza bags.

Let's see.

Dirty washing.

One for colours,
one for whites.

Piracetam, Modafinil.

She's got attention
deficit disorder?

Possibly, but judging
by the quantity,

I'd say it was more likely she was
selling them on.

Keeps you awake,
so you can study longer.

I don't think two men have been
brutally m*rder*d and cut up

for the sake of some students thinking
they'll get better exam results.

- We'll get some dogs in.
- Right.

A compass,
a Yale key

and an ignition key on a fob.

Can you find out where it might have
come from?

I'll try. It should tell us
what make of vehicle at least.

£6.40 in coins

and a very bloody £20 note.

Any credit cards?
A wallet?

Not yet. Chances are
they fell out in the bin

or the recycling centre or during
the fight that put him there.

Anything else on the clothing?

Apart from a lot of blood...

There are these spatters of blood
at the top of the shirt.

- Won't they have come from the man himself?
- Possibly.

The pattern, though,

suggests blood coming
from another source.

You mean from the person or people
who att*cked him?

Just got to swab your hand.

May I?

Is that a cigarette burn?

You told us you were att*cked
in Dover Street at around 7pm.

He threw me to the ground.
I was in shock.

Is that how you got those bruises?

They look more recent to me.

Has someone been hurting you, Akito?

My crash helmet has got a camera on it.
That will prove that I'm not lying.

And where might this
crash helmet be, Akito?

The man took it with the bike.

Could this alleged incident
have happened in Church Street?

No. I didn't go to
Church Street that night.

We found these under
your bed, Akito.

16 packs of Modafinil,

21 packs of Piracetam.

I give them to my friends.

And where do you get them from?

I buy them from someone, OK?
I don't know their name.

We found these
at the rubbish dump.

Just like the ones we found
under your bed.

I deliver pizzas
for this restaurant.

The pizza bag had a man's
dismembered foot in it.

Both the bag and the pizza box
have your fingerprints on them, Akito.


..we want to help you.

We'll believe everything you say

when you start telling us
what really happened.

If I tell you the truth, Detective,
they will k*ll me.

Akito is claiming that her bike
was stolen at around 7pm

on that Thursday night in Dover Street.

But look at this...

taken at 8.46.

She clearly didn't clock
the CCTV camera

on the neighbouring house
she was delivering to.

Was she mistaken about the time,
or is she lying?

Well, the restaurant will have
a record of deliveries she made

and what time she made them,
won't they?

- True.
- Pig bones!

You say the nicest things,

Find out if the saw Jack found

was used to dismember
both those bodies.

They're in the cold store.

That saw has been examined for
all trace evidence, hasn't it?

And we're awaiting
the results...

- That's right.
- Thank you.

It's Matt!

Do you want to...?

No. It's fine.

You know you can talk to me.
To any of us.

I know, I know.

You seem a little preoccupied.

Everything's fine.


I just...
thought I was pregnant...

and I'm not.

And Matt doesn't know.

It's a conversation we need
to have face to face.


Yes, I can.

See you shortly.

That was Andrew Dewey.
He wants to speak to me.

Said it was urgent.

Organise a search of Stephen's
house, get some DNA.

And Andrew's.
Both had access to apartment 3.

Let Akito stew for a bit.
She might talk then.

You really think Akito
k*lled those two men?

Chopped them up?

One thing you learn
from this job:

people are capable of anything.

The broken plastic you found
in Church Street...

- Got a match?
- The front light

and indicator belong
to a Peugeot moped.

The same model Akito
was riding that night.

- And what did it collide with?
- It was a Ford van.

Pre 2008.

There was a man.
He came in looking for Stephen.

He said he'd called but got no
answer, so he came here.

He seemed really upset,

and yesterday, when you asked
if Stephen had a tattoo,

I remembered the man
had one on his arm.

- What kind of tattoo?
- It looked like a fish.

- Just here.
- Could it have been... Japanese?

Like this one?

Yeah, that's it.
Is that the dead man?

Could you describe him?

Taller than me. Broader.
Looked like he worked out.

Do men often come in here
looking for Stephen?

Stephen's not like me.

He's older, for a start.
He still likes the scene.

- He's always swiping right.
- How does that make you feel?

I knew what he was
like when I met him,

but meeting randoms...

I've been att*cked before,

and last year,
someone was nearly k*lled.

And yet Stephen still does it?

I don't know.

We've not been together long,
and he's so secretive.

- Never tells me anything.
- That can't be easy.

I found this.

Stephen sometimes lets people

rent the holiday apartments
without telling the owners.

The business isn't doing too well.

Stephen sublets
the flats for cash?

And I found this for last week.

MK. Apartment 3.

Look, I don't want
to get Stephen in trouble.

- Do you know who MK is?
- No.

Sir, MK was booked into
apartment 3 last Thursday.

Thanks for this.

- You lied to me.
- No. I'm not police.

We just need to know if you
recognise any of these tattoos.

Bex, please...

It's MK.

It's the phoenix.

It was the first one he had done.

I'm sorry I misled you, Bex.
It wasn't my intention.

We believe that MK's been m*rder*d,

and we need you to help us
with the investigation.

I've known MK since we were kids.

He was adopted.

I don't know what his real parents
ever did to him but...

sometimes you could really see
the little boy reaching out.

He ran away all the time.

And when he was younger,
of course,

he was always brought back,
but then...

Is that when he got into dr*gs?

It was like he was trying to
erase everything.

His past, his memories.

He would just...

One night, he died.

His heart stopped beating
in the back of a taxi.

The hospital managed to bring him

Hence the phoenix.

He said it was like he'd been given
a second chance,

which is why he wanted that tattoo.

And it's how he met
an Irezumi Master

who inspired him to change his life.

Devote it to Irezumi.

He's always been an amazing artist.

Do you know who this man might be?

MK went to college with him.

Steve something.

- You sure?
- Yeah. I never liked him.

When MK came to Brighton,
he used to stay with him.

He was into all sorts of shit:

poppers, ketamine, coke.

Has he got something to do
with MK's m*rder?

We don't know.

Do you have any idea
where we might find him?

I haven't seen him for years.

Is this MK?


He was here a couple
of weeks ago

working on an Irezumi.

If you could get us some names

and contact details
for anyone he knew...

clients, people from his past.

People like Stephen,
who had history with him.

- Blood pressure?
- 150 over 90.

Did dermatology
come and see her?

We're waiting on the results.

We need another access line.

Let's get some fluid running quickly.

- I've spoken to your parents, Akito.
- No, I told you...

They were surprised
you'd been delivering pizzas

and that you'd got yourself involved
in selling dr*gs.

I lost all the money they gave me
for college.


I had no choice.

Can you describe the man
who att*cked you?

I don't know.
It was dark.

He pushed me down to the ground,

and then I ran.

I saw him ride away,

he had my crash helmet on.

He was wearing shorts.

- Shorts?
- Yes. I... I think so.

We're investigating a double m*rder.

- In English!
- I did not m*rder anyone.

Please believe me.

What really happened?

Last Thursday night,

I went down to the marina.

The man I buy the
prescription dr*gs from,

he called me to come down.

He had a package for me.

I parked my moped so the
cameras could not see me

and I went to the boat,

but when I got back to my bike,
the man att*cked me.

He took my bike,
the helmet, the package...

I thought you were going to
tell us the truth, Akito.

Sir, you need to see this.

Detective Sergeant Holden
has come in.

Interview stopped at 14.03.

The remains of a Sea View Pizza
crash helmet...

with camera,

though I'm not sure
you'll get any images from it.

Max might be able to.

- Good idea.
- All right.

Have you not done it yet?

Patience is a virtue, my love.

It's corrupt.


Hang on.
Hold on!

Look, there's some fragments of
photos, videos...

- OK...
- GPS metadata.

That's Akito's moped at the marina.


- Jack?
- Clarissa?

On the CCTV images,

Akito is carrying the pizza
box away from the boat.

And from the clips we've salvaged
from the helmet cam,

she hides her bike
by the dry dock.

OK, thanks.

This is where Akito parked her moped,

away from CCTV cameras.

Now look at this.

It's from the camera
on Akito's crash helmet.

Turns out she was telling the truth.

From prescription dr*gs to cocaine?

Cocaine that was then stolen.

Could that have been the
drug dealers attacking her?

According to Clarissa, on the CCTV,
no-one comes out of the boat

to follow Akito, but watch this.

He's running up here
towards Akito.

So, who is that?

The last signal taken from Stephen's
phone was from here in the marina,

just minutes before Akito was att*cked.

That noise goes right through
the building.

OK, so there's no DNA or trace
evidence on the saw, but...

judging by these kerf marks,

either this saw or a saw exactly
like it was used

to dismember MK's body.

Now, the second body,
as far as I can tell,

was dismembered
both by the lorry

that took it
to the recycling centre

and the machinery at the centre itself.

Lab's confirmed that both men's DNA
is on the knife.

So, what have we got?

Two men stabbed by
exactly same knife,

dumped into bins 50 metres apart
in the same street.

Well, we also have a possible k*ller.

The blood spatters
on the second man's shirt -

they belong to Stephen Fraser.

Was this the man who came into
the office looking for Stephen?

Have you found him?

Blood found on this man's shirt
matches Stephen's DNA.

- Do you know this man, Andrew?
- No.

Just that he came into the office.

Stephen knows lots of men,
old friends, exes.

Brighton seems to be full of them.

And what about this man?

I've seen his photo.

He's a friend of Stephen's
from years ago.

Is this MK?

- So you do know him?
- No. I've never met him.

Stephen likes to keep
his past to himself.

This is the diary we found
in Stephen's desk.

This is your handwriting,
isn't it, Andrew?

We had it analysed.

- The writing in this diary...
- Is mine, yes.

And I put it into Stephen's desk

because why should I
take the blame for it?

It wasn't me taking the cash.

Perverting the course of justice...

Look, I just panicked.

And did Stephen make you change all
the invoices and the payment details?

And the e-mails to the owners,
lying about...?

I did it for Stephen.
For the business.

I wanted to feel important to him.

When did you last see Stephen?

A few days ago, he called me.

Instead of going out as we'd planned
for my birthday,

he was meeting yet another old
friend on his boat,

but when I asked who it was
and why hadn't I been invited,

he just told me to grow up.
I'm sick of it.

Who was he meeting, Andrew?

I don't know.

What was the name of the boat?

I don't know.



There's a bag.

Cherry blossom falls...

scattered by the four great winds.

Life is but fleeting.

Mark Kenneth Blakewood,

better known as MK.

MK flew into Gatwick from Tokyo
on Thursday morning.

We know apartment 3 was
booked for MK that night.

We also believe MK's
dismembered body

was picked up by a dustbin lorry
on the Friday morning.

Anything more on the Ford van
that collided with the moped?

We're checking CCTV.
There was some blue paint

on the moped lights,
possible transference.

We'll need more than that
if we're ever going to identify it.

These are postmortem photographs
of the second body we've found.

That has yet to be identified.

Have we found it all yet?

No. Some of it's still missing.
Maybe we'll never find them.

Yeah. Neither his
fingerprints nor his DNA

- are on either database.
- And nothing from Missing Persons,

though we know a man
matching his description

walked into the Fraser Property
Agency looking for Stephen

on Thursday afternoon.

Stephens's business
is on the verge of bankruptcy.

As well as fraudulently
renting out apartments,

there's also evidence of
money-laundering and false accounting.

Did Stephen invite MK over here in order

to conduct some kind of lucrative drug
deal that then went horribly wrong?

Another line of enquiry is Stephen's
boyfriend Andrew

who, two years ago, was cautioned
for stalking an ex-boyfriend.

He knew MK was coming
to Brighton,

- he has access to the apartments.
- A blue Ford van!


is a...

You think it could be the
same one?

- What are you doing?
- Just keep going.

- Are you ready?
- OK.


It's a new cot.
The one you said you wanted.

- We can't afford this.
- Oh, well...

Someone owed me some money.

This is so amazing.



Where were you last Thursday night,
early Friday morning?

I was out with some mates.

Ally had the baby.

A baby girl.

We have witnesses
who say they saw your van

parked in Church Street.

He wasn't in Church Street.
He broke down outside the club.

Is that what he told you?

- Come on. Let's go.
- What's happening now?

We need to make a
search of the house.

Mick's not done anything.

You can search all day long
and you won't find nothing.

Did you get these done locally?

No comment.

Can you remember the name of
the tattooist who did them?

No comment.

We have CCTV images of you
leaving at 3:04 am.

- Does that sound about right?
- No comment.

We have a witness
who said your van

was double parked
in Church Street

- at around 3:30 am.
- No comment.

You received six messages and four
phone calls from your partner Ally

between 3:36 am and 4:52 am,

but no phone calls or messages
from your phone.

No comment.

We found this knife...

at a recycling centre where
a second body was discovered.

Your fingerprints are on the handle.

- I ask you again...
- I can tell you what happened.

I saw the knife lying in the road,
and I thought it looked dangerous

so I threw it in a bin.

The piece of blood-soaked cloth

I found at the recycling depot...

Are you going to ask me if I
examined it?

Well, I do wonder what it is
you do all day.

It matched the dead man's blood,

but the cloth also contained oil
paint, turpentine, white spirit.

And the bin liner?

It too matched the
blood of the dead man,

so too his fingerprints.

What about the striation marks?

Well, they didn't match
any of the bin liners

found with the body parts in them,
and until we find

the roll from which it came,

there's very little point...

You're now going to tell me
you've found a roll of bin liners,

and you're holding them
in an evidence bag.

Do you recognise these, Mick?

No comment.

I didn't know this, but bin liners
have unique striation marks,

from the machine that makes them

and we found a bin liner
with a man's blood on it.

These striation marks match exactly.

A bin liner?

Are you serious?

I'm as surprised as you are.

But we know you were there, Mick.

We've spoken to your ex, Keryn.
You drove her home.

Your fingerprints are on the knife.

And the bin liner covered with
the dead man's blood

matches bin liners
found in the back of your van.

On the Thursday night,

I went out with some
mates to a club.

Some bloke on a moped drove into me.

I got out to have a look.
I could see that it was bad.

He had a knife in his stomach.

There was a lot of blood.

So I helped him into
the back of the van.

I knew I was well
over the limit,

so I thought I could get him
to the hospital myself.

Then the van wouldn't start...

Come on!



I'll be right there, love.

I asked the bloke in the back

if he knew someone I could call
to help him get to hospital but...

- Did you ask his name?
- He... he wasn't making much sense.

Come on, wake up!

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit!

- And then you dumped him in a bin?
- I thought he was dead.

He was covered in blood.
What else could I do?

Call the police,
call an ambulance.

You might have saved his life,

I had to get home. Ally was having
our baby. I promised her.

- I thought you said your van
had broken down.
- I thought it had, but then...

I'd just stalled it,
then I couldn't get it started.

I panicked.
I just had to get home.

My baby girl...

You've told us about
one dead man, Mick.

Now tell us about the other man.

After you left the nightclub,
where did you go?

I-I've told you what happened.

Another man was m*rder*d on the same
night, just 50 metres away.

He, too,
was stuffed into a rubbish bin.

We know there was no activity
on your phone

for over 90 minutes.

What were you doing in Church Street
for an hour-and-a-half?

I was with Keryn.

She told us you just drove
her home and then left...

No, she's just telling you that

because I told her not to say anything.

I was with her... you know?

You were with Keryn while Ally was
giving birth to your baby?

It should never have happened.
None of it should.

It's like I suddenly woke up,

and Ally was having the baby.

I was going to be a dad
and I just knew,

in that moment, I had to change.

I just had to be there.

That's why I had to get rid of him.

I'm sorry.

Clarissa Mullery, I presume.

What are you doing here?

I was looking for my wife.

We were meant to be having dinner.

You get a piece of evidence...

A key piece of evidence?

And can you find where it fits?

Why don't car manufacturers
just list

the keys that fit
into their cars?

Do you ever regret
not having children?


In all the years we've been married?

I'd understand if you did.

Do you?

It's never been an option for me.
It has for you.

Falling in love with you, Clarissa,

was never an option.

Je ne regrette rien?

Or as they say in Japanese,
koukai nande shinai?

Ai shiteru.


You're looking at me again.

You're here. In my kitchen.

In the middle of the night.

Are you all right?


if I got pregnant, is that
something that you would be...

happy with...?

Are you... pregnant?


I'm not.

You thought you were,
and you're disappointed.

It's not something I've ever
thought about before,

and now I can't stop
thinking about it.

Why didn't you talk to me about it?

Because you have two beautiful children,

who are both doing
brilliantly at college,

and you're on the brink of
this amazing career...

No, I have a beautiful girlfriend,
who's brilliant at her job,

and I was the brink
of an amazing weekend.

Yes, you are.

But seriously, I mean,

why would you want to be
encumbered with a new family?

Encumbered with?

There's nothing that you
and I can ever do

that would ever make
me feel "encumbered."

so if I were to get pregnant...

I mean,
I don't even know if I can.

I know I'm much better
at dealing with people

at the end of their lives
than at the beginning of their lives.

What about dealing with the
middle-aged man that's in your kitchen?

- I can deal with it.
- Listen.

If it happens, that's great.
And if it doesn't...

The police are convinced the man
they have in custody,

- Mick... What's his name?
- Knight.

Yeah, Mick Knight. They're
convinced he k*lled both men.

At the moment,
he's admitting being involved

in the death of the second man,
but not MK.

What do they think happened?

They think Mick
was in Church Street

when he saw MK going into
the holiday apartments.

They both have a history of dr*gs, so...

According to Bex, MK has
nothing to do with dr*gs any more.

Well, the police believe
Mick went into the apartments

either to confront MK about something

or to take advantage of
an ongoing dr*gs deal,

possibly set up
by Stephen Fraser.

Mick then drove off in his van

and it was then that he collided
with a moped rider.

- The moped stolen from Akito?
- Yeah.

Yeah. They want us to go back over
all the evidence we've got

- and see if we missed anything.
- The keys.

I've exhausted every car make,

so I now believe this key
belongs to a boat.

Message from DS Quicke.

Client of MK's in hospital with sepsis.

We put an alert out
on MK's friends and clients.

Carola Brewster,
she went to MK for a tattoo

and was taken ill nine days ago.

She's stopped breathing.


I'm ready to call it.
Anyone disagree?

I thought you lot were finished.

I'm sorry, Mrs. Knight, we're going
to have to search the house again.

Certainly looks like it could be
the work of MK.

Every time the needles
of the tebori

or any needle goes
into the skin,

it's ostensibly opening a wound,

a pathway for germs
to enter the body.

I think this will be the cause
of the sepsis.

- What's her name?
- Carola Brewster.

The blood's been infected
throughout the body...

causing catastrophic organ failure.

The hospital thought she
might have been poisoned

by the inks used for the tattoo.


What have you got?
Thank you.

Detective Inspector?

What are you doing?

This has been identified
as MK's blood.

Can you explain how it got onto
your baby's blanket?

I got rid of it all.

Burned it.

- What are you...?
- Give us a map,

I'll show you.

Help me!


Help me!

We found where you'd burned MK's

the bloodied groundsheet,
the remnants of Japanese tebori.

What I don't understand,

is why you didn't tell
us about these hands.

There was all this stuff
in the back of the moped.

Jack's found some burned hands.

Belonging to MK?

I'll take samples.

Hopefully we'll also get some base
evidence from underneath the fingernails.

The images from the camera were
badly corrupted,

but Max found an MP4 file

and managed to extract the GPS

gyroscope, accelerometer,

temperature, timestamps
and, crucially, co-ordinates.

The moped leaves the marina at 9:16,

travels through Brighton,

finally arriving outside the Church
Street holiday apartments

at 9:29.

DNA underneath MK's fingernails...

belongs to the second dead man.

Having m*rder*d and dismembered MK,

he came out of the apartment
and got onto the moped

he'd stolen earlier
that night from Akito.

He then crashed into the blue van
driven by Mick Knight

and impaled himself on the knife
he was carrying.

Guy Brewster.

Six weeks ago,
Guy's wife Carola went to MK

to have a matching tattoo done.

Bex said it was to celebrate
their new adventure...

travelling around the world
in their boat.

But the tattoo got infected.

Looks like Guy blamed
MK and the inks he used.

So where does Stephen
fit into all of this?

Carola's Dream.

That's what the Japanese
characters mean.

Carola's Dream.



We'll take it from here.

Turns out Stephen was telling
Andrew the truth.

He came here to meet an old friend.

Guy Brewster.

Carola's as good as dead,
and it's all his fault!

Tell me where MK is!


What are you doing?
Where are you going?

Guy went to see Stephen,

believing MK was responsible for
Carola's sepsis.

He assumed Stephen
would know where he was.

Guy leaves Stephen tied up
and heads out to confront MK.

He then sees Akito getting on her
moped, shoves her aside

and steals it.

He then kills MK,
and after disposing of the body,

collides with Mick's van.

Guy blamed MK
for destroying their dream.

He must have been out of his mind
to do what he did.

Yeah. Before he was unceremoniously
dumped into a bin

and then himself dismembered
by the recycling process.

Oh, my God.

What is it?

- Guy was wrong.
- Wrong? What do you mean?

Results are back
from the microbiology lab.

It wasn't MK's inks
that infected Carola.

It was Vibrio vulnificus.

The seaborne bacteria?


We know Carola loved water.

She must have gone swimming in the
sea or a lake or river.

Surely someone must have
told her not to go swimming

so soon after
having the tattoos done.

Can I speak to Hannah Quicke,

What did you think
when Kelly got a tattoo?

Were you cross?

I wasn't cross.

It's her body. She can do what she
wants, it's just...

Don't like it when she does
what she wants?

Being a parent is...

- What?
- Well, it's not easy.

Maybe you'll find out one day.


I love you.

I love you too.

It's 20 years.
Orders have disappeared.

Everyone, including me,

has been so busy just getting on.

Any idea why your father would run?

- He's confused.
- He wants to forget the past.

Forget the dead.

How old would she be now?

She was, what,
eight years younger than you?

Any idea what it is yet?

It's a recurring feature
of handmade IEDs.


Do you think it's possible
it might be active again?

If the k*lling starts,
there's nothing you can do about it.

You can only stay out of the way.

Just leave it alone!

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