25x04 - History - Part Four

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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25x04 - History - Part Four

Post by bunniefuu »

...special adviser.

You come highly recommended
by Sam Ryan.

- You know her?
- From her UN days.

Sam's bringing you into
control the Reynolds enquiry.

Tell me you're not covering
for Tom

because of your guilt.
Tell me that.

I wall things off.
Always have.

But you won't let me in.
Even now.

Come to my apartment
Saturday night

- at nine o'clock.
- On your knees! Get down!

You had to laugh!

- There's the bell.
- Shall we?

- Got our torches?
- Er, yeah.

I'm going as slow as...


What are you doing?

♪ Testator silens ♪

♪ Costestes e spiritu ♪

♪ Silencium ♪

Season 25 Episode 02

Episode Title: "History"
Aired on: April 31, 2022.

♪ Testator silens. ♪


Locals found the body.

Spotted the flames
coming back from the pub

- and investigated.
- Shame they also

danced a West End musical
all over the place.

Well, they said they saw
someone run away, so...

...we'll need photos and casts
of all shoe prints. Yeah?

- Jack.
- Jill! Morning.

Hello again. Dl Raymond,

DS Quinn, this is Simone Tyler.

- Hi.
- Always tricky

saying it good to see you
in these situations.

I am assuming fire damage has
destroyed most of our evidence?

But hopeful not all.

Hets a male?

Clothing and body shape
suggest so, yeah.

Do we know how he was k*lled?

If he was k*lled.

So far all we know
is he was burned.

Always good to be accurate.
But if were agreed Hets dead,

anything look like it caused that?

Er, I won't be able
to confirm anything

until I get him back to the Lyell.

Any ID? Wallet, anything?

Wel I found a bit of paper
in his front pocket.

But it's total burned.

Jack Hodgson.

- You'll stay here?
- All right, guv.

My dad? What's happened?

Um... yeah. Can you stay
with him for now

and give me a call
if anything changes?

Yeah, thanks.
OK, bye. Bye-bye.

Everything OK?
Who was that?

Er, lady called Margaret.

She's calling from a hospital in Belfast.
She's with my dad.

- Why? What's happened?
- He's collapsed.

Yeah, he flew out there
a couple of days ago,

to Belfast, so...

You need to go over?

I don't know.

What about all this?

I'll deal with it.

Jack, serious, go.

Simone's here. We'll be OK.

- You sure?
- Yeah, of course.

OK. Fine.

See you soon.

I thought you might be angry.

That the reaction you usual get

when you ask someone to visit,
then shop them to the police?

To be fair, most people
I ask over aren't wanted men

accused of sh**ting my husband.

I'm sorry.

Vigil were tracking you.

If I didn't help them,
I'd have implicated myself.

Whereas now,
I'm free to operate.

I remember being free.


I want to help.

I can help, now.

You want to help prove I'm innocent?



Then there's someone you
should speak to.

- A journalist.
- God. Another one?

His name...

...is Oliver Me eh an.

The body is that of a male,
unidentified as yet,

found in woodland at the site
of a witnessed fire,

like caused by petrol
or similar accelerant.

There is charring and burning

to what remains of his clothing.

Burns covering almost
all exposed skin.

Some rigidity,

consistent with heat stiffening
in the muscles.

But no marked tendon
contraction or joint flexion

into a pugilistic attitude,

which might be expected from
a more prolonged fire.

There appears to be some
separation of the fingernai.

I can't absolute exclude
fire damage,

but nail separation can take
some weeks after death.

Any areas of skin undamaged by fire

reveal marbling and discolouration.

Signs of decomposition.

- Margaret?
- Jack?

You look like him.

He's slept since we got back.


Look, no of fence,
but why is he here?

Do you mean who am I?

Conor and I knew
each other way back.

- And I used to be a nurse, so...
- Mmm.

Why would a nurse let a sick
man discharge himseff?

Not everyone wants to
end their days in hospital.

- What?
- He's... He's old, son.

And with his heart condition


You didn't know.

Judging by damage to
the skin and clothing,

the fire was fair intense.

But ao fair brief,

given the lack of
internal thermal injury,

probab because the
accelerant ran out.

There's some muscle damage

and shrinkage to
the internal organs,

but not as much as a more
prolonged fire would cause.

And the internal organs
show signs of decomposition.


So I 'd say he'd been dead
for some time before the fire.

Cause of death?

I've taken toxicology
samples for safety.

But I say it was like
the head injury.

A temporal bone fracture
on the right side.

The fire wasn't hot enough
to cause heat fractures,

and the clot doesn't have
the appearance

of a heat haematoma.

The fracture went right across
the middle meningeal artery,

hence the blood clot
and then death.

So someone hit him?

The position of the fracture
makes that like, yes.

A blunt object,
no distinctive markings.

And there was mud
embedded in the wound.

And we still need to work out
who he was.


So, I retrieved DNA
from deep muscle tissue.

We can fast-track it to
the National DNA Database

and the Mispers database.

Any mileage in running
his face through Vigil?

Considering the burn damage,
I think even Vigil

has its limits.

What about a time line?
Decomposition suggests

he's been dead some weeks, yes?

And not just dead.
He'd already been buried.

So, in the soil above the body
I found two types of grass -

meadow foxtail
and false oat-grass.

But the roots had previously
been disturbed.

They look stressed.

Someone dug the grave,

and a little while later,
disturbed it all over again.

Hang on. They buried him,

waited, dug him up again,
then burnt him?

Why would anyone do that?

k*ller got worried?
Wanted to destroy evidence?

Yeah, speculation's fun,

but do we know how long ago
he actually died?

Lucilia sericata. Green bottles.

The ones in the grave just
out of their pupal cases

had underdeveloped wings.

- Meaning?
- Meaning,

judging from the soil
and air temperatures,

plus their normal growth cycle,

I'd say they likely populated
the body four weeks ago.

We can't be sure that happened
immediate post-mortem.

But it does give minimum
time since death.

And how about where he was k*lled?

I still have to analyse
the soil and the seeds

I found on his shoes, but they
weren't from those woods,

so there is a chance that we
can find a match elsewhere.

If we can't match his DNA,
can we use his dental records?

Yes. He has some recent
dental implants

which aren't available on
the NHS, so must be private.

Well, there are a lot
of private dental practices.

OK, fine.

But if anything else comes to mind,
you know where we are.


You real don't need to
call us about work stuff.

I don't want Simone breaking my kit.


- Mm?
- It's jack.

Hi, Jack.

OK. Camera set up?

- Yep.
- Yep.

Paper treated with ammonia?


Do you reckon it'll work?

Let's see, shall we?
Spectral analysis of the paper

- s hould reveal any writing.
- So I just put it under here?

Yep. Then focus it.

So... adjust the settings

till you flood the paper
with infrared light.

Ooh! Wow!

You got something? Readable?

Yeah, it's a phone number
and an email address.

Nice work.

Lean in there. I want to see
how impressed you both look.

Your job's easy, isn't it?


Sure thing.

- Let me know where it leads.
- I will.

Now back to your dad?

Yeah, he's a heart condition.
Brugada Syndrome, it's called.

- Do you know it?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry.
How's he taken it?

Look, I'd better go.


Yeah, me too. Speak later.



DiscLife Renewables.

- Can we "meet the team"?
- Mm.

Jeremy Curran.
Planning Consuant.

Our body?

Or someone who met him.

- I'll call Raymond.
- OK.

You should've told me, Da.

Maybe you get too used
to secrets.

What secrets?

Take it easy.
Take it easy there.

All right?

All right, all right.

Before I took you to England...

...there were pressures
on your ma and me.

I thought that she'd follow.

But... I had to go.

Do you understand?

I had to protect you.

Protect me? What are...
What are you talking about?

Now... this thing is getting worse.

And I just wanted you

to have a chance...

...to speak to her,

- before I...
- Dad, Dad, Dad.

You're not making any sense.
Mum's not alive.

She may be.

She never joined us, jack.

Eventual, it was easier
you thought she was gone.

That's why you came over here.

To find her.

But I... I can't now.



Margaret! Please.
Margaret! Please!

OK. OK, OK. Let him lie back.
You have to. Let him lie back.

You're all right, Conor.
You're all right.

He should be in a hospital.
He needs proper medical attention.

Fine, I'll organise something
for tomorrow.

But meanwhile
all he needs is rest.

You're all right, love.

You're OK.

Yeah... Yeah. Good thanks.

We've found a private dental
practice near the company offices.

And they've confirmed
treating Jeremy Curran.

So it's like Jeremy
is our deceased.

Well, they're sending over X-rays

and dental charts to make sure.
Oh, and his family address.

Thanks, Rob.
Sorry to keep you.

Caroline Bergqvist?

I'm DI Raymond.
This is Dr Alexander.


Er, Rob said you were asking
about Jeremy?

Yes, that's right.
I'm afraid he's not here.

We haven't heard from him in...
Well, weeks.

Why not?

He sent a message.
Some sort of family crisis?

Said he needed to take some time.

That's not unusual?

Well... these things happen.

I mean, there's never a good
time to go a man down,

but construction on our latest
solar farm is nearly complete.


Well, we're going to need to
search his office.

And could Dr Alexander take
fingerprints and a DNA sample?


From me?

It's purely voluntary.

For elimination purposes.

No, but I don't understand.

What exactly's happened?

I'm afraid we've found a body.
And we believe it to be Jeremy.

Oh, my God.


Y-Yes, of course, then.

I'm sorry.

Um, will you excuse me?

It's linseed.

Hello to you to0.

From the shoes.

And the soil

is moisture-retentive...

...sandy loam silt.

Tons of organic matter in it.

So what's happening with you?

We've got an office to search

and possib a home address
for Jeremy.

OK. Would you like me
to step in for Jack?

No, I'll be OK.

I've even lugged his bag
over here with me.

Yeah - I think he adds rocks
to that thing, you know,

just for the, er, gains.

I'll speak to you later.

Mm-hm-hm-hm. Bye.


No tea for us? Absolutely not.

Well, it's not exactly a hive of

but the neighbours say they haven't
seen Jeremy for several weeks.

Use-by date on this milk agrees.

- Went off three weeks ago.
- Any sign of a struggle?

No. Or any blo0d.

OK. We're getting access
to phone records

so we can do a cell-site analysis.

I am on bank cards too, guv.
And wetll check ANPR hits

- for his car.
- What about next of kin?

Parents are dead,
sister in America.

We're trying to reach her.
You'll get us full results?

So0n as we can.

I called the agency.

They're sending a nurse.
And an IV drip

- for pain medication.
- Thanks.

He wants me to find Mum.

Yes. That's why contacted me.

- I couldn't help.
- You're not friends with her?

She was my best friend.

But we lost touch.

Years ago.

Losing her family
was difficult for her.

Hm. She's the one
never made contact.

What did Conor tell you about that?

He said something
about protecting us.

Do you know what he meant by that?

Look... I took Conor in
for old times' sake.

But if you want to hear
Eleanor's side,

- you need to speak to Eleanor.
- How?

Crossways I nn?

Where your dad collapsed.

Why'd he go there?

Eleanor used to visit there
years back.

It was a kind of meeting place
for people from both sides.

We can definitely confirm I D, then?

Yes. DNA samples from jeremy's
flat match our corpse,

as do your dental charts and X-rays.

Good. There's more.

We found a second
toothbrush at the flat,

with different DNA on it,
which we could ao match...

To his boss, Caroline Bergqvist?

Yes. She came into

the station an hour ago.
Confessed to having

a sexual relationship with Jeremy.

Why didn't she tell us straight off?

Well, shets his boss, older.
She says no-one knew.

OK. Wel fingerprints, then.

Most of the we found
were Jeremy's.

Also some from Caroline,
which makes sense now.

And then there were these,

from a whisky bottle that I dusted.
And we got a hit on them.

An Lain Jarrett.

On the database
due to a driving of fence.

Any connection to Jeremy?

Er, none that we know of.

But we do have an address.

And look where it is.

Burial site's here.

Lain Jarrett lives on a farm here.

Could be the source of the soil
and seeds on Jeremy's shoes.

Better pay lain Jarrett
a visit, then.

DiscLife Renewables?
There was someone visited.

Months ago now. J im... someone?

- Jeremy Curran?
- Sounds right. We weren't interested.

Mum? Dad?

What's going on?

It's the police, love. Why?

This is Charlie. Our daughter.
She works the farm with Lain.

At the operation at Oversham Woods,

I'm afraid we found human remains.

Of Jeremy Curran.

So you met him, but werentt
interested in a solar scheme?

Well... maybe initial.

But he was talking about

covering up acres of arable
land with solar panels.

I... I floated the idea to Dad.
His feelings were pretty clear.

Your dad?

Yeah. I moved back to run
things a few years ago.

After Mum died.
My Dad's retired, more or less.

But he's still the legal tenant,
so his cal uimate.

And as long as the land's
jarrett land,

he wants it putting food on tables.

Then why see Jeremy again?

We didn't.

Yeah. I, er... I did.


That union meeting
in town a month ago.

He was there.

So I gave him a lift home afterwards.

And stopped in for a drink?

We found your prints in his flat.

Wel yeah. Yeah.
He offered me a quick drink.

Someone you barely knew?

I was just being friend.

Well, we can check up
on all of that.

We'll need a list of your
farm workers, Mr Jarrett.

Plus any campers
in the past few months.

And we've a warrant to conduct
a full search of the farm.


And who the hell are you?

Oh, God. Sorry!
Er, I'm Simone Tyler.

Er, sorry. I'm working
with the police.


Yeah, they're speaking
to the farmer.

My son.

Well, I was just exploring

and I came across
your lovely garden.

It's gorgeous.

Is that a purple hop bush?


Wow. Must be some work,

keeping this all looking so nice.

Hardly compares to running a farm.

Lain hopes it'll stop me

Mmm. But it doesn't, does it?


Farmers never retire.
Too used to the fight.

The fight?

Always a fight, young lady.

Pulling life out of the ground.

Hello, Mr Purple Hop Bush.

It's great to hear that jomo
is recovering so wel Sam.

But why do I get the suspicion
that this

was more than pure
a social invitation?


...I'd love to hear your thoughts
on the recent political shift.

What the new Health Secretary
might mean for us.

- For Unitas?
- Mm.

Wel I won't lie.

The waters are lo0king
a little... stormy.

Is there any way of making
that sailing smoother?

I don't think you'll like it.

What if you were to relax
your principles... a little?

Give up some independence
in return for

the support of someone
offering... political security.

Sounds like you
have someone in mind.

The Home Office's golden
boy right now is obvious

the chap behind Vigil. Ethan Daley.

Very hard to knock anyone
he's backing.

Sounds like we should meet.

That's exact what I was thinking
and I would love to make it happen.

But what would jomo think?

I can be very persuasive, Oscar,

if needs be.
Let's do it.

You know, I had to pull out all
the stops to fast-track your...

...meeting with Tom.

I trust that went as you hoped?

It can't have been easy,
with your... shared past.

You've no need to worry about Tom.

I needed to look him in the eye
and see what he had to say.

It's all been sorted now.

Picking you up? No problem.

Thank you for coming.


Yeah, he's... weak.

- There you go.
- Thank you.

How's about you? You well?
Not bad. Yourself?

- Aye, grand.
- What can I get yous?


Orange juice?


Yeah, good shout.

Pint of lager, vodka orange, please.

Actually, I'm looking for
someone who comes in here,

or used to come in here.
Family member.

Youtre not the first person asking.

There was an old guy
in here a few days ago.

Yeah. My dad.

He keeled over. Is he all right?

No, not really.

Sorry, I dontt recognise her.

No? OK.

It was a long shot.

What is it?

It's her. That's Mum.

- Excuse me?
- Mm - hm?

Do you know this guy?

Aye, that's Eamonn.

If you hang around long enough
youtll probably see him.

They got no right.
Crawling all over!

They've got a warrant, Dad.

What on earth are the
campers going to think?

That's what you're worrying about?
City folks

- and their damn bell tents?
- All right.

Let's not get into it.


Since when was that farming?

It's called diversification, Dad.

How come Charlie
never gets this grief

when she comes up with new ideas?

Cos she knows what she's doing.

She's got a feel for it.

I'm going back to the shed.

OK. Put that in there.

Found anything?


Eamonn Madigan. That's you, right?


Back before this.

Was it an accident?

I was transporting a device.
It went off.

Still. Could've k*lled me.

Helped me decide to back
the peace process, after prison.

He says it was a b*mb. His b*mb.

So what's this all about?

Eleanor Hodgson.
Yeah, that's right.

She's my mum.

Your mum? Yeah.

Right. Well...

She hung about a bit
back in the early '9os.

Was chatty with some of
the higher-ups.

Higher-ups? IRA?

Where is she now?

Oh. Don't know.

I saw her a few times
after I was released.

But I heard she'd a few problems.

Was in Dunkeenan. The hospital.

He doesn't know.

Good thing I brought this beauty.

I thought we were lo0king for
a m*rder site.

This is perfectly good arable land.

But it's been left uncultivated.

So? I spoke to lain Jarrett
and he said

a scheduled ancient
monument below here.

A Bronze Age barrow,
marked out by that trig point.

I think the guv might
want to deal with

our 21st-century corpse first,
before we find a Bronze Age one.

Well, if we do find a Bronze
Age body, I'd be delighted.

But this doesn't look like
any barrow I've ever seen.

And there's nothing listed
in the historic environment record.

Why did lain say there was one?


What is it?

Just below this layer here,

the soil's less compacted.

Like you'd see in...

I think we need Nikki
out here, and, er...

Yeah. I'll call the guv.

Not Bronze Age, then.

Wearing these shoes?

No. But it is ful

So longer in the ground
than Jeremy?

Much longer.

Do you know how long?

Sorry. Can't be sure yet.

Oh, yeah. Until you
get it back to the Lyell.

I know.

Whatts going on?
What have you found?

Human remains, Mr Jarrett,

so you need to step away
for now, OK?

We'll come and find you later.



Hey. How are you doing?

- I've been thinking about you.
- You have?

- Same here.
- How are things?


Your dad?

Ah, families, eh?

Can I help?

Don't worry about it.
It's not your mess, Nikki.


How's the case?

Er... complicated.

But don't worry about it.

Nikki, er...

No, you need to concentrate on
whatever's going on over there.

Nikki? Er, lo0k,

I'm real sorry,
but I think I need to go.



Bye-bye, bye.

Nikki? Yeah, yeah.

Good guess.

I love her?


"So why aren't you letting her in?"


Come on. Let's go.

Go on, get out of here.

We need to clear up
a few things, Mr Jarrett.

For instance, finding a body

instead of your scheduled
ancient monument

that doesn't exist.

I thought it did.

And then therets Jeremy Curran.
Linseeds and soil on his shoes

match samples from your farm.



After Jeremy visited, we...

- We kept in touch.
- Why?

My father says farming's
in the blood.

It's not in mine.

Youtre saying you were interested
in the solar scheme?


- But we've got an AHA agreement.
- Sorry, what's that?

It means heavy protections
for tenants.

It means there's a guaranteed
succession after Dad.

And it means it's near
impossible for landlords

to terminate a lease,

unless the land's required
for use other than agriculture.

Are you saying you wanted
your farm repossessed?

I called Jeremy, I...

...went to his flat, and...

...suggested he approach
the landlord directly.

You advised cutting out your father

and giving the farm up
for development.

- Can I help you?
- Hiya.

I had a question about
a patient who stayed here.

Eleanor Hodgson.

Eleanor? Yes. Mm-hm.

You wanted to visit her?

No, I... Wait.

You're saying she's here?

Now? As a patient?


Sorry, what's your
connection with her?

I, er...

Sorry. Sorry.

So from the shape of
the pelvis and the skul

particular the orbits and brows,

zygomatic arches, lower jaw,

occipital prominence

and the slope of the forehead,

this is a Caucasian male.

DI Raymond will want to know
cause of death.

Course she will.
And there is a skull fracture.

But I can't be sure that
it didn't occur post-mortem.

The pressure of impacted earth.

Well, the plant roots are oak.
I did an age estimation.

And they're at least 40 years old.

And the teeth have
good-quality amalgam fillings,

which narrows his date of
birth to within the last

1OO years. All right.

Anything else?

Whoever he was, he was tall.

A high-vaued palate
in the upper jaw.

Long, slender fingers.

The grandfather. Ezra.

Was he tall

Yeah, very tall.

Could it be a relative?

Is he awake? Asleep.

Cara with him?
Yeah. And the nurse.

Are you coming in? I found her.

I found Mum.

I'll get my coat.

OK. Right. Cheers.

Any luck?

We checked birth records.

There was an Anthony J ulius Jarrett,

born 25th February, 1947.
Ezra Jarrettts older brother.

But then Ezra
took over the farm?

While Anthony drops off
the historical record.

What happened?
He just went missing?

Therets just nothing. No census
records, employment, passports.

No death certificate?

No. And the farmts
tenancy agreement

initially had Anthonyts name
for the succession.

It was changed to Ezrats.

We need to talk to Ezra.

Where's your father, Mr Jarrett?

What? I thought...
He's in his hut.

Tell me about your uncle.

What uncle?

Ezra's older brother. Anthony.

I don't... I haven't got an uncle.

The bones in the field.


No. I just...

I need some air. Lain.

I'll go.

She's my daughter.
He brings her straight back. OK?

Never thanked you.

For looking after him,
after 30 years or whatever.

Your father and me...

I was closer to him than
I've been anyone, then or since.

Maybe I should have told him that.

Otherwise you're just
left with the what-ifs.


But he chose Eleanor.

And, oh, jack, she was so smart.

So passionate.

You know she worked
for her family business?

Chain of pharmacies?

They're all sold off now.

But back then, they had branches
all over the province.

They deal with all kinds
of people.

And things were starting
to change then.

Late '8Os, the ear '9Os.

- Politically?
- Yeah.

Talk of ceasefires.

A peace process.


Painful slow.

While people went on dying.

Eleanor was go0d at
gaining trust.

She became a conduit.

Bringing information
from paramilitaries

to the security forces
and back.

She was trying
to move things on.

I mean, of course she to0k
her life in her own hands,

you know? She could have
been accused of being a spy,

or a tout.

Dad knew this? Yeah.

And he fe trapped.

He admired her bravery,
loved her for it, even. But...

...he was very frightened for her.

And for you.

And then his sister was k*lled.

Aunt Rosie, in a bombing, yeah.

Conor just wanted to leave.

He begged Eleanor.

But she fe that
a breakthrough was close.

And then one morning...

...he found a device under his car.

Eleanor was away.

It would've got him... and you.

My God. I remember that, I think.

He bundled you over the water.

When she found you'd left,

and heard about the device,

she had a breakdown.

She'd near k*lled her kids.

She stayed with me for
a few stretches, but...

Ach, she needed professional help.

She was trying to save lives.


But she chose that.

And Dad chose us.

Sometimes there's no right decision.

I don't know how she is, son,

and I don't know
what state she's in.

But your father...

He wants you to know her.

Look what I've found.

Dr Alexander!

Lain and Charlie have disappeared.

What? As well as Ezra?

Yeah. Anna thinks Charliets
gone after him.

Have you found something?

Lo0ks like jeremy's phone.

And possibly some blood
on the stone.

OK. Can you bag tem?


Anna says therets a field
Ezra used to take her

when Charlie was a girl.

Itts at the top of the farm.


You can see the whole farm
from up here.

Bloody hell, Dad.

The police are after you.

Us too by now, I reckon.

Wetre not supposed
to love places, are we?

Not in this country.

Flag -waving and passionts
for others.

All I wanted to do
was work this land.

Pass it on to my children.


What about your brother?

How'd he die, Grandad?

Tony was lazy. Shallow.

Our dad got ill,
Tony didntt want the tenancy.

Wouldtve given it away.

You'd have lost the farm.


And you couldn't allow that.

We argued.

I didntt mean it.

I just... lashed out.

I told Dad hetd gone to London,
where hetd always wanted to go.

You buried him.

And you got the farm.

What happened to Jeremy Curran?

That man would have taken it all.

From me, from Charlie.

He spoke to you?

Smarmy bastard came round the shed.

Out of courtesy, he said.

Soft soap, werentt it?

Said hetd prefer it
if we worked together.

Give me his details.
We could talk.

I told him where to shove it.

Think that was when
your name slipped out.

I said not to speak to you.

I told him it was bloody useless!

I wish he hadntt.

Bastard suggested the land

wasntt ours at the end of the day.
Not really.

I told him our family
had been tenants here

best part of a century.

Poured blood and sweat into it.

Itts ours!

I pushed him.

And he fell.

Shouting abuse.

I found a rock.

H it him.

You knew about this.

You got her involved?

I found out by accident.

I came by the hut.

Grandad had put a tarp
over the body, and...

...I helped.

Dug the grave.

Even took his phone
to send some messages.

But after, I kept thinking...

...DNA or whatever
would be all over him. So...

...eventually I went back.

I dug him up and set fire
to the body.

You shouldtve left well alone.

Hey! OK, enough.

You all need to come with us.

I'm glad we're not
getting away with it.

- Like you did last time.
- Charlie.

He'd have been the same age
as me.

Your brother.

When you k*lled him.

Lives, Grandad.

They're more important than land.

O... OK, Ezra. OK.

It's over.

She's right, Dad.
Stand back, Mr Jarrett.

Dad! Mr Jarrett.

- No!
- g*nsh*t

Hey. What's up? I just need
to finish here, and then...

Were any of these via removed?
Or sent off somewhere?

Don't think so. Why?

There's one missing.

Well, no-one would have
taken it. Would they?


The on people who've been
here are the police and Sam.

Eleanor? Mm?

Youtve a visitor, love.

What visitor?

I'll be nearby, OK?

Hello, Eleanor.

Who are you? What do you want?

Just to see you.

Do I know you?

- Do I?
- No.


Don't know anyone outside here.

I've been looking for you.

- What?
- Why?

I, er... know your family.


What family?

Do you not recognise me?

I look like him,
don't you think?

I used to wonder,
when I was a wee boy,

where Mummy had gone.
Cry my eyes out.

Every night.

What happened to you?

Why'd you choose
strangers over us?

Did you hate us?

Got to the point I stopped asking
when you were coming home.

It was easier to believe
you were dead and gone.

I was all right with that.

You see, Eleanor,
I'm not here for me,

cos I don't really care.
I'm here for my dad.

Does he mean anything to you?

Cos he's dying.


It's just me.
There's no family.

So... you'd better go away.

Get out.

I don't want you here.


- Eleanor?
- What?

- I'ts OK.
- It's not OK!

Get him out of here now.
Get rid of him.

Shetll be fine.

Yeah, we're done.

All right?


I'll tell you later.

Has he been awake?

Thank you.




- Son?
- Yeah.

Where did you go?

I found her, Dad.

I found Mum.

You met her?


It was good.

You met her.

Hi. Dr Alexander not here?

No. She had to do something.

Oh, I can't stay,
I'm afraid. I just...

I just wanted to say thank you.

What's happening with Charlie?

Oh, well... she concealed
Jeremy's body.

We're completing paperwork
for the coroner and CPS.

Up to them after that.

You'll tell Nikki I called?
Of course.


H i.

Can I help you?

Youtre Simone Tyler, right?

Yeah. And you are?

Oliver Me eh an.

Can I come in?

Sorry, I'm not sure what...
I just had a few questions.

I'm a reporter.

Ah. Then no, sorry.

I really think the Lyell might
want to comment on this.

On what?

Allegations of DNA manipulation

in the case of the Health
Secretaryts assassination.

I have no idea what you're
talking about. Sorry.

Jack. Therets someone to see you.

The nurse says it won't be long.

He'd be pleased you're here.

I wish it had been sooner.

My fault.

We're slow learners in our
family, aren't we, Da?


Ah, no.

Love you, Da.

We came here on holiday
a few times. The whole family.

- It's so beautiful.
- Yeah.

Do you think I did the right thing?


I think you told your dad
what he needed to hear.

- At the end.
- Mm.

Do you think you'll see
your mum again?


That might do more harm
than good at the moment.

I wish you'd told me.

So I could have been there
for you more.

Yeah. I know.

Like I said. Slow learner.

I know that feeling.

But we'll get there.

Maybe? Mm?

♪ Testator silens ♪

♪ Costestes e spiritu ♪

♪ Silencium. ♪
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