Camp Pleasant Lake (2024)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Camp Pleasant Lake (2024)

Post by bunniefuu »

- You know what

this reminds me of?

That joint you were supposed

to spark up two exits ago.

- Ah, all right, all

right, all right!

Just give me a second.

- Come on, come on!

- What are you doin', man?

Why you stoppin'?

- I wanna see if

this guy needs help.

- At 2 a.m.

in the middle of nowhere?

- Ah, you're just high.

- I'm always high.

What does that have

to do with anything?

- You're paranoid, too.

Don't touch anything.

I'll be back in a second.

- If you're not back

in five minutes,

I'm leaving you, man!

I'm telling you, man,

he's probably a k*ller.

- Hey, there.

You, uh, need a hand?

- Oh, my gosh, yes!

That would be great.

Thank you.

I am, I am not good

with cars.

- Uh, did you call anybody?

- No service.

- Yeah, I got nothin' either.

You mind if I take a look?

- No, please!

Thank you.

Where you headed, um?

- Hunter.

We are headed up

to Camp Echo Lake.

- The old Camp Pleasant Lake?

- Yeah, new owners bought

it, the Rutherfords,

and they're turning

it into a horror camp.

- A what?

- A horror camp.

Adults pay good money to relive

the legendary horror events.

And this week's

theme, Camp of Terror.

- A camp of what?

- It's the story of

the Meadows family,

happened 20 years

ago this weekend.

Camp of Terror is

what the news call it.

John and Ruby Meadows

dropped their kids,

Echo and Jasper,

off at the camp,

and Echo was kidnapped.

And they ended up

closin' the lake.

To top it off,

John and Ruby were

brutally m*rder*d

by some crazed maniac

on their way home.

- Uh, um, what happened

to the little girl?

- She was

never seen again.

- And the little brother?

- I don't know.

I think he ended

up in foster care.

So we were hired to come up

and do the special

effects for the camp.

- We?

- Yeah, Adam, my

assistant and I.

So he's back in the van.

He's pretty sure

you're a serial k*ller.

- Come on, come on, come on!

What was that?

- How many kills

do you have to do

to be officially

labeled a serial k*ller?

- What?

- Don't worry,

I'm not gonna k*ll you.

- Okay.


- Who's there?

- Ugh.

- What was that?

Adam, goddammit.

I told you not to

touch anything.

- Hey, where you going, man?

What the f*ck?

- Hello, and welcome

to Camp Pleasant Lake.

- Hi there.

- Hey!

- Hope you're all ready

for a weekend of terror!

- I'm excited to see blood.

- Glad to hear it.

- When's the terror start?

- Relax, my man, soon enough.

- Awesome!

- Hey-

- How was your trip?

- Not bad.

Do you know where I can

find the Rutherfords?

- Yeah.

Hopefully, it's

better next time.

I'm sorry to hear that.

- Yeah, I have had better.

- He was snorin' the whole trip.

- Hey, do you know who I am?

- No one cares, bro!

- Loser!

- Look, I am puttin'

this in my report.

- I've been waiting

for this all week.

- Only a week?

- Well, my wife's mad I came.


- She hates horror movies.

- Oh, this ain't a movie, man.

This is the real thing.

- Aren't you that guy from,

it's that that blog, right?

What's the name of it?


- Yeah, yeah, that's the one!

- Yeah!

- I think that's the, is it?

- Yeah.

Look, it's been a long trip.

Do you know where I can

find the Rutherfords?

- Yeah, they're right over

there by registration.

That's where I'm headed.

- Awesome.

- Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford?

- Yes.

- That's us.

- I'm so excited

for this weekend.

- So are we.

- When do we get to see blood?

- The entire weekend.

- I can't wait.

- Jesus!

These people make me nuts.

Jonah, you made it.

- Ah, Mr. Rutherford,

Jonah Perrigo,

- We know exactly

who you are, Jonah.

- How was your trip?

- Well, it is going

to go in my review.

- What do you need

from me, Jonah?

- Sleep.

Where are your cabins?

All right.

Well, before I go,

you got time for

a quick interview?

- Jonah, we are so busy.

I don't want to be late, okay?

Listen, you get settled in,

and then we'll find time

for a nice, little

talk later, okay?

- Quick question, where

will the first k*ll be?

- Wouldn't you like to know.

- Mmm.

Yeah, very true.

Fair point.

- Have you seen Hunter?

- Darlene, why would

we want him here?

- We're paying him enough.

- We put him in a

cabin in the woods

so the other campers

wouldn't see him.

- Well, have you seen him?

- No, but we've exchanged texts.

You gotta calm down.

Look, everything is

set for tonight, okay?

It's all in place.

- No, it better be.

We sunk a lot of money

into this damn camp!

- And that's why we're

here tonight, campers,

for the Camp Echo Lake

Camp of Terror experience.

- They don't wanna

hear that shit!

Get to the good stuff.

- What's that, Mike?

- The story of what happened

to the Meadows family

20 years ago, the

kidnapping, little Echo,

and the brutal m*rder

of her parents,

John and Ruby.

- Tell us the rest of the story!

- Yeah, that's why we're here!

- We paid extra money to

be the first campers here.

- Yeah, a lotta money!

- Give us some excitement!

- And it better be scary.

- Okay.


But you asked for it.

So here goes.

The story supposedly

says that 20 years ago,

on this exact night,

Halloween weekend in 2002.

- What are you humming, Big Sis?

- My favorite song.

It drowns out their arguing.

- I know you don't like

it when they argue.

Mom and Dad are going to

camp this weekend, too.

Grownup camp.

- Wanna see my costume?

- So what are you

supposed to be?

- This year for Halloween,

I'm going to be happy.

- I think I'm gonna

be a werewolf!

- I've gotta show Mom and Dad.

- John, this is my last

go at this marriage.

If you want it to work,

you're gonna take this

retreat seriously.

I mean it this time, okay?


- Mommy, Daddy, just be happy!

I thought you weren't

going to argue anymore.

- See, John.

I told you the

children could hear us.

- Just let me handle this.

Sweetie, Mommy and

Daddy were not arguing.

We were talking about

how excited we are

for adult camp this weekend!

- Why are you so loud then?

My friends at school said

you and Mommy are going

to get a separation.

- It's called a divorce, honey.

Don't worry.

Me and your father

love each other dearly.

Right, hun?

Now, why don't you go

finish getting ready, okay?

We're gonna leave in 30 minutes.

- Hey!

You forgetting someone?

Where's my hug?

Did you help your little brother

pick out his costume yet?

- Jasper, I have

to go help Jasper!

- Yes, you heard your mother,

we leave in 30 minutes!

Be happy, my little princess!

- Jasper, Jasper,

come on, get ready.

We're going to camp!

- Dammit, Ruby, you

missed the turn!

We're gonna run outta gas now!

I told you to get gas

at the last rest stop!

Now, we're gonna be stranded

in the middle of nowhere!

- Quiet, John, you're

gonna wake the kids.

- Just get out and

let me drive, Ruby!

- I'm not getting out

and waking the kids.

There has to be a gas station

around here somewhere.

We're only 10 miles

away from the camp.

- I really wish you would

just listen to me, Ruby.

- John, stop fighting with me!

I thought you wanted this

relationship to work.

We need to be a good

example to our kids.

Let's just get a bite to

eat, find a gas station,

then drop the kids off at camp.

Then we'll go to

marriage counseling,

and see if we can

make this work.

- Fine.

- May I be excused?

I need to use the bathroom.

- Go with her.

I'll stay here with Jasper

and take care of the bill.

- I'm a big girl, Dad.

I don't need Mom to go with me.

- Go with her.

So little buddy, you

excited for camp?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Well, finish your lunch, okay?

I'm gonna go pay the bill.

I'll be right back.

- Did you wash your hands, Echo?

- Yes, Mom.

- Okay, Jasper and

Daddy are waiting.

Let's go.

- Where's, Echo?

- Right behind me.

- I don't see her, Mommy.

- Jesus Christ,

you left her inside

the bathroom alone

again, didn't you?

- She was right behind me.

- Stay with Jasper.

- That's my favorite.

- You want it?

- I'll be

right back, Son.

- Okay, Dad.

- But my parents said

I can't have any candy

until Halloween night.

- Listen, my name's Lou,

and I work here.

I don't see anybody around

us right now, do you?

- Echo?

Echo, sweetie, where are you?

- That's my dad.

I better go, Lou.

- Hey.

You save this for later, okay?

My sweet little princess, okay?

- What have I told you

about talking to strangers?

- But, but-

- No.

- Sir, she wasn't

talking to a stranger.

My name's Lou.

I work here.

- All right, thank you,

but we really gotta go.

We're gonna be late for camp.


- Camp?

Which camp?

- Yeah, I

forget the name of it.

- Camp Pleasant Lake, Lou.

It's the Halloween camp.

- Sorry, we gotta go.

Thanks again.

- You're lucky.

My boy, Lou, here is a good man.

Next person comin'

along might not be.

Keep an eye on your

little girl now, ya hear?

- Ouch, that hurts, Daddy.

- Let's go.

Now, we're definitely

gonna be late for camp.

- Yes, sir.

- And I want my

g*dd*mn belt back.

You give me that back-

Yo, yo, excuse me, sir!

Watch it mister!

- Sorry, apologies.

Didn't see you.

- Okay, that's fine.

- Thanks.

- There you go.

- Some folks don't take too

kindly to be bumped into.

- Better keep an eye

on your little girl next

time, too, huh?

- Let's go.


- Hey, hey, hey, hey!

That's no way to

speak to your wife.

- Not nice at all.

- We's nice around here.

- Very nice.

- Watch out

for that little girl

and that little boy.

- Better watch out

for that one there.

- Move, please.

Get out of our way!

- They're right, mister.

The next person

may not be so nice.

- You aren't that nice.

- Is that so?

- You don't know what you're

talking about, little boy.

- Hey, kids,

some children are better

to be seen than heard.

- Good thing we raised

our boy right here.

Not like you!

- Dad raised us right!

- What's your name, little man?

- I'm Jasper.

This is my sister, Echo.

- Aren't you a cutie pie?

- Just move out of our way.

We really need to get going.

- Dad, that hurts!

- Treat 'em right.

They won't be around forever.

- Come on, go, go, let's go.

- Tim, be a dear,

and get the sheriff

on the phone for me.

- Yes, ma'am, right away!

- You know what to do.

- Yes, Esmeralda.

- Oh, Ezra, it'll be worth it.

- The sheriff's on the line.

- Sheriff Dean here.

- It Esmeralda.

- Always a pleasure.

What can I do for you?

- Lou's following a family

of city slickers

straight into camp.

You know what to do.

- Say no more.

I'll keep him covered.

- Thank you, Tim.

- Yes, Esmeralda.

- Jasper, wake up.

We're at camp, sweetie.


Go ahead, honey.

It's only for the weekend.

We'll see you on Monday.

Take my phone.

I'll call you tonight

from Daddy's phone.

- Hello!

Welcome to Camp Pleasant Lake!

I'm Mr. Corbin.

- Hi, I'm Jasper.

I'm a werewolf for Halloween.

- That's a great

costume, Jasper!

- Nice.

- Cool costume!

- And I'm his

older sister, Echo.

- Where's your costume?

What is that supposed to be?

- Happy.

- That's the stupidest

thing I've ever heard.

- What an idiot!

- Look

at me, I'm happy!

- You have a problem with that?

- What a loser!

- Loser!

- Loser!

- Don't worry

about these losers.

- There she goes!

Aren't you supposed to be happy?

- Oh, you're

gonna cry to your mommy?

- Look at him!

- Stupid mask!

Nobody wants to

hang out with me.

It's you, the, the, the...

- The man from the restaurant.

I'm Ezra, Lou's father.

- You work here?

- Hmm, uh-uh.

I work at Camp Hope.

- The other kids were

making fun of me.

I hate it here!

- There's that smile.

You know what?

My camp's right down the road.

Lou's there, too.

- I like Lou.

He gave me this.

It's my favorite.

- Well, that's a good thing,

'cause there's a whole

bunch more of it at my camp.

You wanna go?

- Yeah!

Wait, where's Jasper?

I don't wanna forget about him.

- We won't forget about Jasper.

We'll come back and get him.



- Promise?

- I promise.

- Okay.

The kids don't like

me here anyway.

They broke my costume.

- That's a shame.

But it's all right.

We're gonna make you

another one at my camp.

- Okay, let's go then.

- Boys, boys, break it up!

- Say that again!

- She's a freak!

- That's enough, guys!

Come on!

- Where's Echo?

- Looks like she

finally found a friend.

- Echo!




- And little Echo Meadows

was never seen or

heard from again.

- And rumor has it,

Echo still roams these woods.

- I heard she comes back

every Halloween looking for him.

And if we're lucky,

she'll come back tonight.

- I love this shit!

- Shit, me, too!

- Wait, you don't actually

think this shit is real, do you?

- Come on, man.

The Rutherfords made this

shit up just to make a buck.

- What happened to him?

- What happened to who?

- Echo's little brother.

What happened to him?

- Neither him or his sister

was ever seen again.


You asked what happened.

- Hoo!

Hoo, hoo!

- The f*ck's wrong with you?

- He probably wasn't

hugged enough as a child.

- Camp of Terror,

you really wanna

know the real story?

- Yeah!

- Of course!

- Now, the legend goes,

that Echo Meadows was kidnapped

by a very evil man,

because that evil man

and his wife, Esmeralda,

desperately wanted

a little girl,

but they just couldn't get one.


- So then, when John and

Ruby Meadows left the camp,

they were brutally m*rder*d,

and the k*ller was never found!

Locals say Echo

returns every Halloween

to these woods

looking for family.


- If you get in her way,

she will slash you,

and leave you with a sad,

bloody frown on your face!

- So then you can

feel the same pain

she once did!

- When does the terror start?

- Tomorrow!

So you may all want

to turn in soon,

and get a good night's sleep.

- Actually, the terror has

already started tonight.

Supposedly, Echo

Meadows went wandering

in the forest the night

that she was kidnapped,

the very same night that her

parents were brutally m*rder*d.

- Any camper that

gets in her way,

well, you know.

- Now, you wanted the extra

Camp of Terror experience.

Well, you have got it!

With the VIP experience,

you will be the first

campers to relive the horror

that happened that

night 20 years ago,

right here, right now,

in the all new Camp of Terror!

- And how 'bout

that interview now?

- No, sorry, Jonah.

- I see.

- Grab the original crew.

Let's meet at the

tunnel in a bit.

- I got you.

- Whoa, what's that?

- This place looks awesome!

- Wonder how long

it's been here?

- What,

tryin' to scare us?

- Is this

part of the camp?

- Are you ready?

- Let's act surprised.

We gotta put on a really

good show for the campers.

- Let's do this!

Let's hear you, man!

You guys wanted a show.

- You all wanted the Camp

of Terror experience?

Well, here you go!


- Let's go!

- We all saw what happened.

- We didn't know she

was being kidnapped.

It's not our fault.


- I'm his big sister, Echo.

- What an idiot!

- She's a freak!

Aren't you supposed to be happy?

- Echo!

- Look at him!

- Echo!


- Jacob's right.

We all saw what happened,

and did nothing about it.

- We had our chance

when the cops came.

- They asked us if

we saw anything.

- And we all said no.

- We-

- Should've told the cops

what we saw!

- But we kept our mouths shut!

- Look, we're all

in this together.

- We stick to our

original story.

We saw nothing.

Got it?

- Who's that?

Who's there?

- "Who's that, who's there?"

Calm down, dude!

You're always freakin' out.

It's probably nothin'.

- That, or...

- Echo Meadows!

- Stop it.

- What's the matter, Jacob?

You scared?

- In all seriousness,

the Rutherfords are payin'

us good money for this,

so let's give those

campers what they came for,

a weekend of terror!

- And remember,

starting tomorrow,

we will all be getting

k*lled off one by one.

The Rutherfords will

be telling the campers

Echo took us all.

- And that's why they won't

be seein' our dead bodies.

We meet back at the

counselor's lodge on Monday,

Halloween morning, and

do it all over again

for a new batch of campers.

- It's easy money for everyone.

- Now, let's get back to

our tents and get some rest.

It's gonna be a

long, bloody weekend!

- Ahh, f*ck!

Ow, what the f*ck?

I thought this shit was

supposed to be fake?

This isn't funny!

What the f*ck, Hunter?


- I guess

Jacob is still bent

from last night, huh?

- Maybe he's hung over.

- I'm surprised.

His big ass never

misses breakfast.

- Let's go wake his lazy ass up.

- Like Mike said, we're all

in this together, right?

- Right.

Let's go.


Guess you got axed

first, huh, buddy?

Hey, come check this out.

- Wow, it looks like

the Rutherfords started

the party early.

- This looks fake.

We need to tell the Rutherfords

to make it look more real.

- It's not too bad!

- The Rutherfords are

cheap as hell, man!

- What do you think, Mike?

- Remember what the

Rutherfords said,

"They're gonna make it

look as real as possible."

These campers paid good

money for this shit.

Hey, what are you doin' here?

This is the counselors'


You should be with

the other campers.

- Mike, Mike, did you see this?

This Hunter did great work, huh?

- Who?

- Hunter, the guy we hired

to do the special effects

that would look so great.

- Not in front of

the other campers.

- What are you talking about?

- What the?

That little fucker

was just here.

- Who, who are

you talkin' about?

- That weird camper, he was.


So who's gonna get it next?

- Who the f*ck are you?


Jesus Christ.


What the f*ck?


Mom? Dad?


Where the f*ck did you get that?

Who are you?


- I heard Jacob got it first.

- Which one was Jacob?

- You know, the chubby one.

- Oh, that guy.


- So how long you think

it took to k*ll him?

- Shit, long enough.

I mean, he probably

tried to talk

the k*ller's ear off first.

- Seriously.

- This is bullshit.

We didn't even get to

see any of the carnage.

- Yeah, I mean, we

paid extra for this.

- They should have come got us.

- Look, why don't you guys

just enjoy your lunch

and stop complaining.

Nobody wants to hear it.

- f*ckin'.

- This guy.

- Yeah, what is wrong?

- Yeah, we paid good money for

this horror camp experience.

- Just give us what we want!

- We wanna see.

- We wanna see blood!


- People, please,

take it easy here.

I can hear you arguing all

the way down the trail.

- Why didn't you come get

us when you offed Jacob?

- Jacob was a, was

a bonus, right?

- Yeah.

- Correct me if I'm wrong,

an unforgettable, most brutal,

horrifying Camp of

Terror experience.

- Right?

- Yeah.

You kinda forgot the

bloody, horrifying part.

- We wanted to see Jacob get it.

- Yeah, not be told about

a fake pool of blood.

- Yeah, we didn't

even know how he died.

- Rick, give us what we want.

- We want what you promised!

- Yeah, the Camp of

Terror experience.

- Are you ripping us off?

- What's going on Mr.

and Mrs. Rutherford?

- No, come on, please, people.

Look, today is gonna be epic.

I promise you we are

gonna have blood, okay?

What happened with Hunter?

He didn't even tell me

he was gonna off Jacob.

That was scheduled for today.

- I just saw someone

over by the fire pit.

Looks like they're setting up.

- You again, the weird camper.

What do you want?

- It's only day two

a shit show.

- Listen, I'm gonna

go check on Hunter.

You get them all excited

about tonight, all right?

- Tell Hunter if

he fucks up again,

I'll be the one k*lling his ass.

Okay, campers, listen.

- Hey, how about

that interview now?

- Sorry, Jonah, I need to

get the campers excited.

You wanna see blood, campers?

- Yeah.

- Yes.

- Now you're

going to get it.

- Can I quote you on that?

- Go back to your

cabins and get ready.

We meet at the fire

pit in two hours.


Let's go.

- Hell, yeah!

- Let's do it.

- Let's do it.

- Hey, you okay?

What's wrong?

- I don't like when the

campers make fun of me.

- Who made fun of you?

Who are you talking about?

- All of you.

- I heard what Mike

said to you back there.

Don't listen to him.

He's an assh*le.

What's your name?

I'm Gracie-

- You were part of it.

- I could k*ll Hunter right now.

I can't believe that little

prick screwed us over like this!

You told me that he

was top notch, Darlene.

- He came highly recommended

on their company site.

- Well, we have no k*ller now.

And no k*ller means

angry campers.

And angry campers means refunds.

Every camper paid $10,000

to be here this weekend.

And we have a whole nother bunch

of 'em coming in on Monday.

We're gonna lose a ton of money,

and I don't like to lose.

- I called the company,

and they said they're

trying to send someone out

as soon as possible.

- Darlene, it's

Halloween weekend.

They're all booked,

for God's sake!

Now, all these campers

are gonna gather here

in an hour and 30 minutes.

We have to figure

out something fast,

or we are f*cked!

I'd put on the Echo

costume myself,

but I'm not five five, dear.

- You.

- Oh, please.

- Mrs. Rutherford.

- Yeah, yeah, hold on.

- How's your husband?

- Yeah,

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- He's late like usual.

- Yeah, what's going on?

- This is supposed to

be a camp of terror.

- Yeah, not a camp

of nightmares.

- I wouldn't call

any of this terror.

- It's been more like

camp of nap time.

- Camp of nap time.

I like that.

- So Mrs. Rutherford,

where is your-

- He'll be here soon.

Don't worry.

- How much longer?

- Man, we've been

waiting for like an hour!

- Be patient.

He'll be here.

Where the f*ck are you, Rick?

- There he is.

- Let's get the show going.

- Okay.

First of all,

I want to thank you all

for showing up this weekend

for the Camp of Terror.

I don't know quite how to

say this, but here goes.

- There he is.


- Get him, Echo.

- It's show time!

- We wanna see.

- Blood!

- Yeah!

Get him, Echo!

- Hunter,

you son of a bitch,

you f*ckin' made it.


- Let's do this.

Let's give 'em a show.

- Get him, Echo.

- You think I'm afraid of you?


- Bravo! Bravo!

- Now, that's what

I'm talkin' about.

- Holy shit!

- He's k*lling the campers too.

- That's more like it.

- Hey, that's what I mean.

- Awesome.

- Gettin' better.

- Great death scene, Hector.

- You too, camper girl.

- You wanted blood, you got it!

Welcome to the new

Camp of Terror!

- That's what

I'm talkin' about.

- Great job bringing

Hunter back.

- I know.

- I want you to go

and find Hunter,

and have him send

his assistant Adam

to clean this shit up, okay?

- Okay.

- All right.

That Darlene, she puts on

a good show, believe me.

- Hunter?


Rick is not mad at you.

He thinks you're

doing a great job.

Come on, Hunter,

where are you at?

Where the heck are you?

Enough of these games, Hunter!



Stop messing with me,!

Ha ha, this isn't funny.

I'm telling Rick

you're messing with me.

Stop messing with me, Hunter.

We're paying you good

money for this gig.

Rick was right.

That's it.

Who the f*ck are you?

- Opa, oh.


- You shared the shit out

of those campers earlier.

- Literally to death.

To death!

- Hey, Mr. Rutherford,

where's Mrs. Rutherford?

- Huh.

- What's wrong?

- Nothing.

But she should be back now.

- Talk to me.

- I sent Darlene

to gather up Hunter

for the second show

tonight, right?

The last thing I want

is anyone to think

that there's

anything going wrong.

- Yeah.

- Mike, you could

do me a big favor

and go look for those two.

I'll get everybody here ready.

- Yeah, yeah, of course.

- One more, and then we go back.

- Mrs. Rutherford?


Where are you guys?

We got a big night planned out.

Mrs. Rutherford?

Hunter, is that you?

What the f*ck?

Who is that?

Who's there?

Wait a minute.

I know what's going on.

It's my time to die.

Oh, they want a show?

I'll give 'em a show.

Come on, guys, where are you?

I don't like being alone

at night by myself!

I knew it.

Hunter, let's give

'em a real good show.

Echo, is that you?

Don't hurt me.

Please, don't hurt me!

I'm sorry for what happened

to you and your family!

Please don't k*ll me!


Hunter, I'm gonna k*ll you!

Hey, get back here.

I don't get paid

enough for this shit!

Fucker, now you're mine.

You're mine, Hunter!

What the f*ck is this place?

Who the f*ck are you?

- Ugh, f*ck.

Behind you.

- All right, all

right, all right,

now let's listen up.

We are gonna give these campers

the greatest show of shows ever

because tonight, we

all die by the hand

of our very own

little Echo Meadows.

Little Echo Meadows, sha.

Woo, woo, woo, woo!

- All right, now, I want

you all to go get ready,

and we'll meet at

the fire pit in...

You thought I was

gonna spill, right?

We'll meet at the

fire pit in an hour.

See you there or be square.

- You're going in the wrong

direction, Mr. Rutherford.

- I am not.

I am going to find

my future ex-wife

because I believe she's f*cking,

f*cking Mike in the woods.


Darlene, where the?

Where the hell are you?



Stupid bitch.



There you are, you fucker.

Where's my wife and Mike?


Don't f*ck around with me.

You got a big show to do.

Now, come on.

Don't you f*ck with me.

You understand?

You do your f*cking job,

and we won't have.

Hang on.

Hang on.



Ooh, have me k*ll, Hunter.


- That's some good shit.

- And where did

you get that from?

- These fools got it from

one of the counselors.

- Which one?

- Who cares?

- Where the women at?

- I'm not good enough?

- I mean.

- Did we invite any

other ladies over?

- Man, you ain't got a

f*ckin' shot with them anyway.

- Man, he said you

ain't got no game.

- Man, I got more game than any

of you m*therf*ckers combined.

- That burn.

- Come on, man,

pass that shit over.

- You can't handle

this shit, old man.

- Let me have it.

- This camp sucks.

- They better k*ll off at

least one counselor tonight.

- Yeah, I

wouldn't hold my breath.

- Shit, I thought this

Camp of Terror would

be more exciting.

- They k*lled

off campers earlier today.

- Knowing Gracie, she

probably paid extra

to have Rick k*ll her.

- I know, right.

"He's behind you.

He's behind you."

How much you think

that ho paid to get k*lled?

- For that death?

500 tops, that shit was whack.

- Obviously.

- Obviously what?

- I mean, she knew

exactly where to go.

She was definitely in on it.

- That doesn't

prove anything, man.

- Sure it does.

- How so?

- She was clearly jealous.

- Jealous of what?

- I was getting

all the attention.

- Yeah, she's got you there.

- Epic?

It takes more than

one k*ll to be epic.

- Yeah, you got that right.

- Well, how many do you need?

- At least three or four.

- Or something really memorable.

- Yeah, like-

- Yeah, with lots of blood.

- I wonder what the

Rutherfords have

in store for us tonight.

- Well, whatever it is,

it better be good.

We paid good money

for this shit.

- Yeah, and we're just

sitting here doing nothing.

- In this shitty-ass RV.

- Bro, we should just leave.

- And go where?

- Hey, anywhere's

better than here.

- Let's go.

What you doing?

- What the f*ck?

The door is locked.

- What?

- Hey, somebody

open a f*cking window!

- Come on!

- Hurry.

- Is that fire?

- Hey, somebody open!

Hey, somebody open

a f*cking window!

- Come on, come on, hurry!

- Help!

- What the f*ck?

- Hey, somebody open

a f*ckin' window!

- Come on.

- Where's Rick?

He's late.

- I don't know.

- This better not be

another disappointment.

- Calm down.

I'm sure it will be

here any second now.

- The show was supposed

to start 30 minutes ago.

Don't you remember?

- He's just a little late.

Don't worry.

Tonight's gonna be epic.

- It better be.

- Finally.

- It's about damn time.

Let's see some action.

Let's go.

- I guess we're

starting without Rick.

- Yeah, I guess so.

- Ooh.

- Yes!

- Oh, yes.

- I ain't scared of you!

- Oh!

- Oh, yeah!

- Epic!

- Holy shit.

Come give me a try.

- Hey, what about me?

- More! More!

- Let's go, fucker.

- Get 'em, Echo, mm hmm.

- Let's do this.

- Ooh!


- I'm gonna ask

you one more time

who the f*ck are you?

Who's that?

- Our last day of camp.

- You know what that means,

Echo's last day of terror.

- Yeah.

- Who do you think is next?

- Does it matter?

As long as it's gruesome.

I hope they double up the

blood on the next one.

- This is the best

camp experience ever.

- Mm hmm.

This is gonna make

for such a good blog.

- First Jacob, then Darlene,

then Mike, then Rick,

the new campers

arrive tomorrow, so...

- So then it's our turn

to die next then, right?

- I am so glad the

Rutherfords didn't tell us

when we're gonna die.

- I'm starting to

feel a little nervous.

This shit's starting

to feel kind of real.

- Come on, let's

go meet the campers

over by the fire pits.

- Right, it is our

last day, right?

- Let's give 'em one last show.

- I can't breathe.

I can't breathe.

Will I get out of this?

Who the f*ck is that?


You don't understand!

No, you don't understand!

I didn't want to do that.

I didn't want to do that!


I did that for...

- Why are you turning here?

I know you hear me.


- Yes, I heard you!

- Then why didn't you answer me?

What the f*ck, John?

- I just thought

silence would be better

than yet another fight.

- Well, that

clearly didn't work.

Where are you going?

We're supposed to be

going the other way.

- Why is this assh*le

flashing me down?

- Just let him pass you.

- He's not passing us.

- Just keep waving him by.

- I'm already, I'm

already doing that!

I'm just gonna pull over.

What's this assh*le doing?

What the heck?


Ruby, where are you going?

It's you.

Let's go, Ruby.

I said let's go!

- Hey, easy with

the little lady.


Back off.

- Brother!

Mom and Dad always wanted

a sweet little princess.

- What the f*ck are

you talking about, Lou?

You're scaring my wife!

- Hey, hey, easy, mister.

Actually, we're just

messing with you, man.

We just came by to

apologize to y'all

about what happened

earlier at the restaurant.

So don't shit yourself.

Let's have fun.

- It's okay, we

were just leaving.

- Hey Ruby, I'm sorry,

but you ain't going anywhere.

- You don't have to do this!

- It's not what

we wanna do, John.

It's what we have to do!

We have to do this!

I am so sorry.

I'm sorry.

Mom wanted a little girl.

So Dad kidnapped her that day.

- She had a name.

Echo Meadows!

- Jasper, is that you?

Wait, there's two of you.

- Echo, sweet little princess.

I knew, I knew you

would come back.

I knew it.

But you shoulda never

to done what you did!

They loved you!

And you k*lled them.

- Why?

Why are you doing this?

We love you.

- Uh!

You're not my father!

- Ezra?

Are you in here?


No, no, no, no!


You're supposed to

be our daughter!

- I am not your daughter!

- Don't say that.

Come to mama.

- You are not my mother!

You took me from her.

- Yes, I am your mama,

and that, that's your papa!

We love you.

- No, no!

You had your dim-witted,

brain-washed sons

m*rder my parents!

- Miserable, ungrateful

little bitch!

I thought you loved me!

- Mom? Dad?


Jesus Christ!



No, Dad, Dad, Dad,

Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad!


No, Dad!

I love you. No.

No, no, no, no, no, no, Mom.



They loved you!

And you k*lled them.

- They took everything from me.

You took everything from me!

- We k*lled your brother,

and now we're gonna k*ll you.

- See you in hell, Lou.

- Come on, guys.

It's our last day of camp.

Come on.

- Yeah.

- Come on.

- Yeah, you guys

still got to die.

- Don't worry.

You'll get your show.

- Hey, you all came

to camp to hear the story

of Echo Meadows and her family.

Am I right?

- Yeah!

- You

all paid big money

to see a Camp of

Terror live show?

- Yeah!

- Yes, we did.

- Sit back, relax,

and enjoy the closing act.

- Mike?

- Holy shit!

- I thought he was dead.

- Oh ho, that's what

I'm talkin' about.

- I love this camp!

- Wakey,

wakey, eggs and bakey!

- Run!

Run! Run!

Jasper Meadows!

Jasper Meadows is a k*ller!

He's a k*ller!

- Oh no, what are we gonna do?

- Ooh, Jasper's

gonna get you, Mike.

He's gonna get you, ooh.

- This is boring.

k*ll him already!

- Look out, Mike.

- Run! Run!

It's him!

It's really him!

He's alive!

- He's alive.

- You're in on this too?

- You don't remember me, do you?

- What an idiot.

- Aren't you

supposed to be happy?

- Now do you remember?

- Oh, shit.



- Don't k*ll me.

- Encore!

- More, more!

- Yeah!

- More blood, yeah!

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Let's go, fucker, come on.


- More blood, yeah!

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Please, no, no, no!


f*ck you.

- Yeah, yeah!

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Woo hoo!

- Holy sh-

- More blood, yeah!

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Yeah!

- Hey, hey, hey!

You know what I hate

more than counselors?

- What?

- f*ckin' reporters!

- I'm the last to die.

- Wrong!

Mike is.

- Let me go, please.

- Shut the f*ck up!

- I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

Help! Help!


I'm sorry, I swear.

I swear, I swear I

won't say anything.

I swear I won't say anything.

Let me go.

Let me go, please.

- Real good at that.

- Help!

- Real f*cking good at that.

- Help!





I'm sorry, please.



We were only kids.

We were only kids.

We were only kids.

- You had your chance.

You said nothing!

- We were kids.

We were kids.

We were kids.



- Yeah?

So was she.

Shut up!

Shut the f*ck up!


- We're finally here.

- We're finally off

that shitty bus.

- You'd think the

Rutherfords would have

a more comfortable bus.

But I guess the rich

get richer for a reason.

- Ah, come on, this

is gonna be awesome.

- I wonder who's

gonna die first.

- Her.

- Yeah, the bimbo

always gets it first.

- It's always the stoner.

- You guys are way off.

- Man, you scared everybody off.

- Not everyone.

- Do you see that?

Over there.

- Yes, I do.

- No, no, over there, the ones.

- There it is indeed.

- Loser.

Who the f*ck are you?

Great, another loser.


You used to hide in the group.

And now I have you all alone.

All alone!

- Help!

- Help!




Oh, no!

Oh, no!

Oh, no!

Ha ha!

- Hello?

Holy shit.

I don't remember this cabin.

Holy crap.

That's cool.

Oh, cool.


Nice touch.


Oh, you're.

What's wrong?

What's wrong with you?

What the f*ck is

wrong with you, huh?



You should smile more.


- You are all the same.

You don't remember me, do you?

- No.



Okay, okay, okay.


- It's gonna be okay.

The new campers are here.

- You know what we have

to do, little brother.

- They

say you cross paths

with at least 20 K*llers

over your lifetime.

You don't even know it,

except for this time.

'Cause I know you see me.

- Breaking news.

A pit of bodies has been found

on the premises

of Camp Echo Lake.

- In a scene eerily

similar to the events.

- 20 years ago to the day

that hit Camp Pleasant Lake.

- Authorities were called in

after concerned family

members contacted the police.

- The only trace left behind

was a cryptic message.

- Written in blood.

- Smile more.

- This has got to be

a publicity stunt.

- A horror camp where all

of the campers disappear?

- That were m*rder*d.

- Where's the proof?

- And where did they all go?

- This seems like

something straight out

of a video game.

- What kind of video game?

- I don't know, Horror Fan 69,

kind of like a real live

"Friday the 13th" game.

- Yeah, I mean, everyone,

literally everyone,

is on Twitter right now.

- Please.

- I love this shit.
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