04x04 - Aliens and Mega-Disasters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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04x04 - Aliens and Mega-Disasters

Post by bunniefuu »

Volcanic eruptions...

It will cover the sun for years.

Devastating earthquakes
and tsunamis...

And it's possible the
extraterrestrials themselves are

influencing some of these events.

And asteroids smashing the Earth,
causing massive extinctions.

What you're seeing is that
this is done on purpose.

Have the world's worst
global disasters been the

result of nature's fury?

Or have they been triggered
by more supernatural forces?

I don't think we can rule out
the idea that this is the work

of highly advanced,
technological aliens seeking to

obliterate the human race.

Millions of people around
the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And could there be an
extraterrestrial connection to

some of the world's mega-disasters?


Friday, March 11, 2011.

43 miles off the northeast
coast, a massive 8.9 magnitude

earthquake produces an expl*sive
upheaval of the seafloor.

200 miles away, in Tokyo,
buildings shake violently.

Within half an hour of the
earthquake, a powerful 30-foot

tsunami strikes the
northern coast of Japan...

and sweeps across the
landscape, reaching six miles

inland, destroying
everything in its path.

Local officials estimate that
over 19,000 lives were lost in

the rapidly rising tide.

Tsunamis are basically
the name for a giant

sea wave that's fairly coherent,
has a lot of energy and will

travel over a large distance.

And it's really a matter of
scale more than anything else.

It's huge enough to cause huge amounts
of damage when it hits the shore.

These have to be generated by a
large pulse of energy being put

into the ocean.

And the most common source of
that is a massive earthquake

under the ocean floor.

They're used to
earthquakes in this part

of the world, but the fact that
they had such little time, they

just couldn't get away from it.

So you can be a very
sophisticated, first-world,

developed country, you can be a
superpower, and still have these

kind of mega-disasters come your way.

According to Japan's
Kyodo News Agency, in

the days following the
devastation, thousands of UFO's

were sighted over Japan.

If true, what might this mean?

It's interesting to note that when

the tsunami occurred, there was
suddenly an increase of UFO

sightings in that area of Japan.

So you have to think, well,
are the extraterrestrials

particularly interested in
what happens to us in certain

catastrophes and life-changing
events that are occurring on

this planet?

And it's possible the
extraterrestrials themselves are

influencing some of these events.

But is it really possible,
as ancient astronaut

theorists believe, that
otherworldly forces could

provoke such deadly disasters?


Located in the middle of the
Mediterranean Sea, it is the

largest of the Greek Islands.

Here, in 365 AD, this once-
quiet province of the Byzantine

Empire was destroyed by a
devastating underwater

earthquake and subsequent tsunami.

According to Roman historians,
the tsunami also hit Alexandria,

Egypt, and other cities along the
Mediterranean coast, causing

great destruction.

The Crete earthquake
of 365 was one of the

great natural disasters of
the Mediterranean world.

So this was an earthquake that was
probably an eight on the Richter scale.

So it was very large.

It produced a tsunami, and it raised
the isle of Crete by nine meters.

So it was an extraordinary event.

The ancient Greeks attributed
earthquakes to the

god of the sea, Poseidon.

According to Greek myths,
Poseidon was known as the "Earth

Shaker" because of his power to
provoke earthquakes, sea storms

and tidal waves.

Ancient peoples would have
ascribed natural disasters

to the gods... as a really
logical answer, because at first

these events are deadly,
so their lives depend upon

trying to appease or please
gods who control those things.

Crete was said to be
the home of the gods.

There are caves today in Crete
which we can visit which are

identified as being the place
where Zeus was raised from

a baby to an infant.

And so when you find that
something is happening in Crete

in early Christian times, you
really have to ask whether this

is somehow going to change
the future of mankind.

This may be the wrath of
Poseidon, because what

was happening at that time was
the early Christians were

struggling against a
resurgence of paganism...

and that tsunami came...
to destroy, finally, all the

pagan religion in the area.

And so, modern Christianity
became dominant.

But was the god Poseidon merely
a figure of myth and legend?

Or might this supernatural being
have had a more otherworldly

origin, as ancient astronaut
theorists believe.

Poseidon was always
depicted as holding this

w*apon or instrument, his trident.

And this trident could cause
earthquakes and tsunamis.

He could control the
oceans with his trident.

You have to wonder if this
trident wasn't some high-tech,

extraterrestrial device.

The weapons used by
these Greek gods can be

compared in some ways
to modern weaponry.

It's interesting that the United
States Navy developed nuclear

missiles for its submarines with the
names "Poseidon" and "Trident."

Perhaps this was Poseidon
carrying out some sort

of wrath on ancient Crete for
finally rejecting him as a god.

Is it really possible
that mega-disasters

caused by earthquakes and
tsunamis could be triggered by

alien technology, as some ancient
astronaut theorists believe?

And if so, might such
catastrophic events have been

provoked to change the
course of human history?

Perhaps further evidence can be
found in modern military technology

designed to use the weather as
a w*apon of mass destruction.

Haiti, January 12, 2010.

At 4:53 p.m., a fierce 7.0
magnitude earthquake slams into

the Haitian capital of Port Au
Prince, causing massive destruction.

It is the country's most severe
earthquake in over 200 years.

An earthquake that doesn't affect
anyone is a natural hazard.

When that natural hazard makes
landfall, and affects a

population, that is when it
becomes a natural disaster.

When it's a huge system that
affects a lot of people with

death and destruction, then
we term it a mega-disaster.

According to local news
reports, missionaries in

Haiti videotaped a strange ball
of light floating in the sky,

less than 24 hours
before the earthquake.

UFOs have been reported throughout
history, connected to earthquakes.

Scientists used to disregard
the idea of earthquake lights

up until the 1960s, when they were
actually photographed in Japan.

Finally, they had to take
notice that, yeah, there

are strange aerial phenomena
that go along with earthquakes.

Often referred to as
earthquake weather,

scientists have linked this
strange phenomena to the

geophysical activity that
precedes an earthquake.

Earthquakes are basically
when the plates on the

surface of the Earth move
relative to each other in a

sudden fashion.

This sudden motion
releases a lot of energy.

If they were simply tectonic
plates that gave off

light, for example, a
discharge into the air, they

would burn out pretty quickly.

But we are talking about bright
lights that hover and linger.

Could the sudden discharge
of immense energy

really have produced strange
lights in the skies above

earthquake zones?

Or might the lights and the
apparent natural disasters

have had a more technological origin?

In 1996, the United States Air
Force commissioned a secret

study called the "2025 Report."

In it, the military examined
the feasibility of combat

capabilities and tactics
in the year 2025.

One of the areas that
was seen as ripe for

research, exploitation,
and development, was the

modification of the weather
as a tool of warfare.

People might think the idea that
we can weaponize the weather is

something just straight
out of science fiction.

The idea that we could pulverize
whole nations just by

modifying and exploiting
the weather, and this is a

verifiable report that is
now in the public domain.

So we do know that government
and military bodies are

significantly researching
weaponizing the weather.

Well, one of the big
advantages of using weather

as a w*apon is that it's really

difficult to prove who att*cked you.

The other thing is that weather
itself can cause a heck of a lot

more damage than weapons can.

You could have, for instance, a
powerful thunderstorm that could

go all the way across the U.S.

and cause basically nuclear-
level destruction all the way

across a huge swath.

There have been many
attempts to control the weather

during warfare, and one of the
most famous attempts was in


In which there was a real effort
to seed the clouds over the

Ho Chi Minh Trail, and
create torrential rains.

By flooding the North Vietnamese
and Viet Cong supply lines, it

would reduce their utility and
choke off supplies to guerillas

in the south.

So, certainly we've had
success in seeding clouds.

If the weather can be
manipulated by the military

to produce powerful storms, and
even catastrophes, is this only

a recent innovation, or is there
evidence of the weaponized use

of weather in the ancient past?

Tales of a great flood
destroying the world can be

found in the earliest myths of

many ancient cultures across the globe.

Both the Hebrew Bible and the
Islamic Koran describe an epic

flood in the tale of Noah's Ark.

God was unhappy with the people for

their sinful ways, and as a kind
of punishment and also an act of

purification, sent the Great Deluge.

Most living things would die in

this except for a few birds and fish,

but he told Noah very
specifically how to build a

craft that could survive the storm.

Noah is to collect pairs
of the air-breathing

animals on Earth, and he packs
these animals and his family

into the ark, and then it rains
for 40 days and 40 nights

and floods the entire Earth.

And all air-breathing animals
and people are k*lled.

In Ancient Mesopotamia, a similar
story of a catastrophic flood

was chiseled into clay
tablets dating to 2,000 BC.

Known as the "Epic of Gilgamesh",
this early Sumerian

poem describes angry gods that
send a great flood to destroy

mankind while allowing only
a chosen few to survive.

The gods had created
humanity to perform whatever

labor they were supposed to do,
but what happened was, according

to the old Mesopotamian stories,
human beings just started

causing too much trouble.

They became noisy.

They became rebellious.

And it was just time to wipe them out.

And that's actually what's reported
in those old creation stories.

But did such stories of great floods

engulfing the world merely
spring from man's imagination,

or were they real?

If so, might such devastation
have had an otherworldly origin,

as ancient astronaut
theorists believe?

If the human race in the
early 21st century is now

weaponizing the weather, why
shouldn't aliens from some

faraway world have
already developed it?

If ancient aliens were able to
weaponize the weather, then I

don't think we can rule out the
idea that possibly some of these

great ancient floods may not
have been the work of gods, but

could have been the work of
highly-advanced technological

aliens actually seeking to potentially
obliterate the human race.

There are more than a
thousand different

flood myths from cultures all
around the world, and the

tendency has been for
archeologists to say that

that's simply because people's
fantasies work in the same way.

But I honestly think there's a
much simpler explanation for why

the flood myth is so universal.

I think it's a memory of what
happened at the end of the Ice Age.

What's much more mysterious is
that coupled with these memories

of global devastation, there are
also memories of almost godlike

beings with incredible powers and
abilities who were caught up

in that cataclysm.

The deluge stories are
really very interesting.

What they all say is that the
angels, the gods, whatever we

want to call them today...
they basically just got tired of

humanity, where there's a wanton
intention to wipe out, or thin

out, the human race.

Right there we have a perfect example

that maybe the extraterrestrials
were unhappy with h*m* sapiens,

and it is possible that they
then created some type of a

catastrophe, some flood
to eliminate mankind.

But it's also possible that
benevolent extraterrestrials

warned us about an impending
catastrophe so that not everyone

would be destroyed.

Could the mythic floods
of the ancient past

really have been the result of
extraterrestrial influence?

Or is it possible, as some
ancient astronaut theorists

contend, that aliens may have
actually helped mankind survive

nature's fury?

Perhaps further evidence can be
found near one of Earth's most

dangerous places... active volcanoes.

The Republic of Indonesia,
Southeast Asia.

This archipelago, encompassing
over 17,000 islands, is home to

129 active volcanoes.

Here, in April 1815, the Mount
Tambora volcano exploded in a

cataclysm of fire, smoke and ash.

The amount of material
discharged into the atmosphere...

estimated to have been 120 cubic
tons, makes the event the

largest volcanic eruption
in recorded history.

With a death toll of nearly
71,000 people, it was the

world's deadliest eruption.

It had quite an effect worldwide.

The year of 1816 was known as
the year without a summer.

And the reason is because very
large volcanic eruptions inject

a lot of ash and aerosols in
the atmosphere, and they can

actually lower the global
average temperature.

A volcano on its own is not
the disaster, but when it

erupts and affects large groups
of people, it certainly is.

And volcanic eruptions have k*lled
millions of people over time.

According to local religious
traditions, volcanoes

are considered sacred.

And the Mount Tambora eruption
is thought to have been the work

of the gods.

But why?

Researchers believe answers can
be found near the most volatile

volcano in Indonesia today...
Mount Merapi... a site believed

by Java mysticism to be
the center of the world.

Strangely, this revered volcano
is located just 29 miles from a

mysterious ancient Buddhist
temple called Borobudur.

Whenever we are confronted
with certain temple

sites, some of them are obviously
more interesting than others.

But in this case, we have a very
interesting location, because it

is said that this mountain is
the center of the universe.

And you will always find that
this is linked somehow in

mythology with the ascent or the
descent of a very important god,

sometimes a creator
deity or somebody else.

Built during the eighth
and ninth centuries, the

Borobudur temple was designed in
the form of a stepped pyramid,

and features a large round dome
on top, encircled by 72 statues

of Buddha, each seated in a
bell-shaped enclosure called a stupa.

Is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe,

that the temple and stupas were
built to honor otherworldly

beings and their spacecraft that
arrived at Mount Merapi in the

ancient past?

There is no question
that Borobudur was a

place of pilgrimage that was
built only because something

significant happened in the remote
past, in that specific area.

The volcano was so huge for
them, so incomprehensible, that

they, over time, built stupas,
all directed to the sky.

Because each stupa, on that
complex, represents a chariot of

the gods, with which to
actually reach outer space.

This is a very specific
shape for a temple.

It's almost as if it is a
flat-topped pyramid with

something sticking on top there,
as if something has landed.

And then the question is, why did
they construct it so specifically?

Was it something which was
visually remembering as to what

had happened there, or what was still
happening on a regular interval?

All over the world,
volcanoes often have some

god associated with them who's
controlling the volcano, causing

earthquakes, causing
devastating eruptions.

And in fact, in Indonesia, the
people there believe that there

is an entire city of gods
inside Mount Merapi.

When I read stories
about ancient volcano

gods descending or ascending
from and into volcanoes, then I

think to myself, are we really
talking about something here

that's a figment of our
ancestors' imagination?

Or is there some truth
behind these stories?

And the answer is yes.

It was not some type of
spiritual event, but it was

where extraterrestrials
descended from the sky in

nuts-and-bolts spaceships.

But what is it about
volcanoes that seem to

attract celestial visitors?

And might they have had the power
to trigger volcanic eruptions?


Here, in the middle of the Pacific
Ocean, lies Mount Kilauea.

Spewing lava almost continuously
since 1983, it is the most

active volcano in the world.

According to ancient Hawaiian
legends, the volcano is home to

Pele, the goddess of
lightning and fire.

She lives in the enormous
volcano on the Big

Island in her crater,
and I've been up there.

It's a big crater, and you can

imagine a powerful
goddess could live there.

She has come from a place of the
clouds, a place in the sky.

And that's mysterious.

We don't know where that is.

Is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists

believe, that the origin of the
Pele legend can be traced to

contact with extraterrestrial beings?

Just like the American
military has hollowed

out Cheyenne Mountain, near
Colorado Springs, to create a

secret and virtually
impenetrable military base

inside of a mountain, we have,
in a sense, similar stories of

ancient gods or
extraterrestrials doing this to

volcanoes, using them as bases.

And if there was some danger of
people discovering it, or people

were building their homes or
cities too close, these aliens

could have their volcano erupt.

Is there something
extraterrestrial behind those

stories of volcano gods?

Absolutely yes, because all
around the world, our ancestors

worshiped nature.

There was a god of thunder...

there was a god of rain,
and even a god of a volcano.

However, there was a fine line
between worshiping nature and

worshiping something else.

And that something else
was extraterrestrials.

They were space travelers that came
here from another planetary system.

Might some of the planet's
most active volcanoes

really have been home to
extraterrestrial forces, as some

ancient astronaut theorists contend?

Researchers believe further clues
can be found in one of the

driest and deadliest places on Earth.

The Sahara Desert.

Stretching across Northern
Africa and covering nearly

three-and-a-half-million square
miles, it is one of the hottest

and most formidable places on Earth.

With an average rainfall of only
half an inch per year, humans

have fought a relentless
battle to adapt to the harsh

environment or die.

Historians have often
looked at the Sahara

Desert and wondered what it is
that created this particularly

inhospitable desolate
area of the planet.

But in the Algerian Sahara,
in the region of Tassili

n'Ajjer, numerous cave
paintings, some estimated to

date back as far as 8,000 BC,

depict a time when the land was
lush and teeming with life.

But if so, what happened?

The scenes that you see at Tassili
n'Ajjer are totally bizarre.

They're showing a Sahara that
was once fertile with giraffes

and antelope and other animals we
find only in Central Africa really.

And combined with them are these
bizarre pictures of what even

the archeologists have called
the Martians and the spacemen.

They have strange helmets on and suits.

They look exactly like

The petroglyphs that we
find there are incredible.

They look like modern-day astronauts

with suits, with helmets,
with visors, and

according to the legends of the
Tassili region, the natives were

visited at a time when a climate
change was about to happen.

So is it possible that the
reason why we have these

depictions of these ancient
aliens is because they assisted

the native population at the
time of climate change to move

into a new area of habitation?

Did alien beings visit this
region thousands of years ago?

And if so, might they have
warned the local population of

an enormous climate change, one that
would trigger a vast migration?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer is yes.

And for evidence, they point to
the ancient oral traditions of a

Western African tribal
people known as the Dogon.

According to the Dogon
themselves, they were

guided by their alien fish god
the Nommo, to this area near the

Niger River where there's
a lot more water.

So they had to transit across
the inhospitable Sahara to find

their homeland...

and their own explanation
is that alien gods led them

to this fertile area where they
could establish their civilization.

The Nommos describe coming down
in some type of flying craft.

The Dogon Tribe gave some very
interesting details, which sound

like a UFO... large
spinning disc that made

a lot of sound and wind as it
descended to Earth and the

Nommos appear.

So, this is a very interesting
story, which was replicated by

many different cultures of
seeing beings descending from

the heavens to Earth.

Were they gods, or were
they extraterrestrials?

Even today, the Dogon
believe they are the

children of the Nommo, strange
gods who came here from the

Sirius star system.

The Dogon Tribe look up at
the star system of Sirius,

and they are convinced that they
were visited here, and they were

told about a star system, a
binary system that we didn't

know about for years later.

I mean, how did these
people know this?

The Dogon have always
been focused upon in the

sense that they have this story,
this information about their

ancestors who somehow had this contact
with this non-human intelligence.

Now the question is, how
did they attain this?

It really might come from the
Sahara Desert, from specifically

culture pockets like Tassili
n'Ajjer, and that the Dogon are

descendants from these people.

Could the Tassili n'Ajjer
cave paintings and the

legends of the Dogon tribe
really be proof of alien contact

in the distant past, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe?

Perhaps additional evidence can
be found half a hemisphere away

at an archeological site near
the city of Chifeng in China.

Here, scholars have found
5,000-year-old stone carvings

and other artifacts believed
to have been engraved by a

Neolithic people known
as the Hongshan.

The Hongshan people
in China are known to

have strange carvings, jade
statuettes, showing long headed

people looking very much
like extraterrestrials.

But the most curious
among the Hongshan's

ancient carvings is this one...
an image of what many scholars

and archaeologists believe to be
the depiction of a massive comet

or meteor, similar to the one
that did, in fact, strike this

region around 3,000 BC.

The evidence that we have that there

was a massive catastrophe at
that time, approximately between

3113 and about 3116 BC,
is so fascinating.

A whole team at Harvard and
Princeton took a look,

scientifically, at the Peruvian
ice shelves there in the Andes

Mountains, and they dug down,
and they said there was a

massive, planet-wide glaciation
of the Earth, a gigantic

catastrophe that froze wooly
mammoths with tropical

vegetation in their mouths, froze
the entire planet at that time.

But how is it possible
that these ancient

people could have known of a
catastrophic meteor strike that

wouldn't occur for another 116 years?

It seems like they were
possibly warned by their

extraterrestrial gods of this
coming catastrophe and were able

to leave and relocate somewhere else.

If we argue that this
carving was done before the

event took place, then somebody
must have given them this

knowledge, and in the ancient
astronaut opinion, that

knowledge was given to
the Hongshan culture by


The question whether
this is by coincidence

or somehow by some intelligence
who's pulling the string of

these meteorites and comets,
our ancestors were absolutely

convinced that there was
an intelligence behind it.

You might have certain comets which
are programmed to bring life.

You might also have certain
comets which are programmed to

bring destruction.

Might the Hongshan
people, like the ancient

ancestors of the Dogon tribe,
really have received warnings of

impending catastrophes from
extraterrestrial beings, as many

ancient astronaut theorists believe?

If so, why?

Did ancient visitors really want
to save the lives of Earth's

human inhabitants?

Or were they trying to achieve
something more, something that

might forever change the
course of human history?

November 8, 2011.

A massive asteroid, a quarter
mile in diameter, narrowly

misses the Earth while passing
by inside the orbit of the moon.

It is known as a Near-Earth Object.

It's a kind of wake-up call.

It tells us that indeed
these objects are real.

They come very close, and
someday, they may come so close

that they would hit.

There are probably a million
near-Earth asteroids that are

large enough that they could
do significant destruction, by

which I mean, if they hit a
city, they would destroy it.

They could k*ll millions of people.

An asteroid strike of
significance, something big,

could be devastating for the planet.

It will cover the sun for years,
and we'll go into an ice age,

and we'll all starve to death.

According to mainstream
science, one such

object, an asteroid six miles in
diameter, smashed into the Earth

65 million years ago, triggering
a global catastrophe that

forever changed the
history of our planet.

The Chicxulub Crater is in
Yucatan, Mexico, and it's

the largest impact crater on Earth.

And this crater is 180
kilometers in diameter.

It's absolutely ginormous, and
it represents an event that

occurred at the end of the
Cretaceous Period, 65 million

years ago, and that's coincident
with a mass extinction.

And that's the mass extinction that
took out many animals and plants...

most particularly, the dinosaurs.

Many scientists are
still studying the details of

the impact that produced
the dinosaur extinction.

They discovered the actual
crater, the smoking g*n, the

remnant of that impact.

From the size of the crater,
we can infer how much energy.

It was 100 million megatons
of TNT equivalent.

We don't have any other example
that's that clean, but there

must have been impacts like that
throughout the history of the Earth.

Was such a devastating collision the

result of chance, an
intergalactic accident?

Or might it have been a planned
event, as some ancient astronaut

theorists believe?

And if so, why?

The reason that some kind
of alien force would

want to create the extinction
of dinosaurs and other large

animals would be to make the
Earth safer for people.

The idea of tidal waves and
earthquakes, catastrophes

causing mass extinctions, the Earth
becomes a better place to live.

We're able to have our
civilization in a much more

protected manner without having
to worry about giant animals

crashing into our house all the time.

One can ask the question, why
would extraterrestrials do this?

Well, the answer is very simple.

We are their product.

We are their offspring.

They treat us as creator
beings, and we are

their offspring, and they're
able to make decisions about

humanity based on their needs.

So, perhaps their needs were
satisfied, and they decided they

didn't want humankind around
anymore, so it's just as easy to

wipe them out as it is to continue
to perpetuate their existence.

If aliens are visiting
us, you know, and

they're not necessarily hostile,
but the very fact that there

have been UFO sightings during
earthquakes, tsunamis, floods,

Is this a concern?

If you look at us humans
from the religious

side, or if you look at the
humans from the scientific side,

we look at us as the greatest.

Something so gigantic and
wonderful like humans does not

exist somewhere in the
universe out there.

I could imagine that the
extraterrestrials, one day, they

have enough of our arrogance and
ignorance, and they say we tried

to teach now since centuries,
but you still believe you are

the greatest thing out
there in the universe.

So we have enough, and
we punish you again.

You have to wonder if
extraterrestrials, with their

super technology, haven't been
involved in some of these

catastrophes, actually creating
them to change history.

We know that our ancestors
survived some of the

greatest disasters.

And on each occasion, there is
always an intelligence out there

who's willing to tell us and
help us in making sure that we

survive, and the question is, if
something is going to happen in

the future, are we going to
be relying once again on the

nonhuman intelligence to help us?

Devastating earthquakes
and deadly floods,

catastrophic eruptions and
planet-crushing collisions...

Are Earth's mega-disasters
simply the consequence of

natural events?

Or is mankind simply a pawn in
the great cosmic experiment,

one engineered by otherworldly forces?

Might alien beings be
manipulating human history, in

an effort to test us,
to make us stronger?

Or are they paving the way
for Earth's future, a future

where humans would no longer exist.
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