04x09 - The Time Travelers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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04x09 - The Time Travelers

Post by bunniefuu »

Ancient star rituals
summoning higher powers

What the discipline
of the Kalachakra is telling us

is that we can control time.

Legends of otherworldly
beings traveling through time...

It's not outside the realm of
possibility that these aliens,

they are, in fact, time travelers.

and scientific theory revealing
the secrets of the universe.

If someone can travel faster
than the speed of light, then

theoretically, someone
could travel in time.

Are alien beings really
from out of this world,

or might they be evidence of man's
future technological achievements?

You have to wonder if they
weren't time-traveling

extraterrestrials, or even humans
coming from our own future.

Millions of people around
the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so, might new evidence reveal
the existence of time travelers?

Bern, Switzerland.

September 26, 1905.

Albert Einstein publishes his
special theory of relativity.

According to his astonishing
scientific breakthrough, space

and time are one.

In the old theory of
Newton, space was a

rigid container and time
was an absolute flow.

In Einstein's theory,
this was revolutionized.

Space now became a flexible medium,
and time now could be altered.

Einstein realized that if you move

faster, the ticks on your
clock actually change.

Prior to Einstein, no one
understood that or would even

have expected that, because it
only happens when you get very,

very close to the speed of light.

There is a way within
the laws of physics to

travel long distances and still
be alive, and that actually is

related to special relativity
and the idea that if you can

travel very, very close to the
speed of light, time will slow

down for you.

And in this sense, if you could
travel very near the speed of

light, only a day or two would pass,
instead of the whole four years.

January 30, 1933.

flees to the United States.

Fearing Hitler's rise to power,
he warns the U.S. and the world

of terrible dangers posed to
humanity, especially if Nazis

were to acquire advanced technology.

But by revealing to the world his
breakthrough theories, might

Einstein have accidentally helped
the Nazis build a time machine?

Southwest Poland.

The Owl Mountains.

Here, concealed under rolling
hills, were seven underground

complexes built for a top secret
n*zi program called Die Glocke.

Some researchers believe it was
in these covert facilities,

between 1943 and 1945, that
Third Reich scientists carried

out clandestine experiments in
an effort to win World w*r II.

They were developing
lots of exotic things.

They were in charge of the
V1, the V2 rocket programs.

But then, I think, the culmination
of their experimentation was with

Die Glocke, or The Bell, and
they called it that because it

was bell-shaped.

And what this
appeared to be was some sort of

device that had very, very
powerful, rapidly rotating

energetic magnetic fields.

And there are thoughts that this
basically was a time machine.

That the idea was that you would
be able to move back and forth

in time, change history, change
certain events, and create a new

time line and a new reality.

The existence of the
mysterious bell-shaped

device, measuring nine feet wide
and 12 feet tall, was first

exposed by the high-ranking n*zi
general Jakob Sporrenberg while

being interrogated by Polish
authorities after the w*r.

But when the Allies eventually
captured the German research

center, neither the n*zi Bell
nor its project commander, Hans

Kammler, could be found.

Hans Kammler was in charge of
all the super-secret n*zi technology.

And this guy just
disappears after the w*r.

In fact, there are four
official versions of his death.

So nobody really knows
how he died, when he died,

if he died, where he
went, or what happened.

Is it possible that the
German military was

experimenting with time
travel technology?

And if so, might the n*zi Bell have
actually traveled to the future?

December 9, 1965.

Thousands witness a brilliant
fireball flash across the sky

before crashing in Kecksburg,
Pennsylvania, 30 miles southeast

of Pittsburgh.

The military was
immediately on the scene,

grabbed everything up, and
then said nothing happened.

The thing that intrigues me
about the Kecksburg crash is

the description of the object.

Unlike most of the flying
saucers, this one was bulbous.

It has been described like an
acorn, or, what I could see, is

kind of something that
resembled the n*zi Bell.

Might the object that
crashed at Kecksburg have

been the long-lost n*zi Bell that
disappeared 20 years earlier?

And is it possible that German
scientists had discovered a way

to transport humans from one
time and place to another, as

some researchers believe?

If so, did they use Einstein's theories
to create their own time machine?

Or might their inspiration have
been, perhaps... more divine?

Tibet. May, 1938.

While on an expedition through
the northeast region of the

Himalayan Mountains, n*zi
officials searching for the

origins of the Aryan, or master,
race, instead discover the

Buddhist teachings known
as the Kalachakra.

In the Buddhist tradition,
there's the notion

of Samsara, or the wheel of time.

In the Kalachakra initiation,
the teaching is to understand

time, particularly biological time...

calendar time and astrological
time, and how those things

actually influence you.

And so what the discipline
of Kalachakra is

telling us is that whereas we
seem to see time as linear, this

is not the case, that time is
somehow cyclical, and that we

can somehow master
this and control time.

Throughout the Buddhist world, the

Buddhists build, uh,
what they call stupas.

They look very much
like the n*zi Bell.

The stupas, it is said that
we can use this shape

to somehow connect with the gods.

Now, when we put the practice
of Kalachakra on this, what we

are talking about is somehow a
practice of transcending time.

The Kalachakra teaching
gives individuals

actual practices and techniques
to be able to step outside of

time, and to be able
to move in time.

So it's entirely possible that
the Nazis were looking for

secrets on how to travel in time.

Is it really possible
that the Nazis unlocked

the secrets of time travel during
their expedition in Tibet?

And if so, might the early
teachings of the Kalachakra be

evidence that ancient Tibetan
Buddhist monks had knowledge of

time travel thousands of years
ago, as some ancient astronaut

theorists believe?

Perhaps the answer can be found
in the legends and rituals of an

ancient civilization in New Mexico.

Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.

In a remote desert region 150
miles northwest of Albuquerque

lie the mysterious ruins of
an ancient Pueblo people.

Called the Anasazi, they
thrived from 900 to 1100 AD.

This is the Plaza of Pueblo Bonito.

This is a representation of
our place in the universe.

You've got the worlds above, the
worlds below, and this right

here is our plane of our world.

This is the exact place where
time and space began for the

ancestral Pueblans,
who inhabited this place

hundreds and hundreds of years ago.

Scholars believe the
Anasazi, or ancient ones,

built their civilization
with advanced knowledge of

engineering, mathematics
and astronomy.

Somehow, some way,
they built a city that is

perfectly circular, that goes out
in perfectly straight lines,

that the structures of the city
themselves actually predict the

5,200-year cycle of the
moon and cycles of the sun.

All in the geometry.

All in the stone, if you will.

These are very
elaborate constructions

which required engineering skills
beyond what the local folks had.

And it had to be done by an
advanced civilization.

The Anasazi built Chaco Canyon.

And they built it as part of a
promise of a way of living;

that they were to uphold
the wishes of the Creator.

And so Chaco Canyon is the
delivery of the teachings.

The teachings came
from the star people.

But how did these ancient
people engineer such

elaborate structures
without modern machinery?

And just who were the star people who
brought knowledge to the Anasazi?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answers can be found

by looking at the ancient rituals
and myths of Chaco Canyon.

According to local legends,
the Anasazi believed in a

multidimensional existence and
practiced sacred rituals called

crystal stargazing; ceremonies believed
by some to enable time travel.

If you go up into the
cliff dwellings of the

Anasazi, there are elaborate
star maps up in those caves.

And that's where the crystal
stargazing ceremonies took

place where they had the ability
to traverse space and time.

What we're seeing within
this area are people who

basically say that they somehow
emerged out of a different

dimension onto this place.

And they say that this for
them is a place of emergence.

They say that they interacted
with mysterious creatures.

Did the Anasazi really believe in
interdimensional time travel,

as some ancient astronaut
theorists believe?

If so, might they have left
behind tangible evidence of

otherworldly contact?

I'm standing in front of the
petroglyphs at Una Vida.

And they're very amazing as you
can tell, with animal life, but

there's also some very weird
creature standing there,

humanoid figures, and one guy is
holding what to me looks like

a representation of a spiral galaxy.

Native Americans were very aware
of our place in the universe,

that we were part of a
giant spiral galaxy.

The spiral symbol, the
one that you see on the

walls, is a connection between the
Anasazi and the extraterrestrials.

They had contact.

And they either came with them
or they either left with them,

we just don't know.

But it's a bridge that existed between
the Anasazi and the star people.

Four very interesting
humanoid petroglyphs

have been found, one of which
hovers above the other three

humanoids with antennae
sprouting out of its head.

Some would suggest that this is
a depiction of the ancient Ant

People that emerged to essentially
jump start human civilization.

According to the legends
of the Hopi, a Native

American tribe believed to be
the descendants of the Anasazi,

the Ant People saved them from the
first destruction of the universe.

The Ant People are
described as very special

cosmic visitors, maybe even star
beings, extraterrestrials, who

rescued them from this cataclysm
by taking them underground.

What's interesting about this is
that in ancient Sumeria, they

tell of beings called the Annunaki,
who also came from the stars.

The Hopi word, "anu" means "ant."

And the word "naki" means "friend."

Is it possible that the Annunaki
are the ant friends or Ant

People that the Hopi
were describing?

Did the Annunaki of ancient
Sumeria also appear

here in Chaco Canyon thousands
of years ago as many ancient

astronaut theorists believe?

Perhaps the answer can be found in
the local legend of the Wingmakers.


A group of hikers exploring a
system of hidden caverns in

Chaco Canyon discovered wall
paintings and even cuneiform

writing similar to those
found on Sumerian artifacts.

After careful analysis, ancient
astronaut theorists suggest that

the caverns were originally
inhabited by beings visiting

from the future called
the Wingmakers.

And the Wingmakers were--
they claimed-- humans,

and in a sense extraterrestrials
from 300 years in the future.

And they were using Chaco
Canyon as their base for this

time zone, where they were coming from
the future into our present time.

My belief is that, yes,
the Wingmakers were

the culture bearers bringing us
a look at what our future was,

which was mathematics, it was science,
it was art, it was cultivation.

Might there be truth to
the story of the time-

traveling Wingmakers
at Chaco Canyon?

And if so, is it possible the Wingmakers
were actually alien visitors?

Ancient astronaut theorists say
yes and suggest the evidence

still lies in Chaco Canyon.

This is a kiva.

A kiva was known to be the
most sacred of places where

ceremonies took place with the
ancestral Pueblans when they

talked about the cosmos, and the
universe and our place in the universe.

Mainstream archeologists
believe the kivas

were once covered with
timber to make a roof.

But strangely, some Hopi legends
refer to this circular structure

as a "cloud house."

What if these cloud
houses were nothing else

but biodomes or biospheres
made of nuts and bolts?

It is interesting that
biospheres today look as if

people are living sort of sunk
into the ground with a giant

dome over it, and here we
have something very similar.

So the question is, why would
anybody do this, and according

to the ancient myths, they were
witness to an incredible event

that had something to do
with ancient aliens...

and to them, it was
a divine encounter.

Is it possible that
alien beings inhabited

biospheres in Chaco Canyon,
like those our own scientists

envision for future
use on other planets?

And might they have traveled
here not in spacecraft, but

through an interdimensional
space-time portal?

But if so, where did they come from?

Perhaps answers can be found
halfway around the world...

in the ancient Indian
text of the Mahabharata.

The Mahabharata.

In this sacred Indian text,
written in the eighth century

BC, King Revaita is described as
traveling to the heavens to meet

with the creator god Brahma,
only to return to Earth hundreds

of years in the future.

Some researchers believe this
Hindu tale may be one of the

oldest records of successful
time travel in the ancient past.

There's the story of a king
called Revaita, and he is taken

into space to see the gods.

And when he returns to the Earth, he
finds that many ages have gone by.

And it's been hundreds of years.

And this is a kind of thing
that would happen to space

travelers and in time travel, as well.

You think you're gone for only a
few days, but when you return to

Earth, you find out that you've
been gone for hundreds of years.

Like the legend of Chaco
Canyon, similar tales of

time travel can be found all
around the ancient world.

In Japan, the legend of Urashima
Taro details a fisherman's visit

to the protector god of the
sea-- Ryujin-- in an underwater

palace for what seemed
like only three days.

When he returns to
his fishing village, he finds

that it's been 300 years
that he's been gone.

And his house is in ruins,
everybody he knows is long dead,

no one remembers him or his family.

And in the Hebrew Bible,
descriptions of the

prophet Jeremiah in Jerusalem
are eerily similar to both of

these accounts of time travel.

In the Bible, the prophet
Jeremiah was sitting

together with a few of his friends,
and there was a young boy.

His name was Abemolik.

And Jeremiah said to Abemolik,
"Go out of Jerusalem, there is a

hill and collect some figs for us."

The boy went out and
collected the fresh figs.

All of a sudden, Abemolik hears
some noise and wind in the air,

and he become unconscious,
he had a blackout.

After a time he wakes up again, and
he saw it was nearly the evening.

So when he runs back to the
society and the city was full of

strange soldiers.

And he says, "What's going on here?

Where is Jeremiah
and all the others?"

And an old man said,
"That was 62 years ago."

It's a time travel story
written in the Bible.

Southern Egypt.

Agilkia Island.

Here, just six miles upstream
from Aswan in the Nile River

Valley, lies the Temple of !sis.

Built in the fourth century BC,
the temple was a center of

worship for the Egyptian goddess
of fertility and nature until

the sixth century AD.

!sis became the most important
deity which ancient

Egypt ever had.

She was married to her brother,
Osiris, and together they really

became the popular husband and wife
to which everybody wanted to be like.

She is seen as a symbol of life,
whereas Osiris is seen as the

deity who rules over the death.

And so whether you are alive or
whether you're dead, you can

always identify with
!sis and Osiris.

According to
ancient Egyptian religious

belief, the goddess !sis was
known as the Divine Mother, and

believed to be the soul of the
brightest star in the sky... Sirius.

So to the ancient Egyptians,
Osiris was Orion,

that constellation actually was
a literal living embodiment

of the great god Osiris.

Sirius was the representation of his
wife, sister and consort, !sis.

Together, those two essentially
ruled the skies and the life of

the Egyptian people themselves.

Many ancient cultures, including the

Egyptians, Chinese, the Greeks,
the Japanese, all had beliefs,

legends that our gods who created
us have come from Sirius.

And this star is known to be
extremely important star to

almost all ancient cultures.

This knowledge originally
emerged in ancient

Egypt and in Africa with the
Dogon tribe, who taught that

beings of light came from
Sirius and created humankind.

It is clear that so
many cultures possessed

information about Sirius, and
they single out Sirius apart

from everything else, and it's got
nothing to with its brightness.

It has to do with the fact that
somehow Sirius is responsible

for sending us emissaries
who educate us.

Could the Sirius star
system really be the point

of origin for the
gods of ancient man?

Or was it, in fact, the place of
origin for extraterrestrial time

travelers, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe?

According to astronomers, Sirius
is approximately 8.5 light-years

away from Earth, an
incredibly vast distance.

A light-year is about
six trillion miles, so

it's quite a ways to Sirius.

Our best rockets go about
seven miles a second.

That's pretty fast, but even at
that speed, to get to Sirius

would take about 200,000 years.

So far, the farthest
humans have traveled is the

moon, at about 250,000 miles away.

Our next step will be Mars
some day, but even that is a

huge, huge stretch for humans.

Six-month trip to Mars, and just
being able to survive there

without oxygen and the things we

usually have around us
is a huge challenge.

The distances are too vast, and

our technology is just nowhere near
at level of being able to do that.

We got to the moon, and
that's as far as we got.

That's not to say that another
civilization couldn't have done that.

It's just, on Earth, we just don't
have the technology to do that.

What if interstellar distances
were too great even for advanced

extraterrestrial beings?

Or might their level of
technical sophistication be

beyond our wildest dreams?

Simply because it is
impossible to us doesn't

mean it's impossible for
everybody, and definitely when

it comes to beings out there
who are able to transcend this

boundary of time, it is clear
that they are not subject to

time in the way we are subject to it.

Do some of the ancient
myths and legends

provide proof of successful
intergalactic time travel, as

ancient astronaut theorists believe?

If so, might time travel have
allowed passage for alien

beings, as well as humans,
to and from our world?

Perhaps the answers can be found
in a laboratory deep underground

in Geneva, Switzerland.

Storrs, Connecticut.

January, 2012.

In a lab at the University
of Connecticut, theoretical

physicist Ronald Mallett
demonstrates his large-scale

model of a time machine.

Using a device called a
ring laser that produces a

circulating beam of light, the
professor hopes to prove that

the twisting light actually bends
space, forming a loop in time.

Now, what's happening
here is that these lasers, even

though you can't see it,

they're actually creating
a circulating pattern of light.

And that circulating pattern of
light is actually twisting the

empty space in here.

The twisting of space will eventually
lead to a twisting of time.

In Einstein's theory,
the two are connected.

And that twisting of time
will be where time travel's

occurring, because if you think
of time as being a straight

line, then if we twist space,
then what will happen eventually

is that that space will
twist time into a loop.

So the breakthrough of my work was
to use light to manipulate time.

And that should allow for the
possibility of going back in

time using light.

Although this is only
a prototype, Mallett

believes he may be able to
create a working time machine in

as little as ten years.

He believes the energy of the
light beams will produce a

gravitational field strong
enough to drag a spinning

neutron through time.

Let's say I'll call the spin
up a one, and I'll call

spin down a zero.

So imagine I send a stream of
neutrons with spin up, spin up,

spin down, spin up.

What do you call that?

That's binary code.

So by using the spin of
neutrons, I can send a binary

code, which could be
translated into a message.

But could this technology
ultimately be able to

send larger objects through time,
like a person, or a spacecraft?

Einstein's theory of relativity
allowed for something

called the Einstein-Rosen bridge, which
is what we today call a wormhole.

It opened up the possibility
that we can travel from point A

on Earth to point B somewhere
else in the universe as if there

were nothing in between.

If the possibility exists
to travel instantly from

one end of the universe to
another through wormholes, might

there be evidence that such technology
was used in the ancient past?

The ancient Egyptians knew
about star gate and wormhole travel.

The evidence there I discovered is
at the Temple of Hathor at Dandera.

When you enter into this temple,
you look up on this ceiling,

which is called the astronomical
ceiling, and you see the gods as

ascended light beings traveling
on their ships of eternity.

And it suggests to me that the
ancients didn't use the term

"wormhole" for these time travel
portals, but were clearly

talking about the same thing.

Is it possible, as
ancient astronaut theorists

believe, that advanced celestial
beings traveled in time through

wormholes on their way to Earth?

Or might they have possessed an
even more advanced time travel

technology, perhaps based on the
complex science of quantum physics?

Geneva, Switzerland.

300 feet underground, in a
tunnel more than 16 miles in

circumference, lies the world's
greatest particle accelerator:

the Large Hadron Collider.

Completed in 2008 by the
European Organization for

Nuclear Research, also known as
CERN, the massive international

project may allow scientists to
solve outstanding scientific

mysteries concerning the
creation of the universe.

The Large Hadron
Collider is a machine we use in

science to study how particles
smaller than an atom behave.

The Large Hadron Collider is
based on the principle of

accelerating protons, which are
one of the key elements of the

nucleus of an atom, and you want
to accelerate them up to very,

very high speeds basically in a
circular motion and collide two

beams that are moving
in opposite directions.

When you make this collision of
the particles, you get a large

number of product particles out.

Just like when you collide any
two objects, they smash and

break into pieces, the
protons break into pieces.

And it allows us to study the
fundamental particles that make

up all of matter.

On December 13,
2011, scientists working with

the Large Hadron Collider
announced their findings of

possible evidence for the
existence of the Higgs boson, or

what some refer to
as the God particle.

A number of physicists
have discovered that

there is a link between the four forces
of nature that we believe exist.

And you might say the glue
that holds these together, we

believe, is this Higgs particle.

It gives particles their mass,
and it also is the thing that

helps to bind the forces.

So discovering this God particle
is a way of understanding the

possible unification of
the forces of nature.

Some scientists
believe the discovery of

the so-called God particle may
lead to the creation of the

Higgs singlet...

a particle believed to possess
the ability to jump into

another dimension, move forward
or backward in time, and appear

in the future or past.

In other words, it would
make time travel possible.

We live in a
three-dimensional world, and

sometimes people consider
time a fourth dimension.

But some theories in physics,
string theory, predict that

there are many, many more dimensions--
ten or 11 dimensions altogether.

Only, these dimensions are
not accessible to us.

We don't see them.

Now, these dimensions are
tiny, subatomic, smaller than

particles inside of an atom.

And if you could somehow travel
along these other dimensions, it

would take you somewhere
else entirely.

Could other dimensions
really exist that we

are not yet able to perceive?

If so, might advanced beings
from a distant galaxy have

already mastered and utilized the
God particle to visit Earth,

as ancient astronaut
theorists suggest?

If you place a picture
side by side of the

Hadron Collider and the Aztec
calendar, there's an eerie

similarity between the two.

The Aztec calendar was known to
be a gateway to the universe.

And the Hadron Collider is
similar to that, because we are

trying to unlock the secrets of
the universe with this machine.

And I find it fascinating that
we have a carving from a long

time ago, and when compared to
the modern-day Hadron Collider,

there is an eerie similarity.

Is it coincidence?

I think not.

Did ancient man really make
contact with early time travelers?

And are humans on the
verge of discovering

that same incredible ability?

Perhaps further evidence can be
found, evidence that ancient

aliens may not have come from distant
galaxies but from our own future.

Ever since the infamous
UFO incident of 1947 in

Roswell, New Mexico, there have
been thousands of reports of

extraterrestrial sightings, and even
firsthand accounts of alien abductions.

Described as humanoid with
large heads and small bodies,

researchers believe these beings
might, in fact, be an alien

species that some call the Greys.

These aliens look not
too dissimilar from us.

They have heads, they have
hands, they have two arms, two

legs, two eyes, a nose,
a rudimentary mouth.

They certainly in their descriptions
appear to be pretty close to us.

Or what they kind of look like
is very, very early science

fiction concepts of how the
human race would eventually

evolve over the eons.

If you look at the
extraterrestrials that are

described-- the Greys-- that are
related to the Roswell incident,

you will see that their forms,
in many ways, resemble what we

might project or predict that we
could look like in the future,

if we became a space-faring race.

The Roswell crash
in New Mexico, in fact,

happened coincidentally close
to the birthday of the Egyptian

goddess !sis.

So you have to wonder, too, if
these so-called alien bodies

that were allegedly found at the
Roswell crash with thin bodies

and big heads, if they weren't
some kind of time-traveling


Is it possible the beings
believed to have been

recovered at Roswell traveled
here from the star Sirius, just

like the Egyptian goddess !sis,
as some ancient astronaut

theorists believe?

And might they be coming here
using advanced expertise in

space-time technology?

I would think that it's
quite possible that

the alien visitors had then
proved to be the way we think

they are, that they're using
certain forms of teleportation

perhaps, or certainly they have
propulsion devices that can

approach the speed of light.

What we do know is that
the physics of our

planet, quantum physics and
string theory, have moved the

ball so much further than it was
in the last century to saying

there are no mathematical
restrictions on time travel to

the future or to the past.

And that once you know that the
physics community is saying

there are no restrictions, it's just
us finding out how do we do this.

Time travel is basically
the same as teleportation.

We could go from place to place on
Earth in a matter of milliseconds.

This would revolutionize all
kinds of travel, at the

same time, our connections between
us and any other civilization.

And including civilizations
on other planets, as well.

But just who really are these
otherworldly creatures

called the Greys?

Is it possible they came to
Earth not from outer space, but

from the future or the past?

Or might they actually
be human time travelers?

There are various theories
as to what the Greys are.

There are stories that they
are beings which have been

around since time immemorial
and are still around.

But there are also encounters
which people have had, and in

giving these encounters, it has
been said that really the Greys

are us from the future.

And that they really have
traveled back in time because

somehow we have genetically
created this situation whereby

the Greys are no longer able to
procreate and that they have to

therefore come back to our times
to sort of remedy the situation.

People back in the '60s and
'70s kind of speculated what

would human beings look like
in 1,000 years or 2,000 years?

And the idea was that we would
expand our intellectual

knowledge so our brains would
get bigger, and we'd have

machinery that would basically
do all the physical tasks for us

that we do with our hands now.

We really would become almost
physically inert beings.

And if you look at those early
concepts of the future of the

human race, they kind of look
like the standard traditional

Grey alien, the Roswell alien.

I rather am a believer
in time travel.

I say nothing will be impossible
for us in the future.

Even if you think it's completely
crazy, it will happen.

Whatever humans are able to
think, to calculate, even to

fantasize will one day
become reality.

Sometimes I ask myself if these
UFOs are not time travelers.

It's our own people of the future.

Considering the scientific
advancements from the

last century alone, might it
be possible future humans have

discovered the ability to
travel in time, as some ancient

astronaut theorists believe?

Are they, in fact, the so-called
visitors that have been recorded

throughout the centuries?

Or are they otherworldly aliens
who have mastered travel through

both time and space?

Perhaps the answers can be found
not in the here and now, but in

another place and time.
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