05x09 - Strange Abductions

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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05x09 - Strange Abductions

Post by bunniefuu »


who seize control of
humans while they sleep.

Being unable to breathe,

feeling like you're frozen...

these are similar things
that happen to people

in modern abduction phenomenon.

Interplanetary journeys

in space and time.

They go to another world
of supernatural beings,

and then they come back,
and missing time is involved.

And entire cultures

that mysteriously vanish from the earth.

We do know that they were threatened from

something from the sky.

Could this be some type of
upwelling of energy that was

possibly utilized by ancient aliens...

in some fashion that we
still don't understand?

Millions of people around the world

believe we have been visited in the past

by extraterrestrial beings.
What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And might accounts of strange
abductions reveal an incredible agenda?

# Ancient Aliens 5x09 #
Strange Abductions
Original Air Date on February 22, 2013

Central Arizona.

The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest.

November 5, 1975.

At 6:30 P.M., a bright light
suddenly appears in the sky

over the central Arizona mountains.

Six U.S. forest service workers
driving home after their

day shift witness a large silvery
disc hovering in the sky.

It was smooth as glass, but glowing and

reflective at the same time.

It just had a powerful look and
feel to it that was just amazing.

This beam of energy hit me.

I felt like I'd been hit real
suddenly, like a physical blow,

but with a sort of a tingling

electric shock sort of
feeling, at the same time.

Walton basically got zapped
by this blinding light.

The crew just hot-footed out
of the area quickly,

and then thought, well,
we've got to go back;

you know, we got to get Travis.

Went back, whatever this
object was, was gone.

And he was gone as well.

According to Travis Walton,
the mysterious beam of

light rendered him unconscious,
and when he awoke, he found

himself in a room surrounded
by strange beings.

I was looking straight into
the face of this creature.

These small beings were
humanoid, but so un-human.

It was just terrifying.

And I just flipped out.

It was just horrible.

It was like they were
looking right into me.

Crews searched everywhere for the missing

forest worker, but it wasn't
until five days later that

Walton reappeared in a nearby town.

I was lying face down, outside,
in the dark, and there

was a light above me,

and I saw the bottom of the craft there,

right before it shot up into the sky.

When details of Travis
Walton's close encounter

were revealed to authorities,
they dismissed the accounts

of the young man's disappearance
as a possible hoax.

But researchers say the Travis
Walton case is one of the most

credible abduction stories on record.

Stories of alien encounters, abductions

to different realms, are
as old as mankind itself.

Something truly enigmatic has

been happening with us
and with our ancestors.

And when you look at the modern

accounts of abductions, you find
that they are one and the same.

Washington, DC.

December 1969.

The United States government
suddenly terminates project

Blue Book, the air force
investigation into claims of UFO

sightings and contact
with extraterrestrials.

Though more than 12,000 reports
were investigated over a span

of 20 years, the government
publically concluded that most

cases were misunderstood
natural phenomena.

But inside the organization,
project Blue Book astronomer

J. Allen Hynek had been creating
a system of classifying the data

he believed provided scientific
evidence of alien encounters.

Hynek was actively in charge
of some of the investigations.

And he realized early on, after
amassing so many cases and

having a database, that he
needed to organize it and

classify these types of reports,
so he came up with the close

encounter one-through-three

According to Hynek's classification system

a close encounter
of the first kind or CE1...

is described as witnessing
a UFO within 500 feet.

CE2 is when a UFO leaves behind a
physical trace of its presence.

And CE3 includes seeing
occupants within the UFO.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek
invented these three terms

which basically detailed
the distance of the person

from the UFO and the nature of the
experience, and it was basically

designed as terms so that,
you know, we would have a good

understanding of whether
somebody saw an object

at a distance in the sky, further
close up, a UFO on the ground.

Close encounters
of the fourth kind is that

the occupants of this craft
took the observer aboard...

And either did some type of
experimental procedure on him

or implanted him with them.

And then close encounters of the
fifth kind is people that are

having some type of telepathic
communication with the occupants

of the craft, or E.T., per se.

Since Travis Walton's
close encounter of the

fourth kind, in which he was
taken aboard a craft, claims

of alien contact have been increasing.

Perhaps most alarming, they say,
are details of abductions

claiming sexual interactions, and
even the creation of hybrid humans.

Many of these abduction
stories are really scary.

The abductee is not fully in
control of his or her own body.

The abductee has all kinds of
very painful things done to them

that he or she cannot control.

And they're deeply changed by
these experiences in ways that

are often detrimental to
them, and very disturbing.

I'm often asked, do I have any kind of an

idea of who they are, what do
they want, why have they been

terraforming this planet and
manipulating genes, apparently,

in various life-forms and
interacting with humans in

the human abduction syndrome?

The phenomena, the high
strangeness, continues and

persists, defying human logic and
defying human understanding.

Researchers claim that
alien abductions have been

occurring for millennia.

Could such extraordinary events

have been documented in the ancient world?

According to ancient astronaut
theorists, evidence can be found

right in what many believe to be

the missing pages of the
Judeo-Christian Bible.

Khirbet Qumran, Palestine.

In 1946, a collection of ancient
manuscripts, known as the dead

sea scrolls, is discovered,

hidden in clay jars deep inside a cave.

Among the manuscripts is the
book of Enoch, a so-called

"lost" biblical text, in which
a Hebrew prophet named Enoch

describes in great detail

his extraordinary encounters
with otherworldly beings.

Enoch tells us about the guardians
of the sky who came down.

He doesn't use the word
"spaceship," but we have "came

down from the sky to earth."

He is the only one who
speaks in the first person.

"I did, I thought, I flew, I had"

contact with the so-called
"guardians of the sky."

Enoch was taken away from our

planet Earth by the lord
in a fiery chariot.

They were not angels,
they were not gods,

they were flesh-and-blood
extraterrestrials who took him

up there in some type of a
vehicle in order to write down

"the knowledge of the
universe," as he calls it.

Our ancestors thought that
all they were witnessing had

something to do with magic, when,
in reality, it was nothing

else but misunderstood technology.

Could the book of Enoch
really be describing

an actual abduction event...

one that took place
thousands of years ago?

If so, might the Bible
contain other examples of

extraterrestrial encounters with humans,

and could these incredible
close encounters

betray another, perhaps less
benign, alien agenda...

one that involves controlling our
behavior and psychic abductions

to other dimensions?

The Sinai Peninsula, Egypt.

In the judeo-Christian Bible...

as found in the book of Exodus...

Moses receives the Ten
Commandments from God after

disappearing on Mount Sinai for a
period of 40 days and 40 nights.

When the prophet returns to his people,

his appearance has drastically changed.

It's very interesting.

He had been around this God for
so long, his face was glowing

and he had to literally cover
himself because people were

afraid of him because he had changed

his countenance had changed so much.

Basically his people recognize
him but also see that

he has physically changed, and so,
this is very interesting because,

if you were to take it from
a biblical perspective,

you would think that an
encounter with God is

something nice, something

phenomenal, but not that
it has physical effects.

In the case of the Moses
encounter, what you have

is something very physical,
something very specific,

suggestive that what happened to

him is a very physical
encounter with a deity...

An extraterrestrial being rather
than what we would generally

classify as divine.

If we look at it
from the context of today's

alien abduction stories, you
know, was God coming down from

the sky actually a UFO descending?

Was he taken aboard, abducted

onto a UFO, and held for
40 days and then returned?

I think, you know, if we look at
it in that context, we've got

what sounds like a classic abduction.

Could the biblical accounts
of Enoch and Moses

suggest an extraterrestrial agenda...

one where alien beings
communicate messages of peace

and harmony with humans?

Northeast Syria.

The Khabur River.

According to the Hebrew
Bible, it was here,

in the sixth century BC, that
divine beings descended from heaven

and made contact with a 30-year-old
Hebrew priest named Ezekiel.

Ezekiel was by the river
Chebar and he said a great

whirlwind came toward him.

He described it as a fire
enfolding itself, and out of the

fire was the color of amber,
which is the Hebrew word which

means "polished specter of metal,"
which implies that it's metallic,

and that it's spinning and
it lands in front of him,

right directly in front of him,
and suddenly, out of

this whirlwind come four creatures.

In the Bible, the prophet
Ezekiel calls these

spiritual beings cherubims and
describes them as having four faces,

four wings, and skin that
shone like polished bronze.

Ezekiel says that he was taken

up into the sky and taken to
different places where he could

see different things.

And then he was told some of the
future things that were going to come.

But what, in fact, was the
mysterious object that

touched down in front of Ezekiel
and lifted him up to the sky?

And who were the strange beings
that emerged and shared a vision

of the future with the prophet?

He described it was the
likeness of a man, but they

seem to have different faces on
them of different animals,

and some people have interpreted

that as perhaps even like a space suit.

You know, imagine the helmet,
oxygen mask, that kind of thing.

Could he have been actually
seeing something that was a face

but didn't look like a
face normally looks?

He's got the best
description of a UFO that's

anywhere in the Bible because he
basically says that the thing

looked like a wheel within a
wheel, kind of a classic flying

saucer description.

It's basically the account
of a guy who has been abducted,

who has been told certain
things, and who is then

returned to the place of origin.

It would be what we today would
describe as an abduction account.

Could it be that the
prophet Ezekiel's account of

a heavenly close encounter might
have been something else...

perhaps one not involving

heavenly beings but visitors of
another, interplanetary nature?

If so, what might this suggest
about other biblical accounts of

similarly strange encounters?

In the book of Jonah, there is a character

that was called by God to do a
mission, but he didn't want to do it.

He tried to travel away from his destiny.

God intervened.

He brought a storm.

The sailors grew afraid and
they threw him overboard.

He was swallowed up by a great fish.

He was in the belly for three
days and three nights and

finally coughed up on the shore.

The story of Jonah and the
whale, where Jonah had

this transformatory experience...

in my opinion, it was some type

of a submarine or some type of
a craft, and what's even more

fascinating is that, in the
apocryphic texts, we can read

that the skin and the ribs of that
whale were made of shiny bronze.

What Jonah described was,

in fact, some type of a
mechanical apparatus.

He is swallowed by a big
fish and lives in the belly

of the fish for three days.

This doesn't seem very probable,
and we do know that modern UFOs

do go in the water as well as in the air.

They seem to be able to go
anywhere they want, so the idea

that a UFO might have swallowed
up Jonah instead of a fish...

it makes sense.

Do the Old Testament
stories of Ezekiel and

Jonah actually offer proof of
extraterrestrial contact with

technically advanced but
relatively harmless entities?

And if so, then what are we to
make of similar accounts of

humans who are physically

abducted and taken to other dimensions?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answers can be found

by taking a closer look
at the tale of Muhammad

and his encounter with an angelic being.

600 BC.

The ancient city of Mecca.

Historical islamic accounts in
the Hadith say that Muhammad,

the last great prophet, was sent
by God to unite the Arabian

peninsula tribes under a
single religion of Islam.

Before forming Islam, Muhammad
is said to have retreated to a

mountain cave where he received a
series of revelations from God.

Muhammad would take a
period of time each year to

reflect and pray in a cave
in the mountains nearby.

During one of these retreats,
the angel Gabriel came to him

and had a prophecy for him

and was his guide throughout his ministry.

The angel Gabriel is somebody who is known

in the Old Testament.

He makes appearances there.

He also announces the birth

of Jesus and John the Baptist
in a Christian context.

Now, when it comes to Muhammad,
we're seeing that this angel is,

all of a sudden, far more important.

According to Muslim legend,
Muhammad formed an

intense relationship with Gabriel.

During one of Muhammad's
retreats, Gabriel is said to

have given the prophet the
complete text to the Koran.

In the case of Muhammad, what we're seeing

is he stays with him for 23 years.

He reveals the Koran to him.

And it really, once again,
shows you that there are these

messengers of the gods, these
entities who come to us

human beings and say, "You are chosen.

If you're willing to listen to
us and work with us,

"we will actually teach you
information about the divine."

Now, the angel

said to Muhammad,
"I will take you with me."

And they fly over the earth.

He sees the whole planet.

They circle the Earth.

And then the angel brings
Muhammad back to the cave.

They were surrounding the
Earth very, very quick,

because it probably took one,

one and a half minute, the whole
surrounding around the Earth.

Is it possible, as some
ancient astronaut theorists believe,

that Muhammad was repeatedly
taken and seeded with

information over time in a series
of extraterrestrial abductions?

Researchers point to one
particular interaction between

Gabriel and Muhammad,

when the prophet flees the holy city of

Mecca in the direction of Jerusalem.

The angel Gabriel came to
Mohammad with a creature,

a winged horse, the buraq,

who was able to fly him to
Jerusalem some distance.

It was called "the farthest mosque."

And they meditated there for a time.

And then, after some time of
visit there, he went to heaven

and was able to visit with the
prophets, Abraham, Moses,

Jesus... and then with
Yahweh, Allah, God himself,

and get insights and inspiration,
then came back from the heavens

to Jerusalem and back from
Jerusalem to Mecca, completely

inspired for his further teachings.

It is said that he goes from Mecca
to Jerusalem in a single night.

This is a physical impossibility.

It simply cannot be.

Now, rather than take this
allegorically, if we take it

literally, we're actually given
the tools and the explanation as

to why this might have been possible.

We're actually told that he did this
with the help of the angel Gabriel.

Might this tale describe
a physical abduction

in which Muhammad is taken

to other dimensions, including heaven,

by the angel Gabriel?

Could there be more to this
than a misinterpreted account?

Ancient astronaut theorists
say the answer is yes

and claim that evidence
is found in mysterious

disappearances documented in
an area of the Atlantic ocean

known as the Bermuda triangle.

Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

December 5, 1945.

Five Navy Avenger bombers flying
due east on a routine training

mission encounter something
strange over the Bermuda Islands.

About an hour and a half into
the flight, squadron leader

lieutenant Charles Taylor sends
a radio transmission that his

two on board compasses
have become inoperable.

Everybody got totally confused
as to where they were.

They were totally lost in an

area where they should not have been lost.

A whole squadron of U.S.
Navy aircraft just vanished.

The fact that it was in this
particular area obviously

has given rise to the theory,
could they have been abducted?

Three hours later,

a rescue aircraft, a TVY mariner
with a crew of 11 aboard,

disappeared with no trace.

And what that caused is one of
the most extensive search and

rescue operations in the annals
of the United States Navy.

And they never found a life
preserver, a piece of a wing or

anything from those aircraft.

And to this day we have no
clue as to what happened.

But flight 19 is only one
incident in allegedly

hundreds that have claimed
victims in what is commonly

referred to as the Bermuda triangle.

And according to ancient astronaut
theorists, this site...

which spans a 500,000
square mile area between

Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico

plays host to numerous
unexplained physical and

metaphysical phenomena...

Strange energies that may help
to explain why pilots, sailors

and ship captains enter the area

and are never seen or heard from again.

So you have to wonder, what's happening to

these people?

Is there something about
the Bermuda triangle?

It's some kind of portal that

aliens are using to come
and go through hyperspace.

And suddenly you and your
yacht or you and your plane

are sucked into some other dimension.

And you're not coming back.

The Bermuda triangle

is interesting for a number of reasons.

First of all, it's not just one
plane which goes missing somewhere.

This is several planes
which all disappear.

Now, the question is,
where have all of them gone?

It's not just the case that,
on occasion, one of them is found.

Really, an awful lot of what has
gone missing in the Bermuda

Triangle has never been seen,
has never been heard of.

If an aircraft is flying
over or a ship's sailing

the ocean at the wrong time,
could it pull them down

underneath the water?

So, you know, we're looking at
possibly not abductions into the

sky but actually below the ocean.

Ancient astronaut
theorists say the legend of the

lost city of Atlantis may be
connected to the possible

abductions in the Bermuda Triangle.

According to legends, the
island of Atlantis was an

enormous ancient power that
thrived as far back as 9600 BC.

The story of Atlantis,
which is one of the

most famous mysteries from
antiquity, the earliest sources

we have on it is Plato.

And the city was known for being
a sort of a technological marvel

in its own right.

And at some point, for reasons
that are not entirely clear,

there was an eruption of
some sort and the city...


We have no archaeological
artifacts from Atlantis,

and we don't know if it's just mythology.

So is it possible, either
through evil intentions or by

accident, they sunk to the
bottom of the ocean in the

Bermuda area and that's why
we're experiencing, or pilots

experiencing, all kinds of
electrical interference when

they fly over the Bermuda Triangle.

Might the ruins of Atlantis
lie below the waters

of the Bermuda and Bimini Islands?

And could this help explain the
disappearances and possible

abductions associated with
the Bermuda triangle?

Atlantis was destroyed
in a day and a night.

It just completely vanished.

Is it possible that they were

all mass-abducted and left the planet?

Could it be possible that Earth has hidden

vortexes that are causing
unexplained disappearances

and may have even swallowed up
the lost continent of Atlantis?

And if so, might this help
explain the fate of other

so-called "lost" civilizations,
empires whose populations and

technologies have also
mysteriously disappeared?

Mesa Verde, Colorado.


Rancher Richard Wetherill
discovers massive native

American cliff ruins believed to
have been built by the Pueblo

people in the 12th century.

Wetherill chooses the Navajo name
"Anasazi," or "ancient ones,"

to describe the region's
former inhabitants.

The Anasazi are a very mysterious people.

Initially, they built
these wonderful pueblos

along the river systems,

but for some reason, in the
late 1100s, the early 1200s,

they moved up to higher
ground, as if they were

trying to create defensive positions.

And they had the most
sophisticated cities that

were built not on the ground,
not on the tops of canyons,

but actually built into the rock walls.

Now, why would anyone in their

mind build their cities into a rock wall?

So my question is:
Who were they hiding from?

And my answer is: Some
type of an aerial enemy.

Pueblo Indian legends describe the Anasazi

as having great spiritual power,

as well as an ability to
control natural forces.

But by 1350, many believe this
once-great people suddenly,

and mysteriously, disappeared...

and there are no graves to account

for the Anasazi civilization
that thrived here.

Throughout history,
there are civilizations

who just, essentially, vanished.

We have this with the Anasazi
in the southwest...

whole areas just completely depopulated.

And exactly the causes for
this, um, remain a mystery.

We don't actually
know where the Anasazi went,

but we do know that they were
threatened from something from the sky,

and made decisions to build their
domiciles in these cliffside homes.

Maybe the Anasazi were
protecting themselves on the

cliffside from something that

would be easily exposed on the ground...

aliens, UFOs looking for people to abduct?

If the Anasazi were under siege
from an extraterrestrial threat,

what might have led the conflict
to escalate into mass abductions?

According to ancient astronaut
theorists, the rich minerals

hidden in the ground of the
American southwest may hold a clue.

Perhaps there has
been literally a battle for our

planet's resources, over
gold and other minerals.

And during these wars, perhaps
there have been mass abductions

of, say, the Anasazi in the southwest.

We know that the
area they lived in was rich,

where there is gold, which
really quite often the gods are

said to be interested in.

It might be that they indeed
ended up as other cultures which

had a specific focus and
emphasis on gold, which is...

they disappeared.

Is it possible, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe,

that hundreds of people...
even entire civilizations,

like the Anasazi and
the people of Atlantis...

disappeared due to mass abductions

by extraterrestrials throughout history?

And if so, were they physically

called home to their
place of origin in the stars?

Perhaps further evidence can be found

in the so-called "psychic abductions"

that some believe have
an otherworldly origin.

The Selma plateau.

100 kilometers from the
capitol city of Muscat,

a treacherous cavern lies deep
beneath the earth's surface.

Discovered in June of 1983,

this massive underground chamber
is known as Majlis Al Jinn.

Translated as "meeting place of the Jinn,"

it is one of the largest
caves in the world.

The Jinn is like an arabic fairy...

the genie in the bottle
of Aladdin and his lamp.

The Jinn can come out of the
bottle and grant you three wishes,

but those wishes might

not turn out the way that
you hoped that they would.

In Arab and Islamic traditions, these were

a set of beings that were made
by God, and in some ways they're

sort of intermediate,
between humans and angels.

Could they represent a being from
another realm of the universe

that we're not used to?
We just don't know.

According to descriptions in the Koran,

the Jinn are supernatural
entities from another dimension

that can appear and disappear at will.

They are variously described
as being both benevolent and

malevolent to humans, and often
reveal themselves with messages,

which can be either good or evil.

Mystical literature
from all over the world has

accounts of visitations from
magical creatures, angels,

gods, what have you.

Moses talked to a burning bush.

Jacob had angels coming down a ladder.

So we have tales from our
familiar culture, and from many

others, of some kind of
supernatural creatures

that interact and interfere,

that represent some powers
beyond our understanding.

Spirit beings with
sinister motives can also be

found in recorded history
dating as far back as 2400 BC.

The sumerian king list,

a manuscript believed
to be over 4,000 years old...

describes a demon named Lilu...

a spirit that seduces
women in their sleep.

Depictions of supernatural
beings, also known as Incubus,

and a female counterpart,
Succubus, exist in the folklore

of various cultures.

In each account, Incubus and
Succubus can paralyze their

victims before having sex with them.

A female, uh, entity would
come and, uh, have its way

with a male victim.

Uh, that would be the Succubus.

An Incubus would be a
male version of this.

Being unable to breathe,
feeling like you're frozen,

these are very, very similar things

that happen to people in modern
abduction phenomenon.

These stories basically are about how

these malignant entities somehow

come to people in their
sleep, at night time.

And it is said that they have

sexual intercourse with these beings.

From time to time, they made a landing,

and they simply captured

nice-looking girls,
sometimes nice-looking men,

captured them and take them away.

Sometimes, these extraterrestrials had

sex with some of our humans,
so you have an offspring,

and the offspring still has part of
the blood of the extraterrestrial.

But might the legends of Jinn, Incubus and

Succubus be describing not
demons but alien visitors?

Beings with the ability to seduce
and psychically abduct humans?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe that, throughout history,

humans have documented

numerous otherworldly communications,

both voluntary and involuntary.

Human beings have

been having similar kinds
of experiences all along.

According to some folklorists,
the experience of missing time,

of having contact with nonhuman
humanoids is the same.

It is historically
consistent whether people

are describing it as being taken
by the fairies or whether people

are describing being taken by UFO aliens.

According to native American folklore,

tribal priests, known as shamans,

are able to reach a higher state
of consciousness by communicating

telepathically with the spirit world.

Traditional shamans
go into altered states of

consciousness, and many of them

believe that they are
dealing now with spirits.

Could these actually be what
some people call "star beings"?

Beings that are living in

another dimension, another
level of reality.

There are many descriptions of shamanic

experiences where shamans

come into contact with unusual
beings, psychically.

So, in many ways, shamans are sort
of being psychically abducted.

You have some revelation of a sort.

So, where's that coming from?

Is it possibly coming also
from extraterrestrials?

Is is possible that
seductions and telepathic

messages may be a form of
abduction, as some believe?

And should humans be fearful
of what could very well be

considered a type of alien mind control?

And might we look to the ancient
past for proof that otherworldly

contact is not only benign,

but even essential for our very survival?

Are abductions even
more prevalent than we know?

Some ancient astronaut theorists
believe that psychic abductions

with otherworldly beings have
provided inspiration to numerous

historical figures, including
Winston Churchill, Joan of Arc,

Alexander the Great, Mahatma
Gandhi, and one of the greatest

scientific minds of the
20th century, Nikola Tesla.

From 1884 until his death in 1943,

Tesla was responsible for
groundbreaking scientific

discoveries, including
alternating current, radio,

x-rays, and lasers.

In a magazine article, Tesla

authored in 1901, he described
receiving telepathic messages

from beings on Mars, a comment

that earned him the
nickname "mad scientist."

Nikola Tesla was involved
in all sorts of highly

alternative research, science,
physics, et cetera.

There is a story that he
supposedly, when he was doing

some of his research, picked
up these strange signals,

and potentially was in contact with
some sort of higher nonhuman entities.

Nikola Tesla claimed
that a lot of his ideas and

knowledge came from telepathic
messages that he was receiving

from some type of extraterrestrial, um...

that they were guiding him,

and that he was just a conduit
for that information.

Might Tesla's accounts of telepathic

encounters with otherworldly
beings provide proof of

abductions that not only

involves the physical but
the mental, as well?

Could it be that extraterrestrials
have a secret agenda,

a plan that may involve preparing humans

for an intergalactic future?

Or, perhaps, as some suggest,
a desire to breed with us

and populate planet Earth
with a new hybrid race.

The reason I think that extraterrestrials

are kidnapping citizens, abducting
them, is for genetic purposes.

Somewhere along the line,
someone changed the genetic code,

and we became who we are today.

And I believe that's still going
on today, whether it's out of

a survival mode, or we're an
experimental petri dish, or that

we are some kind of pet, I don't know.

That remains to be seen, but I,
for one, think that you have to

go way back into ancient
historical documentation and

there lies the evidence, if you will.

The ancient astronaut theory has never

suggested that
extraterrestrials only visited

in the remote past.

In fact, they have never left.

The evidence suggests that there
is a type of an abduction

scenario clearly going
on in this day and age.

Is there some sort of hybridization
or cross-species interaction?

The natural thing is to consider
our interest in biology

of other species and what we do.

We obviously have zoos,

we do animal research,
we use it for drug testing.

How close would their biology

really be to ours, and how
useful could that be?

You have to ask yourself
if there is not some

big alien agenda for all of these
thousands of reported abductions.

It's a... it's a preparation

for something to happen in the future.

And all these abductions are a

way of preparing mankind
for this big event.

I've come to, uh, sort of
redefine what happened to me.

If I believe there's more than
one type of being coming,

I would have to say alien
agendas, in the plural.

And I think much of what's
referred to as an abduction

isn't really an abduction in
the truest sense of the words.

I think in many cases, at least

in my case, they were...
they were trying to help.

And if we're dealing with
one or more intelligences,

that maybe they have different agendas.

But maybe there is something out
there that has been an ally

to evolving hominids,
and we're the latest model.

Might the numerous
accounts of alien abductions...

not only recently,

but throughout the ancient past...

really provide evidence of an
extraterrestrial agenda...

a plan not only to communicate with us,

but for us to communicate through them?

If so, what is the message?

Are we being prepared for
a bright new future?

And might these so-called

abductions be a reunion
with our remote past?

One fact seems clear:

Many believe contact is being made,

and mankind's ultimate future
may be closer than we think.
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