06x04 - Magic of the Gods

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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06x04 - Magic of the Gods

Post by bunniefuu »

Wondrous wizards...

Merlin is the authority, really,
the advisor behind the throne.

Mysterious sorcerers...

Their job was really
to communicate with

the sacred in order to bring
about a change here on Earth.

And heavenly beings possessed
of unimaginable power.

So what had
begun as a battle of magic

becomes a horrific bloodbath.

Throughout the ancient
world, magic was used

for everything from healing to
communicating with the gods.

But did real magic really exist?

And if so, could it have come
from an otherworldly source?

Certain human beings seem to have

somehow mastered the power of
the universe to an extent that

even we don't understand.

The ancients
believed that they learned magic

from their gods, and
extraterrestrial gods had

taught them these powers.

Millions of people around
the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And will we find proof by
exploring the magic of the gods?

Las Vegas, Nevada, 2009.

Magician Steve Wyrick stuns a
circle of 40 onlookers as he

appears to make
a three-ton Hummer...

Raise the curtain!

vanish in an instant.

Everyone, join hands.

All right.

There's 40 people around the Hummer.

Watch this.

Do it... now!

The continued
popularity of illusions like

these speaks to a worldwide
fascination with magic

that can be traced back
thousands of years.

We long for
some kind of connection to

the supernatural, and we can
have it for a couple of hours

and the price of a ticket
by attending a magic show.

When we go to the theater
and see a stage magician,

we know supernatural events are
not happening before our eyes

no matter how much it
seems like they are.

We sometimes think of the people
of the ancient worlds as simple.

They lived in a world
saturated with magic.

There really was no distinction between
ordinary life and the supernatural.

They were completely
embedded in each other.

So belief in magic was
absolutely universal.

It was a way of looking
at the world as an

interconnected whole, as well
as a technology through which

you could make things happen in
the everyday material world.

Magic offered people an
opportunity to influence the

outcome of important events and
to know the will of the gods

and to communicate
directly with those gods.

In the ancient times,
it is actually said

that magic was of the gods.

Somehow otherworldly,
somehow beyond the confines

of ordinary reality.

What we see is that certain
human beings seem to

have somehow mastered the power
of the universe to an extent

that even we don't understand.

Magic in the ancient
world was primarily

viewed as, in some ways, coercive.

Which is to say people are
attempting to control the

spiritual realm to do something
in their daily lives.

So, whereas modern magic is
primarily driven to engage

in sort of trickery,
in the ancient world

there was an attempt to sort of
coerce spirits to sort of affect

one's life and the
direction of one's life.

Whether that would be one's fate
or, in some ways, nature as well.

But did magic really exist
in the ancient world?

Not as a form of theater but
as a means of replicating

the power of the gods?

Shanxi Province, China,
7th century A.D.

The Zhongtiao Mountain range.

Here, according to Chinese
mythology, lived Zhang Guo Lao,

a Taoist saint thought to possess
unique magical abilities

and a profound understanding
of the secrets of nature.

He was one of what were referred
to as the Eight Immortals.

So the Eight Immortals are these

semi-mythical figures
in Chinese history.

The majority of them,
they're based on people who

actually existed, and then
certain legends accrued around

these people as time passed.

The historical figure of
Zhang Guo Lao is thought

to have lived in the mid-7th
and the mid-8th centuries.

And he was very renowned for his
magical skills even at the time.

Zhang Guo Lao is possibly
the most interesting

of the Eight Immortals.

He is depicted as an old man.

He could make himself invisible.

He could go without food for days.

According to Chinese
mythology, Zhang Guo Lao

first emerged at the very
beginning of the universe,

where he appeared out of chaos
in the form of a white bat.

He was thought to be a gifted
alchemist, necromancer and sorcerer.

So Zhang Guo Lao is
often depicted as riding

a magical mule, and what's
peculiar is that he is seated

facing backwards on this mule.

The mule can ride divine
winds and also cross

thousands of miles in a single day
without ever stopping once for rest.

When Zhang Guo Lao finds a
place that he wants to settle,

for the night, he actually
folds up his mule as

one would fold a piece of paper
until it is the size that you

can fit in your pocket.

And then he would
reactivate it by sprinkling

water on it, and it
would reappear again.

So you have to ask yourself, is
this white mule actually some

kind of incredible alien
technology that allowed him

to travel around China?

It's entirely possible that what

they're describing here is some
type of a craft and that Zhang

Guo Lao himself may possibly
have been an extraterrestrial.

In order to explain his
abilities and technology,

our ancestors described
him as a magical being.

But is it possible
that extraterrestrials

could develop a technology in
which you have some sort of

flying machine that can fold
itself into hyperspace?

It runs on an advanced
energy propulsion source.

You can travel with it.

It's short, it's compact.

And when you're done, you just
fold it into hyperspace, and

it's something that you hold
in your hand and...

the whole thing just folds up.

Is it possible that Zhang
Guo Lao really existed?

And if so, could his amazing
powers of transformation have

been based on an advanced,
perhaps extraterrestrial form

of transportation?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe further clues can be

found more than 1,700 miles
away in Patna, India.

Situated on the southern shores
of the Ganges River,

this ancient city is believed to
be the place where the great

spiritual leader Buddha

embarked on an incredible
journey in 483 B.C.

Gautama Buddha was a messenger
and sage, who was born

in what is now Nepal sometime

around 500 to 600
Before the Common Era.

And he was the original figure

in the teachings
that became Buddhism.

When the Buddha was
born, his father was told by

a seer that "your son is going
"to become a great teacher."

The Buddha's message, his
teaching, is supposed to bring

people out of suffering.

He made up a religion to solve
what he considered as the basic

problems of living.

The Buddha traveled around
India spreading his teachings.

His followers in the monastic
community grew increasingly.

He was perceived as a human,
but an extraordinary human.

In the process of gaining
enlightenment, he had these

realizations that were marked
by supernatural powers.

He actually projected and built,
through pure psychic power, this

bejeweled walkway up in the sky.

And he paced up and down that

walkway filled with
jewels for about a week.

According to ancient
texts, near the end of

his life, Buddha and his many
disciples attempted to cross the

Ganges, but were blocked
by raging floodwaters.

Well, it happened to be
the time of the year when

the great rivers flooded.
It's at its high peak.

Not only is it very, very wide,
almost a mile wide at that time

of the year, but it's going
very fast, something like 70

miles an hour, a virtual rapid.

And he sees people on
one side of the Ganges trying

to build up these frail rafts,
trying to cross the river.

And what he does is...

in an instant, and the text says
that in the time it takes for

a strong man to stretch out
his bent arm, or to bend his

outstretched arm, the Buddha

appears on the other
side of the river.

Now, there
was no boat, no form of

transportation whatsoever,
and people witnessed this.

So was this some
sort of a miracle?

Of course not.

So are we talking about
teleportation here?

Some type of technology that was
misinterpreted as a miracle?

Might the incredible
feats performed by

beings like Buddha and Zhang
Guo Lao be based on real-life

extraterrestrial encounters?

And if so, could they have been the
inspiration for what we now call "magic"?

Perhaps further evidence can be
found by examining the stories

of a famous sorcerer whose
supernatural powers helped to

build a mighty nation.

Tintagel Island, England.

500 A.D.

Here, hidden along the rugged

Cornwall coastline, is the
entrance to a mysterious cave

thought to have housed
the great wizard Merlin.

We first see Merlin
historically in the

writings of Geoffrey of Monmouth.

He tells the story of this
extraordinary character who most

famously shows up during
the time period of Arthur.

I think that there is this
tendency to think of him

as the man in the pointed cap.

And to be a little bit sort of
comical, um, or ridiculous.

When, in fact, the real Merlin
is a very, very serious and very

important character.

According to stories,
King Arthur lived

around 500 A.D., and he was advised
by this wise man called Merlin.

Merlin is attributed as having
all sorts of miraculous powers.

He is said to be able to bring
lightning down, and thunder.

He can levitate rocks.

He can foresee the future.

He can call upon a mist
to cover the b*ttlefield.

Merlin seems to have been based
on this idea of the Druids.

Druids were the sort of
religious figures, uh, in a lot

of this early society.

In some cases, we see them
associated with the, uh, more

Celtic warrior groups, where
they would...might function as

a king's advisor.

Druids appear as very magical,
and having various other ways

that they could interact with
the supernatural world for the

benefit of the mundane world.

There is a manuscript
in the British

library called the Annales Cambriae,
which means the Welsh Annals.

And in there it refers to a man
by the name of Merlin living

in a forest somewhere in the north.

And the way it refers to this
Merlin, is it could very well

be the same Merlin as the Merlin
in the stories of Arthur.

According to legend,
it is Merlin who was

the mastermind behind a plan
which would unite the various

kingdoms of Britain into one
nation, capable of fending off

invasion by Saxon forces.

He launches a quest to install
the young Arthur as king, using

his formidable powers.

Merlin is stage-managing
the union of

Britain from before the
time Arthur is conceived.

He essentially manipulates
things so that Arthur can be

born in a way that has royal
blood, but he does not grow up

in a castle, which was a
dangerous place for a divinely

ordained leader to be.

He was able to be a tutor
to Arthur in his childhood,

teach him ways of nature.

He makes him king by
getting Arthur to perform all

sorts of feats that no one else can do,
like drawing the sword from the stone.

And it seems that he wants to
make Arthur into a sort of

immortal figure in the eyes of
the people, so that they will

readily follow him and make
him their one and only king.

In other words, Merlin is the
authority, really, the advisor

behind the throne.

Did Merlin use supernatural
or otherworldly

knowledge to empower Arthur, and in
so doing, create the British Empire?

But why?

And who... or what... was Merlin?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe clues can be found in

the strange circumstances
surrounding Merlin's birth.

The birth of Merlin
is a miraculous tale.

His mother was a nun, a virgin,
who has a steamy erotic dream,

and she wakes up just
knowing she is pregnant.

So Merlin's father
could've been an incubus.

That would be a dark angel,
one of the devil's legion,

a monstrous figure, who in this
case came and had sex with

innocent women while they
slept, in their dreams.

The most common
legends about Merlin say that

he got his powers through
this demonic father.

Merlin was baptized and then the
demonic nature melted away,

but he maintained all of the
magic from the demon father.

When we're
confronted by the story of

Merlin, we're looking at a
medieval figure who is possibly

another example of an
otherworldly being, who is half

human, half extraterrestrial,
and that he, in fact, is a

representative of this long
line of otherworldly beings.

This is the real
core of British history.

It's very revered.

It doesn't seem that someone just
made this up out of nowhere.

It could be that the stories
help cover up the truth.

Which was that human...

extraterrestrial contact did occur.

That Merlin was actually an
extraterrestrial being who was

sent here to help King Arthur
establish his kingdom, and that

Merlin's advanced capabilities
might be nothing more than the

use of technology that
he had available to him.

Is it possible that Merlin
had what many believe to

have been otherworldly origins?

If so, might his magic really
have been based, not on occult

forces, but on advanced
extraterrestrial technology?



The British Museum acquires an
unusual Aztec artifact thought

to possess magical powers.

Known as the "Devil's Looking
Glass," this mirror, made of

black volcanic glass, once
belonged to the influential

16th century scholar, John Dee.

Dee was a respected
mathematician, astrologer,

and close advisor to
Queen Elizabeth I.

He was also considered to be a
powerful magician and claimed he

used the mirror to
communicate with angels.

John Dee was
a famous magician in the

Elizabethan Period in England.

Probably the most famous
Renaissance mage, at least from

England from that time, and he
became very obsessed with trying

to conjure angels.

Later magical practitioners start
to refer to it as Enochian magic.

John Dee believed that there
was an angelic language.

That there was a sound, a real
sound, not just a concept, but

a voice that the universe spoke
in, that the angels, that those

with supreme knowledge had
their very, very own language.

And he was trying to tap into that.

Dee believes this
information was given to

him because God originally
wanted it to go to mankind

throughout all of time.

This Enochian magic was given
to man before but has been lost

throughout the ages.

God originally gave it to Adam,
the legend goes, and then

to the prophet Enoch, and
maybe to others in between.

Did early magicians like
John Dee really have access

to extraterrestrial technology?
Technology that was mistakenly

believed to be of a
supernatural or divine origin?

In the ancient world,
magicians were religious

specialists whose job was to
interact with the spirit world

on behalf of their social group.

Their job was really to
communicate with the sacred

in order to bring about real and
lasting change here on Earth.

Centers of power
would have magicians.

The courts of the time, whether
a king, a Caesar or a pharaoh

would have "vizars"...
wizards, magicians... advising them,

protecting them, using their

secret powers to heal,
to guide in battle.

It was an important part of
leadership in ancient times.

These figures had enormous
power and enormous influence,

not only helping a leader,
but helping a country

stay together.

Is it possible that the
early practitioners of what

we call magic were really
individuals in possession of

advanced extraterrestrial

knowledge that could change
the course of human history?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe that such an audacious

notion is, in fact, possible and
believe further evidence may be

found in the legends of a
mysterious device... one so

powerful, it could make
its user disappear.

Dallas, Texas.


Researchers at the University
of Texas's Nanotech Institute

discover a process that can
actually make objects invisible.

These scientists spin tiny
carbon fibers into sheets,

and submerge them into water.

An electrical charge heats the
material, and changes the way

the surrounding water bends
light, making an object appear

to vanish at the turn of a switch.

We are not actually seeing around
the object we're cloaking.

What we're doing is we're using
the heated carbon nanotube sheet

to bend light.

So when we think we're looking
in a particular direction,

we're actually looking
at neighboring seawater.

We're using very extraordinary

materials to accomplish
our mirage cloaking.

But as innovative as this
remarkable technology is,

stories of devices with similar powers
can be found throughout history.

Serifos, Greece.

It was here, on this tiny island
in the Aegean Sea, the ancient

Greeks believed the hero Perseus
set off on his seemingly

impossible mission to k*ll
the fearsome Gorgon Medusa.

So Perseus had
this incredible challenge

because Medusa was powerful, and
you just look at her and die, so

it is a true dangerous
situation for the hero.

According to mythology,
Perseus is given a

magical helmet that ultimately
ensures his success.

Called the Helm of Darkness,
the cap belonged to Hades,

the god of the Underworld.

Perseus goes on this
adventure with the help of a

number of the-the Greek gods.
He is given a number of

mythological items that are going
to help him on his journey.

He is given the cap of Hades,
which will make him invisible.

He then successfully kills Medusa...

and the other two Gorgons try
to find him but they can't see

him because he's wearing
the helm of invisibility.

Did the Helm of Darkness
really make Perseus disappear?

Or might there be another, perhaps
more scientific, explanation?

This could be an ancient
example of an advanced

technology, using the bendable
nature of light, and laws of

physics that we're now aware
of, to make something that

seems to be impossible very
attainable, and with a

technology that anyone could
use, if they wanted to.

Is Hades' helmet evidence
of an alien technology

once used in ancient times?

And if so, might the tales of
other magical devices in the

distant past offer proof that
our ancestors had access to

other even more highly advanced
extraterrestrial tools?

Ponza, Italy.

Located in the Mediterranean Sea,
this crescent-shaped island

is thought to be the legendary
home of the Greek goddess Circe...

a goddess thought to possess a
wand with remarkable power.

But the notion of a wand as
an instrument of magic can be

traced back even farther, back to
the very origins of magic itself.

The idea of magic comes from
the area known as Persia, or Iran.

This is from Zoroaster, the
Zoroastrian traditions and rituals.

The magi, the priest of that
belief system would use a

handful of wands as a magical
intercession, a way to connect

the unseen world and the seen.

Magicians and leaders of all
kind use staffs and verges and

rods and wands and scepters, maces,
all from similar traditions.

The ancient accounts
of Circe's famous wand

describe it as a formidable
w*apon, capable of producing

physical transformations.

According to Greek mythology,

Circe was the daughter of
Helios, the god of the sun.

And according to those legends,
she was incredibly beautiful.

In fact, she was radiant.

She was glowing because she
was not of this Earth.

The ancient Greeks considered
her the goddess of magic.

The stories surrounding
Circe usually refer to her

powerful wand, with which

she was able to transform
people into animals.

And so there's
a famous story in the

Odyssey where Odysseus and his
men land on a mysterious island.

And they come come upon
a house where there's a

woman inside who's singing songs.

And the songs that she sings
sort of lure the men into

the house, and Circe says that
she's going to entertain them.

And in the course of her
interactions with them,

she pulls out a wand and
touches them with it.

As a result, the men are
then transformed into pigs.

The idea of
transformation is fascinating.

There was fear in the ancient
world that you could be changed

into a wolf or some other animal.

And then it was imagined
that some people with

extraordinary powers could do
this to you, against your will,

and that was greatly feared.

And a good deal of magical practice
was to try to avoid such a calamity.

Was Circe's magic wand
simply a mythological

invention, one rooted in
mankind's primitive imagination

and superstition, as
mainstream scholars suggest?

Or might this incredible
device have actually existed.

Because we all know
that all of these myths

have a core of truth to them;
something that happened in real life.

And so when we talk about
powerful wands that are used in

order to transform
people into animals...

the only thing that something
like this could have happened

is if it was a technological device.

Is it possible,
however, that an extremely

advanced technology could

actually, somehow, generate
a shape-shifting effect...

and completely retool the DNA,

the physical tissues, the flesh
of a living human being?

Many different ancient
legends describe some sort

of handheld device that had
incredible capability to do

things that would seem to be
magical or even impossible.

We see Vishnu's spear.

We see Thor's hammer.

We see Zeus's thunderbolt.

This could very well all be

examples of a
handheld technology that

extraterrestrial humans who
look like us did possess.

Might Circe have come
from a divine, possibly

extraterrestrial lineage?

And if so, could her wand have

been based on highly
advanced alien technology?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe such an idea is

possible, and believe more
evidence can be found in

the stories of one of the
most epic and destructive

confrontations in religious history.

Qantir, the Nile Delta, Egypt,
60 miles northeast of Cairo.

Many historians believe that
beneath these fields lie the

ancient ruins of the
lost city of Pi-Ramesse.

In the 13th century B.C.,

during the reign of
Pharaoh Ramses II, this

city served as the capitol of
Egypt, and according to some

theologians, was the historical
site of the Ten Plagues of Egypt

as described in the
Biblical Book of Exodus.

We have the story
of the Exodus, which

is the story of the Hebrew
people leaving Egypt.

And so Moses is going
to be the liberator.

He's chosen by God, I.e.
Yahweh, to go to pharaoh and

say, "Let my people go."

Moses is told by this
angel inside the burning

bush that he must go to Pharaoh
and convince him to release

700,000 Hebrews.

The next thing that most
people know is that he's in

the court of pharaoh challenging
pharaoh's magicians.

In the very ancient
civilization of Egypt,

magicians played an important
part in the court of the pharaoh.

They protected the pharaoh
from dark powers.

They healed him from time to time.

They gave him legitimacy
with the people.

They were vital in the court
life in ancient Egypt.

The Egyptians
had no word for religion.

For them, magic was their religion.

It was around them,
it was part of them.

It was the power of their deities,
it created their deities.

It was a constant
force in their life.

So to study magic, to
understand magic was

to understand the world.

Egyptians were the masters
of natural magic.

They understood how magic really
works, how you could use nature

and use the power of a human
mind to create an effect.

According to the Biblical
account, God instructs

Moses to give the pharaoh a
demonstration of his divine

power, one that will force him
to free the Israelite slaves.

In order to help
compel pharaoh, Moses

throws down his staff so
it turns into a serpent.

The Egyptian magicians, they
look at that and they go,

"Gosh, we can do this, too."

All of the magicians throw
their rods down on the ground.

They all turn into snakes.

But Moses' snake eats
all those other snakes.

And that's the beginning of what
we know as probably the greatest

magic contest ever recorded.

God is equipping

Moses to face off pharaoh
and pharaoh's magicians.

It is a literal battle of sorcerers.

The confrontation
quickly escalates as God

proceeds to unleash a series of
ten increasingly devastating

plagues on the people of Egypt.

In the first plague,
Moses touches his staff

to the Nile River, and it becomes
blood, but the magicians

are able to do this as well.

In the second plague, Moses
multiplies frogs, but so can the

magicians, although once they do it,
they can't get rid of the frogs.

In the third plague,

Moses brings about gnats,
or some think lice.

So for each of these plagues,

they begin to increase
in their severity.

And up through the third plague,
the Egyptian magicians are able

to replicate everything
Moses is doing.

But finally, they have to
concede that, you know,

this is the finger of God,
and beyond this, we can't

challenge him anymore.

What we're seeing
here is very strange.

We're seeing a magic competition
that God is continuing,

forcing a continuance of this.

And it eventually leads to the
death of every firstborn male

in Egypt, which finally
ends the entire thing.

And Moses takes not only the
700,000 Hebrews out, but

generally considered to be
between one and two million

Egyptians go with him, as well, on
what we now know as the Exodus.

So what had begun as
a battle of magic tricks,

turning staffs into serpents, becomes,
really, a horrific bloodbath.

That is, as the resistance

continues, Yahweh keeps
upping the ante.

The plagues get worse and worse.

Now, these are supernatural events.

We don't know how they were
done, how they transpired, but

the shift in history happened
because of the plagues.

So, magic prevailed.

Theologians will say, "This
was God that did "this."

I have a different theory.

I don't think God is mean.

I don't think God goes out and

kills and so it could've
been extraterrestrial.

Might the story of

the Ten Plagues of Egypt really
be an account of a deadly

contest between humans in
possession of extraterrestrial

technology, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe?

The ancient Egyptians
believed that they

learned magic from their gods,

and these extraterrestrial gods
had taught them these powers.

Suddenly, they found out that
they were up against a more

powerful force, a more
powerful magic than they had.

We're not dealing
with two indigenous human

cultures battling it
out here on Earth.

We're dealing with people on

Earth in a w*r they could not
win against extraterrestrials.

In many of the ancient
texts, it seems apparent

that the gods actually took sides.
They were involved in battles.

So to suggest that they might've

been also involved in
plagues is plausible.

So the question is, was it
really God who unleashed these

plagues upon Egypt, or was it
in fact an extraterrestrial?

And according to the ancient
astronaut theory, it was a

misunderstood, misinterpreted
extraterrestrial who, in this

particular case, sided
with the Israelites.

Might the incredible power,
wielded by

Moses against the Egyptians,

have been of an
extraterrestrial origin...

a power based as much on science
as on an extraordinary knowledge

of the powers of the human mind?

Many ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer is "yes," and

that the key to what many
perceive as magic can be found

not only on other worlds, but
right within the human body.

New York City.


Magician David Blaine begins a
72-hour stint standing in the

middle of a million volts of

electrical current, protected
by only a suit of armor.

But is it a mere trick?

An illusion?

Or is it evidence that what we
call magic actually exists?

We're interested in
people like David Blaine

because we find
those things amazing.

It just pushes the boundaries of
what human beings are capable of.

And I think that we ask ourselves,
could we be capable of such a thing?

We will embrace
the endurance effects.

We will embrace them because
we think this might be real.

Maybe there's something to this.
Maybe there isn't a trick.

Maybe I can evolve into a person
able to do this kind of magic.

We are quite literally searching
for the supernatural in ourself.

Izu Oshima.

60 miles south of Tokyo.

It was here, in the seventh
century B.C., that a legendary

Japanese mystic known as En
no Gyoja was banished for his

so-called magical powers.

En no Gyoja was the
founder of an ascetic teaching.

Shugendo means the practice
of training and testing.

This tradition from the seventh
century, done up in the

mountains with great physical,

arduous exercises and discipline
is said to lead to an access

to supernatural powers
beyond our understanding.

En no Gyoja's magic
differs from our European

concepts of magic in many ways.

This is something that you
bring out of yourself.

He would go high into the mountains...
less oxygen,

isolated, less food.

Just one lapse of
concentration and you die.

And then also meditating in
the middle of a waterfall.

That's where he finds silence.
That's where he finds control.

Even historical records
depict En no Gyoja as

someone who was endowed with
magical capacities, and the

ability to also summon and
control demons and spirits.

En no Gyoja was also known for

his ability to ride the
five-colored clouds.

He was also set to be ex*cuted
a number of times, and every

time the executioners' axe
landed on the back of his neck,

the axe actually shattered to pieces.

Still, today, we're making
ongoing discoveries

about the capabilities and potential
of the human brain and body.

So it's possible that in the

stories and legends of En no
Gyoja, we're seeing someone who

was able to somehow access
knowledge that was already

hardwired into our own DNA
by extraterrestrials.

Is it possible that
ancient magicians like En no

Gyoja were able to tap into
incredible extraterrestrial

abilities embedded
within the human body?

And might this explain similar
feats performed by more modern

magicians like Harry
Houdini and David Blaine?

Magic appears to be a derivation
of extraterrestrial technology.

It's the accessing of the human

potential, using the
technology of the human form.

Magic derived from
extraterrestrial beings seems

to be the linkage that they gave

us to enable us to
become more like them.

Do ancient accounts of
magic really suggest evidence

of advanced,
otherworldly knowledge?

A knowledge given to early
humans as a means of helping

them unlock their own...
some might say "divine"... potential?

We are drawn to magic.

We need something extraordinary
that allows us to transcend

everyday life, and what we
sense as profound limits and

frustrations to what we would
like to be and like to do.

It is both a fantasy release and
to a degree, a bit of a map that

we might be able to reach
further than we think.

That we might be able to do more
than humans have done before.

That we might be more than this.

Magic enables latent
potentials that we're not

supposed to have.
But throughout history, many

people have demonstrated
those capabilities.

They've been witnessed.
It's been written down and

passed along with great
excitement and enthusiasm.

And then, of course,

the question is where
did they get this from?

Did they develop this on their own?

Or was it somehow given
to them by the gods?

In each occasion, we find that
our ancestors specifically state

that magic is given to mankind
by the gods, by non-human

intelligences, by
extraterrestrial beings.

Did ancient magic really
have otherworldly origins?

And was it based not on mere
trickery, but on advanced

knowledge of science and the
powers of the human brain?

Perhaps we will discover the
answer when we open our eyes

to the possibility that what we
think we know is an illusion,

and what we think is illusion
may very well be real.
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