02x01 - Blood, Sweat and Tears 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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02x01 - Blood, Sweat and Tears 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Meaningthat's all there is? I don't know.

Why not? You're the expert.

She lives IN us.

And Daddy? He lives in us, too.

As guilt.

No, not just guilt.

Do you remember Daddy would say, "If anything happens to me, look after your mammy"? Yes.

I couldn't give her much.

That's not true.

He meant be a good daughter to her.

You were a good daughter.


I'm looking for Kennedy.

Up top, mate.

Kennedy! Kennedy! Out the way.

Oi! Easy!
- Kennedy!
- What's up, Kevin? I want you.

Kevin, what's wrong? What's wrong? I'm gonna k*ll you! Come on, Kevin, don't be silly.

You're a contender, for God's sake! Come on, I'm an old man.

You tried to k*ll him! This'll ruin you.

Scared? You'll lose your licence.

You won't go past me without a fight.

Come on! OK, but not here.


It'll be decided on points.

Luckily, the Board doen't hire me to spot prospects.

I thought you said Superintendent Farmer's replacement would be here.

He's not, unless Reeve has returned to haunt me.

He held the job before Farmer.

You didn't like him? He could be tricky.

No wonder Jenny wouldn't come.

Not many people bring their wives.

Should I be flattered or insulted? BELL RINGS WHISTLING That's disgusting! He's got to spit it somewhere.

It's only a bit of blood.

Jack Reeve.

Sam Ryan.

Jack's an official of the Boxing Board.

They're fit.

They're not scared of bleeding.

It's the punch in the head I didn't like.


This is what just happened to his brain, Superintendent.

It slopped about inside his skull like soup.

I'm retired.

Plain "Jack" will do.

I'm sorry you don't like our sport.

It's not sport.

Oh, leave it out, ref.

Oh, come on, ref! Paul Taylor is unable to continue.

The winner, in the blue corner, Carlos Rowe! APPLAUSE RADIO: # One, two, three Make way for the Indian One, two, three Hello, boys.

Everything OK? He's fine, Mr Jones.

Charlie, I've got a good Mexican lined up for you.

And me? You've had a fantastic year.

You're going all the way, Kevin.

How's the hand? Fine, greatthanks to you.

I wasn't going to leave you in some National Health shit hole.

Now, you take it easy tonight.

Build yourself up slowly.

Good luck, Kevin.

He's fine.

Will he see me now? Leave it till after the fight.

One, two, three Make way for the Indian Oh.

I wanna speak to him.

It's difficult, Terri.

Let her in! Where have you been? Here and there.

You're supposed to be in training! I was! In secret?! Not now.

I'm owed an explanation.

I can't.

Let's be having you! We'll talk later.

I'll explain.

Hello? All right! We're coming! .


OK? It'll HAVE to be.

Sorry I'm late.

I was detained at work.

Detective Superintendent Peter Ross.

Dr Trevor Stewart.

Dr Stewart.


Dr Ryan.



Keith Jones, the promoter.

Pleased to meet you.

This would make a good photo.



Burgess! OK, Mr Jones.



Can we have you up here, please? Thank you.

SOME time before the next fight(!) We need Trevor in the middle.

"Eminent Doctor Joins Anglian Boxing Board.

" Eminent? And the pretty lady, please.

Oh, no, thanks.

You'll look gorgeous amongst all those ugly mugs.

Please, Miss? Dr Ryan.

Let's slip you in next to your boyfriend.

I'm not her boyfriend.

I'm her partner.

BURGESS: Can you all look over here? Smile.

Anotherand one for luck.

Thank you.

Are you gonna be first? Eh? Come on, Kevin, son.

Think about this one.

Keep your mind on the job.

CHEERS AND APPLAUSE Are you a betting woman, Dr Ryan? No.

If you were, I'd say put your money on Kevin Sharma.

Have YOU? Yeah
- I put on this event to showcase HIM.

He's the fighter to watch.

Ladies and gentlemen, the next contest is a light
-middleweight bout, six rounds, three minutes each round.

Introducing in the blue corner from Bradford, Yorkshire, Larry Cotton! And in the red corner, local man Kevin Sharma! Did you know I was working here? Yeah.

-one told you I was coming? No.


The police force works like a mushroom farm.

How so? Keep everyone in the dark till you cover them in Manure? Manure.

CROWD: Come on, Kevin! Where have you been? In the Met all the time.

Four years at Southeast Crime Squad, two at Serious Crime.

DS to superintendent
- you've done well in 12 years, Peter.

Thank you.

I've worked hard.

You've acquired a few grey hairs in the process.

They make you look very distinguished.

CROWD: Ooh! Yes! One, two, three CROWD SHOUTING MUFFLED Move! Move! One, two, three Get in here! Kevin! Kevin! Kev! Is he going to be all right? He'll be fine, love.

Kevin, can you hear me? Wyn! Wyn? SOMEONE ENTERS Why haven't you been answering your phone? I let myself in.

I leave it there in case Ricky gets locked out.

It's stupid
- he's 5,000 miles away! A letter from India.

Oh! "Dear Mum" At least he spelt that bit right! Let's get going.

For? The solicitor's.

Oh, I forgot.

I'll just go and get changed.

Did you know I was a Cambridge blue? What in? You've got a customer.

FRED: Kevin Sharma, the boxer.

I know who he is.

He died in theatre.

It's urgent.

They're always urgent.

Can't do it, Kevin old son.

Conflict of interest.

But you wait there
- I'll fetch you a pathologist.

What are you doing for money, Wyn? I get by.

But until the money from the house sale comes through? I don't want YOUR money, Sam.

It could just be a loan.

I'll let you know if I get desperate.

PAGER BEEPS Can I use your phone? What'll we do about the solicitor? We'll rearrange it.

I'm sorry.

How often do you think a pathologist actually sees the blow which kills his subject? I'd prefer not to.

Right, Fred, turn him over.

And back.

No obvious injuries apart from the one to the head.

You won't see many bodies in better condition than that.

Except he's not breathing.

They were trying to remove a blood clot in Neurosurgery when he died.

So, the neurosurgeons want to know did THEY k*ll him or did the boxer? Let's have a look.

Take some pictures with the bandage ON, Fred.

The body is that of a muscular Asian man of somewhere between 23 and 28 years of age.

He's about 5'8" tall.

Do some when I take it off, OK? The body shows only one external wound, which is in the scalp.

It's an inverted U
-shape incision over the left temporal region.

It's about15cm long and has been closed in a continuous suture.

The scalp is shaved and is stained with what appears to be medical disinfectant.


SAWING COMMENCES Chairman, there is something we should discuss which isn't on the agenda.

It's this question of Terence Cross's licence.

Mr Cross has been in a wheelchair for six months and we must consider his competence to hold a licence.

Terry Cross is a great trainer.

Hear, hear! Was.

Is! There are men in this town who'd have been in prison if they hadn't met Terry.

Maybe so, but he's training no
-one now.

He's permanently disabled.

However unpleasant our duty is, we need to face facts.

We need to consider who's training the boxers.

That person should have the licence.

That person should demonstrate their competence.

People will question the competence of this board to govern OUR sport.

Was Kevin medically examined before he fought? That's the procedure.

What about brain scans? It's in the file.

He had one a couple of months ago.

It was clear.

Why? This brain isn't normal.

These injuries are old.

I'm suspending this postmortem.

Notify the police.

CONVERSATIONS ARE INAUDIBLE Mr Reeve, can I buy you a drink? Why not? Hello, Dr Ryan.

DS Speed.

How's the family? Oh, yeah, fine.

Er Is it the boxer? This is DI Selway.

How do you do? Rachel.



I thought I knew all the DIs.

You're a lot more attractive than Tom Adams.

Should we get on? This discoloration concerns me.

It's old bleeding from an injury he suffered some time ago.

What sort? A haematoma.

It's a collection of blood under the dura, the membrane that surrounds the brain proper.

It's caused by a shearing force.

If a blow is applied to the outside of the skull, it causes the head to move, but the brain lags behind.

A violent blow tears the vessels to the brain, resulting in this bleeding.

He received the injury when? More than four weeks ago.

You can tell by the development of the fibrous membrane.

It's a boxer's injury? Typically.

Well? It's not NECESSARILY a boxer's injury.

We know Kevin's brain scan was clear after his last fight, so he must have had a violent blow since
- a fall, a car accident? When was his last fight? Two months ago.

Kevin went into the ring with an existing, undetected, brain injury.

He was like a ticking b*mb.

When he received that extra punch, the bleeding began again.

And he died.

On the evidence so far, yes.

So, this could be a suspicious death.

Superintendent Ross will want to be informed.


He says you're familiar with his way of working.

KNOCK AT DOOR Yeah, come in.


How can I help you, Jack? This was MY office once.

Yeah, someone said.

Did you know Superintendent Farmer who was here in
-between? She's at the HMI.

She'll succeed.

Fastidiousness is valued there.

You didn't like her? Didn't like her as a DS or a super.

When I joined, women were confined to Domestics and Lost Children.

What do you want, Jack? Kevin Sharma had a full medical exam before he fought and he had a brain scan less than two months ago.

Your lady pathologist reckons Kevin was carrying a head injury when he got in the ring.

Is that all? There's no question of the Board sending out a boxer with an injury.

I'll bear it in mind.


Roll on, morning! LAUGHTER 'Who won the Scottish Cup in 1953? 'Name the team
- Henderson, McDonald, McCallum '12 condoms on in case you feel anything!' Oh, God! (Bloody stupid thing.

) KNOCK AT DOOR Morning.

What's wrong? I thought you'd like to see this.

Couldn't it wait? Read the sports page? No.

Do you want a cup of tea? "Kevin
- latest.

Pathologist says dead boxer's brain was like soup.

" I never said that.

Quote: "The trainers bear the responsibility for these young men.

" Oh, really? Really.

We've had a sheaf of faxes from Terry Cross's gym.

Who's he? Kevin Sharma's trainer.

They think we're out to ruin them.

So? It's newspaper talk.

I didn't say any of it.

Cross has threatened to complain to the coroner.

So what? Selway's going to the gym today.

You could legitimately go, too.

Why? You might find whatever Kevin hit his head on, and if you bump into Terry Cross, say that we aren't on an anti
-boxing crusade.

Trevor, this isn't a sort of boxing freemasonry thing, is it? I'm surprised you ask.

Frankly, I'd like them to understand how truly impartial you are.

That's showboating.

The coroner KNOWS I'm impartial.

I live in the REAL world.

Any chance of some toast? You've cut yourself shaving.

Have I? God, I look awful! Trevor, where's Jenny? Why do you ask? I took her place at the boxing match and every time I mention her, you change the subject.

She's left me.

What?! She's run away with someone youngersomeone less boring.

Well, YOU'RE not boring.

I'm not 23.

HE is.

God, I'm sorry.

I'd like to apply for this job.

Experience with Windows '95 and Excel? Shea
-earer! Shea
-earer! That's nice.

Jab and move, jab and move, son.

Nice stuff.

Keep going.

Sorry, love.

No press today.

I'm not press.

I'm looking for Terry Cross.

And your name is? Dr Ryan.

Is DI Selway here? Been and gone.

Terry's out the back in the office.

TRAINER: Cover it up! Move it, move it! Come on, move it.

Yes? I'm looking for Terry Cross.

You've found her.

This is YOUR gym? Theresa Cross.

Everybody calls me Terri.

It's my dad's gym
- Terence Cross"Terry".

I run it for him.

You've been faxing my office.

The pathologist
- Dr Ryan.

I expected a man.

Yeah, me too.

Have a look around if you want.

It's all pukka
- medicals, scans.

We run a quality operation here.

Well, what do you want to see? We found an old injury on Kevin.

I wanted to see if something here might've caused it.

There's nothing.

A blow in training? A fall on a hard surface? How can you be sure? Charlie! Yeah? Will you feed Dad for us, please, while I show Dr Ryan around? Yeah, sure.

Kevin didn't train here for the last few months.

He went into the fight under the Cross banner, but trained himself.

Is that normal? No.

Kevin just disappeared one day.

Did anyone from here see him? No.

He rang and asked Charlie and Barry to work his corner.

I let them do it.

Kevin had been like a son to my dad.

Why did he disappear? I've no idea.

My dad was knocked down six months ago
- a hit

Since then, I've run the gym on my own and some of the fighters walked out, but Kevin and Charlie stayed.

And how long ago exactly did Kevin leave? Six weeks tomorrow.

My dad converted this room into a gym with his own hands.

He has even fed these boys when they were broke.

All for boxing.

All for THEM.

He doesn't run it for bloodlust.

Read his sign! He's right.

Yeah, but it teaches them discipline.

It gives them a purpose.

It's true, that is.

Terence saw something in me.

He turned me into a boxer with a future.

A blow Kevin Sharma received some time ago k*lled him.

He didn't receive it here.

Hey, what the hell? Don't panic! I just want to talk.

You scared me! Sorry.

HORN TOOTS Terri could do without you accusing her of getting Kevin k*lled.

I didn't! That's how people see it.

I should report this conversation.

Kevin didn't hurt himself in a gym! He had a fight, a punch
-up in the street.

With? I don't know.

Well, who told YOU? I couldn't say that.

Look, stop here.

Why? Cos I've gotta run all the way back.

Fred, I want some X
-rays Mm



and the arms and the hands done and especially the knuckles here, here and here, OK? Same on the other hand.

Soon as you can.


Yeah, hello, it's Dr Ryan in Forensic Pathology.

Is that the Social Workers' Office? .



I'd like some information on respite care, please.



Forensic Pathology.

We don't have PATIENTS
- we have cadavers.

Yeah! Come on! And a back
-hand coming back.

Elbow up! Elbow UP! It's there, it's there! Yeah, it's there NOW.

You can't feel it! Come on, time.

Cool down.

Am I a good trainer? Very good.

But I'm not my dad, right? Stop worryin'.

-ONE'S your dad.

So, why haven't you left, then? Cos you give me such a good work

Really(!) Your dad made me.

He never turned his back on me.

Why should I do it to him? So, why did Kevin leave? Eh? Why did Kevin? It wasn't like that.

No? So what happened, then? He never said.

Time! Focus! Here and here.

The shadowing is where the breaks were.

But they couldn't be seen from the surface of the skin? They'd healed.

It must've been some fight.

How do you know this happened at the time of the brain injury? Scarring.

The bone grows over the fracture at a regular rate.

I've opened one up so we can see.

Here and here.

This is what you saw on the X

Are you sure? What do you mean? Could it be ambiguous? Could he have caught his hand in a car door? No.

If Kevin died of injuries received in a street fight, it is at least manslaughter, maybe m*rder.

Now, before I commit to those sort of resources I MUST be certain.

Do you doubt my word? It's MONEY.

Investigating a m*rder costs ã5,000 a day! Bastard! You have to work with him, Sam.

I don't want to discuss it.

It looked personal.

It's none of your business.

It IS literally.

I have to work with him, too.

What's going on? When I was newly qualified, I dealt with a m*rder.

A woman's boyfriend said he found her dead at the foot of the stairs.

Everyone knew this couple fought like cat and dog.

I said her bruising was from a struggle.

The defence tore a hole in my evidence and he walked free.

Ross, who was the DS in the case, put it down to my incompetence.

Was it? I don't think so.

OK, I was inexperienced, but I knew my stuff.

I just presented it badly.

When was this? Years ago.

All right.

Update him.

Tell him what a success you are now.

Take him to dinner.

Absolutely not! Wear a little black dress.

YOU wear one! The door was open.

More questions? I came about your father.

Charlie's taken him for a walk.

I had a problem with MY mother.

She needed constant care.


She's dead now.

My sister bore the brunt of the responsibility.

It nearly destroyed her.

I hope you don't mind, but I talked to Social Services at the hospital.

She said you're entitled to respite careto give you a break.

Give her a ring.


Yesterday, I should have said I was sorry sorry about Kevin.

Yeah, so am I.

Thank God Dad never saw it.

Charlie said he'd had a fight.

Who? Kevin
- a street fight.



Do you know who with? No.

Say it! What? It's been sticking in your throat.

Say it! I don't understand.

You liar! You told the pathologist.

She's been in the gym talking to me about it as if I knew everything! Come on, Charlie! She said you told her Kevin had a street fight.

How did you know? Kevin told me.

Who did he fight? Kennedy.

The boxer? Ex

Why? I don't know.

Dad wouldn't have him near the gym! Why would Kevin bother with HIM? He didn't say.

Come on, Charlie.

I don't believe you! He didn't say! Why? Cos he didn't want to tell me! I don't believe you! I don't believe you.

It was to do with your dad.

WHAT to do with him? Kevin didn't say.

I mean, I just know it was about your dad.

You look after him.

I can trust you with that, can't I? Hang about.

Terri! Terri! WHISTLING She's lovely.

Oi! Bastard! Why? You bastard! Bastard! Bastard! WHY? Get off! Terri.


Come on, girl.

It's me.

It's me.

I'll get you home.

There's no harm done, is there, Tony? No, I'm all right.

What are What are you doing here? I'm having a drink.

It's a pub! Come on.

I'll get you home.


Wait Where to? The Riverside Restaurant? Sounds expensive.

My partner's paying.

So, where is he? He'll be with us in spirit.



-ba, ba
-ba barara We're living the high life We're living it we
-ell We're living the high life Where everything's swe
-ell We're up in the sky We're flying so high, oh my
-my We're living the hi
-igh li
-ife The high life! No, thanks.

Oh, spit it out.

Spit WHAT out? What have I done? The atmosphere came from YOU.

How? You don't trust me, Peter.

That thing in the mortuary was typical.

"Could he have caught his hand in a car door?" I have to ask questions.

But not in a way that undermines me.

Sam, I trust you.

Won't that do for tonight? What about tomorrow? I'll treat you as I treat ANY scientist
- with respect and scepticism.

Charming(!) Oh? "You're my loveliest dinner companion since" Since? Since you were last my dinner companion.

Oh, come on
- friends.

For Trevor's sake.

I don't think you're going to drink that.

Hello, guv.




Dr Stewart told me where you were.


The neighbour found the door open.

When? The triple
-nine call was logged at 9.


Isn't this a bit of a fuss over a probable su1c1de? Her boxer died, now she's dead.

I don't like coincidences.

Recording a nasal temperature of 32 centigrade.

When did it happen? The man opposite heard something about 9.



30 could be right.


I'd like a picture taken from this angle.

Get all the amm*nit*on.



Anything else? Bag the head and hands.

Get her over to the mortuary.





We'll need to recover as much skull and brain as we can off that wall.

Make sure we get the shot.

I'd like the shot's spread pattern plotted.

su1c1de? I couldn't say without a proper examination.

You mean, you won't.

That's right.



Ah! Wait, thank you.

What? If Terence needed his daughter, why would she k*ll herself? Despair.

It doesn't add up.

su1c1de's linked to low self

How could she lack that if her father relied on her? It's selfish.


But not a reason to rule out su1c1de.

She isn't selfish OR heartless.

Ask the boys in the gym.

If she didn't k*ll herself, somebody k*lled her.

Prove it.

Hello, Mr Reeve.

Can you spare us five minutes afterwards, please? Lift up the tape, son.

Thank you.

Oh, Peter.

This is a crime scene.

Police on this side, public on that.

-superintendents go on that side.

I'm here in an official capacity.

As? The Boxing Board has an interest.

When I find something the Board should know, I'll tell you.

How did you know she was dead? Is she doing your job now? YOU'RE not.

Over here, Mr Reeve.

So, what's the Boxing Board's view, Mr Reeve? It's a tragedy.

Terri's been under pressure since her father's injury.

It would seem she took her own life as a last desperate response to this pressure.

Just go for it.

Yeah Absolutely.


I heard you on the radio.

It was a result.

The licence is as good as in the bag.


Where is DC Gladwin? Dunno.

I asked to see Cross's shotgun certificate.

He hasn't got one.

Really? He never had one.

Did SHE? No.

That's interesting.

So it might not be their g*n.

I made a few enquiries.

It's a Wilkes.


How do you know? I asked Perks, the g*n dealer.

I'd rather you asked me first.

What? How's that? We should stick to police firearms experts.


But they won't know what Perks knows.

His family have been selling g*ns for more than a hundred years.

So what did Mr Perks say? What do you reckon it's worth? Dunno.

How about 15,000 quid? Normally we can't trace shotguns.

But one worth 15 grand This is the contract for the sale of your mother's house.

If you just sign here and here.

How much will be left from the sale? About ã20,000, after fees and taxes.

I'll divide the proceeds and send you a cheque each.

There's no need.

Just send it to Sam.

As you wish.

Why? My sister paid all my mother's care expenses.

Nothing but the best.

It cost a lot more than ten thousand.

You'll have to put that in a letter.

Well, let's do it now.

Just lend me your pen again, will you? HORN BEEPS You frightened me! Sorry.

I thought it was you.

You know about Terri? What can I say? I feel useless.

I don't know how to help.

Be a success.

That's all they wanted.

The gym's nothing without a prospect.

That's YOU.

Well, you can rely on me, Mr Jones.

I'm not going nowhere.


Good Hey head up.

I wish you hadn't done that.

What? The money.

Oh, that.

What's money? I won't take it.

You need it.

What are you living on? The dole.

No Attendance Allowance, or Child Benefit since Ricky left school I manage.

I'm after a little job and I've seen a little flat, easier to manage.

What sort of job? How do I know? I haven't actually found it yet.

Look, you have to take that money, Sam.

Have my half and buy a little flat.

"Hello, Mr Bank Manager, I'm forty, on the dole, I've got ã20,000 and I'd like a mortgage.

" No, take it.

It makes sense.

I haven't finished with this.

I have.

Want a lift? No, thanks.

I have to go to the Post Office.

It's giro day.

Mr Cross.

Mr Cross, can you hear me? I want to ask you about last night.

Do you remember anything from last night? Do you remember the g*nsh*t? Mr Cross could you give me some sign that you can hear me? He can't.

I know he can't.

Detective Inspector Selway.

You are? Keith Jones.

Friend of the family.

How well did you know the family? VERY well.

Work and personal, both.

Young Theresa's a great loss.

Did you know they owned a shotgun? I gave it to them.

When? It was a year ago.

It was a business gift, to cement our working relationship.

That's a big gift.

I'm told it's worth 15,000.

It was an important relationship.

I'm a promotor, Terence is a trainer.


They had no shotgun certificate.

I leave that to you.

I just gave them a present.

But you DO have a certificate? Yes, of course.

sh**ting It's a good way to entertain people.

We'll need a statement.

Come to the station today or tomorrow.


Rigor is established in all major muscle groups.

Hypostasis in the back of the body, further marked in the lower back, buttocks and lower thighs.

This is Dr Stewart.

He has an interest in brain injuries.

If you pull the ragged edges of the wound back together, you can see where the impact was.

The injury to the head is massive and ragged and appears to have been caused by g*nsh*t entering the face at about the level of the lower lip.

There are no contact marks on the skin, indicating that the w*apon was not pressed against the flesh.

The entry wound is about Thanks, Fred.



ten centimetres across.

Part of the head has been destroyed.

There's a quantity of shot inside the skull.

I can't find any wadding.

What's wadding? Shotgun cartridges have a cap to stop the lead shot falling out before the cartridge is fired.

Nowadays it's plastic.

You find it where the g*n has been fired, or in the wound.

We picked up everything at the scene.



CHILDREN CHEERING Hey! That's my car! HEY! Not any more it isn't.

I don't believe this.

Cause of death? Massive trauma to the brain caused by a shotgun.

Not definitely self

Well, I think it WASN'T, but I've no proof.

I'll tell Superintendent Ross.

When can we expect a report? I need to see a ballistics expert.

Anything else outstanding? Finding that wadding.

The SOCOs are back at the cottage now, but I doubt they'll find anything new.


Is there a problem? No, no I worked for Peter Ross for some time in London.

Yeah, he said.

You must know him very well.

He is He's very thorough.

I know.

And he has great respect for your profession.

Is this something you've discussed? We don't need to.

But? We're going to need something concrete soon to continue pursuing this as a suspicious death.

I know that too.

See? It's all in the block.

It's quite scientific.


Do it again.

OHH! Sorry! Speedy.

Sorry! It's all yours.

Huh Why? Well, we can't have you going in raggedy
-arsed cars, Charlie.

This is my promise.

I will do at least as well for you as Terri could have.


That's the least I can do for her.

What will I do for YOU? Me? Nothing.

For Terri, for her dad, you can be a success.

Be a success for us.

So you're taking over? We'll get someone to hold the trainer's licence.

But you're gonna be my star.

Er "We"? The Board.

I can't have this.

It's not right.

I only earned ã11,000 last year.

The car is a gift.

This is your breakthrough year, Charlie.

There's a TV deal on the table.

The sky's the limit.

The car's only the start of it.

You sign with me.

Who's gonna train me? We're getting someone in.

You know him.

Who? Tony Kennedy.

Tony K? Terence wouldn't have him! They had harsh words.

We're putting all that behind us.

Tony's a good trainer.

So I get to keep the car if I sign with you and Tony? Yes.

What about Terence? We've organised accommodation for him.

He'll be well cared for.

This is the right thing.

Enjoy! There really is no evidence of anyone else being involved.

She's right.

But you don't believe it? You aren't identifying with Terri? Helpless parent Of course I am.

You and Wyn did everything you could for your mother.

That's just my point.

And Selway's message? Ross doesn't agree that a dedicated carer is unlikely to commit su1c1de.

He's entitled to disagree.

It's not just that.

I'll let him down, it'll go to court His promotions will go on hold This has to change.

I tried the dinner and black frock.

It wasn't really me.


How DO you want to approach it? I don't.

He's a policeman with his job to do.

I'm a scientist with mine.


So, first scientific question? Where's the wadding from that shotgun cartridge? I need to see a firearms expert.

Will Rider.

Retired Royal Army Ordnance Corps.

Lives in Cambridge.

Is he available now? He owes me a favour or two.

KNOCK AT DOOR It's open.

Dr Ryan? Captain Rider? Thanks for coming.

It's very good.

Very good.

You should have been a detective.

I am, in a way.

Of course.

I can see two problems.

One is, how did she fire the g*n? Presumably she tied the string around the chairback and pulled the trigger.

Possible But the firing mechanism is very positive.

If she pulled hard, she risked spoiling the aim.

Is that conclusive? Unfortunately, no.

Just likely.

I need something physical.


What was the bore of the g*n? Twelve gaugeI'm told.

I'm no expert.

And the area marked in red represents the damage.

Roughly the right angle on the head.

I'm bothered by the stuff down there.

What does it mean? I don't know.

There's an awful lot of damage.

What does that mean? I don't know.

What sort of shot was it? Um I got that out of her skull.

Buckshot! Why would people use buckshot around here? I don't know.

It's for sh**ting big animals.



Hence the damage to her skull.

Not necessarily.

Where is this shot? At the forensic lab.

How much was there? Um There.

And there's the the stuff the SOCOs got out of the wall.

How much is that? About an ounce and a half.

There's your answer! That's miles too much shot for one cartridge! There was more than one shot! That's why the spread pattern is a little bit wrong.

That's why there's so much damage to her head.

Ballistics will say the g*n was fired twice down the same barrel.

He backed her into the room with a shotgun He sat her down Then pulled the trigger.

PCHOO! Then he thinks about it.

He's intelligent and he knows about g*ns.

He puts himself in the mind of the police.

Nobody commits su1c1de with a g*n held at right angles to their head! If he leaves things as they are, the stupidest detective will know it's m*rder.

What to do? Your m*rder*r sets up a sophisticated su1c1de.

He brings over a chair He ties the g*n to it, attaches a string to look like the victim has fired it, lines it up carefully pulls the trigger Presto! The scene is obliterated.

Or almost.

What about the cartridge wadding? Why didn't I find any in the wound? You wouldn't with buckshot.

It's big and powerful enough to blow the wadding to smithereens.

It's very clever.

The only thing your gunman failed to account for was the extra shot.

Where did you acquire the g*n? I told you.

A country
-house sale.

Where? Herefordshire.

There's the auctioneer's receipt.



It's a great deal of money for a g*n.

It's a very good g*n.

Anything else? Yes, Mr Jones.

Such as? You gave the g*n to Terence Cross.

When? 12 months ago.

On a sh**t.

Were you aware of whether he held a shotgun certificate? No.

Did you try to find out? We talked about this yesterday.

If you're going to charge me with anything, shouldn't you caution me? This is a general talk.

But you're taking a statement.

To establish the facts.

Nevertheless, I would like my lawyer present if we're going to continue.

As you wish.


It's a huge gift.

That's business.

It's the way it works.

You must have had something in mind for a return.

Must I? Yes.

- What did Terence Cross have that was worth a fifteen grand bauble?
- Well Nothing.

It's much vaguer than that.

It's more "feelgood".

Did you hear that, Inspector? How much feelgood would 15 grand buy in this nick? Loads.

Are you going to charge me over this g*n?
- Stuff the g*n.

Cross had something you wanted!
- I don't think I like your tone.

I don't care if you like my tone!
- Someone is dead because of this g*n and I'm asking you about it!
- Am I under arrest? KNOCKING Sorry.

Dr Ryan's outside.


Bring her in.

Cross had a stable of fighters, several championship prospects.

They must glitter like jewels to Jones.

So, you don't think Kevin Sharma was m*rder*d? No.

They needed him alive and kicking.

Punching? Quite.

Alive and punching.

Terri Cross was m*rder*d.

Two sh*ts were fired into her head, the one to cover the other wound.

It's very rare to sh**t yourself in the head twice.


No defence marks on her body.

She let the m*rder*r come in.

She knew and trusted him.

Jones? He's a cool one if it was.

Then? Reeve and Jones.

They're like that, yeah? Get Reeve in here.

Ask him? Arrest him? Tell him! He hangs around here like Banquo's bloody ghost, burbling about when he ran CID He can tell us about his mate Jones.



Thanks, Sam.

I'm sorry.

It's time.

DOORBELL BUZZES Wyn! Wyn? Did you not hear me at the front door? I didn't know it was you.

I didn't want to answer the door like this.

What happened? Is it Mammy's clothes? It had to be dealt with.

I just thought, "I'll have a tidy up and that'll be that.

It's just a practical matter.

" Of course it's not "just practical".

I'm so useless, bawling like this.

I've the rest of the house to do before I go.

How will I manage? Don't manage.

What do you mean? I'm all alone in that new place.

Why don't you come and stay with me until you get yourself straight? No.

You'd be doing me a favour.


How would I? I'm not going soft.

I was sortin' out Mammy's stuff and got upset.

I'll be fine.

It'd be nice for me to have someone there sometimes.

And not others! It won't work.

We'll fight like cats and dogs.

You're the sort of person that polishes spoons! How would you cope with me slumped on your sofa? You won't be slumped on my sofa! No.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I'll get a flat of my own and slump on my own sofa.

How are you going to get that stuff down to Oxfam? I hadn't figured that out yet.

Will I come back later and give you a hand? EASY
-LISTENING MUSIC PLAYS What the frigging? What? .


WHAT? Mr Reeve, as a former policeman, you know the importance of co

Go on.

Who has to gain from Theresa Cross's death? You think she was m*rder*d? I KNOW she was.

Who would benefit? Not me, if that's what you think.

You're a pain in the arse! You're in and out of this nick as if you own it, but you're not a suspect! Thanks.

Could it be Jones? I suppose Jones COULD benefit from Theresa's death.

Would he do it? It's unlikely.

Why? He plays mind games with people.

He's a game player, a businessman.

You wouldn't call him strong.

You don't have to be strong to pull a trigger.

That's twice.

Next time make an appointment.

Do you want a coffee? Kevin told me he had a fight on the building site.

When? About six weeks before he died.

So, that's where he got his injuries to his hands? Yes.

And it's where he got his blood clot on the brain.

Did he have headaches? Dunno.

He wouldn't talk about it.

But you could see the injuries to him? He was all beat up.

That was why he avoided Terri.

He didn't want her to see his bruises.

Is that all? No.



I imagine he didn't want to face her, knowing what he knew.

What did he know? Why did he have a fight on a building site? Who did he fight? Tony Kennedy, an ex
-boxer, bit of a throwback.

He thinks you fight with your chin out and the toughest wins.

Jones knows so little about boxing, he actually hired Kennedy to be my trainer.

KENNEDY! I mean, the man is an animal.

How? He's a disgrace.

When he couldn't get a boxing licence, he did bare
-knuckles in the backs of pubs.

Terence wouldn't have him in the gym! And Jones had me sign a contract and gave me a car as a sweetie.

What happened to Terence? He got put in a wheelchair by a hit and run.

Only, the hit and run wasn't an accident.

Kennedy knocked him down.

How do you know? I DON'T know! Kevin told me.

He went off to k*ll Kennedy! He wanted to rip him apart with his bare hands! He fought Kennedy bare
-knuckle? In a skip.

So, Jones had Kennedy try to k*ll Terence Cross for control of his boxers.

When Kevin found out what Kennedy did, he tried to settle it with him.

Who k*lled Theresa? I told her.

Dr Ryan, I told herall I know.

I told her that Kennedy drove the van that ran down her dad.

What did she say? I should have I should have looked after her.


Sir, could you? Yeah, sure.

What was all that about, then? DOOR OPENS Do you have an address for someone called Anthony Kennedy? Yes.

I'd have to go to my records to get it.

Why? Can you get some big lads and a car? .


Why? Well, he hasn't won the Lottery! Did he sh**t the girl? Follow! What IS this?! DS Speed is going to play snooker with you.

For how long? Till I say different.

Tell me why.

I'm off to arrest someone.

The few that know are coming too, except you.

If he runs, you could be accused of tipping him off.

You're arresting me.

I'm offering you a game of snooker.


Heads or tails? Heads.




Chalk? SIREN WAILS Charlie, if you get in there with DI Selway.

The boys will be in the car behind.



Thanks, Sam.

He wants to do it for Terri.

His evidence only mentions Kevin.

We need something concrete to take to court on her.

This is the first time I've been in the back of a police car without any handcuffs on.

How does it feel? Naked.

Who's this? That's him.

That's him.

SIRENS WAIL Shit! You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you omit something you use in court.

So, Tony, you're in a bit of a jam.


I k*lled no

Kevin Sharma died of injuries he got fighting you.

Double jam.

Double? You know why he fought you.

You ran down Terence Cross.

I want a brief to be present.

Good idea.

Yeah, keep mum till the brief turns up.

Do you think he k*lled Theresa? I never.


I never! He's never coming out.

They're all eligible after 15 years for parole.

It depends on the Home Secretary.

Which way do YOU vote, Tony? No, they're all tough on crime now.

You're nicked for m*rder and attempted m*rder! You'll be in prison well into the next century.

Look, the old man was an accident.

He stumbled in front of the van.

I only meant to frighten him.

Kevin was pickin' a fight.

I was only defending meself.

How's that m*rder? When you get that lawyer, get him to explain the law on m*rder to you, cos if he gets that down to manslaughter, he's your best friend! Except, YOU could be.

Me? How? Keith Jones shot Theresa Cross, didn't he? I don't know.

I don't know.


Come in.

Sam asked me to give you a hand.

She's busy.

Where have I heard that before? Sorry.

It's not YOUR fault.

All this to go? I hear you've got a new flat.

What's it like? Small.

Sam said she'd asked you to move in with her for a bit.

She did, yeah.

Do you think you will? Guv, Jones is here with a brief.

What, for him? He hasn't said.

They want to see you, and Dr Ryan's on the phone, too.

Ask DI Selway to see Jones, yeah? Yeah.

OFFICER: Right, you, sit down and shut up! Sam? 'Get your man?' You make me sound like a Mountie.

We did.

I think I can prove who m*rder*d Terri.

I examined her body again.

On her arm I found a hair pulled out by the root, like in a struggle.

So? 'It's not Terri's.

'My bet is it's Jones's.

' Mine, too.

If you can get a sample of Jones's hair, a DNA test will confirm it.

Superintendent Ross, this is my lawyer, Joe Feeney.



Mr Jones thinks we're accusing him.

We didn't call you.

I came here to confront this farrago.

Charlie vandalised my home today!
- Is that a complaint?
- Yes, official!
- I'm here to face my accusers.

I don't run scared!
- Answer me one question.

- Any!
- Can we have a sample of your hair? Hello, Sam.


Did you get the hair sample? Yeah, well, he could hardly refuse.

The one I got from Terri's body's in the fridge.

I'll get it tomorrow.

Did you arrest Jones? Yeah, but his lawyer reckons we've nothing.

You don't agree? On its own, he might be right, but he knew about the g*n, he stood to gain from her death.

The gym? Exactly.

That's a powerful reason to m*rder her.

Let's hope the jury thinks so.

Fancy another go at dinner? I know somewhere that stays opens late.

Well, I'll need to go home and change.

I'll come with you.

You have a drink while I get changed, and I'll drive.

Why don't we both have a drink and call a cab? FOOD SIZZLES Sam? Sam, is that you? You came, then.


Trevor brought me.

Very nice.

I've cooked supper for us.

Smells good.

Wyn, this is Superintendent Peter Ross.


Hello, Peter.

I'm sure we can make it stretch round four.

Four? Hi.

Testator Silens Costestes e Spiritum Silentium Angeli Silens
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