08x01 - A Time to Heal 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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08x01 - A Time to Heal 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Get on with it! CROWD BABBLES Hello there! How are you doing? Hello, Mr Kelman.

You're our man, Mr Kelman! Hello! For those of you who don't know me, I'm David Kelman.

Thank you, everyone, for coming out on this cold one.

If, for one day, we can forget about sides.

If, only for one day, we can forget about the past and look to the future.

Then maybe we could embrace hope and allow the healing to start.

I'd respectfully ask you all to join with me in one minute's silence .


for all of the victims of our Troubles.

g*nsh*t PEOPLE SCREAM Professor Ryan! Professor Ryan, are you concerned for your own safety after this morning's attack on David Kelman? How do you respond to suggestions that you're part of a cover
-up? Please! Give the lady a chance! .


the Kelman incident this morning? Walter! Welcome home, Sam.

The reporters said that David Kelman was att*cked.

Yeah, somebody lobbed a blood b*mb at him.

They say Kelman was a paramilitary in the '70s.

Really? He allegedly k*lled a man
- Bob Gaghan.

Never found his body.

That's Jenifer Gaghan there.

Claims she saw Kelman kidnap her father.

Since then, she's become a champion of every poor soul that's gone missing in the Troubles.

DCI George Nevin.

He's your SIO.

How you doing? Top man
- Nevin.

Bit of a landslip last night, brought down by heavy rain.

Professor! I think they've been there some time.

Professor Ryan! Sort her out, George.

Let me see him! I'll tell you if it's my father or not.

A wee word He'd been kneecapped three months before they took him away! You're the government's whore! Don't walk away from me! What if it was your father?! This site's been disturbed.

Must have been the guy that found them.

Or somebody marking their territory.

Bit circumspect on this one, yeah? The bodies are two adult males Been partly wrapped in some kind of woven material
- .


curtains or travel rug.

Looks like curtains.

They both seem to be unclothed.

At this stage it's impossible to say how long they've been in the earth.

It's been suggested they might have been dislodged as part of a landslip.

Soil samples will tell us if this is accurate.

We've also got some tendrils .


torn from tree roots .



Could we have a close
-up, please? Ok, let's get them back.

The Department hasn't really clarified your remit.

Are you here to establish if one of those bodies is Bob Gaghan? They'll want more than that, Walter.

We're here to establish cause of death and to identify the bodies.

Is that the only reason you're over? Yes.

I've no ties here now.


He's in court tomorrow.

Who is? Joe.

Your son, Joe.

Thought you should know.

What the hell's it got to do with you?! SamSam this job isn't just about locking people away.

I'm sorry if I've caused you offence.

So what do you reckon? He mentioned some old boyfriend? Dunno.

Perhaps Walter was the old boyfriend.

Maybe he arrested her.

What, for snogging a policeman? Just stay in the van now.

Oi! Get down! Get out! Look at me! Look at me! It's not just about us, they've interfered with evidence.

Sod that! I've got a family to think about.

I know, I understand.

I'll deal with it.

I'm not prepared to risk my colleagues' safety.

A snap decision.

Maybe not the best one.

I'll speak to the coroner.

We're taking the bodies to the mainland.

Very well.

I'll contact the mortuary.


Sam? I don't want to hear it.

McGlashan Street Magistrates.

I'm eight points clear.

David, this time last week you were 15 points clear.

We expected the bodies to have an impact.

Not this size of an impact.

PHONE RINGS We still have two days to go before the election.

Let's not panic.

David Kelman.

You know who this is? No.

You're in a bit of trouble.

It doesn't change the situation.

I want to come back.

I don't think it would help.

I'm in the middle You're not listening to me, are you? I've told you, it's out of my hands.

Yes? What do you want? You know why I'm here.

Do I? Who att*cked the mortuary vehicle, then? Those bodies were entrusted to your care, so really I'm the one who should be demanding an explanation.

You know who did it.

What makes you think that? Because you don't trust us to carry out an independent autopsy.

I'm not the only one wants to see David Kelman put away.

I'd like those skin samples back, please.

I bet you would
- being part of the cover
-up bought and paid for by the British Government.

Why would they want it covered up? Because they think the peace process won't survive without Kelman.

You won't get DNA from small pieces of mummified skin.

So you're back to relying on me.

Is that it? For now.

I know why you're here.

Because of him.

I'm here because those bodies are my responsibility.

Responsibility? You ran away from that.

You seem very interested in my past.

You're just like me.

My father didn't disappear.

Well, why was he targeted? He was a policeman.

That was enough.

Could you pull up here, please? .


in pleading guilty to the charges of theft, my client accepts full responsibility for his actions.

However, I would like to enter a plea of mitigation.

Please continue, Miss Steen.

Mr Galvin was given up for adoption as a baby.

The adoption disrupted and, from the age of four, Mr Galvin was shuttled between a number of children's homes.

Despite this, my client's trying to rehabilitate himself.

But college courses aren't exactly cheap.

Any luck? It's on divert.

Ah! Hello! Travelling light? AhI'm not going back.

I've some business to attend to so I'll catch the next flight.

What about the autopsies? We'll start when I get there.

Is everything all right? Yeah.

I'm fine.

I'll see you later.

DOORBELL It's all right, love, I'll get it.

Why heavens! Look who it is! Come in.

Hello, Cath.

Oh, it's great to see you! It must be strange being back.

A bit.

Nice to get the chance to work with Walter.

Ah, Walter, look who's here.


Oh, sit down, sit down, please, do.

If you knew the strings he had to pull to get this job with you.

My reputation is destroyed.

Why do men always try to deny the things that are best about them? Scared we'll take advantage.

Would I do that to you? Never.

I've decided I'd like to see Joe.

Could I have his address? Well, I'll have to check with Joe, but I'm very glad you've changed your mind.

She can't still be in Ireland.

I think we should ring again.

No, we haven't got time.

He's right.

Let's crack on.

Am I late? No, about five minutes.

What's five minutes after all these years, eh? I saw you in court this morning.


I didn't hear everything.


I was up for theft.

Right, I got that much.

Just so you know.

Look, what I was thinking was why don't I pay your fine? Just take it.

You buying off your guilt? No.

A bargain
- a couple of hundred knicker for a clean conscience.

I don't feel guilty.

Maybe you should.

I'd better go.

Yeah, I saw you checking your watch.

I've a plane to catch.

How long did you schedule for this? You were late.

What's it like? "4.

- meet my long lost son.

I just thought I could help.

Yeah, well, help yourself, maybe.

I wish this hadn't been like this.

You wish I'd have rolled over and played very thankful.

Not as clever as you thought you were.

Some detritus here.

Body A carries bruises on the forearms, wrists, hands, consistent with having been beaten with a blunt instrument.

Body B has similar bruising, with additional marks to the back and the genital area.

Judging by the lividity surrounding the bruises, the beating was administered while the men were still alive but did not, in my opinion, directly result in death.

Both men have suffered what appears to be b*llet wounds to the knees.

The b*ll*ts entered the backs of the knees and exited through the kneecaps.

Jenifer Gaghan said her father had been kneecapped.

The lack of blood in the soft tissue indicates that the b*llet wounds may have been received postmortem.

What would be the point of that? You tell me.

Make it look like a paramilitary job.

But then, why bury them? Maybe the K*llers panicked.

The skull of Body A shows a possible exit wound.

The damage to the skull is maybe consistent with full metal jacket b*llet having been used.

How long do you reckon they've been dead? It's difficult to tell.

The acid in the soil can act as a preservative.

What do you think of this? What is it? I'm not sure Could I have a picture of this, please? Similar frames.

Mm? You think they might have been brothers? Crossed my mind.

Turn the bodies over, please? What are you doing? I told you to wait for me.

We thought we might as well I'm not interested in your thoughts.

You shouldn't have started without me.

Sam, we tried to call I don't care.

I made it perfectly clear.

'Walter, listen, it's me.

' They reckon the bodies might be brothers.

I don't know.

It's based on guesswork, if you ask me.





OK, thank you for that.

Two points.

What?! That's according to MORI.

Gallup's got you neck and neck with Hickie.

This is unbelievable.

A week ago, I'm the saviour of the peace process.

It's Jenifer Gaghan, David.

Every time she links you with the disappearance of her father, you lose votes.

I think you've maintained your dignified silence long enough.

We need to go on the offensive.

I am not getting into personal att*cks.

Absolutely not.

See that? That's root material from some kind of a tree, growing through the body.

If we can find out how old that is, maybe we can find out when the bodies were buried.

The skull of Body A exhibits entry and exit wounds.

Body B was k*lled by a single b*llet to the back of the skull.

There's one entry wound.

Fragments of that b*llet still lodged in the wound here.

Thank you.

Two different weapons.

Raises the likelihood there was more than one k*ller.

How do we know there were two different weapons? We don'tyet.

It's an assumption based on the varying behaviour of the b*ll*ts.

And the size of the wounds.

What about if one of them was shot at close range and the other one shot at a distance? These were taken at the site.

They're holding hands.

Are they? It's possible.

It's hard to be sure.

I think they were ex*cuted at the same time, at the same range, and at the moment they realised they were about to be ex*cuted, and there was no escape, he holds his brother's finger so tight, years later he's still holding it.

There's no record of brothers missing.

What it boils down to
- is one of them Bob Gaghan? We have to wait for the DNA results for that.

How long does that take? Depends on how busy they are.

You in a hurry to get home? I suppose I am.

Missing the wife.

Well, we're finished here.

Sam er what do you think about this mark? Have you had it photographed? Yes.

Well, we'll take a closer look at that.


I won't be moving from here until I get to speak to her.

You're not authorised to enter.

I'll be here until I do.

You! You cart my father off, I have to read about it in the paper! He isn't your father oryou don't know? I don't know.

I really thought I'd recognise him.

Why was you father k*lled? I wish I knew.

This mighthelp .


speed things up.

Thank you.

I'm staying in a B&B.

Don't let me find out through the papers, please? Over the past few years, we've grown up.

We need to be represented by men and women who are not afraid to show their love, their forgiveness andI've forgotten the next bit.

Protect the peace.


And protect the peace and guide us towards harmony.

Could you excuse us a moment? Jenifer Gaghan? We know Jenifer Gaghan has had psychiatric problems No.

Do you want to go back to teaching? We haven't lost yet.

David, she's crucifying you and all you're prepared to do is issue denials.

Well, denials ain't doing it.

This woman has lost her father.

I'm not going to humiliate her.

Either you stand up and fight, or you can kiss your career goodbye.

Can I help? I'm looking for Sam.

Professor Ryan? Yeah.

Who shall I say it is? It's her son, Joe.

She shouldn't be long.


What are you doing here? Came to see you.

Well, you should have phoned.

You don't like me being here, and yet it's OK for you to turn up in court and spy on me.

I'd hardly call it spying.

Then you should have phoned.

Do you think that's how I wanted you to see me for the first time? Answering charges? So why are you here? I thought I'd take you up on your offer of help.


I've got a place on a college course, starts in a couple of days.

Which one? It's an IT thing.

How much do you need? Couple of grand.

What's the name of the college? Do you not trust me? Be nice to know.

Ballystrand University.

But you should probably make the cheque out to me because it's got to be paid in instalments.

Oh! You remembered my name.

Just so you don't forget me.

Was there anything else? No.

I got a flight to catch.

How old was he? Must've been pretty young.

First fling, probably.

Fairground worker.

You think she might have said something.

Private matter.

It doesn't affect her professionally.

Doesn't it? Well, a little bit until the situation settles down, but I've confided in her about Theresa's miscarriage.

You would, she's your boss.

Makes you wonder what else she's been keeping from us.

DNA results? Eryeah Thank you.

Anything else? No.

Think that was it.

"I could've hidden behind the libel laws leading up to the election, "but that's not my style.

"Do you think your tactics were wrong? "With hindsight, yes.

I didn't foresee that accusations "made without evidence could be so damaging.

"But this isn't the first time Jenifer Gaghan has "It's not just her though, is it? You think she's being used.

"I do.

I think she's being used unscrupulously "when what she needs is help.

"In what respect? "It's no secret that Jenifer Gaghan has had a history of psychiatric problems "which is obviously of no concern to the people who are making political capital out of her.

" This is a tree sample I removed from the rib cage of Body A.

By dissecting along the root, we can count the rings So you know when the men were k*lled? Yeah.




So who were they? They were brothers.

They were k*lled in their early twenties.

That's all we know.

We don't have any brothers on our files.

How could that happen? How could two young men just disappear and nobody care? That's hard to imagine.

Somebody must've known them.

How's it going? I think it might be some kind of badge, but nothing so far.

It's a badge all right.

You sure? I saw it every day I was growing up.

PHONE RINGS Hello? Hold on.



David! David! Yes? Excuse me, excuse me.

Thank you.

Hello? 'I'm coming back, David.

' I'm sorry.

I can't hear you.

'I'm coming back.

'Congratulations, David.

Do you think you can pretend the past didn't happen?' So what happened to it? Could've been dislodged in the landslip.

I don't think we should mention this to George Nevin till we're absolutely sure.

Be careful I thought you were absolutely sure.

The only way you can prove that's an RUC badge is if we find it.

I'm going to go back to Ireland.

You could just make a phone call, get their forensics to look for it.


It's our case.

Let's do this properly.

Well, what have you got for me? Take a look at that.

And you think it's over there? It's an avenue we have to explore.


I'll instruct the team.

No, the point is, George, any developments in this case, I'm supposed to hear about them from you, not from Sam Ryan.

They must've done it in the middle of the night.



I'll do that.

All right.



Don't make a sound.

Get your husband here.

If he involves the police, I will cut your throat.

You wouldn't do that.

I'm mentally ill, remember?! Just sit over there.

Are you all right? Sit down! What do you want? How dare you ask me what I want! I have been screaming it for years! All right Where did you bury my father? I could say anything.

How would you know whether it's the truth or not? Oh, I'll know, because she's dead if you don't tell me the truth.

He had nothing to do with it! I SAW HIM! I saw you and you saw me! My father struggling You need help.

Is this how it was?! Stop! Did he cry? DID HE PRAY? This is ridiculous! Did he ask for me?! You are mad! One more step and this goes in her! Please, please, you're going to k*ll her! Where did you bury my father?! I didn't! Where?! I didn't! Where?! I didn't! Where?! I'm going to k*ll her.

You have got five seconds.

Where did you bury my father?! I didn't bury him! HE'S NOT DEAD! He's not dead.

I took him into the woods but I couldn't do it.

I told him if he ever came back, I'd k*ll him.

And I'd k*ll you Martine Don't come near me! Don't come near me! Just spoken to Sam.

Mm? Still no luck with the badge yet.

Is that you for the night? Or are you planning to sneak back in after I've gone? I think we're done for the day.

I've requested that the investigation be returned to Northern Ireland.

Good luck! There's no point in keeping it here any longer.

There are still some tests to come in.

And our forensics can handle it when they do.

I don't think Professor Ryan'll see it like that.

She wants to keep control of the investigation because she's worried.

About what? Her father worked at Arnmore, near where the bodies were found.

At that time? Oh, yeah.

Goodnight, gentlemen.


Professor Ryan.

Thanks for trusting me with this.

So what happens now? I don't know.

Get rid of this lot.

If you come across anything on my father Yeah, I'll make sure you get it.



My wee girl! How long you lived here? Sure, if I'd known you were coming I'd have put fresh straw down.

It's fine.

Behave yourself.

When does your course start? You checking up on me? Yeah.

It starts today but I've only signed up for afternoon classes.

That's nice.

Big fan of Mahler.

I like the 10th.

The Unfinished.


I'm taking this back.

That's how you get your foot through the door
- retrieving your property? Do you ever tire of self
-pity? You're 30.

It's time you took responsibility for yourself.

Responsibility? You are lecturing me on responsibility? I've studied and worked hard all my life.

And who for? What do you spend your money on? That's none of your business.

I bet you holiday on your own.

Pester couples who can't stand you.

I should live in a hole like you? You're all dried up.

In fact, I bet I was the last thing you had between your legs.

Follow it.

What're you waiting for? Get out!
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