09x06 - The Meaning of Death 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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09x06 - The Meaning of Death 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Here it comes.


This is a comparison of DNA taken from the body in the grave, and from a toothbrush that belonged to David Stubbs.

It matches, it's him.

His mother's coming to hear the results.

How much does she know? She knows he was found in his grandfather's grave.

She doesn't know that it looks as though he was alive when he was buried.

Does she need to know that? She's asked to see the body.

Well, you should do your best to put her off.

Well, you can't stop her if she wants to see him.

Some people don't believe it until they see it.

I know.

But it's her son in there.

I think maybe I should do this.

Sure? Just don't let her see the body.

Oh, please.


Not David.

I'm sorry.

Who did this? We hope to find out more from the post

Can I see him? You have the right to, of course, but I'd advise you not to.

Many changes have occurred to the body.

He was my baby, my boy.

From what I've read of David's work, he had a strong belief that death was not the end.

You did well there, Nikki.

I remembered that stuff about the resurrection of the body from my gran's funeral.

Wouldn't want too many resurrections of the body.

We'd be out of a job.

I worry about you.

You'll be speaking in tongues next.

When are you going to accept the truth, sinner? I wish I could find some truth right now.

Still looking for a reason? I'm not sure there is a reason.

There's a reason for everything.

Well, perhaps you could help me find one because at the moment I am at a loss to explain why a perfectly healthy young woman drowns in three inches of water.

Ready for this? Think so.

The body looks to be that of a young adult male.

Conspicuous signs of wet decomposition.

The wrists are tied with wire.

There are also marks on the ankles consistent with bindings that are no longer there.

Multiple linear wounds of varying depths around the ligatures.

Suggests desperate attempts to get free.

The mouth is open and what appears to be soil in the back of the pharynx.

I think he WAS buried alive.

The larynx is filled with watery soil.

Further soil is present in the esophagus and trachea bronchial tree.

And Paper? More reading material for Sykes.

What are we dealing with, Leo? Not sure I want to find out.

They still on the multiple killings? Yes.

It's getting grizzlier by the day.

Lucky them.


So what have you got to stop me arresting the wife beater? You don't have enough evidence to arrest Chris Pivcevic.

We know nobody else could have got in to k*ll her.

Perhaps nobody did.

Perhaps it was something physiological, natural causes.

You missed something in the post
-mortem? Great.

So what now? I'm waiting for the histology section
- see if they tell us something.

Tell us something you missed the first time round you mean.

Look, it doesn't matter who found the fingerprint, or who spotted the DNA, or who realised the necklace wasn't stolen.

It's not about looking good! It's about finding the truth.

It's a process.

All sweetness and light? He's like Columbo on speed.

How's yours? Oh, he's really pretty good.

He seems to agree with me.

You mean he's dangerously insane? It's near impossible to concentrate today.

Doesn't feel right without Henry here.

What is it? There's a bloke hanging around.

Where? I can't see anyone.

He was just there.

Well, I'll go and have a proper look.

There's still no through line.

There's no motive that links them all.

Must be the same person but he's got an interesting range of techniques.

From the controlled to the frenzied.

I can't work out whether we're dealing with someone who's ruthlessly deliberate or haphazardly unpredictable.

As opposed to a well
-rounded individual, you mean? Hello! Let's have a look at this paper then.

We'll confirm, but it could be from the same publication, Ethics Today, that was used in the ransom note.

Do you want to see something clever? Now, the text has been damaged by internal acids, but if we use this special illumination like so Hey presto! The UV light is set at a frequency that allows even pigment Yeah, it's OK, Frank.

Resurrection of Je Jesusdrama plicationsfor 'nkind.

''The resurrection of Jesus has dramatic implications for mankind.

'' We probably don't have enough words here to determine which article this came from.

I know where this came from.

This was a piece by David Stubbs.

It was the piece that Paul Fordyce objected to so forcefully.

It makes perfect sense.

Perfect, sick sense.

''If the resurrection of Jesus has dramatic implications for mankind ''then it must have dramatic implications for philosophy.

''It dares to answer the question that philosophers have been seeking an answer to.

''The fact that it's an unexpected, outrageous answer is no grounds for dismissing its veracity.

'' How does this help us? He k*lled Dave Stubbs.

Who did? Paul Fordyce.

Paul Fordyce showed utter contempt towards Stubbs and his, how does he put it, metaphysical mumbo jumbo.

Don't you see it? He made him eat his own words, literally.

He buried him alive.

He was making a sick point about the resurrection.

It's a bit of an imaginative leap.

It's a symbol with an obvious meaning.

So he k*lled Lucy Philips? Yes.

And Tony Lane, Henry Elliot? What was the name given by the person who called Tony Lane out? Jeremy Bentham.

A philosopher's name.

He's our man, Leo.

OK, so he disliked Dave Stubbs' world view? What about the others? Why not? Why stop at one? Especially if you have a supposed philosophical justification for it.

I read his articles.

All that struff about the universe being indifferent to pain and suffering.

And there being no point in using terms like ''good'' and ''evil''.

You remember the piece I told you about? This is a guy who sees no objection to people suffering if it is necessary for the production of a great man.

I don't know.

Hello? Tom? It's Nikki.

Is this a bad moment? Ah, no worse than usual.

You sound like you're in a train station.

Yeah, there's Lots of people coming and going here.


The paper in Dave Stubbs' stomach.

It's an article he wrote for Ethics Today.

Before he was buried alive, I think he was forced to swallow it.

Who would want to make him eat his own words? The creep who doesn't need a crutch.

You shouldn't be using that in here.

It's police business.

Tom? Where are you? I'll tell you later.

I've gotta go.


This dose was much stronger, so expect to feel worse tomorrow.

Thanks for coming.

How's things? very busy.

So let's stick to the real reason why you asked me here.

You said it was important.

I need you to loan me your share of the estate.

I'll repay you in two years, with interest.

I need you to help me, Nik.

Help you what? Sort out your debts or have you found another sure
-fire investment that can't lose? I made a bad mistake with the cars.

I was tempted and I succumbed.

It was a mistake.

I admit it.

But I am tying to right that error.

Can't you see that? I need you to believe me on this.

That requires faith that I just don't have.

There isn't anyone else I can ask.

What do you want me to do? I need you to just sign the papers from the solicitor, approving the release of your share of the will.

I see.

You've made all the arrangements already, have you? I will pay you back.

I'd really appreciate it, Nik.

I'll think about it.

Do you have to go so soon? Yeah, I've got a lot to do.

You're more interested in dead people than the living! At least the dead don't lie.

We'd like to take a sample of your DNA.

Dr Alexander could take it if you agree.


I'm happy to be of help.


Dave Stubbs attended a family funeral on December the 7th.

It was a Tuesday.

Can you remember where you were? Yes.

I was here.

In London.

I remember that much because he asked me to hold the fort while he went to his grandmother's funeral.



He said he'd be attending a funeral.

Well, we have found your editor.


Where? In Africa? No, in a grave near his parents' home in Surrey.

He was buried alive.

How extraordinary.

What's particularly extraordinary about it, well apart from the fact that he'd been buried alive, was that he'd been made to swallow a page from his own magazine.

An article he'd written.

A piece you described as ''mumbo jumbo''.

- What are you implying?
- Nothing.

It's just an odd coincidence.

I object to the insinuation, both personally and philosophically.

Coincidence is a by
-product of the random universe, separate events linked by nothing more than man's desire to create meaning.

Some people see meaning in connected events.

That's because you are desperate for answers that are not forthcoming and attributing meaning to events where there really is none.

I strongly disliked Mr Stubbs' world view and objected to him infecting the journal with it, but I'm not so callous as to not see the tragedy in all of this.

Although in an indifferent universe there's no room for tragedy, is there? You've been reading something more than women's magazines.

You made him swallow his own words.

Doctor Alexander It's all right.

I came in to help solve these atrocious crimes.

Yes, if you could take the DNA sample, Doctor Alexander.

Thank you, Mr Fordyce.

If you would just open your mouth.

Tom, you saw how he reacted, how he shifted when you mentioned the article.

His whole antagonism to Dave Stubbs' beliefs.

It's not enough.

You can't charge a man because he believes in nothing.

Tom? God, what's wrong with you? It's the chemo.

Chemo? I have cancer.

What do you mean? What sort of cancer? The sort that kills you quickly.

Why didn't you tell me? Well, I didn't think it was relevant.

Tom, you have cancer.

That is relevant.

What's the prognosis? They never really know, people do de_ these predictions.

Let's hope.

Can we change the subject? Shouldn't you be making the most of your life instead of chasing after murderers? Well, I figured if I kept busy, it might just go away.

Oh, right.

That's very sensible of you, very male.

You know, that guy really made me sick.


Leo, I've finished the histology on Dawn Pivcevic and all the organs are normal except for this.

I think the endometrium shows changes of pregnancy and there's a cluster of cells from an embryo.

She was pregnant? Yes, just a few days.

You were lucky to sample the right bits for histology.

They couldn't get pregnant, that's why they'd come off IVF.

It's not unusual for couples to come off IVF and then get pregnant.

That's how Theresa got pregnant with Cassie.

Morning sickness.

She was making the doll throw up.

Who? The little girl at the scene.

She wasn't re
-enacting Dawn's death, she must have seen her vomiting at some time.

Early stages of pregnancy could bring on nausea and vomiting and faintness.

Especially with the remaining hormones from the IVF.

And if she got a bit tipsy She could easily faint.

How am I going to explain to the husband that his wife, who couldn't get pregnant, got pregnant, which in part k*lled her? If it wasn't so tragic it would be a joke.



We've met before.

At the garden centre.

Oh, yes.

Didn't you work for Henry Elliot? Yes.

Ah, is Detective Chief Inspector Tom Wimber here? No, I'm afraid not.

Oh, the police station said he would be here.

You've just missed him.


Are you OK? Um, maybe you could help.

Um, do you think we could talk inside? Sure.

It might be nothing.

We had this guy hanging around the garden centre.

Elly, our receptionist, saw him across the road two days before Henry Elliot was k*lled.

Did you confront him? To be honest, um, I was afraid.

Ah, I know him.

He's this guy I was at college with, we did the same philosophy course.

This bloke called Paul Fordyce.

Paul Fordyce? Yes.

Do you know him? The police are already questioning him.

What, in connection with these murders? I thought he was weird, but not a k*ller.

I can't talk about the case.

You'll have to talk to the police.

You don't think he's after me? Well, I don't know.

Ah, can you think of any reason why he might be? No! Ah, I, I hope not.

I haven't seen him since college.

I didn't have you down as an academic.

No, I, I'm not.

Which is why I left.

I found the philosophy too dry.

I wanted to get on with life instead of talking about what it means all the time.

So what can you tell me about Paul Fordyce? Ah, I didn't know him well.

He was something of a recluse.

He was arrogant.

He saw himself as a proper nihilist.

He was into Nietzsche.

''That which does not k*ll us makes us strong'' etc.

I had an argument with him about it once in the pub.

He talked about tying to live by those ideals.

He disliked people
- he regarded them as his inferiors.

He saw himself as a great man.

Superior to the rim

Oh, the bungled and the botched as Nietzsche would say! Well, that explains his arrogance.

Is he seriously under suspicion for three murders though? Really, I can't discuss it.

Take a seat.

Can I get you anything? I'm fine.

I've, um, I've completed some microscopic tests on Dawn.

Andthey show a very early pregnancy.

Maybe just a few days.

But the results are irrefutable.

It does give us an explanation of what happened.

I think that she fainted.

So combination of the effects of IVF hormones and the pregnancy itself and alcohol would be enough.

And when she fell she struck her head and remained unconscious long enough to drown.

It makes me very angry that such a thing can happen.

But All right.

If it's the truth.

It's all right.

She said she had a dream she was pregnant.

I know this.

Have you, um, have you seen the original? No.

It's in the National Galley.

It's worth looking at, in the flesh so to speak.

It's very impressive.

Are you religious? No.

But, ah, I'm drawn to these images.

Why? Looking for reassurance, I suppose.

Have you found it? No.

But I keep going back to look.

Just in case.

So, um, what am I supposed to do about this Paul Fordyce? I'll let the police know and you should talk to them.

I can get them to pick you up from here if you like? Oh, no.

I'll be OK.

Silly boy.

I had a chat with the pathologist.

They're doing quite well.

What do you mean? They're connecting you with three murders.

Don't get all hu_.

It's the truth, isn't it? We, or rather you, left a messier trail than I hoped we would.

We were doing so well too.

That rich girl was good, I liked that.

Fake ransom note was a little elaborate, but it was creative.

The note was incredibly unlucky.

And then there was the pizza boy.

Loved that.

Straight to the point.

But you ruined it all from the very start with the Christian.

It wasn't so clever making Stubbs swallow the article.

It's a pity it proved as indigestible as you said it was.

I don't know why I did that.

I got carried away.

Ah, that's the thing.

You get carried away.

I hadn't counted on you being so histrionic.

Look what happens when you try one on your own.

You're not really a man of action.

You're better suited to the desk, to study, to the How did Hegel put it? The adoration of the question mark.

An_aymy real bone of contention is you going and k*lling Henry all on your own.

What the hell did you do that for? It was against everything we had agreed
- random selection.

When they came to me about the note, you doubted me.

I doubted your ability to execute a m*rder without broadcasting it to the world.

And so has it proved.

I wanted to show you that I have a heart for this.

Heart? Heart is exactly what we don't need.

We started this because we could.

We didn't want reasons.

We didn't need anything a crass as a reason.

Pure k*lling without motive.

Wasn't that our challenge? And then you go and k*ll my boss.

You tying to make things easy for them? I mean, I like a challenge, but Well, that was just stupid.

Don't worry.

They have no idea who k*lled Henry.

What are we gonna do? We'll go back to basics.

We'll mess up the pattern that they think is emerging.

What do you suggest? I've got you a double.

Is that OK? Beats chemo! Cheers.


Yes? Nik? Did you get the paperwork? Yes.

I haven't had time to Look at it.

Nik, I really need you to sign it.


Nikki? I will.

But right now I'm Don't tell me, you're busy.



I'll sign them and send them.


I have to go.

Gas company? My father.

He's in prison for fraud.

When my grandmother died, she left us some money.

He says it's to pay back the people he's defrauded.

It's all done under this pretence of ''I wanna get to know you better.

'' Can't blame him for that.

What do you mean? Well, he must be very proud of you.

Must want to have a relationship with his daughter.

Yeah, I just don't trust that that is what he wants.

Sounds like he's tying to put things right, paying people back.

Maybe you need to stop being embarrassed by him and forgive him.

You really say what you think, don't you? I haven't got the energy or the time to pretend any more.


Oh, it's Leo.

Hello? Yeah, he's right here.

Why? What's happened? You're right.

It's so much better, purer, just to do it, without recourse to who or why.

When do we k*ll again? I think that'll be your last one.

What? You've made too many mistakes.

But you said yourself, the less we care, the more likely we are to get away with it.

I'm not sure we have the same motivation.

But I do.

I have the same ideals.

I've shown that, haven't I? I don't believe I have any ideals.

But you do.

All that you said to me, the first time we decided to do it about practising what we preach.

I did it to see if we could and then I did it for the pure love of k*lling.

But you I can't help thinking you've done it because of me.

For me.


But I also did it because because, cos I I didn't want to be a hypocrite.

I wanted to break free of the usual constraints.

And yes because of you, Richard.

I admired you.

You're not like everyone else.

The rim

You're unique.


Her name's Carla Burns, lives around the corner.

Looks like she was coming home from work.

OK, clear.

Anything left in her bag? There was money still in there.

Doesn't look like a robbery.

Broad daylight, no attempt to hide the body.

Another victim lying face up.

We've a w*apon! Even as we speak they'll be looking at the body of the woman you k*lled.

WE k*lled.

Our clever friends will be piecing it all together, tying to make sense of it all.

I'm tired of all this Miss Scarlet in the ballroom with the dagger crap.

It's all so crass.

Socrates was right, the noble cause is to resist no more.

What do you mean? We've been pretending for too long.

Pretending that we don't care about life, and yet we cling to it.

We try and preserve it at the expense of others.

If we're so nihilistic, why do we cling to life with such desperation like everyone else? But we're not like everyone else.


Let's deprive them of the explanations they so crave.

Let's prove how little this life means.

Why are you talking like this? To take your own life is the only true response to the universe.

Why don't you join me? Let's do the one pure thing we can.

Let's stay free.

Cause of death 1A, s*ab wounds to the back.

The most important of which in relation to cause of death is s*ab wound two, which is a track puncturing the heart.


Forensics on the knife.

Dimensions suggest it could easily have been the same one to k*ll her, Tony Lane and Henry Elliot.

SOCO say it's covered in prints.

Paul Fordyce.

There's no obvious signs of anyone else being present.

We'll confirm at the PM, but at the moment everything points towards self

Doesn't look as if there are other marks on the neck to suggest someone strung him up after ligature.

I just don't want to believe it.

All this wisdom didn't do you much good, did it? Kept his specs on.

There's a large fingerprint in the middle of the glass.

Help! Tom! Tom? It's OK, Tom, we'll get you to the hospital.

Are the paramedics still here? Get the ambulance back! Tom? I don't wanna go.

You have to.

I don't wanna go there.

We just need to get you to the hospital and they'll be able to help.

I don't wanna die alone.

I'm afraid.

Someone called an ambulance? I think it's time you took a sickly.

Let's see if we can get you more comfortable.

Don't be afraid.

All that struff about the resurrection.

About there being something else after this.

Do you believe it? Don't say that you do to make me feel better.

I believe that you shouldn't be afraid.

Hi I'm here to see Victor Alexander.

You're his daughter, yes? Yeah.

Your father left us yesterday.

What? He's been released.

He didn't tell you? No.

Failed to mention it.

So this is the cause of all the trouble.

Expecting something more impressive? It's amazing what a collection of flesh and bones is capable of.


We have someone else in the room.

Leo? Print on the glasses isn't Paul Fordyce's and we can't find a match on the database.

Someone helped him k*ll himself? Or we've been dealing with a double act.

'We have entrusted our sister Vivian to God's mercy and now we commit her body to the ground.

'Earth to earth.

'Ashes to ashes.

Dust to dust 'in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ# 'I know this.

Have you, ah, have you seen the original? 'It's worth looking at, in the flesh so to speak.

'It's very impressive.

Are you religious? No.

'But I'm drawn to these images.

Why? 'Looking for reassurance, I suppose# Richard! This glass is new.

There'll be two sets of prints on it.

One will be mine, the other will match the print you're looking for.

Nikki? The other print belongs to the person who helped Paul Fordyce k*ll Dave Stubbs, Lucy Philips, Tony Lane, Henry Elliot and Carla Burns, and Paul Fordyce himself.

The guy who came here and said he was being followed by Paul Fordyce.

The guy who picked up that picture and said that he liked looking at these images just to see if they hinted at the life beyond.

Who couldn't resist turning the bodies over so he could look into their eyes.

Richard Henderson.

It's a match.

Armed police.

Armed police! Area one, clear! Area three, clear.

Room clear, stand down.

Is there any news on Richard yet? Well, he wasn't at the flat.

We've done our bit.

You've certainly done yours.

You all right? He'll run.

Start afresh.

They've sent out an alert to all airports and stations.

But what if he's already gone? Hello? What? Fantastic.

OK, just hold on, would you? Someone matching the description of Richard Henderson boarded the Eurostar to Brussels.

The police picked him up at Ashford.

They've got him! I've been tying to work out what I did wrong.

Come on, it's k*lling me, what was it? Something I said or It was something you touched.

The picture.

Caught out by Jesus! How irritating! Irritating? Is that your summary of what's happened? Oh, please, don't expect me to express guilt.

Come on! You k*lled those people.

Why? Do we have to? Why? No reason.

Is that all you have to say on the matter? What is this need to have a reason for everything? Oh, of course, I forget, you're a pathologist.

You tend to be very literal about things like reasons.

When you k*lled them, when you looked into their eyes, what were you hoping to see? Nothing.

Nothing? K*llers meet the same end as saints.

There is no heaven, no hell no final judgment.

You hope'! Aren't you gonna ask me if I had a troubled childhood? try and unravel the meaning of it all? I've got more meaningful things to do with my life.

Tom? I'm still here.

I've been thinking.

Not about work, I hope.

About you.

Really? I've been thinking about you and your father.

You need to forgive him.

If you don't want to end up like me.

What do you mean? Bitter.

Bitter about what? Not marrying.

Not having children.

Buying my life in my work.

You have a father.

Whatever he's done in the past, forgiving him is better than ignoring him.

Tom, you shouldn't be spending your last What, lecturing you? Why not? I hope your gran is right.

About what? The next life.

Specially that bit about the new body.

I'm gonna need that! If we don't get new bodies, it'll be easy to spot the post
-mortems in heaven.

Thanks for being here.

I'm glad I'm here, Tom.
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