12x06 - Terror 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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12x06 - Terror 2

Post by bunniefuu »

One of the biggest anti
-t*rror1st raids the day before I'm due to go on holiday.

Her brother Melik is in hospital with g*nsh*t wounds.

He's the one we need to talk to.

This is where Police Sergeant Nathan Wright was shot.

g*nshots MAN CRIES OUT Here, is where Melik Burak was shot.

And in here is where the main action happened.

Nathan was shot and k*lled whilst doing his duty.

The man who shot him, is he dead? No, he's not.

Do we have a name for her? They both called her Laura.

Why would there be a puncture wound in the outer aspect of the thigh? We need to identify this woman.

There is nothing to indicate that these two were t*rrorists.

What're we going to do? To sh**t Nathan Wright from to lean over the banisters.

If Melik didn't do it, who did? Police Sergeant Rhys Allen, I am officially informing you that you are suspended from duty.

On what grounds, sir? Not a bloody copper? Do you really think I could k*ll Nathan? Are you concerned that our report will initiate a public enquiry? Oh, no! No! Please Please help! Please! Stop! I can't Oh God, oh, God Room clear.





What?! Hey, are you all right? Did you see who it was? He grabbed my laptop and then I didn't, I'm sorry.

What are you doing here? I got a call.

Who from? A colleague.

He saw what happened and he called me.

So rather than coming to help me No, no, no He ran after you and the guy who took your laptop.

So what was your colleague doing outside my flat? As far as I know he was just passing.

And was it one of your colleagues just passing who took my laptop? Why would they do that? Because you don't want the report going to the Coroner.

I think, Dr Alexander, you're suffering from shock.

Don't you dare patronise me! I'm sorry.

Why would I have you followed and why would I want someone to steal your laptop? How do I know? Everything you do seems to be cloaked in secrecy and hidden agenda.

Listen, anything you want know, anything you want to do PHONE RINGS I'm sorry, I've got to take this.




Hang on, I'll call you back.

Dr Alexander! Melik Burak rented a van earlier in the week.

We traced his movements to a storage unit.

But it turns out that he was just helping a friend move.

We know there's a key to a lock
-up, we just don't know where it is.

I spoke with Detective Inspector Tranfield last night and he said it would be fine to see Isra Burak.

Would you like me to call him for you? I'm sure he's got nothing better to do than sign me in through security.

Dr Alexander? Yes.

You were our expert witness on the Dermot Flannagan case.


Hasan Kundak.

I was the solicitor.

Of course.

Mr Kundak.

Your client was cleared, as I remember.

Thanks to you, he was.

And, of course, it was you who spoke to Isra.


How did you know? I am Isra and Melik's solicitor.

She told me that a woman, a very beautiful woman, showed some sympathy with her.

I took some samples, that's all.

We have you to thank for her release.

Oh, I didn't realise that she had been released? I say released, there are the usual draconian conditions.

From what I understand, Doctor, it was you who has turned this investigation on its head.

The evidence Yes, the evidence, of course but, in the present climate, it takes a brave person to stand up and be counted, does it not? And you are here to see Isra? Well, with her brother Melik in hospital, still unconscious, Isra is now the only eyewitness.

I'm sorry to hear about what happened to Dr Alexander.

She could have been k*lled.

I don't know.

That laptop was obviously very important to whoever took it, given the way they att*cked her.

Had it not been for my colleague As I understand it, your colleague was too busy calling you.

Why the hell was he there in the first place? What's happening now? Mr Burak is being taken to theatre to remove the b*ll*ts lodged in his chest and collarbone.

And you're here because? Because when those b*ll*ts are removed I want to make quite sure they don't get lost like the others ones seem to have done.

You believe she was r*ped? I think it's a possibility, but either way, I'm not sure that taking heroin and engaging in rough sex is part of the Al
-Qaeda training manual.

Well, this changes everything.

Is that her? Yeah, I took a photo of her and then gave her some computerised cosmetic surgery to cover the various exit wounds.

You've made her look beautiful.

Normally they look like they're auditioning for Crimewatch.

I got a couple of Specials to make a few enquiries.

Isn't the investigation into her identity officially over? No
-one told me to stop.

Students who attended colleges and universities in the West Country who came from the areas we're looking at, Nigeria, Cameroon, Benin and Togo.

We'll have a few more names this afternoon.

I analysed her hair.

Two months ago she was in the London area, and prior to that it looks like she was in Scotland.

I'm sure we can find out if any of these students have a link with Scotland or London.

Larai Achebe.

Melik and Rosencranz called her Laura, didn't you say? What number? 1663.

Hope the lift works.

So you think my Larai's dead? No, no, we're investigating the identity of a woman who may or may not be your daughter.

Do you know if she takes dr*gs of any kind? Have you come here to arrest Larai? Well, she's not here, you can search That's not what Dr Cunningham was asking for.

Heroin? It's the reason we left Glasgow two years ago.

Did she spend any time in the West Country? How do you know these things? You know where Larai is, don't you? No, no Dr Cunningham has analysed some hair.

Hair? Whose hair? Larai's? This can only mean that she's dead.

Is that Larai? Yes.

You see how happy she was.

And now It's not her, it's not her.

The woman we're trying to identify doesn't have pierced ears.

So Larai's alive? I hope so.

Oh! You are a lovely, lovely man, Dr Cunningham.

Thank you.

Last one.

Do you always go to these lengths for a Jane Doe? Do you? I seem to spend most of my time proving I can do this job to people like DI Tranfield and the rest of the security services.

And you haven't answered my question.

This is no ordinary Jane Doe.

No, sorry.

I don't recognise this woman.


Please could you take one more look? I can't help you.

Was this the police? It's been worse.

Last year they stripped the room completely.

It was a chance to get the place decorated.

Make yourself at home, Doctor.

I shall make some coffee if they haven't removed the machine.

My w*apon of mass destruction, which, given the caffeine content, wouldn't be far wrong.

Turkish, I hope, is good for you.

Strong and sweet.

Just what I need.

But why didn't her DNA come up on the national database? More importantly, why have we been lied to? I'm so sorry.

How are you? OK, thank you, Dr Alexander.





My English.

I'm sorry.

Better than my Turkish.


My brother.


He'll be OK.

And Jamie, dead? I heard Bang, bang, bang Did you see who it was who fired the first shot? The g*n? Number one bang? Your brother.

He sh**t bang? No.


He sh**t.


Esther Segun, ever heard of her? How the hell did you find out? More to the point, why the hell didn't you tell me? It was considered in the best interest to keep her identity from public knowledge.

In her best interest? Can someone explain? Esther Segun.

Rather, Detective Sergeant Esther Segun.

Working undercover.

She'd been tracking Rosencranz for several months.

Finally got her to take him back to Randal Road.

Is this true? Her minder came to see me.

He confirmed it.

So the CCTV cameras were working? Keeping information from the public is one thing but to actively withhold forensic evidence.

Not to mention the SIO.

Who else knows of her identity? Her partner.

Who we went to see this afternoon.

Send in the cavalry? Slaughter another couple of innocent bystanders? When a police officer works undercover she doesn't always do it alone.

But you knew what Dr Cunningham was doing! Yes.

I did.

But to be honest with you, I didn't think you'd succeed.

It's good that one of us is doing our job properly! You just don't get it, do you? No, I just don't get it.

You say that DS Segun had taken heroin? Yes.

And that she'd had unprotected sex.


Policewoman has sex with known drug dealer.

She was working undercover.

The training manual says nothing about injecting yourself with dr*gs.

-one's worth k*lling yourself for.

And let me tell you something, Dr Cunningham, if she was after promotion, she was screwing the wrong person.

How do you know that either the drug taking or the sex was consensual? Can you prove it otherwise? I don't think so.

I don't have to prove it! Whoa, whoa, hold on a second Isra, Isra! No, no, no, no! No wonder English police officers are always so grumpy.

They have the most appalling coffee.

Thank you.

Nothing to eat, I'm afraid, but I can organise something.

No, I'm fine, thanks.

Isra? I was just asking Isra about who it was who fired the first shot.

SHE SPEAKS IN TURKISH "I was in my room.

" "There was an expl*si*n.

" "I came out of my room.

"There was light coming up the stairs.

And noise.

" "They shouted at us to put our hands up.

" Who fired the first shot? THEY SPEAK IN TURKISH "There was a policeman at the top of the stairs.

" And he fired the first shot? "He shot my brother.

"I went to help him but the other policeman pulled me away.

" But did you see who shot Nathan Wright? The officer running up the stairs.

I have to confess, Dr Alexander, I am a little concerned if Isra tells you this information.

Why? If she tells you who k*lled this police officer, I believe her life will not be safe.

But this case will almost certainly go to court and Isra will be a key witness.

It was an officer from the Armed Response Unit? Did you see his number? MOBILE BEEPS I'm so sorry.

Excuse me.

Another coffee, Dr Alexander? We'll know more after the post

You probably won't be doing it, I'm going to tell the Coroner.

Tell him what? I think you and your team have worked hard enough.

And not come up with the results you wanted? I'm surprised at you, Professor.

The feeling, Detective Inspector, is mutual.

Can we see him now? I'm sorry.

You can't go in.

My brother I don't want anyone knowing about me and Rhys.

I'm sure we can keep that to ourselves, Emily.

Wouldn't have a biscuit, would you? He doesn't eat biscuits.

I mean for me.

I missed out on breakfast.

I don't like leaving the house.

People keep coming up to me and offering their condolences, you know.


Your husband was a hero, Mrs Wright.

You think Nathan was m*rder*d, don't you? Not me.

The evidence.

Did Nathan say anything that night? Like what? Well, chatting with the men with g*ns, they seemed to suggest he was a bit a bit uptight.

It was all very hurried.

He always gets uptight before an operation.

They all do.

Wouldn't you be? I mean, you know, going into a t*rror1st cell, knowing that you're going to be shot at, or att*cked by chemicals or bombs? Yeah, he was a brave man.

Braver than me.

I never did like all that running around.

Rhys was the best man.

Well, well They were best friends.

They joined the Unit at the same time.

How do you think Rhys feels now? I don't know.

I've not seen him.

I think, and I think you think, that Rhys k*lled your husband.


Gosh, you look terrible.

Where have you been sleeping? Not with you.

Do you want some tea? You can have my breakfast if you want it.

Where have you been? Why haven't you answered any of my calls? What're you running from? I'm not running from anything, I just don't like being watched 24 hours a day.

They're watching you? Of course they are watching me! They think I k*lled Nathan.

And you thought skipping off would make you look more innocent? Why are you talking to me like this? I did not k*ll Nathan, I swear! I've been thinking about what he said to you that night.

"She can't have us both.

" I mean, what He was right.

How can you have us both? I often said that to you and you wouldn't do anything about it.

So you did Is that what happened? No.

I just told you.

He must have taken a shot at you.

If he had, he would have bloody well k*lled me.

They know you shot him.

Well, then, they know wrong.

It was your g*n that shot him.

Yeah? Who told you that? Everyone's saying it.

And do you believe them? I don't know.

I If you did Listen Do you remember when I first kissed you and you kissed me back? And I told you that I would never ever lie to you.

I'm sorry.

I need to take a piss.

Can I touch her? These hands They were always so warm.

The way she used to hold my face.

Esther took heroin? That night, she did.

She would never do that.

She was anti
-dr*gs all her life.

She saw what they did to her brother.

That's why she was there, to get that bastard of a dr*gs dealer.

did you last see her? A couple of months ago.

We had a few days together in Scotland.

We never got out of bed.

What? It's all going to come out eventually, it might as well be you who tells me.

And anyway, what can be worse than her taking heroin? There is evidence that she had sex that night.

With a man? Yeah.

We used to talk about her going native.

I'd joke she'd go undercover and forget who she was and just stay there.

So, what happens when all this does come out? Everyone will say she was a shit police officer and got what she deserved? No, no, no.

There is evidence, though it's not conclusive, that the sex may have not been consensual.

You're saying she was r*ped? I can't prove it, either way, but that is a possibility.

But then No, no I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

You've got the wrong woman.


That's it.

It's not my Esther at all.

I mean, she would never let herself get into that position.

She wasso good at her job.

You've got the wrong woman.

Night, Harry.


How was it? I thought Tranfield was hiding Esther's identity to save his own neck, but it's probable that he was protecting an officer who seems to have lost the plot.

You don't know that for certain.

Her partner is convinced she would not have take heroin voluntarily nor would she have had sex with a man.

What about the puncture mark to her upper thigh? Yeah, I'm just working on it now.

Don't beat yourself up about it.

Like Tranfield, I didn't think you'd ever find her.

Oh, thanks.

Don't mention it.

Well, I think you did an amazing job.

The proverbial needle in a haystack.

Proverbial b*mb in a haystack more like.

Better not say that too loudly.


I was told that if you said certain key words more than five times, MI5 would swoop on you.

You think we're being bugged.

How else did they know I was taking my laptop home? Bicycle, tricycle, icicle, one, two, threebomb! b*mb! b*mb! Does my b*mb look big in this? What's so funny? Walls have ears.

Have you started without me? Oh, just what I need, a drink.

We are going for a drink now.

Leo said that he was going to take us for a slap
-up meal.

Good call, Leo.

It's now dinner.

I did not say that I would pay for it.

Dinner somewhere very expensive.

See you there.

Come on, let's go before he changes his mind.

I just need to finish this.

I'll see you in the pub.

How about a Turkish? A kebab you mean? You really are splashing out, aren't you? Harry! Leo! E
-MAIL BLEEPS Why did you steal my laptop? Why did you say I k*lled Nathan? That's a lie.

I never said that.

It's people like you who get people like me locked up for things we didn't do.

You were at the top of the stairs.

Have you tested the b*ll*ts yet? We can't find the one that k*lled Nathan.

Then why blame me? You were seen aiming your g*n at him.

Who by? Some little girl? If it wasn't you, who was it? The Turk.

What about his g*n? Melik Burak is dead.

Best thing for him.

You saw him sh**t Nathan? I didn't! I was in bedroom 1.

You're saying it was another officer? No
-one from the unit would sh**t Nathan.

That's just utter bollocks! How did you get in here? Just all part of the training, isn't it? I mean nowhere is safe from the hands of the Armed Response Unit.

them both now.

Nathan and the Turk.

If it wasn't you, do you know who it was? I saw Nathan bleeding to death on the floor, and then I saw the Turk running towards me shouting, so I shot him in the chest.

And then the back.

I didn't sh**t him in the back.

Jesus, where are you getting your information? Walt Disney? In the shoulder.

Why would I sh**t him point blank in the back of the shoulder? You were angry at what he did to Nathan.

Then I just would have k*lled him! You did.

Melik Burak is dead.

Why are you saying all this? Why are you here, Rhys? What do you want from me? I just want you to prove that I'm innocent.

I'm not sure that I can.


This is Rhys Allen.

He's just returned my computer.

I'm calling the police.

I am the police.

It's OK.

He wants us to establish the truth.

We know the angle the b*llet went into Nathan Wright.

It might be useful for everyone concerned if I took them through And then everyone involved can blame at someone else and go home.

If I have any trouble, I'll call my knights in shining armour.

It was my idea to come and find you.

Only because you were hungry.





Doctor Alexander.

Armed police issued soft nosed b*llet.

I don't have long.


Neither do I.

Excuse me.


Mr Stickley.

These lasers represent the two MP5's that were fired in the room.

They depict the two different g*ns .


and the trajectory of the b*ll*ts as they came from them.

Jamie Rosencranz was on the sofa.

Armed police! Don't move! Nein, nein, no, please! At about the same time, DS Segun, who was working undercover, appeared from behind this sofa.

Don't move! There was a shot from the landing.

g*nsh*t It was then that everything changed.

No, no, please, don't! Rosencranz, believing that it was a dr*gs raid, reached reached for a bag that was on a box there.

Esther reached for something that was in her coat.

Perhaps, in her confusion, she was looking for her warrant card which we know wasn't there.

PS Park presumed that Rosencranz was reaching to detonate a b*mb.

PS Clark reacted by sh**ting Esther in the chest and armpit.

And there's a b*llet that missed her and went through the wall there.

Rosencranz and DS Segun were then shot repeatedly in the head and neck.

So, we know what happened in here.

Now let's find out why.

It's gone.

Hmm? The b*llet isn't where it should be.

Hold on.

I think .


that when he was moved, to go down to theatre .


it's just possible .


that the b*llet became dislodged, travelled down the sub clavian vein and into No.

What do you mean? This is the cleverest thing I've ever done.

It's the wrong b*llet.

Yes, they heard a shot, but the situation in there was under control.

We'd been briefed by the security services that these people were probably responsible for the Uxbridge bombing.

They were almost certainly armed and would do everything in their power to resist arrest.

That threat still remains Please.

I'm not interested in why it happened or who said what to who.

I am purely interested in what happened, given the evidence.

The b*llet that came through the wall from downstairs into Nathan Wright's leg.

As for the other two b*ll*ts that were fired into Nathan's neck and Melik's back, we know where they ended up, but not from where they came from.

Are we going to be any longer? I have a lock
-up full of expl*sive to find.

If the statements are to be believed, and I am not doubting their veracity, then Rhys Allen was standing here by the first bedroom.

It might be easier and quicker if we took up the positions of the people involved.

Detective Inspector, perhaps if you could be Nathan Wright down there.

Charades is it now? Mr Stickley, would you mind being Mr Burak? The, er, suspected t*rror1st.

Yes, that'll be about right.

Inspector King, if you could be Where I was.

Thank you.

And I'll be Rhys Allen.

I'm sorry, is this really necessary? Six men have just been arrested and I Listen, I'm in the middle of a very important investigation and I want to find out exactly what happened here.

Wouldn't you? Inspector.


In your statement you said that you saw Melik Burak holding the Glock.

- Yes.

- How did you manage that? X
-ray specs? Well, when the first shot was fired, I called in for back

Why did you say you saw Melik holding the g*n? I did see him with the g*n.

Afterwards, on the floor.

Afterwards? That's not the impression you gave in your report.

I made it perfectly clear in the report.

Are you covering for Rhys? I thought you shot Melik in the back.


A member of the armed response unit denying sh**ting somebody! I saw Rhys sh**t him.

g*nsh*t He fell down.

The girl ran towards him as Rhys headed down the stairs.

I pulled the girl back.

And saw the Glock.

Look, I don't understand why you don't think it was Rhys Allen.

Doctor Alexander, I have far more important things to be doing.

Doctor Alexander! Nikki.

g*nsh*t PHONE RINGS Hello.

Hi, Nikki, the b*llet that went into Melik Burak's chest looks as if it comes from Rhys Allen's MP5, as we expected, but the b*llet that went into his back was a hard
-nosed b*llet, not issued to the Armed Response Unit.

It wasn't the Armed Response Unit who shot him.

It was Isra.

In the name of Allah, most gracious, most merciful, forgive me from all my sins to allow me to glorify you in every possible way.

And follow in the footsteps of the prophet and raise me amongst their ranks on the day of account.

The time of judgment has arrived.

Our words are dead to you until we give them life with your blood.

They will be surprised at how good your English is.

Armed police! SHOUTING Armed police! Armed police! Get your hands in the air.

Take bedroom one.

Bedroom one clear.


SPEAKS IN NATIVE LANGUAGE Melik! My brother, forgive me.

PANTING You have been chosen, Isra.

Isra? Isra? But what if some? Allah will give you courage.

We have fulfilled our obligations.

It's all in his hands from here.

That woman doctor was very kind to me.

It's her job.

I'm not sure I could k*ll her.

Doctor Alexander works for the British government.

The same British government that is responsible for murdering hundreds of thousands of Muslims.

Men, women, children, babies.

You have seen them, Isra.

Doctor Alexander is like all kafirs.


She is worse.

She murders with kindness in her smile.

You will be honoured amongst the prophets.

How many will I k*ll? How ever many you k*ll, Isra, it will not revenge the deaths of those innocent Muslims in Bosnia, in Palestine, in Iraq, in Afghanistan.

Can I not just lay down the b*mb, then leave? No
-one would suspect me.

They search all bags.

You know this from your training.

I could wear this, then take it off.

It will be seen.

I can do it in the toilets.

This is an act of worship.

You know this, Isra.

You want to worship in a toilet? No.

You think we've spent all this time and money so that you can rid the world of a few British whores? Please, Hasan Amji.

I want to go home.

You have done so well.

Your name and the name of your family will live forever.

One hard
-nosed b*llet.

Found in the drain close to where Rhys Allen tried to revive Nathan Wright.

I reckon it must have slipped out from under his armour plated vest.

I assume he got caught up in there after exiting his body.

I'll examine it, but I'm almost certain it came from the Glock Isra fired.

Do you think they'll find her? I hope to God that they do.

I keep expecting a phone call saying she's been successful and we've got another Uxbridge on our hands.

Where's Harry? He said he'd follow us.

What's he doing? Doing some more tests on that skin sample.

But the woman's already been identified.

You know Harry.

PHONE RINGS Hello, Professor Dalton.



Thanks, Alice.

Yeah, I'll speak to you later.

They think they've found the lock

It's good to have you back.

No mistakes this time.

You OK? ALARM SOUNDS Our words are dead.

Until we give them life.

All clear! Shit.

Any news? No talking shop over lunch.

Ah, at last.

Did you find what you were looking for? Cue for a song.


You hum it, I'll sing it.

It's an opiate antagonist.

I know what it is.

Leo's made a new rule, no talking shop over lunch.

Oh, OK.

SHE LAUGHS Doctor Cunningham, do tell us about the Naloxone.

It was the substance in Esther Segun's body.

She injected herself with heroin or it was injected into her, but then she jabbed herself with Naloxone in the hope of suppressing its effects.

Wouldn't have lasted very long.

Have you told her partner? Yeah.

I think it confirms that she was desperately trying to do her job as a police officer to the end.

What about the fact that she had sex with Jamie Rosencranz? I can't prove that wasn't consensual, but what woman, let alone a gay policewoman, would have unprotected sex with a known drug addict? Do you think she had a suspicion about Isra? I don't know.

It's possible.

The condom.

I've just worked out why it was there.

Isra must have used the condom to hide the key to the lock up.

You mean she put the key in the condom, and then put the condom? Exactly.

Thank you.

Is that how far she was forced to go? OK.

Where's the sound? What the hell is she wearing? Wind it back.


Oh, no.

LAUGHING AND SHOUTING DANCE MUSIC PLAYS What's that? Keep it calm, just move, move, move to the exit, move! Keep moving, go, go, go! SCREAMING AND SHOUTING Isra.


Forgive me.

Isra Burak.

Height, 160.

Weight, 44 kilos.

She sent it as an attachment.

More likely Hasan.

He's been caught? No, not yet.

Every morning when I pray I hear the milkman delivering his milk and whistling his tune.

But that morning he did not come and that is when I saw the policemen.

I thought she didn't speak English very well.

In the name of Allah Yeah, she needed an interpreter.



forgive me from all my sins.

It gave her time to think.

To misunderstand.

To choose her words carefully.

Very clever.



and raise me amongst their ranks on the day of account.

Or she's reading it.

My brother is a traitor.

To his family, to his religion and to himself.

In Turkey he talked of Jihad .


but in England he was infected with Western ideas.

My brother talked of football and bars and women and I praised Allah that his friend Jamie and that whore were m*rder*d.

As you will all be.

The final hour is upon us.

She looks scared.

Wouldn't you? There were over 200 people in that nightclub.

You want me to feel sorry for her? I heard what you did.

She was just a kid.

But she k*lled Nathan.

it doesn't stop her from being a kid though.

What are you planning to do? No more sh**ting, that's for certain.


I was thinking maybe you could come round later.

Rhys, I thought What? What is it that you want from me? Nothing.

I just want you.


The decision about our research grant was taken six weeks ago.

Nothing to do with this investigation at all.

One for you.

Hold on.

What? I get packages here all the time.

How many of them are marked personal? Some are marked for my attention.

To Doctor Alexander, not Nikki Alexander.


Just finished.

Everyone, the building's being evacuated.

Suspect package delivered to Nikki.

Come on, we better go.

You all right? Come on, let's not get cold.

You still haven't thanked me.

What for? For which, Professor Dalton, we are all truly thankful.

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