12x08 - Judgement

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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12x08 - Judgement

Post by bunniefuu »

They've found him? Yitshok Yarden Rabutkin, 23 years old, part of a small Hasidic sect from Southern Poland.

He died of a massive brain haemorrhage.

We're pretty certain that Yitshok was m*rder*d.

The girls were having a last fling before they went back to Oz at the end of a gap year.

Textbook signs of hypothermia.

Fractures to the fourth, fifth and sixth ribs.

Somebody tried to save her life.

How much longer will you carry that sad little overnight bag around? Yitshok Rabutkin had 260 boot marks on his body When did he die? The early hours of Saturday morning.

Which matches the timing of the attack filmed on the phone.

But not the time Esther said he left.

Why do you accuse her of lying? Because we know she is.

The man who m*rder*d her husband is going to walk unless she tells the truth.

I remember Edie flirting with Danny.

She definitely had sex.

Within the last 24 hours.

Danny Land, he was tried two years ago for sexual as*ault.

I offered her money and she accepted it.

Maybe you'd like to tell me what that says? It's a passage from the scriptures.

"Because he loved him as his own soul.

" You think it means Yitshok was gay? Is there a chance they're right? That's why he was out and he was beaten for it? Don't worry, it'll be OK.

I've had enough of carrying around other people's shame.

I've had enough of dealing with other people's weakness! Rabbi, you do understand, I hope, that with everything that's happened, we have to do a full post
-mortem on Chaim? This was a road accident, and nothing to do with Yitshok's death.

I'm not sure I believe that but if it makes things easier, DI McKenzie and I will visit the family, and make sure they understand and No.


I'll do that.


And I'll say I agree.


Thank you.

Not because I like the thought of what you'll do, but because I want you to see that my community has nothing to hide, and nothing to do with his death.

Don't forget, Harry, we're Jews, so we're used to coping under attack.

I'll see him out.

Nikki? What was all that about? Post
-mortem, inevitably.

Honestly, Leo, nobody's said anything to annoy the Rabbi.

Well, do me a favour
- just keep an eye on Harry, will you? Harry's doing a fantastic job.


Well, you know what he can be like.


I hope you're right about this.

My guys had to go into every sex shop in Soho.

Yeah, it must be tough being a copper sometimes.

Right, because GHB's production is unregulated, no two batches are the same.

then we can work out where the dose that k*lled Edie was bought, by who and maybe even who gave it to her.

Professor Dalton? How was he? He talked about false friends a lot
- people who say they want to help the community, and then turn on them.

What does he expect? Any case involving a Hasid shouldn't be investigated? We've interviewed the driver.

He's pretty shaken up, but he's no links to anyone.

From his point of view, there doesn't seem much doubt it was an accident.

From his point of view.

What are you saying? Chaim was pushed in front of the van? I don't think that's out of the question.

Well, it looks as though he connected with the bumper here.

Fracturing his tibia and fibula.

Secondary impact was probably with the windscreen.

The driver said he never saw him.

didn't get a chance to brake until after the impact.

Which is why he was thrown so violently, causing a complete transection of the spine.

These bruises could be from a struggle.

These injuries could be defensive, after a fight.

It's possible, but he was hit by a Transit van and thrown 20 feet.

I know, I know.

Look at this.

This looks very uncomfortable, doesn't it? Can you get me some tweezers please? That is not from a car crash.


I phoned earlier on.

The night before the accident, Chaim said he was in the study house, but we know that he wasn't.

Chaim? Where have you been all night? At the Besmedresh.

Are you lying to me? Have you been messing around with dr*gs? I was at the study house.

I've got a ferher with the Rabbi in a week.

Well, actually, er The night before he was k*lled, Chaim was with us.

We were asking him questions about Yitshok Rabutkin.

He didn't have anything to do with that.

I know this is very confusing for you, but, what we really need to find out is what happened to him after he left.

What happened when he came home? Nothing.

I asked him where he'd been and he went to bed.

He promised me he'd left his bad behaviour behind.

You had no right to pick on him like that.

There was one thing happened.

A phone call.

After he came back, he slept all day.

Rifka went out and I woke him at six because there was a call.

Do you know who it was from? He said it was the Yeshiva.

Someone's on the phone.

You think it was? Why would somebody lie about something like that? The pathologist believes that something possibly happened before Chaim was k*lled, possibly some sort of fight.

H was an ordinary Jewish boy.

He may have been in trouble, but no more than any boy of his age.

What business would he have starting a fight? Can you tell me what this is? The owner claimed he didn't know GHB was illegal.

He was selling it as a sleep aid under the chemical name GBL.

He's right.

GBL becomes GHB in the body, so, as it stands it's not illegal.

Which might be why he kept such accurate CCTV records.

Why did you buy it, Jake? Er For Danny.

He asked me to buy it.

So, did you give it to him? Did he give it to Edie? I don't remember.

What about being in that room with him and Margo and Edie? Do you remember that? Do you remember Danny leaving the room with Edie? Do you remember that, Jake? Yes! I remember that.

So, why didn't you remember it before? Why do you think? Did you give her that GHB, Jake? Is that what you did? Did you dose Edie's drink because you wanted to punish her? Are you denying that you did it? Are you telling me you didn't give her anything when she came back? I'm telling you I don't remember! Must I spell it out for you? I was high, OK? I was pissed off.

Oh, you were pissed off? Look, I'm telling you, I don't remember anything from that night, OK? We live in a very rural part of Australia.

I raised my girls in what you might call a traditional country home.

From what we can gather, Edie and her friends seem to have lost their way a little.

Maybe I should have expected them to go crazy when they got to London? Did Edie ever talk to you about her life here? About her relationship with Jake? She told me they argued .


but she would have said if he was ever violent to her.

Wouldn't she? Mum.

Excuse me.


Thank you for being so kind to my mother.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do.

He didn't do it.

I don't know what Jake said to you, but I know he didn't give Edie anything that night.

I've got Chaim medical records.

Any idea what that is yet? From the lack of sweat, I don't think he'd been wearing it long, but it is heavily damaged.

I don't know, it could be just a bit of teenage paraphernalia.

I used to wear stuff all the time.

You used to wear 25 bangles and rainbow legwarmers
- shall we check him for those? Hang on.

The GP asked him about it.

He said he said he was receiving intensive therapy from his Rabbi.

An aversion band? What's an aversion band? Nobody knew.

Not even his parents? Nobody except me.

And the counselling was at his own request.

Rabbi, given the nature of this investigation, it would have been good to know this before I saw his parents.

It was a private matter, a matter of conscience that had nothing to do with his death.

Are you sure? I know my community.

I understand, of course, that there is a pastoral role that goes with your position, but have you had any specific training as a psychotherapist? As I said, I know my community and I think I know how to help the people in it.

So, what does your counselling involve? I talk with the boys about what's on their mind.

We come here.

We pray, we ask for guidance and strength.

Why do you think Chaim requested it? He had a problem.

He didn't know who else to turn to.

He was worried about being gay? Scared about how other people in the community might react? That's not the same as saying someone would want to hurt him.


What about the aversion band? Was that at Chaim's request? He said he wanted the most effective treatment.

Flicking a rubber band against his skin till it was red raw to stop bad thoughts? You don't think that might have done more harm than good? I didn't want Chaim to do that, but he told me he wanted to stop his feelings at any cost.

And anyway, the real harm would come if he felt he couldn't stay with his own people.

Is that the choice you gave him? I would never sit in judgement on Chaim, or Yitshok, but I did know what both boys wanted, and that was to be happy in their own culture.

You were their Rabbi! Their Rabbi! How can you set yourself up as an impartial therapist with no formal training? Because who else are they going to talk to? Some hospital psychiatrist? Who's going to tell them there's no problem, that they can be whoever and do whatever they want? Why not? Because we live by the scriptures.

And you may not respect that, but Chaim and Yitshok did.

They understood their predicament was a test sent from God.

Whatever else they felt, they wanted to live a Hasidische life.

A life that was barred to them that predicament? What do you think? That we would throw them on the street? Lock them in a cupboard? I'm asking what happens if someone can't repress these feelings, yes.

Isn't that worth making a sacrifice for? I'm not asking for a defence of your culture.

I'm asking how your community would have treated these two boys if they couldn't change.

In your family, if everyone agrees on something and one person wants to be different, do you change everything to suit that one person? Well, we're no different.

Our family is always bigger than the individual.

There you go.


I live on these.

I always think they're missing a little bit of magic.

There we go.

I think I'm with the Turks on this one! All right, if Chaim and Yitshok were breaking the rules, I just think that the community would help them rather than hurt them.

Meaning, you don't think I should have spoken to him like that? I think the Hasidic people, have still got something we've lost.

And what's that? I don't know.

A closeness.

A sense of community.

Don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that two boys should die, both troubled by the same thing, and who would know about it apart from an insider? And don't forget about the Gaucher's.

Whoever k*lled Yitshok had a condition associated with Eastern European Jews.

I know where the evidence points.

But, all I'm saying, is that, from what I know, I don't believe that one Hasid would m*rder another.


There's been another attack on a Hasid.

Not on a Hasid .


BY a Hasid.

The story goes, he was walking to his father's yeshiva when he was shouted at by a bunch of Polish guys.

Apparently, he decided he'd had enough
- broke one guy's nose, put him in hospital.

I was minding my own business and I hear a voice behind me.

It's that same group of Poles shouting abuse at me.

What do you mean "the same"? The ones who are always yelling at us, who threw paint on the yeshiva.

How do you know it was them? Can you open your mouth, please? We have to do this, Binyomin.

But I haven't done anything wrong! According to the victim's statement, you made an unprovoked attack.

You think I'm an animal? You think I just attack people on the street for no reason? Whatever happened, you're under arrest
- we need a swab.

OK? Don't you touch me! Hey relax, son.

Relax! Calm down, calm down! You're already in enough trouble; don't make it any worse.

Relax, relax.

It's only a standard procedure.

Come on, you're OK.

Come on, come on.

Take your time.


Come on.

The boy's got a temper on him, hasn't he? I think I should visit the victim.

Why? I want to see how vicious the attack was.

You don't? I think I just want to have a look.

Right, OK.

Call me when you are done.

I will, yes.

Margo? Do you want to speak to your father? She'stired.

She'll speak to you tomorrow.


Bye love.

You think I'm hiding something.

I just don't understand why the police won't release her body.

And why they still seem to have so many questions.

Because it's their job.

But, if there was something, if something had happened, you would tell me? I just want to know what happened.

I want to understand .


how she could be out there for so long.

We were just at a party, OK, just doing what people do at parties.

What's the rush? I'm having a look at someone who's been beaten up by a Hasidic Jew.

Really? What did McKenzie make of that? Not a lot.

He's far too close to them.

It's just on the right.

Have you got the DNA profile from what was under Chaim's nails? It's a broken hair, so it's only partial.

I think we should extract more low copy before we pass it to McKenzie.

What? Hang on.

He's one of the Poles from the building site.

Will you swab him? Hello.

Toni Kapinski.

I'm Doctor Cunningham, this is Doctor Alexander.

We are attached to the police investigation into your as*ault.

We'd like to take a look at your injuries, if that's all right? Why? Just routine.

You're not suspected of anything.

OK? He gave you a proper crack there, didn't he? He's a lunatic.

We were only talking.

Really, what about? Toni! Can you give us a moment, please? Yes.

You should finish.

Because finally you are seeing who's causing all the trouble round here.

You do a good job.

Make sure they get the man who hurt our friend.

Are you going to leave that there all day? You know what's sad about you British? You don't know who your friends are any more.

Where's that red paint from, I wonder? Rabbi? These are his terms of bail.


What? I went out looking for the Poles because I was angry.

I was so sick of being weak.

Binyomin But when I found them .


suddenly HE was there.

It was him.

Tati, I'm so sure it was him.


Sorry, I hope I'm not putting you off your breakfast? I always knew there'd come a time when you brought your work home with you.

Ah, and what made you think that I'm bringing it "home"? Oh, I'm sorry.

It's just you stay four nights out of five.

You have your own corner of the sock drawer.

But, you know, you're right.

It is presumptuous of me to assume you're moving yourself in by stealth.

I think you should know that if and when I move in, it will not be by stealth.

Oh, so I'm to be being kept dangling, am I? By the wild man reluctant to shed his independence? Don't mock, I've had my wild and independent moments! Uh huh? Well, independent, certainly.

I wish I could figure out what they were doing in that room before she walked out.

And how can anyone call someone a friend, yet not go out on the terrace and check that they Maybe they didn't notice she was still out there? Well, why didn't they notice? Selective spatial awareness, Leo.

We only see what we want to.

So, if those kids wanted to be back at the party, to emotionally distance themselves from Edie, then they would have made sure that's what happened.

I must run.

See you.

You're in early.

Yep, following your advice.

Trying to grow one of these partial samples and work out what the hell is going on.

Any luck? Not really.

Have you seen this? The partial profile from the hair under Chiam's fingernails? Yes.

No, it's from Binyomin Marowski's swab that you took yesterday.

About time.



This is a complete DNA profile from the swab I took from Binyomin Marowski yesterday.

OK? This is a partial DNA profile from the hair found under Chaim Slopnitsky's fingernail, presumably from the person who att*cked him.

OK, right.

Now, these two are a match, which implicates Binyomin in Chiam's attack.

We're waiting for the results on the skin cells found on Yitshok to see if there's any correlation the chances of that as a coincidence are tiny.

Could there be a mix up? Why would there be a mix up? Because I can't believe Binyomin Marowski is a k*ller.

Here it is, it's only a partial profile.

When the samples are poor, it's pot luck what we can recover.

DNA from the skin cells found on Yishok's hand.

And that also is a match.

OK, hold on, hold on.


So how can you be certain that Yitshok's attacker and Chaim's attacker are the same person? Because they both show significant matches to this, Binyomin Marowski's DNA, and the statistical chance they'd do that and be from a different person are OK.

I know, unlikely.

About as unlikely someone's DNA randomly ending up under Chaim's nails All right but, but what I don't understand What? Is why Binyomin Marowski would k*ll Yitshok and then What? Go and have a row with Chaim and push him out onto the road.

I mean, there's no motive.

I saw Binyomin going into a Yeshiva you said was extremist, maybe Different groups they they interlock, they fall out.

It doesn't mean they'll k*ll each other.

It just means you've jumped to conclusions because you don't understand the community.

No, I don't understand the community.

But I don't need to understand the community.

If they want to maintain some kind of 19th century enclave within our culture, that is their business.

I'm sorry that they feel persecuted for it.

But what But here in the 21st century, I have got very strong evidence that Binyamin Marowski's DNA was on both these victims.

So unless you tell me every advance in forensic science for the last 10 years has been junk, I don't see that you have any choice but to arrest this boy and question him for m*rder.

SHE SPEAKS IN YIDDISH Please, don't say anything.


We need to speak to him again.

Go easy on him.

SHE SPEAKS IN YIDDISH I don't want him in my house! We have a warrant, Rabbi, there's nothing you can do.

Just stay there.

Calm down.

Don't touch me.

Calm down.

Binyomin! Rabbi, I need you to tell me where he was the night Chiam was k*lled.

Are you saying he was involved with these deaths? That's not possible.

Just tell me whether he was with you, like you said.

Oh, it hurts! At one point he did go out, yes.

Where to? Studying.

He's always studying.

So you don't know where he was that night, or the night that Yitshok vanished, is that correct? Calm down.

Tati?! Binyomin! Binyomin! Which is Binyomin's room? HE SPEAKS IN YIDDISH But I never touched Chaim! Do you pray with these people, Binyomin? Sometimes.

And what do you think they would make of Chaim and Yitshok, huh? Chaim and Yitshok are disgusting.

Did you see Yitshok on the night he died? We have forensic evidence that links you to his injuries, and to Chaim's.

Why would I harm them? Even if I hated what they were.

m*rder m*rder is the worst sin I could commit.

So why have we got this evidence? Binyomin? HE PRAYS IN HEBREW I'm trying to help you here, but I can't do that unless I know you're telling me the truth.

Noach? Please tell me what's going on.



Oh, morning.

Do you think they're still seeing each other? Do stop being so nosey! I'm not nosey, just interested.

Enjoying his sex life even more that he is, I think.

I like seeing people happy.

Have you thought about resigning? Are we expecting anything else? No, not that I remember.

Toni Kapinski's DNA from the swab I took at the hospital.

Can you can you get those profiles? The hair from under Chaim's nails and the skin from Yitshok's hand? Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

What? Oh, no.

Oh, Christ, no! There must be some explanation.

Like what? Mislabelling? A contamination No.

No, I did I did everything by the book, I'm certain.

We'll go back and retest everything.

They've already arrested Binyomin.

Are you joking? Are you joking me? There is a possibility that I contaminated or confused Do you realise the trouble you've caused? The humiliation I've inflicted on that family? I had no reason to doubt those test results.

Except I kept saying I didn't think he could be involved! And anyone could work out that a known neo
-fascist is a much more likely suspect than another Hasidic Jew! I still think there may be more to this than just a mix up.

Five years we've been trying to get that community to work with us.

And then you come along and you trash it just like that.

While Noach Marowski, a man who's done nothing except serve his people, has to listen to me accuse his son of m*rder! Obviously, I regret that.

You regret that? I'll tell you what you're going to regret
- the fact I'm going to report your mix up to the Home Office.

I am doing everything I can to work out exactly what happened No, you're not because if I have my way, you'll spend the next 20 years DNA testing your own arsehole.

Work out where your career went.

Bad day at the office? No, I understand that.

Obviously we are trying to get to the bottom of this as soon as we can, sir.

Of course, sir, as soon as I know.


Sir, Harry Cunningham is a top pathologist.

If something went wrong, then I'm sure there's a full explanation.

Of course, sir.

I will.


Bad, isn't it? What is it? Suspension? Dismissal? Siberian Gulag? They'll do whatever they need to do to appease a very angry community.

But I'm still not sure that it was a mistake, or some forensic anomaly.

Forensics, Harry, are the least of your worries on this.

I would have reacted exactly the same with any other community.

Telling your DI he had no choice but to make an arrest? Suggesting there were extreme elements within the community willing to k*ll their own? I know.

Look, I just want to work out what happened.

Yeah, I know.

I know.

I think it would best to start by taking a little time off.

So you are suspending me? Just try and stay in the background.

PHONE RINGS Nikki can deal with any enquiries.

Yep? Yeah, I'm on my way.

'How are you supposed to remember everything that happens at a party? 'Just tell me what you do remember.

I remember Edie flirting with Danny.

'That doesn't make her a prost*tute, it doesn't mean he would have treated her like that.

' Please! No! Stop! What time did you come back in the room with Edie? I already told you, we left about one, we weren't gone more than 20 minutes.

And what happened after that? What happened between that and Edie walking out on to the terrace? I don't remember.

No, no.

You remember, you just don't want to say.

I don't want to say? Why do you always assume that I'm the one with something to hide? What about the others? What about Margo and Jake? I'm just saying, why always pick on me? Because, Danny, you're the one that carried her out and dumped her.

Edie didn't walk onto that terrace.

She passed out and you tried to resuscitate her in that room.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Then when that didn't work then you really started to panic, didn't you? This cut is from where you caught the body against the door when you carried her out.

These bruises, these sets of bruises, are from where you lifted her
- you and Jake, that is
- and removed her in the hope you could convince everybody you had nothing to do with it.

I'm not saying anything else until I get a lawyer.

We know Edie's body was moved.

Danny admitted it.

Then I don't know why you need to speak to me again.

Because you lied to us about knowing it had happened and we want to know why.

There are other ways of doing this.

I could have you arrested.

Margo, we know why Danny lied, it was his flat where it all went on.

And we know why Jake lied, because he supplied the dr*gs.

But you? This was your sister.

She was already dead, there was nothing I could do.

What difference does it make? Thing is, Margo, dead bodies don't bruise.

What do you mean? Dead bodies do not bruise.

Edie couldn't have been dead when she was moved
- she got these from being lifted.

GHB slows the respiratory system, weakens the pulse.

It can cause coma.

You might've thought she was dead, but when you let Jake and Danny take her out to that terrace, your sister was alive.

Oh, God! She didn't die for another couple of hours.

Excuse me.

Tell them.

If there's something you and Margo are still hiding, please tell them now.

Don't you think Edie's mother been through enough? RETCHING Margo? Margo? Margo?! Call an ambulance, she's swallowed some bleach! Oh, God! Lean forward.

The sink's here Keep still, keep your head still.

That's it.

It was just another night out.

I mean .


maybe we were going a tiny bit harder, but because we knew our trip was coming to an end.

At first, it was all fine, we were just getting high and I don't know how it happened, but Jake and I started to It's so stupid, really but we started to kiss and fool around.

And Edie walked in.

'How could you do this?!' She told us to stop.

'You're my sister!' I'm sorry.

SHOUTING So why didn't you just stop? I don't know why.

There had always been something between me and Jake, it was obvious and it just felt like that sort of night, you know, when you think you're going to try everything and do everything.

I hope it was worth it! Danny had been pestering Edie all night.

So because of what you did, she gave in to him? She went crazy.

I mean, we were supposed to be sipping GHB through the night
- it was just another thing to take, but she swallowed the whole bottle.

By the time we were all together again, Jake was feeling guilty and Danny had this disgusting look on his face about what he'd done.

And I knew there was something was wrong with Edie.

'Wake up!' Come on, Edie.

Edie! Please! How can I tell you what really happened? We thought she was dead.

The others agreed we had to lie.

We were wasted.

We'd moved her, we couldn't go back on it.

Mum, I was the one who tried to save her.

BUZZER Didn't I order you for 12? So, what have you been up to? Well, I've been offered a role as a special peace envoy to Tel Aviv.

I've also been told I may be simply shot into deep space to continue my research.

Oh, God.

That's not what I think it is, is it? Yep.

What's it doing here? Well, the thing is, I've been thinking about it, and whatever happened, I can't believe that you would screw anything up that badly.

A moving tribute.

And I managed to grow one of the partial samples, the one from the hair under Chaim's nails.


Did you retest Toni Kapinski's? Yep.

It was him, it was Toni Kapinski.

The thing is, I also retested Binyomin Marowski's mouth sample in case we wanted to cross check.

This does match.

This matches too! Have you seen this? Mm

This is the sample you took? Yep.

But it can't be both of them.

Can it? What's the one thing we didn't think to do? Have you compared Binyomin Marowski to Toni Kapinski? No.

They're identical.


No, not quite identical
- this peak is different.


Forget everything, forget Jews and Poles and mix ups, just look.

What would you normally think if I would say they were brothers.


Toni Kapinski's real name is Ari Joseph Marowski, older brother of Binyomin by two years.

Social Services still have the file.

Apparently, his father brought him into A&E five years ago, saying he'd become unmanageable.

The attendant psychiatrist diagnosed borderline personality disorder and admitted him.

He was discharged two weeks later and never seen again.

Didn't they have some sort of follow
-up? Well, Social Services called round two months later.

They were told Ari had gone to Manchester, lost touch with the family.

DNA testing your own arsehole Afternoon, gentlemen.

Everything OK? What do you want? We were just wondering if you'd seen your little friend, Toni, recently.

This was his bed.

He's not here.

Tell me something, Aleksy, when did Toni first show up, hmm? When did he join your little g*ng here? You must've known he wasn't Polish? From Lithuania.

His mother's Polish.


Really? Is that what he told you? He won't be going back there in a hurry.

BUZZER DOORBELL RINGS Aren't you gonna let me in? So .


where have you been? Around.


Are youbetter? Are you getting help? I thought about you, Ari.

I thought about you all the time.

DOOR OPENS Why have you come here? Why do you think he's come? To see his family.

I think the police will need a better explanation than that.

This is your son, Noach, your oldest.

Tell me, what did you get involved in? Nothing.

But you were living with them, weren't you? Because I came back and I had nowhere else to go.

You could have come back here.

What about when Yitshok was k*lled? Were you there when Yitshok was k*lled? That was nothing to do with me.

A mob set on him, I tried to pull them back.

And Chaim? I telephoned him.

I tried to work out what to do after Yitshok's death.

He went crazy when he saw how I looked.

And that's how two boys
- your two close friends
- were k*lled? I had nothing to do with Yitshok's death, and Chaim ran into the road! I think you should take him somewhere, somewhere he'll be safe.

DOOR OPENS What's he doing here?! Binyomin Can't you see the trouble he's caused us?! I didn't do anything! You leave our family, you disappear, you tell us you're living with a community in Manchester, and then you turn up, living with that scum! It's not my fault! I was told to leave Manchester.

I had nowhere else to go! Why didn't you just come back to your own family? Don't you remember what it was like? The dr*gs, the anger? Him telling us that's the way he was and we had to accept him? The shame he brought on us? The shame.

You told me you were in touch with him and that wherever he was, he was safe.

Did he ask to come back? Did you tell him he couldn't? A year ago.

I called and asked if I could come back a year ago.

I was trying to protect us, I was trying to keep our family safe.

By denying your own son! By telling your own son he couldn't come home! Oh, shut up! Stop! Stop it! Stop! Stop! Stop! After you told me I couldn't come back, I came back to London anyway.

I had nowhere else to go and I wanted to prove you wrong
- make a life, show that I could survive.

But I had nothing.

I had to work on a building site.

And the people I met were the only people who were good to me.

They took me in.

You did the right thing, Tati.

He was a drug addict, he washe was a q*eer.

You did the right thing when you took him to Manchester and when you sent him away again.

And now you have to take him to the police.

No! I've followed you in everything
- every duty, every instruction.

But I will not let you take him to the police.

How can you want to protect him? How can you want to protect that? You turned me into this because of what you did.

Noach .


do something.

Um .


will Jake and Danny be charged? It could be anything from manslaughter to wasting police time.

And what about Margo? As far as we know, she was equally involved, so it depends if the CPS want to pursue a charge.

I wish someone would tell me where we go from here, because I have no idea.

You still have a daughter, Mrs Harris.

Where can I drop you? Er I think a head
-clearing walk would be in order.


Check the bedrooms upstairs.

CHATTERING Where is he, Miriam? Binyomin? Are you gonna defend him .


after what he's done? What have I ever done except try and understand and help these people? PHONE RINGS Harry? It's Nikki.

There's no doubt.

The boot you found in Toni's bag has the same imprint as the one that's stamped on Yitshok's face.

Anything else? And Ari Marowski's DNA was inside it.


Thanks, Nikki.


I think we both know where he is.

Just hold on here, lads.

Rabbi? Where's your son? At home.

Or at his studies, as always.

Your son Ari.

We know where he's been living.

We know all about his psychiatric history.

So have you seen him? Yes, I have seen him.

He's gone.

I told him to leave and not to come back this time.

I told him I never wanted to see him again.

I want to speak to him about the m*rder of Yitshok Rabutkin.

No, no, no.

No, he didn't do that.

No, he told me.

He called Yitshok to talk to him, that's all.

Some Poles saw them arguing.

They thought he was being harangued and the Poles att*cked Yitshok.

He was trying to save his cousin.

Your son's boot print is on Yitshok's face.

Am I to blame for this? I am.

I have been found wanting.

I failed my son and caused this boy's death.

Rabbi, your son is very troubled.

Many sons are troubled.

I should have looked after him, helped him, instead I cast him out.

Why?! He's sick.

Should I have taken him back to the hospital? Left him with strangers? I love him.

He's sick, and he's not going to get any better.

There's nothing more you can do for him now.

Rabbi, you have to trust us, tell us where he is.

No, no! Come on, son.

Come on.

You can't let them do this! Nice and easy, nice and easy.

You told me! They don't understand us! Tati! Don't do this again! Well, good luck, Harry.

Yeah, see you.

Rabbi? Ah.


I was just wondering whether you had a spare set of keys? SHE LAUGHS What? Umdoesn't matter.

Is that a yes or a no? What do you think?
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