12x12 - Finding Rachel 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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12x12 - Finding Rachel 2

Post by bunniefuu »

I don't want any of your sodding money, Dad.

The day she disappeared
- is that when you last saw Rachel? It's when I last spoke to her.

Daddy, please! Why are you taking photos? We knew Rachel.

Welcome to Saint Agatha's.

In the last few months we have had a pretty serious outbreak of something.

She was m*rder*d, wasn't she? I'd like to talk to the man who found the bones.

Tell me.

What did you do to her? It's all right, Bethany's leaving.

I thought it might be Miss Rachel.

It's that politician we met in Lusaka.

I'm just urging caution.

This is not Rachel Harrington.

How much do we tell them? The truth should be sufficient.


If you know something, tell me.

Are you accusing me? ERNGINE REVS .


And 11, and 12.

You said you'd save him! Testator Silens Costestes e Spiritu
-u Si

It's such a shame Leo and Harry couldn't make it, eh? I know.

He really shouldn't feel responsible for that guy's death.

Isn't that right, Stephen? .


Stephen? Hi.

Um I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to blame you last night.

No, no, no, don't, no.

You're not the only one.

The surgeon is threatening to report me.

Who to? I'm not sure.

But you were trying to save Emil's life.

I know and the post mortem should confirm that.

Are you going to do it? Well, no, cos I was involved with the patient, with his death, so even in the UK I wouldn't be allowed but, er, I might ask if I can observe.

Why? What do you think happened? Have you contacted his family? After the post mortem his body will be taken back to Cape Town where he'll be buried.

Do you think he was m*rder*d? You think she's dead, don't you? SIREN WAILS Were you at the Polo Club the night before she disappeared? I told you, the last time I saw her was a couple of months ago, when she came to the office.

You were there, Peter, so I thought Yeah, I saw a photo of you and Rachel.

We weren't actually there together.

I stopped by to see a friend.

That politician, the one we met in Lusaka, he was there as well.

The Polo Club's a hell of a popular place with You didn't say.

It didn't seem relevant.

I told that detective.

I thought you hadn't seen Rachel in weeks.

Rachel wanted it that way.

What do you mean? I barely spoke to her.

You know what it's like.

It's noisy.

We shouted hello and Wanted it what way? PHONE RINGS Sorry, excuse me.






You think she's out there, don't you? Are you positive? Yah.


That was the Polo Club, the manager of the resort.

He thinks they've found Rachel.



Thanks for dinner last night.

It was, er, delicious.

Morning, Professor.


He's come to look at Rachel's laptop.

I must apologise for last night.

Bethany has been a little overwrought of late.

She must miss Rachel.


We all do.

In our way.


That's the name of the woman Rachel was meant to be meeting the day she disappeared.

She'd been ill for some weeks.

Rachel suspected water contamination.

Look at this.

All the villages where the sickness occurred were near the river network.

Is this the name of the village that Cossie came from? Kafemba.


Isn't that near where the bones were found? Yes.

I wonder if Rachel went to meet her there, at Kafemba.

Professor, will you come and teach us today? I'm not very good at my times tables, I'm afraid.

Teach us about England.

Have you met the Queen? HE LAUGHS CHILDREN CHEER AND SHOUT Where's Miss Andrews?! I don't know.

What did he tell you? He said Rachel checked in last night.

What the hell has she been up to now? Please, get out of my way! Please! Is she in there? I need to see her.

This is the scene of a crime, Mr Harrington.

This is my daughter! Wait here! Steve! It's not her.

Stephen, it's not Rachel.


Steve, let's go outside.


Looks like there was some sort of struggle.

A defilement, I think.


Just 18.

Will you help? Officially? Does it matter? Why didn't she want to see me? She didn't want to upset you.

What were you doing here with Rachel? I told you, I wasn't with Rachel.

I'm sorry.

She wanted money.

For the Mission, for the work she was doing.

And she came to you? Yeah.

Steve, man Not easy for him, eh? Nor you, by the looks of it.

How's Helen doing? Yah, she's, er She's moved out.

I'm sorry.

You knew.

I guessed.

You never were much good at hiding things.

You laugh too much.

Your ears go red.

The last few months have been shit, eh? Helen's left, hostile take
-over bid, keeping the shareholders and the board happy My father built this company up from nothing.

Can't just let it go, can I? I'm so sorry.

Are you sure? What on earth was she doing THERE? She'd used Rachel's credit card to book a room.

Harriet! Get off me Come on.

I told you to get rid of her.

I told you! Harriet I knew it.

And what did you do? You stood there and stared at her tits! What? I mean, how? Well, it was suspicious Suspicious? The death of my 18
-old girl is suspicious? Once we have the post mortem No.

You're not cutting her up.

To find out how she die No! No.

Tell him, Chris.

God has taken her and that is good enough for me.

We do not want you or anyone carrying out a post mortem.

Is that clear? How can they say no to a post mortem? It's in the hands of the police, isn't it? In Zambia the family CAN say no.

What do the police do for evidence, then? They exhume the bodies.

Is that what the Andrews want? Their daughter exhumed at a later date? I'll see if I can get hold of the coroner.

OK, good, bye.

Did I tell you to come in? Hello.

Doctor Harry Cunningham, from London.

I was wondering If you could k*ll any more patients? I did not k*ll him.

That's for you to know and me to find out.

Can I observe the post mortem? For what purpose? To check if I am doing it right? I am not questioning your experience or Do you have any idea how many post mortems I have carried out? Over 14,000.

Please, I promised this boy's girlfriend that I That girl came to see me.

What was her name? What girl? The one who they thought was dead and now isn't.

Rachel Harrington? She wanted me to do post mortems on some of her contaminated victims.

Offered to pay me.

I don't have the time, I told her.

Look, I won't get in the way.

Of what? Of the post mortem.

No, you won't.

Because you won't be there.

You will not be able to perform the post mortem.

Professor Dalton has spoken with the coroner.

His instructions have been overruled.

Who by? Mr Katembula.

The Government Minister you met in Lusaka.

Why? He sees no reason for you to do it.

Doctor Phiri is here.

This is a potential m*rder inquiry.

Of course.

Both Emil's body and Bethany's body are linked to Rachel Harrington.

According to Leo, the security guard, Maidstone, hasn't turned up for work.

We are searching for him.

If we know how Bethany died, it will help when you question him.

That would be very nice
- but if and when Doctor Phiri does his post mortem.

I can do it now and tell you what you need to know.

Oh, I would like that very much.


But I cannot let you.

Come on, Cosmas.

The coroner has given me permission.


Look, if anyone gets into trouble, it will be me.

Please, Nikki.

I apologise, but I have my orders.

Oh, come on! Cosmas! HANDCUFFS CLICK I am looking for a woman named Cossie.


Is that, er? Are you? You're her husband? Ah
-ha? Um, she knew Rachel.

Doctor Rachel Harrington from the Mission.

She was planning to meet her.

Is she here? Cossie? Mumena.

Huh? Cossie is in Mumena.

With her mother.

Right, OK.

Would it be all right if I took some of your water? I just thought I might have it tested.

If that's OK with you.


Was he m*rder*d, then? Um You can be honest with me.

I don't care any more.

They won't even let me observe, I'm sorry.

Why the hell not? Doctor Phiri will do a good job, I'm sure.

He seems very experienced.

Would you mind if I had a shower? What, here? I left where we were.

I don't have any money.

Would that be OK? I stink.

Why don't I organise a room for you here? No.


I don't want that.

I, um, I can sleep on the floor.

You want to sleep here? You think Emil was m*rder*d.

What if they want to m*rder me? Yeah, well Do you think I'm attractive? Yes.

But not as attractive as Rachel.

Sian, go and have a shower.

You'll feel better.

Thanks, Harry.

You've been so kind.

Rachel? .


Me again.

I just want to know if you're alive.

That's all.

Whatever you need or want, I am here.

Please believe me.

I know I haven't been much of a dad and you have got every right not to call me back, but .


give me one last chance.


Love you.

'Hello, this is Doctor Harry Cunningham, please leave a m' 'Hi, it's Nikki, please leave a message.

' You had a knife in your hand.

You had started to cut the body of Miss Andrews open.

She was in the mortuary.

I'd been given permission.

I understand that had been superseded.

If you would just sign here.

I was doing Detective Inspector Hamukoma a favour, it's my job.

Defiling a human body? I was not defiling a human body! Sit down! Sometimes witch doctors cut open bodies and take out organs to release the evil spirits.

And they might say to me that it too was their job.

Is it true? Is it true? Leave him! Stay where you are, Miss! You are in enough trouble without being involved with a k*ller.

Is Bethany dead? Is she dead? But, please, you have to let me make a call! Your High Commission has been made aware of your position.

No, please! No! Please! Tell me the truth.

I'm telling you the truth.

Please Argh! The truth! Argh! Who m*rder*d Bethany Andrews? Jesus! Good evening, Professor.


He's in the shower.

Is he? Oh.

Hi, Leo.

The British High Commission just called.

By the way, this is, er, it's not It's not.

Not about you.

What? Can we order breakfast? I don't know about you, Harry, but I am bloody starving.

She had nowhere else to stay.

I offered to find her another room but she didn't want to be on her own and so A nice warm bed for the night, eh? I slept on the floor, actually.

Do I believe that? Harry! Thank you.

For last night.

The perfect gent.

Safe trip to Cape Town.

Cold shower, was it? Yes, very cold.

Good morning, how are you? Well.

Good morning.


This is my colleague, Professor Dalton.

This is Doctor Phiri.

A pleasure to meet you, Professor.

Would you care to join me today? That boy's post mortem.

But I thought you said I got a message from Lusaka that on no account was I to accommodate the British experts.

On no account.

DOOR CLANGS I'm very sorry.

I didn't think they would lock you up overnight.

Some coffee, breakfast? What happened to Maidstone last night? He has confessed to m*rder.

I think I'd confess to anything you wanted if I'd been treated like that.

We did not beat him.

I heard you, Cosmas.

He was trying to hurt himself.

Blame himself.

We had to hold him down.

Apparently, Bethany went to the Polo Club to look for Rachel.

Maidstone drove her there.

She booked a chalet using Rachel's credit card.

He thought he could try and get her drunk and have sex with her.

She said no.

They fought, she fell, hitting her head.

Nikki Are you all right? You OK? Sure? I think I've managed to organise your release.

This whole thing is ridiculous, Leo.

It's caused something of a diplomatic incident.

Calls from London.

They're gently insisting that we leave the country.

Who are? The Foreign Office, they think it would be in our best interests.

And what do you think? I don't know.

I went to Kafemba last night.

I'm convinced that I was followed home.

It could have been more of those carjackers.

Why did you go to Kafemba? The woman that Rachel was meant to be meeting lives there.

And the records show that she got very ill three months ago and lost her child, and then got pregnant again.

What was her name? Cossie.

I spoke to some The man who found the bones, Mizinga Nyirenda.

His wife is named Cossie.

The bones were those of a woman.

HE TRANSLATES Who was around 40 years of age.

She had children.

Many children.

THEY SPEAK AMONG THEMSELVES What did you say? I said the bones have been talking to you.


Yes, the bones.

They speak with me.

And they tell me that this woman walked with a limp.

And she was k*lled by several blows to the head, with a large blade.

A machete like the one you are holding.

Her body was cut up and her organs extracted to release her from the evil spirits.

Her heart her lungs her spleen all cut out using sharp small knives.

The men must put their machetes on the ground here.

What happens now? We wait.

Spirit messengers, tell me which machete k*lled this woman.

HE TRANSLATES I give you the m*rder w*apon! Witchcraft, Doctor Alexander? Flies are attracted to even the smallest drops of blood.

But I see no blood.

Neither do they, but they still know it's there.

I'm impressed.

You take no notes? I remember it all.

Even from years ago, I can recall.

Some say it is a gift from God but I say it's a damnable curse.

HE SNIFFS What's that smell? Ah, her.

I can detect three or maybe four different ingredients.

Really? You must leave the room! Oh.

Outside, exhale all your breath and then come back.

Don't breathe till I tell you.


Closer! Now breathe in through your nose.

HE COUGHS Tell me, quickly.


And? Maize? Good.

And? Something like chlorine.

Almost certainly bleach.

Bleach? When you don't have all the modern equipment and you can't afford to send samples away
- nature's very own laboratory.

But I think we will need a laboratory for what happened to this young man.

Why do you say that? Do you see the froth in his mouth? Yes.

Pulmonary oedema.

Now what's caused that, do you think? A sample will need to be tested.

Excuse me, Dr Phiri.

But we may not get the chance.

Yes? Mr Katembula to see you, sir.

I won't be long.

You must do it.

Me? Tell no
-one I asked you.

All right.

This is on your head.

Perhaps if you focused on the new licences.

Ya, ya.

We must focus.

Forget and focus.

Rachel will contact you as and when.

For all we know, she's in Tibet fighting the Chinese.

Tibet? A new cause.

A new fight.

You know what she's like.

Not as well as you, by all accounts.

Come off it, Steve, man.

My daughter was a very attractive woman.

And what? Do you think I was screwing her? Were you? You and Helen.

I've been trying to save this company.

That's what I've been doing.

And what have you been doing? You didn't even want Rachel in Zambia.

I never said that.

The reason Helen left me is not because some chick flashed her tits at me.

Is that what she did? Are you going to help me or not? Is that what she did?! I need a report from you stating how rich these fields are.

Full of ore and valuable mineral deposits.

But they're not.

I know that and you know that, but confidence breeds success.

Sorry to disturb you, Mr Ellis, but a Professor Dalton is at reception.

He said it was urgent.

OK, fine.

Sure, we'll get them tested for you.

If it's too much trouble No, no.

We have experts here who do this sort of thing all day.

Rachel came for the same thing.

The company is under pressure from the government.

It's fine.

You being here has raised issues it would rather not confront.


Possible contamination.

Peter is worried that they won't let us have the new mining licences they are about to issue.

This company is the most successful in the region.

Our profits and contribution to the Zambian economy are unsurpassed.

When we were Rachel's age we were full of dreams.

Now look at us
- full of shit.

Like before.

All clear.

That's not what I expected.

Oh, well.

Worth a try.

That's exactly what Rachel said.

If you don't try, you don't learn.

So what was causing the outbreak? This is Zambia, Professor.

This sort of thing happens all the time.

Cossie was pregnant a few months ago.

She got sick and then she had a miscarriage.

The villagers treated her like she was a witch.

So when she got pregnant again, she came here instead.

But her husband wasn't very keen on the idea, and so he chopped her into pieces.

Because she came to see Rachel for help? And when he found out about Rachel's disappearance and realised that his wife was wearing Rachel's ring, which Rachel must have given her, he dumped his wife's body by the river in the hope of collecting the reward money.

According to Dr Phiri, Bethany was pregnant as well.

Did her parents know? What do you think? So that means that a post mortem was done after all.

No, no.

Doctor Phiri suspected she was pregnant and just checked her uterus.

He thinks that she had drunk a mixture of kachasu, the local alcohol, and bleach, which is a crude Zambian method of inducing a miscarriage.

Why the hell would she choose to do it that way? I think Rachel was going to help her.

They'd been planning that she disappeared.

He's no fool, Dr Phiri.


Someone must have injected Emil with a lethal dose just hours after I'd operated on him.


We thought you might want these.


Must be linked to Rachel.

She sent him the message telling him to come and meet her.

Or was it because he'd found something out? He was a journalist looking for a story.

And you think he found one? It's quite possible.

The day Rachel disappeared both Cossie and Bethany were meant to be meeting her, both were pregnant.

Bethany as well? Could Cossie's miscarriage have been caused by the sickness? Did that have anything to do with the water? No, nothing, the samples came back all clear, same as Rachel's.

What? Exactly the same.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.


What's he doing here?! The story he gave us was not true.

What do you mean? He confessed to k*lling her.


But why would he admit to such a thing? Mr Andrews.


No, she would have told us if she was pregnant.

You said she enjoyed having Rachel to talk to.

To confide in.

She would have come to us.

If I had not turned Rachel away, she would have helped Bethany.

She would have talked to her, told her to keep the child.

My child.



You turned Rachel away? You told me she came here and then drove away.

I was told by Mr and Mrs Andrews that on no account to let Rachel into the compound.

I'm sorry, but you are not allowed in.

What do you mean, I'm not allowed in? Rachel had arranged to meet with Cossie.

She was to help her.

Sort her out.

I know what that means.

This is a religious institution.

We get the majority of our funding from Catholic charities across America and Europe.

If they heard that one of our own staff was offering abortion We don't know that she would have done it.

It might have been a way to get Cossie to come to the Mission to talk to her, give her a check
-up, advise her.

How long have you been here? A few days, that's all.

You're as bad as everybody else that comes out here, think they know, think they can do better.

You had other reasons for turning her away, though, didn't you, Harriet? We'd had weeks, months of Rachel and her ideas and theories and flirting.

And her crusading! And that day that day was the final bloody straw! I never wanted to see her again, ever.

Bethany told me that you knew.

She told me.

She said you asked her if she was pregnant.

And she said no, she wasn't.

She said you knew but you couldn't talk about it.

And she needed Rachel, but you sent her away.

You made me send her away! And now Bethany and my baby, they are dead.

OK, let me get this clear.

What time exactly did Cossie come to the Mission? In the morning.

You said she came after Rachel had left.

What does it matter?! Of course it bloody matters.

I've lost a daughter too, you know.

It was midday when Rachel came.

The children were going to lunch.

And what time did Rachel call you, Mr Harrington? And you say she was heading west? I suggest we see how far we get in 36 minutes.

Just over 30 minutes from the Mission.

Mulonga refugee camp.

Rachel's diary says they had the sickness here.

She came here most Sundays.

We are looking for my daughter Doctor Rachel.

Have you seen this lady, Doctor Rachel? Excuse me, I just need a little bit of water, can I? I'm sorry, I don't mean to jump in.

Thank you.

Have you seen this woman? This woman? Have you seen this woman? What? Harry's jacket.

Excuse me.

Excuse me! Um, this jacket.

Where did you get it? HE TRANSLATES I bought it.

May I ask where? They came to the camp.

The carjackers must have sold it to him.

You want your clothes back? No, no, no.

The woman who spoke to us, who was one of the carjackers, she said that Doctor Rachel had helped people like them.

Do you know where they are, the people who sold you this? No? You think the carjackers k*lled Rachel? No, but they might know what happened to her.

it's got a dented wing.

Nikki? That's my dress! Please.

We know that they came here to sell you these things.

Please tell us what you know.

Tell us what you know! No, no, wait! Wait! Come back! Wait! Come back! Stop! We just want to talk to you! g*nf*re Help me! I am looking for my daughter! Please, help me! She tried to help you.

When people were dying, she came to me to test the water.

I let her down.

I let YOU down.

This was her Land Rover.

But the people who sold you these clothes, they were driving it.

They must have stolen it.

They might have k*lled her.


That is not what happened.

I'll be in Lusaka for the shareholders in about an hour.


I'm flying there.

Steve's done a new survey and it's looking very, very promising.

I believe she is telling us the truth.

The Land Rover was here.

And it looks like there was another vehicle OK.

If you were running away from someone, which way would you go? That way.

Yeah, me too.

Why? Less chance a vehicle could follow you.

Harry Oh, my God.

Do you think she came here? Where the hell do we start? Down there.

Bastards! Please Stephen, leave this to us! Get away, you bastards! Stephen, we can deal with this! No! Go with Cosmas and wait.

You don't understand.

That's my daughter.

We don't know that, Mr Harrington.

That's my Rachel! Stephen, leave this to us.

My Rachel! We will look after her.

My Rachel! We'll look after her.

My Rachel! Rac
-chel, Rachel! She must have hidden here and bled to death.

FLIES BUZZ Sanitise your hands.

Thank you.

Rachel? 'Dad!' 'I'm about to go into a meeting.

' I don't care what you're bloody doing.

'I really don't have time for this.

' Neither do I.

Neither do any of us.

'I'll call you back.

' Daddy, please! PHONE GOES DEAD Excuse me? Water samples from the refugee camp at Mulonga.

I've been asked to look at them again.

You didn't do the last lot, did you? They all came out the same.

All clear.


Don't you think? Six samples from six different villages.

You'd expect some variations.


Did, erm, Mr Ellis ask you to do this? Yeah.

He's just left for Lusaka.

Wanted the results for the shareholders' meeting.

U238, U234, U235 Now you've all had a chance to look at the figures for the last six months.

Now, what we are asking is that dividends be kept back to invest in the new fields which, as you can see, are predicted to earn the company and you, the shareholders, at least What new fields are these, Peter? Stephen? I'd like to introduce Stephen Harrington.

For those of you who don't know him, he's the man who tells us where to dig and what we might find once we've dug.

I think everyone knows me.

I'm Rachel Harrington's father.

Yah, as you probably all know, Stephen's daughter has very sadly gone missing.

Not any more.

No? She's been found, Peter.

Well, that's excellent news! I want to thank you, Peter, and the company for your help.

It was Peter who suggested I contact his old school friend, Doctor Nikki Alexander, and her colleagues in London.

Stephen, if we can just finish this meeting.

You wanted updated reports on the new fields.

Yah the shareholders are aware of the Uranium? U238, U234 and U2 Uranium, gold, copper, basalt, tin.

It's all there.

A very rich vein.

Rachel knew about the uranium, didn't she? Stephen, man, please, I'm sure we can work this out after the meeting.

Is that why you wanted her dead? I was with you that day she phoned.

The day she went missing.

Rachel's here, Peter.


Rachel's here.

What happened, Peter? It's not as bad as you think.

It won't be so hard to tell me, then.

Tell us.

The company had been struggling for months.

A year, maybe.

Stephen had detected a very rich source of uranium.

I knew we couldn't mine it, we didn't have a licence or international clearance but, er, I also knew we hadno choice.

I put in some migrant workers.

They ate and slept in the compound.

The Chinese supplied the workers, the trucks, the means of getting the uranium out of the country.

And they paid a very good price.

They kept us afloat.

And then there was an accident.

Six or seven months ago.

To extract the uranium from the ore, you need a hell of a lot of water and the River Kafue was perfect, but .


during the process, there was a small leak back into the river.

A "small leak" that was responsible for the deaths of over 100 men, women and children, not to mention the miscarriages and still births.


A leak that was undetected till Rachel came along.

'Dad's being a real knobhead about all this, why can't he just be' a normal dad for a change and do what I want him to do? Don't worry about him.

I'll get them tested for you.

It'll be our little secret.

When the tests came back negative, she started shouting and screaming about government corruption, neglect, how no
-one was doing anything to help these poor dying people.

And then she tried a a different approach.

Here's Rachel! Hi.

I'm just getting something for Mr Ellis.

Is that OK? Hey, was it that bad? Does my father know? About you and me? Shit, I hope not! About the uranium.

Does he know? Did you drug my drink? Just tell me.

Does he know? Rachel Jesus, Rachel! Get me security.

Now! Oh! Did youorder her m*rder, Peter? Niks Tell me you didn't k*ll her yourself? I didn't order her to be k*lled.

I, I told them to bring her back to the mine.

And do what? Rachel! What are you doing? What? You don't understand how I felt about her.

Oh, I think I do.

I was going to make her an offer, to fund the Mission, her own medical programme, whatever she wanted.

And do you think she would have accepted that? The contamination had been located and made safe, it was never going to happen again.

So why k*ll Emil? I don't know anything about Emil.

Why run down a 23
-old? You told me, Niks.

You told me he knew what happened.

I had to do something.

To save the company, toto save everything! So it was MY fault he was injected with enough heroin to k*ll him? Why did you bring me here? Steve was going to ask some forensic guy from South Africa to come over.

And what? You thought little Niks wouldn't be up to the job? Lord, help us now Lord, help us now We wanna join your company We wanna join your company Tell us, Lord Tell us, Lord What you want us to do What you want us to do Lord, help us now Lord, help us now We wanna join your company We wanna join your company Tell us, Lord Tell us, Lord What you want us to do What you want us to do Tell us right now Mmm
-hmm, mmm
-hmm We used to come up here, Rachel and me, when she was a kid.

I promised her that we'd build a house here, one day.

You could still do that.

What ARE your plans? Might be time to move on.

I don't know how you could ever think of leaving here.

I can't believe how much I've missed it.

Well Thank you.


Thanks for all your work.

Good luck.

Good luck.

You too.

We better be heading back.

Hold on.

What are you doing? Oh, yeah.


You said you'd never seen an elephant!
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