13x06 - Run 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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13x06 - Run 2

Post by bunniefuu »

James is dead.

I'm so sorry.

How do you know her? Friends of my parents.

A long time ago.

Did you and James have an affair? Yes.

After Dad died? Yes.

You want to get the ring back? It may be long gone.

James' medical records have come through.

He was told he had pancreatic cancer two weeks before he died.

su1c1de? It's just Don't! Her name is Ruth Gardiner.

She's my daughter.

This girl was ex*cuted.

It's not like it was a lovers' tiff.

It could be this "Terry" that she ran off with two years ago? It's been suggested that she was an informant for a policeman, working undercover.

Danielle Boyce? You said your boyfriend was a police officer.

Phil? Phil who? I made a mistake, I don't know anything.

They're trying to frame someone for that m*rder.

Someone connected to me.

You're involved in the Ruth Gardiner case.

Yes? So am I.

Tell him he can talk to me in confidence whenever he likes.

Peter Carmody? Detective Inspector Neill.

They know it was you.

Get ready to run.

You can't go it completely alone.

I can't trust anyone above me, Amanda! I can't talk.

I'm going to try to persuade him to talk to you.

Can you meet us tonight? Phil
- any closer to finding out who he is? If he's a cop, no
-one knows him.

All a part of Miss Boyce's over
-active imagination, no doubt.

Somebody screwed up.

It's down to me to sort it out.

Who was she? 'She was helping me.

' Someone k*lled her.

Someone I thought I could trust.

Let me help you.

You've already done that.

I can do more.

'I don't want anyone else involved in this.

' I'm putting you at risk just talking to you.

What will you do? I don't know.

I can't stay here.

If they find me, they'll k*ll me.

Then let's make sure they don't.

I might not be able to speak to you again.

'Don't say that.

' 'But you know how much I think of you, don't you? I've got to go, I'm sorry.

'No, wait.

' Mr Gardiner, I'd just like to say how sorry I am.

When are you going to find the man who did this? Professor.


Well, this is a nice surprise.

Two Profs for the price of one.

What brings you here? We're an item.


That must make for an interesting home life.


Would you excuse us? Leo, what was going on outside? Have you ever worked with him? Neill? Yeah, on a few cases, why? Can he be trusted? Be straight with me.

He's a policeman.

What about? About another policeman, some kind of a rogue undercover cop, using civilians as spies.

How d'you know it's a cop? I don't.

But I think maybe he does, and he's covering it up.

Neill will cover his own back, of course he will, but I don't think he'd actually lie.

What if he's been told to, by someone higher up? Well, supposing a cover
-up is going on, what would it explain? Well, quite a lot, actually.

If she was spying for a cop and he wasn't playing by the book, and she got caught, or she found out something they didn't want anyone to know, that might be worth covering up, if you're a cop? Leo, let me do some digging around before you get too carried away.

I'm not I haven't I haven't told you everything and If you can't, you can't.

I'll take it on trust.


How strong are your memories of childhood? Very.

Why? This is the ring that my mother gave James.

And I have a vivid image of standing on a beach in France, watching him catch a ball one
-handed and he's got a wedding
-ring, and this ring on his little finger and I'm sure I remember it because it was so unusual for men to wear two rings then.

Why does it matter? It matters because the person who threw the ball was my dad.

Nikki? Yeah.

Can you drive me somewhere? Sure.

What's the problem? Nothing, just a few loose cogs still knocking around.

- that's where we're going.

Whose address is this? She hasn't been here for a couple of days at least.

I can't believe it.

Why didn't you just say you'd spoken to her? How else was I supposed to gain her trust? Well, not by joining in the paranoia! BANG What is it? Nothing.

God, now you've got me at it.

Wait there, please, will you? Well, what a nice surprise.

Have you been in touch with Danielle Boyce, sir? Yes, where is she? I arranged to meet her but she didn't show.

And you appear to have been looking for her, so I thought perhaps you might know.

We've been looking for her.

She's been reported missing.

Who by? One of you had better start telling me what the hell's been going on here before I slap cuffs on the pair of you.

She said that she was frightened for her boyfriend's life.

Why don't we start with that? Did this affair start before Dad k*lled himself? Yes.

Why did you lie to me? Because I knew you'd be upset.

Well, you're right, I'm upset.

Well done.

Now before I smash something, will you tell me how you came to be so wantonly cruel? It wasn't cruel, Harry.

Is this why Dad did it? Oh, God, no.

You don't think that? It did cross my mind, yes! Did it not cross yours? He never found out.

How? I know in the way one knows these things.

What a load of crap.

When did it start? How long before Dad died? And don't tell me that I don't want to know.

I'm standing here telling you that I want to know.

How exactly did my mother come to jump into bed with a close friend of my father, a depressive who later k*lled himself? It wasn't like And for Christ's sake don't tell me it wasn't like that! Did you love James? Life isn't that simple, Harry.

You had a ring made for him! As I told you before, I was grateful to him.

For what? His sexual athleticism? Don't be unfair, Harry.

Dad wasn't easy.

I know he wasn't bloody easy.

But he was a good man, difficult sometimes, yes, but a great man, who I loved and who I thought that you loved, who did not Get off! Who did not deserve his wife, who should have been supporting him, sleeping around.

STOP IT! STOP IT! You're just like him! He didn't deserve it? Did I deserve it? Your father could be vile, Harry! Vile! He would come through that door in the evening, in a mood that went on for weeks at a time, pissed off at nothing because, poor soul, that's the way he was.

Didn't deserve it, no, and shouted at me until I was numb, just like you now, face contorted like yours, voice venomous like yours, neck straining, like yours.

And if I answered back, he slapped me until I was quiet.


Once, about a foot away from you are now, he hit me so hard I landed under that table.

Did I deserve that? Do I deserve it now? Didn't you ever want a different life? When you were upstairs hearing his voice thundering through the boards, didn't you ever want to be somewhere else? Whose flat is this? It was rented by Danielle.

Paid in cash.

Looks like there was a fight in here, a big one.

And a knife may have been taken from this drawer.

And then it looks like the victim tried to run.

And came down the hall.

Judging by the blood trail.

And got caught here.

This is knife work.

A sustained as*ault.

Then we think the assailant went in this room.

Looks like there's a bit of carpet missing.

Wrapped the victim in the carpet then dragged them all the way out.

And judging by the crude attempt at a clean
-up he was in a hurry, assuming it's the same man.

This wasn't like Ruth Gardiner.

This was personal.

Thought they were on the van.



I've always wondered what these things do.

They measure the angles, mate.

I'm none the wiser.

Come back in 18 months, you'll get the picture then.

I hope, er, someone's not thinking of putting up a building here.

I might have to get back into local politics.

That's not my department.

I just build houses, mate.

Where are you going? Nowhere, go back to sleep.

Please, let me come with you.


You stay in here.

Alex! You stay here, I'll lock the door if I have to.

Hey! Hey! No, please! No! No! HE SOBS ENGINE STARTS > It's definitely her.

Look, here's another match.

DNA found in Danielle's bed matches DNA from semen found on Ruth Gardiner's body.

He slept with both of them.

Phil was no figment of her imagination, was he? Do you think he could be the same guy that left with Ruth two years ago? Who, Terry? Well, if she rented the flat to him, his DNA will be all over it.

FAX BUZZES What?! All the blood at the second crime scene is Danielle's.

Alex Webb.

His DNA is everywhere, kitchen, bathroom, bed.

Well, what the hell is he doing there? He's living there.

They must have known each other.

Can we prove he k*lled her? No.

Well, what about samples from her place? There is not one single trace of Alex Webb in Danielle's flat.

DNA from semen found on Ruth's body, and on the mattress at the first crime scene, DNA found in Danielle's bed is a match.

Phil, our so
-called "undercover cop" was sleeping with both girls.

Well, where's his DNA at this crime scene though? We've got something, a few hairs.

Caucasian, from the hallway where we think Danielle died.

They didn't provide us with any DNA but they resemble hairs found in Danielle's home.

But that's just secondary transfer! Stray hairs carried in by Danielle from her place.

Yes, it could be, but it could also mean that there was someone else involved in these murders, such as Phil.

Oh, that's just who you want it to be.

I don't want it to be anyone! This was personal.

She was going to tell him that she'd talked to me.

What if he didn't like that? What if he didn't think she should be talking to anyone! Where's the proof? You find the body and I'll find the proof.

Tox report on James Bradburn.

Well, anything? A lot of alcohol, a lot of painkillers, nothing that would have k*lled him.

Pancreatitis after all.

Do you think we all turn into our parents? I think we always were our parents.

We spend a few years trying to deny it, then we give in.

Do you think I'm violent? No, of course not.

I've shouted at you.

Haven't I? You've got a temper.

I'm 37 years old and I still scream like a child.

Keep people at arm's length.

All my life I've thought that I wanted to be like my father, but it's the last thing on Earth anyone would want to be.

Harry, I'll tell you this.

If I'm ever in trouble, if I'm ever upset, if I ever need to have a film plot explained to me the first person I call is you.

If this thing with your dad and James and your mum is causing you so much pain, find your dad's inquest report and see if the affair was a factor.

If your children ever turn into you they will be very lucky.

I've started without you.

Do you want some? Love one.

Oh, no, no, no please.

That bad? Oh, sod it! It's all right, Leo.

It's not all right.

I'm not all right.

I understand you're worried, but I can't Can't what? Maybe I wasn't ready go back.

I feel completely out of control and I don't know who's telling the truth.

I don't know who to trust.

You're not the only one.

Neill's been having the same doubts as you.

Asking questions about this undercover cop.

Asking them in some very high places.

Since when? He checked this guy out at Senior Commander level the same day he talked to Danielle Boyce.

And yesterday he went higher, had it straight from the Commissioner, with a few choice words thrown in about respect for the chain of command.

Maybe you two should start trusting each other.

Whoever this guy is, he's not an undercover cop, and Neill isn't covering up for him.

Your late night snooping is much appreciated.

I'm afraid there was no late night snooping, my love.

I have been at the hairdressers.

Ah! You're supposed to notice.

What is it? And how did you meet him? Through his work? No, at the hairdressing salon, where I used to work.

He was waiting for someone.

It's a good thing something's still working up here.

Where are you going? To call Neill.

I love the hair! Angela Myatt? Well, actually it's Carmody, Myatt is my maiden name.

Right, I'm sorry to disturb you at home.

I've just come from the hairdressing salon you run.

Look, can we, can we talk inside? I'd rather not, my kids are home.

Do you remember this woman? Well, she worked for me.

Very briefly.

She's a beautician.

It didn't work out.

She met a man at the salon.

He became her boyfriend? No, she didn't meet anyone there.

Yeah, a white guy, about the same age or maybe younger, 30, 35, who may be, or may be claiming to be, a police officer.



I'm sorry.

I can't help you, sorry.

Carmody, Carmody? It's an unusual name.

Where have I heard that before? Carmody, Carmody, Carmody.

Carmody! Sorry, you wouldn't be related to Peter Carmody by any chance, would you? What's he meant to have done? Leave the talking to me.

She doesn't know anything.

Come on, lads.

We're just going to wait here.

DOORBELL RINGS You were right.

Thanks for the tip.

He's a delivery driver? Yeah, at the same car dealer's where Alex Webb was a mechanic.

He's got a police record, a conviction for fraud.

Wife and mother think he's a cop.

Does he think he's a cop? I don't know what he thinks.

Is that the wife? Yeah, and that's his mum.

I'd like to talk to her.

Well, as a profiler.

I'd like you to talk to them both.

That's all a match, from Carmody's house.

Peter Carmody was Ruth's lover, and Danielle's.

Carmody is Phil.

And Carmody is Terry.

But Alex Webb, not Carmody, k*lled Ruth.

It's just Don't! Why? This guy Carmody, he pulls the strings.

He, he sets everything in motion.

He tells them a story, and if they try and get out Alex Webb kills, Carmody cleans up? Could that be how they work? Could be.

Though the second time round they didn't do such a good job.

Well, he panicked.

He lost his temper, he lost control.

Leo, you don't know for certain that she talked to Carmody about you.

Why do you think she was k*lled? She was still inside the story.

She was trying to pull me in.

But because I gave his fantasies a hearing, and I gave her hope she told him.

And in return, she was k*lled.

Did you find what you were looking for? No mention of an affair, no.

Just a note from Dad they read out, saying how grateful he was for the love of a wife and son he did not deserve.

I wish I could have had just one conversation with him as an adult.

Jesus! You weren't told that's how he did it? No.

Anything? Not that I can see.


Look, does that look grubby to you? Discoloured.

And it feels sticky, could be adhesive.

And there are some fibres
- could you get me some tweezers and a swab, please? Peter isn't an undercover officer, Angela.

Never has been.

Then what's he been doing for the past seven years? He never made it through Hendon.

I know what you're doing.

Twisting things.

Trying to make me doubt him.

He said you would.

You knew Danielle, didn't you? Not very well.

Did he tell you she was an informant? He doesn't tell me anything about his work.

To protect us.

Did he tell you he was sleeping with them both? Left his DNA in both beds.

Or did he protect you from that too? Absolutely no comment, not now, not ever! Tell me, what was Peter like as a boy? He was a right charmer, was Peter.

Just a lovely kid.

Always? Well, he always told fibs.

Never anything really bad, though.

I didn't mind, though.

He was my little soldier.

Lindayour little soldier? Um His dad left you see, when Peter was five, so I never really had anyone else.

He did his best to look after his mum, but, I had a few ups and downs in my life.

I couldn't keep track of it all.

He took a bit of a left turn, I think, Peter, looking back on it.

Nothing bad, just a bit off the map, if you know what I mean.

What about school? SHE LAUGHS Oh, I couldn't get him there.

He spent most of his time in Haverton Woods.

Oh, he loved it up there.

Building shelters, making fires, camping out, like a little wild thing.

He used to come home with such tall tales.

What was going on in his head, I've no idea.

Weren't you concerned? Why? Where's the harm? More exciting than real life, I expect.

No fun in real life, is there? So what is he, some kind of a con man? A fantasist.


You can't tell when he's lying because he believes it himself.

He's had years of practice.

Any idea where he might have buried her? It'll be somewhere familiar.

Somewhere he feels safe.

I would start by looking in these woods.

SNIFFER DOG BARKS Frank, it's John, I think I've got something.

Why did you do that?! Locking me in here! They think it was you.

What's that for? For you.

To do what? Give us a beer.

Get me a beer! I found you, I trained you, I made you a man, gave you some self respect but I couldn't give you a brain, could I, Alex? What have I done? You started this! You put me at risk.

I want to bring her out very carefully, with as much soil immediately next to the body as possible.

Is that sand? Looks like it.

This is a re

No hands? Her face has been severely beaten.

There are multiple fractures to the facial skeleton.

Blunt trauma.

Multiple blows.

A fist? Possibly.

The knife entered her Back.

The knife entered her back with such force that it penetrated all the way through.

Can we roll her over, please? Yes, the injuries suggest that she was stabbed in the back as much as the 20
-odd deep penetrating wounds to the torso display bruising around them where the hilt of the knife struck the body.

Can we get pictures of this, please? They're close, successive stabs.


Once they were in the hallway he stabs her repeatedly with tremendous force to make sure that she's dead.

You did the same as me, Pete.



I was in the next room, remember? I had to listen.

I should know.

Those were my orders.

Danielle betrayed me.

She broke the rules.

Ruth was just messed

All she wanted to do was to go home.

You had no reason to do what you did.

You have to answer to someone, the same way I do.

The chain of command, Alex.

I gave you that order.

It was only to frighten her.

So now you have to answer to me.

Those are my orders.

There isn't any other way out! I don't want to die, Pete, I don't want to die.

How d'you think I feel? You were MY man! Ruth was more than just messed

She broke the rules, I swear she did.

Anything to prove that this was Carmody? Well, there could've been.

She would have fought back.

She might have, I don't know, scratched him.

But he knew there'd be DNA, which is presumably why he cut her hands off.

So why the reburial? He was forced to.

We found sand, so maybe the ground was unstable or perhaps something spooked him? So why put her there in the first place? Convenience? It's near where he is, where they are, the pair of them.

Yeah, and where is that? Maybe we can find out.

I went there to scare her.

To warn her.

Just like you told me.

I had it off pat.

You can't just go home when you feel like it, girl, you'll blow the whole operation.

They're watching you! If you run, you'll blow his cover! If you blow his cover he dies, I die, so does everyone else! Everyone! I put the g*n to her head just like you told me.

And then what happened, Alex? It went off? Or did she say something to you? Was it something about me? He just delivers cars, that's all he does! Shut up! Shut up and listen to me! You're putting the whole operation at risk! There is no operation.

He's lying to you.

He's not with the police! What did she tell you, Alex? I told her to shut up.

I wouldn't listen! I'm warning you.

He has a family, he has a wife, he has two little kids.

I've seen him with them.

She said she'd stolen a photo of you and your kids.

I can show you.

I knew she was lying.

We can't afford to have family! We put them at risk! It's just Don't! Where are you going? I have to call in.

Will they let me off, Pete? No.

I knew she was lying! Then why did you k*ll her?! I, I don't know.

All right, fine.

It's all right, it's all right, shhh.


g*nsh*t Well, I'm a trace evidence analyst, I don't do soil.

Meaning "he can't help but he knows someone who can".

I said I knew someone who might.

I was forgetting, he doesn't do yes.

I consulted a colleague with an expertise in soil forensics.

And we ran an elemental analysis on the samples Nikki gave us.

And? Well, the key is in the mineral composition of each of the samples found on the body.

What did you find? Two distinct types.

The first is a black, sticky, silty soil consistent with the soil in the woods where the body was found.

The second is this, is a pinky
-brown, gritty, sandy soil.

So we plugged these results into the available databases.

So where, Parsons? Most likely? Penwich to Haverton Common area.

We will need to collect comparator soils from these sectors to pinpoint the primary burial location.

How long will that take? Well, that depends, I'll be on my own.

It could take up to What if I help? James Bradburn results.

Positive for synthetic adhesive.

And a couple of polymer matches as well, gaffer tape and traces of plastic bag.

You OK? Fine.

Which sector are you in now? Umm, sector B, yeah, looks like there's sand everywhere.

Make sure you dig down a bit, at least ten centimetres.

If you want to take these samples back to the lab, I'm happy to stay.

Got a fair way to go.

Are you still there? Hello? Hello? SFL 708G.

SFL 708G.

SFL 708G.

There will have to be an inquest and the coroner will want to know who removed the bag.

I did.

Mary, before you say anything else, assisting or abetting a su1c1de is a very serious I didn't assist him.

I found him like that.

Then why didn't you say so? Because I was angry.

God, I was so angry.

And I still am even though I know why he did it now.

He didn't tell you about the cancer? No.

He just seemed suddenly to hate me.

Life with me.

He picked me up on everything I did, everything I said.

And then he quietly goes upstairs and And when I found him lying there, I thought, you bastard, at least you owed me an old age after all this.

Why did he have to control everything? Even the moment that I become a widow? Decide that he's had enough and go without even It was bad manners! It was su1c1de, Mary.

Well, su1c1de humiliates the people who are left behind and I'd been humiliated enough.

I'm sorry, Harry.

If he had told you he was going to do it, do you think you'd have tried to stop him? Of course I would.

Then perhaps that's why he didn't.

Perhaps he wanted to save you the pain of watching someone you love disintegrate and change into something else.

Some suicides are for that reason.

Hello? Amanda Fry? Speaking.

You don't know me, Detective Inspector Neill.

How can I help you, Inspector Neill? Well, it's about your car.

Yes? Has it been stolen? My car? No, it hasn't.

Why? Well, a member of the public reported your registration number in connection with an incident that we are investigating.

My car has been borrowed by a friend of mine.

Oh, right.

Could you tell me who that is then, please? Well, no, not really, not without a bit more information.

Do you know where your car is now? Why don't you tell me about this incident, let's start from there.

This is a m*rder enquiry, Miss Fry.

Then I'll do everything in my power to help.

If you would like me to come in? I'll call you to arrange that, thanks.

Suspect leaving, go go go.

Peter Carmody, I am arresting you on the suspicion of the m*rder of Danielle Boyce.

You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say may be used in evidence.

Why didn't you tell me how Dad really k*lled himself? Didn't I? You told me he took an overdose.

Do you remember the day I went to school to tell you? You were in the headmaster's study on a chair.

Your little bowl haircut.

Stood in your games kit, mud on your knee
- do you remember that? Yeah.

You looked at me and you said "What's up?" Was I really going to tell you that your father had committed su1c1de by taping a bag to his head and suffocating himself? So I told you about the pills.

I suppose after that, it never came up again.

What did I say? You said in your very calm "These will be difficult times, Mum, but I'm going to look after you.

" Which you did.

Whenever I tell people about Dad, they always say "How terrible!" and change the subject as if it's guiding me away from some dangerous place.

It's all I want to talk about.

All the time.

It's all I want to talk about.

I spend my life explaining disaster and death to people and I just want someone to explain to me why he did this.

Oh, sweetheart.

Sweetheart, we can't know that.

However close you are to someone, you never truly know them.

And I want to apologise.

You don't have to apologise.

Yes, I do.

After Dad died, I just wanted to be utterly alone.

I ended it with James straight away.

And for years, I didn't want to say a word to anyone except complete strangers.

Not even to you.

It was very wrong.

Take your time.

Number five.

Positive? Five.

He's Terry.

You really should have a solicitor here, Peter.

Why? You thinking of charging me? All in good time.

As long as you're happy to go on without one.

I don't know one that I can trust.

How do you get people to trust you? Miss Fry, for example.

She your girlfriend? No.

Ruth was though, wasn't she? And Danielle? Ruth wasn't really a girlfriend.

She didn't really like sex.

But all that religious fervour really gave her the edge as an informant.

My God, how she hated her pimp.

Are you referring to the man she was watching
- Robert Alanson? Or the so
-called "target" you told her was going to meet him? How long was it before she worked out that it was all bullshit? Know what this is? Don't let me spoil your fun, tell me.

You were kicked out of Hendon Police College in '93.

You're no copper, undercover or otherwise.

It's very good.

Those boys are clever.

It's a fake.

When you get to my level, Inspector, these things are routine.

A false background.

It's for my own protection.

Villains dig pretty deep.

In case anyone thinks I'm not kosher.

Is that why you k*lled Danielle and Ruth? They found out you weren't kosher? I didn't k*ll Ruth, or Danielle.

Peter, Peter, we have evidence that you were in the flat where Danielle was k*lled.

I'm sure you do.

Why are your knuckles bruised? I had a disagreement with Alex.

Did you bury the body in Haverton woods? It's where you played as a kid, where you played out your fantasies.

Still do.

I talked about it once with Alex.

Why? Why not? We were just talking, he's a part of my team.


He's dead, remember.


That was a shame.

Not everyone liked Alex.

Not everyone trusted him.

To do what? Oh, no.


No disrespect, sir, but I need a higher authority than you if I'm going to reveal that kind of information.

As you know, we think we've found the first burial site.

Soil samples match the samples found on the victim's body exactly.

But no hands? No.

What about Amanda Fry's car? Any evidence of Danielle's body there? Clean.

No blood, no fibres, no soil.

But his work's reported a car missing off the lot.

Could he have swapped them? Where would he dump it? Any ideas? Depends when and where he swapped.

Amanda might know.

You have to ask her.

She's in love with this man.

If she thinks she can save him, she will! Then you have to get her on side.

How? She thinks we're fitting him up.

Then you have to convince her that you're not.


You have to.

She's not going to believe it from anyone else.

Hi, I'm Professor Leo Dalton.

Home Office pathologist.

Would you like to? This is the physical evidence.

All of it.

Why are you showing me this? I want you to see what they've got against Peter.

And then I want to ask you a question.

What we know is that Peter had sex with both female victims.

That's not a crime, though, is it? No.

We found a shoe print at the second crime scene which matches his shoe size.

Do you have the shoes? No.

You don't even know if it was Peter's shoe? No.

What about Alex Webb's death? Evidence indicates that it was su1c1de, but someone did punch him in the face shortly before he died.

That didn't contribute to his death? No.

Not very much, is there, considering three people have now died? The thing is, I spoke to Danielle before she was m*rder*d.

She was trying to clear Peter's name as well.

She trusted me.

I gave her my card.

I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me.

After she was k*lled, her body was moved.

No doubt in a car.

Not mine.


But a vehicle from the dealer's is missing and Peter was supposed to deliver it.

I, I don't know where that vehicle is.

Well, maybe not, but if you did, would you tell me? Yes.

Where was Peter when you lent him your car? Where did you pick him up from? Got a map? His skin is under her fingernails, all of them.

She put up one hell of a fight.

You must've been very angry.

Did you think she'd been disloyal? I think it was because she wouldn't come with you.

And you were scared that she was going to work out what you really are.

Very good.

You've got me.

How much did they pay you to screw me over? Conversation over.

Bring me a lawyer.
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