13x08 - Shadows 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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13x08 - Shadows 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Someone on campus? Andy Saich.


God, are you really? So, just a su1c1de, then? The radial and ulnar arteries have got a break in them.

He knew what he was doing.

Jason Renfrew's from Hemel Hempstead, not Peckham.

It's a car.

That's not a car! Jesus Christ.

There was a g*n found on campus this morning.

Now shut up! PHONE RINGS DC Saich.

g*nsh*t 'It's a young, adult male, he appears to be carrying a hand g*n.

' Shit! Get down! We're the only medics in the building.

What are you two doing there? You know what I'm asking.

SO15 don't think it's t*rror1st related.

What was that? Harry Cunningham, is he OK? SHOUTING These are mine.

'Is he going to make it?' 'He's lost a lot of blood.

' I'm Dr Cunningham.

Can you hear me? You've got to stay awake.

MOBILE PHONE RINGS REPEATEDLY Could you hold him? Christ.

Here, you try it, you try it.

He's a Jehovah's Witness, 2002.

How long have you been working on him.

Why? He's taken up a lot of time and resources.

We've got to move on.

Aren't we trying to be indiscriminate? No, that was him, Dr Cunningham.

We unfortunately have to prioritize.

'Paramedics required Corridor B, triage team reporting five red casualties in sector four.

' Oscar one received.

Dr Cunningham? Yeah? You'll be OK for a few minutes? Mmm.

We'll be back in five.

Hello? Excuse me? You shouldn't be here.

What happened to him? How did he die? Are you OK? Come with me.

I'm not going anywhere.

All right.

Can I see? Did you fall? You were very lucky.

Luckier than him.

Did you know him? What's your name? Can I call someone for you? Your parents? Girlfriend? If you've already registered your details and name of student or staff member, please move to the left hand side of the hall so others can get to the desk.

It's our son.

Scott Weston.

Third of the third, 1990.

He's a second year politics student.

I've got a picture here.

That's all right.

We have all the student pictures on file.

Is he on one of those lists? We're checking everybody at the moment, we'll have information soon.

Does Scott have any distinguishing marks, moles, tattoos, operation scars, that sort of thing? No, not Scott.

He never had an operation in his life.

He does have scars.

He was six, 34 stitches, he fell through a glass roof.

Three long scars.

Here, here and here.

What is it? He's dead, isn't he? I don't understand these questions.

You're not saying anything.

What are you talking to him for? Nobody knows what's going on.

It's chaos.

This is Chief Superintendent Somerville, she's in overall command here.

Mr and Mrs Weston have identified Scott Edward Weston from these photographs.

Scott is a second year politics student from Altrincham in Cheshire.

Tell me what's happened to my son.

Is he going to die? Mrs Weston, we are just trying to establish Your son has been injured.

He's critical, but currently stable.

He got shot? What do you mean, critical? What's that, an arm, a leg? Would you take a seat, please? Do we have a name yet? Matthew Frisk.

Member since 2006.


When did you last speak to your son? What? Was he upset? Had he had an argument with anyone or? Why are you asking me this? We want to know how our son is.

We want to see him.

He's receiving medical attention at the moment.

Is he in hospital? Is he here? Dominic.

Stop talking.

I'm just trying to find out Mrs Weston, we believe that your son's injuries might have been self

Come on, Scott.

You've got to stay awake, come on.

He had the g*n in his right hand, didn't he? Why? It's rare enough for a su1c1de to sh**t themselves in the side of the face.

But this guy shot himself in the left side.

A right
-hander would naturally hold the g*n to the right side.

You're saying he shot himself from the wrong side? Silly boy.

Maybe he turned his head.

Yeah, I suppose so.

Ever considered a career in pathology? There's an entry wound above the left clavicle consistent with a 9mm projectile.

There is a second entry wound approximately two centimetres from the first.

This b*llet has exited the bodyat the shoulder.

Are they all multiple g*n
-sh*ts? Yeah, I think so.

Similar groupings? That's strange.

What is? It's the pattern.

It looks like controlled bursts from an a*t*matic w*apon.

But the g*n they found with the boy in the toilets was a p*stol.

Single shot.

There are similar wound patterns on all three bodies that I examined.

Some of the students reported hearing a*t*matic fire.

We'd assumed it was just the echo of the p*stol sh*ts in a confined space.

What about the spent shells you found? Were they all 9mm? Yeah.

Consistent with the p*stol? Or a small a*t*matic, any of the black market imports are converted to 9mm.

I'm a g*n short, aren't I? You shouldn't really be in here.

This is a team area.

Why don't we go to my office and I'll make you a cup of tea? I don't want to go anywhere.

I just want to stay here for a bit.

You must be in shock.

I know I am.

Why? Why are you in shock? I was in there, when it happened.

I saw it too.

What did you see? Where are you going? To make that cup of tea.

Come back! If you don't stop, I'm going to have to hurt you.

Come here.

I've locked the doors.

What do you want? What's through there? Nothing.


Is it quiet? Well, I want to go there.

There, turn round there.

Why? Just do it now.

But I Shut up and do it! Turn around and face the wall! Kneel down.

Please don't What's your name? Nikki.


I don't feel comfortable with you.

'All units, report progress.

' 'Yellow unit, no g*n found yet, moving to second floor.

' 'This is red unit, still searching corridor M.

' Dr Mears.

I'm Scott Weston's mother.

You know who my son is now, don't you? I'm needed in the control room.

They won't talk to me.

I just I need to know what's happening.

I'm just saying, if you're straight with me, maybe I can help you.

If you move, I'm going to sh**t you.

I just want to chill out.

I want to relax.

They'll be coming here.

This is a mortuary, they need to bring the bodies here.

They're not bringing them here.

They're taking them to the sports hall.

I saw them.

But they'll be looking for you.

They're not looking for me.

They're not looking for anyone.

Have you got a cigarette? Or any dr*gs? Have you got any dr*gs here? There's no dr*gs here, nothing you'd want to take.

-one here smokes.

Where's his jacket? Who? Him.

Did Scott ever mention a pupil called Jason Renfrew? Yes.

Scott said he was helping him with his studies.

One of Scott's strays, he was always bringing people home for me to feed.

Jason and Neil, and Matthew last year.

MMatthew Frisk? I don't know, he's stopped talking about him.

When he was little, there was this boy, Nicholas.

His parents had split up.

He used to follow Scott around everywhere.

Scott's little shadow, we used to call him.

He used to look at me like he knew everything about me.

Like I was stupid.

Teenagers do.

He was six.

Don't have kids, do you? Just tell me what he's done.

Why aren't they looking for you? Because I didn't do it, did I? The guy in the toilet.

He did it, didn't he? Why did you do it? You just stood there, pulling the trigger, again and again.

Watching them die and then looking for more and doing it again.

Reloading, and doing it again.

They were crying.

I heard them begging you not to, begging you for their lives.

But you just kept on sh**ting.

Be quiet.

What sort of person does that? You want to know? It was fun.

Watching them running around.

Banging into each other.

Trying to hide, like you couldn't see them under the table, behind the sofa.

Behind each other.




It wasn't just kids, was it? What? How many? How many what? I lost count.

Those stupid bastards.

They were people, with mothers and fathers and No, they weren't.

They were shadows.

Little bundles of grey noise.

Like you.

Are you going to sh**t me too? Any sign of them? No.

Leo? It's me.

'Where the hell are you?' Listen, Leo.

'What is it?' Is it possible this isn't the guy? 'Why shouldn't it be?' I don't know.

It doesn't seem self

'There's a g*n missing.

' Is there? 'They're assuming he tossed it.

' Is it an a*t*matic? You got kids? Yeah, two.

They'd miss you wouldn't they? And your mum, she'd be upset.

Even my mum would be a bit put out, and I'm a monster.

Your friends, they'd be lost without you, right? Yeah.

That's right.

Yeah! What about your husband? You do have a husband? Yes.

I've got a husband.

Does it make a difference? I'm not married, I've got no mum, she's been dead and buried for 20 years.

And I haven't got any children.

That was a lie too.

-one would miss me.

So are you going to sh**t me? Who is the guy on the floor of the toilet? Hmm? Is he up there? Is he one of the shadows on your little list? Turn it off! Did you get them all? Or didn't it matter by then? Which one is he? I shot him.

And I left him there.

Now everyone thinks it's him.

And Scott was my friend.

Two more crews on site, Karen.

Get onto the chief medic.

I want them briefed and standing by.

Where are we with the second g*n? Nothing in sector one or sector two What about the other sectors? Where's that g*n? I think you've got a problem, Commander.

Just one? Scott Weston didn't sh**t himself.

It's not just a g*n you're looking for.

So what was your great plan? You and Jason? Couldn't Jason go through with it? I don't want to talk about Jason.

He let me down.

Do you really think you're going to walk out of here? Why not? They've got their sh**t.

They're not going to look any further.

He's not dead, you know.

Who? Scott.

He's not dead.

Are you lying? Your accomplice kills himself before the fun, and the guy you're pinning it on is alive.

It's a bit of a mess, isn't it? You have no idea what you're talking about.

You chickened out.

Because that was the deal, wasn't it? sh**t as many as you can, then put a b*llet in your own head.

But you, you bottled out.

I'm not going to bottle out this time.

You think I'm so desperate to live? Like it's some big deal? I always try to be different.

But I always end up copying someone else! 'Code Orange.

Repeat, Code Orange.


' JP, received.

What's a Code Orange? Something must be up.

They're locking us down.

Stop where you are! Get down! What's your name? What does it matter? I need to know what to put on your toe

Neil Corrigan.

I don't want to watch you die, Neil Corrigan.

What are you doing? Look at this.

This is what their parents and families are going to have to look at.

This is what they get to read.

I fill them in and they get to read them.

And let's imagine what this bit will say.

b*llet severed temporal artery.

Perforated lung due to g*nsh*t wound.

g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

Can you imagine getting this? The mother of every child you k*lled will get one.

She'll be wondering, why her? She'll look at the date of death, cause of death.

All that stuff.

And then there's your mother.

She'll be getting one of those too.

What do you think I should do then? Give yourself up.

You know something? What? I'm still in control here.

Where are these paramedics? I told you.

It's a lock

We have got to get him out of here.

Now! Nobody in or out.

Stay with me.


Don't worry, Scott, I'm not leaving you here.

Thank you.

We're going to get out of here.

Sector four clear.

Moving on to the lower level.

Find him, I need to get people out of there.

What's that? It's CCTV of the evacuation from earlier.

It's the main exit.


Go back, slowly, slowly.


Even I wouldn't go back for my bag.

And mine's a Balenciaga.

What's he's trying to conceal? It's not the bag the subject was carrying.

No, it's larger.

Could have anything in it.

Make sure none of the evacuees have gone.

Get onto the hospitals, talk to every officer accompanying a casualty.

Circulate that picture to all units.


Elvis has left the building.

Are you worried about Harry? Karen said he's doing a great job.

I thought I'd lost them both.

Nikki and Harry.

Janet wants to talk about having children.

Thought she was pregnant, false alarm.

How do you feel about that? I don't think I could bear it.

Losing another family.

Have you got it, then? Show me.

Just wait.

'Latest update on the sh**ting that took place today' Sit! 'The police have confirmed that there are least three dead and the number of injured may rise.

'Emergency services are dealing with the casualties 'and the campus is still completely 'sealed off.

According to our police source, it 'is believed that there was only one gunman' So what will you tell them? About you? Nothing.

I'm not going to help make you famous.

It's funny.

We're both assuming you're walking out of here and I'm not.

'A statement issued from Downing Street has condemned the sh**ting' Am I evil? I believe in good and evil.

Does that surprise you? Ahh, but you don't though, do you? You're just one of those bleeding heart b*tches.

Whatever you want.

You're the man with the big g*n in his hand.

You tell me what to say.

Are you patronising me? DOOR OPENS Who's that? It's my boss.

He's just a doctor! Professor Dalton, yeah, I'm at the Lyell Centre, outside the lab, I can't get in.

No, I have tried, but the door are closed.

I thought my colleague was in there, but I can't reach her.

Yeah, OK.

g*nsh*t Commander Somerville, this is Leo Dalton.

I've found your missing gunman.

He's in the Lyell Centre.

He's in my building.

He's holding Dr Alexander.


Yes, I am sure! Just, just go.

Go now.

Get out of here.

There's some bins you can climb and then get over the wall.

Leave the g*n and go before they come.

They're coming, Neil.


Neil Corrigan.

Glencarrick Flats, Ealing.

My unit's in position at the Lyell Centre, Ma'am.

No visual contact.

Shouldn't you try and contact him, to talk to him? I'm not doing anything until I know who he is.

Know who he is?! You have a building full of dead bodies.

How much more do you need to know about him? If you go in there, he will k*ll her.

I think you're sick.

That's another word for it.

What's that for? Were you planning a celebratory rave? Yeah.

Something like that.

Have you got a headache? Do you get a lot of those? There was this guy in 1966, who shot dead 14 people in his university in Texas.

He wrote a su1c1de note, asked for them to cut him open.

The post
-mortem found a tumour the size of a golf
-ball pressing against his frontal lobe.

So it's a simple case of faulty wiring, a few dud units? What if YOU'RE the aberration, Little Miss Perfect? I mean, history isn't exactly chock full of heart
-warming tales.

It's just damage.

Congenital or trauma.

Ah, nature and nurture.

Promise it'll be you that cuts me open, Dr Alexander.


That's better.

I can't examine your brain if it's splattered all over my wall, can I? Can we just stop playing games, Neil? Clear! Mrs Eileen Corrigan? 'She hadn't eaten all day.

' She was waiting for him to give her lunch.

So he's her carer? Christ.

Did you find anything? No weapons, no t*rror1st materials.

Glencarrick's a shit

I'd go postal in there.

Students are queuing up to tell us what a weirdo he was.

Sir, we're ready for you.

Have you got anything to eat in here? I'm hungry.

I haven't eaten since breakfast.

It's been a long day.

Come on, you guys must eat here.

There must be a sandwich or something.

This is a mortuary.

I've got a headache, I'm so hungry.

I get a bit hypoglycaemic It doesn't have to be fancy, just a Mars Bar or something! Oh, my God.

Get off your arse and find me something to eat! PHONE RINGS PHONE RINGS Pepperoni, double cheese, stuffed crust.

PHONE RINGS They'll be wanting the address.

'Neil? My name's Jeremy Shaw.

'We haven't met.

But I want to help you.

'There is a way out of this, Neil.

Do you need anything? 'Are you hurt, Neil? 'I spoke to your mum.

She asked me to' Brilliant.

Leave it three minutes and then try again.

Karen? It's Hendricks at Lambeth control, about a news website in the States.

They've received a video file.

They're saying it's a su1c1de note.

Karen Somerville.

No, you handle police press.

Handle this.

I don't care what jurisdiction they're in.

Tell them if they post this, we'll sue them.

Wherever they are.

Get Simpson onto FBI liaison.

I need to see this.

Did he post it anywhere else? Lambeth haven't found anything.

This is what he's holding out for.

For his message to go live.


There's a fridge upstairs.

You're hungry.

It's hard to think straight when you're hungry.

Please, Neil, talk to me.

Neil? Turn around.

Don't look at me.

Was it for him? For Jason? Revenge for what they did to him? He cut his wrists, right? Why did he do it? I don't know.

Maybe he didn't want to do this.

Maybe he was angry, wanted to hurt someone, but he didn't want to go through with your plan.

So he hurt himself instead.

That's not it.

What is it then? You wouldn't know.

Scott would know.

Scott knows everything.

What have I done? "I am become death, destroyer of worlds.

" No, that's not Oppenheimer's regret.

That's his vanity.

I mean, the nuke is progress.

You don't have to like it but it's moved us on.

There's nothing essentially wrong with assassination.

It's like topless sunbathing.

You've just got to take out the right tits.

Here, I think Neil wishes he'd said that.

He will, Jason.

I guarantee it.

What are you saying? Well, I mean we talk about it all the time, but what about it? Not m*rder, no, I'm talking about a cull.

Club a few seals for the greater good.

Scott? Scott! His pupil's fixed and dilated and he's bradycardic.


I hate it when that happens.

I think there's bleeding inside his skull.

And if I'm right and the pressure isn't relieved, then George, hi, it's Harry Cunningham.

I'm in a bit of a situation.

I've got a guy in front of me with a g*nsh*t wound to the face.

I'm thinking maybe extradural haematoma or subdural haematoma? And there is a possible depressed fracture to the skull, and the pupil is fixed and I'm worried now Yeah, hang on, hang on.

Yeah, go on.

And then, er I was afraid you'd say that.

Maybe I should just wait till he's Tell me again.


Tell me again.

And this is the most recent layout you've got, is it? 2000? Well, there are more up
-date plans, yeah.

In my office.

So you're saying a set of double doors here? What's the problem? You're not worried we're going to break your test tubes, are you? This isn't the way to sort this out.

We've had enough Oh, do you know what I've had enough of? People like you saying, "There's been enough dying for one day.

" Excuse me for being a blunt Northerner, but there's actually nothing wrong with people dying.

Just so long as it's the right person who dies.

Oh, so you can guarantee to smite only the wicked, can you? I'd have a damn sight better chance if I knew where the bloody doors were.

Everything OK, Mr Dalton? Yes, yeah, just discussing Stockwell tube station with Mr Kant.

I don't understand.

Did Scott try to stop you? Scott was there for me.

He was there for all of us.

He saved Jason.

From the bullies? From everything.

Jay was lost before Scott found him.

Were you jealous? What? Of Scott and Jason? Are you nuts? Scott and Jason were my friends.

Do you even know what that means? It means you'd do anything for them.

You'd die for them.

Or k*ll for them? But they wouldn't k*ll for you, would they? Those people in the pictures Oh, that was just a laugh, a bit of fun.

We'd sit up there and sh**t them.




Fun? I saw them dead.

I saw Matthew dead, and I saw that girl Claire that you shot in the back.

What did she do to get on your little list? Stupid bitch wasn't on the list.

So why did you hurt her, then? What? She just got in your way? Claire always got in the way.

If she'd loved him, if she'd really loved Jason, he'd be alive now, wouldn't he? Jason was with Claire? If you were in love, you wouldn't k*ll yourself, would you? Not if you felt loved back.

That's right, isn't it? You're asking the wrong person, Neil.

But I think it's tempting to confuse need with love.

I wasn't confused.

You loved Jason, didn't you? What, you think I'm not capable? Shit, shit, shit.

You were wrong? You were right? Fragments of the skull have punctured the middle meningeal artery causing a haematoma to form behind the depressed fracture.

Sounless I can release the blood clot, the pressure on his brain is going to k*ll him.

Have you got anything? For what? Making a hole in his skull.

Yeah, really.

Anything? OK, good.

Sit there.

I want you tohold his head.

Very firmly, carefully.

Because I don't want his brain on my shoe.


Have you done this before? A while ago.

The last guy didn't make it, did he? You just hold onto him, OK? OK.


Well? Is he going to make it? I don't know.

How are we fixed, Kant? 'Still in position at the Lyell Building, Ma'am.

'Awaiting your command.

' Evacuate all personnel and casualties from the campus.

Yes, ma'am.

Yes, ma'am.

That's right, get them all out.

Nobody should see what's going to happen here.

You k*lled all those people because Jason turned you down? They died because that's what I wanted.

I wanted them dead, and now they are.

Congratulations, Neil.

I thought you said you were hungry.

There's food in that bag.

I forgot.

It was a special tea for my mum.

Today didn't turn out quite the way I expected.

The 20th of October.

Your big day.

How did you know? Hey it makes me a Libra, doesn't it? It's your birthday? And all this is your gift to the world? No, stupid.

This is my birthday surprise.

Extradural haematoma.

The procedure was more RSPCA than RCS.

Can I go with him? I'm his mother.


Come on, love.

Thank you.

No, no, Scott asked me to stay with him, so But you did, didn't you? You OK? You know he didn't do it? I thought we didn't care either way.

All the best.

See you.

'Video feed coming through now, ma'am.

' 'By now, you'll know the details.

'You'll know how many.

You might even know how.

'You'll know the names, but you won't know why.

'You'll want to know that this could never happen again' Jennifer, do you know where Leo is? 'But you still won't know why.

'You don't understand.

'You're not capable.

'So I had to make it loud enough for you to hear.

'You're listening now though, aren't you? You see, even now 'you don't know how big this is going to be, how far it reaches.

'The effective range of this action.

'You don't realise I'm not even talking to you.

'And why would I.

'Are you going to try and write it off? 'He was a loner, a depressive, 'a sad little psycho, same old shit, but it keeps happening, don't it? 'You don't know how to make it stop.

'Because I am the light and you are the shadows.

' So you didn't know it was going to happen? You thought you were going home to have dinner with your mum.

Your birthday dinner and you didn't know? So what is it? What did you get me? Oh, my! Can I touch it? God.

It's heavy.

I thought you were joking.

You told me it'd be something special.

This isn't even it.

What did you have in mind, Mr Weston? That depends.

Who would you most like to scare the living shit out of? THEY LAUGH Claire? What do you want? I just wanted to talk to you.

We sort of got off on the wrong foot.

Give him a chance, Claire.

Life's too short not to get on.

I've got something for you.

I keep it in my pants.

Oh, for God's sake HE LAUGHS Why can't you take a hint, just piss off and leave me and Jase alone.

I thought you were going to talk some sense into him, Scott? Stop it.

Tell him, Scott.

It's heavy.

It's real.

Do you want to hold my piece? Look, come on, Neil, I think you're scaring her.

Do you think so? I'm sure she's had a bigger one than this.

Haven't you, Clairey? Thank you for showing me your big piece, Neil.

Now I've got to go.

Now that's what I call a birthday surprise! 'This will matter.

'Are you getting this? 'You see even now, you haven't a clue, have you?' You still don't know how big this is going to be.

Harry? 'Shhh.

' It's coming.

Were we watching the same thing in there? Scott Weston did this.

Not the other boy.

So why is Neil Corrigan pointing the m*rder w*apon at one of your colleagues? Nobody saw more than one gunman.

One gunman, one video.

Two g*ns.

They did it together.

Unfortunately, Neil chickened out of the su1c1de pact.

So now you're going to do it for him? 'What have you done, man?' I did what you wanted me to do.

You always wanted her on the list.

Jason wouldn't let you.

What? No.

I was, I was joking, having a laugh.

If I'd told you, it would have ruined the surprise.

Claire? Claire? She was a moron, Neil.

This is real! No, it isn't.

She's not real.

None of them are real.

LookI'll show you how it works.

They're just shadows.

Come on.

You've no idea how good this feels.

What's going on, Scott? Nothing, Matty.

Change your world, Neil.

Yes, we can! DISTANT SCREAMING g*nshots SCREAMING We have to stop this, Neil.

Tell them, it wasn't you.

It was me.

Haven't you been listening? You just said that Scott No, Scott told the truth.


It's me.

I'm the liar.

I'm the one who hides.


Come on, man, I'm tired.

We got them, Neil.

At least ten of them.

You should have seen them all running around.

Banging into each other.

Trying to hide like I couldn't see them, under tables, behind sofas.

Shit, man, they were even hiding behind each other.




They're all gone now.

I'll be out.

Just give me a minute.

Come on, man.

It's boring out here.


Happy birthday.

PHONE BEEPS Who you calling, man? BANGING Neil! Who are you calling, Neil? Are you calling the police? No.


I wouldn't do that.

What have you done to him? No, not Jason! Look at you.

You're pathetic.

Didn't you say the other night that you hated him? What are you talking about? Yeah? You k*lled him, didn't you? I didn't have to.

He did it all himself.

Why are you crying? Jason's dead! Did he not tell you he was going to do it? You know, cut his wrists.

Why did he do that, do you think? I've no idea No, no, no, I mean, why his wrists? When anyone knows if you really want to die, you cut that big artery in your arm? I saw him two days ago, we went shopping for your party.

It wasn't for my party.

It was for your surprise.

He knew about this? Yeah.

Course he did.

He was all up for it then But when it came down to it, he was just like you.

A shadowof a man.

DISTANT GROANING Can you hear them? It's cruel, isn't it? I should put them out of their misery.

Do you mind? It's just the MAC
-10 nearly out of mags and you don't look like you know what to do with it.

Ow! I never asked you to do any of this.

What? You were always banging on about sticking them up against a wall.

Tell me the truth.

Is Jason dead? I do all this for you, and all you can talk about is him? I'm feeling a little bit dissed.

What is it, Neil, don't you fancy me as much as you fancy Jason? It's pathetic.

It's not.

No, not that, not your sad little q*eer thing.

The pathetic bit is that you never had the balls to tell him.

Maybe if he'd known, he might not have topped himself.

I mean, if you felt love, you wouldn't k*ll yourself, would you? Not if someone told you they loved you.

But you don't feel anything strong enough, do you? You don't hate enough to do what you want to do.

You don't love enough to do anything about it.

I'm not you, Scott.

I'm not strong enough.

You've always wanted to be me.

You copy everything I do.

You even dress like me.

I always took it as a compliment.

My little shadow.

Do you like fireworks? You always used to.

Come on they'll think it was both of us, that we did this together.

They'll think you're as strong as I am.

You know what 'You didn't do this, Neil.

' You didn't do it.

You stopped it.


Yes, and look at it this way.

You saved a lot of people.

You think that's why I shot him, to save you lot? I did it because I wanted him to stop talking.

I don't believe that.

I was going to tell Jason how I felt.

I had to write it down, cos I knew I'd mess it up.

I was going to tell him that night.

Jason and me in the car driving round every corner shop in West London trying to find those bloody glow sticks for Scott's party.

Took us half the night, just Jason and me freezing our arses off in his crappy car, cruising laughing, shivering, the whole car glowing bright green with those stupid things.

Neil, listen to me.

Oh, shut up! Don't you think I know? Know what? That cut.

The one on Jason's arm.

The big artery in your elbow.

Scott did that to him.

Jason didn't want to die.

Please, Scott, don't do it You think I need your poxy little list? You never had much imagination, did you, Jason? Neil.

He didn't want this.

Neil, listen to me.

This isn't over.

I think I know what Scott was planning.

How many of these glow sticks did you buy? I don't know, boxes of them.

Who gives a shit? Scott did.

I think this is part of it.

Jason had buccal nitrate on his skin.

We thought he'd come into contact with it at the dry

It becomes highly expl*sive when you mix it with hydrogen bisulphate.

That's what these things are made of.

That's why Scott made you buy them.

You said that he was talking about fireworks.

I think Jason must have realised.

This wasn't for you, Neil.

This wasn't about settling scores.

It wasn't even about the sh**ting.

The whole campus is full of people, parents and students, police, medics Do you understand what I'm saying? This isn't about you and me anymore.

We've got to warn them.

There are hundreds of people out there.

I saw them, Nikki.

All those people dead.

I could have, I could have helped them.

And now I don't know what to do.

Just tell me what to do.

You know what to do, Neil.

Neil! Neil? Dr Alexander, are you all right? You need to get everyone off the campus.

NOW! Stay with me.

'You don't understand.

'You're not capable, 'so I had to make it loud enough for you to hear.

'You're listening now though, aren't you? 'You see, even now you don't know how big 'this is going to be.

'How far it reaches, the effective range of this action.

'Because I am the light '.


and you are the shadows.

'Pop, pop, pop.

' Oh, Jesus.

It was a joke.

It was a really bad joke.

I thought he knew that, Mum.

I see them.

I see them every time I close my eyes.

Those people he k*lled.

I tried to stop him.

I tried.

But he just He shot me.

He was my friend.


I'm sorry.

There you go.

Nikki? Coffee's on the Home Office.

It can't be good news.

Bad news? Fire the girl.

Last in, first out.


Actually, there is something to do with me.

You're not thinking of retiring? No! How old do you think I am? No, Janet and I have decided to try for a baby.

That's fantastic, Leo! Thank you.

How do you feel about that? I feel like I'm beginning when I thought I was ending.

I feel very lucky, I mean, you know, after everything that's happened, to me, to all of us, and to have Janet, and both of you, well, hmm I've got to go.

Oh, what? He's happy.

He deserves to be happy.

Don't I deserve to be happy? Not really, no.

People who stand under bombs deserve everything they get.

That's lovely.

When I was looking at that thing I really thought that was it.

Part of me was a little bit relieved.

There's so much I do want out of life, but half the time I've no idea how to get it.

You don't get off the hook that easily.

It's almost enough to make you believe in a higher power.

Or human nature.

Have you not read the expl*sives report? No.

You were right about the two chemicals.

-hm? But something had been added to the mixture to stop them detonating.

What? No.

Tell me.

No, you're not ready.

Tell me.



The sugar they found on Jason.

He diluted the mixture.

And sabotaged the bombs.

I think Jason wanted to stand up to Scott but, erScott could be pretty persuasive, as we know.

And he's still trying to pin it on the two dead boys.

God, they would probably never have done anything more serious than 40 in a 30mph limit.

They just wanted someone to believe in.

Who you meet, isn't it? Who you collide with.

You try and steer clear.

How's that working out for you? You still don't realise I'm not even talking to you.

And why would I? You're going to try and write it off.

"He was a loner.

"A depressive.

A sad little psycho.

" The same old shit.

But it keeps happening, doesn't it? And you don't know how to make it stop.

It was a terminus.

That's where things begin and end.

They either worked for us, or they got a shovel in the back of the head.

It was a w*r.

We found six.

Six? Bodies in the grave.

You told Anton there would be five.

You think she's been tortured? Either that, or someone's mistaken her body for a chopping board.

The problem is, she came into the country on a South African passport, yet claims to be from Zimbabwe.

Things happen to little girls in South Africa.

Harbourmaster got a call about two hours ago.

Skipper of the trawler said he saw arms and legs among the fishes.

I've made a call to a friend of mine.

What do you mean? She takes young girls like you and helps them.

LAUGHTER Girls, to your room.

Go, come on.

I come to die.

SHE SCREAMS Welcome, little one.
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