13x09 - Home 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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13x09 - Home 1

Post by bunniefuu »

'Zoe Barnes to pick up Professor Dalton at third floor security.

'Zoe Barnes to pick up Professor Dalton at 3rd floor security.

' Hello again.

Thanks for this, Professor.

I'm still concerned about examining a female.

I did try Dr Alexander.

Yes, well, she's busy digging holes in Cape Town.

Nice work if you can get it.

Her previous solicitor was a bit of a bully, he got nothing out of her.

Is that why the Home Office turned her down? You can see she's been through hell and back.

You think she's been tortured? Well, I do.

But I still need a pathologist to prove it by examining her scars.

Good morning, Kudzai.

This is Professor Dalton.

He has come to examine you.


You can call me Leo, if you'd prefer? I've told the professor all about your family in Harare.

Your father was a doctor? He told the police that he would no longer treat patients who had been tortured only to be tortured again.

He was a brave man, your father.

I was in Zambia last year with some colleagues, we went to visit the falls, at Livingstone.

Have you seen them? And we looked across them and we could see Zimbabwe.

Your home.

So who did that to your hands? As I remember, supporters of Mugabe salute with a clenched fist and those for the opposition with a flat hand, am I right? Is that why they cut your hands? Leo's here to help you, Kudzai.

He's on your side.

He helped a young man from Zimbabwe a few weeks ago, he helped him to stay in England.

Can you help me? I will do everything that I can.

The problem is she came into the country on a South African passport, yet claims to be from Zimbabwe.

Home Office? They've decided to believe that the passport doesn't lie, and want to send her back.

But she's clearly been tortured.

Nikki, Charles Matuzas is here.


This way.

Nikki, Dr Alexander will obviously have to do more tests, sample DNA, dental records and the like.

But if you look there, b*llet holes through the back and front.

g*nshots And here, remember when I spoke to Brackenfell, he talked about hitting a number of men with a shovel.

That is where those bones have rubbed away.

Sheesh! You know, it defies humanity.

What these men had to endure.

And for what? Thank you, Dr Alexander.

We have waited many, many years for this moment.

Anton, he himself was from Khayelitsha, the Kensington Youth Club.

These men were his friends.

There's another one.

g*nsh*t What? I thought there were only meant to be five.

These details of so
-called "t*rture" were barely mentioned in the original statement.

I didn't write the original statement.

That's not my point.

Well, the evidence suggests We know what it suggests, Professor, but what can it prove? This young woman was beaten and tortured.

Can you tell me who by? Who's to say this didn't happen within her own family? No, her family were also beaten and tortured.

Her father was m*rder*d.

You claim this woman is from Zimbabwe.

You also claim that her father, a prominent member of a party opposing President Mugabe, has been k*lled.

If this is indeed the case, surely the threat to Kudzai and the rest of her family is over.

Once again, we are faced with an illegal immigrant who is simply prepared to say In other words, she's making it up? Women like Kudzai are often very ashamed about what has happened to them.

I understand that.

Sometimes they are in shock.

In denial.

Now, now.

People also change their stories, Professor.

This report is not something that Kudzai made up.

She was ashamed and embarrassed and very reluctant to share anything with a white, middle
-aged man that she only met ten minutes earlier.

Maybe we should stop.

Finding bodies, you mean? We'll need to ask Sara if we can use the university.

We're not informing the police? We need positive IDs before we can Hang on, this is a crime scene.

If we tell anyone before we know who they are, there's a good chance it'll all be a waste of time.

Bodies will go missing, people will dispute our findings.

Anton The identities I've been doing this for so long.

Half your life.

I left The Scorpions so I could do this.

I am not going to let anyone just Anton, I get it.

This is your investigation.

You're the one who's in charge here.

I'm just doing my job.

Kiss me.

That was really good.

I promised myself I wouldn't get angry.

You told them what they needed to hear.

What I needed to say, more like.

Kadzai's very lucky to have you on her side.

Only if she doesn't get deported.

Dagmoor was a terminus.

A place where things begin and end.

We found the five bodies Where leading ANC and PAC activists were turned.

And once they are turned, there's no going back.

Captain Brackenfell, the thing about In my own time, buddy.

So yeah, they come to Dagmoor and they either worked for us or they got a shovel in the back of the head.

You told Anton where we could find the five bodies.

The Kensington Five? Yeah.

You found them where I said, ya? I remember those boys coming to the terminus.


No, no, they wouldn't be turned.

You know? I admired them for that.

You still shot them in the back of the head, battered their skulls with a shovel.

This was w*r.

I shouldn't be here, lady.

I was paid by the Nationalist government to fight its dirty, bloody w*r.

We found six.

Six? Bodies.

In the grave.

You told Anton there would be five.

Well, you know, lady, with me you always get more than you bargained for.

Do you know who he was? No.

Does it matter? I mean, there were hundreds, thousands.

Each one matters, I think.

Why is he helping you? To be in the sun once more.

What, to get time off his sentence? But surely they're more likely to keep him inside for longer, aren't they? He's dying.

He's got cancer of the oesophagus.

He's got six months max.

His last hoorah before his insides eat him up.

I would therefore like to welcome you all to Cape Town and this conference which I hope will be a good opportunity for us to sunbathe and drink plenty of cocktails.

FAINT LAUGHTER Did I say that? I hope we can share views and opinions and find new ways of working together.

Let's face it, it's also a real opportunity to bitch about people far more successful than we are.


Hey! Hi! There was a rumour you were going to meet me at the airport.

Sorry, it's been hectic.

I'll explain later.

This is Anton.

You're the reason I've done so much overtime.

How you doing? Harry Cunningham.

Well, I've heard a great deal about you, Doctor.

Probably all true, unfortunately.

Is Leo at the hotel? No, he's got himself embroiled in another asylum mess.

He's not coming? He's coming, changed his flight, I just don't know when.

Hey, you've been stealing my girl away from me, huh? Well, she's brilliant.

That she is.

What do you expect? I taught her all I know.

You look great.

How are the girls? Well, getting older and more expensive.

Have you met Sihle and Nolitha? No.

They are the most beautiful girls.

Just like their mum.

May she rest in peace.

Anyway, where the hell have you been? We were supposed to be hooking up.

The investigation has just been crazy.

How's it all going? Well, we need to ask you something.

So, who exactly is paying for all of this? My company.

I know that, Anton.

But who is signing the cheques? Charles Matuzas, is it? This investigation, these bodies you've found? Sara, we simply need to identify To have carried out this investigation, to have invested so heavily already, time, money, people, you must have a very clear idea as to who it is that you've found, eh? So would you rather we went elsewhere? As a matter of fact I would, if you've broken the law.

We have all the relevant papers.

How many bodies? No, actually don't tell me.

Five young men? k*lled You know who they are? The whole of South Africa knows who they are, Nikki, darling.

The half
-life of C14 is roughly 5,000 years.

Which means it's more suited to archaeological What was all that about? In 1985, five young men, leading activists in the Khayelitsha township, were picked up by the security forces and never seen again.

Until Dr Alexander rode into town.

Anton used to be a Scorpion.

But now he's cured? MUFFLED LAUGHTER (Sorry.

) The Scorpions were an elite unit set up by the present government to deal with organised crime and corruption.

They're in the process of being disbanded.

Anton said that their investigations got too close to certain politicians.

So Anton was investigating this crime cartel and he came across this guy called Captain Brackenfell, who worked for the security forces in the '80s.

Shh! Shh! (Sorry.

) (I'll tell you later.

) Brackenfell had gone to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission looking for amnesty over the deaths of a group of black activists who became known as the Kensington Five, after the youth club they attended.

Now, he wasn't given amnesty so he's serving life.

But he tells Anton he knows where the Kensington boys were buried.

Anton's meant to be investigating organised crime, not unsolved apartheid murders, but he knew these boys, grew up with them, so he decides to leave the Scorpions and, with the help of Charles Matuzas Politician? Yeah.



set up his own investigating company and started to search for the Kensington Five.

Sounds like you have been having an interesting time.


Hectic? What? South African.

Back to your roots, is it? Can I have a cup of coffee, please? What do you want? Niks, I'm sorry I introduced you to that man.

If you end up dead, I promise you the best post mortem in the southern hemisphere.

Dr Cunningham, I just got an urgent call from a detective I know down at Hout Bay.

Would you like to come along and see how a real investigation is done? Er, unfortunately I've got my case and I need to book in Are you coming or not? You can ride shotgun.

Told you she was a bully.

I heard that! Did you speak to Niks about this investigation she's doing? A little bit.

Why do you think Anton hired an outsider like Nikki? He needs someone squeaky clean and independent.

She's not such an outsider
- she lived and trained here.

She certainly seems very happy to be back.

And you're not concerned? I clearly should be.

You didn't notice Anton
-Niks, Niks
-Anton I've never seen him look so damn happy.

Yes, well, Nikki can have that effect.

You know, the problem with this country is, the deeper you dig the more you find, yeah? Isn't that good? Some people bury things for a reason, Harry.

And sometimes it's in everyone's interest that it just stays that way, yeah? Detective Sergeant Pieter Lamprecht, Dr Harry Cunningham.

Hi there.

Thought you only worked with women.

Harry's from England.

Ah, same thing.

The harbour master got a call about two hours ago.

The skipper of the trawler said he saw arms and legs amongst the fishes.

Does he know where he was fishing at the time? Rough idea, I guess.

They track them with GPS I think, why? There might be more than one.

And then again there might not be.

Worth a look, don't you think? I'll decide that on the evidence.

So how long's she been in? Four, five days, maybe.

Harry? There's some skin slippage, wrinkling of the skin.


Lucky the sharks didn't take a fancy, though there's been some nibbling.

Yeah, been submerged less than a week I'd say.

Well, at least someone seems to know what they're talking about.

It's difficult to see any sign of hypostasis.

You talking about Pieter or the dead body? It's body fluid settling post

It shows how long and which way the body was lying Yeah, OK, but I'm not that bloody interested.

No sign of eggs or insect activity.

So, what? They k*lled her and dumped her straight in? We'll know more when we've done the PM.

Yeah, yeah.

About as much as the kid is worth.

I'm sorry, Harry, you have to understand not all detectives are like Pieter here.

Some are complete brain
-dead arseholes who drive like rhinos and stink like pigs.

You can bloody talk! Keep your opinions to yourself.

THEY SPEAK AFRIKAANS What weighed her down, do you think? Er, looks like she was tied up, eh? A rope maybe, or a chain.


Hey! Maybe it was the mafia! "You're gonna be swimmin' wit' de fishes!" HE LAUGHS Why was Sara so upset about us using the university? She could be pissed off because we didn't tell her what we we're doing.

She clearly didn't trust Charles Matuzas.

He's both wealthy and a politician.

What's not to trust? Why has he funded you? Like me, he believes the past should be known about and not left buried underground.

But it's going to help him politically? When I was investigating Brackenfell he told me the five men were picked up because the security forces had been tipped off.

We're talking 25 years ago.

I mean, I don't understand According to Brackenfell, the man who tipped off the security services happens to be a leading member of the ANC.

He's a senior political figure.

Why didn't you tell me any of this? It didn't seem relevant at the time.

I just needed someone to locate and identify the bodies.

And now I have.

I didn't know I was going to fall in love with you.

I just I know, I should have told you everything.

You told me this was all about justice! It is.

For me it is.

Nothing about Charles' political ambitions(!) Nikki, Nikki, I was there.

I was born and brought up in Khayelitsha.

Kensington Youth Club was like a second home to me.

One of those men should have been me.

But I ran.

And I ran and I ran, and I ran and never stopped.

Anton! If you want to stop Anton! What? You're not the only one.

What? Who has fallen Ladies and gentlemen, all the way from London, England And? .


please welcome Dr Nikki Alexander.

APPLAUSE This is not what I thought We do about 20
-30 post mortems a day.

-30? Yeah.

Obviously we get interrupted by court case hearings, visits to crime scenes and other social events.

Ah, this is Anil, Danika, Maggie.

This is Dr Cunningham from the UK.

How many murders do you see? Here? Yeah.

Six this morning, plus the girl from Hout Bay.

Seven in a day?! Mmm.

More on a Monday, after the weekend.

That's over 2,000 a year.

Oh, it gets much busier.

Where Nikki and I used to work, it's shit crazy.

So you're saying in this place alone, you deal with more murders in a couple of months than we do in a year in the whole of the UK.


18,000 nationwide.

Now you know why there's so many of us over there.

A lot of our clients are g*ng members.

Ah, shit, we're not going to be able to look at the Hout Bay girl today.

We only cut in the mornings.

There's only so many bodies one can stuff into one's cranium.

Shall we eat something? Five minutes, everyone.

Harry? DOOR OPENS I'm sorry, Kudzai.

Are you cooking tonight? Maybe.

Everybody, this is Harry.

he's from England.

This is George, my ex.

This is Zureta, my eldest.


That's Lauren, George's new girlfriend, that's Danika
- you met her earlier.

Yeah, how you doing? And of course you know this gorgeous hunk of man right over here.

All right, bud? You still smell of fish.

The kids will tell you who they are There's no food.

Of course there's food! Will you be a darling and clean out your room? No.

Please? Harry needs somewhere to sleep tonight.

No way! Sara, no, I didn't know I was staying.

It's fine.

Callum! That's what most of us said the first time we got here.

I didn't realise you and Sara Yeah, sometimes even I don't believe it.

G&T, old boy? Yeah.

Any news on the girl? Well Are you singing or playing? Eram I? It's Tuesday night.

We put our names in the hat and whoever gets chosen has to sing for their supper.

I can't sing.

I don't sing.

I'll put you down for playing then.

Make it a large one.

And nowtake the coin, please.

Take the coin, please.

D! Where's the coin gone? Did you take that coin? Who took my coin? Please give it back.

It's the only one I've got.

Did you take it? Did you Did you take it? I can see it! LAUGHTER AND APPLAUSE Thank you.

Now I shall make this disappear.

LAUGHTER They've deported her.

How could they do that? Where is she now? Well, that's why I'm calling.

She was put on a plane late yesterday.

What, back to Cape Town? 'Yeah.

Isn't that where you are?' Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm here for a conference.

Well, I've spoken to South African immigration.

They believe she'll have been taken by the police.

And what exactly are you expecting me to do? Before she left, Kudzai told me she was 15.

Why didn't she tell anyone that? They would never have deported her.

They didn't believe her.

Is there any way you could prove that she's only 15? No, you're not listening to me.

That's what I'm saying! Look, just get it done, OK? Look, I want it done now.

That's it.

OK, bye.

Don't you ever sleep? I was justcalling in some favours.

We'll bring the bodies over later this afternoon.

How does it compare to London? It doesn't.

Maybe you should think about staying a while.

No place like home.

I'll be about half an hour.

Yeah? Kudzai, that's her Christian name.

Her lawyer in London said that she would be brought here.

Listen, Mr Dalton.



I examined her in London.

She's applying for asylum.

But obviously IF she is here Where else would she be? Anywhere! IF she is here Professor Dalton? Edwina Chambers, British Consulate.

Ah! You and I have no jurisdiction here.

I am not asking for jurisdiction.

I just want to have a few minutes with her.

She told her solicitor she's Well, according to her passport No, that's a fake.

She bought it from some corrupt immigration official.

Why are you taking such an interest in this young girl? As I explained, I examined her in London and I I'm sure if there's a problem the authorities here can deal with it.

I would like to talk to her.

To reassure her.

Of what, exactly? That we are doing everything we can to help her.

But we're not.

You can't, and I don't have the time.

Do you know how many requests we have to deal with daily? That is not the point.

That is exactly the point.

If you want to crusade on behalf How dare you suggest that I am on some crusade! How dare you come here expecting some special treatment! This young girl, 15
-old, has every right to appeal for political asylum in Britain.

I told her that I'd help her and that is what I intend to do.

Good luck with that.

Sorry, er, can I, can we check the name on this, Marechera? M
-R Kudzai Marechera What are you girls doing? Bring it to me.

It's nothing, mother.

Daya? Cynthia.

Is it really her? But I thought she and Yvonne had gone away with a family, to work.

To your room.

All of you, to your room! And I want to see you ready for work in ten minutes.

Go now, I said! Zali? Oh.


All the girls have seen it, too.

Nyasha and Daya were particularly upset.

That can work to our favour.

Let them be upset, scared.

Things happen to little girls in South Africa.

Make sure that room is cleaned again.

The girls did Just do it again.

We can't stay here.

What can we do? We must leave.

Daya, we have no choice.

But look what happened to Cynthia! She didn't leave.

She was k*lled, same as Yvonne.

They were together in room seven.

Where are we going to go? I have relatives in a township near Monwabisi.

Monwabisi? Why are you so unwilling to help this girl? I'm not unwilling, Professor.

But there are many more like her
- thousands, tens of thousands that would love to hope on a plane and be Kudzai has a right.

So does half the bloody world, but we simply cannot accept them all.

Is that your unbiased opinion or are you speaking on behalf of the British Government? This girl has been deprted.

She is 15.

Not according to her papers.

Kudzai I am SO sorry for what has happened.

And I'm ashamed .


at the way that my country has treated you.

But you should have told us your age.

For all its faults, the Home Office wouldn't deport a child.

Will they send me back to Harare? Almost certainly.

They will k*ll me if I go back.

If you'd gone to London from Harare in the first place How was I supposed to leave Zimbabwe legally? My father told me to go to Cape Town.

He had a friend who helped me go to England.

He told me England was safe.

He told me England would protect me.

Well, I am going to try and get you an X

That should help ascertain your age, and then we can get you back on a plane to London.

In the meantime, if there's anything you need .


I want you to give me a call.

God, they still wear the same uniform.

Hmm? My old school, St Bernadettes.

That shop
- when I was nine I was allowed to go down to it, to get some sweets.

And then one day, I went there with a friend and we got chatting and we went back to her house.

Suddenly the police were called.

My mum called my dad and he came racing round and he held me so tight.

I can't wait to see our old house again.

I didn't think you wanted to go back.

I didn't .


but I do now.

Turn left.

We remember your mother selling us this house.

Really? Oh, yes! And you, so funny and bright and off to England.

Can I offer you both some coffee, or tea or somethingstronger? Coffee, yes, that would be really nice.

Thank you.

Tando, won't you just help me get some coffee, please? 'Er, three coffees' Would you mind if I, um? 'Oh, no, not at all, you know where it is.

' CHILD'S VOICE ECHOES LITTLE GIRL: "And to his surprise" "And to his S
-s" "Surprise.

" "S

" "Thisischocolate.

" TOGETHER: "This is choc

" "Chocchoc

" That's really good.

You must go to bed now, Nikki.

It's not even 8 o'clock yet.

Didn't you find Albert yet? Mm

You remember when I didn't come home and everybody thought I was kidnapped or dead, and all I was doing was playing with Elsa? Albert is not.

He still might come home.

Have you prayed? My son may have left me, but not God's son.

He is always with me.

I have to go away.

When? Will you write to me? Won't I see you again? Oh, Nikki 'Nikki? 'Mrs Collins has made us coffee.

' I saw more of Martha than I did of my parents.

The first ten years of my life, she was .



Then I went to England, I was so keen, so desperate to fit in at my school with my new friends.

My voice, my hair.

My past I never even wrote Martha a postcard.

How could I have done that? I thought you only cut in the mornings.

When the bodies stop coming in I'll stop cutting, but I don't see that happening any time soon do you, eh? You don't see it, you know.

You don't see it until somebody else comes along, and suddenly you see it like they see it and you think, "What the hell's happening with this country? "What are we doing to one another?" Apartheid's really screwed us all up, you know.

Black, white, coloured, blue, green A whole nation abused and afraid.

We thought there was going to be a bloodbath but .


we had the miracle of Mandela, you know? This moment of hope.

This Now look at us, bloodbath by stealth, eh? Thanks.

I try not to cut in the afternoons, but Pieter asked me nicely.

And I've got you to help me.

Is that electrical? Cattle prod.

Some of these girls from Zimbabwe have been through all kinds of shit and then they come here and make it our shit.

Looks like she suffered from eczema.

I told you, the bruising may suggest signs of recent sexual activity.

May suggest? Was it forced? SCREAMING 'You saw the superficial tears to the genitalia and anus.

' 'Yeah, but it was forced or not?' Get off! You're hurting her! 'There was no evidence she fought back.

' 'Sex industry, you reckon?' Or maybe she was living with a policeman.

Was he into screwing mermaids? Maybe.

How's it going there, Harry? Any water on the lungs? No, not much.

Probably dead before she was in the sea.

Anything else? Small atrial septal heart defect.

Hole in the heart.

Is that what k*lled her? No, probably wasn't even diagnosed while she was alive.

So what did? SHE GASPS FOR AIR X
-rays? This way.

She was dropped out at sea by a boat leaving Hout Bay.

Why Hout Bay? Don't think she was dropped out of an aeroplane, do you? But just because the trawler came back to Hout Bay We've got to start somewhere.

You've given me bugger all to work with.

You can see why I keep the man a secret.

Besides, where else would you have a boat? Aside from a marina, you mean? No, man.

That would be too bloody obvious.


What's that? Tox report.

Traces of alcohol.

dr*gs, I'll bet.


Terfenadine? Is that still available here? I thought it had been Withdrawn? It was.

Possible antipsychotic.


So she was a loony tunes? We don't know that.

So she did it to herself? A desperate cry for help and there was no
-one there to listen.

Antipsychotics can be used for other purposes.

Anyway, the second tox report will identify the actual drug.

You might do that in UK but here we've got to think about cost
- a second tox report is bloody expensive.

This girl has been m*rder*d, does that? Why would they go to all this trouble? They could have dropped her next to the road, nobody would have cared.

I certainly wouldn't, neither would you.


Pleasure, babe? You've just convinced me.

Of what? Doing a second tox report.

I mean, as you say, why go to all that trouble? The scar on my leg Vila gave it to me playing soccer.

We had such a fight.

Have you seen Nyasha or Daya? Leave what you're doing.

Come, help find them, come.

Quickly, come, go! Go check the gates, quickly! HE SHOUTS IN NATIVE TONGUE Why are you asleep? When people die, they tend to stop eating.


-lived radioactive isotopes accumulate from ingesting food, and when that stops, the isotopes decay at a fixed rate.

So I'm going to measure the lead 2
-10 content of this bone.

Why are you doing this? To ascertain when these men were k*lled.

We know the dates.

I'm confirming them.

When you face the press with this, you'll want data and read

Categoric proof from an independent expert.

So, um, what are you? Says here you're South African.


Yes, what? Yes, madam.

Jesus Are you South African, yes or no? Y

I, I am South Which part? What doesmean? Thisthis part.

Cape Town? All right.

Cape Town you're saying, so tell me a story in Xhosa.

SHE SPEAKS XHOSA You do speak Xhosa, don't you? Zulu? OK I'll make it easy for you because I'm a nice lady.

SHE SINGS NATIONAL ANTHEM OF SOUTH AFRICA Yeah? You can join in when you're ready.

SHE CONTINUES NATIONAL ANTHEM Oh, come on, woman! Stand up.

Let's hear it.

SHE CONTINUES NATIONAL ANTHEM You from Zim? I can smell it.

Please Thursday you'll be on a train to Johannesburg.

My family Then a cattle truck over the border and into Harare.

Please, the Professor had me X
-rayed to prove that I'm 15 and he said I couldn't go back.

What are you talking about? I'mI'm 15.

They said I could stay in London.

They promised me.

Wait here.

I'll be back.

We made it.

Get back down before anyone sees us.


Zali? Mm


I've got someone for you.


I have made a call to a friend of mine and she says she has room to take you in.

What do you mean? She takes in young girls like you and helps them.

She gives them food, a bed and work.

Whywhy are you? You said you were 15, yes? I don't have any money.

My daughter
- she will turn 15 on her next birthday.

It's OK.

I think "thank you" will be enough.

SHE SOBS Yes, I'm sorrythank you.

You must go back to your cell now.

I will come and get you.

But I don't know when.

But you must be ready, yes? And, Kudzai, more importantly, you must swear on the lives of everyone in your family that you will tell no

I swear.

I swear.

On Jesus, I swear.

Thank you.


Just keep looking, yeah? Go deeper, yeah? Excuse me? Hi, you're a lawyer? No, a forensic pathologist.

Then what the hell you doing coming in this way? Follow me.

Who are you here to see? Kudzai Marechera.

She dead, is she? No, no.

She was brought in yesterday.

Deported from the UK.

I thought you said you were a forensic pathologist.

Well, we don't just examine the dead.

Sorry, can I? What's the name again? Marechera, Kudzai.

Are you home now? Yeah, just got a call.

Bad news? No, must just go pick up my girl.




Hi, yeah, it's Leo.

I thought I'd just update you.

I managed to get the authorities to X
-ray her arm.

I don't know until I get hold of them.


It's too soon to say.

As soon as I know anything, I'll give you a ring.



Marechera, Kudzai.


That's the spelling, right? Er, yes.

She came in from London? She must still be with the police.

No, no, no, no.

She went to the hospital to have an X
-ray and then I was told that she was brought here.

She's not on the system so What do you mean? She can't just have disappeared.

Where the hell is she? Hungry? I need to get back.

Of course.

They must miss you.

Have you thought any more about what we said? About staying in South Africa? What if I asked you to stay? Look, sorry I'll see you tomorrow.

I'm hungry.

We'll get something later.

Where from? Someone will help us.

What about money? I have some money.

Where? Adebare gave it to me.

I saw Cynthia and Yvonne in room 7.

A man had k*lled them.

And there was blood No.

I swore I wouldn't tell.

There was money on the floor.

Can we buy some Coca Cola? I want something to drink.

What do they want? GIRLS STRUGGLE Run, Nyasha, run! Run! Adebare.

Wait here now.

We know that during re
-modelling that the bone mass remains constant.

TEXT MESSAGE Bone is turned over as osteoplasty absorption and osteoplasty deposition Second tox report.

Haloperidol? South Africa is awash with dr*gs, illegal and otherwise.

Yeah, but it's a sedative.

Unlikely you'd take it yourself.

You think it could have k*lled her? I've got a friend at Guy's.

I'll call him later.


GIRLS MOAN Girls, to your room.


Come on.

Come, Kudzai.


Welcome, little one.

Thank you Thank you.

The door was locked.

Yeah, to keep you safe.

Who's this? You texted me.

Well, Kudzai texted me.

You've been talking about the Kensington Five.

But there are only five because one day they were rounded up and never seen again.

Including Albert.

Why hasn't he told you any of this? You sent a man an SMS.

He's a doctor.

You need to be honest with me.

Who was the postman? Was he you? Where'd that come from? Must have drifted with the tide.


How old are you, child? I'm 15, sir.

Where's Kudzai? She's safe and taken good care of.

Take these.

They will help you.
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