14x04 - Lost 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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14x04 - Lost 2

Post by bunniefuu »

This programme contains some scenes which some viewers may find upsetting.

Have you ever heard of the Ketamine Killings? 1985
-1986? Karl Bentley? Three girls but there was a fourth girl, Jodie Fisher.

Never found her body.

That was Maynard's investigation? Yeah.

You can't seriously think this is Jodie Fisher? This body was found less than ten miles from her house.

Me and Bill, we got back together.

Three years after Jodie.

He wasn't coping.

I couldn't bear to see him like that.

I never told him about me and you.

Who was that, Mam? They've found a body, Stephen.

He's being verydistant.

We're going to adopt a baby, or at least, I thought we were.

Francis Mynal.

He wasn't just any old friend, he was my best friend.

Metal fillings.

So where does that put her? She's definitely post 1950s.

So she was beaten as well as stabbed? And badly.

Bentley was clinical, polished.

This is a botch job.

SHE SCREAMS Home Office pathologist.

Thank you.


Yes, Balshaw.

You need to get down here ASAP.

Thanks for coming.

No problem.

Kelly Summers.

39 years old.

Worked at the cafe at the end of the road.

I've spoken to the coroner.

She understands why I want you to do the PM.

Right thigh.


I left my mobile number on the counter.

Make sure you get one from this side.


Is this alley lit? Badly.

Probably used it cos it's a short cut to bus stop on Jessop Street.

Dr Dalton.

Professor, now.

Professor, eh? Been a while.

It certainly has.

The body on Bleakston Moor.

DI Hardwick's kept me informed.

Bit of a cock
-up there.

We went on the best information that we had.

Where is she now? In London.

My colleagues are trying to identify her.

She's there.

You're here.

Seems like nothing's where it should be.

I've asked Professor Dalton to do the post mortem.

So I gather.

Can I have a word? Something wrong with our local pathologist? No, not at all.

The victim's been stabbed in the stomach and genitals.

Bruising on the outer thigh.

Looks like she could have been injected.

There's definite parallels with the Bentley killings.

Professor Dalton was in Sheffield.

I thought I'd use him.

You're thinking copycat? Possibly.

After 25 years? Bleakston girl's got you looking for connections.

You're wasting your time.

You go and tell Professor Dalton to go home, pull your head out the '80s and do your job, eh? Mind me asking how you found out about this, Sir? You don't normally attend the scene.

I'm Assistant Chief Constable of the Yorkshire Police.

There's nobody shites I don't know about it.

You've called his father? Of course I've called his bloody father.

But he's presumably having a jolly around some crack dens.

Crack? Crack.



I don't know.

Haven't seen him for 20 years.

What about the mother? Ah, yes, we move to the mother.

The mother and Francis had a monumental fallout.

Broke off all contact.

Niall hasn't seen or heard from her for nearly three years.

Poor boy.

A teenager, for goodness sake.

How will I entertain it? What's it going to eat? Want me to come back with you tonight? Why, Dr Alexander, you surprise me.

Hey, Nikki, there's someone in reception to see you.



How are you today? Embarrassed.


Hoping for an early death.

I'm taking the car.

Right, well, what did she say? Let's just say Maynard isn't the only one who can strong
-arm a coroner.

Sonia? Sonia? Are you freezing me out? Did you call Maynard this morning? Yeah.

Why, Balsh? He asked me to keep him in touch with the Bleakston investigation, so I did.

When this new lass turned up with the syringe bruising, I thought he should know.

Why? Is that a problem? Maynard's covering something.

Bloody hell, Sonia.


Maynard might have a touch of the Boris Karloffs about him, but he's a good copper.

Likes locking up villains.

Likes to get a result.

We had a result back in '86.

He just wants to keep the trophy.

And I just want to find out who k*lled Kelly Summers and the Bleakston girl.

If anything comes up, I need to know that I'm your first phone call.

Thanks, Harry, yeah.

See you in a few hours.

Dr Cunningham has agreed to do the post mortem.

Maynard said Professor Dalton couldn't do the post mortem, but that's all he said.

If there's a link between the two girls, I need to know.

How long before you get this date? Lab's still working on it, why? It may be more important.

A girl's just been k*lled in Sheffield.

And the police think there's a connection? Enough to send her here.

Whatever this girl's dates are, it's not just about ruling her in or out as a Bentley victim, is it? We need to find out who she is, and why nobody missed her.

You tried fingerprints, I suppose? We did think of that, yes.

No joy.

OK, so we're not going to get a great moment of revelation.

Let's start with hair and bone.

Isotope analysis? It will give us an indication of her diet, and an idea of the kind of life she lived.

Sure you don't mind doing this? Course not.

So, there you have it, the last three years of her life.

There's some bruising to the neck.

But no marks to indicate manual strangulation or ligature.

Could have been an arm tightly clamped round the neck from behind.

There is significant bruising concentrated around a small puncture mark on the right thigh of the deceased.

The injection could be intra

It's quite traumatic.

Lots of bruising.

Zak, can we get some bloods sent off.

Full tox on dr*gs, alcohol and medication.

No sign of bruising on the inner thigh.

In fact, there's very little bruising anywhere else, which doesn't suggest a sustained struggle.

So whatever he injected her with, I think it probably worked.

Textbook Bentley.

Any luck with a date on Bleakston girl? Not yet.

They know it's important.

We do have chemical analysis back on the filling, though.

It contains high levels of copper.

They didn't use these types of fillings until the mid 1960s.

No traumatic anogenital injuries.

Though, of course, absence of injuries and semen doesn't exclude sexual contact.

DNA on those, please, Zak.

Two of the girls had bruising to their inner thighs but no internal injuries.

All tested negative for semen.

In the confession, he said he r*ped them.

That was his MO.

He may have wanted to, but there's no evidence that he did.

So, we have an incised wound to the genitalia and three to the lower abdomen.

Am I right in thinking Bentley's victims bled out? Yes.

There's very little blood smear.

No sign of any pink changes to the wound edges.

I don't think these injuries k*lled her.

In fact, I think they were inflicted post

That ties in with what we found at the crime scene.

There was no blood spatter, very little blood at all.

So what k*lled her? Pulmonary oedema.

Have to put the heart under the microscope.

Take a look.

Was Kelly a drug addict? Don't think so.

She was a single mum.

Worked two jobs.

Why? Contraction band necrosis.

It's microscopic damage to the heart muscle fibres, which we usually only see in acute cocaine
-related death.

And that k*lled her? It was an accumulation of fluid on the lungs, which suggests respiratory failure, but yes, probably caused by some form of cardiovascular collapse.

Right, so she had a heart attack, brought on by cocaine? Looks that way.

Have to wait for tox report to be sure.

I wouldn't use cocaine if I wanted to sedate somebody.


Excuse me.

I did text you.

"Gone to Sheffield.

Won't be home tonight.

" I gathered that much from Harry, which was hardly embarrassing at all.

I'm sorry.

So I call you.

Goes straight through to voicemail.

I know, I know.

I leave a message and another message.

I was distracted.

By what? Because I know you, Leo, and this is not how you behave.

What is going on? Nothing's going on.


I got dragged into an investigation and it's difficult.

I needed to focus.

I should've called you to explain, butI'm sorry I didn't.


Sorry to interrupt, but we just got a date on the Bleakston girl.

Great, thanks.

Saved by the bell.

No, it can wait.

I'm sure it can't.

I'm sure it's really, REALLY important.

Just go, Leo.

Actually, we could do with some help.


Damn it, no.

What? Niall has gone.

Gone where? I don't know.

I called him a couple of times this morning and he didn't pick up.

I asked my neighbour to check on him.

She just texted me to say he has gone and his bag has gone.

Francis, I do not know what the hell is going on, but just call me, you selfish bastard! He's probably at a friend's.

Really? As far as I can tell, he doesn't have any.

She died between 1984 and 1987.

And that's certain? Fits the Bentley time frame.

Yeah, but not the MO.

She was buried.

More to the point, Bentley said that it wasn't him.

There's too many similarities.

So if we're thinking Kelly Summers is a copycat victim, what about the Bleakston girl? What if she's a copycat victim, too? The same man k*lled both? Yeah.

Or there's no connection and they are just two m*rder*d lasses.

Kelly Summers gets m*rder*d in Sheffield a week before we dig up Bleakston girl.

Kelly is injected and stabbed.

Bleakston girl is injected and stabbed.

You think that's a coincidence? So Bentley had a copycat back in 1980 whatever.

Kills this poor lass, then takes a 25
-year sabbatical before picking up again? Doesn't make sense.

K*llers k*ll.

And they keep on k*lling till we nick 'em.

'That's not strictly true.

People move house, jobs.

' They get into relationships, have children.

Fundamental life changes can jolt a k*ller out of the pattern that's been imprisoning them.

Then they just take it up again, don't they? Like bloody golf.

It works the other way, too.

Shock events, divorce, bereavement can jolt a k*ller back into old patterns.

If you thought you'd got away with m*rder, someone finding the body could be a shock event.

So Kelly Summers' death may have been caused by us finding Bleakston girl.

We need to crosscheck Bleakston girl's details with the Missing Persons Register.

We've got approximate age, height and time frame for her disappearance.

If you don't like where I'm going with this, you can ask to be reassigned.

It's not a question of liking it.

Just worries me.


Niall, what the hell have you been doing? Where've you been? Hey, just in time for supper.

I didn't think you'd worry.

Dad don't.

I think we've established your father isn't exactly the paragon of parenting.

Harry Sorry Sorry.

I shouldn't have said that.

You just scared me, that's all.

I just went home.


What did you do? Got some clothes.


That's good.

No sign of your dad? What is it, Niall? Come on, you can tell us.

What if he doesn't come back this time? You haven't told Harry about the adoption.


Why not? I don't know.

I'm sorry.

What is it, Leo? Where have you gone? You're up and out before I wake.

Even when we do see each other, you have nothing to say.

I can't live in silence.

You need to talk to me.

Do you want to leave me? No.

God, no.

Then what? I've I've had a lot on at work.

Leo, please be honest! Look, right now, I don't care that you went away, I don't care that you didn't call, or that you didn't tell Harry.

What concerns me is the man I love is clearly upset and won't tell me why.

Leo, please, what is going on? For some time now, I've found myself thinking more and more about Theresa and Cassie.

Missing them, really.

Oh, you could've just told me.

I didn't want to upset you.

You wouldn't.

Going back to Sheffield has been tougher than I expected.

They're such a huge part of my life and I know I have their photos on my desk, stuff like that, but it's such a tiny gesture to something that's long gone.

I don't know how to make them a part of now.

Talk about them.

You used to.

When we first got together, it was like they were part of us.

It's morbid, self


Leo, just talk.

I can help you.

You never knew them.

The life we led, where we lived, the places we visited.

You never knew.

Then show me, take me to Sheffield.


I'm serious.

Take me to Sheffield.

Show me.

Seen this? No.

Kelly Summers is on page five.

Guess who makes the cover.

Did you leak this, Sonia? Of course not.

I'm not the only person involved in this investigation.

With a story like this, the press were always going to find out.

And I'll bet they're thrilled.

Karl Bentley's back on the front page.

It's all going to start again.

Where's Jodie Fisher? Why haven't you found her? Just when we thought we'd fought that battle and won, back he comes like a bad bloody penny! It's possible Bleakston isn't one of Bentley's.

And what if he didn't k*ll Jodie Fisher? I was sat opposite him when he confessed.

Sarah, Angela, Paula, Jodie.

He wanted rid of all those names.

He wanted rid of all the shite.

He was cleansing himself in front of me.

I was there.

OK, but what if Kelly was k*lled by the same man who k*lled Bleakston girl? What if this man k*lled Jodie as well, and that's why Bentley can't say where her body is? Kelly Summers died, tragically, but she is not connected.

You were on the right path, Sonia.

Don't go wandering off, eh? It's me.

CREAKING Thanks for coming.

Sally's made up the spare bed.

Were you going out? Just the pub.

Didn't touch you, did he? No.

Big turnout.

Don't balls it up.

Right, ladies and gents, let's get started, shall we? Yorkshire Police can confirm that Kelly Summers was m*rder*d the night before last in the city centre.

Kelly worked at the Red Shift Cafe on Spelt Street.

The cafe closed at nine.

Kelly locked up at approximately 9.


Kelly was att*cked shortly thereafter.

Investigations are ongoing, but we are appealing to members of the public who may have been in the Red Shift Cafe on the night in question, anyone who saw her leaving, or anyone who witnessed anything suspicious at all, to contact us on the Crimestoppers number.

Thank you.

What about the girl you found on Bleakston Moor? As you know, just over a week ago, a body was discovered buried on Bleakston Moor.

We're in the process of trying to establish her identity.

Have you ruled out the possibility that it's Jodie Fisher? Yes, we have.

Beyond all doubt? Beyond all doubt.

You can't rule out the possibility that it's another Bentley m*rder? No.

We can't.

This one? Our room was at the back, a view of the park.

Cassie's was that room there.

I left the curtains when I sold.

They must have changed them.

Thank you for coming.

Leo, if we're successful, if they let us adopt, we can bring the child here.

You can tell them what you've just told me.

Cassie, Theresa
- you can keep them alive.


Be honest.

That's what you said to me at the house.

I know how much you want this baby.

Me? Thought WE wanted it.

I never did.

And I'm so sorry.

But I had a baby.

She was born in the hospital round the corner and she lived in this house .


and she died less than a mile away.

You're everything I could possibly want.

Hair isotopes indicate that six months before she died, Bleakston girl's nutritional intake fell off a cliff.

Something happened to her, something that fundamentally changed her nutritional intake for the worse.

She moved to Scotland? Maybe her circumstances changed.

Maybe that change led to her m*rder? Maybe she split up with her boyfriend, got depressed, went on a sudden crash diet.

So what do you want me to do? Give up on her? Of course not.

So we try the next thing and the next.

Whittling away layer after layer, refining and narrowing, until eventually we find her.

We find out who she was.

Have you seen her fingernails? Go on.

On her left hand the nails are clipped short.

On her right, they are kept longer.

She might have played guitar.

You may be right.

You see? Whittling away.

Nikki! Swot.

What is it? Kelly Summers' toxicology.

Interesting twist.


Fancy a cream horn, love? Thanks for this.

I can never make these out.

Kelly Summers was injected with Ketamine.

But it was street Ketamine, cut with significant amounts of cocaine.

That's normal, isn't it? Street stuff's cut with all sorts of crap.

Bentley's victims were injected with pure Ketamine.

All right, so we've got a copycat? Not exactly.

Why use street dr*gs, why not the pure stuff? If you're going to copy, copy perfectly.

Angela Flock Sarah Masters Paula Wilson.

Maynard said Bentley was washing himself clean when he confessed.

So why hold back on Jodie Fisher? Why not just give up the body? Because he's an evil bastard.

Or because he doesn't know where the body was disposed of.

Right, so how'd you k*ll somebody and not know where the body is? If someone else got rid of her for you.

What if Bentley worked with someone? So Bentley's got an accomplice? An accomplice, a partner Whatever.

The point is it looks like they're back in action.

We know Bentley was involved in the first four murders.

He knew all the details.

He had the access to pure Ketamine, he had the knowledge to dose.

Without him, his partner tries to replicate, he uses street dr*gs.

We know Bleakston girl was injected, but she fought back because the Ketamine didn't work.

Maybe that was street Ketamine.

Maybe whoever k*lled her messed up on that one, too.

Accomplice or not, when it comes to the actual killings, they worked alone.

The man who k*lled the girls in the 1980s and the man who k*lled Kelly Summers, they do have a very similar MO, but I think they almost certainly worked alone.

With all the victims there was sexual interference, yes? The underwear was ripped or removed in every case.

Bruising to the thighs, no internal injuries.

This is a sex crime.

But it's not about the woman.

It's about the man.

This man hates himself.

For him, the attack is a personal, intimate expression of his self

Anger turned outwards.

You should also consider the possibility that he's impotent.

HE CHOKES He's desperate to assert his masculinity through a sexual attack, but he needs time.

So he injects his victim, then tries to have sex with her.

He succeeds, he fails.

I think he fails quite a lot.

The stabbing to the abdomen, the genitals He's frustrated, he's lashing out Leaves them to bleed, doesn't even have the courage to finish them off.

Doesn't need to.

Because this isn't about the k*lling.

It's about the sex.

This This is one man.

So if we believe that there's a link between the 1980s murders and Kelly Summers If we believe that these were perpetrated by one man Logic dictates that Karl Bentley could have been innocent of all the murders.

Yeah, well, good luck with that.

Mr Fisher? Get the stuff out.

Mr Fisher? Hello, Mr Fisher? Mr Fisher, can we have a quick word? Ready? Yep.

OK, so now we have some dirty water.

And hopefully we have pollen.

How's that going to help? Different plants produce their pollen at different times of year.

If we can identify them, might give us a clue as to the time of year she died.

But not where? Well, unless she had the foresight to die amidst a rare plant collection.

Kew Gardens, maybe? Who? Russell Tunney.

Music teacher from a village near Glossop.

The letter's dated November, 1986, round the time of Bentley's confession.

Only Tunney can't have known Bentley confessed, because he was sure the police had the wrong man.

Said Bentley couldn't have been motivated to r*pe women, because he was gay.

You are joking? Claimed he'd had a three
-year on
-off romance with Bentley, '79

So how comes no
-one knew about this? Someone buried it.

Right, we best go see Mr Tunney.

Mr Tunney died in 1991.

Assuming Bentley at least provided the Ketamine What if that is all he did? Oh, come on! Someone could have been blackmailing him for it, for example.

Blackmailing him? For being q*eer? In 1986? It's not like he was living in Soho.

He was up here.

Working in a farming community.

All right, all right.

Bentley may have occasionally sought out the company of men, I'll go with you on that, but the rest of it Nah.

We have Kelly Summers and a dead body from the mid

Both of them look like Bentley killings.

Listen, Sonia, love, I've been doing this job for a long time right and you do get the odd nutter putting himself in the frame for summat he didn't do.

But Bentley, he knew too much, far too much.

I'm not saying he wasn't involved.

Right, all right, then, he had an accomplice, great.

But Bentley didn't just confess, did he? He's stuck to the same story, day in, day out, for 25 years.

OK, but let's just imagine he wasn't working alone.

What would drive him to take all the blame and to keep on taking it? Everything I did, I did for love.

What's all this? I hope your dad hasn't done anything daft.

Mrs Fisher? Carol Fisher? Yes? I just want to grab a quick chat about what has been going on in the press recently.

It'll be the 25th anniversary soon.

How do you think the police have handled the case? I think they could've done things better, could have communicated better, could have carried on looking.

SILENCE You think Yorkshire Police let you down? I think they did, yes.

I think they got their conviction, which is what they wanted.

And the fact that my daughter's still missing That doesn't matter to them, not really.

Hello, Mr Fisher.

Bill! Stop it! Dad! Get off him! Get off! Dad! Did you see the footage? If the son hadn't pulled him off I reckon he would've k*lled him.

Who was the arresting officer? I'll find out.

Custody Sarge is on about keeping him in overnight Protect the wife.

He's got a history of knocking her about, hasn't he? Leo? Yes, I know he's got a previous.

Bit of a wild lad in his younger days, by all accounts.

And a wife

What's that got to do with it? Did you ever interview him during the Bentley investigation? Of course I bloody interviewed him! In relation to the murders? Why would I do that? We had a confession, a confession, I might add, that included detailed descriptions of how Bentley carried out those murders.

Details that were not, at that time, in the public domain.

What if he confessed to cover for someone else Someone he loved.

Russell Tunney's letter, Sir.

He was Bentley's lover.

You've seen this before, haven't you, Sir? Bentley gave you a confession on a plate.

No trial, no scrutiny.

Anything that didn't fit, swept right under the carpet.

I've made copies.

Goodnight, Sir.

Thanks for thinking of me.

It's Harry's idea.

He was worried if we stayed in, we'd watch TV again.

No, I was just worried about my colleague doing an all nighter.

Scared stiff.

Last night after you left I was tricked into watching a kind of strange horror, slasher, gorefest thing.

Nearly wet himself.

I think I preferred it when you never spoke.

Something smells good.

Beef in black bean sauce.

Always reminds me of my Granddad.

Really, why's that? He always used to make it for me when I went round there.

Which Granddad? Mynall? You've met him, have you? Of course I've met him.

He died long before you came to live with your dad.

Died? He's not dead.

But he does live in Dundee, which is kind of the same thing.

He'd read the paper.

He was angry.

Doesn't know how to channel it.

Was he often violent? Well, you know that's why I left him, back then.

I don't think he'd hit me now.

He won't get a chance.

Stephen got the worst of it, if truth be known, especially after Jodie disappeared I don't know how you deal with it.

The uncertainty.

In some ways, it's easier now.

For the first seven or eight years after she disappeared, it seemed like they'd find a new lead every week.

So off you go in a new direction, it's like a jolt of electricity.

The adrenalin would kick in and you're flying And then It's not her.

So what, then? So we wait.

How do you get the rhythm back? The one that kept you sane.

How do you live? Still Bill, that's what they used to call him.

You know, like still waters? Nothing going on on the surface, but underneath, it's all going on.

More anger than any man should ever have.

And it all explodedand he would've smashed that man's brain out, there and then, if Steve hadn't stopped him.

And do you know what? Prison I don't think he would have minded, one little bit.

PHONE RINGS Excuse me.


He's a good man.

Yes, he is.

Some couples look right together, like they fit.

Me and Bill, we never did, not even before.

But you and him You fit.

I'm sorry, but we have to leave.

I'll try and speak to DI Hardwick later tonight, see if she can pull some strings, get Bill released first thing.

Appreciate it.

Look after your mother.

It was nice to meet you.

What's the matter? Karl Bentley wants to see me.

Morning, Mr Fisher.

DOOR BUZZES Hello? Wait there.

One night, you said! It's only been two or three.

No, Francis, it has not been two or three
- five! I've been calling you constantly.

I lost my phone, which had your number in it, and I thought you wouldn't mind if What do you mean? Have you any idea how worried I've been? Harry, if it's such a big deal, I'll just take my boy and you won't see me again.


Excuse me? No.

Harry! Harry! Harry, open this door! Harry! BANGING ON DOOR I'm sorry, Niall.

I made him go away, OK? Just until I've had some time to think.

It's not his fault, you know.

You see, he does try, but he never really wanted me, not really.

Can I stay here? The girl found on Bleakston Moor I k*lled her.

Why are you telling me this? I saw her in a nightclub, can't remember which one.

Followed her home.

Waited till she turned off Prince's Street.

r*ped her.

Then I stabbed her in the chest, and I stabbed her, but she wasn't dead, so I hit her over the head with a brick.

When can I go? The custody sergeant is just finishing up the paperwork.

I've always been curious
- how long had you known Karl Bentley for? I can corroborate the injuries, but I don't think you inflicted them.

You see, I think you were telling the truth the first time round.

You didn't k*ll Bleakston Girl, but you knew about the brick, the detail that wasn't in the newspapers.

What did you do? Clear up afterwards? Dispose of the body? Who are you protecting, Karl? Did you consider him a friend? What's this got to do with my as*ault charge? I'm sorry.

You're right.

Yeah, I did.

What kind of friend was he? Don't know.

We'd have a laugh when he came rou He made me laugh.

So you didn't socialise outside of his visits to the farm? Didn't go to the pub or anything like that? No.

Did he have any relationships? Any girlfriends? Never talked about that kind of thing.

What did he talk about? Farm.


Mentioned his mum a few times.

She died a year before .


before I think it's Myrica Gale.

OK, so genus, Myrica.

That's like deciduous shrubs and trees, right? Gale? Not a clue.

If it makes it any easier, I know that you're gay.

I think that you're claiming this m*rder to protect somebody you care about.

A lover, maybe.

Is that what's got you through all these years? Love? Do you think it's possible that he was gay? Course not.

You sound very certain.

You think I'd have anything to do with a q*eer? I put her in the boot of my car.

I drove her to Bleakston Moor.

I buried her.

I can take the police there.

I can show them the spot.

That may be true, but I still don't think you k*lled her.

Why go to all the trouble of burying her? The others were left.

I'm not talking about the others.

What about Jodie Fisher? Did you bury her or was she left? Or perhaps he didn't tell you that.

There was nobody else! Well, prove it to me then! It's easy enough, just tell me where Jodie Fisher's body is.

I've been reviewing the Bentley case, Mr Fisher.

It's interesting that, for the most part, Bentley k*lled women in the city.

But Jodie and the girl found on Bleakston
- they were a break in the pattern.

This Bleakston lass.

You know he k*lled her? Both girls could've been m*rder*d within a couple of miles of your farm.

What you saying? Who are you protecting, Karl? Because whoever he is, he is still k*lling.

Kelly Summers, a mother of two stabbed to death on a Sheffield street.

I think you'd claim her, too, if you could.

You really think that what you're doing is right? Is that it? You think you're being honourable? Finished now.

Tell the police I want to confess.

You didn't k*ll her.

Go now.

They won't believe you.

Yes, they will! Our investigations show Bentley might not have been working alone.

Maybe he was protecting someone
- someone he was having a relationship with.

A boyfriend, perhaps? No
-one like that round our way.

Not now, not then.

You'd be surprised.

He might even be a married man.

I'd have known if Bentley was q*eer.

Different world back in '86, weren't it, Mr Fisher? You'd understand why a rural vet would want to keep something like that hidden.

He r*ped and m*rder*d women.


Bleakston Girl had grains of Myrica Gale pollen in her nose.

Common name's Bog Myrtle, it flowers in May.

The interesting thing about is it only grows in Acidic soil.


Peat? Yep.

Let me have another minute with him.

I owe you an apology.

I was wrong.

I know how you live with yourself in here.

I know how you survive.

To the outside world you're a monster, but the real Karl Bentley? That's something else, something secret.

And when you're all alone in your cell in the dark, I bet you pull that secret out and cling onto it for dear life.

It's not Bleakston Girl.

It's not Jodie Fisher.

It's all of them, isn't it? That's your secret, that's what gets you through.

You never k*lled anyone.

Palynology is a limited forensic tool, but it gives a very accurate picture of a dying person's last breath.

Amongst the last things that Bleakston Girl breathed was pollen from a plant commonly known as Bog Myrtle, grown in peat land.

You drove her out in your car, you pulled her out of the car, you started digging as she lay dying on the ground, breathing her last breaths.

Oh, yes, she was alive.

No, no.

I went to town to save her.

She wasn't breathing.

She was dead.

I was sure she was dead.

People lead secret lives, Mr Fisher.

Not always what they seem.

Who did Karl spend time with? You said you were friends, that he came over to the farm a lot.

I've told you everything I know.

I'll let them know we're done.

Where were you on night Kelly Summers was m*rder*d? I was with my son.

He hated what he was, but I loved him.

I was scared of losing him
- that's why I gave him the Ketamine
- but after the third girl was k*lled, that's when I knew.


I know where he'll be.


Just rang the Fisher house, spoke to the son.

The dad were lying.

They weren't together the night that Kelly Summers were k*lled.

So why would he lie? Chancing his arm, hoping Stephen would cover.

Have we still got him down in the cell? I released him half an hour ago.

Oh, gee.

Came to me asking for more.

I said no.

Turned up again, later that same night.

He was raging, angry, crying.

He said he'd done something stupid.

He didn't know whether she was dead or not.

So, I went to help her.

Those poor girls.

Jodie You knew the family.

Why? Maybe I pushed things too far, too soon.

I should've known better.

I was the older man, after all.

I felt responsible.

Guilt and love, Professor.

'Jodie was suspicious of me and him.

'She followed him to my house after school
- 'saw us kissing.

Confronted Stephen when he got back, 'said she knew what he was.

'Threatened to tell the parents.

' I know what you are.

Bill! I knew there was something wrong with you.

Bill, put the g*n down.

Go on, tell her.

Tell her about you and Bentley.

What are you talking about? Admit it! You're a q*eer! g*nsh*t Admit it! The police say Bentley's q*eer, that he was seeing some fella, some fella he spent a lot of time with.

That were you, weren't it? Don't be so daft.

Stephen I've done bad things, Mam.

I've done really bad things.

Put the g*n down, Bill, please.

I k*lled Jodie, Mam.

It was me.

She was going to tell you that I was with him.

With Bentley.

I hit her.

She fell.

She hit her head.

It was an accident, Mam.

I swear to God, it was an accident.

You've got to believe me.

I loved Jodie, loved her with all my heart.

I never meant to Don't talk to me! Don't even look at me! Where is she, Stephen? Where's your sister? She's here, Mam.

She's always been here.

HE SOBS My little girl.

She's here? HE SOBS Here, you say? HE SOBS Carol? We've found Jodie.

Oh, Bill, come on.

What'll happen to her? If no
-one claims her, she'll be buried.

Somebody will come.

Everybody's got somebody.

You're so lame Granddad! Thought you were coming later.

Managed to get an earlier train.

Ah, come here! I'm not too old for a hug, then, eh? Rachel Prendergast.

I was in care with her.

Year older than me.

She left Rotherham when she turned 16.

What year? 1985
-86? No family? No.

Car accident.

Did you not stay in touch after she moved away? I meant to.

She said she was heading for Sheffield.

Do you know where about? Sleeping rough, I expect.

Yeah, I read the appeal in the Post and I just got this feeling.

Everything made sense.

She always said she'd come and visit, you see.

And I waited and waited and she never.

I always knew something must have happened to stop her.

Can you remember if she played the guitar? Yeah.

Yeah, she was good an' all.

How do you know that? Here's to my glorious bachelor existence.

You know, I completely understand if you decide Leo Let's just go home.

A double su1c1de, a double m*rder, blackmail, then a m*rder, then a su1c1de? There is going to Police review.

Yeah, I was told.

You blamed me.

No, I don't blame you and I didn't say it.

Found inside the Land Rover by three of his men.

They were told there was a cover up.

You really are quite something.

Hang on a second.
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