15x10 - Fear 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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15x10 - Fear 2

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm not going on holiday to find or lose myself.

I'm going to Essex, for God's sake! 'Are you going to see Sean?' That's the girl you asked me about.

They may never know how she died.

Her heart just stopped.

Eve Gilston was a patient for six months, pro bono, and then she didn't show up for a session.

'You thought her death suspicious but you didn't tell me.

Why not?' You've been playing me from the start.

You present yourself as a disinterested party, expert pathologist.

Meanwhile, you've been withholding key information from the investigation.


'My colleagues found injuries on Eve.

' You think I did something to her.

You think I hurt her.

That's the filth in your head! 'Is it in us? Is it in my son?' 'He didn't choose to be blind.

It's not his fault.

' It's nobody's fault, Eve.

Is that right? 'I treated her, now she's dead.

' Your conscience is clear.

No, I didn't say that.

Do you understand what is going to happen here? I do.

I need you to help me.

And it is by your request and consent? Yes.

Do you have any questions for me? What did I do to deserve this?! No! Please! Please, no! Who commands you? Who forced you to come in and speak from a man? John! John! What you doing in there? I've been looking for you.


What you doing? Is that Eve's Bible? It's not a good book, John.

I need it! You don't need it.

Look what it did to Eve.

Please It's not you, is it? It's not Eve.

You can't deceive me, demon! Tell me your name, now attacking this servant of God! It was you! You let them in! You let her die! You don't understand! It's all right, John, I'm here.

All right? I've got you.

I'll protect you.

Why don't you give it to me? You?! No, you won't.

You let them in.

John! This was our safe place, and you've let them in! They'll find me and it'll be your fault! It is an evil commands you.

No! Everything that is sent from Hell, I am a minister of God and this is a creature of God! Name yourself, I say! Name yourself or be gone! No! You didn't know about this? Where were you? Yeah, well, I wasn't You'll have to do better than that.

It's not just me now, it's the police! Police? Well, I know that exorcism's a bit crazy, but I didn't think it was illegal, Leo.

Sean look at this place.

Well, I know, but she didn't die here, did she? It's over.

He's gone.

Relax now, daughter.

Try and rest.

You do not command me! Who are you? Who am I?! Who are you?! We are Legion! Before she was gone Tell me your name! DS Brooks has asked me if it's possible that what happened in this room put the stress on her heart that caused it to stop later on that night.

My heart stopped.

On the operating table, it stopped.

I know.

You told me.

See any bright lights? Not a g*dd*mn thing.

Did she do that? Yeah.

How graciously we cast you out! Every unclean spirit and the diabolical will be sent and by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ! Your soul's redeemed by the one and only Lord! No! No! So, this was her house? And this was her room? Hang on a minute.

What are you doing? There were drawings all over these walls, religious pictures, parables.

They must be They must be Eve's.

Gadarene swine.

In the land of the Gadarene there came unto Jesus a man who was possessed and Jesus told the spirit to leave him, saying, "What is your name?" "My name is Legion, for we are many.

" So he cast the demons into the swine, and then the pigs threw themselves off the cliff.

But the question still remains, who opened that door? It was Eve herself.

She took the key from the The exorcist? She couldn't have
- these doors open from the outside.

I did that.

I couldn't have my patients locking themselves into their rooms.

So Who let Eve out? There was someone else here.

I'm assuming that someone was you, Mr Delaney? So So, what you What, you think this is my work? Well I don't know how the Royal College would cope with that idea.

They would have been all for it up until 1748, but even they have moved on, so what do you think, Leo? as*ault? There wasn't a mark on her.

Her nails had been cut.

Presumably to conceal any damage to them.

The blood's hers.

Look at the place.

No bruises, no internal injuries.

I think the bandages were to protect her hands and feet.

Right, so somebody broke her nails.

That's got to be worth an ASBO at least.

Come on.

Emotional distress You don't get it, do you? If an as*ault occurred here and Eve went home and died, that's not as*ault any more.

Someone caused her death, someone k*lled her
- that's m*rder.

And you're saying this happened in your house but this is the first you know of it? Yeah, well, I must have had the TV up loud.

I checked your diary, you had no appointments or patients.

I wasn't here.

Where were you? In bed.

Oh, Sean! OK.

Exploratory surgery at the Royal Marsden Hospital.

Can you prove that? No, I can't.

I'll leave that up to you.

I'm a bit pushed for time these days.

How did Eve know you wouldn't be here? I don't know! Surely the question is, who was here? Who let Eve out of this room? Stop! You shouldn't be doing that inside.

It'll get right up his nose, will it? It's not his fault
- he needs his smell.

They don't know that I was at work that night.

But they could find out.

Well, if it's on their minds, maybe they will.

I asked you one thing.

If it's too much I don't know why you want them to think that I was here.

Yes, you do.

Tony, nobody thinks that you I love you, you know.

You and John.

What was she like? When she said good night? I don't know.

Good night.

'What are you going with, then?' 'We don't know.

' Don't think I even looked up.

So she never said where she'd been? I said Do you think she knew? Do you think she knew she was going to You knew.

When I came to tell you, you knew.


Five mils, three times a day.

What we, er, heard were acute psychotic episodes, Leo.

If only I'd seen it.

She needed more than talk.

She tricked me.

She wanted to get in this house.

And then she tricked me.

? In the cold ? ? .


coldest of nights ? The fire I light ? To warm my bones I've had enough ? 'I cast you out! 'Unclean spirit along with every satanic power of the enemy.

' 'Get off of me! Get off me!' 'In the name of our Lord' See anything interesting? It's not just bone
-shakers and voodoo.

There's all kinds of stuff out there.

There are 100 exorcisms in the Church of England every year.

That's two a week.

And every Catholic diocese has an officially sanctioned exorcist.

Maybe we're the ones who are out of step, eh? She must have found your hospital appointment letter on your desk.

She took a big risk.

You could have come back.

You still think she had arrhythmia, long QT? I've seen nothing to say she didn't.

Nothing to prove that she did, and nothing in her DNA and nothing in their ECGs, just some granny who may have had a heart attack.

You know, the Catholic Church has three criteria for separating the mentally ill from the demonically possessed.

One, speaking in tongues.

Two, unusual shows of strength.

And three clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance? The day I first met her I wasn't feeling too good, you know? My back was 'I was telling myself I should lay off the drink and 'she reached out and she touched me.

' I'm sorry.

Right there.

She said she was sorry.

Do you know, a couple of weeks later, the oncologist said exactly the same thing.

Oh, yeah.

Eve, it's not there.

What did you do with the Bible? It's not there.


I would have thought the upside of cancer was something a bit more recreational.

I'll have to go back to self

That'll look good on your blood test.

Will you do it for me, Leo? Will you stick the needle in and suck my blood? Think I preferred you when you were at death's door! I do feel different, though.

I mean, even though they didn't get it all, they said I might get another year out of it at least.

I'm going to make a lot of use of that year.

I'm going to go to the gym, I'm going to learn German.

I mean, God is a German, after all.

And I should thank you.

Go on, then.

Thank Eve.

She was the deal.

Leo, pull in.

What is it? I want to light a candle.

That's Eve's church.

There's something I've been meaning to ask.

It's been bugging me all my life.

I mean, my brother's mate, he was a choirboy, so obviously he was abused.

Then there was my mate Brian, he was a top treble and he got it as well, but then I was an altar boy.

I was a pretty good altar boy, as a matter of fact, but not so much as a grope.

So that's the question I'm asking you.

I mean, what was it about me? Did Father Dooley not fancy me, or what? On behalf of the Holy Catholic Church, I wholeheartedly apologise.

Sean! Listen I'm just a Catholic looking for some answers, right? And as I've told you, as I've told DS Brooks, if Eve Gilston did find an exorcist irresponsible enough to perform the rite on a vulnerable young girl, then she didn't find him here.

But she did talk to you? I'm sorry, who are you? I'm Professor Dalton, I'm a A pathologist psychiatrist and a priest walk into a church.

Did Eve tell you, Father, that she wanted an exorcism? Well, we know what Dr Delaney thinks.

That God frightened Eve to death.

What do you think? I think it's possible that her emotional state was a contributing factor.


She came to me.

She was troubled.

What, you mean possessed? She did ask about the rite of liberation.

Liberation? What was she, Occupied France? What did you tell her? Honestly? Yeah.

I told her that she should get a boyfriend.

I told her it was normal to feel conflicted.

To feel out of control.

To fear that we're not masters of our own feelings and actions.

I told her it would pass.

Well, you got that wrong, didn't you? Looks like we both failed her.

So you don't believe in exorcism? Course he does.

Preach the kingdom.

Heal the sick.

Banish the demons.

That's the priest's obligation, isn't it? I think there are some people who've found no cure in psychotherapy who can be helped by exorcism.

Why, because they're possessed? Or at least because they believe that they're possessed.

You treat them within their own belief system.

Like a placebo.

Would that be wrong? If you have promised to attack the source of someone's pain, you do not do that by burying it.

But it's not a placebo.

It's not a trick.

It's the healing power of God in action.

You know that, do you? I know what I've seen.

I've seen people under great stress do things that you wouldn't believe.

Go on.

And I've seen them after they've been liberated from that stress.

I'm not the one who's closed his mind.

You tell me, what was wrong with Eve Gilston? Abuse.

She's suffering from the post
-traumatic effects of childhood abuse.

And that k*lled her? She died of sudden arrhythmic heart failure.

But you don't know why? I believe the exorcism put great stress on her heart.

I also believe she was suffering from an underlying genetic condition known as long QT syndrome.

Though I might never be able to prove it.

But you still believe it? Yeah.

Faith in something you have no proof of.

So, Professor Dalton, science is quite different from religion.

I think I may have found her.

As a Catholic, I'm a believer.

As a psychiatrist, I'm a sceptic.


'I won't perform the rite without first being satisfied 'that this is not the result of mental illness.

' Fiona Landsley.

She doesn't seem crazy.

'I fast.

I prepare myself with prayer.

'You can't face these things, 'these forces, 'without risking something.

' Nikki's trying to find an address a contact, but But what? Do you know what you're doing, Leo? St Margaret's, Peckham.

It's a church hostel.

Will you come in with me? I think she might be less reticent with a woman there.

Why are we going there? Tell the police, they can talk to her.

I will.

I just I need to be sure of something first.

It won't take long.

Excuse me, I'm looking for a Dr Fiona Landsley.

Just through that door.

Thank you.

Fiona? Dr Landsley? Sister Fiona, I'm Sarah Brooks, I'm a police detective.

Er, this way, sir.




'Woman, mid

No sign of struggle or forced entry.

'There's stuff stuck on the wall, pages from the Bible.

' What are you doing? Oh, nothing, just Doesn't seem like anyone else was involved.

There were sleeping pills found on the sideboard, but nothing to suggest she'd taken them.

I'll never live this down! Met'll be straight onto my lot.

"Barfing Brooks.

" Can't stop shaking.

You got here pretty quick.

Thought you was on leave? Oh, I see! Look, I wasn't sure that that it was the right person.

I didn't think.

Yes, you did.

You thought not to tell me.

What, wanted to be sure, did you? Touching faith you have in your friend.

If you'd asked, Sean Delaney left the Royal Marsden at 7pm, just like he said.

So, unless he's got the diabolic power of shape
-shifting, or a helicopter your friend's in the clear.

Doesn't look much like an exorcist, does she? How many do you think she's done? Trained as a psychiatrist, apparently.

Well, you don't expect a shrink to believe in all that shit.

You don't expect a pathologist to believe in God.

Well, no.

Funny, that.

You don't still, do you? I don't like what Leo's doing.

I don't like it for him.

I think he's just trying to understand it.

It's who he is.

What if he can't? What if he can't understand it? She was terrified.

Of something.

She died praying.

"She called me, "and I told her I couldn't help, that I no longer perform that rite, "and that night I woke with a terrible pain.

"And I saw her standing at the foot of my bed ".


and I knew this was Eve Gilston.

"I knew it, "even though I had never met her.

" Body shows signs of decomposition.

There are no breakages in the skin.

There is, however, evident bruising in the left side of the abdominal area, suggestive of external trauma or internal rupture.

Shouldn't you be telling your priest this? I already did.

Or a psychiatrist? I told him, too.

What did he say? He thinks I was abused.

I wasn't.

He thinks it's all a big metaphor for Well, you know what for.

And what do you think this possession means? Why would these forces choose you? I dunno.

I bring bad things to people.

To whom? To people I love.

I was ten when I first felt it.

'I was in my room with John.

'I remember them coming for me.

' They were outside and then they were inside and they hurt me! My hands! And my feet! I couldn't hold my pen for a week! I didn't let them take me to hospital.

I didn't want anyone to know.

I thought it would go away but it didn't.

Do you still think about her? Who? Your daughter.

Did you know it was a girl? Landsley was very young when this happened.

She didn't even mention the the pregnancy in confession! No
-one knew.

And you said that Eve You told me that Eve knew about your your cancer.

Sean? Where was this pain that Landsley described? Er, left
-hand side beneath the heart.

Why? "But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side "and forthwith came there out blood "and water.

" There is extensive internal bleeding in the abdomen.

Bruises to the soft tissue around the spleen.

The splenic artery is intact.

But the spleen itself She must have been hit with significant force.

This level of damage I'd expect to see after a car crash, something like that.

I don't see the mystery.

She died of a ruptured spleen.

You said there was a struggle.

What's A 15
-old girl.

You think Eve could have hit her that hard? She could have fallen awkwardly.

Landed hard on something.

Let's try and look at what's there.

I am looking at what is there.

I am looking at all of it.

In her journals, Fiona Landsley described feeling an acute pain on the left
-hand side of her abdomen two days before she even met Eve Gilston! Did you find any underlying medical conditions that might explain those symptoms? I told you what I found.


Did you find any evidence of a a pregnancy or termination? What has that got to do with anything? The cervical os was damaged, badly scarred.

If it was a termination then it wasn't very skilled.

She would have bled a hell of a lot.

Why? Did she mention it in her journals? Eve Gilston mentioned it.

She told Fiona Landsley the first time she met She even told her that the foetus was a female! Oh, that proves it.

I'm off.

I'm signing up to druid school! I mean, come on! It's just a lucky shot.

Even a fairground fortune
-teller gets it right once in a while.

What has this got to do with what we do?! One unexplained death is unlucky, but two It's not unexplained, you just don't like the explanation.

Fiona Landsley was suffering from a pain that ultimately k*lled her a week before the trauma that caused the pain! I want to be able to explain that.

I want you to be, as well.

Did she record what she had for breakfast? Perhaps the pain was trapped wind.

It's not like I'm making a case for warlocks or witchcraft.

You could have fooled me.

One of us is post
-rationalising here, and I'm not sure which one.

But I've got to get back.

You are back.

Look, Leo, Fiona Landsley died of a ruptured spleen, Eve Gilston a sudden arrhythmic death, possibly as a result of long QT syndrome.


There are things that we don't understand.

What do you do with that, Doctor? We work harder.

Listen, I have long accepted that we don't understand fate.

The human heart until it's sliced and diced between slides under a microscope.

Life's always been a mystery to me.

I'm not expecting it to get any clearer, but death What are we here for, the three of us, if if we don't understand that? Nothing.

Nothing from his DNA and still nothing on his ECG.

He's a perfectly healthy little boy.

His grandmother died at 30 from a heart attack.

Interval's still regular but he's racing.

He's stressed.

Relax, John.

Everything's OK.

What have you found? What can you see? Have you found out what's wrong with me? Why don't we take a break, yeah? I don't want to do this any more.

John, don't No, I don't want you to look at me any more.

II really miss Eve.

Well, she loved you very much.

Dad? Come on, John.

That's desperate, isn't it? What? Afghanistan? Arsenal.

Three in a row, out of Europe.

So why did you call me? That night after our session.

You know, when I How did you know that something was up? Woman's intuition? No, you were too happy.


I've been that way before.

Up and down.

It came in waves.


It bothered me.

You know, I've got a three
-strike rule? Directly after the session, just before dinner and after Newsnight.

I was still worried about it.

It was a feeling.

You know, for three days after you came round in the hospital you refused to believe they were dead.

You told me that you had breakfast with them every morning.

Theresa told me that Cassie was waiting for me.

She told me where to find the pills.

I didn't want to let them down.


You now know that they were hallucinations.

Creations of a temporary psychosis brought on by grief.

You wanted to see your family so you saw them.

And I had a response to your session based on many years of professional experience.

What? You didn't think I was clairvoyant, too, did you? Don't.

You didn't think there was a demon whispering in my ear, did you? Eh?
- John!
- I tried to take him home.

He wanted to come here.

What, so you brought him back? John, where are you going? John? What are you doing here? I'm a guest here.

No, not you.


Oh, sorry, John, that's very rude of me, not to say hello.

Er, my name is Sean.

Er, I knew your sister.

I was trying to help her.

Oh, so you're the doctor.

She told me.

She told me all about you.

Be careful.

Be careful, John.

Some of them were sent away, weren't they? But the others They were too strong.

Er, who were too strong, John? Did Eve tell you about them? Did she tell you about the demons? I mean, you must have been very little.

Leave him alone, Sean.

Do you remember those, John? Do you remember when Eve did those drawings? What is it? 'She was crying.

She was in so much pain.

'She was trying to push them away but they were too strong, 'they were already inside her!' I wanted to help but I was too scared.

She was shaking.

She fell from the bunk.

Did she catch her hands or feet on something? They wanted to hurt her, the things inside her.

They knew what she was.

What she'd done.

What she'd done to me.

No, John, no.

John Who are THEY? The ones that wanted to hurt her.

The The red, the green and the purple ones.

She sees them coming and then there's nothing she can do.

We thought they lived here, but they followed us and they found us again.

What, it happened again at the flat? I think that what Eve experienced was what's called a fit, or a seizure.

It's one of the symptoms of the illness I told you about, long QT syndrome.

And the colours and shapes that she saw are called auras.

It's nothing to do with the devil! It's just something that can happen to the body.

It only needs medicine.

Would medicine help? If you get the right medicine, yeah.

Would it help me? Well, like I said, John, we don't even know that you've got the illness.

Do the same things happen to you that happened to Eve? You don't know what you're talking about.

You've never met them.

I've met them.

They're with me now.

They're in me.

Like they were in Eve.

John, wait! John, what happened to Eve had nothing to do with the devil.

It was an illness.

It's something that's been in your family a long time.

I think your grandmother suffered from it.

Nana Kate? Who told you? Told me what? They were in her, weren't they? Is that why she did it? Did what? She k*lled herself.

What? Eve told me that Grandpa found Nana Kate and cut her down.

John! You mustn't tell Dad what Nana Kate did to herself.

Eve told me not to tell anyone.

John! Come here to me.

Is this true? Why didn't you tell me? He doesn't know what he's talking about.

You let me believe that your mother died of a heart attack.

She k*lled herself? Tony.

John's very troubled.

He needs help.

You heard what the kid said, didn't you? He said he's possessed! Is it any bloody wonder? Look! You're a believer now, are you? Well, what else is there? We've tried everything else.

The girl dies in her bed, the grandmother hangs herself and the little boy is convinced that the devil owns him.

You said you were going to come up with an alternative explanation.

That's what you said you were going to do! But there's something about this house.

There is something about this family, and it's got nothing to do with long QT syndrome! You called it psychosis.


You can call it whatever you like.

Paranoia, demons, what does it matter? I believe we're all schizophrenic, that there are two sides to everybody.

There's the outside visible side that's visible to us and everybody else, and then there's the other side.

The side most of us are too scared or too sensible to look at.

Are we talking about Eve here? Her last session.

She said she was tired.


I gave her a blanket.

She came in, she laid out on the sofa and she fell asleep.

And then what happened? What do you mean? Oh, come on, Sean! Two sides of us, the hidden life? What are you trying to confess here?! Why did you bring me into this? You know why.

To find out what happened to Eve.

So tell me.

What did happen to Eve?! I shouldn't have let her stay here.

I know she was pushing the boundaries.

Come to think of it, she was pushing the boundaries from the minute we met.

Right And then I heard the shower and I got worried, and so I took a towel and I went up Oh, Christ, Sean.

No! Listen, I got up there, the door was open.

I mean, for God's sake, Leo! You saw her, she was unstable! My shaving kit was in there! What So she hurt herself? Why did you let her in? Why did you take her on without parental consent? Her GP I mean, you let her wander around this place, eat here, sleep here.

She pushed at boundaries? You didn't have any! Look, Leo, Leo, in the beginning, when we first met You know, I know now that she she had no interest in anything that I could do for her.

She just wanted to be here in the bloody house! But, do you know, we got close, we got very close.

She trusted me with the truth.

She told me the devil was inside her! And then she proved to me that I couldn't help her by showing me that the devil was inside me.

She saw the other side of me, Leo.

She saw the evil in me.

So you believe her now? You're saying she was possessed by something? Don't you? You cut her up, and you wired them up, and then there's nothing.

She walked through that door, she told me what was wrong with her.

Why didn't I take her seriously?! What, and perform an exorcism?! Yeah.

It's what she wanted! I can't talk to you about this.

I've got to go to work tomorrow.

I'm going to go home first and sort myself out.



I'll come back at the weekend and check up on you.

Yeah, OK.

Listen Sorry, Leo.

I'm sorry, too, Sean.

And I'm sorry that I couldn't give you what you wanted.

What do I want? Absolution.

Working late again? We need the money.

Can I help? No, I thought I'd say goodbye.

And I want to say I'm sorry.

You haven't found anything? How can that be possible? They find bodies from Roman times, find out what k*lled them.

Every day you read about scientific discoveries, but not my daughter.


-one can understand her.

I'm really sorry, Mrs Gilston.

Maybe one day we'll have an answer.

Does he have it? Does John have what Eve had? Well, we can't be sure.

Dr Broadwood will be in touch about monitoring him.

He did say something to me that I wasn't able to ask you about.

Something I didn't understand.

What? He said that Eve did something to him.

And it might be to do with losing his sight.

What are you talking about? He got the measles.

If you want to blame anyone, blame me.

I didn't want him to have that MMR.

She got measles, too.

Eve did? And she got it from John? No.

She got it first.

She gave HIM the measles? No.

Oh Oh, Eve Oh, that's Well, that's when it started.

Oh, poor Eve, she was so sure she was bad.

She gave John the measles and John went blind.

Eve thought she'd made her brother blind.

Dad? I need my Bible! Where is it?! Please, please, please! Where is it?! Where is it?! They're coming for me! No! John! Leave I need it, they're coming for me! John! Last week I had a family.

I try to talk to her now.

She's silent but she's not quiet.

What do you mean? Tony, what is it? 'Hi, Dr Sean Delaney here.

'Leave me a message after the beep.


' 'Sean, it's Leo.

'John Gilston has att*cked his father and he's gone missing.

'It's stupid, but I I wonder if John might have gone to the house.

'Your house.

Call me when you get this, would you?' It's all right, Tony, don't worry.

We'll find him.

What was he looking for? He's ripped the place apart.

He's just a boy.

Why would he do that? Maybe I should be asking Tony.

There's something else.

Beth wasn't at home the night that Eve died.

What? She'd been working Thursday nights.

She'd been doing double shifts.

Tony came into Eve's room.

She knew why he was coming.

That sort of stress, could that? Tony never touched Eve! He loved her.

He's her father.

He might be a drunk, a loser, but there's no badness in him.

There was someone else at that exorcism.

Someone opened the door, took her out of there.

You know how your husband feels about anything religious.

Maybe he found out about the exorcism and followed her.

Maybe that's why he didn't like the religious stuff.

Didn't want her confessing what he was doing to her.

He wasn't there.

How do you know that? I know you want to defend your family.

You've lost a lot.

No, he wasn't there, was he, Beth? It was you.

She never asked for anything.

She brought herself up, that girl.

One time she came to me, she needed help.

That woman wouldn't do it without my permission.

I took her.

To the house.

Oh, how could I not? She never asked me for anything.

Please! No! No
-o! 'She told me not to open the door, whatever I heard.

'But I couldn't listen to her suffer.

' No
-o! No! No! Please! Please! No
-o! No! Eve!
- Please!
- No! Eve! I found her on the road.


'Calmed her, cut her broken nails, cleaned her up.

' 'I was late for work.

She said she felt fine.

'She thought she was better, that it had worked.

' She wouldn't let me take her in, so I dropped her outside.

Well, I checked.

I checked with Tony that she got in OK.

I can't lose him.

I can't lose John.

And you've no idea where he could be, where he goes? Where he goes? You've seen him.

How far can he go? He goes everywhere with Eve.

Does everything she does.

John? John.

John, Eve told me that you used to bring her here, yeah? John.

She says that you're not safe here any more, you're Come with me, John.

That's it.

I know a better place.

Good boy.

Come on.

That's it.

Come on! Come on! So when did you know, John? Eh? When did they come to you? It was at the funeral, wasn't it? That's why you ran away, am I right? Huh? You know, Eve told me once what you did to your dad.

Eve told you? Yeah.

Come on.

Come on! Come on, John.

Watch the step.

That's it.

Come with me.

That's it, John.

Come on.

I'm going to set you free, John.

That's it.

Can you feel it? Can you feel where we are, John? Yeah, you could fly from up here.

Huh? You don't need that any more.

No! No, you don't need it.

No! No, it keeps me safe! No! Who are you? Who are you, really? You know who I am! Did Eve send you? That's right.

She's still looking after you, John.

You know what we've got to do, don't you? I know, but II'm scared.


But you want to get them out, don't you? You're serious about this, aren't you? You want to return to the Lord, don't you? Mum stopped it working last time.

Eve told me it was working but she stopped it.

I know, I know.

We don't want them escaping again, do we? We don't want them going into someone else, do we? No.

We don't.

His car's here but there's no sign of him.

His phone's ringing but he's not picking up.

Mind you, he has been a bit unstable recently.

I don't know.



You've got to come quickly, John.


Come closer to the edge.

That's it.

No! No! Get off! I'm telling you to come here! What do you want? I don't want anything from you! I'm not talking to you! I don't understand! Yes, you do, of course you do! Tell me your name! I'm I'm John.

No, it's not, you're lying! Who are you?! I'm John! No, you're not John! You can't fool me, I've seen them all! You can't, it won't work! They k*lled Eve! Yeah, I saw someone on the roof.

That old woman, she was nothing, she was a fraud! She didn't know you like I know you! You don't know me! Oh, yes, I know you! I've been dealing with your kind all my life! Please! I'm frightened, I can't I can see you.

I can see you all! I can see you in there cowering! I saw you in Eve! Eve was bad! She was evil! Look what she did! Look! No! Eve didn't do that! You're lying, you're just playing tricks again! Eve wasn't bad! Yes, she was! No, she wasn't! Eve wasn't bad and John wasn't bad, but you're bad! You are bad! They're all bad! They always have been! She k*lled herself, Nana Kate! That's a mortal sin! Stop hiding behind him, he's just a little blind boy! Come out! Leave him alone! You don't know anything about sin! I know about sin! Come to me! To me! That's it, come on! On your knees! No! No! On your knees! On your knees! No! I don't know.

I don't know what he's thinking.

Can you see them, John? Can you see them?! The The green one! That's it! And the yellow one! Yeah, now come out! Get off me! I command you! No! You do not command me! I command it of you! Come into me! Yes! The red one! No! I command you! Come into me! Come Sean! What the hell do you think you're doing?! Come in Get off him! It's all right.

You're OK.

It's all right.

It's all right, John.

You're OK.

What happened?! You can see what happened.

Let's get you out of here.

They're gone.

Where have they gone? They're in you.


Come on, down you come.

They're in me John.

Go home, John.

Go home to your mum and dad! You need them.

I'm fine.

They're gone.

I'm sorry.

It's OK.

Dad's OK.

Everything is going to be all right.

I didn't mean to I'm sorry.

Come on, let's get you down.


Sean! Come on.

I could have done that for Eve, Leo.

It worked, didn't it? He believed me.

Come on.


Sean! In the land of the Gadarene swine, Leo.

They're all inside me now! All the madness! All the demons No, Sean! No! Thanks.

You got rid of it? Oh, yeah.

It was getting on my nerves.

You're back.

Good night.

'I'm a pathologist.

I determine cause of death.

'There's always a cause, a reason.

'I've needed that reason.

It's been important to me.

'It compensates me for what I don't understand about life.

' Night.


Ow! Harry! 'But the longer I live, 'the longer I look, 'the less sense it makes to me.

'For every action there's an equal reaction, 'yet the laws that govern the universe seldom have anything to do with 'what we know of human experience.

'We are chaos.


'So we turn to God or 'something else.

' 'We will all die.

'And there will always be a reason.

'That's scientific fact.

' 'But it's not the truth.
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