08x04 - Faces of the Gods

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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08x04 - Faces of the Gods

Post by bunniefuu »


They found up to 40 or 50 people

inside this cave.

One was allegedly seven
feet, seven inches tall.

Grey-skinned creatures.

Essentially humanoid but, with
disproportionately large heads

and huge black almond-shaped eyes.

And beings, with god-like powers.

This was a person who was
a little more than human.

Throughout history,

there have been stories of strange
beings and fantastic creatures.

But could they be more than just myth?

these people were misinterpreted

flesh-and-blood space travelers.

NARRATOR: Millions of
people around the world

believe we have been visited in
the past by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so,

might we find proof by
examining the faces of the gods?

NARRATOR: Cahuachi, Peru.

2,000 years ago,

this ancient settlement served as
the religious and cultural capitol

of the Nazca people.

But sometime around 500 AD,

the Nazca mysteriously disappeared,

leaving Cahuachi to fall into disarray.

1,400 years later, in 1910,

anthropologist Ales Hrdlicka

came to Cahuachi to study the
ancient Nazca civilization.

During a dig,

he unearthed some of the most surprising
and shocking artifacts he had ever seen.

They were skulls

with enormous, elongated craniums.

Where did they come from?

How did they get there?
And were they human?

DAVID CHILDRESS: In Peru, we find
these weird, elongated skulls.

And they're bizarre-looking.

I mean, and... and these
people look like aliens.

ROBERT SCHOCH: One may say, "Okay, aliens,"

but another aspect that we
have to consider is that skull

and cranial deformation,
forming elongated heads,

is a practice that's known
throughout much of the ancient world.

NARRATOR: In 1870,

the process of skull deformation

was well chronicled by a
German botanist and explorer

named Georg Schweinfurth.

While exploring the African Congo,

he came in contact with a
tribe called the Mangbetu.

They routinely performed
a ritual of cranial binding

that allowed them to physically
alter the shape of human skulls.

CHILDRESS: They took infants' skulls
and compressed them and bound them,

and they forced the
cranium out and elongate it.

And in many cases they doubled the size.

SCHOCH: And a big question
is why was this being done?

It may have been a way to distinguish the
elite, perhaps, from the everyday people.

May have been a social
stratification type of issue.

Something that also appeals to
me is that may have been a way

to express, physically, and
maybe try to achieve, physically,

greater levels of consciousness,
or higher levels of mental ability.

GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: In my opinion, they
did this in order to mimic the gods.

And those gods were physical beings,

because if they were just a figment
of our ancestors' imagination,

I don't think that's a compelling
enough reason to expose your children

to such a ritual to
achieve that type of look.

And in my opinion, these... these people were
misinterpreted flesh-and-blood space travelers.

SCHOCH: Some people have suggested
aliens had elongated skulls and,

apparently, ancient peoples
are mimicking those skulls.

The old saying is that

"imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery."

NARRATOR: Although there have been
many images that attempt to depict

what aliens might actually look like,

one in particular has come to
dominate the public perception.

It, too, features an elongated cranium,

and is associated with an extraterrestrial
race that many refer to as the Greys.

NICK POPE: In terms of entities, one very
common description are the so-called Greys.

Three-and-a-half, four feet tall.

Essentially humanoid but, uh, very spindly

with disproportionately large heads
and huge black almond-shaped eyes.

NARRATOR: But would someone
in a primitive society

really want to replicate this
look and deform their skull?

Some archeologists have
a different perspective.

They point to artistic self-expression
as an explanation of these customs.

ROBERT CARGILL: There are all
kinds of people that... that

either worship the body,
or use the body as art,

be it a tattoo or piercing of some sort,

uh, or tribes that... that,
uh, put things in their ears

or on their lips to try, to... to
try to grow parts of their body.

Some societies we know practiced
binding parts of the body,

feet or heads, and... and
try to make certain shapes,

and this was done for whatever reason.

We know today that this isn't
usually the most healthy thing to do,

but it doesn't mean people don't do it.

The people are always trying to change
their body to make it look a certain way.

NARRATOR: Whatever the explanation
may be for these rituals,

they are not just found in
Peru and the African Congo.

Skull deformation is a global phenomenon.

CHILDRESS: What's really strange

is that this is found all over the world.

And this is something that
archaeologists cannot easily explain.

Because for people on remote islands,

for people in South America,
or Malta, or in Africa,

to suddenly, independently,

do this cranial deformation
like this, seems incredible.

I mean, this is something
that had to be learned;

something that was taught to them.

SCHOCH: We seem to have basic similarities,

as if there was one
civilization or at least

one type of culture that

that was influencing
people around the world.

I find it more and more difficult to believe
what I was taught as an undergraduate, that

all these different
cultures just coincidentally

came up with the same concepts,

independently of each other.

NARRATOR: Could it be
that the elongated skulls

found throughout the world

are really the result of ancient humans

trying to emulate the appearance
of otherworldly visitors?

Or could they really be the
skulls of extraterrestrials?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe further clues can be found

by examining other
strange bones and relics...

relics that may provide proof of giants.

NARRATOR: Lovelock, Nevada.

In the early 1800s,

local legends passed
down by the Paiute Indians

told of a race of giants who
were exterminated by their tribe.

It is said this was done by
trapping the giants in a cave,

sh**ting arrows at them and then starting
a large fire at the mouth of the cave.

Evidence of the slaughter lay undisturbed

until the early 20th century.

Cave was first discovered

by local ranchers who
were looking for bat guano

to use in their fields.

NARRATOR: In need of
fertilizer for their crops,

the ranchers removed nearly
ten feet of guano-enriched soil

from the surface of the cave.

CHILDRESS: And then they began finding

human remains.

They found up to 40 or 50
people inside this cave.

One was allegedly seven
feet, seven inches tall.

They all had long, red hair
and were literal giants.

NARRATOR: If these skeletons were the
remains of the legendary red-haired giants,

were they visitors from distant continents?

CHILDRESS: Throughout the 19th century,

many giant skeletons were
allegedly discovered in the Midwest,

also in parts of California
and around Death Valley.

And the skeletons here, found at Lovelock,

are one of the few that were really
excavated by an accredited university.

NARRATOR: Archaeologists from
the Nevada Historical Society

and the University of California

believe the cave was occupied
from approximately 1500 BC

until a few hundred years before white
men appeared in the Nevada Territory.

75 miles from the cave site,

a local museum has preserved
several skulls that some believe

are recovered remains of the giants.

CHILDRESS: Inside this cabinet, here,

are three skulls from the Lovelock caves.

When you first see these skulls,

they seem to be

pretty much normal-looking skulls.


it's when we really start to compare

the jawbones

with this modern dental
impression of a normal adult male,

that we see that

these jawbones are unusually large.

And these are, really,
the skulls of giant people

who were perhaps seven,
even eight feet tall.

One of the odd things with these skulls

is that they're not actually put on display

here at the museum, and they're kept

hidden in this cabinet.

Now, we don't know if that's
really, uh, just out of, um,

respect for the Native Americans

or whether there's really something
unusual about these giant skulls

that they don't want them to display.

NARRATOR: Are the Nevada bones
evidence of a race of giants

that existed all through
early human history?

If so,

could the giants be the
descendents of extraterrestrials?

According to the Hebrew Testament,

one such giant appeared
in the Valley of Elah

2,500 years ago.

Each morning for 40 days,

a Philistine giant over nine feet tall

challenged the Israelites to a fight.

His name was Goliath.

COPPENS: David and Goliath is
one of those episodes in the Bible

where you wonder what is going on.

Is it just a metaphor

or are we dealing with a
fundamental interpretation?

And in that sense, Goliath
has to be a giant creature.

The question, then, is he
cannot be human. What is he?

NARRATOR: David's stunning
triumph over Goliath

was considered a mere fable

until archaeologists turned
up evidence that suggests

this confrontation really did happen.

On the outskirts of Tell es-Saf, Israel,

scientists discovered a moat

that may have once protected
the Philistine fortress.

Nearby, they found shards of pottery

inscribed with the name "Goliath."

Tests indicate the pottery

is from the same time period
as described in the Bible.

Ancient astronaut theorists claim

this is unmistakable evidence of
extraterrestrial giants in biblical times.

COPPENS: Are we dealing with metaphors
or are we dealing with hard evidence?

Are these physical creatures,
which somehow roamed the earth?

And I think, on volume,

we have to accept that
some of these were real.

The question then is, how did
these genetic freaks come about?

TSOUKALOS: One of the main tenets
of ancient astronaut theory suggests

that a long time ago extraterrestrials

changed our genetic makeup

through a targeted mutation of our genes,

essentially in the lab.

So they took a couple of human beings,

altered their DNA,

then reinserted those people
back into the population,

so, through procreation, those people

would pass on those new genetic
alterations to the entire population.

astronaut theorists suggest

the evidence points to one conclusion:

that aliens changed the
genetics of early human DNA.

COPPENS: For an alien being
to work with DNA is so easy

that just creating a new type
is not at all that difficult.

Even today, we have the capability
to create new types of animals.

The question is, were we
created as such, as well?

NARRATOR: Did giants really walk
the earth thousands of years ago?

And if so,

could they have been from another world?

Or perhaps the result
of alien experimentation

with human DNA?

Perhaps the answer can be found

by examining the stories of yet
another type of otherworldly being...

winged creatures that
descended from the sky

as angels.

(bell tolling)

NARRATOR: Rome, Italy.

Stored in the treasury of St.
Peter's Basilica in the Vatican

is the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus.

Constructed in 359 AD, the
sarcophagus features what some believe

to be the earliest known depiction of
winged angels in all of Christianity.

In the centuries that followed,

angels were almost always
depicted as having wings.

But why?

Especially since the actual biblical texts

rarely describe angels as
having bird-like appendages.

CARTER: The vast majority of
the stories in the Old Testament,

angels aren't described
as having wings at all.

And some of them, they look human.

When the angel comes to visit Abraham,

this angel does not have wings.

He looks like a man. Abraham
bows to him, which is interesting.

How did Abraham know,

if he looks like a... a human being,

what was it that gave Abraham the
clue to run over and bow down to him?

And so there's a supernatural quality,

there's a superhuman quality
that they acknowledge,

that this was a person who
was a little more than human.

RICHARD RADER: The concept
of the angel, as such,

comes directly out of
the Greco-Roman tradition.

Stories of Hermes and Iris kind
of coming down and giving messages,

envisioning them as
beings, like human beings,

kind of looking like human
beings and being benevolent.

There are plenty of other beings

which have these beautiful wings,

these kind of forms and shapes.

But all of these beings,

however they're conceived of,

are a way of telling us that we
have a hard time understanding

what it is that separates
us from them, from the gods.

They have to be these kind of
weird beings who have wings.

show up in various cultures

as, probably, misidentified technology.

If they saw someone, a
human being or a humanoid,

flying in the skies, they could only
give it a natural review, giving it wings.

I don't think they actually had wings.

It was ancient man's way of saying
they had the power of flight.

CARTER: The angels that have
wings that we're used to seeing

depicted in pictures of the
Bible and what have you...

basically, the wings
say these beings can fly.

So, we believe in angels,

and the Native Americans
talk about the Star People,

the Egyptians talk about the
gods coming to and from the earth.

So I believe this is the
basis, this is the template

for the civilizations of the
Earth's religious practices.

I believe that.

NARRATOR: For centuries, religious
tradition has perpetuated the notion

of bird-like wings to explain
an angel's mode of travel.

But is such a concept even
scientifically plausible?

In 2009, a study at
University College, London

compared classic
depictions of winged angels

with actual bird physiology.

MICHAEL DENNIN: You have to be
able to flap down and flap up,

and you really need a separate
muscle to do each of these.

On the way down, you're
generating the lift.

And you actually have to rotate the wing
slightly and get a different angle as you come up,

and then, they actually
generate their thrust.

Otherwise, if you just went up and
down in the same straight pattern,

you'd be making lift

one way, but when you
went back the other way,

you'd just push yourself back down.

So, when you look at the
classic pictures of angels,

the wings are centered on their back.

Very close together.

Whereas, the birds with
the wings on the side

can have longer muscles with the great
strength that go into moving them up and down.

With the wings on the back,

they're gonna look like they're
gonna flap more like this

than up and down.

NARRATOR: Researchers
also concluded that angels,

given their humanoid interpretation,

would be simply too heavy for flight.

DENNIN: We're not designed
aerodynamically, and we're quite heavy.

I mean, we're solid bone, solid muscle.

So, those two features
you have to overcome.

NARRATOR: But if angels could
not have possessed actual wings,

how would they have managed to
travel to and from the heavens?

TSOUKALOS: Angels were never
described to fly around like Superman,

but they sort of had a
vertical ascent into the sky,

or when they descended,
it was a vertical descent.

How was that possible?

NARRATOR: In 1953, Bell Aerosystems
developed the rocket belt,

the precursor to today's workable jet pack.

Designed to lift individuals
vertically into the air

and glide them across the skies,

today's jet packs can reach
altitudes of over 8,000 feet

and travel at speeds of
up to 60 miles per hour.

TSOUKALOS: If you look
at a modern jet pack,

humans are ascending and
descending in a vertical position.

Now, imagine if that picture
was shown to our ancestors.

How would they react?

Obviously, they will say,

"Wow, this creature must be divine.

This creature must be some type of a god,

because they've got the
capability of flight.

They're like birds. Not even
the sky is the limit to them."

NARRATOR: Did our ancestors try to
explain an ancient alien technology

by suggesting that
extraterrestrial visitors

were heavenly visitors
with bird-like wings?

If the answer is "yes,"

the implications are both profound
and potentially disturbing.

For if angels are actual
visitors from other worlds,

then what is their mission?

Are they simply watching us?

Or is there, perhaps,

a more sinister purpose?

Oaxaca, Mexico.

Situated on a low mountain range,

rising above the central plain,

lie the ancient ruins of Monte Alban.

Here, around 100 BC,

researchers believe the Zapotec Indians

worshiped a bloodthirsty Mayan god

with the body of a man
and the head of a bat.

They called him Camazotz.

DAVID SKAL: The iconography
is rather striking...

the image of a half-man, half-bat...

a man with the head of
a bat, and a wing-like

cloak spread out with
crosses of bones in the lining.

JON YOUNG: The Zapotec people,
in the Oaxaca area of Mexico,

believe that winged creatures,
bat-like creatures, come in the night.

They will attack, and they will drink blood

and disappear without ever being noticed.

BOB CURRAN: This is simply
a sort of anthropomorphic bat

which was worshipped by the
sacrifice of libations of blood.

So, what they did was, they cut themselves

and poured it into a bowl
and offered it to the god.

ANDREW WYATT: Blood was a very
important substance to the Mayans.

That is what gave humans life.

Blood and breath

was what the essence of life was.

That's where this "cajul," this divine
essence resided in blood and in breath.

When you would die, you
entered into the underworld.

It was called xibalba.

Then, if you defeated the
lords of death, you would then

ascend into the heavens and become
one of the revered ancestors.

RADER: The blood is the
thing that reconnects

the world that we live in
with the world of the dead.

YOUNG: Some of the earliest
archaeological evidence shows that

blood rituals were present
as far back as we can search.

NARRATOR: Legends and
myths of supernatural beings

with traits similar to vampires

are a part of nearly every ancient culture.

In Hindu folklore, for example,

the vetala was known as an evil spirit

that took demonic possession of corpses.

The Indian goddess Kali

was also intimately linked
with blood sacrifices.

CURRAN: Kali becomes the
destroyer, and she is portrayed

as a hag-like woman

with a whole number of arms...

... each carrying a sword. She is
the goddess of death and destruction.

Her eyes are red, and she
drips blood from her mouth.

YOUNG: She's known to take infants
from their crib and drink their blood.

NARRATOR: In North America,

early Cherokees believed
in a bloodthirsty creature

that slaughtered humans, drank
their blood and ate their livers.

Known as the Utlunta,

this demon was said to possess eternal
life while feeding on the living.

CURRAN: The notion of the
thing from the spirit world

traveling through the
various Indian nations

was a great fear

among, uh, not only the Cherokee
but also the Sioux and Arapaho.

NARRATOR: But who or what are
these mysterious creatures?

And where did they come from?

Might they be, as ancient
astronaut theorists believe,

extraterrestrial beings
abandoned here on Earth?

In the ancient Jewish Talmud,

the Genesis story set in the Garden of Eden

includes Adam and Eve,

but also a woman called Lilith.

SKAL: In Jewish folklore, Lilith
was the first wife of Adam.

She was created from the same earth
as Adam, not from his rib, as Eve was.

But she proved to be
very disobedient and, uh,

uncontrollable and had to be banished.

NARRATOR: According to the Talmud,

when Lilith refused to obey Adam,

God sent three angels to convince
her to submit to his authority.

But when Lilith refused for the final time,

God condemned her to live
on earth for eternity.

SKAL: In a sense, Lilith was, uh,
the first vampire to wander the earth.

She shared all of the
characteristics of female vampires.

YOUNG: Lilith had the head
and breasts of a woman,

the body of a snake
and the wings of a bird.

She's a terrifying creature.

MICHAEL COOGAN: In Jewish tradition,
Lilith has been a kind of night demon

against whom incantations
and prayers have to be offered

because she will come and snatch
away an infant sleeping in its crib,

or at least snatch away its
soul and cause it to die.

NARRATOR: But why are tales
of bloodsucking creatures

so prevalent throughout the ancient world?

Might blood and the unique chemistry of it

serve as a kind of cosmic fuel?

One that connects the living to the dead?

The human to the inhuman?

The earthly to the otherworldly?

CHILDRESS: Blood is the
life-force of humans.

And it was very important
to extraterrestrials, too.

You know, something's very
special about our blood.

So we have to think that if

these blood sacrifices
aren't some distortion

of what was originally

just extraterrestrials
showing us how important

our blood was.



The Greys.

Are they all various interpretations of
one type of extraterrestrial species...

a species that has been visiting
our planet for thousands of years?

Or are they descriptions of
several different alien visitors?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe further clues can be found

by examining the ancient
Greek stories of fish people.

Cape Sounion, Greece.

Perched on the headland, surrounded
on three sides by the sea,

lies the ruins of the Temple
of Poseidon built in 440 BC.

The second son of the Titan king Cronus,

Poseidon was worshipped throughout Greece

almost as much as his younger brother Zeus.

YOUNG: Poseidon was the god of the sea.

He was also the god of
earthquakes and, strangely, horses.

When Poseidon was in a good mood,
he created new lands out of the sea.

He gave, uh, calm waters for good voyages.

When he was in a bad mood, he
destroyed ships and brought storms.

RADER: Poseidon does rule
over the kingdom of the sea.

It is envisioned as a kind
of a place where people live.

And when he comes out of that place, yes,
he rides the spectacular kind of, like,

water chariot that is driven by dolphins,
and he holds on to a really big trident.

NARRATOR: In Greek mythology, Cronus
eats all of his children except for Zeus,

who eventually rescues his
siblings, including Poseidon,

from the belly of his father.

YOUNG: A potion is prepared that
makes him heave up all the other,

uh, siblings of Zeus, and these
become the gods of Olympus.

NARRATOR: But ancient astronaut
theorists believe this Greek myth

is actually a metaphor for
an extraterrestrial event.

They believe the notion of gods being
vomited up from the belly of their father

actually describes mutinous aliens
being expelled from the mother ship.

COPPENS: Any being which is
swallowed up into a living creature

will not be able to survive for three days.

It will die from suffocation
and will begin to decay.

What we have here is not a
creature but something else.

It could've been an
object, which was clearly

of a man-made or extraterrestrial origin.

ERICH VON DANIKEN: A mutiny took place.

Some of the extraterrestrials, they had sex
with wonderful earthly, uh, females, women.

They were not allowed to do this.

So one of these extraterrestrials

who were not allowed to go
back with the mother spaceship

had the name of Poseidon.

Poseidon fell in love

with a beautiful human girl,

and he made her pregnant.

RADER: Poseidon is married,
all right? He's got a child.

He's got some grandchildren, right?

There's the whole caste
of sea nymphs, as well.

All of them presumably,
like, live in this place.

YOUNG: Poseidon has the power of
the deep; the... the unseen place.

If you look out at the
sea, you see a surface

and you're aware there's
a whole world below that

suggesting powers beyond
that which meet the eye.

NARRATOR: Among the mythical creatures
associated with Poseidon are the Telchines,

a race of advanced fish children.

These human-like beings could
live both in and out of water.

masters of technology

and seem to match up with the
fish gods of ancient Sumeria,

who worked for Enki, the great god of
alchemy and technology and smithcraft.

RADER: The Telchines are also
kind of in the shadowy territory

of god, human, monster things.

They're just these kind of figures who
are not gods but who are like human beings.

There's one story about the Roman version
of Zeus, Jupiter, trying to destroy them.

Now, we don't know whether
they are actually all destroyed,

but it's possibly because of
their relationship to the magic.

NARRATOR: In Greek legend, the
Telchines were also metallurgists.

They were said to have created
Poseidon's magical trident

and to have cast the first bronze
statues of the gods of Olympus.

And according to some historians,

the Telchines may not have
been creatures of myth,

but were beings who actually existed.

RADER: There were people called Telchines.

We do actually have
evidence of these beings.

They were actual ancient Greeks who had
specific tasks and trades like, uh, metallurgy,

like smithing and so on.

And so you could see how it
is that a being like Telchines,

that these things could, in fact, not just
be these mythological beings but, like,

actual people.

So the way that we look at
the ancient Greeks and Romans

would have been the way that they
would have looked at the stories

that are being told about The Iliad.

TSOUKALOS: We've got the
stories of the Telchine,

and they were able to survive
underwater for unlimited amounts of time.

Now, how is such a thing possible unless
you have access to some type of technology?

An Israeli company is currently
developing a human artificial gill system

that allows humans to take oxygen

from surrounding water without
the need of oxygen tanks.

You, potentially, can remain underwater
for unlimited amounts of time.

All the technology that we are
discovering today is, in fact, old news.

It's been around before.

NARRATOR: Could the ancient Greek
myths really be based on actual events?

And if so, were the Telchines early
humans in possession of alien technology?

Or could they themselves
have been otherworldly beings?

Perhaps the answer can be found

by exploring the Middle Eastern stories
of shapeshifters known as the jinn.

NARRATOR: Temple Mount.
Old City, Jerusalem.

It was here that many biblical
stories reportedly occurred,

including the Binding of
Isaac, from Genesis 22.

In this story, God asks Abraham to
sacrifice his son Isaac on Mount Moriah.

Abraham sets out to obey God's command.

But after binding his son and
preparing for the sacrifice,

he is stopped at the
last minute by an angel.

Conventional interpretations of the story

usually conclude that God only
wanted to test Abraham's faith.

But ancient astronaut theorists suggest

the tale has another interpretation.

TSOUKALOS: In my opinion, god "God"
would never ask such a question.

So is it possible that it was a fallen
angel-slash-alien extraterrestrial

who posed as God?

RADER: God never demands human sacrifice.

Human sacrifice is totally
anathema to Christianity

and it's totally anathema
to God as a creator.

The French philosopher
Sartre very famously wrote:

if an angel were to tell me I needed to
sacrifice my son I'd ask for some I.D.

COPPENS: Maybe somebody
else impersonating a god.

And do we then have somebody stepping in
to actually prevent this from happening?

Are we, in fact, maybe confronted
with two warring civilizations

trying to control what is happening
in the stories of the Bible?

TSOUKALOS: Just like there are good
people and bad people here on earth,

there is good and bad
extraterrestrials out there.

Good and evil permeates
the entire universe.

Yin and yang. There's a balance.

NARRATOR: Deep inside the
Middle Eastern country of Oman,

a mysterious cavern lies
hidden far beneath the surface.

Called Majlis al Jinn, or
"meeting place of the Jinn,"

it stretches more than 14 acres underground

and is one of the
world's ten largest caves.

Many Omanis still believe
this cavern and others like it

are actually inhabited by supernatural
creatures of Islamic folklore

called jinn or genies.

Mystical creatures that are
usually invisible to man.

YOUNG: One interesting aspect of
the jinns is an element of free will.

They're like angels, but we
think of angels in the west as

under the direct command
of the divine powers.

But the jinn can make some
decisions for themselves

and some of them are a little contrary
or curious in their way of being.

NARRATOR: According to Islamic theology,

genies often reveal themselves
to humans with messages,

which can be either
benevolent or deceptive.

But is it possible that
genies actually exist?

If so, where did they come from?

TSOUKALOS: When we talk about
genie... genie in a bottle,

it's very interesting, because you rub the
bottle and then the genie comes out of it

and it fulfills your wishes.

Well, let's look at this
from a modern day perspective.

If you have a little container

and you push a button
and a hologram comes out,

then could that be a genie in a bottle?

And according to the
ancient astronaut theory,

that is exactly what happened... where

where extraterrestrials used
holograms in order to relay messages.

That is, essentially, a genie in a bottle.

NARRATOR: Like angels, jinn are said to
be able to appear and disappear at will,

and are sometimes only
heard as disembodied voices.

But while some ancient
astronaut theorists believe

this behavior resembles
that of extraterrestrials,

others claim that angels, jinn
and other supernatural creatures

have origins right here on Earth.

They call these beings "ultraterrestrial."

MARTELL: Ultraterrestrials are possible beings
that travel and visit us from other dimensions.

We know that we all vibrate in the
three-dimensional space at a certain frequency.

It's very possible that other beings

vibrate at a higher frequency and are able
to pass more easily into other dimensions.

THOMAS BULLARD: The ultraterrestrial
theory would also explain the

folkloric creatures,
the angelic creatures...

any sort of experience of a
strange, supernatural, or alien being

that's occurred throughout history.

NARRATOR: Angels and demons.

Giants and genies.

Did they actually exist?

And, if so,

could they have come here from
somewhere out of this world?

But why?

Were they sent here to shape
mankind's past or its future?

Did they mean to do us harm or good?

Perhaps even more importantly:

could they still be here,

living among us,

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