08x09 - Aliens and Superheroes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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08x09 - Aliens and Superheroes

Post by bunniefuu »

Super strength.

He's a normal guy, he becomes
incredibly powerful.

Super speed.

He had very
advanced capabilities.

And supernatural abilities.

Suddenly he's a god with godlike powers.

Throughout history, humans have told
tales of beings with incredible powers.

But could these ancient stories

that continue to be retold today
have extraterrestrial origins?

There's an intuitive knowing that these

stories are true, that beings
did come from other planets to

save humankind.

Millions of people around
the world believe we have

been visited in the past by
extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really
help to shape our history?

And if so, could there be a

connection between aliens
and today's superheroes?

X-ray vision.

Incredible strength.

The power of flight.

These are just a few of the
superhuman abilities of modern

day comic book heroes.

But stories of beings with
extraordinary powers have been

told throughout history, dating all
the way back to ancient times.

The most famous are those

involving the Greek gods
known as the Olympians.

These powerful beings could
create earthquakes, become

invisible, and even
harness lightning.

But there is an important
difference between the Olympians

and the fictional
superheroes of today.

The ancient Greeks
believed that

the Olympians were real.

A huge difference

between the ancient world and

the modern world is we have

developed this-this very strict

sense of real and not real,

which really didn't matter so

much back then.

The ancients believed that these

heroes had been there, that they

were real people.

We're always looking at mythology
as a basis for our storytelling.

A character like Wonder Woman is

immediately established
in Greek mythology.

She's built on the story of the
Amazons; there's Hercules,

there's Zeus: the Olympian gods
play every aspect of who she is.

Could it be that today's
superheroes trace their

origins back to the
ancient gods?

And if the people who worshipped

these gods believed them to be

real, is it possible they

actually were?

Perhaps the answer can be found

by more closely examining the

stories of gods and heroes in

the ancient world.

The Dikteon Cave on the

Greek island of Crete is

believed by some scholars to fit

the location and description

given by the eighth century BC

poet Hesiod for the childhood

home of Zeus, the leader of the


Archaeologists have found

remains of religious offerings

here that date back 4,000

years to the exact period when

the stories of the Olympians

took place.

But could the ancient Greeks

have left these offerings to a

powerful being they actually

witnessed with their own eyes?

We have

these stories of these gods that

had these supernatural, magical


Let's be honest magical,

supernatural powers
don't really exist.

So what was it that
was described?

In my opinion, it was people who

had access to
advanced technology.

There's an old saying
one man's magic is

another man's engineering.

Magic is just some knowledge we

don't understand.

It is, therefore, super or above

our understanding.

It is transcendent, that's what
"super" implies.

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the notion

that our ancestors actually

witnessed advanced technology is

supported by the fact that

similar stories of godlike

beings can be found
on every continent.

Historian and author Joseph
Campbell found that even

cultures that had never had
contact with the outside world

developed similar hero stories.

So the fact that we have
all these similar hero

stories from all around the

world, from different types of

ancient cultures, to me suggests

that they were visited by the

same teachers.

The myths came from
ancient oral culture.

We don't know when, but you can

see almost identical gods

showing up in ancient India,

ancient Greece, and ancient
Norway, so it was a long time

ago before these people
started to spread out.

The power of flight,
magical objects,

which allow the superhero
to always be victorious.

Talismans that allow the
superhero to change from an

ordinary human being to somebody who
can access those magical powers.

Those are part of a number of

different stories of superheroes

that really span
time and culture.

But what ancient astronaut
theorists find most

intriguing is how remarkably

similar the tales of ancient

heroes are to the superhero

stories of today.

It's fascinating to me
when you look at the

Superman stories and how

Superman has come from this

other planet, one that exploded.

He comes here with superpowers.

He can fly through the air, and

it's very much like the ancient

Sumerian stories and
Hindu stories of these

extraterrestrial gods coming

from other planets to Earth in
order to help us and move our

planet forward.

Even the iconic "S" on
Superman's chest seems to

have been adapted from legends

told thousands of years ago.

Heroes and gods from ancient
Greek, Buddhist, and Christian

religions are portrayed with
symbols near their heart.

In Christian art, you will
see Jesus wearing a glowing

robe with a glowing heart.

So, we see this correspondence
here of this imagery of an

archetypal figure or
a savior figure.

Today, almost every superhero
has an icon on his chest.

Could this be inspired by
some piece of technology our

ancestors witnessed on an alien
being like the arc reactor on

Iron Man's chest that
powers his suit?

And might these similarities

mean the stories of Superman,

Batman, and Spider-Man are based

on our ancestors' experiences
with extraterrestrials?

These are things
that are common and

symbolic throughout these
stories, and they, to me, imply

that we're talking about similar
figures or figures that are here

for the same reason.

And that is to
advance us forward.

What we may be seeing is the

reason why Superman may resonate

so much with us is not just

because we've heard the story

before in other forms.

But because our ancient

ancestors actually experienced

this story in a very,
very real way.

In a very, very ancient time.

Is it possible that the
reason we continue to be

fascinated by superheroes today

is that we're trying to

reconnect with similar beings

that lived among us
thousands of years ago?

It is possible some deep
part of us, perhaps in our

DNA or genetic memory, is
remembering that there was a

time in which the gods, the
extraterrestrials, did interact with us.

And that may be because, in the
past, there were beings who were

more advanced than we here on
Earth were, who were protecting

us from others who were very
dangerous and harmful.

There's an intuitive knowing
that these stories are

true, that these events actually
happened, that beings did come

from other planets, other worlds
to save humankind.

Could our modern stories
of superheroes really be

inspired by encounters that
early humans had with

extraterrestrial beings?

Perhaps further clues can be
found by examining mankind's

earliest stories, in which super
beings waged w*r... not against

humans, but against

May 4, 2012.

The Avengers opens in
theaters across America.

This blockbuster film chronicles
six superheroes who band

together to battle
extraterrestrial forces of evil.

Powerful superheroes have been
popular in comic books and

movies for over
half a century...

and nearly all have one very

dark and forbidding feature
in common: supervillains.

The arch-nemesis really
defines the hero.

You can see how whatever is most
interesting or powerful about

the hero, the best villains are
the opposite.

The archvillain is
psychologically very powerful,

because there's an echo of that

archetype that's not just "me

versus danger and chaos," but

sort of "us versus them."

Stories of
superheroes fighting

supervillains with the fate of

the world at stake are common

across many different cultures

and time periods.

In the modern Avengers pantheon,

Thor does battle with his evil

adoptive brother, Loki, to

prevent Loki from taking
over the universe.

The story is inspired by ancient

Norse mythology, where Thor

engages in a similar battle with

Loki and his children
at Ragnarok.

The Greeks had their own epic
battle of the gods, which they

believed created the world as we
know it.

The Titanomachy was a conflict
between the Titans, who ruled

the world, and an upstart group

of gods called the Olympians.

Psychologists say these tales of
good facing off against evil

have always been popular because

they allow people to project
their hopes and fears onto

fictional characters in
make-believe worlds.

But could there be another
reason that these stories are

told again and again
around the world?

Joseph Campbell concluded
that somehow these

hero myths had pervaded
all cultures.

And you have to wonder if this
isn't because extraterrestrials

came here to our planet and were

heroes all over the world, and

so the same story was repeated

over and over again.

Is it possible that
some of our ancient hero myths

recount specific events
involving extraterrestrial

visitors in the distant past?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes...
and, as evidence, cite a

Sanskrit epic that describes an
enormous w*r between gods that

came from the stars.

In old India, we have a clear

description in the Mahabharata
which is the fifth book, the

so called Mausala Parva a clear
description of a w*r in Heaven.

I mean, it reads like modern
day science fiction,

this incredible battle
between the gods.

Gigantic cities were said
to have orbited the earth.

And when they came together at

the firmament, they were
battling each other.

The city Dvaraka was right at
the edge of the Arabian Sea.

Some of the expl*si*n split the

city and then half of the
city fell in the sea.

And it is described
how two of these

cities were destroyed,
cities on Heaven.

And for the people on Earth, it
looked as if ten thousands of

little stars would fall down.

They are describing what are
extraterrestrial gods with

superpowers, with airships, with

weapons, and it would seem that

these ancient epic stories are

the same as these superhero

stories that we're
hearing today.

Could it be that modern
stories, in which

superheroes battle archvillains

for dominance over the earth,

are actually based on ancient

wars between
extraterrestrial forces?

Perhaps further clues can be

found in the Babylonian and

Sumerian origin myths.

According to modern
interpretations of the cuneiform

writing, the Enuma Elish

describes a celestial battle

some 5,000 years ago between two

groups of gods that may have
actually resulted in the

destruction of a planet
in our solar system.

Sumerian texts make
mysterious references

to these other planets
called Marduk and Tiamat.

And within our solar system,

there was some destruction here,

where one of them blew up, and
this would be the theoretical

planet that was between
Mars and Jupiter.

Astronomers have often said that
there should be a planet there,

but instead, we have
the asteroid belt.

Could the asteroid belt
that circles the sun

between Mars and Jupiter really

be the remnants of a planet that
existed in the distant past

a planet that was destroyed
in an alien w*r?

And if so, are these ancient

events echoed today in the plots

of modern superhero stories?

In many ways, these
stories, which are so

familiar to us in TV and movies
and comic books, are really

coming to us from these ancient
Sumerian and Hindu texts that

are thousands of years old.

Good versus evil is a
longstanding theme that we see

in many ancient cultures,
in which supernatural or

extraterrestrial beings are
coming to our aid and helping us

against the greatest evil
the world has ever known.

Modern stories of
superheroes fighting

supervillains, based on real

extraterrestrial battles that
took place above the earth

thousands of years ago.

Could it be true?

Ancient astronaut theorists
believe the answer may be found

not with the stories of the gods
themselves, but with their technology.

Lemnos, Greece.

3000 BC.

This island in the Aegean Sea is
said to be the home of

Hephaestus, the Greek
god of technology.

The son of Zeus and Hera, king
and queen of the gods,

Hephaestus grew up on Mount
Olympus, but he was a small and

physically deformed child.

Unhappy with her son's physical

problems, one Greek legend says

Hera threw him off the mountain.

He fell for nine days and nine
nights and landed in the ocean.

There he was rescued by sea
nymphs who took him to the

island of Lemnos.

Hephaestus became the
blacksmith of the gods and he

set up his forge on the island
of Lemnos, and volcanoes were

said to be entrances
to his forge.

Working underneath an active
volcano, Hephaestus is

said to have forged
magical objects.

He eventually created the armor,
weapons and other technology

used by the Greek
gods and heroes.

Hephaestus is the god of the great
forge and he is the builder.

He creates the armor that is
impenetrable for Achilles.

He creates chariots.

Magical spears,
magical breastplates

and so forth, which gave the gods
all sorts of miraculous powers.

He's even said to have made the
chariot that the god Helios, the

god of the sun, rode across
the skies.

Some myths describe
Hephaestus creating even more

fantastic devices, including a
bronze bull that breathed fire

and is said to have had voices
coming out of its nostrils and a

powerful robot named Talus that
defended the island of Crete.

He made all these
wondrous creations.

And when we look back at those
stories, we have to ask, "Is it

possible that Hephaestus was an
extraterrestrial being who

brought some advanced

extraterrestrial technology to

Our ancestors had
no experience with advanced

technology, so they would have

described alien visitors as

having superhuman powers because

of their frame of reference.

If they saw an extraterrestrial
with access to incredible

"powers," which are due to
advanced science, they

interpreted that as
witnessing God.

And that was never the case.

Magical weapons
have been a key feature of

heroic myths for thousands of
years, but they play an even

larger role in the stories of
modern superheroes.


With new Superman comic books
flying off the shelves,

publishers rush to develop more heroes
to satisfy the public's demand.

The one that makes the biggest
impression is a hero of modern


Created by Bob Kane and Bill
Finger, the Caped Crusader leaps

onto the comic book page and
immediately into the pantheon of

pop culture gods.

The idea of Batman is that
he is a normal person.

Nothing has given him
super strength.

But he's a normal person who
depends on his technology.

He has a utility belt with
all kinds of modern gadgets.

And he has a Batmobile,
and he has a Batcopter.

So he is a technological
superhero in that sense.

Batman, for us, is
probably one of the most

identifiable characters we have

with all of our fans, with all
of our audience.

Because he's a human.

He doesn't do something that
pushes the imagination beyond

something that we don't believe
people can actually do.

In 1963, the comics
gave birth to another iconic

character that is completely
dependent on science for his

superpowers... Iron Man.

In the Iron Man story, there's
this incredible suit

that can make him virtually into

a superman even though
he's, he's a mortal.

This is a great melding of the
human-machine interface.

This is how we use technology
to do extraordinary things.

Are Batman and Iron
Man modern representations of

what ancient astronaut theorists

believe the ancient gods really

were mortal beings with

advanced technology?

We see a similarity
with modern-day

superheroes in some of the
ancient texts of a god who wears

a special ring or holds a certain
staff and can magically

become a creature of flight
or can fly a magic carpet.

Many of the superheroes that we have
today are just normal human beings.

But when they strap on their

technology, like Batman in his

super suit or Iron Man in his

flying capabilities, well, these

are just normal mortals that are

using advanced technology and

become superhuman or godlike.

Could modern day
superheroes like Batman and Iron

Man be the true realization of

what our ancestors were

describing when they wrote about

powerful gods and heroes?

Was Hercules' great strength the

result of a robotic exoskeleton?

Could Hermes' power of flight

have been inspired by something

like a modern jet pack or

gliding suit?

And could Zeus' lightning bolts

have used electrical coils to

generate extraordinarily large

The ancient people simply
used the vernacular of

the time to express what they
were seeing, and as far as they

were concerned, this could only

be the work of a supreme being.

Superhumans using
advanced technology.

Gods at w*r.

And extraterrestrials
coming from the heavens.

Could these ancient tales really
be evidence of an otherworldly

presence on Earth?

Perhaps further clues can
be found in the stories of

superheroes hiding
in plain sight.

July 3, 2007.

After spending decades as
larger than life toys and

animated television characters,

the Transformers hit the big

screen with the American

premiere of their first feature


The extraterrestrial storyline
is a familiar one.

The Transformers, in a way,
are m-mechanical versions

of Superman.

They come from another planet.

They can adapt to being here.

And then, as in a lot of

Superman stories, the enemy
is from that planet.

There's some evil that follows
them, that chases them down.

So, they're having this ancient

battle from their homeland,
but they're having it here.

Unlike Batman or
Iron Man, the Transformers

aren't humanoids that
use technology.

They actually are technology.

But the most remarkable power

the Transformers use against

their foes is one of the most

important in all
of heroic myth.

The ability to change from
ordinary beings into

superheroes when evil threatens.

superheroes when evil threatens.

It's the archetype of
metamorphosis or transformation.

Shape shifting, if you will.

This comes down to us from
the ancient mythologies.

Shape shifting allows
gods to interact with

humans in a way that they would
not otherwise be recognized.

In fact, often times the god or
goddess cannot appear to the

mortal in their full splendor
because such a thing would

actually k*ll the mortal.

Ancient astronaut
theorists suggest that stories

of gods living anonymously among

us are common because they

describe a time when

extraterrestrials did just that.

As evidence, they cite an

ancient story they believe bears

an uncanny resemblance to the

shape-shifting myth.

A story about the Mayan god

Kukulkan who is portrayed

both as a flying
serpent and a man.

We have descriptions
of a winged serpent

that flew over our
ancestors' heads.

But at the same time, we also

know that Kukulkan was also

someone that gave instructions

to the people in pretty
much humanoid form.

So does that mean that Kukulkan

was, in fact, a shape-shifter?

Ancient astronaut theorists
propose another possibility.

They contend that perhaps the

ancient people, being unfamiliar

with advanced technology,

witnessed an alien being
in a spacecraft.

Imagine for a moment a
craft lands, a hatch

opens and then the pilot walks
out and gives instruction.

There isn't really a
differentiation between the

machine and the person coming

out of it, because they didn't

understand the technological
concept behind it.

The instructor then went back
into the craft and took off.

All of a sudden, Kukulkan becomes
this winged serpent that

flies across the sky.

Is it possible that
this scenario may have actually

played out in the distant past?

And if so, did it inspire the
shape-shifting myths that humans

have told for millennia?

We have the same stories,
the core of the

stories, worldwide in
most of the mythologies.

They are all linked together.

They had different names, were
different heroes, different

personalities, but at the
end, it was all the same

extraterrestrials having contact

with the humans some thousands

and thousands of years ago.

But could there be
an even deeper meaning behind

the tales of otherworldly

heroes like the Transformers

and Kukulkan hiding among us?

Perhaps further clues can be
found by examining the stories

of godlike beings disguising
themselves as ordinary humans.

Superman hides his identity by

pretending to be mild-mannered
newspaper reporter Clark Kent.

Wonder Woman disguises herself
as a nurse named Diana Prince.

And Spider Man's alter
ego is Peter Parker.

Virtually every really popular
superhero has a clear

and recognizable ordinary
human identity.

It's an essential part of the
superhero archetype that they be

able to look like us and feel
like us and live like us, but

then be able to explode into
their super-powered self.

We have a deep inner longing
to have that story

retold, perhaps through some

sort of genetic memory
written right into our DNA.

We seem to be remembering, on
some deep level, a part of us

that can come in contact with
extraterrestrial capabilities

and actualize them as we

ourselves reach the next level
of human evolution or what may

have been a level that we had
long ago and was deliberately

turned off in our DNA
for some reason.

Is it really
possible that we tell stories of

superheroes disguised as humans

because it is written in our

genetic memory that we have

special abilities hidden
within ourselves?

And if so, what could be the
source of those abilities?

We may not have
originated on Earth.

We may have been seeded on Earth

by other humans who are far

older than we are and who are

far more genetically
advanced than we are.

Perhaps some part of us
remembers that there is a way in

which we could be exposed to

certain technologies that

activate this dormant DNA within

us, that propel us to the next

level of what it means to be

a live, evolved human being.

Could it be that
stories of superheroes hiding

among us are so popular because

extraterrestrials have
manipulated our DNA, hiding

extraordinary powers
deep inside all of us?

Perhaps the answer can be found
by exploring the stories of

heroes whose powers are the

result of genetic mutation.

New York City, 1962.

Marvel Comics editor Stan Lee

wants to create a new
breed of superhero.

One of the masterminds behind
the Fantastic Four and the

Avengers, Lee invents a character
literally born out of

modern science: Spider Man.

Radiation was very much
in the news at the time.

And I figured, well, let's let

him get his power
through radiation.

And I figured the spider would

bite Peter Parker on the hand.

Since the spider was
radioactive, I assumed that his

little spider sting would insert

some radioactivity into
Peter's bloodstream.

Now, having radioactivity in your
blood, especially if it was

spidery radioactivity, that

should give you some of the
qualities of a spider.

Spider-Man's just a normal
teenager until he's

bitten by a radioactive spider.

Suddenly, he's a combination of

normal person, but also a god

with godlike powers.

I thought, "He'll have the
proportionate strength of a spider."

In other words, if a spider were

as large as a human being,

that's how strong the spider

would be which made Peter
Parker very strong.

I also figured he could stick to

walls like a spider
or any insect.

Although exposure to
radiation scrambles

Spider-Man's genetic material,

there's a precedent for it in
ancient mythology: genetic

manipulation through the mixing

of mortal and immortal blood.

Anjaneri, India.

Two miles outside this small
village, in a cave surrounded by

forests and mountains, is where
many believe one of Hindu

mythology's greatest
heroes was born: Hanuman.

Hanuman was part god because
his father was the

god of wind and his mother
is a mortal human being.

So, then, obviously, uh, he has
the qualities, the power of wind

god and he's able to fly and he
is able to multiply in his size.

So because of that, he's
definitely a demigod.

Hanuman is often
depicted as half-man and

half-monkey, which underlines

his mixed bloodline.

Is it possible that this is a
non-scientific way of describing

genetically engineered
super beings, as ancient

astronaut theorists contend?

One of the common themes
in ancient texts is

ancient gods or
extraterrestrials coming here

and then manipulating our DNA

and changing us into more

superior beings.

As evidence of the
genetic experiments they believe

took place in the prehistoric
past, ancient astronaut

theorists cite depictions of
hybrid creatures found in

cultures around the world:

winged horses in Assyrian
and Sumerian myths, the

elephant-headed deity Ganesha

in the Hindu pantheon, and
Khepri, the ancient Egyptian

god of the morning sun.

The Egyptian deity, Khepri,
is shown as either a

beetle, or as a human with
the head of a beetle.

And you have to ask, what are they
trying to tell us here about Khepri?

Could he have been half
human, half insect?

Some ancient
astronaut theorists believe the

hybrids depicted by the ancients
may have actually been the

result of extraterrestrial genetic
experiments in the distant past.

These things aren't very
far off from what we have

in our ancient tales
of creation.

In the Sumerian epic of
creation, we hear about the

Anunnaki literally putting their
genetic marker on us and

creating us in their image
and after their likeness.

Could genetic
experiments long ago have been

part of an ancient alien effort
to create the human race?

Some very strange things happened
in the course of human evolution.

We go from Neanderthals with
no apparent "missing link"

whatsoever, and all of a sudden,
our brain size doubles, our

thumbs becomes more usable,

we can walk erect more easily.

There's a large number of

changes that take place
in a very short time.

Might the entire
human species have been created

by extraterrestrial genetic
experiments in the past?

And could our genetic memory of

this be the reason we create

genetically altered superheroes

today, including mutants like

the X-Men and the Incredible

Hulk and hybrids like Hawkman,

Animal Man, and Spider-Man?

Is it possible that when
we are seeing superhero

movies, that on some level we
are remembering having been

changed before?

That perhaps we were like the
Neanderthals before, and this

already happened, we already had

some sort of genetic upgrade

that brought us to the next
level of human evolution?

Are modern comic book
stories of hybrids and

mutants actually inspired by an

ancient alien intervention

thousands of years ago?

And might we create these
stories because we are

subconsciously aware of

something greater
within ourselves?

Ancient astronaut theorists say

yes, and believe that our own

recent technological advances

may be bringing us closer to a

reconnection with our alien

New Jersey.

May 2001.

Scientists at the Institute for

Reproductive Medicine made
headlines when they revealed

they had created the world's

first genetically modified baby.

Using a process called
cytoplasmic transfer, they

implanted mitochondrial DNA from
a second mother into an egg

to make it easier for it to bond
with sperm and form a viable fetus.

When scientists performed genetic
tests on the babies born

out of this process, they detected
genetic material from a third parent.

The reason the
cytoplasmic transfer is

controversial is because it's
human manipulation of the human

germ cell line, in other words

the, um, cell line that is passed
from parent to offspring.

We typically just inherit our
genetic material from both of

our parents, so there's a
direct line of descent.

With the introduction of
cytoplasmic transfer, suddenly

you have, um, humans
manipulating that germ line,

that cell line, or DNA line passed
on from parent to offspring.

If perfected,
genetic manipulation could

could allow scientists to
introduce DNA from an unlimited

number of people into a fetus.

This would allow them to rid
babies of genetic disease.

But it could also,
theoretically, let them tinker

with natural traits to create
superhumans that are much

faster, stronger, and smarter than
those that have come before.

You are altering the genetic
future of the human

race based on your sort of
current, um, preferences, let's

say, for a person's traits.

It's sort of into perpetuity
affecting the genetic line

of descent in humans.

And so, that's something very
different than had ever been

performed before, and that's
certainly controversial.

The concept of altering
genes whether these

genes are in food, animals, or

humans has always created a

firestorm of protest.

In this case, the controversy

forced an American moratorium on

cytoplasmic transfer.

Even so, scientists say the

technology may eventually be

developed that will allow us
to give superpowers including

amazing strength, eyesight, and

intelligence to our children
while they're still in the womb.

Today more than ever, we're
capable of playing god.

We have incredible superpowers
at our fingertips

with genetic technology and
you have to ask, "Are we

trying to duplicate what we saw

the gods possessing in
the ancient world?

Are we hardwired or programmed to
develop these technologies so

that we can equal our makers?"

Do we yearn to
become like the advanced beings

that ancient astronaut theorists

believe created us thousands of
years ago, and might this be

why superhero stories
continue to fascinate us?

I think the reason why
people like these superhero

stories that literally go back
thousands of years is because

they're possibly explaining
our actual human origins.

Every culture around the world
talks about an intervention

event where beings from the

heavens came down and
gave us knowledge.

If we really are
the product of alien genetic

experimentation as ancient
astronaut theorists believe,

might our own DNA resemble that

of otherworldly beings?

And if so, are we becoming more
and more like our makers,

through our own technological
breakthroughs and genetic advances?

In many ways, our
society has come full

circle where in ancient times we

had extraterrestrials here

manipulating our DNA, and now

we're the ones who are

manipulating our own DNA to also

create a more advanced
human species.

Who knows what's possible?

It's a brave new world.

Everything changes and we have
abilities that are so different

that it's as if a quantum shift in
human evolution has taken place.

Are ancient stories
of heroes and gods with

mythological powers really based

on encounters with

And might modern-day superheroes
be inspired by our desire to

reconnect with these
powerful beings?

Could characters like Batman...


and Superman be the
humans of tomorrow?

Perhaps as our technology
continues to advance,

we are drawing closer

to coming face-to-face
with our alien ancestors.
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