09x04 - The Genius Factor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ancient Aliens". Aired: March 8, 2009 – present.*
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Explores the pseudoscientific hypothesis of ancient astronauts in a non-critical, documentary format.
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09x04 - The Genius Factor

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Man Narrating ] A vision that changed
our understanding of the universe.

The periodic table itself
came to Mendeleev in a dream.

[ Narrator] A mysterious voice
behind the world's first code of laws.

The Code of Hammurabi comes
from a very advanced point of origin.

[ Narrator] And an inspiration that strikes
two inventors at the same time.

It has been suggested that maybe
it is somehow physically in the air.

[ Narrator]
Throughout history...

many of the world's greatest thinkers have
credited their genius to otherworldly sources.

But could there really be
an unseen force...

behind these incredible minds-

a force with extraterrestrial origins?

[ Man ] These people are being
influenced by higher beings...

who are guiding humankind.

[ Narrator]
Millions of people around the world...

believe we have been visited in the past
by extraterrestrial beings.

What if it were true?

Did ancient aliens really help
to shape our history?

And if so,
might they be the inspiring force...

behind the world's greatest geniuses?

Tacoma, Washington, 2002.

As he walks out of a karaoke bar...

thirty-one-year-old Jason Padgett
is brutally mugged by two men...

and knocked unconscious.

When he finally wakes up, doctors tell him
he's lucky to have escaped the beating...

with just a bruised kidney
and a concussion.

But in the coming days, Jason starts
to see the world in a whole new way.

Jason Padgett was not
a professional mathematician.

He had studied math a little bit
when he was younger, like most of us did.

And he never really had
a great interest in math.

But after he was beaten...

he would see mathematical equations
everywhere he looked...

and he would really find it beautiful.

[Woman ] He had developed
something called synesthesia...

where he sort of saw the world
in these fractal images...

and then became really interested
in that phenomena...

and then started
discovering mathematics.

[ Kaufman ] He would see the Pythagorean theorem
in objects that most of us don't notice...

or don't ever see those things.

And he found them so beautiful...

that he decided to capture them
in some sort of visual representation...

and he started
drawing all of these things.

[ Narrator] Jason becomes the only person in
the world with the extraordinary ability...

to hand-draw complex fractal shapes.

Scientists say that what
may have happened...

is that the traumatic brain injury he suffered
randomly re-wired Jason's neural network...

Bringing out genius-like abilities
in some areas.

When a person has traumatic brain injury,
it's going to be a shock to the brain-

to the way that it's wired.

[Woman ] Presumably in the incidence
of a traumatic brain injury...

your brain is, uh, repairing itself
to a certain extent...

or sort of compensating for damage by
potentially sort of re-routing neural circuits.

[ Narrator] Jason Padgett's story,
while incredible, is not entirely unique.

In Sioux Falls, South Dakota,
Derek Amato hit his head in a pool...

and I! Transformed him
into a talented pianist...

even though he'd never played in his life.

In Massachusetts, 35-year-old Jon Sarkin
suffered a stroke after surgery...

and became a world famous artist.

And after epileptic seizures...

Daniel Tammet became a mathematical
and linguistic genius...

able to see the results
of complex calculations...

and even learn a foreign language
in a matter of days.

But if traumatic head injuries can endow a
normal person with genius-like abilities...

what might that tell us
about the nature of genius?

Genius is by definition
a very rare, rare event.

There are very few geniuses
in every generation...

that have fundamentally changed
the way that we operate in this world.

And we'll never get a full, complete
understanding of genius...

just by looking at the brain.

[ Narrator] Is it possible that a blow to the
head can unlock something in the brain...

that makes it more receptive
to ideas, concepts...

and an actual architecture of the universe
that is normally reserved for geniuses?

And if so, might this provide insight...

into why a handful of great thinkers
In every generation-

with names like Einstein...


da Vinci...


and Plato...

seem to be responsible
for so many of the visionary ideas...

that have formed the fabric of our society
for thousands of years?

Modern science is still grasping
for answers...

as freak occurrences such as Jason Padgett's
contradict the traditional view...

that brilliance is the result of good genes
and hard work.

There is an inherited aspect
to genius...

and-and-and we-we know that from-

we can name lots of, um, people
who have come from famous families.

Like the Bacon family, you know,
had a lot of famous scientists...

the Darwin family.

So there are a lot of geniuses
where it's inherited.

All across history, you see some
very similar characteristics...

among the people we tend to call geniuses.

One-geniuses tend to persevere
against lots of odds.

Lots of them have had lots of handicaps
when they were younger...

maybe that even fueled them to want
to achieve higher heights of creativity.

But they have this great ability to bounce back
and continue persevering along their goals.

[ Narrator] The 20th century's
quintessential genius, Albert Einstein...

is said to have perfectly embodied
these characteristics.

His motivation and boundless curiosity
were legendary...

but his physical brain also had
some extraordinary qualities...

that may have allowed
for a more profound level of thinking.

Albert Einstein's brain,
when he died in 1955...

was actually kept in formaldehyde
for about 50 years...

and wasn't really deeply analyzed
until more recently.

One of the things that they found was
that he has a thicker corpus callosum...

and that's the band of fibers that connects
the left and the right hemisphere.

[ Narrator]
Scientists believe the corpus callosum...

helps different parts of the brain

and aids in both creativity
and higher thinking.

But are the physical characteristics
of the brain...

the only factor in determining
a person's intelligence?

Ancient astronaut theorists believe...

there may be an even more
profound reason.

When we look at the human brain...

we wonder if we really have
the neurological brain power...

to-to really be such geniuses...

and-and think of all
of these amazing inventions...

and-and, in some cases, just envision them
in-in their totality all at once.

So, some scientists have speculated...

that what these geniuses are doing...

is tapping into ideas
that are coming from outside of them.

Do geniuses have an access...

to another level of consciousness...

where some of their ideas
are being sent to them...

or they have the capability
of downloading it during their dreams?

These are the great questions
of humankind, of the universe.

[ Man ] Is it possible that there is
something much more important going on...

with consciousness
than the physical brain?

It's a compelling possibility
that reveals deeper truths...

about the nature of what it means
to be human and whether, in fact...

there is some greater organized effort
being made...

to steer human knowledge
towards a desired outcome.

[ Narrator] Is it possible that genius
comes not entirely from within the brain...

but also from some force
outside the body?

Ancient astronaut theorists say yes...

and suggest the evidence for this...

can be found by examining
the world's earliest geniuses...

and what they claimed
was the true source of their inspiration.

The Louvre. Paris, France.

This historic museum houses
perhaps the most significant legal text...

in the ancient world.

This stele features the Babylonian god
Shamash talking to King Hammurabi...

and below them, carved in cuneiform text,
are the laws they gave to their people.

It is called the Code of Hammurabi.

[ Man ] Hammurabi, without a doubt, was one
of the great geniuses of the ancient world...

and, of course, he's famous not just
for being the ruler of ancient Babylonia...

but for coming up with
what is called the Code of Hammurabi...

which was the first written legal record.

[ Man ] it's a primitive document,
compared to what we have now...

but he had a whole system of order
and how taxes were collected...

and various civil principles and the rather
famous punishment an eye for an eye...

which has been modified over the years,
but that he had a system.

[ Narrator] The Code of Hammurabi
begins with a prologue...

in which the king
boasts of his great deeds...

but he also writes that the code itself
was dictated to him...

by the Babylonian god Shamash.

[Young ] The great King Hammurabi
went into a trance...

and God began dictating
this incredible document...

and channeling it
through the great King Hammurabi...

who was speaking it in a voice very
unlike his own, language unlike his own.

It's all coming from God.

And when Hammurabi wakes up from his
trance, the scribes read it back to him...

and he has no memory of dictating it.

It all came from God, and it is brilliant.

An important part is that Hammurabi
did not claim authorship.

He knew this was not of his making,
of his intelligence.

[ Man ] The system of law that
comes through the Code of Hammurabi...

is so intrinsic to the basic moral
understandings of how to run a society...

that much of it is still preserved in some
form in our modern day legal system.

This suggests that the Code of Hammurabi
comes from a very advanced point of origin.

[ Narrator] The story behind
the Code of Hammurabi is not unique.

In the ancient world, moments of genius...

including basic religious beliefs
and scientific principles...

from Greece and Rome
to India and China...

were often said to have
been inspired by divine voices.

Think about it-Moses, Abraham,
Noah, the prophets, Jesus-

a lot of the laws, the rules, the customs,
the traditions that we have...

are based upon individuals claiming
to have been told something by a deity.

And it's not just
the Judeo-Christian tradition.

I would argue that in every culture,
you've got a lot of laws...

that are essentially traced back to people
claiming to have been told something...

by a being who's not of this world.

[ Narrator] Is it possible that the course
of human civilization...

has been determined
not by history's most profound thinkers...

but by some external force
that was guiding them?

The ancients were convinced
they knew the answer.

In fact, the Latin word “genius”...

is where the term “genii,”
or supernatural creature, comes from.

In the ancient world, the idea of genius had
much more autonomy than our modern view.

The genii, which had a life of its own,
a kind of spiritual daimon, entered you.

You had a relationship with the genii, and
it was really the source of the brilliance.

You were a channel,
you were a host, you were involved...

but it was not as personal,
and the ownership wasn't as great.

[Woman ] The Greeks believed
that they were inspired by the muses.

So what caused a musician
to come up with a new tune?

What caused a writer
to come up with a new story?

It was the spirit of a muse
that went inside the person...

and caused that person
to become creative...

and we see that
in the word “inspire,” in spirit.

When we are inspired,
we are filled with spirit...

and we create those things.

[ Narrator] In Alexandria...

Egyptians founded what would become the
greatest library in the ancient world...

by erecting a temple to the muses...

and asking them
to fill their library with wisdom.

[ TSOUKALOS ] When we say that
“I'm looking for my muse”...

you are looking for the key
with which to unlock...

this kingdom of creativity...

that resides within each
and every living being.

Is it possible, by reaching this
altered state of consciousness...

to come in contact with beings
or with entities...

that are of those different realms?

I think that this is possible.

[ Narrator] Could it be that
the forces of inspiration...

that the ancients attributed to the gods...

really did emanate
from an otherworldly source...

as ancient astronaut theorists suggest?

In the ancient world...

it was really believed that people
were influenced from outside...

to have special thoughts,
to have special inspiration...

and genius-type ideas...

and it was coming from outside of you.

So you have to wonder if these ideas...

aren't possibly some kind of thoughts...

that are being projected into your mind,
possibly by extraterrestrials.

[ Man ]
Perhaps behind all of this is a belief...

that people were directly influenced
by extraterrestrial beings...

who gave them immense inspiration
or profound knowledge...

that then they were able to share
with others.

[ Narrator] Is it possible that
the geniuses of the ancient world...

and even those among us today...

receive their inspiration
from otherworldly forces?

Perhaps further evidence can be found
by exploring Hindu teachings...

that say wisdom can often come to us
in our dreams.

[ Narrator] Madras, India.

In the first decade
of the 20th century. ..

Srinivasa Ramanujan, a young
mathematician with no formal training...

repeatedly stuns the academic world
with innovative theorems.

Even some of the world's
leading mathematicians...

are confounded by his remarkable formulas.

But just as astounding
as Ramanujan's work...

is the fact that these formulas
came to him in dreams.

[WILCOCK] He claimed that a goddess,
a Hindu goddess known as Namagiri...

transmitted these theorems to him.

These theorems came to be known
as modular functions...

and still, to this day, they are the most
advanced form of mathematics...

that is used by physicists...

dealing with relativity
and quantum mechanics.

[ Narrator] How could someone
without any background in mathematics...

see such complicated theorems
in dreams?

Does Ramanujan's story reveal...

how humanity can access knowledge
outside the brain?

[ Man ] So it really raises, I think,
the interesting question...

as we explore consciousness more
from a scientific point of view...

and understand it better...

what types of connections and communications
are occurring on the more cosmic scale?

So “what other connections
exist out there”...

I think is a very interesting question
to explore.

[ Powell ] The people who have these inspirations,
it's not like they were deriving it.

It comes from the unconscious.

And the unconscious
is still a great mystery, you know?

Is it just our unconscious?
Or is it the collective unconscious?

[ Narrator]
Could true genius be the product...

of a universal mind
or collective unconsciousness .7.

Ancient Hindus believed such a repository
of knowledge actually exists-

a universal force that includes
every thought...

action, emotion or experience...

that any person ever had
or ever will have.

Westerners later named it
the Akashic Record.

This is a Sanskrit word, it means “sky.”

it's something that can be
accessed through your mind...

through your brain power,
through your spiritual wavelength.

Having access to that information
which is there, that is not written...

but somehow you have to be able
to be in tune with that frequency...

in order to obtain that.

[ Narrator] Could it be that
the common talent all geniuses possess...

is actually an ability to access
the wisdom of the Akashic Record...

or universal mind?

And if so, have other modern geniuses
acquired knowledge...

from an otherworldly realm?

Einstein received the inspiration...

for his groundbreaking theory of relativity
in a dream.

Friedrich August Kekulé discovered the
elusive shape of the benzene molecule...

during a daydream
in which he saw a snake chasing its tail.

And the brilliant Russian chemist
Dmitri Mendeleev...

literally dreamed up
the Periodic Table of the Elements.

He, in this dream, saw exactly
where all of the elements lined up.

The periodic table itself came in a dream,
just fully formed.

After coming out of the dream,
he quickly drew them all down.

And it's still the same that we use today.

[ Narrator] Is it possible that
a universal mind has bestowed genius...

on certain individuals
throughout history?

And might there be scientific evidence
of this phenomenon?

At the Mind Research Network
at the University of New Mexico...

neuropsychologist Rex Jung uses...

a magnetoencephalography,
or MEG machine...

to measure the brain wave activity
of a test' subject.

Dr. Jung believes this test may show
how creative inspiration strikes the brain.

Okay, Andre, you ready to begin?

We have three tasks
that we're going to run with Andre.

The first one is vocabulary,
second one is paper folding...

and the third one is inductive reasoning.

Andre, I want you to clench your jaw now.

[ Narrator] As the test subject performs
these everyday tasks...

the MEG machine measures
normal brain activity.

Andre, now move your eyes back and forth.

[ Narrator] But then Jung
has the test subject clear his mind.

Andre, can you close your eyes and
relax your brain for a moment, please?

[ Narrator] As the subject relaxes
his mind, his brain activity decreases.

But then, suddenly, the MEG machine
detects something new-

alpha waves.

Scientists say these brain waves...

indicate the unconscious mind
is working behind the scenes...

outside our conscious thoughts.

The alpha wave have found to be
associated with divergent thinking...

the manifestation of creative cognition...

and it's also associated
with relaxing the brain...

and this is something very important,
I think, to the manifestation of genius...

this ability to, uh,
think of new and useful ideas...

that haven't been thought of before.

[ Narrator] Could alpha waves have been
how Ramanujan, Einstein and Mendeleev...

received their flashes of brilliance?

Or how the ancients
could have channeled...

the gods' wisdom
as they developed their civilization?

If so, where does mainstream science
believe these thoughts come from?

That is, uh, the million-dollar question.

Uh, it's kind of like, uh, you know,
what is consciousness?

This is kind of a question
that really stumps neuroscientists.

[ Narrator]
Ancient astronaut theorists believe...

it is possible that what appears
to be divine or inspired brilliance...

that pops unexpectedly
into the minds of geniuses...

could come not from the human mind...

but from an extraterrestrial realm.

[WILCOCK ] Overall, time after time,
we're seeing a through line here...

suggesting that there is
a deliberate interface with our minds...

that is steering the progress...

of human invention
and human innovation...

according to a predefined script
for a desired, targeted outcome.

So you have to ask yourself,
are extraterrestrials somehow using...

this incredible volume of knowledge
of the universal mind...

and then directing it to certain people
at certain times...

when the time is right...

and, in a sense, uh,
supervising the education...

of certain people who are ready
to receive this knowledge?

[ Narrator]
If the Akashic Record actually exists...

could extraterrestrials be using it...

to transmit knowledge
intended to shape our civilization?

Perhaps the answer can be found...

by examining breakthroughs
in science and technology...

that are achieved by multiple people
in separate locations...


[ Narrator] Washington, D.C.,
February 14, 1876.

A lawyer representing Alexander Graham
Bell hand-delivers a patent application...

to the US Patent Office for what Bell
describes as a “harmonic telegraph”...

a device that can transmit vocal sounds.

However, Bell's is actually
the second patent filed that same day...

for what later becomes known
as the telephone.

[ Man ] Alexander Graham Bell is generally
credited with inventing the telephone.

It's interesting to note that a man
named Elisha Gray...

seems to have invented a similar device
right about the same time that Bell did.

Bell's invention involved speaking
to one piece of equipment...

that was not connected
to the part that allowed one to hear.

Gray's device involved those two
pieces being connected...

and, in fact,
that's the way telephones work today.

[ Narrator] How is it that two inventors
came up with the same revolutionary idea...

at the exact same point in history?

Such a patent had never been filed before
anywhere in the world...

and yet two are filed on the same day.

Could this be evidence
that there really is an Akashic Record-

a universal mind that certain people
are able to tap into?

Bell and Gray each charged that the other
had stolen his ideas...

but there is no dispute
that both geniuses...

had been independently developing
the concept of the telephone for years.

This amazing story is not unique.

In fact, independent, simultaneous
invention happens surprisingly often.

Throughout history,
there's been this odd phenomenon...

of multiple people
discovering the same thing...

at about the same time...

even though they're separated and they
don't know what the other person is doing.

[ Narrator] In 1922,
two Columbia University sociologists...

William Ogburn and Dorothy Thomas...

published an academic paper entitled,
“Are Inventions Inevitable?”

Their research found at least 148 instances
of simultaneous inventions...

in which the creators knew little or
nothing about their rival's work.

[ Powell ] You had Wallace and Darwin both
independently coming up with evolution.

And you had, um, calculus, um,
independently discovered as well.

[Frisbee] There's multiple
people who discovered oxygen.

There's multiple people
who invented the periodic table.

It's a very and surprisingly
common phenomenon.

[ Narrator]
Ogburn and Thomas concluded...

that if the geniuses behind many inventions
had died at birth...

their discoveries would not
have been lost to history.

Others would have made similar discoveries
at about the same time.

We often have the expression...

that an idea that's about
to be discovered is in the air.

Some concept, some experiment.

It's just sort of in the air.

Little bits and pieces
are floating around...

and someone just has to bring all of that
together to make the new discovery.

Now it has been suggested...

that maybe it is somehow
physically in the air.

There's some sort of information...

that the human mind can tap into
to make something like this happen.

[ Narrator ] Is it possible that
the collective knowledge of the universe-

what some call the Akashic Record-

is embedded in the energy
that is all around us...

and that those we call geniuses...

are the handful of individuals
who have the greatest access to it?

[WILCOCK] What's going on here?

These are complex abstract thoughts.

We are not talking about something that
you're just going to come up with at random.

Some would suggest that
it's just a collective unconscious...

that it's some sort of impersonal mind
that we're all sharing that's doing this.

But there is also the interesting idea...

that there is a deliberate effect
being enacted here.

That extraterrestrials
are working through us...

to implant certain ideas and concepts...

so that we fit onto a timeline
of prescribed human evolution...

in which certain discoveries
happen at certain times.

[ Narrator] Could simultaneous inventions
be more than coincidence...

more than the fact that inventors are
working from the same basic technology?

And if so, are there otherworldly beings
pulling the strings-

using the Akashic Record to reveal
information to humanity's geniuses...

when it fits their timetable?

So it may be that
as these academics and inventors...

are all working on similar problems
and inventions..

Then suddenly, yeah,
they all tune in simultaneously...

to that little bit of knowledge and piece
of information that they're all missing...

and they all find it.

And it's all because
they're tapping into this universal mind...

and tuning in at a time
when it's just right...

and we've been taken right to that level...

and we're ready to pluck that little apple
from the tree.

[ Narrator] If extraterrestrials really
are using the Akashic Record...

to transmit wisdom that is shaping
the course of human civilization...

what is their agenda?

Ancient astronaut theorists believe
the answer can be found...

by exploring one of the most important
innovations of the 21st century.

[ Narrator] San Francisco.
January 9, 2007.

Every once in a while
a revolutionary product comes along...

that changes everything.

[ Narrator]
At the annual Macworld Conference...

Apple Computer co-founder
Steve Jobs introduces...

what will quickly become one of the most
iconic inventions in modern history.

What we want to do
is make a leap-frog product...

that is way smarter than any mobile device
has ever been and super easy to use.

[Audience Cheering, Applauding ]

And we are calling it iPhone.

[Applauding, Cheering Continues]

[ Narrator] With its sleek design
and savvy marketing...

the iPhone becomes a sensation...

selling 500 million devices
over the next seven years.

Along with the iPod...


and iPad...

Jobs's genius
revolutionizes modern society.

The inventions of Steve Jobs
changed our lives in significant ways...

in that it made access to information
seem easier...

seem more straightforward,
seem more doable...

for people who otherwise might say,
“I don't know how to work this thing.”

He took complex things-
whether it's a computer, a telephone-

and made it so ordinary people
could figure it out...

and use it and change their lives.

[ Narrator] But like da Vinci,
Tesla and Einstein before him...

Jobs believed the inspiration
for his groundbreaking inventions...

came to him because of something
as profoundly simple as meditation.

The Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in
California's Los Padres National Forest...

is the oldest Japanese Buddhist
Soto Zen monastery in the United States.

It was here, while deep in meditation...

that Jobs thought he received
much of the inspiration...

that transformed the modern world.

[ Beirich ] Steve Jobs encountered Buddhism
in his early adult years...

and understood that contemplation
for him was an important aspect.

Looking back on his life
and seeing what he did...

certainly turning inward,
clearing the mind...

a contemplative approach to things
had a big impact for him.

[ Narrator] Jobs believed Zen meditation
allowed him to calm his thoughts...

so he could tap into a source of inspiration
that' existed outside his body.

As Jobs described it,
“Your mind just slows down...

and you see a tremendous expanse
in the moment.

You see so much more
than you could see before.”

To me, I think what
was really going on there...

is that he was really good at getting into
the flow state of consciousness.

The flow state is an altered
state of consciousness.

But it's that state of consciousness to where
all time seems to recede into the background.

We seem to feel like we're one
with what we're creating.

[ Narrator] Is it possible
that Steve Jobs's genius...

not only revolutionized our technology...

bu! Also gave humanity a blueprint
for how the universal mind Works...

and how we can
attain enlightenment through it?

With the iPhone, did Jobs unconsciously
recreate on a smaller level...

what already exists in the universe-

a library of collective knowledge
that every user is contributing to?

And if so, could this technology
be teaching us...

how to access that great repository of cosmic
knowledge called the Akashic Record...

that some scientists are starting
to believe may exist all around us?

Consciousness itself may, in fact,
be a greater energetic existence...

that we are simply accessing
much like going online.

You don't say that all the knowledge
of the Internet is inside your smartphone.

But you access the Internet
through your smartphone.

In much the same way, perhaps what
we are calling the subconscious mind...

is actually our connection
to a greater energetic domain...

in which the seeds of philosophy...

the seeds of physics...

the seeds of mathematics...

and the true nature of human
existence itself are hidden away...

waiting for those who are bright enough
and adept enough...

to tap into these great cosmic mysteries.

There's so many psychologists
and philosophers...

cognitive scientists, neuroscientists,
trying to answer the question...

“Where do these thoughts exist?
Where do these ideas exist?”

You can look at my brain and have
some idea that I'm having thoughts...

but you don't know
what those thoughts are.

You can't explain the nature
or the form of those thoughts.

It's hotly debated to what extent the mind
and the brain are the same thing...

and trying to understand
that rich inner stream of consciousness...

is one of the most exciting questions
in the field of philosophy of mind today.

[ Narrator] Is it possible that the brain
acts as a receptor of cosmic intelligence...

which exists outside our physical body?

And if so...

is this so-called universal mind shared
with other beings throughout the universe?

We have our brains
and all of the functioning there.

But our mind is-
is somewhere else, really.

Somewhere we can't really place.

So if our mind is really
part of this universal mind...

it seems very possible that we
are being bombarded and infused...

by all kinds of extraterrestrial thoughts
and we don't even know it.

[ Narrator] Bu! If we all are connected
to this universal cache of knowledge...

and geniuses are simply those
who've been allowed a greater glimpse...

might extraterrestrials be guiding us
towards the day...

when we will be fully enlightened?

Ancient astronaut theorists suggest
the answer may be revealed...

by examining
a recent trend in human intelligence.

[ Narrator] July 20, 1969.

[ Man Over Radio ]
Houston. You are go for landing, over.

[ Aldrin Over Radio] Roger. Understand.
Go for landing. 3,000 feet.

[ Narrator] When Apollo 11's lunar lander
touches down on the surface of the moon...

humanity takes a giant leap forward
into a new era.

[ Armstrong Over Radio ]
That's one small step for man.

One giant leap for mankind.

[ Narrator] The genius of men like
Werner Von Braun and other scientists...

has propelled humans off planet Earth
for the first time in recorded history.

The event marks the high point
of a remarkable 150-year-long expl*si*n...

of technological and scientific genius...

the likes of which
the world has never seen.

Starting early 1800s
with the Industrial Revolution...

the last two centuries have been the most
extraordinary time in human history.

In technology, we've gone
from steam power to electric engines...

to nuclear power systems.

In science, we've discovered things
like electromagnetism...

relativity, quantum mechanics.

In our daily lives...

something as seemingly small
as just the germ theory of Pasteur...

antibiotics, anesthesia-

these are enormous changes
in technology, in science...

in just medicine, everyday life.

[ Narrator] But scientists say what's
developing just as fast as our technology...

is the intellectual capability
of the human mind.

Studies reveal an astounding
30-point increase...

in the average IQ score
over the last century.

Some scientists attribute this improvement
to better education and nutrition...

but others believe it may be due
to the evolution of our consciousness...

and the ability
to access our inner genius.

Human cognition is continually evolving.
It's always changing.

Now most of these changes
are actually very subtle, very gradual.

However, there have been a few times...

when there have been major upgrades
in human cognition.

But we might make the argument that the
Information Revolution of the 20th century...

are leading to another upgrade
in human cognition.

[ Narrator]
Could this curious increase in IQ...

be evidence that humanity is being slowly
moved toward a new collective intelligence?

Are we all gradually gaining greater access
to the knowledge of the universe?

If so, might we eventually be able
to merge humanity's collective knowledge...

with this great galactic mind and,
at that time...

discover that extraterrestrials
have been guiding us all along?

Over the past 100 years,
we have made strides-

uh, leaps and bounds with, you know,
advancements in technology...

and I think that the reason why UFO
encounters and reports have increased...

is because any extraterrestrial society
would have to be aware...

if a society reaches a certain
level of technology.

[ Henry] You wonder,
“Where's all this taking us?”

And the answer seems to be it's taking
us to the level of the mind of the gods-

that we are going to be thinking
more like gods...

and having tremendous godlike ability...

as a result of tapping into
this cosmic consciousness.

[WILCOCK ] These extraterrestrials may very
well be giving us the tools that we need...

to ensure that this evolution
proceeds accordingly...

and help guide us through
this mass quantum human evolution.

[CHILDRESS] it would seem that
as mankind progresses step-by-step...

and through more and more knowledge, much
of it gained through the universal mind...

that we will then eventually create a
civilization that is so highly developed...

that we are ready to meet
with the extraterrestrials face-to-face...

and interact with them as equals,
which is what I believe they want us to do.

[ Narrator] What inspires geniuses
to great heights of creativity?

Were the ancients right...

in thinking that something outside
of the brain is responsible for brilliance?

Can the root of all wisdom be found
in the Akashic Record-

a universal mind that we are given
access to by extraterrestrial beings?

We may not discover the truth...

until the world's geniuses
propel humanity to true enlightenment.

And perhaps only then
will we be ready to reunite...

with our alien ancestors.
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