16x04 - Trust - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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16x04 - Trust - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

There are three vials of TTX unaccounted for.

Where did you get this? Roper.

Your briefcase, sir.

do you know what this is? What it could do? Shut up! How old was Michael when he died? Four months.

When Michael got sick Daddy wasn't there.

Is that what Daddy told you to say? If you plan to carry on treating me like this, let me know cos I'm not sure I can deal with it.

You and Jack, all this antagonism because you had an affair? He thought I did something and I didn't.

Someone switched samples, of that I'm sure.

Solomon McGuire are primarily concerned with defence research - vaccines, anti-toxins and such like.

Shona's trial starts on Thursday Jack could've been right though, couldn't he? You, Jack, you're all the same - 'playing on the edges of law enforcement, 'like kids in a bloody sandpit.

'What exactly do you know?' Ballinger leased the warehouse, Kolahi had his number.

Don't think we're disputing Ballinger's involved.

So why is he lying dead on a mortuary gurney? Fallout with a friend? The man who hit Nikki, got a good look at him.

Definitely the same man from the 24-hour CCTV.

I think Reed would've left me to die.

What?! If the fire crew hadn't arrived when they did I I don't think I'd be sat here right now.

Are you sure that she saw you? She was looking straight at me.

Yeah, but the smoke had filled the room.

She saw me, Leo.

I was lying on the floor.

Well, she didn't realise that you were conscious.

What does that matter? She was staring at me and then she ran after the man who hit me.

I'm just trying to imagine why she might have abandoned you.

You're right Maybe I misinterpreted it, I don't know.

Thanks for the flowers.

Get some rest.

I'll do the postmortems.

OK, great.

Yeah, thanks.

Camera's been found.

It's been lying in water overnight.

Probably dead.

Tech guys'll dry it out.

Might be able to get something.

Was she handcuffed when you found her? Tied to a chair, with some rope.

Postmortem will confirm, but I'll bet she had been.

There's deep scratches on the back of this.

Padlocked door .


just like the house.

What if he used the same clasps? I mean, we're looking for a link between the two sites, aren't we? Chrissy? What is this place? HE GASPS 'This is a restricted area.

' Listen, you had no right going to see him.

I needed a blood test for vitamin D testing.

Look Shona's in hospital beaten up in prison she's still unconscious.

I don't know what to do with myself.

Look, I'm truly sorry about that but the fact remains that you coached your son to lie for you.

You were in that flat the night that Michael died.

You lied to me.

You lied to the police! Yeah, I was there! I was there.

Well, I'm withdrawing my postmortem report and foregoing any further investigation.

No, listen, you can't! Let me explain.

Yeah, I was in the flat, but Shona and me, we decided to say I wasn't there.

Look, you know about my criminal convictions.

You didn't mention that you'd been arrested for assaulting a previous girlfriend.

You been checking up on me? You think I hurt my son? I think that's for the police to answer, not me You're going to tell them I was there? It'd be better if you told them yourself.

You know the reason why we decided to lie? Cos we knew they'd react the exact same way you have.

'Scientists exploded bombs near mobilised sheep 'to determine if the spores would survive an expl*si*n 'and retain the ability to infect anyone nearby.

'Gruinard Island was declared off limits 'until it was decontaminated in the 1980s.

' Checked Ballinger's bank account.

He paid for all of this, too, ten days ago.

TC 100 Inverted Microscope - didn't get that from Argos! Incubator chamber, lab shakers, vacuum ovens - this is all high-end, lab grade equipment.

So, it's about dr*gs then? It's certainly about something he couldn't do at Solomon McGuire.

My guess is synthetic dr*gs - the mark-up's huge.

So, why was he keeping a woman imprisoned? You thought this was a sexual crime, I thought it was linked to trafficking.

Looks like it's something else altogether.


And what happened back in Bradford .


maybe that was something else altogether.

Are you apologising to me, Jack? Is that what this is? So, say it then.

Sorry you said I shagged you to access your lab and manipulate evidence.

Didn't need an excuse to shag you, Jack.

Don't open that.

Ballinger was a biochemist.

Nikki said Solomon McGuire were involved in defence research.

We need to contact them, find out what this could be, and we need to get this area sealed off.

Call HPA Porton Down.

That's overkill? Do you know what this is? Course not! Neither do I.

Where are you going? Lyell.

We need to suspend postmortems until we know what we're dealing with.

Body is that of an unknown female Caucasian.

She's aged late 20s, early 30s Vitreous potassium levels, allied to a visual inspection, suggests that she's been dead between 12 and 15 hours.

There are contusions There are contusions and abrasions on both wrists.

Come on, Leo! Pick up.

Come on! I think it's likely that her hands were handcuffed at some point, exactly the same way as the women in the Streatham basement.

A single g*nsh*t wound to the upper left thorax She has what appears to be a mucosal ulcer in her oropharynx.

'According to the x-rays,' the deceased has a significantly widened mediastinum to a degree of 30%.

Leo! The bodies could have been exposed to some form of contamination.

Until we know exactly what it is we're dealing with, you should stop! It's anthrax.

We're dealing with anthrax.

Clinical centre number 12782- I need to report a potential biological threat.

There was ulceration on the back of her leg and in her throat, as if she actually INGESTED the anthrax.

You get through to the HPA? Mm-hm.

We're locked down.

No-one in, no-one out.

He opened the body?! Is he OK? He's taken antibiotics, 'it's just HPA standard protocol.

' Is there anything I can do? You could go back to the original crime scene.

Door down to the basement - I need photos of the door frame 'and measurements of the screw holes, 'where the padlock clasps were fitted.

' Sure.

All right, thanks, Nikki.



get some officers on those gates over there.

' There's too many people walking through.

I want this place completely locked off.

Let's get that done.

DI Reed, Serious Crimes.

DCI Hart, Counter Terrorism Squad.

There's no reason to think what we found in the warehouse is linked to any terror campaign.

The substance has been identified as anthrax.

Footage from the camera found at the warehouse crime scene - tech guys managed to access it.

That should have come to me.

Everything through me now.

'Speak' We need to know what they were planning to use it for.

'k*ll me.

' The same woman found dead at the warehouse? 'Speak' Yes.

'k*ll me.

' Can we identify from this? We're trying.

The voice - is it Ballinger or the other man? Never heard the other man speak.

Could be Ballinger, I'm not sure.

Do you have a photo of the second man? Yeah.

You've no idea who he is? No.

A summary of your investigation in my hands, pronto.

By the sounds of it, shouldn't take you too long.

Get me Ballinger's address, I want his place searched.

Who the hell do you think you are? You can't just swan in here and dump me off my own case! I can.

I have.

Damn it, who do you think got us this far? And how far is that, exactly? You've got three dead women - you don't know who they are, two suspects - one dead, one you can't identify.

I'm pleased to see you want to stay involved but, er, you'll excuse me if I don't bite your hand off.

Dozens of people out there already.

Jack? Immigration responded to my request.

have travel patterns matching those identified by isotope analysis.

Only three of those stated intention to reside in the London area.

Kronye Mastakova, Martine Babka, Ellisabet Vrinksa.

It's her.

Someone, please, HELP! The Serbian victim from the basement.

What are you doing? Wait! DI Reed? I need you to tell me all you can about this.

Of course.

This way.

It's anthrax.

And it's ours.

We developed a particularly aggressive strain of anthrax.

The spores you found have the same basic genetic underpinning, but the structure's been manipulated.

Whoever did this is an artist! How did you get hold of this? Why would anyone do that? Oh, I don't know.

Possibly to aid dispersal? Butthe spores could have been modified to catch the wind, so a significant release could affect a much larger area than conventional spores.

Please, I must ask how you got hold Lucas Ballinger.

Lucas? Lucas would never do this! You said yourself, he's responsible for your lab's stock inventory.

We believe he abused that power and stole the anthrax spores from this laboratory.

I need access to CCTV footage of all your security points.

I want to see every time Ballinger left the building.

Yes, Jack? 'It's Ballinger, he wasn't dead.

' (You what?) He must have just walked out of here.

We don't know exactly what's happened.

All we know is that Nikki found him in the basement.

Yes, she's still there now.

Hello? Hello? She hung up.

Are you OK? His death was confirmed at the scene, wasn't it? I assume so.

And I was here when he was brought in.

I mean, I think I would've noticed if he was breathing.

Well, maybe he was suffering from hypotension? It slows the heartbeat.

He looks half crippled.

Paralysis! The tetrodotoxin that k*lled the blonde female in the basement TTX can k*ll, but taken in small doses it can cause paralysis, hypotension You think he was injected with TTX as well? Could be.

The London Registry Office has confirmed that our blonde victim, Ellisabet Vrinska, was married six months ago.

She married Lucas Ballinger.

You're kidding.

Did you speak to immigration? What? And they confirmed it? OK.

The blonde victim's Ballinger's wife.

His WIFE?! Well, his eyes were red when I saw him, like he'd been crying.

Don't tell me you think he's innocent in all of this? Why do you think he was here? To see where his wife died.

How would he know where she died, unless he k*lled her? The press have named the street over and over.

DEFINITELY I saw a man who was upset.

He was obviously here to remove evidence.

Something we missed.

Was he carrying anything when he left? A bag, maybe? No, I don't think so, but he had a knife, a scalpel, I think.

Running from the police with a lethal w*apon? Seem like the actions of an innocent man to you? 'Roper! It's Ballinger.

' 'Open up!' Hearns! Where is he? Where is he?! I want a full chain of accountability in my hands, so when the shit starts flying, it all sticks to the dickhead who pronounced him dead at scene! It was me.

A paramedic checked his pulse.


And it isn't ordinary anthrax.

I took a sample of the anthrax from the warehouse lab to Solomon McGuire.

You did what? The strain originates there, but it's extremely aggressive.

Conventional strains may take up to three or four days to overwhelm the body's defence system - this one can k*ll in 8-10 hours.

First you screw up, then you try to flank me.

What's your game, eh? I swear to God, when this is over, I'm going to march into your guv'nor's office, and I'm going to dump all over your precious career.

OK, if you just hold still a second.

The vaccine's from Solomon McGuire.

Apparently it'll still help post-exposure, in conjunction with the antibiotics.

Right, thank you.

Has it been tested? Oh, I, er, didn't ask Mark? What happened? You're in hospital.

You were assaulted.

What day is it? Thursday.

I'm sorry, Mark No, no, no, it's OK.

It's OK.

Don't worry, we're going to get a new trial date.

But Darius? Don't worry about Darius, Darius is fine.

It's all going to be fine.

The postmortem on Michael Did Professor Dalton discover anything? So, you're still alive then? The HPA are running some more blood tests but the vaccine's done the business.

You're all clear.

Have you been here all night? Yeah.

It's cosy in here.

Thank you.


What is it? The vitamin D results for the Benson case.

I thought you'd dropped that case? I have.

Anyway, it turns out, I've been chasing shadows.

Thanks very much, much appreciated.

It's no problem.

Leo! Lockdown's lifted then? Are you OK? I'm fine.

Oh, my God.

Really, I'm fine.

What are you waiting for? Have you been here all night? Who's that? That's Cameron Roper.

I understand it must have been a terrible experience for you I'd just told her what I knew about the forensics failure in Ross Parkwell's previous trial.

She sort of lost her temper.

Half an hour later, I was assaulted and she chose not to help me.

And you're certain of that? Not certain.

It's just your interpretation.

How do you interpret this? Ross Parkwell was involved in dr*gs operations running between Glasgow, Leeds and Liverpool.

Whenever he was in trouble, the case collapsed - either because of forensic problems or witness withdrawals.

So, I think you're right, someone was protecting him, and maybe he WAS an informant? And, if he was, you may have been right about DI Reed all along.

That's my business.

Well, actually, if the wrong man went to jail, it isn't.

Colin MacKenzie's been shouting he's innocent all these years Why are you digging around like this? Because I thought you'd Please, Nikki, I know you're just trying to help, but stay out of it, OK? Chrissy? Yup.

Mm-hmm 'His name's Cameron Roper, security guard.

' He helped Ballinger smuggle the anthrax out.

Don't you think we need some kind of back up? You are my back up.

You're going under the radar.

Is this cos you're angry about Counter Terrorism throwing you off? Just doing my bit for the cause any way I can.

And hoping for a commendation.

If I'm so terrible, why did you come when I asked? Needed the fresh air.

I'd forgotten just how annoying you can be.

And I'd forgotten just how sexy you are when you're annoyed.

No-one home.

Isn't that illegal? You used to be fun.

Looks like he was packing.

'He's not going anywhere.

' 'Ballinger's cleaning up.

' There's blood on the wall in the hallway.

I think a scuffle started there, he opens the door to Ballinger, they fight, Roper breaks free, runs in here, Ballinger sh**t him dead.

Well, one thing's for sure .


it's not his.

Mummy woke up.

She wanted me to tell you that she loves you .


she's missing you, a lot .


and she's fighting like crazy to get back to you.

All right? Darius, stay here.

Dad! Dad! Blunt trauma to his right eye and his chin.

Likely he was involved in some kind of fight prior to fatal wounding.

Why do I get the feeling you're angry with me? Sorry if you thought I left you in that warehouse.

It was difficult to see in there.

I think you should apologise, too.

What you said in the car I'm sorry, it was none of my business.

The important thing is I sorted it out with Jack.

There is a small incision on the neck.

The edges of the wound are very clean.

The knife must have been incredibly sharp.

Sharp as a scalpel? Looks like Jack isn't the only one making bad judgement calls.

'Cause of death is heart failure' due to g*nsh*t wound that entered through the back.

Clarissa needs the b*llet for comparison.

When I'm ready I'll take it And you're sure about time since death? Six to eight hours.

Which fits the time-frame.

Could I have your report in two hours? When I've finished the postmortem Your report, Nikki.


You've informed DCI Hart about this, I assume? The hair found on Roper's body and Ballinger's hair from the trolley - I think they're the same.

And the b*llet's from a Makharov, just like the others.

How's your stock doing, fella? Yeah, good, man, not bad, not bad.

How are you? That'll teach you.

Can't confirm it's exactly the same g*n, but it's likely.

And we know that Ballinger was in the flat, and got close enough to leave hair traces on Roper.

We think he fought his way in, then shot him.

Ballinger's trying to silence the people he hired to work for him.

Sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner, but I had reason to suspect that Roper was readying himself to leave.

Of course you did.

The half-packed suitcase suggests I was right.

Shame you couldn't get to him before Ballinger.

Did the room Roper was found in have a lock? No.

Why? Just seems strange that he would've fled into a room with no lock and then ends up shot in the back, six feet from the door.

If you're trying to keep an attacker out, you'd have your shoulder against the door, you wouldn't be turning from the threat.

We don't know if Ballinger was injured himself.

For all we know, Roper might have thought he'd k*lled him.

He goes into the living room, Ballinger recovers, sh**t him.


Dr Alexander has a feeling that Ballinger isn't the man we think he is.

I just don't understand what he has to gain.

I certainly don't understand why he k*lled his wife.

One of Ballinger's friends said Ellisabet seemed to pop out of nowhere about six months ago.

Apparently she met Ballinger in the park, and they were married a few weeks later.

He stopped socialising, became, in his words, a "completely different person".

Come on, how many of us have ignored our friends in the first months of a relationship? That's romantic, but it seems clear that this relationship wasn't built on love, but on financial gain.

You think they were creating anthrax to extort money? Maybe.

But given Ballinger doesn't have any political axe to grind, it's also possible they were creating a product to sell abroad.

Which is why Ellisabet Vrinska is so very interesting to us.

I'll follow up on that.

It's all in hand.

Wait! I bring you all that, and I'm still stood on the naughty step? What is it with you? Don't like women? Don't try to make this something it's not.

You did a good job.

Now go home.

You look like crap.

Right, well, now that you've dropped the case, I think you deserve a little treat.

I can offer you my company, Eleanor's coq au vin.

A Friday? Might even be able to rustle up one of her other girlfriends.

Yes to dinner, no to inappropriate match-making.

Inappropriate? It's wholly appropriate.

Er, Richard, I'll catch up with you.

Right, OK.

Is that him? Yeah.

Shona's trial's been adjourned.

I don't want my son's body being moved again.

He stays here with you, till I find someone else.

Right, I'll, er, I'll sort out the paperwork.

How's she doing? What the hell do you care? Chrissy? Jack! Hey.


Look, just wanted to say, I'm glad we met up again.

And the more I look back at the past, the more embarrassed I am about the way I acted.

Thanks, Jack.

Look, I'm going to have to get going, so why don't we talk about this another time? You slept with him, didn't you? Jack, please.

Christ, I've been an idiot! I should have trusted myself, what I felt back then.

What do you stand to get from sleeping with him, Chrissy? As much as you got from me? Can I explain? What can he give you? Oh, he gets his leg over, and you get a leg-up to DCI - is that it? Can we talk about this another time, please? No.

It's started.

Anthrax attack, City of London.

Oi! Prick! This latest anthrax incident brings the total to six, in a wave of apparently coordinated att*cks against London So far, 18 people are believed to be in a critical condition The building behind me and the five others that have been targeted have had to be sealed off to protect against any contamination from what police suspect to be a highly aggressive strain of this biological w*apon.

Police forces across the nation have continued to search for Dr Lucas Ballinger, a microbiologist who they believe is involved in today's att*cks.

And the police also advise the public not to approach this man as he may be armed and is considered to be extremely The g*n.

The police are using it as evidence that Ballinger was linked to the murders in the basement, the warehouse and Roper's m*rder.

But Ballinger was removed from the warehouse unconscious.

He didn't have the g*n.

So he couldn't have used it to k*ll Roper.


All this stuff about Ballinger not caring about his wife - I saw him in that basement.

I saw how upset he was.

He wasn't a criminal returning to the scene of a crime, he wasn't trying to remove evidence.

I really think he was just a man trying to see where his wife died.

Turn the volume up.

What happened to your face? Volume.



this anthrax has been genetically modified, then it's almost certainly not the work of one person alone.

Ballinger needed help to do what he did.

What if the dead woman from the warehouse wasn't targeted as a victim? What if she was part of the plot? Time for work.

I need a blood sample.

What have you done to me? What you did to me.

What you did to my wife.

Roper's TTX.

You know, I really wanted to believe you when you told me they were still alive.

But Petra couldn't.

She was right.

And now she's dead.

Doctor Tell me why.

I saw it on the news.

Investment banks.

So, what, are you some kind of anarchist? You haven't issued any demands, so it can't be about money.

Of course it's about money.

And you framed me for the whole thing.

In a few minutes, you'll be unconscious.

If you tell me what I need to know, I promise you, I'll phone for an ambulance and you'll live.

So, before your mouth muscles are completely paralysed, I want you to tell me everything.

Mark says you think he did it.

I never said that.

So why are you giving up on us? I have no choice.

You lied to me about Mark's presence in the house.

I have to tell the police.

So tell them.

Look, now you've got an adjournment, whoever takes on the case can run some more tests.


No, it has to be you.

And it has to be now.

Mark visited Darius.

He can't handle what's happening to him.

And Social Services, they're pushing for a quick adoption.

So I'm begging you.

I see that you have some historic rib fractures.

Can you remember how you got them? Rib fractures? I've never broken a rib in my life before now.

What? Woman from the warehouse.

Her blood has traces of anthrax, botulism and - get this - plague.

What does that suggest? She's been vaccinated.

She was a scientist, too.

I need you to contact whatever regulatory body governs the biochemistry industry, get a list of female practitioners with clearance to work with those substances.

Within the last ten minutes, the Prime Minister and senior Cabinet ministers have left the House of Commons in order to attend an emergency COBRA meeting.

That was found that on the body.

They look happy.

You really still think Ballinger's innocent? I think it's odd that a m*rder*r would leave a photograph of himself on his victim.

Unless he has no intention of getting caught.

Definitely our man from the CCTV? Ronnie Hearns.


Ballinger's getting rid of his accomplices, one by one.

Thoughts on cause of death? No obvious signs of trauma.

It might point to TTX again.

We need a forensic sweep.

Have you seen Jack? Not since last night.

He was working late at the office.

Dr Petra Smith.

Works at Cranham University.

A microbiologist specialising in molecular architecture.

Christie said the anthrax spores had been remodelled.

Have you checked with Cranham? They say she left for Dominica two weeks ago.

I don't think she ever got there.

Ballinger, a scientist, his wife incarcerated.

Petra Smith, a scientist, and we have another unidentified woman found dead in the basement.

So you think there's some kind of link between Petra Smith and the brunette victim? 'Scientists exploded anthrax bombs near mobilised sheep.

' 'Test results show that anthrax could in fact 'be effectively dispersed' Do you recognise the old footage? Gruinard Island, just off the north-west coast of Scotland.

Government scientists used it to test anthrax in the 50s.



but if an anthrax b*mb were dropped on a city like London, 'the results could have been catastrophic.

' He's planning a second attack.

And we've just seen the trailer.

I analysed a sample of the rib bone and found that the internal architecture was abnormal.

The trabecula bone is very disconnected.

So, late last night, I biked a sample of blood from the mother and both sons for full length genomic sequencing with MLPA, and the results were conclusive, showing a COL1A1 mutation.

Darius's blood tested negative, and Shona suffers from osteogenesis imperfecta - commonly known as brittle bone disease.

And so did Michael.

Shona had the mild form, but Michael's sample had abnormality in the Type 1 collagen gene, which would explain the healing fractures.

So, I think what we are dealing with here is Sudden Infant Death in a child with brittle bone disease.

And that is what I'm going be offering up to the defence team.

Unless, of course, you have cause to reconsider your prosecution.

Radio Armed Response.

I need all vehicles on the roads.

Do we know how Ballinger's travelling? Done some checks.

Roper's car's missing.

Silver Rover 600.

I've circulated the reg.

Get to Solomon McGuire.

Find out how much anthrax he could have taken, and how much he could have grown in the time available.

Will do.

Come with me? We can confirm that the entire London tube system has been suspended.

A police spokesperson has said that there is currently no evidence to suggest any further att*cks on the London transport system.

Lucas? I know it was you.

Hearns told me everything.

And now I want you to tell me why.

Hi, Jack? 'I've identified the other woman in the basement.

' Catch me up.

'It's Petra's sister.

' The company was broken, I had to fix it.

I told Hearns that we had a problem, that we'd spent all our money on developing a vaccine, and that now the government were stalling.

They just needed a little scare.

How much did you pay him? I didn't.

He bought stock in the company.

And how much is that stock worth now the government contract's confirmed? How much is your share worth? Millions? Lucas, if I'd known for a second he would involve you I had no idea how he'd do it.

He didn't want me to know.

Shall I tell you what he did? Help! Someone HELP! He imprisoned my wife .


and told me he would k*ll her unless I smuggled out the anthrax.

Help! Help! And in the end he k*lled her anyway, because apparently she was too much trouble.

Shut up! And all because you wanted to save this company.

Because you wanted to make money.

Money! Lucas.

Lucas! No, no, I promise, I'll tell everyone what I've done! We were going to have a family, you bastard! A family! I didn't know .



What? What did you say?! I didn't know she was pregnant! Oh, no! The woman from the warehouse was Petra Smith.

She was a biochemist, too.

'DNA comparison confirms that the second victim from the basement 'is her sister, Mary.

'Someone was keeping their loved ones c*ptive, 'forcing Smith and Ballinger to work.

' You were right about Ballinger.

Right about everything.

Something's happened between Reed and Hart.

I don't know what, but It's Ballinger, Jack.

He's driving away from Solomon McGuire.

Did he take the g*n with him? Did he say where he was going? I need to know how much anthrax he could've smuggled out.

I checked the log book yesterday.

But if he's using our product as his starter cultures So, you don't know? I have just heard from the CPS.

They are not going to be offering any evidence.

Shona is free to go.

You can pick up Darius as soon as she's been released.

You're sure? Yes.

Thank you.

Thank you.

I followed him from Solomon McGuire.

Torrington Square, Central London.

'Do not approach him.

He's armed, carrying anthrax, 'and possibly some form of expl*sive device.

' Where is he? Over there, on the bench.

What's he doing? Sitting.

Just sitting.

If he's so innocent, why's he just shot up Christie's office? What's he doing sat in a busy park with a bag full of anthrax? You don't know what's in his bag.

Jack's just found out that I haven't got time for what Jack's found out! He's sat over there on the bench with a rucksack.

I need the whole park cleared before armed response take up position.

Why here? Look, I said you were right about Ballinger.

I'm sorry.

Sorry for the way I treated you.

You were right about her, too.

Reed? Should have trusted your judgement.

I won't make that mistake again.

Have you told Reed what I found out? She doesn't want to know.

She just wants to sh**t him.



don't want a major panic on our hands.

Do this as discreetly as possible.

OK, get on it.

Yes, ma'am.

The woman in the warehouse, Petra Smith - her sister was the other woman in the basement.

They were being held to compel Ballinger and Petra to work.

I haven't got time to discuss the who-why-when.

I've got a man sat there threatening to k*ll hundreds of people.

What the hell is she doing? Can I sit with you? This is where I first saw Ellisabet.

Right here, on this very spot.

Six weeks later, we were engaged.

She changed my life.

Wewe were going to have a baby.

I'm sorry.

I don't know what to do.

They think you might be armed and carrying anthrax.

How many guys have you got? Need a word.

You can't sh**t.

He's carrying a biological w*apon! You don't know that! And you know he isn't? And what about Nikki? She's put herself in this situation.

'DCI Hart's approaching your position.

' Received.

'Your order is to hold until they arrive.

' 'Order is to hold.


' Understood.

OK, guys, get into position now.

Jack! He's a colleague.

They have police marksmen.

They're worried about what you have in the bag.

Nikki I'm not going.

Nothing will happen if I stay.

You think? Dr Ballinger, if you make a move for the bag, they'll fire.

I guarantee it.

Have you got a shot? Yes, ma'am.

If he makes a move for the bag, you fire, understood? Ma'am.

Come with me.

She wouldn't want this.

She'd want you to be safe, Ellisabet.

Please, come with me.

I'll come.

I just want to stay here for a little bit longer, OK? Can I take the bag? It's OK! It's OK.

What's he doing? What's he doing.

It's in his jacket Fire! Nothing.

All clear, all clear.


'Dr Christie, is it true that your directors planned the att*cks 'to boost share prices?' 'I'm not aware of any wrongdoing.

' And if the police had any evidence of such, I assume we'd all be under arrest.

Thank you.

Darius! Darius? Come here, look at you! And now we commit their bodies to the ground.

Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust.

The body's in the flat above the pub.

Joanne Henderson, aged 32.

Hubby Roly says their daughter found her whilst he was asleep in the bar downstairs.

I want to see my Dad.

When SOCOs move the body they should look out for a missing fingertip.

Over 100 women are k*lled every year by their husband or partner.

I didn't do anything! Four years ago Eleanor Marshall was bludgeoned to death at a picnic site ten miles from here.

Big man that I was, I did nothing to save her.

Edith, when your husband's shotgun was stolen, was any amm*nit*on taken? Yeah, a few boxes.

Pretty well stocked, aren't you, mate? 'We didn't think it odd.

'Even when he asked Imogen on a date, 'we'd no idea who we were letting into our lives.'
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