16x08 - Legacy - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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16x08 - Legacy - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

This wasn't just misadventure.

Someone locked him in and left him to die.

God, Derren! What's the matter with you? You're asleep half the time, then you do something like this! I didn't do anything! If you want to leave, leave now! No-one come near me! What I want is to know is what k*lled him.

Armed police! Get down on the floor! Brimstead Fields.

This is really going to mess things up.

I told you! I want the proper value of my farm.

I understand.

This Lord Embleton, as he calls himself.

You tell him I can make an awful lot of trouble for him if I choose.

Someone knows what's happening, and there's people dying because of it! Stand your ground! Don't move! What's going on? Useful? There is something going on in the area.

Mr Ryder? George? Testat ore silence Vos teste se spiritu Silencio Nikki, is Jack there? 'On his way to you, I think.

' Could you send over the mug sh*ts of Brian Blackburn's employees? That's the boy that I saw.

What are you doing? I've got to get away from here.

Slow down.

I need to get away from here, Dad.

Where can I go? What are you talking about? He was justthis man, he was he was lying there.

I didn't do anything.

What man? Just some old bloke.

I went back to get the bottle and They're not gonna believe me after Colin.

Nobody knows about Colin.

I took him some water.

You said don't leave anything.

Is this blood? Police! Open the door! You can't let them in here, Dad.

They'll only break it down.

You got three seconds, Brian! You stay here.

I'll talk to 'em.

All right, put it in.

Where is he, Brian? He's done nothing wrong! We've got a witness.

Is he up there? He's out the window! Unh! There he is! Oh! Over here! Why would Derren want to k*ll George Ryder? Well, he didn't want to.

His dad scared him into going back to pick up the evidence like that bottle.

Ryder chips up, "Hello, stranger!" Derren panics.

Bang! George is dead.

You're happy with that? What, one story that closes three cases? Should I not be? Mind if I have a talk with him? Sure, be my guest.

Is there anyone you'd like to call? I've called a solicitor.

They're going to charge me with obstruction.

Do you think Derren k*lled George Ryder? He didn't k*ll anyone.

You know what happened to Colin Connor.

Derren locked him in a room and left him to die.

It took days.

Colin was a bully.

I mean, they were supposed to be best mates, but it were basically Derren doing what Colin said.

Until he snapped? He was a good boy.

Yeah, I understand that his behaviour changed recently.

He used to talk to me.

We were close, you know.

And thenit were like I didn't know him any more.

He lied, thieved.

He had these mood swings.

I tried tackling him about it, buthe wouldn't open up to me.

Was he into dr*gs? I did wonder, but I never saw any evidence.

Well, sometimes a personality change can have aa medical reason.

Did you talk to any doctors? Doctors? They did nothing for his mother.

So, what did you do? Your solicitor's here.

Nikki, I need you to look out for something for me.

Clarissa's matched Derren's prints to the ones on the water bottle.

So, between that and Leo's witness evidence, we can place him at the scene of both deaths.

I didn't think I'd be seeing any of you people again.

You weren't supposed to.

But then Brimstead Fields found its way into the news.

Blow over.

Give it time.

Two crime scenes in one week? They caught the boy who did them both.

But the damage is done.

It's your son's dreams and schemes that have brought George Ryder out of the woodwork.

Who's going to be next? I didn't authorise any development.

But you gave James control without giving him all the facts.

What were you thinking? New generation, fresh start, clean hands, and the old problems fade away? It doesn't work like thatBill.

Then sort it out! That's what you do, isn't it? I'm trying to.

But this green development thing, he's doing it to impress you.

So, one way or the other, you have to knock it out of him.

He won't like that.

In a word, tough.

Bring him inside, Bill.

Because the alternative is for me to shut him down.

You don't touch James! Then straighten him out so I don't have to.

I'll talk to him.

Do that.

Your family's done very well out of this situation.

James needs to understand where the good life and fine education came from.

Tom? I thought I told you.

Yeah, I know.

II'm sorry about last time.

Well, you were upset.

Did you get a chance to look at my evidence? I've been reading it, yes.

And? It does throw up some questions.

You found something? II didn't say that.

Whatever it is, I need to know.

Tom, when I have something to tell yo I will come and find you.

But until then, just be careful.


Did you find anything? Frontal lobe tumour.

There's nothing small or subtle about it.

Well, that's certainly enough to account for the change in his behaviour.

Anything that affects the frontal lobes can cause a personality change, can't it? Yeah.

I also found nodules in his lungs.

Malignant? Spiculated in shape so most likely.

I've made slides.

Well, it's a different progression, but aa similar disease pattern to what we saw in Peter Hancock.

So, what are you saying? I don't know.

Look very closely at George Ryder when he comes in.

I don't think that Derren Blackburn k*lled him.

Derren has George Ryder's blood on him, and you were a witness.

Only to the aftermath.

It could have been an accident.

Well, if it was an accident, it was an extremely convenient one for someb How much longer on the bone marrow results? Too long.

The lab can take a couple of weeks over the tests.

But I can tell you about this now.

This is from a laurel tree on Brimstead Farm.

If there's heavy metal in the ground water, it'll be concentrated in the leaves.

This one has salts of uranium.

It's also in the traces from your shoes.

So, it's in the water and in the soil.

The local drinking water comes from underground, which could explain the elevated levels of kidney disease.

How did the uranium get there in the first place? You find natural uranium over half the country.

Then why were the powers that be so cagey when I asked for the soil and water surveys? I'm still waiting.

Maybe it's those live firing exercises.

They coat a*tillery shells with depleted uranium.

Depleted uranium has the most dangerous isotope refined out.

Could the uranium explain the cancers? Not if it's only in the water.

It would pass straight through the body and be expelled in the urine.

With what effect? Well, the toxic metal will poison the kidneys.

Chronic exposure could explain the symptoms of Fanconi syndrome.

But it doesn't stay in the body long enough to be a radiation hazard.

So, it couldn't cause the tumours.

What was it that George Ryder wanted to tell me? Have you scheduled his post-mortem yet? They're bringing over his body tonight.

Leo, I get it.

You have suspicions.

So, write up everything you know and pass it upstairs.

Let someone else deal with it.

You've done everything you can.

No reasonable person could ask for more.

Who are you and how did you get in here? David Loader.

With a pass card.

I brought the soil and water reports you asked for.

Ah, at last.

Hand delivery? That's unusual.

Some of it's restricted information.

I imagine there's some commercial angle to it.

It's only facts and figures, but what can you do? I'm supposed to remind you that you're bound by the Official Secrets Act.

You know the Act applies whether you've signed it or not.

I know that.

And I have.

Then can you also sign these? Continuity documents, acknowledging you've taken possession of the files.

And to say that anything that may happen as a consequence of this request, you take full responsibility for.

Which department are you from? For now I'm attached to Lord Embleton's office.

Science Minister.

Oh, well, give him my best.

I shall.

Good night, Professor Dalton.

Mr Loader! What am I supposed to do with these? Everything's redacted.

They're unreadable.

I'm just the messenger.

KEANE: Bad Dream My dad started with five second-hand trucks and built an empire.

I got public school and Cambridge, because he wanted to give me everything he never had.

And your complaint is Huh? I'm not complaining.

I mean, I'm grateful.

Just makes it pretty difficult to impress your old man when he gave you such a head start.

I mean, look at you.

What about me? Dedicated, passionate, top of your field.

And I bet no-one ever handed you anything on a plate.

I'd rather just go for what I want.

I just want to do something he didn't do first, you know? Surprise him.

Well, you've got yourself an honour.

Oh, anyone can do that.

Put a couple of million in the right place.

And you've got your zero-carbon living thingy.

You are at your most adorable when you're incoherent.

I am perfectly lucid.

You can stop at perfect.

Shut up.

I could open another one.


Tempted's good.

But I have an early procedure in the morning.

When you say procedure, we're talking post-mortem.


Wouldn't be the new man from my building, would it? George Ryder.


Taxi, then? Hey.

I can barely remember living on the farm.

But for years I had bad dreams about the night we had to leave it.

When was that? I was aboutfive or six.

Two policemen came to the house and said there was an emergency and we had to get out, right away, simple as that.

They had a van waiting outside, and we weren't allowed to pack.

We just had to grab what we could and they drove us out really fast.

And how long was it before you were allowed back to the house? We never went back.

It was late in the year.

I remember because we had to shop for new winter things.

And your father never told you what might have caused all this? But he never felt he got fair compensation for being moved off the land.

Well, they must have given him some reason.

They said it had no value any more.

No good for farming or building or anything else.

But they said that about the old convalescent home.

You should have heard him when he saw they were developing it.

You said the other day that he'd made a call to someone.

Any idea who it was? I'm sorry.

I don't know.

How's it looking? Major depressed skull fracture on the back of the head.

Do we have an X-ray? Yeah.

It's a lateral fracture to the C2 vertebra.


That's the hangman's fracture.

Can you give Jack a call? Jack, can you come in, please? Thanks.

Are you happy with that angle? Well A blow from behind pushes the head forward, and the bone shears accordingly.

Jack, you'd know the answer to this.

Is there any kind of martial arts blow that can break the neck without leaving a mark? Chin jab? Yeah, but it's banned.

It was used in close combat by commandos in World w*r II.

And how does it work? Heel of the hand comes up under the chin.

Fingers on face.


Snap the head back for a sudden k*ll.

Could Derren Blackburn have used it? Well, I know these young lads love their kung fu movies, but, nah, it's not something you can learn from your sofa.


I'm just making some observations.


You've barely touched your wine.


What's bothering you? Oh, nothing, really.

Just work.

If it's worrying you, I want to hear about it.

Leo's giving himself a hard time over the Peter Hancock case.

He's pushing for answers that probably aren't there.

Was it really wise of him to make promises to the father? Probably not.

The father's obsessed, but at least he's got a good excuse.

Oh, maybe it's catching.

Oh, don't say that.

He's already looking for a conspiracy.

Every obstacle just makes him more suspicious.

I told him to get it off his chest, just write it up, and dump the responsibility on someone who'd have to deal with it.

Oh, thanks very much.

Why? Because that would most likely be me.

I thought there was no vote tonight.

It's not my boss.

It's my father's nurse.

Do you need to go? Yeah, but I've been drinking.

I'm going to have to call a car.

I can drive.

Are you sure? Untouched.

Thanks, Nikki.

I thought you'd gone home.

The bone marrow results came in.

For both Peter Hancock and Colin Connor.

You should see this.

They found uranium.

Yeah, we knew they would.

But natural uranium is a mix of three isotopes.

This has a higher proportion of uranium-235 than you'll find anywhere in nature.

So, the uranium in the bone marrow isn't natural.

It's man-made contamination.

We're on dangerous ground here, Jack.

Did you get the second message? We were already on our way.

I'm fine.

You don't ignore chest pains at your age.

I said it was indigestion.

Now I'll have a doctor's bill, make it worse.

Who's she? This is Nikki, Dad.

She drove me here.

I showed you her picture, remember? Hello, Sir William.

Send her out.

Dad! I want to speak to my son in private.

No, hang on a sec.

It's all right.

I'll wait for you downstairs.

Dad, what do you think you're doing? Now you listen to me.

You ignored me once, and it's led to trouble.

Trust me this time.

She's the one who works at the Lyell Centre, right? I happen to know that boss of hers is trouble, and so is she.

And you're not going to explain? No.

For your own good.

Those days are over, Dad.

What did you always tell me? Listen to advice, but trust your own judgment.

She's not interested in you.

She's playing you.

And why would she want to do that? All OK? I think the medication makes him cranky.

I'mI'm sorry.

No, don't worry about it.

He's had a scare tonight.

That probably doesn't help.

He also thinks you're a bad influence and a serious threat to a young man's virtue.

What did you say to that? I said, "Why do you think I'm so keen on her?" Uranium-235? Not depleted.


Man-made and in the ground water.

How did it get there? There's no nuclear power station for miles.

No dump, no storage.

Not officially.

Take a look at this.

They redacted the words but they left all the maps.

If you look at the satellite image, that is the same shape as Brimstead Wood.

Is that the source of the contamination? I think something must have happened here.

Is it late? It's late.

I'm not going in.

They can manage without me for one day.

Feel free to hang around the flat.

And do what? I've got a PlayStation.

And pretty much every TV channel on the planet.

Very ecological.

I never claimed to be consistent.

I'll leave you the keys and come back as soon as I can.

Shall I go to Borough Market and get something delicious and make you supper? You can cook too? After a fashion.

You're on.


Wait to be dismissed.

Did you call in? I'm texting them.

Then I'm going to turn my phone off, and no-one can argue.

I don't suppose there's any word on when I might get my building back? You know the score.

DI Cherry controls the crime scene.

Doesn't that rather depend on there being a crime to solve? Yes.

It's m*rder.

But they know it was that boy.

Can't say that for sure.

Leo found a suspicious neck fracture, and George Ryder had promised information.

So, his death may have been convenient for someone.

I'd better get moving.

When will you be back? Soon as I possibly can.


What's your real problem with the Brimstead Fields development? I told you.

Legal issues.

Your legal issues didn't seem to faze the lawyers I put onto it.

But it's not just the old TB hospital, is it? It's Brimstead Farm, Brimstead Fields, Brimstead Woods.

Are you going to tell me the big secr or do I have to wait for Leo Dalton to dig it out? Understand this.

My good name is my legacy.

And I've worked hard to make it mean something.

One day, very soon, it'll be all that's left of me, and it'll be in your hands, son.

You'll be responsible for how I'm remembered.


Is it? There'll be some hard choices to make.

So do you still want to know the truth? James? Tell David Loader to come in.

I gather you've spoken to your father? You can assume I'm up to speed.

I can see we have issues to address.

Leo Dalton.

He isn't going to go away.

What are my options? Just say the word, and I'll deal with him.

Deal with him how? You don't have to know everything.

Don't worry.

It won't be too drastic.

See to it.

Smells wonderful.

Hold that thought a little while longer.

Can I open my eyes yet? Nope.

I think I'm going to need that.

Tough day? Not one I expect to forget in a hurry.

Well, I spent mine thinking about my priorities.

Me too.

Really? So, what are yours? As of right now a little less work Mm.

a little more play and the occasional tequila.

I'm guessing chilli.

You can open your eyes.

Chilli! You were burgled? While I was sleeping, yeah.

Don't you have an alarm? Course I do, after last time.

But I don't set it when I'm at home.

So, how did they get in? Kitchen window.

Didn't hear a thing.

Who was it? Catwoman? You're lucky you didn't wake up.

Things could have turned nasty.

Yeah, I know.

What's missing? Well, they took a couple of spare eur and some science medals.

If they'd taken my keys, they could have had my car.


Leo's been burgled.

Are you OK? Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

They also took my father's watch.

Which they can't sell, because it's got his name engraved on the back.

Take a day off, and see what you miss.

How was your day? Nice.

Nikki Alexander.

Nikki, it's me.

Oh, hi.

Is Professor Dalton in his office? No, but I know he's in the building.

Why? He's about to get a visit.

Can you stay out of it? I don't understand.

It's a disciplinary thing.

I really Disciplinary? What do you mean? Sorry, Nikki, I really shouldn't be talking to you.

Professor Dalton.


What can I do for you? It's not a friendly visit, Professor.


Do you recognise these file numbers? I remember the cases.

What about them? They're all post-mortem records that were sealed by court order.

Yet this morning they were found in a sports bag on a rubbish skip.

Well, that's serious.

It is.

Well, they didn't come from here.


Apparently, they came from your home.

What?! An engraved watch and your science awards were in the same bag.

But that's impossible.

They're sealed records, accessible only with the authority of a judge.

Can you explain to me how they got there? No.


How did they make their way to you? A member of the public handed them in.

Oh, that's very convenient.

Did the same member of the public leave their name? I've no idea.

The police saw the documents were sensitive and contacted the Home Office.

You didn't mention the files when you reported the theft.

There were no files at my house.

You never take your work home? Not these.

Where is this going? Suspended? Yeah.

Pending further investigation.

I think we can guess what that means.

How did the files even get into your house? They were never at my house.

This whole thing is some kind of a setup.

Everything they took had my name on it.

A setup? Leo What? What, you think I'm making something out of nothing? No, butwhy? I don't know.

Perhaps you could ask James.

What do you mean? He's got a stake in Brimstead Fields.

I get redacted files from a fixer called David Loader, who's attached to his department.

His fingerprints are all over this.

Are you sure? I'm really sorry.

Don't be.

Is this not evidence? Striations don't match.

You don't think they'd actually k*ll to silence an old man, do you? With David Loader and his dirty tricks department on the job, who knows? Do something for me, will you? Take another look at George Ryder.


You have three new messages.

'James, it's Nikki.

Will you call me?' 'James, pick up.

' 'Will you please call me?' Tom.

Come in.

Heavy metal in the ground water? I'd never have known what to look for.

It may have caused a local blip in kidney disease, but it's not what k*lled your son.

It's more of a signpost.

Everything is pointing towards this area.

That's Brimstead Wood.

Some time in the '60s, there was a major incident.

Whatever it was, it was big.

I'm seeing very faint nail indentations.

And finger touch pad contusions.

Why did no-one see this before? Some marks don't appear until 24 hours after death.

So, Professor Dalton was right.

This wasn't just a shove in the chest with a bad outcome.

Have you compared the measurements from Derren Blackburn's hands? If this was a chin jab then the marks on the victim's face need to match the dimensions of the suspect's hand.

Derren Blackburn's hand is too small.

He's not the k*ller.

Someone else was there.

I'm going to swab the chin for contact DNA.

To the Memory of Alan Simcock, Ron Boorman, Edward Teague, who gave their lives in the service of this community.

In recognition of their ultimate sacrifice.

Back then, you could wipe the record clean, wait till the gossip died.

Try hiding a disaster nowadays.

Do the local children ever play in those woods? Peter would have told me if he did.


If children told their parents everything, they'd die of fright.

There's nothing for October 12th, but listen to this "November 12th 1962.

"An employee of Metrochemical Solutions was rushed to hospital "when his vehicle overturned during an operation to clear ash and debris "in Brimstead Wood, Buckinghamshire.

"The clearance work, "following a controlled burning operation by the Forestry Commission, "is due to continue for another six weeks.

" Controlled burning? Yeah.

I have no idea.

I see you're getting up to speed.

I'm sorry? It's always a struggle, the first couple of days.

David Loader.

Excuse me.

What do you do for James Embleton? Today I seem to be running his errands.

I'm returning the files.

Do put them somewhere safe.

How did they get out? Professor Dalton broke the rules and took them home, of course.

Why would he do that? I wouldn't know.

Nice to meet you, David.

Should I take it off? No, keep it on.

How long before the Army shows up? Yeah, they're not expecting us this time.


If it beeps, get your mask on as fast as possible.

If you get radioactive dust in your lungs, it's impossible to get it out.

It'll k*ll you eventually.

What are we looking for? Some kind of a hot spot.

Some zone of contamination.

I can't see anything yet.

Heel of hand to tip of middle finger, So, you reckon there was some kind of radiation accident that never got cleaned up? Yep.

Easier to stick up a fence and a few signs, and keep it quiet.

And if a few healthy kids die, so be it.

Let's have them do it for no obvious reason.

I never meant for you to wreck your career over this.

Don't worry.

I'm not just doing this for you.

We know from the measurements that Clarissa lifted from the glove, that my hand and David Loader's are the near enough the same size, right? So, the force was applied here.

Andthe neck broke in one swift jab.

Yeah, well, that just shows us that he could have done it.

Not that he did.

Yeah, but we have contact DNA from the body and a sample from David Loader.

Clarissa's checking for a match now.

Anything? Something, but not much.

Oh! Tom! Are you OK? I'm all right! I'm OK! Get your mask on! Quick! Tom! What are you doing? Get your mask on! Now! Look at this! There's been kids down here! There's beer bottles, a fire.

This is a warhead cradle.

This train was carrying a nuclear warhead.

We've got to get out of here.

Come on, let's go.

Tom! Come on! As if aa train fire in a tunnel wasn't bad enough.

With a nuclear w*apon on board, that'sa disaster.

Did they not know? I mean, they must have known.

Of course they knew, and they knew the scale of it.

That's why they didn't own up or clean up.

And their answer was towas to bulldoze topsoil into a tunnel, cover it over.

Put a fence around the hill.

And then, hey presto! Railway disappears.

And whoever made that decision probably died safe in their own bed 20 years ago.

We need to get you checked over.

Come on, Leo.

We can wash it off, but I breathed it in.

End of story.

Got a sample.

We can't take that.

I wrapped it up inside one of the gloves.

Doesn't matter.

It's not safe.

Then I'm keeping it.

I cleared out his room.

I don't believe in shrines.

If there's plutonium on Peter's clothes, we'll know he'd been in the tunnel.

Erthe clothes are inare in the bags.

Not so much use if they're clean.

What about his shoes? In one of the boxes.

There was drink and dr*gs, all sorts up there.

Hard to imagine Peter being part of that.

It's one of the hardest things for a parent to give their child, isn't it? What? Freedom.

Are you rolling? Oh, yes.

'It's no good.

I can see the faces.

Keepkeep going.

I'll pixilate it out for online.

' What are they doing? It's called urban exploring.

'Mate, you look beautiful.

' That's Peter.

Do you know any of the other kids? All of them.

We need to find them.

Get them checked out.


' All right, lads.

Get in, get in, get in.

Raaahhh! When the w*apon burned, it released its plutonium and uranium, and the uranium salts washed down into the ground water.

The dust in the tunnel is plutonium oxide.

Now, Metrochemical was Sir William Embleton's waste management company and they were brought in for the so-called clean-up operation.

Is he still alive? He is, yeah.

His name is on a wing of the hospital in which your son died.

What do we do now? I'll call the Health Protection Agency.

They've got emergency powers under the Civil Contingencies Act.


Can you give me a second? Tom? Tom! Tom? I'm sorry, Leo.

Tom! Dr Alexander? Your visitor.

Nikki? I know it's too late You got my messages? I got them all.

What was George Ryder going to tell Leo? In 1962, there was a fire on a train carrying a nuclear warhead.

It was hushed up.

No-one wanted to admit what the dangers might be.

So, they filled in the tunnel and pretended it never happened.

The government sold the land to my father for a pound.

They'd be rid of the responsibility and he could clean it up and make a profit.

But there was never going to be any profit.

So, he put up a fence and forgot about it.

The land was a write-off.

Always will be.

Youyou don't want to be on it or near it.

And no government ever wants to deal with it.

And you were going to build on it? How long have you known about this? When we were together? When we were having dinner? In your flat? When we were in bed? Did you know then? No, not then.

My father didn't tell me any of it.

I swear, I knew nothing about it until he told me a few days ago.

Who gave the order to discredit Leo? Me.

I'mI'm sorry.

Tell me you didn't have George Ryder k*lled.

Should I have to? David Loader works for you, and the evidence will convict him.

You can't think I'm part of that.

You are a part of it, James! One way or another, you are! If I ever meant anything to you, you'll put right what you did to Leo.


Who are you? I came here to say thanks for the legacy.

How did you get in here? I have overalls.

A badge.

Four-by-four with my name on it.

I can pretty much get in anywhere I want.

You won't need your panic button.

If you think you're scaring me, think again.

Huh! What do you want? People told me that my boy's illness was just bad luck.

I couldn't live with that.

So, I started looking for any mad explanation.

Power lines outside his bedroom.

Junk food.

His mobile phone.

See, my wife Stella, with her prayers and her miracle diets, she was just doing the same thing.

I can see that now.

But all along, it was this.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Dust from the tunnel under Brimstead Wood.

God knows how many kids have been exposed to this.

With their camp-outs, parties, picnics under the stars.

Professor Dalton showed me how my boy died.

But I want you to tell me why.

Come on, as one father to another.

Will you tell me? One father to another, hm? All right.

Your fault.

My fault? Yes! For not teaching your son to stay out of places where he wasn't supposed to be! That's your answer? That's all you're getting from me.

Do your worst.


Tom Hancock says he kidnapped you.

No, I said no police! I'm DI Cherry.

This is Leo Dalton.

Oh, the problem professor.

What do you want? I know about the tunnel fire in '62.

I'm not talking to you.

There is a HazMat team out there on its way to securing the area.

They need information to work with, and right now all they've got is a teenager's YouTube video.

Any information that you can give us is going to help Or what? You'll send in the angry plumber again? He had his chance.

He bottled it.

I said to him, "Do your worst.

" He just said, "OK.

" Huh! Just that? Yeah.

What? That's all he said? Tell David Loader I want to see him.

He's on his way down.

Your father's trying to get hold of you.

He says it's urgent! Not now.

Shut the door.

The builder's son didn't k*ll the old man, did he? What are they saying? Don't play games with me, David.

What did you do? I didn't intend him any harm.

It got out of hand.

For God's sake, David! Are you completely out of control? Yes.

That's how it works.

I'm the rogue employee you get to blame if it ever goes wrong.

It's gone wrong.

I thought you and that Nikki woman had an understanding.

She understands me better than I understood her.

You might want to call your solicitor They know you k*lled George Ryder.

The police are probably on their way.

There's a protocol for times like this.

Waiting around for the police isn't part of it.

I have to go.

No! Stay out, Kristen.

Don't come in.

I really have to go.




Don't open the door.

Right, everybody out the building now.

Get out now! 'Anti-t*rror1st and b*mb squad officers were called to the central London office 'of Lord James Embleton, the Minister of Science, earlier today.

'Several Government buildings in Westminster were evacuated 'after a so-far unidentified chemical 'was released into the private office of Lord Embleton.

'He and a male colleague, thought to be an advisor, have been rushed to hospital.

'Both men are said to be in a critical condition.

'Scotland Yard refused to give any information regarding the nature of the chemical, 'but a source close to the police 'said they believed the attack was targeted at the Minister.

'James Embleton, son of Sir William Embleton, owner of Metrochemicals, 'was a rising star in the Government, 'and tipped for a cabinet position in the near future.

' They found him.

Your brother.

What do you want from this? I want the Taliban bastards that k*lled him.

I'm going to go out and do the post-mortem.

To Afghanistan? Why? If that kid's body was on a beach in Bognor or at the bottom of Lake Windermere, we would tear the place apart trying to find the k*ller.

We have a roadblock here.

Someone's stuck five rocks in the middle of Sunset Boulevard.

Do you have a patrol in the area? I'm Dr Joya.

I'm in charge of the project here.

If we don't complete by the end of the month, we are in trouble.
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