17x06 - In a Lonely Place - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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17x06 - In a Lonely Place - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

I really appreciate you coming all this way Dr Alexander.

You too Mr Hodges.


Jack? TV: 'The body is believed to be female, but that remains unconfirmed.

' Caitlin was pursued, shot, and then re-dressed by the k*ller.

The man who shot the deer and found the body, what's his name? Niall Wallace, he has over 20 firearms registered in his name.

When he was a kid, he was prime suspect in the sh**ting of his dad, Pete Wallace.

Do you have a New York themed bar or restaurant around here? Try that again and I'll give you a show, pal! Mike, that's enough.

A little bird tells me that you're heading up to the Grand Prix to shake down an oil worker? Is that a problem? Not now, it's not.

You were the last person to see the victim alive before she runs into the night, bleeding.

Some bloke came by this afternoon.

Who? I dunno.

Just spoke to him on the intercom.

He didn't come up.

We're dealing with a highly organised, sexually motivated k*ller.

We need to search that forest.

See, you're not selling me a watertight alibi here, Niall.

Skinner's only been in the UK for a year.

Puts Skinner in the clear, that's what.

Barbara Cheung.

She never made it back to London.

Laing and MacNeil's favourite pathologist, Dr Jenkins, is here.

Dr Andrew Jenkins Dr Nikki Alexander.

Jack Hodgson.


Yes, I've read some of Well, several of your papers.

I'm glad to make your acquaintance.

Thank you.

Although, I will confess I was surprised to learn that DS Ross had recruited from so far afield.

And when I say "surprised" You mean "offended"? Well, let's settle for "disappointed".

VOICE MAIL: 'Hi, you've reached Sarah's phone.

'Leave a message and I'll get back to you.

' PHONE BEEPS I'm going to go and look for her.

Can you stay for a bit? Sure.


The cuffs must've slipped off as the body decomposed.

Anything we didn't see with Caitlin? Funny you should ask.

Something we didn't see with Caitlin and we're still not seeing.

No jewellery.

Not a ring.

Not a necklace.

Not a bracelet.



SHEEP BLEAT NEARBY Niall? NIALL! Have you heard the news? About the bodies? Where've you been all night? Where do you think I've been, eh? Might be my last chance.

What? Why are you saying that? They're going to pin this on me sure as day follows night.

Butyou haven't done anything? Was that a question? No.

You sure? Cos that sounded like a question.

Niall, please You can't even look at me.

You don't I know that you're innocent! And I know that you never k*lled your dad! No matter what you think, I never told the police you did! Niall! NIALL! Come to bed.

Just for an hour.

I don't want to scare you, Tania, but .


until this is over, you keep the doors locked and this close by.

OK? You are scaring me.

Not without good reason.

The doors.

The g*n.

Is that taken on board? Yes, it's taken on board? I'm sorry.

SHE SIGHS WATER TRICKLES PHONE RINGS Chamberlin? Thomas, it's Nikki.

How's Scotland? I need your help.

Two bodies checked in here this morning.

It's me that needs you.


I'm sorry, but they'll have to wait.

That's not your call, Nikki.

We found seven more bodies in the forest last night.

With Caitlin that's eight.

I want to send you four.

I'm sure they have more than adequate Not in Kirkhaven, they don't.

Look, this k*ller was free to keep on k*lling because nobody cared.

I want us to see this through, and I really need your help to do that.

SHOUTING, CAMERA SHUTTERS CLICK We cannot say anything at this time.

We will hold a press conference later and answer your questions then.

Thank you.

CLAMOUR Of the eight bodies recovered so far, this is the best preserved and, pending identification, will be known as Victim B.

Victim B is wearing a denim jacket buttoned all the way up.

It looks like the victim might have been shot from behind at close range with an expanding b*llet, and then re-dressed.

We saw the re-dressing signature with Caitlin's m*rder.

Dr Jenkins? Have you come across these hallmarks before? No.


I think I would've remembered.


"Re-dressed"? What does it add up to? I think it adds up to a woman-hating sadist who masks his inadequacies with g*ns and possibly, other military paraphernalia.

OK, that's quite the theory, but why? Why does he do it? Power.

He chains them up like slaves, hunts them like animals, and then re-dresses their bodies like dolls.

What are the common factors? Power.


Specifically, control over women that probably eludes him in everyday life.

Quite the profiler for a pathologist.

I've picked up a few things here and there.

Mainly from guys like you.

Carry on.

Looks like she was shot in the lower right calf Bringing down a target with a maiming shot is a military technique.

Yes, it is.

But the fatal shot is typically administered to the head.

Well, you can't cover up a g*nsh*t wound to the face.

So? So, if the re-dressing element is important to him, then it might explain the discrepancy.

A fatal shot to the chest, he can work with.

Zip up.

Button over.

During transportation, I noticed that three of the other seven bodies had similar injuries.

All to the rear of the lower right leg.

Dr Alexander? Two days ago, DS Ross questioned a Niall Wallace in connection with Caitlin's m*rder.

What tied Wallace in? He hand-modified the b*llet that k*lled her.

As a teenager, he was a suspect, only a suspect, in the m*rder of his father.

I like him already(!) His father bled to death after being shot in the back of the leg in Macroom Forest.

Trip down memory lane, coming back here A happy one? Overall? No.

I mean, her phone was in her car, and the keys just left in the ignition.

Just put it all down, sir.

That's what the form's for.

Same MO.

Good enough for me.

Let's bring him in.

Well, I'll need to get on with the next postmortem, so if there anyone else you want to attend instead, then No, no need.

I'll attend.

You interview Wallace? OK.


It rained last night.

Assailant lies in wait, grabs her from behind.

And takes her.

But where? This was broken with force.

THUNDER RUMBLES, RAIN PATTERS 'He's trying to get her in the back of his car' DULL THUD 'She's grabbing at anything she can' THUNDER RUMBLES You haven't seen her or heard from her all night? No.

Is it normal for her to stay out? No.

What is it? Have you found something? If it's not normal, why didn't you call the police till this morning? Because we had a row, OK? Now, what's this about? We need something with Sarah's DNA.

Sir, if there's a chance she's been abducted we have to move fast.

Look, there's something I need to tell you.

Oh! Showing someone a graphic image of their dead father? Well, congratulations, Sergeant, that's a new low(!) Well, you know, we can't rest on our laurels, Sophie.

You know what I think, Niall All those poor lasses out in Macroom Forest, they would still be here now, if it wasn't for your bastard father.

Watching your dad die.

That gave you an even bigger thrill than you expected, didn't it? Seeing the old man running scared, bleeding out.

At your mercy.

Felt great.


You're the big man, at last.

And like a cold beer on a hot day, you couldn't stop at one, could you? With Dad gone, you needed fresh victims.

And with all those those nasty hormones all raging through your blood .


they had to be female, Niall, eh? They had to be female victims.

The brief I had back then He told me to say I was home when Dad was shot.

That was a lie? I WAS in the forest that afternoon.

g*nsh*t g*nsh*t ECHOES RUSTLING This "man in the military fatigues", how old was he? Mid-thirties, maybe.

"Mid-thirties, maybe".

What else? Come on, what else? Anything else about him? No.


So the man ran away.

Then what? I remember I was spooked.

So, I decided to go home.

RATTLING HE CRIES OUT There were other folk in the wood that day.

Not a word about this man in military fatigues.

It's not a wood, it's a forest.

There is no evidence that he is anything more than a figment of your guilty conscience! I saw him, you prick! You understand that? OK, Niall I saw him.

Now would be a great time to sit back down and apologise to Sergeant MacNeil.

Apologise, my arse.

CHAIR SCRAPES I hear they sweated you hard about your dad.

Held you to the wire, eh? Questioned you all night? And yet you never once mentioned this man.

How many times? My brief told me to say that I was at home.

Your brief told you to lie? Yes.

Oh, I would love to meet this ex-brief of yours.

Wouldn't you, Ms Dalglish? Well, good luck.

Cos he's dead.

Isn't that convenient(!) He took her to Macroom Forest and told her to run.

Bound and blindfolded? She said he took the blindfold off, started chasing her through the trees.

Firing at her.

And she never went to the police? I think she was ashamed.

Why? When she told me about her stripping, I was shocked.

I had to know if that was the extent of .


you know, what she'd done.

And it wasn't? She'd gone with a punter.

Just the once, she said.

And you were less than understanding? It was a shock, that's all.

More of a shock than the fact that she was r*ped and almost k*lled? No, of course not! Easy, Jack.

She lived with this for years.

Finally worked up the courage to tell you, and you threw it in her face? INDISTINCT TWOWAY RADIO CHATTER Sir? A woman went missing last night and, get this, her husband says she was abducted five years ago and taken to Macroom Forest.

The same woman? Sarah O'Keefe.

We found her car outside her flat this morning, key in the ignition, phone still in her bag.

Doesn't look good.

"We"? Me and Jack Hodgson.

You want to join me for round two with Niall Wallace? I'll raise a priority alert for this Sarah O'Keefe.

I'll see you in there.

Good on you.


Please, step back! CLAMOUR We cannot answer your questions at this time.

We believe that a Miss Sarah O'Keefe has been abducted and we would ask that anybody who can help us with our enquiries should call our helpline.

I can say no more than that at this time.

DISTORTED BREATHING Where's Sarah O'Keefe? What have you done with her? Who? She's the one that got away, Niall! You had to fix that before we came for you, didn't you? Where is she? What? She's got a little boy, Niall, do you want a break? He's just had a break! Where were you last night? Hunting.

I don't know this woman.

Bullshit! Where is she?! I DON'T KNOW HER, ALL RIGHT?! Just get me out of here, all right?! This is your last chance, Niall.

This is your last chance to buy a bit of goodwill.

Bit of remorse goes a long way with the judge.

Isn't that right, Sophie? We need to search his farm again.

Well, sir, it's our patch.

My men know that farm inside out.

I can handle the search and you can stay here where you need to be.

I'll decide "where I need to be".

Thank you.


CLANKING, MUFFLED YELLS SHE SCREAMS Can I ask you something? What? When you were based down here, do you remember any cases Dr Jenkins worked where the re-dressing signature was present? No.

The first time I asked you why you'd recruited me and not Dr Jenkins you hinted at a prior conflict.

I'm not sure now is the best time.

Well, was the conflict recent or when you worked down in Kirkhaven? I really need you to give me a straight answer, Jason.

Come here.

Look, Laing and MacNeil aren't bad cops, but they like to cut corners when cases don't stick.

And Jenkins goes along with that? It's been known, all right? Now, I need to go.

It's all hands on deck to find Sarah O'Keefe.

And you better talk to Jack.

Something about this case disagrees with him and he needs to deal with it or go home.

Well, that's a bit harsh.

Not to say ungrateful.

He just gave Sarah's husband a bollocking after he told us how she was abducted.

That's harsh.

So, what have we got? Searched the farm twice, sir.

No sign of Sarah O'Keefe.

The cellar and some of the barns are padlocked.

SOCOs are on their way.

They'll have the tools to breach them.

Right, I'm just going to have a wee look around.

Right you are, sir.

g*nsh*t BOLTS CLUNK g*n COCKS FOOTSTEPS APPROACH g*nsh*t CASING TINKLES ON GROUND I lifted a clear set of prints from the broken wiper and they match prints from Sarah O'Keefe's hairbrush.

She ripped that wiper off fighting for her life for a second time.

g*nsh*t, CASING DROPS Are you OK? I'll be fine when we find Sarah alive and well.

I hear you tore a strip off her husband? Yeah.

I went back and apologised.

g*nsh*t BOLTS CLUNK, CASING DROPS What is it about this case that's affecting you so much? This man preyed on the most vulnerable women he could find, then hunted them down like vermin.

What is there not to be affected by? g*nsh*t We've seen worse.

BOLTS CLUNK Not worse.

Jack What is it? All right.

When I was 16, I met a girl called Katie That's how the best stories start, isn't it? Go on.

She just turned up at our school in the middle of term She was different.

Pretty wild.


Didn't give a shit about the rules And we dated for about a year, and, er and then she got expelled for dishing out Es at the Christmas carol service.


Yeah Anyway, my parents laid down the law.

No more Katie? Broke my heart, but, yeah, I dumped her.

She couldn't get into another school, then fell in with a really bad crowd.

Her parents kicked her out.

What happened to her? She died of a heart attack a week before her 19th birthday.

Heroin-and-coke speedballs.

Yeah Found her body in an underpass.

They sayshe was trying to get warm.

HE SIGHS I didn't speak to my parents for six months.

But it was me that I couldn't forgive.

Still can't.

You said she was wild, right? So, maybe that's just who she was.

Maybe .


Katie was just hard-wired to be that way .


and not even Jack Hodgson would have been able to keep her on course? Body is that of a young female.

Decomposition rates, factoring in temperature and soil conditions, collectively suggest the victim died three-and-a-half to four years ago.

Three false teeth.

The kind a patient wears while a permanent bridge is made.

So, it seems our victim had a temporary bridge installed right before she was abducted.

We're probably only talking a few days, a week at the most.

But then, after that, it would seem logical, she missed a follow-up appointment.

To have the permanent bridge put in its place, yes.

I'll phone around Kirkhaven dentists.

We may get an ID.

Dr Jenkins.



No sign of Sarah, but we've nailed Niall to the wall for good.

Nailed him? Nailed him, how? "Nailed him how, SIR"! Sir.

Broken wiper.

That's not all.



Exact visual match for Sarah's long brown hair.


Any sign of a Winchester.

308? No.

It's just that all the victims were k*lled with one and it's pretty much the only model of r*fle Niall Wallace doesn't own.

So, he was smart enough not to use a g*n registered in his name.

I mean, we know he's forensically sharp, right? Right.

And, obviously, he's got a second location where he's keeping Sarah.

THAT'S where the Winchester will be.

Now, all we need to do is find it.

Find what? That second location, sir.

I just said that.

Well done, sir.

Are you any closer to sourcing the white paint flakes in Caitlin's hair? Not yet, but we've managed to identify one of the deceased from her dental records.

Sending you over the details, now.


Jerome? Hi, Jack.

This is Nikki.

We work together.


Listen, Jack, I'm sorry if my mother seemed defensive the other night.

That's fine.

She knew you had had her best interests at heart when you offered to drive Amy home.

Yeah, don't worry about it.

Wasn't so pleased to lose one of our best assets, though.

What do you mean? Apparently, Amy took your advice and went home to Mummy.

Thank God.

High horses.

What's that? You should try getting off them.

He means, thank God she's safe.

It's fine, I get it.

You walk in a place like this and all you see is women getting exploited, right? It's the guys who are the real suckers.

How's that? Because they pay through the nose, and for what? To see some girl's tits and arse? I mean, what's the girl lost? A bit of dignity, maybe.

She's not even fully naked.

The way I see it, it's the girls that are in charge.

Until someone drags them into their van and r*pes and murders them? Who says that only happens to pole dancers? What about this latest girl who's gone missing? Sorry, but we're in something of a hurry.

What does the name Magda Borek mean to you? I own this bar.

If you have any questions, address them to me.


It was you we came to see.

Yes, I paid for Magda's dental work.

Why? She worked here.

And all your girls enjoy a comprehensive health package, do they? Give me a break! Magda slipped and fell and was all for suing me.

We reached an agreement, I'd pay for her dental bills, and she'd move on.

That's interesting.

Meredith Caine, who did the reconstructive work, believed it was the result of a physical as*ault.

And looking at the photos Dr Caine took of Magda's jaw, so do I.

I'm telling you, she fell.

If you're implying a punter hit her and I covered it up, forget it.

I'd have the police here in a heartbeat.

What? Here's the bottom line - at least two girls who worked for you wound up dead in Macroom Forest.

You going to tell me that's just a coincidence? Well, it is.

And you can't prove otherwise.

That's a very strange thing to say, Stella.

Stella, in the days after that bridge was installed, Magda was abducted and k*lled.

Please, be honest with us.

If somebody hit her How many times?! She fell over coming off stage.

She blamed the lighting and the floor tiles and was talking legal action.

Maybe I'm a mug, maybe it was scare tactics, but I didn't fancy some vast compensation claim so I paid up.

And now I'm paying again.

REPORTERS SHOUT, CAMERAS CLICK HELICOPTER WHIRS OVERHEAD The good news is that hairs we found in Niall Wallace's vehicle are a DNA match for Sarah O'Keefe.

The bad news, he is still not talking.

It's up to us to find Sarah and we only have hours to do it.

If she is alive, she likely has no access to water.

This is a picture of Sarah leaving her apartment block.

This picture was taken on the night she was abducted Now, we've searched every corner of the Wallace estate, so he must have her at another location.

Where? To find that out, you're going to have to scour every aspect of his life.

Because her life depends on it.

Get out.

Find out.

Anyone got any questions, please? Good.


Now, in Sarah's driving licence photo, she's got long hair.

Some of the hair recovered from her hairbrush is also long.

But on the night she was abducted, her hair's much shorter, almost bobbed.


You think that the longer hair was taken from Sarah's hairbrush and planted in Niall's jeep? Yeah.

And my money's on Laing doing the planting.

Do the timings work? Did Laing have access to the evidence? Yes, to both.

I checked the hairbrush into the evidence locker and went straight to tell Laing about Sarah's probable abduction.

I was surprised he was sitting out the interview with Niall.

So was DS MacNeil.

He invited Laing in twice, and twice he refused.

Yeah, he didn't want to be trapped in an interview room.

Then he went off to search Niall's farm.

When I offered to assist he knocked me back He couldn't plant evidence and break the wiper with you breathing down his neck One question.

Why is he planting evidence at all? And why the hell would he frame an innocent man, knowing that he was sentencing Sarah to death? No idea.

What if Dr Jenkins has an inkling about Laing? No.

You'll never get him to break ranks with Laing and MacNeil.


Not without leverage.

Where's the Collator's Office in Kirkhaven station? MUSIC: "sl*ve To Love" by Bryan Ferry DOOR OPENS You told me it was urgent.

They found Magda's dental bridge and, Christ knows how, but they know I paid for it.

What happened, Stella? Jerome said he'd caught her using, tried to confiscate the dr*gs, but she resisted And he hit her in self-defence? More likely she saw through his knight-in-shining-armour act and paid the price.

I don't know.

That's why I covered her dental bills.

Because I didn't know! What? Oh, God forbid, Stella! No No way.

Forget it.

Don't tell me the thought hasn't crossed your mind! It hasn't crossed my mind.

No way! I mean, you've got someone, right? Yes, I've got "someone".

I took care of that.

What do you mean? I took precautions to protect us.

But if Jerome did this He didn't! If he did, and the truth gets out There's no "if" here, Simon.

Jerome's just not capable of Of what? Eh?! I wish I shared your confidence! Hello.

Do me a favour and just swing by Jerome's place, see if he's in, OK? Jerome? Jerome Nelson.

'What, do you want me to give him some money?' No.

Just keep an eye on him, that's all.

'What's up? Is he in trouble?' No, it's probablyprobably nothing.

Aye, it's done.


You want me to stop him? Sir? No.

Follow him.

Follow him, and speak to nobody but me.

Clear? I'm not sure I am.

How many times have I covered your arse, Mike? Eh, how many times? Jesus! No need for that.

I'm sorry.

Call me when he gets where he's going.

OK? Yeah.

Will do.

PHONE BEEPS g*nsh*t wound to the chest.

No corresponding b*llet hole in her clothes.

She was re-dressed just like the forest victims.

But this happened here in Kirkhaven six years ago.

What was the official version of events? Classic m*rder-su1c1de.

Danielle Farley, a 21-year-old prost*tute shot by her pimp, Darren Mounsey, also found dead at the scene from a g*nsh*t wound to the head.

Not a lick of jewellery.

But she's got pierced ears and ring marks on her fingers Trophies from his first k*ll.

Prostitutes make easy prey.

Smart place to start.

Turn the page.

I knew that Jenkins had seen the re-dressing before! So, why did he deny it? Danielle Farley's m*rder was solved.

Her pimp, Darren Mounsey Shot her before sh**ting himself.

Yes, I've read your report.

There's your answer.

There's no connection.

There can't be.

This wasn't a m*rder-su1c1de, this was a double m*rder and I have no doubt that the Macroom Forest k*ller was responsible.

Do you? I've made my position perfectly clear.

Well, allow me to do the same.

Darren Mounsey.

As you are aware, almost all g*nsh*t suicides are a product of a contact shot which leaves muzzle burn or close-range sh*ts which leave stippling and fouling.

I'm seeing neither.

Are you? Nor is there any spatter on the right hand with which he supposedly pulled the trigger.

All this suggests that he was shot from further away by a third party.

Well, let's just call it a professional difference of opinion.

That certainly sounds better than "wilfully covering up a double m*rder".

Danielle and Darren worked as informants for Laing and MacNeil.

MacNeil has a temper.

I assumed he'd fallen out with them, shot them.

Laing was trying to clean up his mess.

By staging a m*rder-su1c1de? Are you saying that MacNeil wasn't at the scene? Mmm.

Just Laing.

'Poor guy spent his life clearing up after MacNeil 'It was a crude effort.

'The g*n, a Walther P38, was placed in Darren's open right hand, 'turned out he was left-handed.

'And while Darren's prints were on the handle, 'they weren't on the trigger.

' And you went along with it? Yeah, I appeased my conscience.

I kept the g*n.

It's clean.

I swabbed for DNA and prints at the time.



RUMBLING I knew you couldn't identify me.

But that's not the reason I took you.

I took you because you're the only one that got away.

SHE SHRIEKS The only one.

SCREAMS ECHO VAN RUMBLES SHE PANTS g*nsh*t, SHE SCREAMS Sir, we've made a link between the Macroom Forest bodies and a double sh**ting that took place here in Kirkhaven back in 2009.

A link? The re-dressing signature is present, as well as the removal of the victim's jewellery.

We've also recovered the g*n used in the 2009 sh**ting.

It bears traces of male DNA.

Male DNA that's a very close match to your own.

MOBILE VIBRATES CLARISSA: I can shed more light on the paint flakes from Caitlin's hair.

There's an unusual anti-bacterial chemical coagulant, which makes it likely the paint's from a meat-packaging plant or a dairy farm building.

OK, that helps And I've lifted a print from the material used to blindfold Magda Borek.

Do you have a match? Yes.

A Stella Nelson, formerly known as Maxine Clay, owner of the Manhattan Bar in Kirkhaven.

I have just e-mailed you her mug shot if that helps.

Who is Stella Nelson, born Maxine Clay, to you? Stella Nelson is the mother of my son.

Where is Sarah O'Keefe? Where has he taken her? If I knew, I would tell you Jack! PANTING g*nsh*t Run.


HE YELLS DISTORTED SHRIEK LAING: 'My son is a troubled soul.

' MUSIC DROWNS AUDIO If anyone can make him talk, it's me.

Has Jerome ever worked at an abattoir or a dairy farm? HE SIGHS Stella's brother used to work at Young's dairy farm.

Out on the B20? Did Jerome ever go there? I'm sure he did, but they closed it down years ago.


You need to start talking.


You can't run from DNA.

Stella proved Jerome was mine.

Her silence came at a price.

The Manhattan Bar.

Well, down payment anyway.

HE SNIFFLES Next time I saw Jerome again, I was married with a daughter But no son.

You reconnected? It was an insane risk .


I knew it, but .


he was mine.

My flesh and blood.

'I started to take him hunting.

' That was a mistake.

g*nsh*t 'The more he saw of me, the more he resented 'it hadn't been me that raised him.

' Blamed his mum and what she'd been.

He was just full of hate.

I mean, CONSUMED by it running his mum down every other minute.

RAIN PATTERS 'And one day I'dhad enough.

' Plus my wife was pregnant, so .


I knocked it on the head.

Did you tell Jerome about the pregnancy? He was devastated.

He .


guilt-mongered me into .


taking him out one last time.

g*nsh*t HE GASPS 'He told me Peter Wallace was an accident and I just wanted to believe him.

' Jerome! No, it SUITED you to believe him! Turning him in would've meant your wife finding out.

But now Jerome had you over a barrel.

And he could call you any time he got into trouble, right? Take your jacket off.

Walk forward.

Keep walking.


Take your blindfold off.

Look at me.


g*nsh*t 'I thought Danielle was a one-off.

' 'I tried to keep an eye on him after that.

' g*nsh*t 'I had no idea he'd gone on to k*ll other girls.

' I swear.

You need to make this right, sir.

As much as you ever can.

Sarah! SARAH! (Oh, Jesus Christ!) Stop-stop-stop! Sarah! Sarah! Sarah? SOFTLY: Sarah.

Sarah? We're going to get you out of here, OK? .


She's alive! Get some help, though! SOFTLY: .


All right.

Juststay there.

HE PANTS Stop that! What? Stop it! I need to talk to you! What the hell are you doing?! Don't you talk to me like that! Shut up! Come here! Give me that jewellery.

I didn't have any business giving it to you in the first place.

It's going to get us in a lot of trouble.

Why? Did you steal it? Well, you could say that You worthless piece of shit! Who are you to insult anyone? I mean, seriously, look at yourself.

What do you think people see? Hmm? A businesswoman?! A boss?! A proud, single mum?! No! They see a whore! A worthless old, withered whore.

So, what does that make me, eh?! I feel BAD! I hurt all those girls cos I just wanted to hurt YOU! Hurt me? Why? Caitlin Oh, my God! He's right SHE WHIMPERS "Right?" Who's right? Get away from me! Mum! Who's right? Someone been pouring poison in your ear? Jerome! Jerome, if anyone deserves your anger, it's me not her.

Jerome, please.

Please, put it down.

HE PANTS Jerome, you do the right thing and I'll always be there for you.

I'll be the dad you always wanted.


Do you mean that? I do.


Laing! GRUNTING, g*nsh*t Don't move! Stay down, sir! Stay down! BOLTS CLANK, SHELLS DROP ALL PANT Any luck IDing Caitlin? Looks like she'll just be "Caitlin" for ever Her daughter will never know that she didn't just abandon her, she couldn't come home.

BIRDSONG SILENCED g*nshots ENGINE REVS It was a drunken shag, not Wuthering Heights! Mum, did you hear what I said? He's evil.

You can't be with him! OK, we're all impressed.

But maybe put the knife down? SHE SCREAMS
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