17x07 - Undertone - Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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17x07 - Undertone - Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


Now, that is a tight ship.

All stakeouts are the same.

A test of faith.

Maybe Bekir's just here for the cooking, guv? MAN SPEAKS IN OWN LANGUAGE I don't know about you, but I could chew me own hand off.

My shout, guv.

I'm not taking charity off you, Harty.

You haven't seen your kids all weekend.

Bag of chips is the least I can do.

sh*ts FIRE MOTORBIKE ENGINE REVS Colin? Colin! Testator Silens Costestes e spiritu Silentium.

WATER SPLASHES LEAVES RUSTLE TWIG SNAPS So, you were sleeping up there and you saw someone come down? My money says multiple s*ab wounds.

My money says Wait until the PM? Never.


As you're in a betting mood, what about time of death? Entomological analysis outside of laboratory conditions? You like living on the edge, right? Come on.

Give me a window.

All right.

Some evidence of blowfly eggs.

I'd say she died in the last 24 hours.

a "window", is it? More like an entire day.

Well I don't know about the time of death, but she was dumped two hours ago.

DS Sally Kirchner.

Jack Hodgson.

Nikki Alexander.



Two hours.

Says who? Martin Carrisford.

The wild man of West Heath.

Saw a man dumping the case, precisely 4:10am.

Tall, white, 30-40, maroon hooded top, with white drawstrings.

A sweetener might not be a bad idea.

Help guarantee an E-FIT from him.

It'll be 50 quid well spent.

The body appears to be that of a young female.

The victim has been pressed into a suitcase and subsequently submerged in water.

CAMERA SNAPS A ring on her right index finger .


is her only jewellery.

Maybe the k*ller removed other pieces and he couldn't get that off because her fingers are swollen.

It's possible.

We'll swab the ring for DNA.

Looks like traces of sand or rock sediment in her hair.

Possibly moss.

That's an umbilical cord.

The victim The victim appears to have been in an advanced state of pregnancy.

There is a transverse incision cut low on her abdomen.

A crude Caesarean appears to have been performed shortly before or after the victim's death.

I have removed the placenta, which was left in situ.

What's its general condition? Shows no signs of abnormality or trauma.

Weight of the placenta is generally one seventh the weight of the baby itself.

This placenta is .


500g, suggesting the baby's weight is three and a half kilograms.

That's around 7lb 11oz.

The baby's full-term and healthy? There's absolutely nothing to suggest this baby wasn't removed safely.

We have a cause of death.

Note the deep horizontal laceration to the back of her head.

The result was a subdural bleed and contrecoup contusions in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain.

There is also a fresh abrasion over the victim's left eye.

It's barely healed, so was probably inflicted close to death.

For what it's worth, the crime of pregnant women being m*rder*d for their unborn babies is so rare.

Rare means it happens.


And in almost every documented case, the perpetrator is another female, with mental health issues.

Well, my witness is adamant that he saw a man.

A man certainly tallies with the strength needed to haul case plus body into that pond.

So, taking all that into account, you could be looking for a childless couple.


With the woman instigating the crime and the man clearing up in her wake.


Count yourself lucky.

She rarely does "maybe".

Thought not.

An authentic D&G has a brass plaque that says "Dolce & Gabbana - Milano Italia.

" This says "Dolce & Gabbana - Made in Italy.

" It's a fake, albeit a good one.

So you pay a couple of grand for two Italian words? Basically? That and the deep warm glow that comes from not breaking the law.

So Got to love Velcro.

Look at that.

Even the filth and scum of a North London pond can't weaken its grip.

Brown fibres in, grey fibres out.

Brown fibres are from your crime scene, grey fibres are from the k*ller's means of transportation.

AKA, the boot of his car.

DNA from the placenta has given us a partial match with a Simon Turner.

'Done for drink-driving back in 2009.

' 'I like the sound of him already.

' Simon Turner? That's me.

What's this about? I don't think I've seen her before.

You don't think so? Well, I mean it's hard to judge from this.

Have you got any other pictures? None of her alive, no.

Have another look.

You said the DNA was only a partial match to mine.

Well, we couldn't get a full match from the placenta.

But the partial match alone suggests the baby is yours.

Well, "suggests" is not a very scientific word.

You're quite right.

We'd have to isolate the paternal alleles within the baby's STR loci and compare them to your DNA profile to be certain.

Is that scientific enough for you? This is a m*rder investigation, Mr Turner.

Honesty really is your best defence.

Her name is Alice Preston.

Was Alice Preston.

Where and when did you and Alice meet? Belfast.

My stag do.

Explain that to your wife, did you? I'm sure she was sympathetic.

When did you know you got Alice pregnant? Simon? Can I talk to you for a minute? Yup.

I've given it a lot of thought and I don't want to keep the baby.


Fair enough.

Problem is my dad won't pay for the termination.

Because I'm from Northern Ireland, I can't get an abortion on the NHS.

Not for free.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be bothering you.

No, no.

You're not bothering me.

I mean, it was hardly an immaculate conception, was it? No.

So, in a nutshell, you want me to pay for the abortion? Yes.


You gave her the money? The next day.

And that was the last time I saw her.

Did Alice say where she planned to have the termination? She was staying at a B&B on Highbury Corner.

She said she'd seen a clinic nearby.

OK? That's it.

Are we done? Tell us more about Alice.

Her background, her character? Come on, it was a drunken shag, not Wuthering Heights.

Right, well, I'll get these.

Nazar boncugu.


Your Turkish not what it was? I have let it slide since Google Translator.

Means "evil eye".

Rooted in Turkish superstition.

OK? Idea is, some people have power in their looks that can harm others and this gives protection.

Doesn't look like it worked for her.

So, 18-year-old Alice Preston was reported missing by her father William eight months ago.

Northern Irish police are relaying the news.

He didn't even ask about his baby.

Now we've alerted him, we need to lock this down.

I need to search his place.

You're still here? Simon Turner, I'm arresting you on suspicion of the m*rder of Alice Preston.

What? You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention I told you, I don't INTERCOM RINGS I'll get it, sweetheart! Simon, what's going on? This is a mistake.

This is nonsense! Simon would never do that.

He's already admitted to having relations with the deceased.

Relations?! Let me speak to him.

Katie, I would be much happier if you would sit down.

Could you show us a birth certificate? Give us a chance! My daughter only gave birth two days ago.

What about a name? Name? What's your granddaughter's name? They haven't settled on one yet.

Dad, they won't let me speak to Simon.

I'm sorry, Katie, we need to We need to place your baby with emergency foster parents, until we can ascertain her parentage by DNA.

Don't tell me you can waltz in here without a court order and take a child! Mr Beale, according to Section 46 of The Children Act, we have a duty of care to the child.

A newborn baby has been abducted and your son-in-law is a suspect in a m*rder investigation.

This is crazy! Do you know how long I have wanted this baby? Dad? Dad! Give her to me.


No! You're all mad! BABY CRIES Katie Look at me.

The sooner we get this over with, the sooner she'll be back in your arms.

You have my word.

Mmm-hmm? BABY CRIES No! No! Katie, Katie Where are you taking her?! No! Please! She's my No! PHONE BEEPS Gulse.

I know.

I'll call him again.

You'd better find him before I do, hmm? He'll call.

He'd never cross you.

He's a junkie.

They'll cross anybody.

Not you.

Not family.

Then, where is he? Where is your son? So, we found blood on your coffee table.

HE LAUGHS That's my blood.

Your blood? Yes.

I tripped, fell, gave myself a nosebleed.

Celebrating our new arrival and I had a few too many.

Really? Well, my client's excessive alcohol consumption is a matter of record.


You've destroyed my marriage.

You've ruined the memory of the birth of my child.

Please, can I go? I have some fences to mend.

Sit down.

I did not k*ll Alice Preston! As far as I know, she had the termination and was back in Belfast.

Sit down.

Let's talk again about your movements between noon and midnight.

Your eyesight all right, Martin? My eyesight's fine.


What do you mean, "no"? I mean, none of these are the bloke I saw.

Look, if you want me to say it's one of these geezers I don't want you to say anything except the truth.

All right.

Calm down.

I'm going to need you to come back and sit down with a Facial Imaging Officer.

You up for that? If we make it another 50, are you up for that? Great.

DNA results for the coffee table are back, Nikki.


Don't tell me.

Simon Turner's blood.

That's not a surprise? No.

Martin Carrisford didn't pick him out.

He's got an alibi for the window when Alice died.

PHONE RINGS What? Nothing.

I'm just Hello.

I went after Turner, hammer and tongs.

It turns out he's probably innocent.


OK, thanks.

DNA's back.

The child you removed from Katie and Simon Turner's home is their baby.


So where is Alice Preston's baby? You want the good news or the better news? Oh, bring it on.

I located the only clinic in spitting distance of Highbury Corner.

Alice Preston was a prospective patient.

Have we had the better news yet? When Alice pulled out, the clinic called to get a current address to send her deposit cheque.

Not the hostel on Highbury Corner? An estate off Green Lanes.

Green Lanes The hub of the Turkish community.

Nazar BOTH: Boncugu.

Jack! You all right?! Yeah.

Don't worry.

No damage.

As you were.

DI Brooke.

Jack Hodgson.

Forensic scientist.

The guy I was chasing? He just fled a m*rder scene.

A m*rder scene on my patch and this is the first I'm hearing of it? HE TUTS What is the world coming to? We found some dark varnished wood chips in the victim's scalp that are a visual match to that trunk.

Slipped and fell? I think struck and fell.

She had a fresh abrasion over her eye.

Void area in the blood suggests that she fell and lay here.

Fits with striking her head on the chest.

And I recovered a bloody pair of tights over there, roughly where her feet would've lain.

The k*ller undresses her and then cuts the baby out? Ante-mortem? Post-mortem? Can't say yet.

Perimortem? But if she was dead, it was only by a few minutes.

All the blood.

What are the baby's chances? Good, if it was removed from the mother less than 20 minutes after she died.

DS Kitchener.

It's Kirchner.


Like the German painter? So I'm been told, yes.

I think I might have found the One second, Jack.

We need a full four-square search for this baby, emanating from this room.

Now, call DS Jim Willings.

Give him my name and he'll make it happen.

Now, if you can't reach him or anyone gives you shit, hand the phone to me.

Yes, sir.

I think I might've found the means of excision.

The k*ller used a knife to remove the baby and then took it with him.

Him? Yes, him.

You saw how fast he was running.

Didn't see him packing a knife.

Or a baby.

Call it a working theory.

Not your job to have theories, Jack.


Physical evidence.

That's what we look to you for.

Can I ask you a question? You can ask.

What were you doing here? I mean, before you ran into me? I run the dr*gs Squad out of the local nick.

And, right now, they're cooking up crack over at Shakespeare House.

So, go and arrest them.

They'd never let me in.

They're rude bastards like that.

Is this the guy you chased? I had him, Nikki.

I bloody had him.

HE GRUNTS Open up, police.

Open up.

Is anyone there? So, Mr Bukata, to clarify, three people lived in the flat? Two men and a girl? The girl is, erm Pregnant? So, two men.

One of them skinny? Early twenties, dark complexion? Do you know his name? What about the other guy? White guy.


Mark? JACK: Mark Blakefield.

Think I know why Mark keeps his door locked.

Had his own rogue D&G outlet.

Looks like Mr Blakefield's been away for a bit.

Some of these postmarks are from last month.

Decent fakes.

Like the case we found Alice in.

PHONE BEEPS Mark Blakefield's got a record.

Convictions for dealing dr*gs, GBH and - surprise, surprise - selling counterfeit goods.

Blakefield fits the description of the man who dumped the case.


Except for the maroon hoodie.

PHONE RINGS How did Alice get mixed up with these two charmers? Hello.

It looks like our Marky owns this place.

So, I say we start with him.

Your case, DS Kirchner, but there is a baby missing and I would like to help.

Thank you, sir.

Ah, Mr Bukata.

Mr Bukata.

When did you last see Mark? Mark Blakefield, the guy who owns the flat opposite you.

I mean, you must see him knocking around.

When was the last time? Can't remember.

But you do know him very well, right? No.

I never speak to him.

Bit late for spring cleaning? Where is he? I haven't seen Marky for a few days.

I call him last week to tell him I'm running low.

No answer.

Does "Marky" have a place, apart from his flat on the Martaban estate? No.

I don't think so.

He has a lock-up.


Alice Preston's blood is loaded with a rare hallucinogen, called 2CB.

A synthetic white powder, similar effects to LSD.

Class A? Very much so.

We've only seen it on these shores the past couple of years.

Side effects include, but are by no means restricted to, headaches, sickness, psychotic syndromes I didn't find anything in her stomach contents.


And I ran tox on a hair sample.

It was clean.

She wasn't a drug user herself.

But? It's possible she was a dr*gs mule.

She was eight and a half months pregnant! And? She chose to keep this baby.

Why would she risk its life and hers? It's just a theory, Nikki.

The dr*gs got into her, one way or another.

I saw from the PM reports her vag*na wasn't examined.

Well, at that point, I had no You had no cause to, I understand.

I found this clingfilm embedded in her vaginal wall.


'Mum, is Bekir there?' 'No.

He's out there looking for you.

' I don't have it.

Tell him I don't have it.

Then, tell him yourself.

'Mum, he k*lled Alice.

' Nine months pregnant and he k*lled her, like that.

Mum, did you hear what I said? He's evil.

You can't be with him.

'Your cousin takes care of the business.

Commands respect.

'He's not a junkie, like you.

' I'm clean, Mum.

I've been clean since I got out, you know that! Where is the package? That's all that I need to know.

I don't have it.

'Then, you're dead.

' I'm getting out, Mum.

'I'm getting out.

'I mean, out of the country.

' He'll find you.

'Wherever you go, he'll find you.

' I need my passport, Mum.

Just bring me my passport.

Help me one last time and you'll never hear from me again.

Your father used to say the same thing.

It's weak, weak.


' Mum, Camden Lock.

By the bridge.

I'll be there at eight.

Why was she involved in the first place? She must've been coerced into it by the people who k*lled her.

It looks like the dr*gs were removed from her body around the time of death.

Then, it's likely whoever took the dr*gs from her also took the baby? What if they thought she swallowed them? What if they thought the baby was obstructing access to the dr*gs, in some way? Then, the baby would become collateral damage? To a ruthless drug dealer, no question.

The 2CB is 97-98% grade.

Definitely not for consumption.

OK, so she was smuggling, but that doesn't follow that her baby's dead.

That doesn't follow at all.


I'll call it in.


FLIES BUZZ OFFICER ON PHONE: Did you know anything about this? Call me when you get this message.

HE BREATHES HEAVILY Shit! No reception? Battery.

Can I borrow yours? Sure.


HE MOUTHS Can you put me through to Dr Alexander, please? Thanks.

I know you guys like to wait for the PM, but can you give me a rough time of death? More than a week, less than a fortnight.

He didn't k*ll Alice Preston? No.

There are numerous incised wounds to his arms, chest and back.

The torso is tacky to the touch.

NIKKI SNIFFS The wounds were probably made by a knife.

But more importantly, I think they were then doused with the Raki.

More important how? Evidence of premeditated t*rture.

It suggests that the Raki was brought to the scene, specifically to pour onto the open wounds.

The k*ller knew that the pain entailed far outstripped the pain of the cuts themselves.

You see the ethanol causes the skin cells to put out the same neurochemical signals as they put out when heat is felt.

So not only does the cut hurt, now it feels like it's on fire? Exactly.

And the wounds grow in size from a nick here, to a four-inch gash.

It's a systematic progression.

The k*ller graduated to exsanguination.

Drained Blakefield of blood, purposefully by dint of a clean, precise incision to the femoral artery.

There's a lot of control and deliberation here.

You've got to tell me who did this.

I mean, got to be some DNA transfer? He was here for a while, right? Knots look interesting.


Blakefield travelled to Turkey recently, via Bulgaria.

The man I chased off the estate Oh, come on, he was a kid! Both his flatmates met violent deaths and he ran when he saw us.

Can't exactly dismiss him, can we? Unless you know something we don't? NERVOUSLY: Hi.

HE ORDERS CHEF TO LEAVE Have you heard from him? No.

The arrests in Istanbul got me in enough shit.

They find out a consignment's missing, it's over.

For all of us.

You understand? QUIETLY: Yes.

Look at me.


Look!! Tell me you haven't seen him.

Gulse? He wants me to meet him and .


give him this.

Did as you requested and ran that number.

I was er .


curious about a call DI Brooke made right after we discovered the body.

How did you get the number? So? Registered to a Nuri Kavur, 22.

Sundry drug offences.

Reading between the lines, he's more addict than dealer.

Brooke almost put me in the hospital, making sure Kavur got away.

I don't understand.

It's not just me, then.

Why would Brooke be covering for a lowlife criminal when a baby's life is on the line? Maybe he's on the take.

He wouldn't be the first dr*gs officer in history to wet his beak! I'm not sure about that Oh, come on, he was on the phone to our prime suspect within seconds of finding Blakefield's corpse He's unorthodox, but I just don't see him as corrupt.

Based on what? Not in an "in-some-dealer's-pocket" sense, anyway.

We can use Nuri's phone to get a lead on his location, can't we? It's currently powered down, but if he switches it on, we can pinpoint the nearest phone mast.



He needs to take his punishment.

Make this right.

Just try not to k*ll him.

Try not to k*ll him? Jesus, you're a cold bitch.

I'm glad I didn't have you for a mother.

HE CHUCKLES He referred to Mark Blakefield as Marky and so did the next door neighbour, Mr Bukata.

What does that prove? That he knows him! Just like he knows his flatmate, Nuri Kavur.

Brooke says he wants to help, but judged on his actions, he wants the exact opposite.

Why would he want that? Don't know, doesn't matter.

Just know we can't trust a word he says.

I spoke to a colleague who used to work with him in the dr*gs Squad.

Don't tell me, he's a legend.

Yes, actually.

He has put away a shedload of dealers, great and small.

They always have.



Look, Jack's right.

The why doesn't matter.

He's obstructing us and it's delaying finding the baby.


I will speak to him.

Have it out with him.

Good luck with that.

Jack! Nuri just switched his phone back on.

Pinged on two different masts and the overlap area is small.

How small? The canal, east of Camden Lock.

I am not going behind a DI's back.

You're not.

You're legitimately pursuing a suspect who fled a crime scene and has a record.

Nuri? Nuri Kavur, you're under arrest.

'Alice Preston.

Where did you meet her? 'I was delivering flyers to a youth hostel.

' Thanks.

'We got talking.

' And then she told me about her baby and how she wasn't sure if she was going to keep it.

Did you advise her on that score? I said, if she wasn't sure, she should keep it.

She listened to you? In your wisdom? Look, I was surprised she was even interested in me.

Hmm! I was.

She was lonely and And? And I'd just come out of prison a month before.

And I'd stayed clean.


Alice felt like a reward for that.

Me being her friend.

I offered her a place to stay, you know, while she decided what to do.

But you became more than friends? (Oh, my God!) Nuri? You became more than friends, yes or no? Yes.


I didn't want to rush her.


So, what was in it for you? I loved her.

Try again.

I loved her! I loved her and I didn't k*ll her.

What about the guy who got her pregnant? What about him? Unlike you, he hasn't seen Alice in months.

Unlike you, he doesn't have a flatmate in the mortuary, whose mangled body bears signs of t*rture.

Step out a minute.

Sir, I'm in the middle of Step out! I'm not asking.

How did you find him? He's the individual that fled the scene I didn't ask you who he is, I asked you how you found him? Well, the, erm I found him.

You called him right after we found Blakefield and I got the number off your phone.

Surreptitious, I know, but I didn't have much hope you'd come clean with us.

You've been protecting Nuri Kavur from the start and I have bruised ribs to prove it.

He is my informant and I protect my informants.

If you can find him, so can Bekir.

Who's Bekir? Put him in a custody cell for half an hour.

Bekir Humadi.

He came to London from Istanbul 18 months ago.

He's a lieutenant in Sivas 78, a g*ng his grandfather formed over 30 years ago.

So he's come here to expand the empire? Yeah.

Well, I believe so.

We've seen an increase in heroin and less common dr*gs since his arrival.

You "believe so"? Evidence has proved elusive.

He's a pro.

Colin? MOTORBIKE REVS INTO DISTANCE 'The night' DS Hart got shot, Bekir was playing to the gallery in the restaurant.

Of course, I sweated him, but no forensics, no witnesses.

Yeah, but you don't KNOW it was Bekir? Tell us about Nuri Kavur.

Bekir's London-born cousin and recovering addict, which made him a weak link in the chain.

I turned him a year ago.

How? I have my means.

And through Nuri, I learned that Bekir was using Mark Blakefield to get the gear in.

We've got good relations with Narcotics in Turkey.

They tailed Blakefield to a lab Once he was on his way back to the UK, they moved in and arrested over 30 people.

That explains the t*rture - Bekir assumed Blakefield was the rat? What about Alice Preston? You think Bekir k*lled her, too? Well, maybe.

If she was drug-muling for him and she messed up or something went wrong.

Course, the only way to find out is through Nuri.

You want me to release him.


SHE SCREAMS Can I help you? I have a warrant to search the premises and to take a DNA sample from Bekir Humadi, in connection with the murders of Mark Blakefield and Alice Preston.

Detective Inspector Brooke.

Did you ever avenge your young partner? From the look on your face, I'd say you didn't.

Mr Humadi, why don't we do this somewhere else? You are the boss of him? No.

I'm a Detective Sergeant.


He's a wild dog.

Needs a master.

You mind if I keep working? OK.

Er, we're all impressed, but maybe put the knife down? Do I listen to him, detective? Just put the bloody knife down! Excuse me? Mr Humadi, I need a DNA sample.

Can I put my stuff there? Please.


Do I take this off? Nah, you keep that on.

What you going to do to me? Open your mouth.

Well, he seems nice.

Cup of coffee, inspector? Given up, Fikret.

It's green tea, all the way.

"Fikret"? Really is your patch.

I want a second forensic sweep of Alice Preston's flat.

Why? If Bekir k*lled her, it probably wasn't premeditated.

OK, but I didn't slip up.

Justhave a second look.

Please? Come on.

Is that a big yawn? Is that a big yawn? Who's a beautiful girl? Are you a beautiful girl? Jack Hmm? Bekir wears ear studs.

Yeah, I checked the perimeter of this room the last time we were here.

Well, we all overlook things sometimes.


DNA on the stud earring is a match to Bekir Humadi.

And there's something else.

Alice was wearing turquoise nail polish when she died.

So what are we saying? Alice pulled the stud out fighting Bekir off? The nail varnish transfers from her nail to the stud.

This is a result.

Thank you.

This is bullshit.

Jack?! (I did NOT miss that earring.

) DNA on that stud belongs to you.

The nail polish on that stud belongs to the victim.

Can you explain that? Sure.

I was there a few days ago.

My cousin Nuri told me that Alice was a good lay, so I thought I'd try her out.

She got very excited and grabbed my head and yelled what an animal I was.

You'll have to do better than that.

You meanlike a witness? Preferably one that's not dead.

Nuri was waiting outside.

He'll confirm my story.

OK, we'll see what Nuri has to say.

In the meantime, you stay right there.

Wait a second.

When did you say the pregnant girl died again? I'm telling you, it wasn't there.

I'm sure of it.

Shit! What? It was behind that.

So it could have been concealed behind the table leg.

Yeah, apart from the fact it wasn't.

Jack! Don't say everyone makes mistakes.

They do.

And blindly insisting you didn't, might not be the smartest move, all things considered.

What's your point? Justdon't overplay your hand, until IF you get hard proof.

Someone planted that stud for me to find.

Someone? DI Brooke.

Oh! Just humour me.

He doesn't care what offence Bekir goes down for, he just wants him to go down.

That's quite an accusation.

Once he heard Alice was muling dr*gs, Brooke immediately suggested it implicated Bekir.

Come on, Jack.

If I was a copper, I'd be looking at Bekir for Alice's m*rder.

Why? Why not? Bekir's a drug dealer.

Bekir's the cousin and employer of Alice's boyfriend.

Bekir's short of a courier, after exsanguinating poor Mr Blakefield and pregnant Alice makes an inspired replacement.

Even if Bekir did k*ll her, it doesn't mean Brooke didn't plant that stud.

That's a double negative.

I know it's a double negative.

Jack, isn't this all getting a bit tortuous? Maybe the truth's simpler.

Simpler? The stud's tiny, it's hidden in the carpet fibres.

YOU just missed it.

Why is time of death suddenly so critical? Bekir's aunt has provided him with an alibi from noon onwards.

Well, can't you challenge it? Well, it's a tough one.

It's backed up by staff and customers at the restaurant.

What was that about? Little thank you/incentive.

For what? Doing an E-FIT on the man he saw dumping Alice Preston's body.

Aren't you supposed to say, "Don't leave town"? I'm offended.

HE BREATHES DEEPLY It's going to be fine.

I know it is.

Come on There we go.

Screw Alice.

Screw the baby.

No! Please! Please don't.

No, no! Nikki.

Our eyewitness is dead.

Very sad.

Alice wanted us to have her baby.

Not like this, she didn't.

It's not our fault! She looks happy.

I agree.

I know what you did.

I know.

Please don't harm her.

I'm taking her.

No, no, no, wait.

No-o-o-o!! Testator Silens Costestes e spiritu Silentium.
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