17x09 - Fraternity - Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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17x09 - Fraternity - Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

SOMBRE PIANO MUSIC OVER BIRDSONG 'Like as a father pitieth his own children.

' Even so is the Lord merciful unto them that fear him.

For he knoweth whereof we are made.

For he remembereth we are but dust.

'The days of man are but as grass.

' For he flourisheth as a flower of the field.

'For as soon as the wind goeth over it, it is gone.

' We commend into they hands, most merciful father, the soul of our brother departed.

Earth to earth Stop.


DI Dale Carter.



What have we got? Young woman.

Some bruising to her face and chest.

And there's a wound to her neck.

But no obvious cause of death.

So, he wanted to give her a Christian burial, did he(?) Dead or alive when she was put in the ground? I'm afraid that's a question for the postmortem.

Just the hearse, I'm afraid.

If there were any other tyre tracks, they've been washed away.

Footprints? The families, undertakers.

Anyone else, we'll have to see.

I've taken impressions.

No tools left on site so he or she must've brought their own.

Presumably, you've been told about the padlock on the main gate.

Had it open for access.


He chose well.


So, what do you reckon, opportunistic or fetishistic? I mean, did he just get lucky finding an open grave or was it planned? No rain, he'd have got away with it.

Any idea who she is? Possible MISPER matches? Yeah.

Are you OK? How's your mum? Hey.

Any more news? They've found a body.

Is it her? I don't know, they're still waiting.

She didn't ring you? No.

Gem, if something was wrong, she would've done.


Anything could've happened.

I'll just be a minute.


Brewery's just been on, I need to get down to the pub.

Will you look after your mam? I'll be as quick as I can.

This was bundled up in the ground with her.

Some blood here we need to take a look at.

No soil in her mouth or nose.

She was dead before she was buried.

Small mercy.

I smell alcohol.

Booze? Maybe.

Some kind of plant residue.

It's not from the grave - looks different.

Petechial haemorrhaging.

Which would indicate suffocation? From DI Carter.

Information about the missing girl.

It's her.

She's 15.

Just a kid.

Any relationship between victim and the man who was being buried? No.

When was she k*lled? There were blowfly eggs on the body, so most likely she was kept elsewhere before being buried.

From my analysis, I'd say the eggs were less than ten hours old.

We'd agree with that time frame, more or less.

So, she was k*lled between, what, two and three in the morning? Last seen alive? Left home about six the previous evening.

Strangled? Crush asphyxiation.

In English? Ermblood vessels were burst in her eyes, which indicates Yeah, spare me the how.

I just need the what.


A heavy weight on her chest stopped her from breathing.

Possibly accidentally.

So, he accidentally crushed her to death?! Bollocks.

Sexual as*ault? r*pe? Unlikely.

No injuries that would suggest a sexual motive.

Nothing deposited on the body, or in it.


No trace of lubricant, either.

Even so.

I mean, 15 years old.

You'd bet your house that this was sexual, wouldn't you? Hmm Did you guys get anything from the graveyard? The shoeprints are from people who had a legitimate reason to be there.

And the tools on site? Again, the prints are from the caretakers.

We're still working on the padlock.

So the best lead you've got is the blood sample on Katie's scarf.

Which we're running DNA on now.

So you've got cause of death, but otherwise you've got squat.

You better go back to the graveyard and do another sweep, then, eh? Please.

Gemma? I'm going to have to ask you a few more questions.

You all family, are you? No, erm, we're friends.

I run a pub.

Gemma works for me.

Hannah's my daughter.

You said she went out in the evening.

Did she phone you? No.

What about you? You didn't go out with her? I was working at the pub, at ours.

Did anything happen yesterday at all? Anything out of the ordinary? Maybe something she said or All right.

If anything occurs.

I'm so sorry.

Is there something you want to say? Yesterday morning.

It was nothing.

Ryan, Mum's boyfriend, he dropped me off at the tube, but I'd left some college stuff in the car You went back? Yeah.

It was just a bit unusual.

What was? Katie was in the car with him, but he was really going at her - angry.

About? I don't know.

I couldn't hear.

Did he see you? No, and I just backed off.

Please don't tell my mum I told you.

Where is he now? You called? Yeah, I've just run DNA from the blood on Katie's scarf, and got a partial match with guess who? From the entire database - seven million people? Seriously? Jack.

Contaminate the scene, did he? Thomas will be pleased.

Where is he - Jack? At the graveyard doing a second sweep.

Minus his usual cheery disposition.

I'd better call him, tell him to prepare his defence.

Hi, it's Clarissa Mullery from the Lyell.

We've got a DNA match - guy called Ryan Kelvin.

Thomas? The guy's got previous for violent as*ault.

Against women? No, it's five years ago, bloke in the street.

Nothing since? Just a lot of time bottling it up.

He's the stepfather of Katie's best mate.

Odds are he shagged her, panicked and tried to cover it up.

So, paedophile? Open-minded? Listen, Jack, what Nikki told you, you didn't contaminate the scene.

Clarissa's come up with another match.

'There's a close genetic relationship to you.

'Ryan Kelvin.

'I'm guessing brother or half-brother? 'You'd better call me.

' Jack? Sorry.

I've hardly seen him in years.

Just give me some time with him.

What? You, him and a nailfile, right? Christ's sake, he's not been charged with anything.

Do you want to tell him to back off? Jack? I am asking for two minutes.

You're in my personal space.

Back up! Come on.

Come on.

Like you said, two minutes.

She was a friend of the family's, that's all.

Lizzie's friends.

Who's Lizzie? The woman I live with.

Your blood's on the girl.

What? Look, I know it's been a long time, Jack, but .


you've got to help me now.



Yesterday morning, about eight o'clock, where were you? Home.

You want to try that again? All right, OK.

I'll jog your memory for you.

You were down the Broadway, talking to Katie in your car.

We've got a witness.

Talking about what? I'd seen her the night before at the bus stop by the church with some older lads.

So? So she had it all out on offer.

So when I see her the next morning going into the station, I Look, her mother's got no control over her, so I told her she shouldn't be doing that, not at her age, and not at any age.

And she said? She just gave me some lip.

And I bet that wound you up.

Did you lose it with her, Ryan? It's just kids.

It's no big deal.

What about 2am last night? Where were you then? In bed with Lizzie.

I woke up, he wasn't there.

He hadn't been sleeping well, so I got up to check on him.

He was in the beer garden, I saw him from the window.

You saw his face? It I saw his smoke, his cigarette smoke.

But you didn't see his face? Erm So, how come you've never mentioned a brother before? I don't remember getting a run down in your family tree.

For all I know, your granny's a hooker, and your uncle sells crack.

Is toxicology back? Yeah.


Katie was taking antibiotics - erythromycin.

That's it.

No dr*gs, no alcohol.

Anybody want a job? Ringing around surgeries to find out who prescribed it? Wasn't her regular GP.

Are you OK? What do you want me to say? Have you heard of Ryan before? Can't say I have.

Not even you, huh? PHONE RINGS Hello? OK.

Court records, Ryan's conviction.

October 2009, he got six months for GBH.

So, what's the big secret? You were there when he beat the guy up.

And? So, what happened? 'It was just over a woman in a bar.

Saturday night, usual thing.

'Carried on later in the street.

' This guythere was no-one at home, Nikki.

You know? Ryan broke the guy's jaw.

You were the only witness? So, presumably you had to go to court to give evidence against him? Yeah.

Forensic scientist refuses to give evidence, no more forensic scientist.

But from Ryan's perspective, that must've seemed pretty disloyal.

Like death and bloody taxes you are.

Which is why you haven't seen a lot of each other since.

You're so sharp, Nikki.

You'll cut yourself one day.

That weird bit of vegetation in Katie Bowman's hair - the botanists have been on - it's from an hibiscus petal.

Just to let you know, your lady won't confirm your alibi.

In the car with Katie I didn't tell you this before, but I grabbed a hold of her to get her to listen and, um it was nothing.

But I done this the night before on a broken pint glass.

And? Well, that's how the blood got on her, isn't it? DI Carter wants us to farm the case out to another lab.

I need an independent team.

So, what do you do with cops when they've got a personal connection? You give the case to another constabulary? What are you saying? I'm saying, the Lyell's already on top of it.

And, all right, I want continuity.

I don't want my brother banged up for any longer than he has to be.

And that's what's important - what you want? OK.

Now look at it from my point of view.

Ryan's the only suspect.

If we end up going to court with him and you've been sniffing around this, the prosecution's case will be ripped to shreds.

Got nothing on him though, have you? No motive.

Sex or money.

Ah And my money's on sex.

I reiterate, there is absolutely no evidence of any sexual as*ault.

Plus Ryan's explained the blood on Katie's scarf.

He has? There you go.


I've got an idea.

How about I bring in another forensic scientist to work on this? Are you serious? Someone nothing to do with the Lyell - no conflict of interest.

It's not necessary.

That way, we save time and money, plus you keep your continuity.

HE SCOFFS He goes nowhere near this.

DOOR BUZZES Ant and Dec! HE LAUGHS Mark's been on the blower again.

And? I told him to go play with himself.

Well, not in those precise words, presumably? Hygiss have upped their offer for all the Cura Centre clinics, the brand, the lot.

Total buyout.

Well, you've got to admit, statement of intent.

And now you're thinking what? Let's get minted? No, no, I'm thinking the same as always.

Nothing's changed.

No sale.


Right, go on, then, piss off.


Oh, hey.

This is Helen Ferguson, our temporary forensic scientist and, erm, an old university friend of mine.

Dr Nikki Alexander, pathologist.



And Clarissa Mullery, your forensic examiner while you're here.


Soanything from the car? Well, I realise there's a personal connection here so this feels a bit like delivering bad news to the family but I have to say rarely have I seen such a spotless piece of junk.

There's absolutely nothing to find, so either the guy's frightened of germs, or he's hiding something.

So, you're saying the car's been recently cleaned? Yes, very recently.

Inside and out.

Did she turn your lights on, Ryan? You've got nothing.

Having her at the pub, big mates with Hannah, constantly having to watch that young flesh.

I get it.

I have never, ever laid a hand on that girlany girl.

You told me you did.

That's how your blood got on her.

Not in the way you mean.

Not like that.

Sexually? Say it.

I have never touched her sexually.

What were you trying to get rid of from your car? You took it down the car wash, after she was dead.


You did.

I know you did.

Don't think you can lie to me! I even know which one you took it to.

Why'd you do it, huh? Why'd you clean it? Hi.

I've seen your face in a photo.

Not changed much, have you? How much do you know about Ryan? I know he's been inside, if that's what you mean? I honestly don't give a toss.

He's been a fantastic stepdad to Hannah.

She loves him, I love him.

So, no problems? There's always problems.

What like? Like Gemma hasn't got any money - I sometimes bail her out.

And Ryan doesn't like it? It's not It's more that he reckons he hasn't got a say in it.

I've offered to make him partner in the business, but that's not doable because of his record.

So he's sort of dependent on me.

It gets to him.

But it's minor, we can handle it.

And how about Katie? Did she ever stay here? Just ask me.

Did he abuse her? That's what you mean, isn't it? Did he? You know someone intimately, you think you do .


and now this.

And you get doubts - you're not sure any more.

I'm not sure any more.

Hannah? Hi, I'm Jack.

I know who you are.

Sorry about Katie.

Hey, Hannah, wait a sec.

You knew her really well, didn't you? Do you have any idea why someone would want to harm her? I don't know.

She couldn't see any badness.

She got on with everyone.

She'd have, like, these crushes on people.

Just want to be near them, connect, you know? Guess I did the same at her age.

Did she have a crush on Ryan? OK.

One last thing, whose are these? Ryan's.

DI Carter? Please.

Katie Bowman.


How did she seem? Disturbed or frightened? Erm, no.

No, not at all.

She just wanted something fast to clear her chest infection.

Thank you very much, Dr Nash.

You're welcome.

Police? What did he want? I thought she was 18.

That's what she told me Jesus Christ.

Oh, come on, would you put her at 15? Really? Come on.

How did he trace her here? I wrote her a prescription.

Look, she was officially a patient.

The police knew that and I confirmed it.

But, as far as they're concerned, that's all she was.


You've found my weakness.

Are you here checking up on me? Clarissa's worried about you.

Did she actually say that? Not in so many words, but Where do you keep your plates? They're here.

There's some juice in the fridge.

Katie had antibiotics in her system, didn't she? Anybody traced where she got them? Oh, come on, it's an innocent enough question.

Yes, they have.

And? The Cura Centre.

A private walk-in place, OK? Happy? OK.



Thank you.

Hot! I need you to do something for me.

Justhear me out, OK? I need this, and these, testing for mineral composition.

No way I can't do that from outside the Lyell No.



but, if it yields what I think it will, then I can get back to work and we can all simply move on.

Hi, love.

Hey! Hannah! Hannah! Talk to me.

There's something I haven't told you that I've told the police.


I saw Katie with Ryan in his car.

When? Yesterday morning.

The station.

I'm sorry.

It's my fault, Mum It's fine It's my fault.

I told you I'd call.

All right.

Where's Thomas? He's in his office with DI Carter.

All right, relax then.

Who's the woman? Helen Ferguson, she's a friend of Thomas.

You won't know her.

Because? She's been at university - lecturing.

Back getting her hands dirty, is she? Look, do you want these mineralogy results, or what? Yes.

This is the result of the garden sample Uh-huh.



and this is what was on his shoes.

The same? This is great news.

Neither are from the graveyard, both are from the pub beer garden.


Happy? When did it last rain? What? When did it last rain? The funeral? No, I checked with the Met Office.

In Ryan's area, it rained from 12:16 the previous night continuously right through the morning of the funeral.

And? Before that, there'd been no rain for three weeks, so the ground had completely dried out.

But the soil in Ryan's shoes was wet.

Therefore He must've been wearing them in the garden sometime after 12:16 on the night that Katie was k*lled.


What if he watered the garden before? No, checked that too.

The hose was bone-dry.

Ryan told Carter he was out in the pub garden.

This confirms it.

Where'd the evidence come from? Peter Moran - he's an accredited mineralogist.

No, I meant who put it together? Here? The alibi? You? Jack.

God's sake He came to me with it, I couldn't just ignore it.

He got some mud and packed it in the boots? No, Jack It's what they'll say in court, which is why he shouldn't be near this! If he'd rigged it, the mud wouldn't have dried out.


DI Carter's right.

Well, the alibi is useless.

It points to Ryan's innocence.

No, it points to Jack trying to bust his brother out of custody.

I trust my gut.

We stay with Ryan.

Do you want to come in? I was bloody stupid to get involved with this.

I've heard.

I've just had Thomas on the phone.

Hear me out, Jack.

Enough is enough.

Leave it alone, yeah? 'What do you want?' Nice.

Well, I try to be concerned and enquiring, but you're not interested, so 'Why would a 15-year-old' pay for antibiotics? Maybe they come with a free download? That hibiscus in Katie's hair, they put that in cocktails.

I wouldn't know.

'15 years old.

' She wouldn't get in anywhere, would she? Fake ID, I suppose Or somebody vouched for her.


MUSIC PLAYS IN CLUB Hiya! She's with me, she's with me.

Mum's not in.

Thought you might want a bit of a pick-me-up.

Oh, thanks.

You know, I was tempted to tell Carter that I'd found that evidence myself.

Please, God! One maverick on the team is enough.

Well, you've been saying you wanted out of academia, so Bit of a baptism of fire on this, though.

You could've warned me.

Then you'd have said "no".

Look, it's not easy at the best of times coming onto an already established team.

I did it myself, so Well, it's great having you here.

Someone as senior and "Senior"? In what sense? Oh, no, no, no.

I didn't mean Oh.

Still socially gauche, I see, in spite of that confident veneer.

SIREN WAILING IN BACKGROUND Can you make a call? Your brother's probably out there playing detective.

Just you and me, mate.

No witnesses.

No recording devices.

So? You tell me.


You screwed her for a few months until reality kicked in, then you tell her it's over.

But she's stuck on you, so she threatens to tell her mother.

She's flipping out.

You hold her down, try and talk some sense into her.

But all your weight's on her.

By the time she shuts up, it's too late.

It's accidental.

So I do you for manslaughter, throw in sex with a minor.

You get eight to ten, and do four, it's all over.

But you keep telling me "no", and I go after you for m*rder.

You get life.

You do 15 to 20.

You've got nothing.

I've got your blood on her and I've got motive.

Your decision.

You took her clubbing, didn't you? What? No way.

Where'd you go? Hannah, come one, Ryan doesn't have time for this.


That's private members, isn't it? I host a table there.

What does that mean? I bring people in - the right kind of people.

What, youth and beauty? Maybe.

What's that? Eczema? Were you there with her the night she died? No.

PHONE RINGS Could she get in on her own? Would they let her in? Hi.

Look, I wanted to say, whatever happened with us, right, you've got to stay away from this.

I love you, man, and I'm thinking about your career, yeah? 'I need you to stay away.

' All right? Are you listening? You stay away.

Not this time.

Was there a particular guy? No.

But she talked to men? She danced and stuff? Yeah, it was justnormal.

Is this a normal place to bring a 15-year-old?! LOW BEEPING DOOR OPENS The manager? Hello.

There's Katie.

This is when, exactly? Ermthree days ago.

Can we freeze that, please? That's not hers.

That's not her phone.

Fast forward.


Freeze that.

I didn't know, I swear.

She never told me.

But you know who he is? Yeah, he's a regular.

Christy something.

He's like a private doctor.

This isn't up for debate.

Nobody could've planted this.

Is that the guy who wrote up her prescription? Yeah.

So, what's your gut telling you now? The NHS is a dead duck.

They've run it down to sell it off.

Well I'd like to say, OK, that I owe the NHS a lot.

Mr Janssen's just talking about context.


I just don't want to hear it rubbished.

OK, darling? In the same way, I don't want to see what we've done here stripped out.

We have three fantastic local facilities - seven-day-a-week community medical care No, absolutely.

But they're not state clinics, Christy.

The business needs to maximise profits, and to do that it needs to grow.

OK, and to grow we need investment.

But my husband and Ben could raise that right now from the company's own backers.

They've already proved that, with the new centres opening.

So we don't need to sell a controlling stake to Hygiss to grow the business.

Things change.

Well, maybe.

The world keeps turning.

We'll keep talking.

Thanks, Nikki.

They let you go? They bailed me.

We'll leave you to it, mate.

All right? We're done.


Evens?! Aye.

Jack? Jack? Yeah.

Don't worry.

I'm going to make my own way from here.

See you later.

All she did was sit in my car.

So, why didn't you tell me? Because it wassomething and nothing.

Lizzie, the police have cleared me.

Nah, they've bailed you.

Not the same thing.

Right OK, did you hurt her? Ever? Did you touch her?! Do you honestly think that I'd be capable of that? You tell me.

You always had a bit too much time for her.

Yeah, because I loved her, just like you did.

Look, she was a kid who needed help, becauseboth her parents let her down.

Gemma didn't.

Where is she now, huh? Is she out there trying to get justice for her daughter? That's not fair.

Is this going to drive us apart? Because, I'm telling you .


I am as innocent as you are.

I met her at the club.

And then I saw her at the clinic for free.

It's just something I do sometimes.

For friends? Mm-hm.

Well, she certainly was that.

Did you contact her on that phone? I don't have her phone number.

As you will already know.

You'll have already scoured Dr Nash's telephone records.

So, I come to your clinic, and you tell me none of this? No, not because Look, I didn't know she was 15 until I saw her photo in the paper.

Otherwise you wouldn't have had sex with her.

Here we go again.

I did not have sex with her.

The Clinton defence.

So, we're talking about definitions of what actually constitutes having sex, are we? No.

So, what then? Ah, the paedophile's defence.

Oh, for God's sake The legal definition of sexual maturity is just an arbitrary line drawn in the sand? I researched him.

Carter? That's cheap, Mr Carter.

It's something I look to do.

And? Two years, child protection.

Gets a transfer out and what's first up? A child m*rder.

He can't see it through any other prism.

His wife just called front desk, confirmed his alibi.

He just interviewed and released me.

No fanfares, noleaks.

What did you tell Mark Janssen? That you're a witness.

He was cool with that.



Well, I need a coffee.

Anybody else? We need to sell.

We're in trouble.

The brand's going to sufferif this ever comes out.

If what ever comes out? You were sleeping with a 15-year-old.

Did yousleep with her? If you don't believe me, why give me an alibi? For me and Ruby.

When the deal's done, so are we.

You left these here.

I did a little more work on them.

Put your fingers inside one of these, either of them.

It's miconazole nitrate, a medication for eczema.

Oh, God.

So, who has eczema? Hannah Kennedy.

I don't think Ryan was the last person to wear these.

So, what do we do? Your call.

I'll back you whatever.

We get Helen to rerun the tests.

Surely there's no need, Jack.

You want to go to Carter again without checking these findings? PHONE RINGS Hello? It's Hannah.

I think I know where they were seeing each other.

Can we meet outside the club in say an hour? Who are you talking to? Give me the phone.

Get off me! My brother? If you know something about Katie, you tell me.

You're hurting me.

Tell me! She was sleeping with a guy.

Ryan You teach her how to be a tart, did you? Was that what you did? No.

Who was it? DOOR OPENS Ryan? I don't know, not for sure.

Maybe this doctor guy.

Hannah? Miss Kennedy, room one.

You know who I am? From the club.

I don't need anything.

I just want to know if this means something to you? Because I introduced you.

ErmI'm sorry? The Avery Hotel? You'd have been struck off, wouldn't you? What? No.

You'd have been struck off, that's No, God, no.


Leave' PHONE RINGS 'This is Hannah.

Leave a message.

' 'This is Hannah.

Leave a message.

' Sorry.

Lizzie needed some space.

This has really shaken her up.

Me too.

Both of us.

Old times? Oh, Hannah! Just answer the phone.

'This is Hannah' Had to get rid of the stink of that police cell.

Thanks for these.

They suit you.


I'm really grateful, man.

For everything.

No, no.

Seriously? You like to be in control these days? Something like that.


It was years ago.

You did what you did, and so did I.

Like I said, we're evens now.

What? What did I say now? Christ's sake.

What, for Christ's sake? There's been enough shit flying around, Jack, don't add to it.

Talk to me.

You weren't the last one to wear those shoes.

Hannah was.

She was just popping out for a f*g, so she slips on whatever shoes are lying around.

What in Christ's name? She has eczema on her feet, Ryan.

There was medication on the inside of your shoes.


No-one wore them after she did.

It was Hannah out there, wasn't it? That's who Lizzie saw.

So, where were you? What are you thinking, Jack, huh? I want to know where you were.

You want me to prove that I'm innocent, yeah? Jesus! You think I k*lled her.

You think I could do that? Jack? My stepdaughter's out there dead somewhere, and you want to question me? Why don't you just come out and say it? You slept with a child.

I'm beginning to wonder who you are.

So, I'm still obsessed with sex crimes and I'm useless at my job, is that what you're saying? No.

I suppose I just wanted to apologise for making the job even harder.


Anything I can do, just let me know.

Once again, you've been led by your d*ck.

Not you too, Nikki.

For God's sake.

But if you carry on like this, you're going to wreck EVERYTHING that you've worked for! Nikki! He's NOT guilty!
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