19x02 - After the Fall - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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19x02 - After the Fall - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Got a suspect fleeing the scene.

Tony Hamilton.

Everything points to su1c1de.

Right down to the turned-over photographs downstairs.

If that's his thing, faking suicides, there could be other killings we haven't linked yet.

Do this again? It's her birthday tomorrow.

Would've been her birthday.

Irene Dawes.

A retired nurse.

My findings at the inquest argued for su1c1de.

Father Dawes, is there somewhere we can talk? If it turns out you got it wrong, you missed a m*rder.

I can't believe I'm hearing this.

We'll test for the anaesthetic spray we found on Walsh.

You just made an innocent mistake, yeah? God knows, we all do from time to time Someone's been in my flat, I'm sure of it.

In prison I was a target.

Carmichael protected me.

Don't you feel angry about it? About any of it? I recovered a thumbprint.

Belinda Roach.

Just let me speak to her.

I need you to trust me.

Guilty men walking the streets.

That is on you! I'm here to give you a chance to explain it! Belinda? Nikki? So? Evidence of blunt force trauma to the head.

- Wounds are crescent-shaped.

- Was she k*lled here? Signs of a struggle? Blood spatter on the tree.

Lower than I'd expect.

So she trips and falls, k*ller strikes while she's down? Possible.

Can you show DI Rankin the torch you recovered? At a glance, would you say the curved wounds match the lens hood's shape and size? At a glance, yes, I would.

I'd also point out that Nikki Alexander drew our attention to the torch.

Well, how helpful of her.

Did she say anything else? I said, I own a torch just like it.

I need you to take a step back, Dr Alexander.

Where is your torch? In my case, in the boot of my car.

Have you checked it's there? - No.

- Why not? Well, why do you think? Because if it's not, it's been stolen, and we'll need to process my car for trace.

No gloves.

Well, if it was me, I'd have checked.

I understand Roach is a former Home Office pathologist.

Did you know her? She taught me at the Institute of Pathologists.

So, what were you doing here tonight? Social call? What brought you here tonight, Dr Alexander? Last night, someone broke into my flat.

A thumbprint belonging to Professor Roach was recovered from my kitchen clock.

It was stopped at the same time as the watches from the Dawes and Walsh case.

Were you aware of this development, DS Jones? As of an hour ago.

Well, how did you have the time to act on this evidence when the police weren't even aware of it? Who recovered the print, Dr Alexander? Who recovered the print?! Clarissa Mullery.

I asked her told her to sit on it and wait until I decided how to proceed.

Why would you want to keep such crucial evidence to yourself? Why would you choose to confront Roach alone and not involve us? I wanted to give her the chance to explain herself.

And did she? Show me your case.

Will you do the honours, please, Jack? It's missing.

It's been taken.

Someone's trying to frame me, it's obvious! You know her well, right? Nikki.

Walking out of the PM like that, it was a bit weird.

It's pretty out of character, I imagine? You want to know something, DS Jones, come out and ask it.

What about Father Dawes? He's got an alibi for the window when Walsh was k*lled.

All four hours? Afraid so.

All-night soup kitchen in Newham.

When you arrived at Professor Roach's, was she expecting you? No.

We found two used wine glasses.

One of them was smashed.

Belinda broke her glass.

- How? - She lost her temper.

Let's talk about the m*rder w*apon - the torch.

It's mine.

It was stolen from my case.

We established that.

Oh, I don't think we established anything of the kind.

I don't wish to insult your intelligence, but there's a scenario arising from this evidence that plays out like this.

You confronted Roach.

Accused her of k*lling Dawes and Walsh as part of a plot to force you into a professional error.

She humoured you, then threw you out.

Enraged, you grab a torch from the boot of your car, chase her into the garden and beat her to death.

You say your torch was stolen from the boot, but when we checked your car, it was locked with no sign of forced entry.

All I can think is that this was planned way ahead.

You mean, someone removed the torch at an earlier opportunity? Yes.

When did you last use it? The night before last.

I came home and the fuse had tripped in my flat.

Can you think of anyone who's had access to your flat since then? I was in the neighbourhood.

Wasn't sure what you were cooking so, um Dr Alexander? Look, I'm a forensic pathologist.

Why would I be stupid enough to bludgeon someone with my own torch, and then leave it at the scene?! Well, ordinarily you wouldn't.

But ordinarily, I daresay, you wouldn't scream at your boss just cos he disagreed with you.

Or go and harass Father Dawes, not once but twice! I didn't harass him.

That's ridiculous! Or walk out in the middle of an autopsy.

Or pressure Clarissa Mullery into suppressing evidence.

But the last 48 hours have been anything but ordinary.

From the minute that you realised you'd missed a m*rder, you went into a very public spiral that ended tonight when you lost it completely.

Look, you don't actually believe that I k*lled her? You're not serious? Yes, I was angry and, no, I shouldn't have gone there alone, - but the idea that - Anger's a very natural reaction to what she did.

k*lling two strangers just to make you look shit.

I am far from sure that Roach k*lled Dawes and Walsh.

I mean, she could've been set up, and used as bait to lure me to her house.

- By who? - By whoever k*lled her! Who do you think?! Nikki.

You said you're not sure Roach is behind this.

Why not? Sounds like she had motive.

Whatever our disagreements, Belinda was a good person.

So she swapped sides.

Bitterness and old age will do that.

Well, why would she wait until now to even the score? We found the same anaesthetic spray used on Dawes and Walsh in Roach's fridge.

Test results on the torch are back.

Hair and blood transfer match Roach's.

The fingerprints recovered from the stem are yours, and yours alone.

Look the common link between myself and Professor Roach is the Hamilton trial.

And I found out tonight that the DI on that case, Murray Porter, died last year in a drowning accident that you should take a closer look at, given the circumstances of this.

Dr Alexander, I am arresting you on the suspicion of the m*rder of Belinda Roach.

You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you fail to mention when questioned something you later rely on in court.

All right.

All right, thank you.

She's been arrested.

She's in custody.


You are joking? - No.

- Right.

I'm going down there.

How's that going to help? What, so we just abandon her? Is that it? - Screw that.

- Jack! Jack! We keep our heads, we do our jobs, we find out what really happened and we get her out.

In that order.

Clarissa? I'm worried about her.

The way she was with me tonight You're worried about her welfare, - or what she might've done? - Jack - Now, which is it? Come on.

- Both.



Hello? - Scott - Oh, sorry, my phone died, I left the charger at my dad's.

Where did you go last night, after you left the Lyell? - What? - Tell me the truth.

Did you follow me? If I ever meant anything to you, just tell me the truth.

Did I follow you? It's not a complicated question.

Someone was following me, tailgating me.

Was it you? No, of course not! Excuse me? Excuse me.

Do you have any change? What? Shit.

There are contusions to the top of the skull.

Blows were of sufficient force to damage the parietal bones.

Location of the wounds on the crown suggest the victim was lying prone, or was on her knees, when the blows were inflicted.


What? There's no bruises to her arms or hands.

She didn't try and shield her head.

She was taken by surprise? Trusted her assailant.

Jack? Jack, you still with me? Yeah, go ahead.

There's also a light, linear laceration to the top of the head.

Rust, maybe.

Didn't come from a torch.

And what look like thorns of some kind.

Well, to reach the garden, you go through a rose-covered arch.

Made of metal? Yep, and heavily rusted.

Height? Mmm, about seven foot.

I've got hair transfer on the side of the arch.

The length and colour match Roach's.

I'll send pictures.

Some bruising on the neck consistent with compression of the carotid arteries and jugular veins.

Possibly causing cerebral ischaemia and a temporary hypoxic condition in the brain.

So, some kind of neck hold? A carotid hold, and applied with force.

Can cause unconsciousness within seconds.

Roach was 5'5'".

If she hit her head on this arch, she was being carried.

And I'll wager by someone much taller and stronger than Nikki.

Bloody hell.

There was someone else here.


A big old boot print.

And a fragment of glass.

Last night police were called to the secluded home of retired Home Office pathologist Dr Belinda Roach.

Although police have not confirmed details David! Dad, listen, yesterday I shouldn't have left you.

I'm sorry.

- Where did you go? - I just drove around, really.

What time did you get home? - I don't know.

10, 11 - Which? Dad, I've really got to go.

I'll speak to you later, yeah? Although police have not confirmed details, our understanding is that Dr Roach was the victim of a violent and fatal attack.

The bruising on the throat, the the carotid hold, the boot print, the victim being lifted off the ground for a distance of 30 yards! The boot prints could have been left by anyone at any time.


They were left in a bactericidal detergent called Sanify, which contains a gelling agent.

According to Nikki, Roach had a blocked drain and was using the detergent when she arrived at 8.


- According to Nikki.

- Yeah! Now, this detergent has a drying time of suggesting the prints were left between 8.

30 and 9.


Sanify was also present on a shard of glass which may have transferred from the k*ller's boot tread.

Dr Alexander was drawn to Roach's house by the discovery of the latter's thumbprint, agreed? Evidence you suppressed.

One error.

One slip-up by an otherwise forensically airtight k*ller.

Unless it's not an error at all - it's bait.

Oh, total supposition.

You're supposed to be a scientist.

And scientists are trained to interrogate anomalies.

This is an anomaly.

So, what's your point? In all but one respect, planting someone's prints is quite straightforward, if you know what you're doing.

You lift someone's prints, from a paper cup, say, make a reverse latent, and from that, strike a mould of the original print.

' "In all but one respect'"? Fingerprints have to be left in something.

Most of the time it's sweat, which means shed skin cells, which means DNA.

I re-examined the thumbprint from the clock.


Even if she was duped into going after Roach, and I'm not convinced, what does it really prove? That we're dealing with someone who's forensically smart Oh, and Dr Alexander isn't? who wanted to lure her to Roach for a very specific reason, like framing her for m*rder.

At the very least, it's reasonable doubt.

What are you doing? Did you know about this? He's got a three-inch file of everyone that had anything to do with my trial.

It is a little excessive.

But understandable.

And what about this? Is this understandable? You've lost me.

Two days ago, he starts railing against all the people that let me down, who betrayed me, the expert witnesses who were supposed to prove my innocence.

And? And Professor Roach is at the top of that list.

No-one believed her testimony that I didn't push Suzie Banks.

Do not say her name in this house.

He asked me if I wanted to see them pay.

Sorry, you think David? He's angry.

He's very angry.

He is angry.

And, when he was 15, and people wrote ' "baby k*ller'" on his school bag, he was even worse.

But you weren't here to see that, or deal with it.

What's your point? The fact David has issues with rage and bereavement is not news to me.

What is news is the idea that he could hurt anyone.

You're too close to him to see it.

And you're not? In prison, you see it as clear as day.

There's no good people and bad people.

No dividing line.

It's about the moment.

The situation.

If someone's angry enough, desperate enough, scared enough, they'll do anything.

Yesterday, when he left the cemetery, he was angry enough.

What? You.

You just said more in 30 seconds than you have done in months.

I'm sorry.

It's not easy.

I know.

What? We need to find David.

You're kidding me! She said, ' "Don't leave town'"?! She said, ' "Don't leave the vicinity.

'" You can drive a horse and cart through ' "vicinity'".

Thanks, Jack.

We're going to find out who did this to you.

Don't worry, we are.

It's for you.


You're on speaker.

I've captured the fugitive.

Nikki! How are you? I'm fine.

Don't be brave.

I want tears, I want w*r stories.

I was in there 15 hours, it doesn't make me Papillon.

Lock me up for 15 seconds, I'd lose my marbles! Have you got something for us? For Jack.

You're going home, obviously, like people do when they're released from prison.

Clarissa! The glass shard we think the k*ller deposited at the scene, it's actually polycarbonate.

Any ideas about a likely source? Well, it's a popular glass substitute in heavy-duty work lamps.

I'm sending a picture now.

At St Stephen's Church, builders were doing restoration work, and using lamps just like that.

Father Dawes was cleared.

Rock-solid alibi for Walsh's death.

Well, how many other people use the church? And right next door is the hall where Walsh's support group met.

Got to be worth a shot.



Father Anthony? Lamps are intact.

Father Anthony? Jack? Max Walsh's support group met on Thursdays, right? Aye.

I've seen him before.

Here with Father Dawes.

Can we have a word? When I heard about Max Walsh's su1c1de, I was shocked.

Because he was in remission? And he was a fighter.

Is there a question mark over Max's su1c1de? Did you know Father Dawes's mother? Irene? Of course.

She had cancer, too.

Did she attend your group, Daniel? No, sadly.

Her last months were taken up fighting a lawsuit against a chemical plant.

Father Dawes told you that? He didn't give the case much credit.

Said Irene was the victim of lawyers looking for easy pickings.

Why are you asking about Irene? Just got to take care of this, sorry.

It's got to be how the victims were selected.

Both victims had cancer and both took morphine.

But were treated in different hospitals by different doctors, - and they didn't meet at a support group.

- Doesn't matter.

The connection is the k*ller, how he found them.

Attending a support group is a unique chance to befriend someone.

But Irene didn't attend a group.

How do you know? She may have met up with other plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

Sorry about that.

We're looking for another member of your group.

Someone who befriended Max Walsh.

Likely male, tall, physically strong.

He probably didn't attend for very long and may have been vague about the kind of cancer he had.

He almost certainly missed the last few sessions Brendan.

Brendan Dalglish.

I remember he and Max went over to the pub after a meeting.

When did you last see Brendan? Four, five weeks ago.

When he stopped coming, I called in case his health had deteriorated.

No joy on two numbers he put on his registration form.

Can you describe him? Got a photo? Six foot.

No photo, sorry.

But he completed a registration form, yeah? We'll need to examine it for prints and DNA.

He sounds a lot like Scott, that's all.

Short hair.

Six foot.

Sounds like half my mates.

How did you two get back in touch? We ran into each other in the street.

And who saw who first? He saw me.

Is there any animosity between you? Any reason he'd want to hurt you? We broke up over a decade ago.

Who did the breaking? You? We were supposed to be going around the world.

Last minute, I bailed.

How did he take that? It's hard to say.

Three days later, he was gone.

Scott has nothing to do with this.

This is your subconscious fear of commitment casting a big old shadow on the wall, giving you justification to shrink away.

I don't shrink.

Yeah, and you're not scared of relationships either.

I think you should stick to putting things in plastic bags.

How rude.

Reassure me on one thing.

You haven't discussed the case with Scott.

Nikki? Yes, I have.

Well, who started that conversation? He did.

But did he actively needle you for information, or ask to see the file? Yes.


And he asked after Belinda Roach as well.

Before she was k*lled.


OK, if we pull Brendan's DNA from the form, and get a match, we can eliminate Scott straight away, put your mind at rest, yeah? I don't know.

Maybe I just need some sleep.

Yeah, now you're making sense.

Well, I'll get the form from Daniel, and we'll catch up first thing in the morning, right? Thanks, Jack.

Don't dribble on my seats.

Everything OK? Yeah.

Long day.

Do you have any other kind? Have a seat.

Drink? Er, yeah.

You know what? Water's fine.

It's been a long day, too.

You know, going through Mum's stuff.


Funny, I had you down as strictly bottled water.

Oh, I was.

And then I wasn't.

People change.

I've got some ice if it's not cold enough.

It's water.

How bad can it be? What's the matter, Nikki? Nothing.

You said.

Long day.

What are you doing? I mean, just leave it in the sink.

It's fine.

Why did you ask me over, Nikki? - I wanted to see you.

- No.

No, you didn't.

You want something, but it's not that.

Belinda Roach is dead.


Well, that's terrible.

I'm sorry.

Did you really blame her? For us breaking up? You are unbelievable.

You want my DNA, don't you? You don't trust me.

Well, like you said, people change.

You know, it's small wonder you wound up working with dead people.

They can't feel or answer back, or make any claim on you.

But it's a rigged, one-sided relationship Did you k*ll Belinda Roach?! No.


Scott! Hello? Nikki, the prints on the form are not Scott's, they belong to a convicted k*ller called Carmichael.

What? Does that name mean anything to you? William Carmichael? No, nothing.

You sure? He was a heavy-duty g*n-for-hire back in the '90s.

g*ng-related stuff in Essex and east London.

Suspected of a dozen kills, but only convicted of one.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Well, he's involved somehow, which means you're not safe.

Nikki? Nikki? Nikki?! Nikki! Armed police! Armed police! Stand still! Stand still, stay where you are.

Slowly, put your hands on your head! Armed police.

Armed police, madam, step forward.

Slowly raise your hands for me.

No, I've never professionally crossed paths with William Carmichael.

I don't know him.

But he knows you.

Maybe not.

You said he was a hit man.

Bodybuilder turned g*n-for-hire.

Started life as a car thief.

Did 15 years in Redhill Prison for m*rder, released last year.

So he had the strength to carry his victims and the skills to get into their homes.

I guess he could have copied Walsh's keys after befriending him at the meetings.

And breaking into your car to steal the torch is well within his repertoire.

Did you say he did his time at Redhill? Yeah.

So did Tony Hamilton.

So Hamilton and Carmichael have got history A history of one paying the other to do his dirty work.

The partnership's rekindled.

Hamilton pays him to take revenge on all the people who sent him down.

Starting with you and Roach, the expert witnesses who condemned him and failed him.

Two birds, one stone.

Maybe not starting with us.

Maybe starting with Murray Porter, the DI who put Hamilton away.

- What happened to him? - He drowned.

Reading between the lines, there were suspicions of foul play but nothing probative.

Hamilton was still inside.

But Carmichael was a free man.

And he might be a cop k*ller to boot.

Tony Hamilton is not here and his wife and son are claiming blissful ignorance.

Nikki? I'm sorry.

You Dr Alexander? - Yes.

- Dr Nikki Alexander, yeah? You're the reason my sister's dead.

You said my dad was a monster that would push a pregnant lady Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You lying bitch! - How do you sleep at night? - Enough! I don't know where he is.

I really don't.

You all right? Yeah.

Tony's like a child, he isn't capable of hurting anyone.

He can barely tie his shoelaces.

What do you put that down to? Prison? Our daughter, Tania.

She committed su1c1de the year before Tony's release.

I'm so sorry.

Tania? David? It was David I always worried about.

Tania was my rock.

Always there with a smile a supportive word.

I didn't see past that.

I was caught up with work.

Contesting some case that dragged on and on.

And then one night, I came home at some ridiculous hour and David was sitting in the corner of the bathroom.

He hadn't touched her.

Just left her in the bath.

In all that bloody water.

Of course, if she'd had a father And Tony, he took it hard? I don't know.

I don't know how he took it.

The prison governor informed him that night, and I went to see him the next day and he refused to see me.

Do you think he blamed you? I've no idea.

So, would it be fair to say, he came home a different man and, therefore, you couldn't really say what he was capable of? Please don't twist my words, Sergeant.

Would it be fair or not? Why did you take him back? Because I love him.

At least I loved the man he was and can be again.

Are you OK? I didn't know.

About their daughter.

Did you ever have any doubts? - About what? - Suzie Banks.

That not all the injuries were from the fall? Even by our standards it was a shocking case.

And, yes, distressing.

But you know how it is.

We try.

We try our hardest.

But none of us can just leave our emotions at the door.

More dangerous to pretend you can.


And in this instance? Hand on heart, I called it as I saw it.

And I saw evidence of trauma the fall didn't explain.

But it was a close call? Very.

Vintage case of evidence with two valid explanations.

And maybe in court, I didn't acknowledge that enough.

Maybe, looking back, I claimed a certainty I couldn't totally justify.

Why? Suzie Banks She was so young, so brave.

And she was alive.

The dead are one thing, and the living How long has Tony Hamilton been out? Six months? Oi-oi.

Blood? Paint.


I think it's anti-climb paint.

He's been somewhere he shouldn't.

That doesn't make sense.

If he paid Carmichael to enact his revenge, why get his hands dirty? Because it's something he wants to do.

For himself.

Suzie Banks Nikki.

Yeah? Look like the same shade of red to you? Think so.

How old's her visitor? I don't know.

40s? Look, I didn't get a good look at him.

If it's him, she may be too traumatised to get help.

He is the man who threw her out of a window.

Oh, my God! All right, it's just in this room over here.


Easy, easy, easy.

I didn't think you'd remember me.

Of course I do.

In the hospital.

Then in court.

Are you aware Tony's made previous attempts to get in here? Has he hurt you? - No.

- If he has, then I think you should leave now.

I'm tired.

I've got a lot of work to do.

What do the police want with him? - He's done nothing wrong.

- What? He's a good man.

Why? Why did you lie? Because he was going back to her and I wanted to hurt him.

When I realised what I'd done and the reality that he was going to prison hit home, I told DI Porter.

And? And he said going back on my word wasn't an option, that he'd be a laughing stock and the CPS would never prosecute another case of his again.

How would I survive in prison? Everyone connected with your prosecution has paid the price.

DI Murray Porter and Belinda Roach are dead.

Nikki Alexander came within an inch of the same fate.

And now you break into Suzie Banks'residence.

I didn't hurt Suzie.

I loved her.

Can you elaborate, please? Suzie and I were in a relationship.

She got pregnant.

I followed my heart and moved in with her.

Lydia went berserk.

Moved heaven and earth to stop me seeing my kids.

And it worked.

I missed them more than I ever thought possible.

You had a change of heart? I discarded her.

I'm carrying your baby and it doesn't mean anything to you! That is not true! Then stay! - Please stay! - I'm sorry.

Is Suzie OK? Yes.

She's also changed her story.

Which part? The part about Tony Hamilton pushing her out the window.

Well, maybe she's lying, he's got to her in some way.

I don't think so.

Based on our search, the guy has no bank account, no computer, no mobile phone - how could he stage all this? Has he got a bolthole somewhere? Suzie says that Tony came to visit her because he was worried about his son, David, that he might come after her.

He's just trying to throw us off.

When I met David this morning, he recognised me instantly as the woman who told the jury his dad was guilty.

And did he attend the trial? No, too young, but he's clearly done his research since.

I spoke to Hamilton's parole officer when we nicked him.

He said David brings Tony to all their meetings, picks him up after.

Reckons David's the only person Tony has real contact with.

He never even mentions his ex-wife.

Yeah, but what about Carmichael? I mean, how would David enlist his services, never mind pay for them? All I've got is two shaved patches on Carmichael's chest and some adhesive residue.

I'm thinking maybe a microphone taped to the skin.

Yeah, but who uses them now? You can stick a stereo mic in a nose stud.

Well, he was in jail for 15 years.

I noticed this curious line on Carmichael's sweatshirt.

The fibres have been damaged by bleach, but not the kind you use to clean your loo.

This is calcium hypochlorite, used in swimming pools.

And who do we know who owns a swimming pool and a pool house? If that's where Carmichael met David and got his orders maybe he was taping their conversations.

- Insurance policy? - I'll take Carmichael's flat.


Thanks, David.

I'll be all right, mate.


- OK.

- All right.

He's collecting f*g butts and looking at the pool stuff.

Don't worry, darling.

I'll be there as quick as I can.

Hello? Hi.

You found any tapes? No.

How about you? Any evidence Carmichael smoked Gauloises? Yeah.

Two boxes' worth.


If DNA from the cig butts is Carmichael's, somebody's got some explaining to do.

Listen, I've got to go.

All right.

Hamilton's only regular visitor was Lydia, but he shut her out when their daughter died.

- She told you this herself? - Yeah.

But what she didn't mention was she made such a fuss they had to call the police.

Lydia said when Tania committed su1c1de, she was fighting a big lawsuit.

Like she almost blamed the case for what happened to her daughter.

Irene Dawes was a plaintiff in a case against a chemicals factory.

Accentor Bioscience in Stratford.

And you think the two suits are actually one and the same? Irene didn't attend a support group like Walsh.

It'd explain how she was chosen.

Lydia? Better have a second pair of eyes on the Marukami disclosure.

- Sure, of course.

- Thank you.


You got a minute? Sorry, I need to be with my son.

This really won't take long.


What is it, Nikki? What are you doing? Where's David's passport? Isn't he coming on the trip? This looks to me like a go-bag.

And in my experience, the only people who feel the need for those are the guilty.

Is that you, Lydia? No warrant, no legitimate search.

Oh, please, we're not going to do that, are we? I mean, it is way past that, surely? Perhaps it is.

Why? Why the hell do you think? You destroyed my family.

- I was just doing my job - Oh, it was your job! I gave an interpretation of the evidence You lied! I didn't lie! I got it wrong.

I called it as I saw it and I got it wrong.

He was coming back to me.

He was leaving that slut to come home and you took him from me.

You had three innocent people k*lled to prove a point? But they were dying anyway? Is that how you justified it? Was that all it took? My conscience is clean.

You have nothing resembling proof.

No evidence, no case.

So look, why Why don't we just let this go? Right here, right now.

Half now.

Half later.

You want me to k*ll them? I want it upfront.

Half now.

Half later.

It was less than you deserved.

Christ, are you not going to take responsibility for anything? I mean, if your family was so bloody perfect, why did your husband need Suzie Banks? Is that my fault, too? Well, she was a blip.

She was having his baby.

Moving in together.

A big blip.

He was coming back.

To the children, not to you.

He knew you didn't love them.

How dare you! You work at something build something brick by brick, day by day, you expect it to last.

You expect everyone to pull their weight, play their part.

You never question why you're doing it.


And then one day, you wake up and you're in a house full of strangers.

They're your children, but they're strangers.

It's your husband, but he barely speaks to you.

You irritate him.

And he lies to you.

First with a smile and then with a shrug.

The house is perfect, finished.

But there's no-one to live in it.

Then it's every man for himself.

And family You wonder what you ever thought it meant.

All right? Nikki? I've, er I've come to apologise.

Well, do you want to come inside and apologise? I I can't.

I need to be with my dad.

I'm going back tomorrow.

I'm going to try and make it work with my daughter.

That's great.

Listen, I said a lot of hurtful things Yes, you did.

And some of them were hurtful because they're true.

I do find it hard to trust people.

Even people I have strong feelings for.

Strong feelings? Even people I love.

But I don't know if I can change that now.

Or if I ever could.

Was that why I went round the world on my own? I bet you weren't on your own for long.

He's got grazes, cuts and bruising to the face and head.

He's been stabbed.

Good morning! Something you all should see.

If I wanted to hurt him, you wouldn't get to know about it.

Drug squad have picked up a trafficker in a hotel near the airport.

What are you saying, that the drug mule got a call from Amir Aziz? If I like someone, then that's it.

Armed police! Get down now! Get down!
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