19x08 - In Plain Sight - Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silent Witness". Aired: 21 February 1996 – present.*
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British crime drama television series produced by the BBC, which focuses on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes.
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19x08 - In Plain Sight - Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

- Armed police! - Armed police! Get your hands up! Man down.

It's a girl.

Victim's Karim Benzal.

Turkish national.

The victim's mouth is sealed, then chilli powder mixed with carbonated water is forced down his nasal passage.

So, you haven't forgotten how, then.

No, it feels good, getting back in the saddle.

I think Benzal was silenced.

- By the Firearms Division? - Who else? - Armed police.

- Get down! Where is he? Where's Sakir? - What's happened? - We've lost the witness.

Tell me where they live.

I will make them talk.

We're too late.


No! Come through.

Jack, through here.

Bruno Lubas's fleeing prints.

No attempt to cover his tracks.

She's in here.

Looks like she was already on the bed when the k*ller started sh**ting.

She'd been drinking from the bottle? We'll need to wait for the tox report.

Neighbours didn't hear a thing.

sil*ncer? Did Bruno's g*n have a sil*ncer? Erm, it was a revolver.

Looked like a Webley.

The chamber is separate from the barrel - sound leaks out, so a sil*ncer is useless.

- You were sure it was a Webley? - Sure enough.

Oh, must've muffled the sound with something else.

Looks like pure rage.


Venting his anger.

Unless you have another interpretation? No.

Not as much blood as I would have expected.

Right, so he's jemmied the door.

A few seconds to get up this corridor, couple of seconds to get in this room.

She's been drinking, falls asleep on the bed, no chance to get away.

Nikki? Nikki.

Signs of a struggle.

Oh No obvious defence wounds.

OK, so he smashes the lock, she comes out to try and stop him Erm, there's a struggle, the mirror cracks, chases her back into the bedroom at gunpoint.

Why target Keating? Her address was the only one posted.

She wasn't the officer who shot Helena Lubas.

OK, so why would anyone post her address, and only hers? - Their IDs are confidential.

- Guv? What is it? You think your IPCC woman was behind the leak? Looks like I backed the wrong horse.


Geoff! - Steve, calm down! - Geoff! - We just wanna see her - Just wait there.

Stay there.

Stay there! and then we'll go.

Jesus Come on, this is a crime scene, for Come on! All right, get him out.

Come on.

Let's go.

What the hell happened? Where is he? - Someone sent Bruno her address.

- What?! Last time I saw him, he was driving away with a g*n.

- A g*n? - Was it you? - Is that why you phoned me? - Was it? You think I'm stupid enough to give Bruno a name? I'd be throwing away my job.

For what? I can't believe you'd even begin to think that! I-I-I don't Julia, I have backed your family to the hilt, publicly and privately.

- I-I know - And now you tell me Bruno has a g*n.

- You think this is all about you? - What? Is that all you care about? That's not fair.

I was here for you when no-one gave a shit.

- Julia Lubas? - Yes.

I have a warrant to search your premises.

Do you want me to stay? Your presence is not required, you need to go.

Can you take us through, please? Leave now.


I didn't do it, Jack.


If we knew where he was, we would tell you! You've no idea where he is, so you won't mind us checking your phones to verify that? - We don't lie to policemen! - Jack? Collecting evidence.

What? What kind of evidence? Well You seem very at home, Jack? Well, talk to me.

Before he took off, he gave this thing a good kicking.

If this shoe print matches the ones in Keating's hall, we can place him at the scene.

Do you still want to help us, Jack? Do you still want to find the truth about Helena? Can you step back, please? Good work.

Thanks, Jack.

Can I have a minute with her? Yeah.

Was it him? Was it Bruno Lubas? This is a crime scene.

Who are you? I'm Tim Friend, I work with Jo.

How did you get in? You can't be here.

This doesn't make any sense Please, I need you to step out of the room.


Hang on.

What doesn't make any sense? The fact that she would let somebody like him get the jump on her.

She's highly trained in self-defence.

She's the best.

You don't just switch that off when you go home.

Are you saying that you don't think that Bruno Lubas was responsible for this? I don't know what I'm saying.

I won't lie, Julia.

That's reassuring.

There is strong evidence Bruno did this.


That's impossible.

I mean, yes, he was angry, but he would never sh**t a policewoman.

Maybe you don't know him as well as you think you do.

Why do you say that? Did you know he owned a firearm? Of course not.

But you aren't surprised, are you, when you think about it? Bruno and Helena were close.

Since she died, he's He's changed.

- Yeah.

- In what way? In every way.

Julia, do you think he could be involved in something? I don't know.

I don't know any more.

Jack? What is it? We've found Bruno's abandoned van.

Driver door not locked.

Panicked? Abandoned ship? Well, he's a fair way from Finsbury Park, - so what's his closest port in the storm? - Anything? No.

He's wiped his recent destinations.

But I know a way to access the history.

I can't believe it.

Do you know who did it? Bruno Lubas.

I swear, he looked like he was fit to explode the whole way through that inquest.

How the hell did he even get hold of her address? I mean, it must have been that bitch Sharpe, eh? Shoe definitely fits.

She was looking at dismissal at best.

Lobbed a grenade on her way out.

But we'll find out for definite.

I promise.

In the meantime, I want you all in a safe house.

Forget that.

Why? He doesn't know where we live.

He's started something.

Who knows whether or not he wants to finish it? We've got no idea where he is and we're not certain who gave him Keating's address.

And they could do the same to us at any time.

I called you as soon as I heard about Jo.



I forgot my phone.

Sheila had me running errands, taking some cooking back to her mother's Yeah, that's why they call them mobiles, mate.

You can take them with you, eh? I told you to get a bowl.

I don't want a bowl.

Wait here.

Let me in! Get me a phone.

What's going on, Bruno? Get me a phone! Lisa! - I've got a phone.

Go sit down, Bobby.

- Shut him up! Go and sit down.

- You got any alcohol? - No.

- Nothing?! - I'm sorry.

Lisa! Police cars.

Police! Open up! They're in there, get that open.

- Armed police! - Armed police, clear! Armed police, move away from the window.

- I haven't done anything wrong.

- Move away from the window.

- Get on the bed.

- Move away! I haven't done anything! Put your hands where I can see them.

Where's Bruno Lubas? I don't know who you're on about.

- Where's Bruno Lubas? - I don't know him! What do you mean, you don't know him? Where is he? Look, I've told you it's the wrong address.

You've got the wrong address! I don't think so.

You've got the wrong person.

It's just me and my brother.

Just calm down.

Right, what's that? OK, so if we dry this out, are we gonna find his contact on that phone? - I don't know him.

- Well, he knows you! - Where is he? - I have no idea who you're on about.

- Put your hand down.

- Where is he? Where's my little brother? Your brother is fine, all right? He's all right.

Now, listen, we need to search the whole flat.

You can make this easy for us or difficult.

All right? Please, you're scaring my little brother! Calm down, Lisa! This is serious.

You've got to tell me what you know, OK? Broken mirror - from Keating's flat, I'd wager.

- Is that Bruno's blood in the bathroom? - I told you, I don't know him! - Stabbed, shot, what? - I don't know him! Before you answer any of this, Lisa, you need to know that Bruno is wanted for the m*rder of a police officer.

Do you understand what I'm telling you? Just leave me alone! This is serious, Lisa.

You need to tell us everything you know.

I don't know what you're on about.

Are you taking my sister away? Erm, we just need her help with something.

If she helps you, will it make things better? It could.

What have you got? Cooke! Oh, shit.

Where have you been? They haven't told me anything.

What the hell is going on? - What are we being protected from? - Sheil - It's all over the news.

- Listen A female officer shot dead in her own home.

Don't tell me it's Jo.

Listen, she was k*lled by Helena Lubas's brother.

- I know who did it, I'll find him.

- Oh, my God.

But why what why would he k*ll Jo? It doesn't matter.

Look, he doesn't know which one of Listen, I'm gonna take you to a safe house.

And what about you? I don't believe this.

Our lives are in danger, and and you still can't step away from your work? - Is Jack around? - No.

Can you tell me if the PM on Constable Keating has been carried out? Can you tell me why you want to know? Everyone thinks I leaked their names.

I didn't.

But the more I think about it, the more it strikes me who might've done.

OK, go on.

What if one of Keating's fellow officers k*lled her, then leaked the names to throw us off the scent - in, say, Bruno Lubas's direction? - Why would they k*ll her? Because she had evidence, or suspicions, that one of her own k*lled Benzal.

No, I'm sorry.

I can't discuss Constable Keating's death with you, and, erm, neither can Jack.

Open your mouth.

She knows more about Lubas than she's saying.

She's scared.

We need leverage.

Three g*ns isn't leverage? Not in her world.

Hi, I'm sending Lisa's prints now and biking a DNA sample, along with a bloody shard of glass from her bathroom I need you to profile.

Can we expedite? Sure.

Just give me a minute to process these three firearms and I'll get right to it.

Stop complaining.

She's 17, this girl? Apparently.


I had stuff stashed under my bed when I was 17 but nothing as exciting as that.

Define "exciting".

Not a chance.

- Interesting.

- What? There's a fine red powder inside the barrel of every one of these g*ns.

g*n lending? I know you're raising Bobby on your own, but what about putting him in danger? Hmm? Did it start with a boyfriend? Told you that he loved you, just before he asked you to hold on to one of his g*ns? Suppose I was good cover.

And what, then he upgraded you to lending? Look, none of them belong to me.

I just hold on to 'em for a bit.

Pick 'em up, drop 'em off, that's it.

They're not my responsibility.

- And was Bruno a regular customer? - I'm not saying any more.

That is not gonna cut it with me! Sit down! Lisa! Come on! You have to tell me what you know.

We're talking about the m*rder of a police officer here! Everyone is out there looking for him.

It's a full-scale manhunt.

You understand? Clarissa? Call you back.

Quick word? Right.

Definitely Bruno's blood in her bathroom and on the shard of glass.

That's not all.

Remember we found matching unidentified female DNA on Sakir and Sean Dyer's g*ns? - It's hers? - If that's not leverage, I'm retiring.

I probably shouldn't say this.

You know, in some ways - in a lot of ways - you're an impressive young woman.

Hmm? We know your mum's inside, your dad left a long time ago.

Well, kids are expensive, huh? They need crisps, and trainers, and PlayStation 4s, and where the hell are you supposed to get that kind of money from? Your options are limited.

So the way you sell it to yourself is, whatever happens to those g*ns after they leave your flat has got nothing to do with you.

You just hide them in a box for a little while, yeah? - Yeah.

- Yeah.

Like I said, I don't know what happens after I drop 'em, and I don't wanna know.


Right, I just wanna focus on two g*ns that DNA suggests passed through your hands.

This one was used to sh**t at a police officer.

He survived.

Another man, Karim Benzal, wasn't so lucky.

He was k*lled with this g*n, which also bears your DNA.

That one didn't come back.

Maybe, like, six weeks ago.

Can you tell me who that is? Sean.

Sean Dyer.

And you knew him, what, as a g*n-runner? Who did he work for? Can I ask you to leave, please? Yup.

Help us, Lisa, and we'll help you.

We will.

We're looking at possession and harbouring for now, but we can reduce that if you're prepared to make a deal.

What kind of deal? One where you don't get banged up and I throw away the key.

What, protection? Yes, protection, Lisa, yes.

OK? All right? Now, I'm gonna ask you one more time, who did Dyer work for? Bruno.

Tox report's back.

Blood alcohol level is zero.

- Are you sure? - Yes.

I'm sure.

- You ready, Jack? - Let's do this.


Lowest wound g*nsh*t to the right thigh.

Would've grazed the femur, otherwise only muscle damage.

And her head was next to the headboard? Yep.

b*llet hole number one concurs with approximate location of thigh.

Next, lower back.

Anything on the scan, Nikki? Passed through the peritoneum.

No immediate fatal damage.

Got it.

Number two.

Next, upper back.

Nikki? Missed the heart by approximately 2cm.

So, non fatal on impact.


Number three.

Then shot to the left shoulder and another to the right arm, both of them flesh wounds.

Jack? Nothing fatal yet? No.

Because there's not as much blood loss as I'd expect from any of these wounds.

I know.

Looks like the fatal wound was number six.

Top of the head.

Nikki Down through the brain stem coming through the neck and Exited out of the lower sternum.

Powder ring is 4cm.

Which means we're looking at a close-range shot.

The only b*llet hole left is next to her head, not her lower sternum.

And there's no exsanguination.

There should be spatter on the headboard.

There is just a small underlying pool.

No spatter at all.

If the headshot k*lled her then she didn't die in this bed.

Which is why she didn't bleed heavily on the bed.

She was already dead.

So where was she k*lled? I'd say she was sitting down or standing up, given the angle of the wound.



Heading out.

I think I've found the b*llet hole.

But no b*llet.

I think we're in business.

Got it.

She was k*lled by the first b*llet fired, to the top of the head, just inside the front door.

She definitely didn't get a chance to put up a fight.

Back spatter, definitely consistent with the g*nsh*t wound to the head.

So he forced his way in Shot her straight away.

carried her into the bedroom, staged it like a crazed k*ller and cleaned up.

Bruno knows I saw the g*n.

He made no attempt to hide it, so why would he need to stage the scene to make it look like it was him? We've got Bruno armed at the scene, we've got his shoe print, blood on the mirror - it's indisputable! Let's not undo the good work we've done here.

What, so, so Bruno was fighting with himself in the hall? Jo Keating was dead at the front door.

Look, we know that Bruno was here, but maybe he didn't k*ll Keating? Maybe he was baited here by someone else? A third person who knew that all they had to do was leak her address - and Bruno would come running.

- Yeah, I get it, it's a theory.

But you can't prove a negative.

What's to say that he didn't smash the window when he was setting up the stage in his frenzied state? What was your response time after my call? - Nine minutes.

- Nine minutes.

Bruno could have made it here from the caff in five.

Enough time for a quick k*ll but definitely not enough time to stage and clean up.

That has just put Bruno Lubas in the clear.

This person wasn't agitated or emotional.

This was a cold-blooded, efficient k*ller, someone confident with g*ns.

Are you now saying you think it was one of her own team? Tim Friend turned up here after you'd all gone.

He was agitated.

I think he knew something.

I think he knew that it wasn't Bruno Lubas.

If the facts keep pointing to the theory Ah It was them.

The day Sakir was taken down, they were all there.

They had the perfect opportunity to plant the sickle.

There were dozens of officers there.

Even if there was a third person, there's nothing here to say it was the Firearms Division.

Look, the important thing is to find Bruno, and if he was here and didn't k*ll Keating - and that's a big "if" - then it's possible he saw who did.

Everything's gonna be fine.

I hope so.

You know where I'm going to be.

Whatever you need to prove, just do it.

Can I help you? I've come to see Jo.

Her parents will be here tomorrow but I didn't like the idea of her lying here alone.

You know, I've lost four guys since I've joined the Firearms Division.

Really? One was k*lled at a bank raid, two invalided out with serious injuries and now Jo.

I hear she was decorated.

Who mourns them, eh? Not the public, not the press not even members of her own force.

Recognition is important, but it's not what matters most.

That's not why you do what you do, is it? Dobrze.

What did they say? - Do they know I didn't do it? - No.

Did you tell them that someone was there? That I saw him? That he did this? Bruno, Bruno! They'll never believe it.

There's 5,000 euros and a passport.

You have to disappear.

I I can't.

You need me here.

Look, no.

Is there anything else you want to tell me? OK, the passport's a fake, there's a car outside.

You have to start again, Bruno, start somewhere new.

- Come with me.

- How? How? How?! With Mama and the café, it's impossible! I'm sorry.

You OK? That's not the g*n he had in his van.

Are you sure? That's a Beretta, he had a Webley.

We're saying it's su1c1de, right? No blood present on his hand.

What, shot himself at arm's length? Powder tattooing is around 5cm in diameter which means that he was shot at close range, but the g*n wasn't pressed to his skin.

We'll need to send a swab to Clarissa to establish GSR levels, but, meantime, I wanna do an old-school sodium rhodizonate test.

Check for lead residue.

No, he didn't sh**t himself at all.

If he had pulled the trigger, the concentration of lead that would have covered his hand and sleeve would be turning bright pink right now.

And that's not the g*n he had in his van.

He was set up.

Yet another scene staged.


It's Bruno.

He's dead.

Yes, thank you.

I know.

- All right? - All right? Are you gonna ask me in? Yeah, sorry.

Come in.


Sheila not in? No, she's away.

Why? Thought you might want to know that they found Bruno Lubas.

- That's good.

- Yeah, shot himself.

- Really? - Evil bastard, eh? Yeah.

Right, you can get Sheila back, safe.

Yeah, yeah.

She'll be She'll be glad about that.

Do you want a drink? Yeah, why not? Cheers.


Results of Bruno Lubas's g*nsh*t residue.

- Only trace residue.

- On his hands.

He definitely didn't pull the trigger.

Now we just have to prove which of the Firearms Division did.


Why did you call me? What do you want? Well, I just wanted to let you know that I didn't tell them anything.

- Nothing? - Nothing.

How close did they get? So they just let you go? Well, they've got me on possession.

I'm out on bail.

And you didn't mention me? No.

You're sweating.

I'm scared I know.

Right, so, what's the plan? Don't worry about that.

Well, who's gonna be making the drops without Bruno? I've got plenty of people who can do it.

You know, I don't have to mention what harm will come to Bobby if I find the police at my door.

I'm sorry, Julia, about Bruno.

Your brother's body's still warm.

Julia Lubas, I'm arresting you on suspicion of trafficking and supplying illegal firearms.

You don't have to say anything but anything you do say The red powder I found on the g*ns from Lisa's flat, it's paprika.

I'm thinking Polish stews in commercial volumes.

- Served by the Lubas caff? - Hmm.

Bruno Lubas had foodstuffs in the back of his van.

Makes sense - smuggle the g*ns in the spices.

Two murders, that we know of, were carried out using your g*ns, and no doubt that's just the beginning.

So, ready to talk? We retrieved these g*ns from under Lisa's bed.

Recognise them? They were stored in paprika, high-grade Hungarian rose paprika, which we found in your caff and in the back of Bruno's van.

Is that who you really are, Julia? Tough g*n-runner, doesn't give a shit about the wreckage? Huh? If you'd told us where Bruno was he'd still be alive now.

That's funny.

When you moved here, your mum spent the first year cleaning, yeah? So you wanted a better life.

I mean, was it worth it, Julia? Do you think she's still gonna want the caff when she finds out it's cost her two children? Bruno's temper got him k*lled.

OK? And Helena, she should never have been there.

Bruno should have been, she knew nothing.

Dyer was the runner.

Bruno only gave Dyer one g*n to give to Lisa.

To Lisa? She was the other side of the drop.

She watched them sh**t Helena unarmed.

Then she ran.

No-one saw her.

Interview suspended.

Jack? You know, I don't expect you to understand.

We came from a good family.

When we got here, we were treated like dirt.

No, Julia.

You could have done anything.


I mean, how do we handle this? I've never been in this situation before.

I'm gonna have to go right to the top.

I mean, bloody Firearms Division?! Lisa was there.

She said that Helena didn't have a g*n in her hand when she was shot.

She's agreed to give a full, signed statement.

Of course, the bloody CPS will doubt her credibility as a witness.

The g*n-lending doesn't help.

Then hopefully this will.

I've found the source of Jo Keating's address leak.

It came from a fake account set up on a proxy server on a computer within the Firearms Division base.

I mean, effectively, a public computer Well, accessed by the 200 or so armed cops that work there.

So, which one of the three was it? CID investigation.

Put everything down.

Stay where you are.

What have you got? A warrant to search the premises.

- What? Get out! - Let's see it.

Let's see this warrant.

Search the computers, lockers, check their bags, get the car keys out, search their cars, everything.

Geoff, get your coat, I'm taking you down the station.

- Stay at the car park, over.

- Cheers, boss.

- How long you been doing this job? - Long enough.

From where I'm standing, I'd say too long.

- Where you heading with this? - How well do you know your team? And you trust them? All of them? With my life.

So, what would you do if I told you that we had a new witness who disputes all three of your officers' statements in the Helena Lubas sh**ting? - What would you say? - I'd say you were lying.

Hmm Excuse me.

- Jack? - I've been searching Tim Friend's car.

- You can't do this.

It's a lie! - Geoff, Geoff - This whole thing is a lie! - Leave it.

- I've lost one officer this week - I know, mate.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.


First off, I owe you an apology.

Second, you need to get down the station right away.

Thanks, Jack.

What's that? It's the g*n that belonged to Bruno Lubas.

The one you took off him after you k*lled him.

We found it in your car.

I didn't k*ll him.

That g*n can't have been in my car.

It's a mistake.

It's impossible.

I mean, how could you? Hmm? One of your own? I mean, nobody gets to commit four murders without making a mistake, not even someone from Firearms Division, eh? I mean, we've got everything we need.

I told you, I didn't do this.

There was no g*n in my car.

I didn't sh**t Bruno Lubas or Jo Keating.

You shot Helena Lubas when she was unarmed, according to our brand-new witness, and you're not gonna get your hands on this one.


I did.

But Helena Lubas was a mistake.

A split-second decision.

I heard sh*ts and I thought she was firing Off the bike! Hands! Show me your hands! Drop it! Tim? Tim.

It's a girl.

Take this! You nearly had me there, until you got to the bit where the seriously injured Monk gets up, drags himself along and plants the g*n.

How low can you get? And then you find out about Karim Benzal - and you k*lled him to protect yourself? - No.

- And what about Jo Keating? - No.

She was your friend.

She trusted you! I didn't k*ll Jo or Karim Benzal or Bruno Lubas.

You don't get it, do you? I I already told you, it was him.

Monk, he had the g*n.

I don't have to sit here and listen to any more of your lies.

Finding Bruno Lubas's Webley in the boot of his car Seemed pretty easy, didn't it, given how thorough he was at the scenes? Well, he had to make a mistake sometime.

Overconfident after his third or, rather, fourth k*ll.

Where's Jack? Finishing off a deep search of the base.

Why? We need to call Cooke now! So, that's your route, we all clear? Excellent, follow me.

Now, every situation must be approached with one thing and one thing alone in mind - that's how to minimise the risk of injury and loss of life.

So, to minimise your loss of life, we'll be starting today with soap b*ll*ts.

All out.

Training cancelled.

Move it! Cooke said they've got a new witness.

A girl who was there the day that Helena Lubas was shot.

- There was no girl.

- Cooke's saying there is.

- Why would he lie? - Cos he's grasping at straws.

If you had a problem, you should've come to me.

I never pushed, but you always knew where I was.

So I'm asking you to tell me now.

What happened? What did the girl see? He's my friend.

I can't.

Tell me! Yup? - Jack? - What's up? - We've got results back on the Webley.

- Uh-huh? Metabolites from the sweat we recovered in the grooves show the usual - alcohol, nicotine, codeine, but also traces of penicillamine.

Say again.

Traces of penicillamine.

- Which locker's Monk's? - Number 13.

Lee, can you open this? Where is he? Monk, where is he? Ward just kicked us out of the training room to speak to him.

Helena Lubas' hands were empty when Tim shot her.

He just He couldn't come back from that.

Doesn't make sense.

Where did the g*n in her hand come from? Tim was nervous in the field, yeah? He carried a spare g*n.

- Ah.

- Just in case.

This day, he found a use for it.

He planted it in her hand.

I think he's been k*lling ever since, to cover his tracks.

This is not Tim.

We're a team.

First and foremost.

Strong as the weakest link.

None of us wanted to admit how weak Tim really was.

Tim was never a weak link.

I knew Jo - she was as straight as a die.

I know Tim, I've worked with him for years.

But I've never known you.

That is not true.

What's that? You did a pretty good clean-up on Bruno's Webley, but not quite good enough.

You see, we found sweat in the crevices, and in the sweat - penicillamine.

It counteracts potential lead poisoning after a g*nsh*t wound.

Now, Tim Friend, he's never been shot and I found these in your locker.

You took the Webley from Bruno after you shot him and planted it in Tim's car as insurance.

Or did you know he suspected you? Oh, don't be ridiculous.

I get it.

You're working your way through every member of Firearms Division and now it's my turn? Tell him to get out.

You showed up at Keating's, venting your grief, kicking the door, fighting those tears.

Why, that was That was some performance, that.

It wasn't a performance.

I loved Jo.

Oh, yeah, you loved her so much that you k*lled her.

She opened the door and turned her back to let you in.

She trusted you, and you shot her from behind in cold blood.

Like a coward.

She was the coward! It's all about loyalty, Jack.

Do you know what it feels like when your jaw shatters? What it's like to have your mouth wired shut for three months? To know that that you will never feel the same man again? And yet, the only thing everyone else is concerned about is whether scum like Helena Lubas deserved what they got.

That brush with death brings you so much closer to life and you wanna hold on to that as tight as you can.

Jack Hodgson, forensics? It's a second chance, right? I wasn't gonna let Karim Benzal take that from me.

So you tortured and m*rder*d an innocent man to protect yourself? To protect the team.

Tim made a mistake - a human error - a split-second decision, and Helena Lubas was the casualty of that.

You've m*rder*d three people in cold blood.

And you're gonna spend the rest of your second chance paying for it.

Get in there now! - All clear, stand down.

- Jack? Jack! Jack Jack, come on, mate! Oh, thank God.

What is this? Training b*ll*ts.

Made of soap.

- But why? - I couldn't be sure.

Jack? You OK, mate? You all right? Jack? Mama? Mama! Mama! Make us a wee cup of tea, would you? Thanks.

They've reopened the Helena Lubas inquest.

- Who says? - Sharpe.

What the? We would've done balloons and a banner but there was no time.

Oh, yeah, I get it.

Good luck.

Get in the car! Dan, in the car.

Drive! Chris Chandler and Kate Blair, both pronounced dead by paramedics.

Single entry wound to the temple.

Two entry wounds to the throat and chest.

What we doing here, Sarge? It's an old case.

Your sister's boyfriend, Chris - did you get on with him? Was Chris involved in dr*gs? Chris was the straightest guy you ever met.

We heard there was an altercation.

My wife of ten years is dead.

She's young.

Does she know what she's doing? - Listen, I'm more than happy to - She knows what she's doing.

If we're missing a body, the k*ller must've taken it from the scene.

We've been looking down the wrong end of the telescope.
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