02x27 - Space Captain Donald

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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02x27 - Space Captain Donald

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody. It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside
my clubhouse?

Well, all right.

Let's go.

Aw, I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,
we get to say the magic words:

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse.



That's me.



It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Come inside
It's fun inside

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Roll call.

- Donald.
- Present.

- Daisy.
- Here.

- Goofy.
- Here.

- Pluto.
- Woof! Woof!

- Minnie.
- Here.

- Mickey.
- Right here.

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Come inside
It's fun inside




Welcome to our clubhouse.

Today we're gonna...


Uh, did you just hear
something go ka-boing?

You did? Good, me too.


There it is again. Another ka-boing.


Gosh, it sounds like something
is going ka-boing outside.

Come on, let's go see.

Catch, Daisy. Catch.

I got it. I got it.

Let me try. I'd like to try.

I got it.

Hi, everybody.

- Hello, Mickey.
- Hiya, Mickey.

- Hi, Mickey.
- Hi, Mickey.


Say, did you hear a funny sound,
kind of like ka-boing?

You mean, like when someone
bounces a bouncy-ball?

Yeah, exactly.

I don't know if I heard anything like that.

We were too busy playing around,
bouncing Pluto's bouncy-ball.

Wait, I bet you heard us
bouncing Pluto's bouncy-ball.

It's a new game I invented.

I call it Who Can Bounce
Pluto's Bouncy-Ball The Highest?

Anyway, whose turn is it?

Let's see, I went first.

And I went second.

I think you're gonna be third, Minnie.

And Donald is fourth.

Oh, boy, that means it's my turn.

Wait, Donald. Fourth is after third.

So, since Minnie's third and you're fourth,
that means you go after Minnie.

It goes: First, second, third, fourth.

Oh, okay.

Here goes.


Wow! How about that? Look at it go.

All right, now it's my turn.

Gosh, that bouncy-ball's
flying up so high and far away,

I can't hardly see where it's going.

Hmm. What do you think we can use

to see Pluto's bouncy-ball
so far, far away?

Oh, oh, I know.
We can use the Clubhouse Telescope.

Oh, that's a great idea.

Why didn't I think of that?

Come on,
the Clubhouse Telescope lets us see

far away things like they're up close.


Wow, Pluto's ball
is going higher and higher,

past all the stars,
and all the way to the moon.

But it's supposed to be my turn now.

Aw, I want my turn.

Well, I'm sorry, Donald.
But Pluto's bouncy-ball is up on the moon.

Why does this always happen to me?

Aw, crumb-buckets.

Too bad we can't just go to the moon
and find Pluto's bouncy-ball.

Or can we?

We can.

Will you help us go to the moon
and find Pluto's bouncy-ball?

You will? Aw, hot dog.

In that case, I think
we better take some Mouseketools.

Come on.

[SINGING] Mouseker-hey, Mouseker-hi

Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set,
Here we go

You're a thinking and a solver

Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you

Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you


Oh, Toodles
It's time to get to it

Show us the Mouseketools
To help us do it

Meeska, Mooska, Mousekedoer.

Mouseketools, Mouseketools

Here are your Mouseketools

A sand bucket and shovel. How fun.

Bouncy shoes.

A giant umbrella.

And the Mystery Mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

MICKEY: Toodles has the tools
The Mouseketools

So when we need them

Toodles will bring them

He's here for meedles and youdles

And all we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"

All we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"


So long, Toodles.

Okay, everybody, ready to go to the moon
and find Pluto's bouncy-ball?

To the moon.

To go to the moon,
we get to ride the Clubhouse Rocket Ship.

Oh, goody. I love rocket ships.

Me too. I wanna be captain.

You got it, Donald.

Oops, I mean, Space Captain Donald.


Oh, boy.



Hello. Welcome aboard.

I'm Space Captain Donald.

Thank you for space travelling today
with Space Captain Donald.

Ready to turn on the rocket computer,

A-okay, toots.

Oh, goody.
Turn on the rocket computer.

How do you do?

I am your fantastic Von Drake

personal rocket computer,
patent pending.

That's me. So fasten your seatbelts.

And that means you too,
that I'm talking to also.

Come on,
let's all buckle our seatbelts together.


Seatbelts, buckled.

Very good. Now, it's time
for the countdown to the blast off.

You too,
count down with us from ten to one.

Ten, nine, eight,

seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one.

Blast off.


ALL [SINGING]: Blast off.
MICKEY: Up into outer space.

ALL: Blast off
GOOFY: It's such a far out place

Blast off

We're going to the moon

Blast off

DAISY: We're gonna be there soon
ALL: Ooh

Blast off


Gosh, outer space.

It's the final frontier.

Now, the most important thing
to remember in outer space is...

Phooey. Come on, come on, let's go.


Yeah, that's it.

Oh, no, no, no. Stop.

Stop immediately, which is right now.


That's no fun.

Space Captain Donald.
I mean, Space Captain Donald.

We're supposed to go to the moon
to find Pluto's bouncy-ball.

- But where is the moon?
- Uh, I don't know.

Do you see the moon anywhere?

Nope, me neither.

That's right you don't,

because Space Captain D. Duck
could not be patient.

And now he has got us all lost,
in outer space, even.

I'm sorry.

But we've got to get to the moon
to get Pluto's bouncy-ball.

Well, as every good space captain knows,
if you are getting lost,

you can always find your way
by following the constellations.

Isn't that right, Space Captain Donald?

I knew that.

Uh. What's a constellation?

What's a constellation, he asks.
Ha, ha.

Well, allow me to elaborate.

A constellation is a group of stars
that look like shapes we know.

GOOFY: Hey, lookie.
I see a square made out of twinkly stars.

Oh, and a triangle.


Those twinkly star shapes you see
is called constellations.

Now, this is the constellation
called The Square.

And this constellation is The Triangle.

Constellations is going to help us
to find our way to the moon.

Here comes another one now.

So, what constellation
do these stars make?

That's right, The Circle.

Because it's like a round circle
that it's shaped.

Now, let me show you the constellation

that will gonna point you
straight to the moon.

Hmm. Now, what does that look like?

Uh-huh. A dog. Right.

DAISY: It's shaped just like Pluto.
PLUTO: Woof, woof, woof!

So now we just gonna need
to find the cluster of stars...

That makes up the dog constellation.

And then we go
where the dog constellation is pointing

to the moon.

Bang, zoom! Uh-oh.

Now what?


GOOFY: Gosh, Space Rubber Duckies.
Lots of them.


With all these Space Rubber Duckies
blocking our view,

we can't even see
the dog-shaped constellation.

But we gotta see where it's pointing.

We need something
to push all those duckies out of the way.

I know, a Mouseketool.

Roger Dodger, Space Captain Donald.

Everybody say...

Oh, Toodles.


Let's see if a Mouseketool can help us

push all those Space Rubber Duckies
out of the way.

Could a giant umbrella help us?

Well, rain bounces off umbrellas.

So maybe giant rubber duckies
will bounce off the giant umbrella.

Gosh, that's so silly, it just might work.

We got ears, say "Cheers."

It's working.

Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.


It's the dog constellation.


MICKEY: And it really is shaped
just like Pluto. Huh, boy?

Which direction
is the dog constellation pointing?

To the left? Or to the right?

To the left. Uh-huh.

Space Captain Donald,
steer us to the left.

We did it. We found the moon.

Hot-diggety moon-dog.

Gosh, Pluto's bouncy-ball
could be anywhere.

Yell out bouncy-ball real loud
if you see it.

What's that?
You see Pluto's bouncy-ball?


Behind me? Really?

Wow, look at that. Real live moon men.

And look what they're playing with.

- It's Pluto's bouncy-ball.
- Woof, woof!

Gee, maybe they'll let us have it back,
if we ask politely.

Good idea.
But there's just one little problem.

Well, actually, it's a big problem.

Look at the size of that canyon.

That's some moon canyon.

How will we ever get to the moon men?

Hmm. Well...

Maybe we can jump over it? Whoa!

It's too big.

Donald's right, it's too big.

But maybe we have a Mouseketool
that can help us jump over that canyon.

Well, let's find out. Everybody say...

Oh, Toodles.


GOOFY: Hmm. Which Mouseketool
can help us jump over that moon canyon?

DAISY: Well, I don't think
it's the sand bucket and shovel.

How about the bouncy shoes?

Oh, I think you're right.

With the bouncy shoes, we should be able
to bounce over that canyon.

We got ears, say "Cheers."

Okay, everybody, up, up, up.

Get ready to bounce
over the canyon with us.

- Ready?
- Steady.


Why, hello there, strangers.
Welcome to the moon.

I'm Moon Man Pete
and these are my friends:

Moon Man Chip and Moon Man Dale.

- Hello.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.

Hiya, Moon Man Pete.
I'm Mickey Mouse.

These are my friends.
And that's my dog's favourite bouncy-ball.


We bounced it up here by mistake.

And we've come a very long way
to find it.

Yeah. Honest.

Oh, but we love the bouncy-ball.

It's the most fun
we moon men have ever had.

Oh, cry me a river.

Oh, sorry, Mouse.

But the only way
I'm gonna give you back this ball

is if you show us
some other fun game to play.

Gosh, we know a great fun way
to play with sand.

Building sandcastles.


Oh, say, that does sound fun.

You got yourself a deal,
Mickey the Mouse.

Show us how to build sandcastles,
and you get the bouncy-ball back.


But, Mickey, we don't have anything with us
for building sandcastles.

Why sure we do, Goofy. Mouseketools.

Everybody say...

Oh, Toodles.


MICKEY: Hmm. Let's see what Mouseketool
we can use to make sandcastles.

The Mystery Mouseketool,
or the sand bucket and shovel?

Sand bucket and shovel.

You're right, Donald.

We got ears, say "Cheers."

Oh, that is so neat.

Come on, Mr. Moon Man Pete,

we'll show you how fun it is
to build a sandcastle.

Leaping moon lizards.
It sure is fun building sand castles.

Here, your very own
bucket and shovel to keep.

Now you can make sand castles
whenever you want.

Really? For me?

Why, that's the nicest thing
I ever heard of. Ahem.

Here, I've got something for you too.


Pluto's bouncy-ball. Hurray!

Hey, Donald, you're finally
gonna get your turn to bounce it.

Oh, boy.

Give me. Give me.


MICKEY: Gee, the bouncy-ball bounced
onto the dark side of the moon.

What a predicament.

Can anybody see
Pluto's bouncy-ball over there?

If only we had something like a flashlight
to help us see in the dark.

Well, maybe one of them
Mouseketoolies would help.

Is this when we call
the little flying gizmo-boy again?

It sure is.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."

Oh, Toodles.


only the Mystery Mouseketool is left.

Ohh! What's that mean?

MICKEY: It means, everybody say,
"Mystery Mouseketool."

Mystery Mouseketool.

What's today's Mystery Mouseketool?

It's a Glowing Glow Worm.

DAISY: Oh, goody, a Glowing Glow Worm
glows like a flashlight.

It can help us find Pluto's ball
in the dark by lighting the way.

MICKEY: We've just picked all our
Mouseketools, say "Super Cheers."

Okay, Mr. Glowing Glow Worm,
do your stuff.

Yeah. Do your stuff.

Ahoy, there she blows.

Pluto's bouncy-ball.



- Huh? For me?
MICKEY: Because it's your turn, Donald.

Aw, thanks, Pluto.

Give it your best bounce,
Space Captain Donald.

Wa-hoo! I did it. How about that?

Thanks, Glowy. Well, we did it.

We came all the way to the moon,
found Pluto's bouncy-ball,

and Donald got to take his turn.

And we couldn't have done it
without your help.


What a hot dog day.

Bye-bye, moon people.

Bye-bye, not-from-the-moon people.

Come on back and make more
sandcastles with us, anytime.

You betcha.

Come on,
it's time to do the Hot Dog Dance.

PETE: Bye.
CHIP: Goodbye.

Goodbye, now. See you.

Hot dog

Hot dog

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety-dog

Now, we got ears
It's time for cheers

Hot dog, hot dog
The problem's solved

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety-dog


What a hot dog day.

CHORUS: Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety-dog

It's a brand new day
Whatcha waitin' for?

Get up, stretch out
Stomp on the floor

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety-dog

Hot dog, hot dog
Hot diggety-dog

We're splittin' the scene
We're full of beans

So long for now from Mickey Mouse

That's me.

And the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Aw, thanks for stopping by.

Ten, nine, eight.

Seven, six, five.

Four, three, two, one.

- Blast off.
GOOFY: Ya-hoo-hoo-hoo!

ALL [SINGING]: Blast off
MICKEY: Up into outer space

Blast off

Blast off
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