02x29 - Mickey's Message from Mars

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Aired: May 5, 2006 – November 6, 2016.*
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Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Pluto, Daisy, Goofy, Pete, Clarabelle and more go on fun and educational adventures together.
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02x29 - Mickey's Message from Mars

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everybody. It's me, Mickey Mouse.

Say, you wanna come inside
my clubhouse?

Well, all right.

Let's go.

Aw, I almost forgot.

To make the clubhouse appear,
we get to say the magic words:

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse.

Say it with me.

Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse.



That's me.



It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Come inside
It's fun inside

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Roll call.

- Donald.
- Present.

- Daisy.
- Here.

- Goofy.
- Here.

- Pluto.
- Woof, woof!

- Minnie.
- Here.

- Mickey.
- Right here.

It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Come inside
It's fun inside




Hiya, everybody.
I was hoping to see you today.


Thanks for reminding me, Pluto.

Today we're going up
to the Clubhouse Telescope.

Professor Von Drake is gonna show us
some stars in outer space.

Wanna come?

Great. To the Cup Car.

Hiya, professor.

Oh, Mickey. Hello!

Seen any stars yet?

I have seen something all right,
but not stars.

I have just discovered something


What I saw, you see, is flashing lights
coming from the planet Mars.

Look for yourself, would you?

Let's all take a look.

You see that?

Blue, blue, yellow, green.

Blue, blue, yellow, green.

The lights are flashing in a pattern.

A repeating pattern of flashing lights
can mean only one thing.

It's a message is what.

Let's get a closer look.

Huh? The message sender
is someone who looks like me.

It's a Martian Mickey. Ohh.

A Martian me? Gosh.

What do you think he's trying to tell us
with those flashing coloured lights?

I don't know.

But I do know a real smarty pants

who can figure out
what that message from Mars means.

Oh, Mousekedoer.

We need a favour.

We saw lights flashing a message
from Mars.

They flashed
like blue, blue, yellow, green.

Blue, blue, yellow, green.

So, what does it mean already?

Ah-ha. The Mousekedoer says
that blue, blue, yellow, green means:

"Please, please come help."

Gosh, that means Martian Mickey
needs our help.

Say, you wanna go on an adventure
to Mars with me

and help Martian Mickey?

Hot dog.
We're gonna need some Mouseketools.


[SINGING] Mouseker-hey, Mouseker-hi

Mouseker-ready, Mouseker-set
Here we go

You're a thinking and a solving

Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you

Mouseker-me, Mouseker-you


Oh, Toodles
It's time to get to it, ha, ha

Show us the Mousketools
To help us do it

Meeska, Mooska, Mousekedoer.

Mouseketools, Mouseketools

Here are your Mouseketools

Giant building blocks, swell.

A butterfly net.

A carpet, great for walking on.

And the Mystery Mouseketool.

That's a surprise tool
that can help us later.

Toodles has the tools
The Mouseketools

So when we need them

Toodles will bring them

He's here for meedles and youdles
Ha, ha

And all we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"

All we have to say is
"Oh, Toodles"


Now that we have our Mouseketools,

we're ready to go
on our adventure to Mars.

Then it's up, up and away.

All the way on to outer space.

Space explorers. Come in please.

Oh, lookie who's gonna be
the captain of this ship: Me.

Roger that, Captain Goofy.

Donald, Minnie and I will be watching here
from Clubhouse Mission Control.

It's time for the countdown.

Donald, could you begin
with the numbers,

counting down from ten to one, please?

Okay, professor.

Ten, nine, eight

All systems looking great

Seven, six, five

I get to drive

Four, three, two

Best of luck, space crew


Have fun


Blast off.

We're on our way to Mars

Out here among the stars

Bon voyage, space crew

Best of luck to all of you

Sit back, we'll be there soon

Watch out
You'll hit the moon

I meant that. Watch out.

You'll hit the moon.



Great steering, Goof.

That's why I'm the captain.


Uh-oh. Captain Goofy, looks like
something else might be in our way.

Ahoy there, rocket ship.

Pete's my name
and collecting space tolls is my game.

If you wanna get past me,
you gotta pay the price.

Three beans for each space traveller.


Will you help us figure out
how many beans we need to pay Pete?

- Thanks.
- Oh, goody-goody.

So how many space travellers
are on the rocket ship?

There's Mickey, Pluto, Goofy and me.

That makes one, two, three,
four space travellers.

And Pete wants three beans
for each of us.

Help me count how many beans
we need for all of us, okay?

One, two, three.

Four, five, six.

Seven, eight, nine.

Ten, 11, 12.

That's 12 beans
we have to pay to get past Pete.


Sure is lucky,
I always keep exactly 12 beans in my hat.

Thanks for the beans, old bean. Ha, ha.

Oh! Sputtering Sputniks.
Where's gravity when you need it?

Come on,
let's help Pete with a Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."

Oh, Toodles.

Hm. We have giant building blocks,
a butterfly net,

a carpet and the Mystery Mouseketool.

Can any of these help Pete
catch the floating beans?

I know. The butterfly net.

That's always good for catching stuff.

We've got ears, say, "cheers."

Say, thanks. This ought to do her.

There's one.

And a two, three, four.


Five, six, seven.

Eight, nine, ten, 11.

And 12. Ha, ha!

Whoa. Look, everybody.

The flashing light message
is coming from over there.

Come on.

Oh, boy.
I've always heard Earthlings are friendly.

And now I see they're handsome too.

My name's Martian Mickey.

And I'm, uh, well, Earth Mickey.

But everybody just calls me Mickey.

And these are my pals,
Goofy, Daisy and Pluto.

Nice to meet you, Goofy.

- Hiya, Daisy.
- Hi.

And hello there, Pluto.

What a good dog. Ha, ha.

You know, I have a dog too.

Pluto from Earth meet Pluto from Pluto.


Martian Mickey,
we got your flashing-light message.

So how can we help?

Well, yesterday Pluto from Pluto and I

buried a very special
Martian Treasure to keep it safe.

But we forgot
where we buried our treasure.

And we can't start
our Martian Moon Festival without it.

Aw. Don't worry, Martian Mickey.

We'll help you find the treasure.

You will? Oh, boy.

But, well, all I can remember
is that we buried the treasure in red sand.

Well, that's a start.

Not really. You see,
all of Mars is covered in red sand.

Well, let's go over everything you did
before you buried the treasure.

That will help us find it.

Okay, Martian Mickey.
What's the first thing you did?

Hmm. First,
we went to the top of the highest hill

to look around for a good place
to bury the treasure.

Then we'll go there too.

Let's get moving, boys.

This here hill's plenty high, all right.

Whoa, whoa! Oh! Heh.

And steep too.

How are we gonna get up it?

Well, fly, of course.

But we can't fly.
We don't have rockets on our feet.

Gosh, I thought everyone
had rockets on their feet.

but we have something of our own.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."

Oh, Toodles.

Oh, Toodles?

MICKEY: Hmm. We have giant
building blocks and the carpet.

Can either of these
help us get to the top of the hill?

DAISY: I think the blocks would work
if we stack them like stairs.

Let's try it.

We've got ears, say, "cheers."

Going up.

Good thing
they're giant building blocks.

Here we are.

Some view, huh?

It sure is.

Now, let's see.

The first thing you did was look for a place
to bury your Martian Treasure.

- What did you do second?
- Hmm.


Oh, you're right, boy.

We decided to take the treasure
to one of the three Martian craters.

Did you go to the crater in the front,
the middle, or the back?

Front? Middle? Back?

Well, I don't know
what those words mean.

Let's show Martian Mickey what front,
middle and back mean.

Is this crater in the front,
middle or back?

That's right. This one's in the front.

MICKEY: Well, how about this crater?
Is it in the front, middle or back?

Right. This one's in the back.

And which crater is this one?

This one's in the middle.

So, Martian Mickey,
which crater did you go to?

The one in the front, middle or back?

The crater in the front.

Goody. Then that's where we'll go next.


This is the Sea of Sticky Sand.
If you go any further, you'll get stuck.

Whoa! It really is icky-sticky.


How are we gonna get across
a whole sea of sticky-ickiness?

Why don't we call
on your Toodles friend.

How does it go again?

Oh, yeah.

Everybody say, "Toodles, oh."

Toodles, oh.

MICKEY: We have the carpet
and the Mystery Mouseketool.

Do you think the carpet can help us
get across the sticky sand?

GOOFY: Golly, we can cover the sticky
sand with the carpet and walk right over it.

We've got ears, say, "cheers."

Yahoo! As long as we walk on the carpet
we won't get stuck.


We made it.

Everybody into the crater.

Let's find the Martian Treasure.

So, Martian Mickey,

what did you do with your treasure
once you got to the crater?

We buried it inside the circle of stones.

Gosh. Do you see
any stones around here?

Nope. I don't either.

But there was a circle of stones here

I know there was.


Hmm. It's a Martian mystery.


I think I know what happened
to the circle of stones.

The wind blew sand
and covered them all up.

If only there was some way
to get rid of all this doggone sand.

Well, there is a way.

Everybody say, "Oh, Toodles."

Oh, Toodles.

MICKEY: All we have left
is the Mystery Mouseketool.

Everybody say, "Mystery Mouseketool."

Mystery Mouseketool.

What's today's Mystery Mouseketool?

It's a vacuum cleaner.

That's exact-tackly what we need.

MICKEY: We've picked all our
Mouseketools. Say, "super cheers."

There. All done.

Wow, there's lots of stones.

But which ones are in a circle?

You got it. That's the circle.

And that's where we buried
the Martian Treasure.

The Plutos found something.

That's the Martian Treasure.

Oh, boy. We found it
and without a minute to spare.

It's time for the Martian Moon Festival.

Let's open the treasure.


Look, Mickey. Martian Treasure
is hot dogs. Ha-ha-ha-ha.

Hmm. Thems hot dogs, all right.

Well, we have hot dogs on Earth too.

Hot dogs? That's a funny name.

On Mars we call them Yum Blatz.

Yum Blatz? Ha, ha, ha!

And now for the best part
of the Martian Moon Festival,

the Yum-Blatz Dance.

The Yum-Blatz Dance?

[SINGING] Yum-blatz, Yum-blatz
Yum biggity Blatz

Come dance along to a Martian song

Just move your feet
You can't go wrong

ALL: Yum-blatz, Yum-blatz
Yum biggity Blatz


Gosh, well, you and your friends
have made this

the best Martian Moon Festival ever.

Thanks for coming to Mars,
Earth Mickey.

And thank you too.

MICKEY: Glad we could help you out,
Martian Mickey.

And if you ever need anything else,
just send us another message.

See you real soon.

Oh! Welcome home, everybody.

You made it. How do you like that?

Everything on Mars worked out great.

And we even brought you back
a little something.

What is it?

What? Hot dogs?

Not hot dogs, Donald. Yum-Blatz.

Yummy Yum-Blatz.

Aw. What an out-of-this-world day
we've had.

Come on,
let's celebrate with the Yum-Blatz...

I mean, the Hot Dog Dance.

Hot dog

Hot dog

Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggedy dog
Now, we got ears, it's time for cheers

Hot dog, hot dog, the problem's solved

Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggedy dog

Thanks for helping us today
at the clubhouse.

Oh, I sure had fun
and I hope you did too.

And thanks for doing the Hot Dog Dance.

What a hot-dog day.

Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggedy dog

It's a brand-new day
What you waiting for?

Get up, stretch out, stomp on the floor

Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggedy dog

Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggedy dog

We're splitting the scene
We're full of beans

So long for now from Mickey Mouse

That's me.

And the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Aw. Thanks for stopping by.

MICKEY: Say, how many space travellers
went to Mars today?

Right, four.

MINNIE: And Pete wanted three beans
for each space traveller.

DAISY: So do you remember how
many beans we gave Pete altogether?

Right. Twelve.

See you later, space explorers.
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