01x06 - Take 10

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x06 - Take 10

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪

♪ Ben ♪


[ Crash ] Oh!

Huh? Freeze!


Okay, boys.

You know what to do.

[ All chuckle ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Alarm ringing ]

[ Shing! ]

[ Coins clink ]

Everyone, empty your pockets!

Yeah, give us the goods.

Heatblast: Get squashed!

You can't take the heat...

...stay out of the bank, boys.

Did you catch that line? Cool, right?

Normally it's "kitchen," but I switched it up.

Gwen: Of course I got it. On your right!

The camera loves a hero.

You're out of frame, hero. To your left.

Oh, no problem.

Your other left.

How's this?


Okay, now, go get them.


You're going down!

Wait. What's my motivation again?

Um, stopping those bank robbers from stealing my (k)?

Is that enough?

I mean, I know how I feel about bad guys,

but what is a (k)?

What does it mean to Heatblast?

Uh, you're letting them get away.

No, this is where they tremble in fear,

and Heatblast says...

Justice burns!

[ Crash ]

[ All grumbling ]

[ Sirens wailing ] Uh, fear not, citizens.

I can still catch them. Yeah!

[ Smack, crash, shatter ] Oh! Excuse me. Pardon me.

Woman: My purse is on fire!

Aah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

[ Chuckles ] Classic.

Ohh. Weak.

We're supposed to be making the coolest action movie ever.

Instead, we got this.

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">Don't worry!</span> <span tts:fontStyle="italic">I can still catch them!</span>

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">Ohh!</span> [ <span tts:fontStyle="italic">Thuds </span>]

[ Laughs ] This scene?

But it's perfect! That's comedy gold.

It's a terrible stunt, and we're making an action movie.

Say it with me -- "comedy."

Oh, you're ruining my action film!

Your film?! I bought that phone,

which makes me the producer of this film.

Can I offer my input?

Both: No!


You both seem to have forgotten about

that bug g*ng you let escape.

I know you kids are having fun,

but don't let your ego keep you from doing the right thing.

You're right, Grandpa.

That's not what a true super-cool action star would do.


I will catch that crazy bug g*ng...

Please let that be the end of the sentence.

...while making the world's coolest --

Chu! Chu! Pew! Pew! -- action blockbuster!


You guys are welcome to tag along and be my crew.

[ Laughs ] See how funny you are?

[ Laughs ] I'm not funny.

With you acting and me directing,

we can make comedy history.

[ Laughs ]

Marvelous. Just --

[ Ant clears throat ] Queen Bee?


Where's our cut?

Of course, darlings.

There you are.

Now get out of my light and start planning our next heist.

Blah, blah, "Start planning our next heist."

What was that?

Uh, nothing! Nothing!

[ Beeping ] What you are about to see

is the absolute coolest thing

ever to happen on camera.

Are you ready?

I can't hear you!

Not over the sound of your own delusional thought.


Ignore the intern.

Uh, I think you mean the director...of sick burns!


I am the director, though.

Watch in amazement as I use my awesome powers

to track the slippery crooks.

Uh, yeah, no. What?

The audience won't be able to see anything

if your big head's in the frame the whole time.

Give me the phone, and you investigate.

No! You're gonna ruin my awesome action movie!

Comedy! Action.

[ Goofy ] Comedy!

[ Groans, sighs ]

This scene's getting slow.

XLR can help with that.

[ Beeping ]

♪ Just four letters, he's so great ♪

♪ Need for speed ♪


Grey Matter?!

Watch, you betrayed me!

And that's when Gwen got promoted back to director.

Give it back, Philistine!

Listen, if we work together, we can --

No! My movie!

Mine. Mine!

Sometimes, I really don't get you, Watch.


[ Both grunting ]

Wait. Did you see that?

Right there.

I didn't see anything.

Gwen, zoom in and enhance.


Ah! I can't believe that worked.

Aha! They went underground.

There must be some kind of

super secret evil underground bug lair

hidden carefully beneath the earth --

the setting for our next action scene.

[ Sighs ] Fine.

But we'll also get those bug guys

and get everyone their money back too, right?


No problem.

I mean, how hard's it gonna be?

There's only three of them.

I want those diamonds sorted by carat,

and if you're off by a tenth of a milligram,

I will have you dipped in honey and dropped in a bear cave.

Oh, darling, what have you got there?

Uhh, a necklace?

Yes, a necklace...

that belongs <span tts:fontStyle="italic">to me!</span>

[ Rumbling ]

You three are really starting to bug me.

[ Chuckles ] Did you get that, Gwen?

Um, yeah, but we might have to rewrite that line.

[ g*ns cock ] Huh?


What have you done to my lair?!

Man, you guys really like your bug suits.

Uh, Ben, I don't think she's wearing a bug suit.

Oh. [ Gasps ] Wait! Wait! [ Gasps ] I got this.

Underground lair, buggy bad guys,

creepy bee lady boss.


Hey, did you hear the <span tts:fontStyle="italic">buzz?</span>

You better <span tts:fontStyle="italic">"bee-have" </span>yourself and turn yourself in...

...or I'm gonna make you <span tts:fontStyle="italic">"bee" </span>gone.

Did you get that? Let me see.

Ben, I really don't think this is the time.

You weren't filming?!

You've broken my ceiling.

Now you've ruined... my lighting scheme!

Drones, attack!

Gwen, you better get my sweet action moves.

Get him! [ All grunting ]

Ugh! Get up! What are you doing?!

Ohh. Ohh, boohoo.

I don't care! Get that...thing!

You guys are <span tts:fontStyle="italic">"bee-yond" </span>terrible.

[ Gasps ] Whoa!

Ben, there's too many of them!

Get serious!


I'm so serious!

This is a <span tts:fontStyle="italic">serious </span>action movie!

Yeah! Did you get that?


[ Muffled ] Did you get it?

Queen Bee: She didn't.

Missing something?

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">I </span>got her instead.


You made a mistake

destroying the roof of my lovely lair.

Now, to decide on proper retribu--

Uh, excuse me.

Could you move?

You're in my light!

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">You </span>are making <span tts:fontStyle="italic">me</span> look bad.

<span tts:fontStyle="italic">You're gonna ruin</span> <span tts:fontStyle="italic">my awesome action movie!</span>

My movie!

Mine. Mine!

Ugh. Wow.

Did I really sound like that?

It's perfect!

Our super undercover location hunt was a success!

We can make our super-awesome new movie, and most importantly,

we found the perfect new star.

Tell her, director!

He's right. You've got the face of, uh...

You were made for the big screen.

Oh, well, I did spend some time at a local community theater

before I turned to a life of crime.

Oh, yeah, I can tell.

You're a natural.

[ Laughs ] Oh, stop.

No, it's true.

You really have that special something.

[ Laughs ]

Psst! You guys have some operation going here.

Too bad you're not appreciated for your hard work.

What do you mean?

Yeah, we get appreciated. Oh, sure.

When you're not getting yelled at by a diva!

You're working your buggy limbs off.

What's she doing?

[ Laughs ]

Oh, now the right.

Oh! [ Laughs ] Oh!

Gettin' her close-up.

And keepin' all the dough!

Doesn't seem fair, does it?


You know what, fellas?

I think we should write

a strongly worded letter of disapproval.

Or...you could revolt and take all the loot for yourselves.

Yes! Oh, yeah!

We're gonna need a bigger bag!

You know, you should consider a life of crime.

Thanks, but I don't need a job.

[ Dramatic music plays ] I'm...an action star!

[ Music stops ] Whatever.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Aw, nuts!

Wow! These are great. Do you have an agent?

Believe me, I've been looking.

I know someone who's really good.

Here. Take some head sh*ts.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]


Do you think they have a drama club in prison?

[ Beeps ]

I've learned a valuable lesson today.

I'm never letting my ego get in my way again.

The fact is, today I kicked bug butt

and saved everybody's (k)s,

but I couldn't have done it without...Gwen?

Max: What's my motivation again?

You want to make dinner.

Hey, you missed my big scene, my great dialogue.

You missed all --

Yeah, I don't want to direct a comedy

or an action movie anymore.


I'm making a cooking show now.

Ee-yoink! What?!

Oh, there's no space left. I'll just delete the old movie.

[ Beeps ] There we go.

Aw, what?!

Okay, Grandpa.

[ Beeps ] And...action!

Uhh, hi.

I'm Grandpa Max, and this is "Cooking with MAXimum Flavor."

Now, uh, you're going to grab your goat's beard,

and, of course, plenty of piranha liver,

and just stir vigorously.

It's that simple.

Now I just need my trusty assistant for a taste test.


Ugh. I think I've lost my appetite for show business.

[ Beeping, snoring ] Gwen: Ben, what are we gonna do?

I don't know. I'm scared.

[ Snoring continues ]

Gwen, I can't take it anymore.

Gwen: Ben? Ben?!

Down here!

I know how we can survive this night.

According to my calculations, this precise trajectory --

[ Groans ]


[ Beeping ] Uh-oh.



Time to throw stuff.
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