01x11 - Clown College

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x11 - Clown College

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


[ Cheering ]

[ Laughs ]

Both: Go Wolves!

[ Both howl ]


Ben like college!

College is great.

Oh, I had some amazing times here at old State U.

Tons of fun.

Lots of pranks.

I love pranks!

And I bet you learned, like, everything!

Um, yes.

We were very studious.

But the real college experience

was battling it out on the playing field.

What sport did you play?

The most ferocious sport there is -- badminton.


That's not a sport!

You're right, Ben.

It's <span tts:fontStyle="italic">the </span>sport.

And we changed the game.

People called us --

Lester, Harry, Bruce: The Fabulous Four!

[ Laughs ] Welcome back, Max!

It's like time stood still.

You guys look great!

Eh, feel great! Got two new knees!

I'm getting a hip next month.

Can you puree that sausage, Max?

Misplaced my teeth. [ Chuckles ]

[ Both groan ]

Same old Bruce -- losing your teeth but winning the game.

And, of course, let's not forget to remember

our fearless leader, Coach Keene.

He should have never retired.

Together: The greatest coach ever,

in the greatest sport ever.


[ Grunting ]

[ Laughter ]

Here we go.

So much better than listening to old people.

[ Honking, squeaking ]

College has clowns?

I hate clowns.


Excited for the big day?

I, uh, was --

Of course you are!

A Zombozo attraction never disappoints!

It will blow your tiny minds.


See you at the half time show.

It's gonna be a real gas.

Uh, sure.

We're just gonna go get colleged.


[ Chuckles ]

[ Beeping ]

[ Laughs evilly ]

Ooh! The School of Geology!

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yep. Go somewhere else and look for some pranks.


Ooh! Prank!

He's gonna be so wet when he wakes up!

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughs ] College really does teach you the classics.

But maybe it can be epic.


[ Water splashes ]


[ Groaning ]

Yeah! [ Laughs ]

Up top!

No? You don't "up top" in college?

Guys, that was an epic prank!

Pranks are supposed to be lighthearted fun.

You took it too far!

But prank equals good, epic prank equals the best!

You don't know nothing about comedy!

This is college! We're sophisticated!

Me? Not know anything about comedy?

[ Sighs ]

[ Grumbling ]

I know funny.

[ Honking squeaking ] [ Gasps ]


Ugh, more clowns?

[ Squeak ]

[ Whoosh! ]

Wait a minute.

Careful, you fool!

Drop one of these gas bombs,

and you'll put us all in a trance!

Once the crowd is under my spell,

we'll have half-an-hour to relieve them

of all their valuables.

I repeat, Artie, gas the crowd, not yourself.

Gotcha, boss.

[ Coughs ] [ Groans ]

Go sit by the tree, goofball.

Yes, Zombozo.


[ Honks ] [ Coughing ]

The rest of you, follow Zombozo

to the greatest heist in history!

[ Laughter ]

[ Honking ] Uhhh...

[ Whistle blows ]


How can you be hungry after that barbecue?

We got a saying at State U --

To be the wolf...

You got to feed the wolf!

I got heartburn.

[ Cheering ]

[ Honking ]

Ugh. We saw that creepy clown earlier.

Creepy? These guys are great.

Best part of the game so far.

[ Munches ]

[ Horn honking ]

[ Tires screech ]

Prepare yourselves for the amazing antics of Zombozo!

[ Shouting ]

[ Coughing ]

[ Coughing ]

[ Tires screech ]

Tell Zombozo, you'll do what I say!

All: You'll do what I say.

I mean, "I'll do what Zombozo says."

All: I mean, I'll do what Zombozo says.

Close enough.

Throw your wallets, purses, and all your valuables to me.

[ Laughs ]

Isn't this Mr. Funny Pants?

Yeah. Hey, kid. You're looking a little parched.

[ Laughter ]

What happened?

Zombozo's gonna gas everyone.

Got to stop him.


This has potential.

[ Vacuum cleaner whirs ]

Eh, let's pack it up!

This game is going into overtime, Zombozo!

[ Groans ]

[ Tires screeching ]



[ Sniffs ]

[ Gags ]

One clown down.

Hey, bug!

Leave the comedy to the professionals!

[ Coughs ]

Ooh! [ Gags ]

More like pro-smell-ssionals!

[ Laughs ] Ooh!

[ Groans ]

Stick around, flyboy! The fun is just beginning!

[ Stretching ]

[ Thud! ]

[ Beeping ]

No, no, no, no!

Not before back up!

Sorry in advance, guys.

[ Sniffs ]

[ All groan ]

What happened?

Zombozo hypnotized everyone in the stadium

so they could rob them.

Grandpa, make sure you and your friends get to a safe place.

Ben and I will take care of this.

We're not taking care of anything

while this is on cool-down.

We can't let kids fight our battles for us.

I mean, what would Coach Keene say if he saw

a bunch of evil clowns robbing a stadium?

He'd say, "Go get 'em, Wolfpack."

After all, we are --

Together: The Fabulous Four!

Yeah! Hey, hey!

Let's go get 'em, guys! Come on!

This isn't gonna go well.

Hey. What's your hurry, Mr. Funny Pants?

[ Grunts ]



[ Grunts ]

[ Thump! ] Ooh!

They're actually really good.

Go, Wolves!

[ Chuckles ] It's nap time, gramps!


[ Coughs ]

Hyah! Ugh!

I took my nap today, punk!

[ Horn honks ]

[ Omnitrix beeps ]


College I don't get, but kicking butt is my major.


Another one?

Get him!

[ g*ns cock ]

[ Chuckles ]

This is gonna be good.

[ Bowling pins crash ]



[ Groans ] I got to stop celebrating too soon.

[ Beep ]


[ Laughs ]



Looks like you could use some help.

Who -- Wait a minute.

Coach Keene? Yep.

I thought you retired years ago.

I did.

But now my boys need me.

All right, time for the grand finale!

We're gonna bring down the house.

[ Horn blows ]

[ Laughs ]

How are we gonna stop that?

I got just the play for it.

You have a badminton play that can stop a giant clown m*ssile?



Don't lock your shoulders, Tennyson!


Tell the boys we're gonna run the Big Bad Wolf.

The BBW?

I can't run the BBW.

I'm too old.

[ Whistle blows ]

Go have at 'em, Wolfpack!

[ Howling ]

[ All howling ]

All right.

Let's draw this one up for the rookie.

Max: Wolfpack, let's hunt.


[ Grunting ]

The BBW?

[ Whistle blows ]

[ Panting ]

I hate badminton.


It's good!

[ Siren chirps ]

[ Door closes ]

[ Siren wails ]

Wow, this was fun, guys.

Fun? It's the best reunion ever!

Together: The Fabulous Four!

Go, Wolves!

[ All howling ]

You know, I think I'm finally starting to get college.

Yeah? Yeah, you know.

Some classes, some pranks, a bunch of clowns attack,

some badminton grandpas save the day

by forming a giant racquet.

College stuff.

Want to go watch TV?


Gwen: You shouldn't be messing around with the watch, Ben.

You know you can't always control what comes out.

Are you kidding? I've mastered all these guys.


See? Stinkfly's here and in complete control.

Ben, did you remember to clean up your --

Aah! Oof!

[ Coughing ]

[ Suit farting ]

Sorry, sorry, sorry!


[ Coughing ]

Oh, so strong.

Ugh. [ Coughs ]

[ Laughs ] Complete control, huh?

Time to throw stuff!

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