01x12 - Adventures in Babysitting

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x12 - Adventures in Babysitting

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ ♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


♪♪ [ Sizzling ]

Saddle up, kids. Daylight's a-burnin'.

We got a big day of ropin' and ridin' ahead of us.


Man, I'm so excited. Hey, Gwen.

What are you gonna do when we get to the ranch?

Ben, I'm trying to read.

I'm thinking about getting Stinkfly out

for some target practice.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Did you guys see that?

No, but I smelled it.

[ Laughs ]

Ah, that was awesome.

Gwen. Gwen.

Gwen. Gwen.

[ Groans ] I said I was reading!

[ Beeping ]

Now, now, you two.

It just sounds like you got a case of cabin fever.

Don't worry.

All you need is a little fresh air.

Yeah! Cowboy showdowns.

Saloon brawls.

The Wild West is right outside!

Whoo-hoo! [ Panting ]


Why is it so hot?

[ Sizzling ]

[ Hiss ]

[ Wheezing ] Run!


[ Chuckles ] If any real cowboys saw you two,

they'd laugh you right out of town.

I guess it is a little toasty.

Regret. [ Vehicle approaching ]


Hey! Hey, cowboy!

You look like you could use some water.

Whew. Do you think Grandpa's all right?

Hey, kids. I found a camper

that looks just like the Rustbucket.

The lady over there was telling me

about this great hike out on Tombstone Hill.

It's only miles, and the best thing about it is...

you guys can stay here.


All right! Yes!

-This is Maxine. -Hiya, kids.

-Hi. -Hi.

She's on a road trip just like us.

Her grandkids don't want to go either,

so I figured they can stay here with you two.

Babysitting? Just a second there, Gramps.

[ Chuckles ] Now, don't worry.

You won't have to do any babysitting.

Her grandson has that job.

Hey, boys! Come on in!

This is Ryan.

[ Cellphone clicking ]


[ Squeals ]


And this here is my little munchkin, Simon.

[ Chuckles ] I'm .

You guys okay with --

We'll be fine, Grandpa.

Go. Go. Have a great time.

You deserve it.

Ah-choo! Grandpa!

Are you sure?

See you later, Grandpa.

Right. Later.

And, Ryan, don't forget Simon's juice and nap.

You know how he gets.


So, Ryan, what grade are you?

Cool watch!

I have a backpack that turns me into a robot.

Do you read comics?

Um, I like your shirt. [ Chuckles ]

Hey, did you know the average human head weighs pounds?

Sometimes Grandma hides the batteries.

I like being a robot. I like superheroes.


Hey, I know how to spell Mississippi.

Want me to teach you? I will.


I'm thinking of getting a degree in geology.

So, what do you want to be when --

Can we switch? This kid's giving me a headache.

Ben! Whoa!

Here. Why don't you two <span tts:fontStyle="italic">kids</span>

go and get some ice cream or something?

Whoa! [ Groans ]

[ Door closes ]

So hot. Ugh.

Maybe ice cream isn't such a bad idea right now.

I'm more of a juice man myself.

If I could just transform into Overflow,

maybe I could cool down a little bit.

[ Beeping ] There we go.

Hey, what's that do?

Hey, you want to hear something neat?

Grandma took me to the doctor's 'cause I got a dime...

It's hot.

Are we there yet? I want to go home.

I'm sweaty! My feet hurt.

My backpack's heavy. When are we gonna get there?

I want juice. [ Groans ] Got it!

It's hot, your backpack's heavy, you want juice!

Jeez, don't you ever stop?

You hollered at me.

[ Sniffles ]

I didn't holler.

Ugh. Look, Simon, it's -- it's hot.

I just -- Here.

Let me carry your backpack for you.

No! You hollerer!

I ordered this special.

You think you can just touch people's stuff?

Well, you can't. I want my juice!

Hey, wait! Billy Billions Corp.?

Sometimes Grandma hides the batteries. I said, "Juice is what I want"!

I like being a robot. How come I can't have juice?

I have a backpack that turns me into a robot.


You are not listening to me!

I want juice!

I'm sorry, little guy, but we don't sell juice here.

But we have plenty of ice cream for sale.

You grownups need to start listening to kids.

[ Beeping ]

Simon says no more ice cream!

Aaaah! Simon, don't!

[ Screams ]

I thought I wasn't supposed to be babysitting today.

Simon says give me my juice!

Nobody's listening to me!

I want it now! [ Screaming ]

And I'm tired of everyone telling me what to do!

Aaaah! Gol-ly!

Well, now you gotta listen to Simon Sez!

Jeez, talk about epic temper tantrums.

All of this for juice?

Better stop him before he turns someone into juice.

Simon! What are you doing?

Get out of the backpack right now.

You're gonna hurt somebody.

I don't want to listen to you, hollerer!

You're mean! Get off my robot!

Speed kick!


Hey, could you make sure people get to safety?

I can't hit Simon since he's like .

That's practically a baby.

Time to go into full distract mode.

Hey, Simon. Bet you can't hit me.

Can too.

[ Laughs ] Falling for easy jokes like this?


Simon says stop!


Okay, this day is officially the wild, wild worst.

You know, the heat's not so bad.

What was that, dear?

You're gonna have to come closer.

I said, "The heat's not so bad."

You know -- once you get used to it.

[ Suspenseful music plays ]

I don't know about you,

but I needed some time away from my rugrats.

I love 'em, but that Simon can be a real handful.

Oh, I understand too well.

Ben can be quite a handful, too.

What was that, dear?

You're gonna have to come closer.

[ Groans ]

So, Ryan, you like phones.

Phones are pretty cool.

Simon, get back here!

Gosh, I'm so thirsty.

I guess it's the heat, you know?

We rustled up some prune juice.

How does that sound?


Aah! Aah!

Four Arms: Now, look here, partner.

You leave these nice townsfolk alone, you hear?

Let's settle this like cowboys.

Draw! Leave. me. alone!

[ Grunts ]

Whoa! Huh?

Come on, Simon. I don't want to hurt you.

You wouldn't listen to me, so I'm not listening to you.

That's because you were being super-annoying.

Whoa. Now I sound like Gwen.

Annoying?! Huh? Whaa!

You're a bad guy, Ben!

Aah! Ohh!

I just wanted to be your friend,

but you're a name-caller/hollerer

with a stupid change-o-watch.

[ Powerup ]

Oh, boy.

Oh, what a view. [ Panting ]

[ Gulps ] Want a swig?

No. No, I wouldn't think of it.

You sure? You look dehydrated.

No, no. I'm fine.

I'm like a -- I'm like a camel.

[ Laughing ] I see.

I'm just gonna sit down. [ expl*si*n ]

Oh, dear.

[ Clang ]

Hey, Simon.

How many pounds did you say

a human head weighed?

You're just trying to be nice to me

'cause your change-o-watch is no match for my backpack.

But it was pounds.

Hey! Huh?

Where did --

Surprise! Aah!

[ Groans ]

Come on, Simon. Let's talk.

No! You're just like everybody else, telling me what to do.

"Don't toot! Eat your vitamins!

Wear pants!" It's not fair!

Everybody wants me to listen to them,

but nobody wants to listen to <span tts:fontStyle="italic">me.</span>

Aww. Simon, I know that feeling.

It's like they don't want you to be you.

Yeah. They want me to be all perfect,

like some sort of Prince Perfect or something.

You just want to be heard,

feel like what you have to say is important.

I do. I know a lot about bugs.

That's great, but, Simon, they tell you these things

because they love you.

Even though you feel like nobody's listening,

it doesn't mean you should throw a fit.

So stop smashing things.


How about I just smash you?

Oh, man. Not again.

[ expl*si*n ] And that's how I lost my first tooth.

Crazy, right? Whoa.

Uh, where are you going? R-Ryan?

I got to go take care of something.

Uh, wait. Is that Ben?

Ugh. I don't know what I'm supposed

to do with you, Simon. I give up.

You're a bad guy, so I got to beat you up.

That's it!

Agh! What? [ Beeping ]

No, no, no, no, no!

Whoa! Uhh!

Aw, man. That hurt.

But at least this metal hand broke my fall.

Oh. I got you now.

Hey. Juice, nap -- now.

[ Spits ] Huh? [ Whirring ]

Hey, um, don't tell Grandma, okay?

Glad that's over.

[ Hammer pounding ]

Oh, no.



No! You're k*lling me!

Both: What's going on in here?

Ugh! You beat me again!

How'd you get so good?

Years of practice.

Huh. Everything seems normal.

Ryan, where is your brother?

[ Snoring ]

Huh. Grandpa, aren't you gonna ask where I am?

Oh, yeah. Hi, Gwen.

I think I got to sit down.

Thanks for playing with me today, Ben.

[ Laughs ] It was f-f-f-f-f-fun-n-n.

This was a fun day out. Let's do it again sometime.

All right, g*ng. Back to camp.

Hut, hut! Water.

So, robot backpack?

Max: Water. Yeah, but I took the batteries out.

It'll be years before he can save up for some new ones.

Hey. C-Can one of you...

He's not that bad of a kid, really.

Kind of reminds me of myself at that age.

He could be a good ally someday.

Water. He just doesn't like it

when people boss him around and ignore him.

Water. Huh. Boy, do I know that feeling.


Somebody get me some water.

Gosh, Grandpa.

Why didn't you say so sooner?

[ Groans ]

[ Beep ][Birds tweet] [Chomping]

Gwen: So, XLR, you're pretty fast, huh?

[gulp] Yep.

Think you can get to the clock tower and back in seconds?

Pssh! Come on, Gwen!

One leg, eyes closed,

and I won't even drop an onion ring.

[ Zoom! ]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


[strained] Perfect.

[ Gwen laughs ]


Time to throw stuff.

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