01x19 - Tomorrow Today

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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01x19 - Tomorrow Today

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

Max: ♪ Tomorrow today, it's on the way ♪

♪ With your buddy, the future's putty ♪

♪ Tomorrow today ♪

Grandpa, we're the ones who are supposed to sing

the annoying songs, not you.

I can't help it.

I've wanted to visit the Buddy Bungalow

since I was a kid, and finally --

[ Brakes screech, bubble pops ]

There it is!

Do you feel it, Buddy? You're home.

The Buddy Bungalow -- the House of the Future.

The future.

Where gardeners and lawnmowers cease to exist.

Weeds World.

Growing soon in a sidewalk crack near you.

Buddy Buddanski was a genius, a futurist.

When he designed the bungalow in the 's, it was a wonder.

It brought hope to millions,

let them imagine a better future.

Once Buddy passed on, his home was closed,

and his inventions were mothballed.

But maybe they're finally giving tours.


Whoa. Whoa!


[ Beeping ]


[ Screams ]

Maybe we should do something safer,

like swimming with sharks.

What do you say, Grandpa?

Ugh! Is this what we're like

when we drag him to the amusement park?

[ Beeping ]

We probably shouldn't ask questions

we don't want answers to.

Let him have his fun.


Look at all this!

Buddy would bring politicians,

artists, and scientists here

to show them his vision of tomorrow.

He was totally ahead of his time.

Tomorrow today!


♪ Tomorrow today, it's on the way ♪

♪ With your buddy, the future's putty ♪

♪ Tomorrow today ♪

Music Key activated. Presentation starting.

[ Gasps ]

Welcome to my dream for you, friends.

[ All gasp ]

Tomorrow starts today!


Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. A Buddy Buggy?

Come on!

[ Grunts ]

How does this thing even work?


And probably coal. It was .


[ Laughs ] Whoo!

Hey! Wait for me!

[ Beeping ]


[ Bonk! ]

Oh, come on! Huh?

[ Crackling ]

Oh, I get it.

They must have somebody fixin' the place up.

And not a moment too soon.

Hello? Worker people?

Your house stole my family.

Kind of rude, actually.

[ Gasps ]

Steam Smythe!

Huh? Uh, figures.

If it's old and junky, you like to get funky.


You think you'll steal the Game Changer before me?!

No clue what you're talking about,

but since you're bad-guy crazy, I'm gonna stop you, anyway.

[ Zip! ]

Come on, Steam Smythe, gotta pick up the pace.

[ Crash! ] Ohh!

[ Sighs ] What?!

Remember to eat your vegetables.


Aaah! Aah! Aah! Aah!


The tales are true! Hedid build it!

Farewell, boy.

I'm off to claim Buddanski's ultimate w*apon as my own.


Ultimate w*apon? That doesn't sound good.

[ Whirring ]

Uh, I don't have the words.

A bright new day starts in the bathroom of the future!

It's just like I dreamed when I was a kid.

That people in a buggy

would watch you get showered by robots?

Ready to floss your way to fun?

Today, the future tastes like spearmint...

toothpaste, that is.

[ Splat! ]

Dental hygiene and rusty electronics

are not a good mix --


This is just like a real Buddanski Adventure!



Whaa! Aah!


Whoa, whoa, whoa, aah!


Make sure you brush after every meal.

[ Whimpers ] That won't give me nightmares.

Not at all.


Uh, maybe this is getting out of hand.

Oh, hold on.

I think I can steer the buggy from down here,

but I can't see where we're going.

Now! Turn now!


All this chaos just so you can dig up some old w*apon?

Steam Smythe?!

We have to go help Be-- Aah!

[ Both scream ]

[ Tires squeal ]

You've already got a bunch of crusty, old weapons.

What's so great about this one?

You are ignorant as ever, boy!

On the surface, Buddanski was a showman

entertaining the drooling masses.

[ Sniffs ] Hyah!

[ Grunts ]

Ah! Cozy.

But secretly, Buddanski was building this,

a magnificent w*apon -- the M.F.B.!

Mmrph! Bleh! Fascinating!

Monologue me more.

For all of his insipid talk,

Buddanski saw a future of warfare and strife.

He built the M.F.B. in secret, in case it was ever needed.


Today, his genius will give me the power

to wash away all modern technology in one flush!

[ Coughs ] Hmph!


This -year-old toilet water smells like...

-year-old toilet water.

[ Gags ] Ah, better.

Yoo-hoo! Where are you?

You want to save this dilapidated world?

Come and get me, boy.

Done and done!

[ Panting ]

[ Whirring ]

Buddanski turbine activated.

Say what, now? Aah! No brakes!

Whoa! Whoa! Aah!

[ Laughs evilly ]

The M.F.B. powers up by turbine.

It would've taken me weeks to awaken it alone.

Your adolescent gusto has given me gigawatts of energy,

and all without lifting a finger.

[ Laughs evilly ]

[ Sighs ] Duped by a doofus!


The Age of Steam is upon us, courtesy of the future.

[ Grunts ]

[ Beeping ]

How tiny was Buddanski, anyway?



Whoa! So weird.

Kid-sized hatch. Kid-sized controls.

Was Buddanski making weapons for kid-sized bad guys?

[ Tink! ]

Everything Grandpa said makes me think

this place is designed to excite a kid.

The world's oldest kid has been teaching me that all day.


Why would he build a w*apon to be piloted by a child?

Buddanski knew that the future belongs to men with power --

power that belongs to me now!

If this thing is a w*apon, I have to destroy it.

Steam Smythe: Go on! Do it! Prove me right!

Activate the w*apon and behold the end of tomorrow!

Grandpa said Buddy brought hope to millions,

imagined a better future.

Whatever Buddy built, it wasn't to hurt people.

[ Machine hums ]

Game-changer activated.

-Whoa! -Whoa!

[ Screams ]



Admiring the view?

Aah! Let go!

Of course!

Wha-- [ Grunts ]


Are you okay?

I'm fine, Grandpa.


Oh. It's amazing.

It's Ben!

[ Grunting ]

This is the M.F.B.?

How does one destroy civilization

with a Ferris wheel?

Hey, future. Welcome to the M.F.B.,

a real game changer!

The brave men and women defending our country

are in need of a little family fun,

so the U.S. Army asked

if I could bring the fun to them!

Unfortunately, the Army decided

to build tanks and bombs instead,

but I built the M.F.B. anyway,

hoping that one day a special someone would find it

and use it to bring hope to those who need it most.

And you're watching this, so you did it!

Enjoy the future, and the Mobile Fun Base.


That can't be right!

Cornblisters, Buddanski!

What a wasted genius. [ Grumbles ]

Don't worry, Ben! I've got you!

Well, if he wanted this automaton to have some fun,

then let's have some fun!

[ Laughs evilly ]

I'll make a w*r machine of you yet!



Buddy said this machine was for fun, not w*r!

Oh, but Iam having fun.

And pretty soon,

the whole world will know how fun I can be.

Well, your definition of fun stinks,

and so do you.

[ Splat! ]

[ Whirl! ]


Whoa-whoa-whoa! Aah!

[ Grunts ]

[ Splat! ]

Emergency escape protocol initiated.

Emergency what?

[ Grumbles ]

I tire of losing to -year-olds!

Ben. You okay?

Yeppers. Survived the walking amusement park.

Buddy was a special kind of genius, for sure.

Are we gonna sit around jabbering,

or are we gonna ride this thing?

[ Children cheering ] ♪ Tomorrow today, it's on the way ♪

♪ With your buddy, the future's putty ♪

♪ Tomorrow today ♪

[ Beep ] [ Munching ]

Gwen: So, XLR, you're pretty fast, huh?

[ Gulps ] Yep.

Think you can get to the clock tower and back

in seconds?

[ Scoffs ] Come on, Gwen!

One leg, eyes closed,

and I won't even drop an onion ring.

[ Zip! ]

Whoa! Whoa! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!

[ Grunts ]

[ Boing! ]


[ Laughs ]

Time to throw stuff!

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