01x07 - Cuttin' Corners

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x07 - Cuttin' Corners

Post by bunniefuu »




(Crunch) (Glass cracks)



- Is it just me?

Or is this macaroni a little hard?

- Dude, you're not supposed to eat it.

We're supposed to glue it to this lame house.

- We won't have enough to finish!

- Spit it out!

- (Blah)

- Cool! Do it again!

- Okay!


- Ugh! (Splat)

- Shh! I smell something! (Sniffing)

- What is it, Owen?! Huh? Huh?

What is it boy?!

I... Smell... Caaaaaaake!

- Why hello, Owen!

I'm Cakey the cake-smell!

Mmmm, I'm delicious!

- (Salivating)

- I don't see any cake.

- If Owen says there's cake, there's cake.

After it, boy!

- (Barking)

- Tee-hee! Bet you can't catch me!

- (Barking) - Whoa!

(Cakey giggles)

- (Barking)

Duncan: Whoaaaa!

(Objects clatter)

- (Barking)


(Cups clink)

- (Barking) - Hey, easy!



(Heavenly music)

All: Caaaaaaake!

- What? What are you doing?

- (Whimpers)

- Yes, cake. Izzy brought it in.

- I didn't know it was your birthday!

- Oh, it's not.

I just felt like cake today, so I told my mom

I'd rip out all my hair if she didn't bake me one.

I was all, gimme cake, gimme cake, gimme cake, gimme cake!

- Well, that's normal. - Good job.

- Can we eat now?

- Oh no! - (Dog yelp)

- It's not cake time yet! - What?!

- No! - Says who?!

- Remember what happened the last time we had cake

during the day?

Hey, kids! Who wants cake?!

(Snarls) (Ravenous eating)

(Crazed laughing) Caaaake!

Cake-ity cake-cake!



- Boing, boing, boing!

- What have I done... what have I done?!

It was chaos, remember?! All: Yeah!

- No cake until the end of the day!

- (Crying)

- That way when y'all go sugar-bonkers,

it's your parent's problem.

It's my little way of getting revenge.

For sending cake.

- Aw man, I want that cake bad!

- Oh, me too!

My mouth won't stop watering if it knows cake is here.

- Hey mouth, what's with the drool?

- It's nose's fault! He smelt cake!

- Oh sure, blame me!

- Did anyone get a load of those corner pieces?

- You mean the ones on the corners?!

- What about them?

- Are you kidding me?

Each corner piece had five times the cakey-ness

and ten times the icing-osity!

- She'll probably keep one for herself,

then give the other three corners to her best buddies!

Well... too bad we're not her best buddies.

- Then how do we get them?

- I guess we could fake being her best buddies all day

just to get one...

but who's that dishonest? Not me.

Later, my beautiful cake!

- So Owen's plan sound good?

- Yuh-huh!

- So all we gotta do is buddy up with Izzy

and we each get a corner piece?!

How hard could that be?!

- (Humming)

- Riiiiight...

- Corner pieces. Focus on the corner pieces.

- All done. Now, who else wants a hair cut?!

Hello, fluffy bunny.

Guess who's not gonna be fluffy for long.

All: Hi, Izzy! - Hi.

- We were trying to figure out what to do for play time.

- And we were like, Izzy would know!

She's the best! At being buddies.

- (whisper) Best buddies, best buddies.

- Really? Ya, I have tons of ideas!

Follow me!


Come on, guys. A little deeper into the dark.

Leshawna: Wow. This sure is fun.

- Not spooky at all...

- Hee-hee-heeeeeee!!!

- Gahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

- (Sobbing)

- It's me... Izzy!

- Wow, so great.

I...I love surprises.

- That's the neat thing about the dark.

There could be anything in here!

-(Gasp) I peed a little.

- Who's ready for dodgeball!!!

(Rapid sh**ting)

- You sure this is how it's played?!

- How are we supposed to dodge?!

- Weeee! Isn't this fun, guys?

(Rapid sh**ting)


- And I'm outta balls.

Ooh, wanna play tether ball instead?!

All: Yes!

- Here it comes!

- (Frightened gasps)

(Whooshing) - Oof!

Ow! My glasses.

- Bull's eye! Hahahahaha-- Oof!

- Izzy? You know any other games?

- (Gasp) Yeah I do!

To the kitchen!

This is called the wacky fun ghost pepper challenge!

They're called ghost peppers because if you eat one...

you might become a ghost! (Ooooooo)

- So what do you want us to do?

- Eat one. That's the game.

- They don't look so scary.

- Beats getting hit by dodge-balls.


- Huh... kinda tangy.

(Fire alarm sounds)

(Whistling) (Rumbling)

(Fire breathing)

(Panting, fire whooshes)

(Fire sizzles)


- (Screaming)

(Relieved sigh)


- (Screaming)

- Now kids, what seems to be the mater?

- Duncan breathed fire on me!

- Duncan, what have I said about breathing fire?

(Frantic mumbles)

- Uh-huh. I think you owe Courtney an apology.


- Now-now, that didn't sound like a real apology, did it?

(Fire whooshes, screaming)

- That's better.

Now you can have your water back.

- (Gulping) (Sighs)

Just to be clear, I didn't mean either of those apologies!

- Skydiving's so fun!

You guys are lucky I found so many parachutes!

Ready? All: No.

- Good! ! ! ! Jump!


(Landing thuds)

(Pained moans)

- Izzy, best buddy.

These aren't parachutes.

- I think they're just backpacks.

- What's a backpack?

- (Slap)

- I had so much fun today!

It's so rad to have best buds like you!

(Gasp) I just thought of the perfect game!

- I can't take any more of this.

- This is what she does all day?

How is that girl still alive?

- Relax. You heard her. She called us her best buds.

We have those corner pieces in the bag.

- (Weak) All right!

(Pained moans)

- I've got a bad feeling about this...

- This game is called the Izzy gonna die daredevil car jump!

(Tires squeal, engine roars)

Yeeeeee haaaaaaaaw!


- You know what, guys? I think we lost that game...

(Pained groans)

- I think the thing that hurt most of all...

was not making the jump.

I know! Let's try again!

- That does it!

You know what I think of your "games"?!

- What?

Chef: Kids! It's the end of the day!

You know what that means...

Cake time!

- (Happy gasps)

Cake time!

- Yeahhhhhh!

- ♪ Corner, corner pieces! Corner, corner pieces! ♪

♪ Corner, corner pieces!

- Well, we did it, guys.

Time to reap our rewards and down some corners.

- I call a corner piece!

- (Gasp) You can't demand a corner piece!

That's not how it works!

- I think we should just be happy

with whatever slice we get.

- Yeah! All cake's created equal.

- Aw! That was beautiful.

Just for that you guys get corner pieces!

- What?!


- You can't give other people the corner pieces, Izzy,

we are your besties! Remember?

- I never promised you corner pieces.

- You mean I played your crazy games all day for nothing?!

I lost all feeling in my glasses!

(Attack yell)

- Whoa, Beth. Be nice.

- Thanks, Harold. You get a corner piece!

- No way! If he gets one I get one!

(Landing thud)

(Attack scream) (Splat)

- (Horrified gasps)

- The corner pieces! What have we done?!

- (Gasp) My cake is ruined!

- Oh, Izzy.

- Cake fiiiiiight!

- Noooooo!

(Splat) - (Gasp)



All: (Laughing)

- Mmm... whooaaaa!


(Playful laughter)


- Oh no! It's happening again!

- (Crazed laughter) Yeah!

- Wooaaa! Ho-ho-hooooo!

- Hey, get down!

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