01x15 - A Ninjustice to Harold

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x15 - A Ninjustice to Harold

Post by bunniefuu »




(Gong sounds)

Toy: Harold, recite the three rules of the ninja.

- Yes, master.

Rule number one...

a ninja must always protect others from danger.

(Phone rings) - Hello this is--

- Hii-ya! That could be a crank call!

- Aghh!

Toy: Harold, what is the second rule of the ninja?

- Rule number two is...

a ninja must serve his fellow man.

- Aw, mum forgot to cut my sandwich today.

- I'll cut your ham sandwich!

Kyaa! - Ewwww...

- Mmm... Mustard and watermelon,

not bad!

- You're welcome.

(Eating sounds)

Toy: what is the third rule of the ninja?

- The third rule of the ninja is...

A ninja must accept all dangerous missions.

Chef: Snack is ready!

- I am needed!

- Who wants to deliver these pudding cups

to the kids outside? - I accept this mission.

- Anyone? - I will.

- Anybody? - Chef! Chef-chef!

- Anyone at all? - Over here. Chef!

- (Sighs) Okay, Harold

but promise me you'll just carry this like a normal kid,

no ninja nonsense.

- I will not fail you on this dangerous mission.

- You're still doing it.

Doing the ninja thing. Gotta stop.

- You have my word. - Good.

Now go hand out the snacks.

(Playful laughter)


(Gong sounds)

- Great, he has the gong again.

- Attention I, your class ninja,

have travelled many feet

to bring you today's snack.

- What's the snack? What's the snack?

What's the snaaaaaack?

- The cups of the pudding!

(Gong sounds)

- (Upset groan)

- Can we, um... have them?

- At the sound of the gong, snack time begins.

(Gong sounds) Ah!

Oh no!

All: (Gasp) - (Slo-mo) Nooooo!

- Would any of you like more tea?

Owen: Our pudding cups!

- I'll save them!


- Mmmm.

- Awesome moves, Beth!

You're like some kind of ninja!

- (Shocked gasp) Beth can't be a ninja.

I'm the class ninja.

- (Gasp) We should call you ninja Beth!

All: Yay, ninja Beth!

Hip hip hooray!

Hip hip hooray!

- Okay. Wait. Wait. Wait. I'm the ninja.

I'm ninja Harold!

- Hm, that kind of steps on ninja Beth's nickname though.

- Yeah? Well, if I'm not a ninja

then why would I have this "ninja master" ribbon?

- Because they come free

in every box of Snazzy Crunch cereal?

Pretty sure we all have one.

- Yeah! Check it out!

- Got mine right here - I've got three!


- (Sad sigh)

(All chanting) Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth!

- Maybe they're right.

I couldn't even finish my mission.

All my life I... I've wanted to be a ninja.

If I'm not a ninja, then what am I?

Who am I?

(Echo) Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?

(Wind gusts)

(Sad music)


(Wind gusts)

(Footsteps thud lightly)

(Rain patters heavily)

(Train chugs, brakes squeal)

(Footsteps crunch)


(Footsteps crunch)

(Bear roars) (Harold screams)

(Screams echo)

(Birds chirp)

- (Hopeful gasp) "Dishwasher needed".

Well, if, if I'm not a ninja

maybe I'm a dishwasher.

- Who ordered the cheeseburger?

- Hi. I'd like to apply for the dishwasher job and--



Monks: Yay!

- Whoa. Kid, you're no dishwasher.

You're some kind of ninja.

(Echo) Ninja. Ninja. Ninja.

- You're right.

I am a ninja.

All: Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth! Ninja Beth!


- Mmmm.

- She's a food ninja too.

- Here, Beth. Catch this!

- Hi-ya!

All: (Gasp)

- Boy, Harold,

you were in the bathroom for a long time.

- Beth, I challenge you to an ultimate skills battle.

All: (Gasp)

- The winner gets to be class ninja,

and the loser... doesn't.

- It's okay Harold, you can be the--

- Why can't there just be two ninjas?

- (Sputters) Because... ninja rules say so...

and, and, and everyone knows that real ninjas

don't wear silly bee costumes!

All: (Gasp)

- (Whimpers)

- Oh snap!

- (Threatening) What did you just say?

He shouldn't have said that.

I was just going to let him be the class ninja.

But now? Uh-uh.

Challenge accepted.

(Both gasp)

- Whoa... - Woohoo!

Yes, this is gonna get so ugly!

- Welcome to the first...

- And probably last...

- Class ninja battle challenge royale!

Let's meet the competitors.

First up is Beth.

pounds, nicknamed "ninja Beth."

She's about to try karate chopping

through ice pop sticks.

- Yeahhh!

Noah: That's three ice pop sticks!

Wow! Can her challenger chop through four?

- We'll have to wait and see.

Beth's challenger is Harold.

Noah: pounds, and once lost a fight to a chicken.

Bridgette: We are just waiting on his ice pop sticks.

Oh, here they come now...

- (Slurps)

(Ice cracks)

Owwww! Brain freeze!


(Bones crack)


- Ooh. I guess ninja Beth took that one.

Now we go to the mouse trap mine field.

Noah: You need to cross the minefield of traps.

- (Scoffs) Piece of cake!

- While dodging dodge balls.

- Huh?

- (Cackles)

- Ow! Owww! Ow! Ow! Ow! (Traps snap)

Ow! Owww! Ow! Ow! Ow! (Traps snap)

- Wow. He's not missing a single trap, is he?

- No he is not.

- Thanks for clearing a path, Harold.

- You're not welcome. Ow!

Noah: It's another victory for Beth.

- I feel kinda bad for Harold. Maybe I should just--

- Beth, I will defeat you,

because I am better than you...

in every! Single! Way!

(Landing thud) (Traps snap) Ow!

- Not feeling so bad about him now.

- Time for the final event

in the class ninja battle challenge royale.

- And the title's still up for grabs

because no one has been keeping count,

and we haven't learned math.

- Yup. Whoever wins this event will be named class ninja.

- It starts with a race down the slide full of fire ants.

- Why do they call them fire ants?

(Fire whooshes) - Gahhh!

- Bridgette: Then, across the monkey bars with real monkeys.

Noah: And they look pretty surly.

- No problem!

- I thought this was going to be hard. Heh.

Noah: Gotta make it across the snapping crab sandbox

before crossing the tofu greased teeter totter.

But it doesn't end there.

Next we test the would-be ninja's swimming skills

with a splash pad dash through piranha territory!

(Chomp, splash)

- Hey!

Bridgette: Then finally take a leap of faith

over the pit of sharp objects,

and break through the winner's ribbon.

Harold, you're up first.

- (Fire whooshes)

Noah: On your mark.

- A real ninja can do anything

he puts his mind to.

Noah: Get set.

- Time to show them I'm the greatest ninja that ever lived!

Noah: Go!

- I can't! I can't do it!

It's just too scary! I'm scared!

I'm not looking, I can't no... No... you can't make me!

- Harold's given up!

Beth, remains class ninja!

- You won fair and square.


- Um, about that...

I don't really wanna be a ninja.

- What?!

- I only took the challenge

because you said my bee outfit was silly.

- I-I didn't mean that.

I-I think bees are cool.

- You do?

- Oh yeah. Did you know that a honey bee can fly...

(In unison) miles per hour.

- Harold, if I become class ninja

who will be the class bee?

The ninja job is yours.

Always has been, always will be.

High five!

- Whoaaaaa!

Ah! Fire! They're breathing fire!

- Dibs on his cubby.

Harold: Ow-ow-ow.

Ow. Eeee!




Man eating fish! Ow-ow-ow.


- Way to go, ninja Harold!

All: (Cheer)

- Hey guys, look what I made.

I call it a piranha launcha!

(Booms) Ha!

Kids: (Scream)

(Monkeys screech)

- (Maniacal laugh)

(All screaming)

- Ah-ha-ha-ha! Noah: Piranha!

- Nooooooooo...

- Bad fish! Bad!

- (Maniacal laugh) Whoa!

(Landing chomp, monkey cries) - (Angry grunt)

- Whoa, Bridgette. You were like...

- Oh no.

- ...a ninja.

Harold: Noooooo!!!!
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