01x21 - Paint That a Shame

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x21 - Paint That a Shame

Post by bunniefuu »




(Through horn) - Your attention please.

Yours truly won tickets to... Wild Ride Kingdom!

- (All gasp)

Announcer: Wild Ride Kingdom!

Good times and terror await you.

Home of the Stomach Pumper!

A ride so terrifying

even the scientist who designed it couldn't stop screaming.

- (Shrill scream)

- We're going to Wild Ride Kingdom?!

- No, we aren't but I am,

and since I won two tickets

I can bring one person with me.

- Pick me! - Take me!

- Oh! Oh! Oh! - QUIET!

I will now decide who gets the other ticket.


- Well, while you're thinking about it,

here, take my juice box.

- Ooh. Thank you, Noah.

- Why not relax while making this big decision?

- Courtney, what a good friend you are.

- I think this is more your style, Leshawna.

- Ooo, I feel like a Queen.

And I like feeling like a Queen.

(Royal trumpeting)

(Leaf rustles, soft harp music)

(Falling thud)

- Ugh. I am not entertained. Away.

My knights! Battle for me.

(Metal clinks) (Effort grunts)

(Fighting grunts)

- Hahaha! - Ahhhhh!

- Look at those guys making a fools of themselves,

no way you're gonna catch me doing that.

- I'm bored.

Where is my court jester?

(Sing-song) Courrrrt Jessssterrrr?

- I know what I said.

But come on, man! It's WILD RIDE KINGDOM!

- Jester.... dance.

Dance for your Queen!

- Aww man.

- (Evil) Dance for the ticket.

- (Sighs) Okaaaay...

(Bells jingle)

- Faster Dancy-Pants! Faster!

- (Chuckles) - (Angry groan)


(Fast jingling)


- (Laughing)

- Okay. That was humiliating,

but WILD RIDE KINGDOM here I come!

- I have decided...

- (Hopeful gasp) - Ouuu ouu!

- Me. Say it. Say Duncan...

- That we're going to play a game

to decide who gets the ticket.

- WHAAAT?! But I danced for you.

- You sure did, Dancy-Pants.

But I'm still holding the ticket

so I'm still holding the power,

and now we're playing a game for it.

- (Frustrated groan)

- We could play duck, duck, goose!

(Duck honks) - Ahhh!

- Or musical face punch!

- How about kissing tag!

- We're having a all-out Paint Balloon battle challenge!

- Uh-oh! - Oh yeah!

- Here are the rules.

I hit you, you're out.

You hit me, you're out. For example.

(Splat) Ow! - You're out.

- That didn't count though, right?

- No, I'm gonna count it.

Out people sit at the craft table. Go on.

- Question: why are you playing

if you already have a ticket for the--(Splat)

- Uh-oh, looks like you're out too. Go sit.

Throwing paint balloons at people isn't nice

but wooooweeee is it fun!


- Losers bench! Woohoo! High five!

Up top! Gimmie some skin!

Make me happy with a little slappy!

- Last one standing comes to Wild Ride Kingdom with me.

- Um, Chef will never let us throw

paint balloons at each other.

- I got this. Chef?

- Hey. What can I do for you, kids?

- Owen says big red weird birds

bring all the new babies into the world.

Is that right?

- Whaahahah!

Well, Beth, (Nervous chuckle)

That is a great question.

- (Giggles)

- Okay. Baaaay-bieeees, um,

(Out the side of his mouth) RING RING.

Oh! Phone call. Gotta go!

(Glass shatters) (Tires screech)

- Voila! Too easy.

Chef is gone for the day.

- Nice! Everyone grab a bag of paint balloons!

Remember: the winner gets my extra ticket

to Wild Ride Kingdom.

Battle starts in minutes!

- Hmm...


(Sparks fizzle) (Tape rasps)


- Up top!

Both: Ahhh!

- (Cackles)


- Drop it. - (Gasps)


My mom says I'm not allowed to eat food

off the ground anymore.

- Hmm.

We'd make a good team.

- You think so?

- Uh-huh. Because you are the perfect human shield.

Head towards the castle, teammate.

- You got it!

- Nothing can penetrate my paintball super suit.

(Metal clanks) Ah-hahahahaha.

(Splat, electricity fizzles)

- Oh drat! (Landing thud)


- GAHHH! - Hello, Duncan!

- Wait-wait-wait-wait! Are you sure you wanna do this?

- Hm? I'm pretty sure. Yeah.

- You know who'll win if you take me out, don't you?


Are you picturing it?

And Courtney saying, "this ride is too dangerous."

"Are these corn dogs gluten free?"

"Is this bench safe?"

- She'd bring an itinerary.

- Yes. She. Would.

So, still wanna take me out of the game?

Beth: There you are!

Say hello to my yellow friend!

- (Gasps) - LOOK OUT!

- You're going down, Dancy-Pants!

(Balloons splat) - Stop calling me that!

(Balloons splat)

- (Gasp) My glasses! I'm blind!

(Splat) Duncan: You're also out.

- So what's the plan, Dancy-Pants?

- Can you please stop calling me that?

- Nope. - (Exhales) Fine.

Okay. We need to separate 'em, and I got just the thing.

(Bag pops open)

(Bag thuds)

- (Sniffs)

(Gasp) Chili cheese chips!

My favourite!

- Owen. Stop.

Your mom said you can't eat food off the ground.

- It don't care, she's not here!

- Now!

(Balloons whoosh)

(Balloons splat) - Owen, no!

Stop! It's a trap!

- Mmm.

(Crunching sounds)

(Farts) - (Fainting moan)

- Ooh. Sorry Courtney.

There's only three things that give me gas:

chili, cheese and chips.

These are chili cheese chips.

(Stomach growls)

It's the Bermuda triangle of farts.

- Okay, let's take Miss Courtney

boring pants out of the game.

- I got one last trick up my sleeve.

This is Owen's teddy.

He calls it Beary, cause it's a bear.


- He sneaks it into school every day,

and hides it in his cubby

so that Chef doesn't confiscate it.

Owen will never risk Beary being taken away. So...

Oh my goodness, is that a toy from home?

- (Gasp) Beary!

I told you to stay hidden!

(Owen farts) (Courtney coughing) Owen!

- Noooooo! (Balloons splat, farts)


Oh-oh! (Splat) Ahhh!

- BOOM! Courtney's out!

- Looks like it's down to Dancy-Pants

vs. Owen for the ticket.

I'm going to let this one play out.

May the best man win.


- Yep! I've got this one in the bag.

Owen is going down,

and then Wild Ride Kingdom here I come!

- Sometimes Duncan scares me.

- (Gasp) Beary! Hide!

Okay. Hit me, Dancy-Pants.


Will everyone stop calling me that?!

- Aw, it's probably for the best that I didn't win.

I'd just stuff my face with snacks,

and then puke all over Leshawna on the rollercoaster.

- Hmmm.

A ticket to Wild Ride Kingdom,

or getting Leshawna back

for turning me into "Dancy-Pants".

I'm not sure what the bigger score is here.



- Oops. Looks like I'm out!

Meh, Wild Ride Kingdom isn't going anywhere.

Owen wins!

- I won! Ha! I won, I won!

- Congrats Owen. Meet ya at the Stomach Pumper.

(Owen giggles happily)

- Woo-hoo-hoo!

Right after I hit the food court!

- Remember to take lots of pictures!

Owen: Wild Ride Kingdom was great!

There was that hot dog cart!


Ooh! The Pizza!

So good!

I've never even heard of funnel cake before!

I think this is where Leshawna said,

it was time to ride the Stomach Pumper.

And boy, is that ride named right!

And I kinda barfed on Leshawna.

All: Ew. - (Chuckles) Awesome!

- (Grossed out) Worst ride ever.

- Well, at least I had my backup clothes with me.


All: (Laughing)

- Stop it. Stop laughing!

- No can do Queen-Pukie-Pants.

All: (Laughing)

- Do not call me Queen Pukie Pants.

- Kids! I have the best surprise.

Today we're going to Wild Ride Kingdom!

All: (Cheering)

- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (High pitched)

(Glass shatters) OOOOOOOOOOOOO...
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