01x26 - Toys Will Be Toys

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x26 - Toys Will Be Toys

Post by bunniefuu »




- Guys! I've decided

I'm going to be a WeTube star.

I have all the right tools,

great bubbly personality, witty repartay,

pretty hair, I was born to do this.

- Aw. that sounds like fun, Courtney.

Lots of kids enjoy learning online.

- I know, right?

Bridgette, how would you like to be my camera woman?

- Cool. So what are you going to talk about, Courtney?

- Uhhhh... (Nervous giggle)

Uh... um...

Uh... um...

Uhhh... ummmmmm...

I can't believe I didn't figure that out yet.

Oh well. How hard can it be?

This is "Cooking with Courtney".

For the first step we're going to put all the ingredients

into the mixer and turn it on.

(Whirring) Ahhh!

(Hard thuds)

(Relieved exhale)

This is "Riding with Courtney".

The key to riding bikes

is to make sure you keep your hands on the breaks

at all times. Ahhh!

- Ouu! (Landing thud)

- This is, "Learning with Courtney"!

An aquatic bottlenose-dolphin

is famous for it's intelligence and friendly disposition.

(Water whooshes)

(Spits) Cut.

- (Laughs)

- How about we just do toy reviews?

- (Laughs) - Good call.

(Both scream) (Fish thud)

- This is Tammy-Tinkles,

a baby you feed,

squeeze, and change.

Woo! There's nothing more exciting

than the rush of feeling like a mother

taking care of a child.

Cut. Post it.

- Hey Courtney, what's the video for?

- I'm going to upload it to WeTube.

And become an internet sensation.

- Wow! - Can we help?

- Of course you can.

- Woo-hoo! - Yeah!

- By staying out of my way.

- Ouch. - Harsh.

- Sorry, guys,

it's just that it takes a really specific combination

of smarts, and on-screen charisma

to carry something like this off.

And you just don't have it.

- Hey! We got charisma!

Dude, what's charisma?

- I Love Christtt-maass! (Chuckles)

That's when Santa comes down the chimney!

- Check how many likes I got.

- !

- Yes! - I love high-fives!

- Is a lot?

- It's more than you got.

- Well, maybe we'll make our own video.

- Yeah. I bet we'll get twice as many views!


Put your money where your mouth is!

- Okay, I bet you today's snack

that we'll get more than you do.

- Wait... what??

- You realize it's chocolate pudding day, right?

- (Gasps) (Gulps)

You sure about this?

- Unless you don't think you got what it takes.

- I'm sure. C'mon dudes, let's make a vid.

- Quiet on set!

Annnnnnnnd, ACTION!

- (Grunts)


- It's not a very exciting video.

- We're gonna need more balloons.


That should do it.

- Now we're talking!


- (Grunting)

(Harold whooshes) Heeeeelpppp!

(Plane engine hums)

- How did we not see that coming?

- Who cares, dude?

- Kids, did you two just upload a video of Harold

flying off into the sky to an uncertain fate?!

Both: Ummm...

- 'Cause it got million LIKES.

- Woo-hooo! - Yes!

- Wait! WHAT? million likes!?

Bridgette check mine again.

- likes!

Oh wait. It went back down to .

Sorry. I accidentally hit the LIKE button.

- (Groans)

- Anyway, keep up the good work, boys.

- Disappointment high-five?

- There will be no high-fives

until we make a video that gets more likes than them!


- Shouldn't we call someone about Harold?

- Hello! (Echoes)

Hello! (Echoes)

- These kids are really, really talented.

Just so funny, and creative, and...

and then there's Courtney.

- Annnnnndd....ACTION.

- Hello WeTube viewers!

Today I'm going to play test Prince Pumpkin Face.

Of course you can change out his eyes or lips

or any other features,

but I like to make a choice and stick with it.

CUT! - Posted.

- (Gasp) Seven likes?!

- Yay!


- No Bridgette! Seven is bad.

- Oh wow, did you make a Prince Pumpkin Face video?

- Bet that gotta a ton of likes.

- It did just fine, thank you.

Have you guys done another video?

- Yeah. Check it out.

Owen: Action.

Jude: Chirp. Chirp. Oh no. A vampire bat.

And he's hungry!

Oh look, a helpless victim

I like to call it, BREAKFAST!

- Ahhh! Stay away from my unprotected neck.

(Laughs, squirting)

- Wow!

- That's it? That's what you uploaded?!

Okay. I feel a little better about my video now

because that was horrible.

And how many likes did that get?

- Dude, we totally forget to check.

- Did you just upload a video saying

a vampire outbreak had begun creating a global panic

and causing people to race to grocery stores

to buy all the garlic in hopes of staying alive?!

- Yes they did.

And I don't wanna be mean but--

- It got million likes!

- Well then...


- Keep up the good work, boys!

Someday you're gonna be famous!

- High-five!

- All right. High-five, guys!

- Nope. C'mon.

- But I love hig-fiving.

- We will high-five after I take them down!

Which I will!

Bridgette: Action.

- Whoa!

This is so bouncy.

And that is how you bounce safely

in a bouncy castle.

Don't forget to subscribe

for more awesome toy-playing tips!

- Got it! And, SENT.

- There's no way this video doesn't beat the boys videos.

It's insane!

- (Gasp) A bouncy castle video.

Good thinking, Courtney!

- Did you do a flip?

- Ooh. That's against the rules.

I read it in the manual.

- You read the manual for a bouncy castle?

- Yep, it clearly states no flips, no shoes,

and no bears.

- That's weirdly specific.

- Owen, Jude! Any more uploaded videos?

I sure got a hoot out of the last one.

Almost as good about the one with monkey

sniffing his own butt!

You kids sure are creative!

- We made another video!

How many likes did I get?

- Oh. Umm... .

- (Happy gasp) MILLION?!

YES! - No. Just .

- But-But-I bounced.

Several times!

- isn't bad.

It's just about millions less

than what Jude and Owen got.

So, yeah, in comparison it's horrible,

but if you never judge yourself

against people doing way better than you,

you'll never have to know you're bad at things.

Try that!

- I thought it was a good video.

- Using a toy safely, as instructed by the manual,

isn't boring. Is it?

- This is awesome!

(Ball bounces) - Ahhhh!

(Ball bounces) - Look out!

- Oh man, this is gonna be good,

- Yeah! Sent!

- Human-basketball-boy-slam-dunk

just got million likes!

- Oh, come on! That's not even a thing?

And people watch that?

What is the world coming too?

- Dude, why do you wanna make a video

with the Tammy-Tinkles doll?

- You'll see. Hit record.

Okay. The trick is,

instead of feeding it water, you feed it club soda

and then start shaking it!

And keep shaking until...

(Owen laughs) (Soda whooshes)

- That was AWESOME!

- And I renamed her Vicky Vomits.

- (Laughing)

That's wicked, bro. SENT.

- That was disgusting,

and there's no way people are going to--

- Vomit baby just got million LIKES!


- Okay. I'm recording.

- Clearly people only like videos

when toys are being used in dangerous

and inappropriate ways.

So here we go...

- You're gonna do a flip?

- No. - You're gonna chew gum?

- Nope. Nope.

But I'm wearing my shoes.

Inside the bouncy castle.

- Yeah... I'm not sure that's--

- I'm in shoes and I'm bouncing!

Is this the anarchy you want, viewers?!

(POP!, air hisses) - (Gasps)

- Oh no. What have done?! - Jump!


Both: Ahhhhhh!


- Hey! What are you two doing here?!

- It's a long story.

- Annnnndddddd Sent.

- Rocket-a-bouncy-castle-into space-and-

find-a-friend-you-thought wasgone-forever

just got million LIKES!

- BAM! We got more than you two,

which means we get your pudding cups!


Congrats, Bridgette!

We are officially internet sensations!


- Hold that five.

You WERE an internet sensation.

The WeTube website said what you did

was WAY too dangerous and you've been banned

from posting any more videos.

(Steam hisses, whimpers)

- Oh oh. - (Angry groan)

- Former internet sensation high-five?

- (Rumbling) ARRRGHHHHHHH!!!
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