01x44 - Stop! Hamster Time

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x44 - Stop! Hamster Time

Post by bunniefuu »



Bridgette: So... I'm sad to say

that I can no longer take care of our hamster, Lenny.

(Cute chirp)

Look, I just can't take care of him anymore!

So stop grilling me!

Good luck!

- Alright kids, you know what that means.

The position of caretaker of our class hamster

is now open. Any volunteers?

- Oh! Oh! Pick me! Pick me!

I've always wanted a pet!

Oh, we'd have so much fun together!



- Wait! Before you go through with this

there's something you should know!

- What's that, Bridgette?

(Angry growl)

- Uh... nothing.

- Thanks, Bridgette. That was nice and brief.

Congratulations, Owen!

This is your life now.

- (Gasp) Wow, thanks, Chef.

This is the happiest day of my life.

- Really? Alright.

When it comes to taking care of a hamster

you just have to remember the number one rule.

Never feed it human food.

- I promise I won't, Chef.

- Good. Bridgette!

Do you have any advice for Owen?

- Actually, Chef. I do.

And it's really important...

- (Growls) - (Gasps)


- Always concise. (Chuckles)

That's what I like about her.

- Snack time!

Oh I'm sure looking forward to having a snack

with my new bestie.

(Happy exhale)

- What was I thinking?

Here's yours.

Bon appetite!

(Rattles cage) - (Whimpers)

- Oh, I get it.

No, Lenny. This is people food.

It's the number one rule, remember?

Maybe it's best if I don't eat in front of you.

I'll see ya after snack time!

- (Snarling)


(Loud thud)

- Whoa, that was close!

Lenny? How did you get on the ceiling?

Did you see who nibbled that string?

That almost hit me...

Ahh! (Loud thud)

That almost hit me too!

(Loud thud) So did that!

Since when do we have couches up there?!

(Loud thud) Or anvils?


(Loud thuds) Ahh! Ahhh!


(Playing piano)

- Owen! Why is deadly stuff falling from the ceiling?

- It was Lenny!

(Cute chirping)

- Aw, Lenny is so sweet.

Owen, are you sure you're ready to take care

of the class hamster?

- I... but... it was...

- Pssst! Chef!

This wasn't Owen's fault!

- Oh? Then who's fault was it?

- It was...

- (Growls)

- No one's.

- Chef, I'm ready to take care of Lenny! I promise!

- Alright, then.

I suppose you deserve another chance.

- I really, really wanna take care of the class hamster.

But I'm starting to think Lenny doesn't like me.

Lenny, you haven't even touched your kibble.

(Weights clang, thud)

- I don't know what's gotten into you, Lenny,

but maybe you just need some alone time.

See ya later, pal.


- (Chuckles) That cat sure loves Italian food.

(Dialing beeps)

- Pizzas for Lenny!


- Ah, here you go sir.

- What's going on, here?

(Gasp) Lenny!

Oh, did you order pizza with Chef's phone?

Ah, he hates it when we do that!

But then again, it is already paid for. Thanks!

- (Whimpers)

(Dialing beeps) - Lenny! No!

(Mouthful) Seeeriously.

We'll get in so much trouble!


Lenny, I'm not mad.

I'm just disappointed.

- Owen, is this my phone?

And pizza?! How many times do I have to tell you?

- It wasn't me, Chef! It was Lenny!

- Owen, Lenny is in his cage.

- (Snoring)

Lenny is just a hamster who doesn't eat people food!


I'm not mad, Owen, I'm just disappointed.

- I'm watching you, Lenny.

(Happy chirp)

- No! No people food!

That's the number one rule.

I didn't want to hurt Lenny's feelings.

But rules are rules!

Chef: Owen! No food on the couch!

- (Mouthful) What food?

- (Furious growling)


- (Snarling) - Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!

- Agh! - Huh?! Wha?!

What just happened?!

- Lenny's on a food rampage! Ruuuunnn!

- Ahhhh! - (Angry growling)

- See? I told you guys a human ladder wouldn't be dangerous.


- The real dinosaurs were wiped out by a space rock

about yay big. But as you can see, mine are safe.

- They sure are!

- I'm ready! Someone throw me another ball!

Aw! UGH!

- That was not me.

But I wish it was.


- Up there!

(Relieved exhales)

We should be safe up here.

- (Hard thud)

(Angry growling)

- (Gasp) Bridgette, What is going on?!

- Sorry, Owen.

I've been trying to talk to you all day.

Lenny, the class hamster...

is evil!

- (Gasps)

- (Snarling)

- You know, I was starting to think that might be the case.

- And I hate to say this, but...

it's my fault.

He was a sweet ball of cuddles at first.

But then... I made a mistake.

A big mistake.

I gave Lenny people food.

- (Gasp) But that's the number one rule!

- (Gasp) I know...

he was just so cute!

- Then what happened?

- He turned evil.

He made me feed him more and more people food.

Soon, I was up until : AM

making him fresh cannelloni!

- (Evil laugh) (Whip cracks)

- That's why I quit.

- There, there, that's okay.

We just have to stay up here for the rest of our lives.

(Loud thud)

(Engine revs) (Angry snarling)

- (Gasp) He's stealing the fridge!

- But all our lunches are in there!

We won't let you steal our food, Lenny!

(Tires screech)

- (Grunts) Bad, Lenny!

Bad hamster!

- (Chuckles) Second time's the charm, right guys?

Aaahhhh!!! Hi Owen.

- (Gasps) Cody!

Close the door!

- Okay.

- Oooh! Uuugh...

(Rope snaps, glass shatters)

(Flames whoosh)

(Angry roar)

- Ughh... thank you.

- You're welcome.

- Oh! Our lunches are saved!

But where's Lenny?!

- What's that noise?

(Airplane engine roars)

(Rapid fire) - Ahhh!


Lenny, I sure hope that's your kibble!

(Spits) Oooh. No wonder he's so angry.

(Airplane engine roars)

- When did Lenny learn how to fly an airplane?

- He'll never get me up here!

(Rapid fire) Ahhh!

- (Laughs)

- You may take away our freedom,

but you'll never take our lunches!

(Rapid fire) Aahhh!!!

(Landing thud) - Ow!

- You okay, Owen? - I think so.

You fluffy rat!

You want people food? Choke on this!


(Engine sputters)

- (Snarls)

- Lenny. One way or another

you're going back to into that cage.

- (Growls)

(Punching thuds) - Oof! Ow!

- Lenny, please... we don't want to hurt you--


- Don't make this harder than it has to be, mister.

(Thud) Don't worry, he'll tire himself out soon.

(Wham) Ooh!

Boy, he's got more energy than I thought.


Chef: What is going on here?!

- Chef? I can explain.

- That's okay, Bridgette. I think I understand...

Owen is teaching the class hamster how to box.

Owen, you know you're not supposed to do that!

It's the number two rule!

- But-but...

- But-but nuthin'.

(Evil laugh)

Now I have to find a new class hamster caretaker

all over again!

I wonder... who could be up for the challenge?

- Chef, I think I can handle it.

Does anyone else think that this hamster is a bad hombre?

(Whip cracks) - Ahhhhhh!

(Evil laugh) (Whip cracks) Ow!
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