01x51 - Stink. Stank. Stunk

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Total DramaRama". Aired: September 1, 2018 –
April 15, 2023
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Series re-introduces some of the original "Total Drama" characters in an alternate universe where they are aged down from teenagers to toddlers, being taken care of by Chef Hatchet.
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01x51 - Stink. Stank. Stunk

Post by bunniefuu »



Duncan: (Excited giggling)

- Why are you giggling and rubbing your hands together

like an evil character in a cartoon?

- Well, it just so happens...

I finished my escape tunnel yesterday.

I'm finally getting out.

- No. Way. - Yeah. Way.

Check it ouuu-ahhhhhhhh!

Where'd it go?!

- Is it dry? Let me test it!

Good-good-good-good-good-good. Okay.

Should I check the doors again?

Yes I should! Okay I will!

- He's acting weirder than usual.

- Kids! Get away from the door!

No one opens any doors today!

None! No doors. No windows.

Got it?!


He's out there somewhere.

I just know he is.

- Who is Chef looking for?

- He probably owes money to the mob.

What'd I tell you about betting on the ponies? Huh?

- This isn't about ponies!

It's about a skunk.

- A skunk?

- Yes. You see, many years ago, on this very day...

I was playing in the woods

and accidentally stepped on a skunk's tail.

- (Yelps, growls)

- Then it sprayed me.

And sprayed me.

Annnnnnd sprayed me.

That skunk sprayed me 'til he completely ran out

of stink clouds.

- That's a horrible story.

- Yeah. Nobody got whacked!

Hardly seems like a story at all!

- Oh, it gets worse.

Every year, on this very day,

that skunk hunts me down and sprays me again!

No matter what precautions I took.

No matter were I went or how well I hid,

that skunk would find me.

(Gasp!) Aahhh!!!

(Shudders) But he won't get me this year!

- How does the skunk even know what day it is?

(Marker squeaks)


- (Phone rings) Hello, building with kids in it.

- (Growling) - Hello?

- (Growling) - Anyone there?

Who is this?

Is that you, skunk?! Say something!

(Doorbell rings) - Oooh.

I wonder who that could be.

- Package for Chef. - For me?!

Ohhh-ho boy!

Whoa! Nuh-uh.

I do not accept this package.

Nice try, skunk!

- Okay. Sign here to decline.

- Ha. You have to get up pretty early in the morning

to fool ol' Chef.

- (Growling) - Perimeter breach!

Skuuunk! Aahh! Run!

(All scream)

- So one time, a skunk sprayed inside my nana's house;

she had to move out for two weeks until the stink was gone.

- I don't like personal stories.

- My point is, if we get that skunk to spray inside,

we can get a two week vacation from this place.

- I'm smiling cause I love this idea.

- You're not smiling, like, at all.

- Yeah. I am.

- These outfits'll keep us safe.

No point in getting a two week vacay

if I gotta spend it in a tub filled with tomato juice.

Here's yours.

- Hard pass. You look like a dweeb.

This noise trap will scare the stink outta that skunk!



- Was that a truck? - Gross!

- Shhhh! - Sorry.

I get gassy when I'm nervous.

Or happy.

Or defensive.

Or sometimes-- - Please stop talking!

(Boinging sound)

(Gasp) Skunk!

- (Sniffs) - (Whimpers)

- I'm Chef! I hope that skunk doesn't find me

behind the frog couch.

- Phew! Coast is clear.

We need to make a plan. Quick, to my office.

(Struggling sounds)

Once I figure out how to get outta here.

- Well? What are you waiting for?

- Oh, right!

(Loud crash) - Hm.

- Seriously? How did all the crashing

not scare the spray out of him?

- Chef did say that the skunk has a grudge against him.

So maybe...

- He's saving it all up for Chef.

Okay, we need a new plan.

- Okay. Let's review it one more time:

we play a pre-recording of my voice over my cellphone.

That draws the skunk towards my office.

I take my phone up into the vent.

The skunk follows my voice through the vents

and outside onto the roof.

You guys block the vent

and let me back inside so I don't get sprayed.

- Wow. You are so bad at art.

- And that's a permanent marker.

- Does everyone understand the plan?!

- What's the name of this plan?

- I dunno. Save Chef...plan.

- (Fart noise) BGorrr-ring.

- Beth's right, a plan needs a good name

or it never works.

- Who cares what the plan is called?!

- You're outvoted. - (Groans)

- Remember children.

Don't do this and don't do that.

Be good, blah blah blah.

- Well, this is doomed to fail.

(Boinging sound)

- Hide!

- Hmm.

- What about mission inskunkable?

- Meh.

- You've said that one times now and we still hate it.

- Cat bum machine!

Bum cat machine?

Machine bum cat?

No? Hmmmm.

Think, think, think.

- Oh! Operation stink squirrel?

- Oh ya, that's exactly what we need,

to be sued by squirrels for defamation.

- Fart force!

- That's good. - I love it!

- (Groan) Fine.

Let's start operation fart force.

- Oh no, you found me! Don't spray!

(Sniffs) (Growling)

- C'mon, super-pooper, drop the b*mb already.

Time for my backup plan! - Back up plan?

- I trap him in this box,

tell Chef someone bought him a present,

he'll open it and poof!


- I don't think that's a very good idea.

- Gotcha!

Now all we gott-aaaaahhhhhhhh!!

Aahhh! Aahhh! Aahhh!

Aahhh!!! Ow!

Aahhh! Look out!

I think he gave up!

- You should get off the box now.

(Saw buzzes) - (Growling)

- Aahhh!!!

Both: Whoa!

- Okay kids. Wait until I have a good head start

before you play the message, got it?

- You mean, this message?

- N-n-n-n-no!

- Hello skunk. It's Chef,

the kid who stepped on your tail.

Come get me.

- Huh?

- Why did you press that button?

- (Growling) - (Screams of panic)

- No. No no no no no...

- Ahhh. Stay away.

No. Leave me alone!

I'm sorrryyy!

- That is the sound of a two week vacation about to start.

- Ahhhhh--oof.

- (Growling)

- Aw man! He almost had him!

- I hope chef doesn't get skunked!

(Phone rings) - Hello?

- Grab some craft supplies and meet me in the nap room.

I have a new plan.

- Does the plan have a name?

- Just get to the nap room!

Huh. This has pretty good reception for a toy phone.

And just a little more glue...


Go push this into the yard

while playing the message on my phone.

- This sounds dangerous.

- Oh it is!

- Then why aren't you doing it?!

- Cause if the skunk sees two Chefs

he'll know he's being played.

- But-- - You'll be fine.

When he lifts his tail up just leave fake Chef there

and run away.

Do it for ol' Chef!


- (Effort grunts) - Okay, Beth. Hit play.

- Hello skunk. It's Chef.

- (Gasp) He's coming. Hurry!

- Let's get outta here!

- Wait! Ugnh!

My hands are glued to fake Chef!

- (Growling)

- I'm gonna get skunked!

- Uh, Duncan?

The skunk's outside, and it's gonna spray Chef.

- (Growling)

- No! Not outside!

I gotta stop him before it wastes all that vacation juice!

Stop! Don't spray.

This Chef is fake. Get back inside!

- Duncan, what are you doing?

(Gasp) Oh no,

I can't let those poor little kids get skunked!

- (Growling) - Aaahhh!!

- Hey skunk!

- It's me you want. Come get me!

Kids, get outta here.

Well, what are you waiting for?

I hate this part.

- No! Get back in the daycare!

(Poof) - Whoa!

- Oh man! - That stinks!

- I don't wanna sit in a tub of tomato juice!

- Well, next year you'll have to try harder

not to get sprayed.

- Wait. Are you saying--

- Yup. That skunk can hold a grudge.

(Cackles) (Siren wails)
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