01x16 - Episode 16

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Itaewon Class". Aired: January 31 – March 21, 2020.*
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After his release from prison, Park Sae-ro-yi opens DanBam in Itaewon.
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01x16 - Episode 16

Post by bunniefuu »





brought me to my knees.

Why are you being like this?

Your beliefs and ambition.
Where did they all go?

This was enough
to bring you to your knees?

After all, you're surrendering
because I have more power.

Where is Jang Geun-won?

I thought this would be my last chance
to enjoy some entertainment.

How disappointing.

You're truly pathetic.

But because you got down
on those pathetic knees of yours,

I have no choice
but to desert my son once again.

You're kneeling before me, your enemy.

Tell me.

How does it feel?

I feel pathetic.

You do?

- You may leave.
- How do you feel now, sir?

You brought me to my knees.

Are you happy?

Is this gratifying for you?

- Are you--
- Wanting

to get back at you
kept me going until now.

Jang Dae-hee, the chairman of Jangga Co.

My enemy.

You made my life hell.
But at the same time,

you were an inspiring man.

I had to admit that
despite our different values.

I devoted

my whole life

to follow in your footsteps.

I thought

this fight was worth it.

- Hold on.
- But that man

threatened me

to kneel before him
by holding my close ones hostage.

I wasted over a decade of my life
following in the footsteps

of such a disgusting old grouch?

I deeply regret

wasting my life.

But look at the outcome.

You got down on your knees before me.

Sometimes, to get what you want--

Let's go, Seung-kwon.


After over a decade,

I got to know you.


All right.

Forget about Park Saeroyi.

I want you to die, Jo Yi-seo.

Don't waste your energy and stay still.

Pick it up.

Gosh, I'm terrified.


Do you want to fight against us?

You guys are funny.

Attack them as I count to three.

Come on.


Two, three.

Good luck, Jang Geun-soo! Hang in there!

What are you doing? Catch him.

Damn it!

Don't you dare come close to me.

What are you doing?

She told me

to hang on.

You know it will be dangerous.

I will

save Yi-seo.

I know. That's why we're going there.

You should also choose your priority.


Things will go haywire

if you fail to make a decision.

Even if

we both get hurt

or die, my priority is to save Yi-seo.

Is that so?

But I can't force you to do the same.

My gosh, then why did you
ask me to come with you?


may be a rude brat.

But she's family now.

I also care about her.

We should work toward the same goal

for better teamwork.

Thank you.

No problem.

By the way,
I'm going to save Yi-seo even if you die.

Are you okay?

I bet you've never been stabbed before.

It's useless to act brave
like those guys you see in movies.

This is the reality.

You really are tough.

Hold on tight.

That's enough.

What about Yi-seo?

You'll lose her.

You're right.

Start the car.

You got everything you want
including Jangga Co.

Just stay out of this.

Everything I want?

Throughout my entire life, I never got

what I wanted.

But I have to say,

I guess we really are brothers.


We always used

the wrong method.

What is he doing? Aren't you coming?

Keep him here.


Give up already!

You can't run away!

You give up, you f*cking loser!

- Go get her.
- Yes, sir.

My gosh.

She's unbelievable.

My gosh.

Run into it.

The airbags work nicely.

This car is amazing.

My gosh.

Gosh, what is all this?

My gosh.





Are you okay?

I heard you got hurt.

What in the world are you doing here?
Have you lost your mind?


You saved me some time.

You came here to die, right?



You should've stayed at the hospital.

I called the cops before I came here.

Can you please just leave?

You f*cking coward.

Gosh, it hurts.

You assh*le.

Seung-kwon, are you okay?

Ms. Jo, it's nice to hear you
call me by my name.


Yes, I know my priorities.

Hurry up and get out of here.
I'll take care of this.

Let's go.

That darn little...

Choi Seung-kwon.

Finish him.

My gosh, you used to be one of us.

But you're ruthless.

"Don't hesitate."

That's what you always used to say.

I have to say,

- you're better off with us.
- No.

I'm better at serving tables.

- Are you okay?
- Yes.

Why did you come here?

Come here.

This reminds me of that day

when we both ran like crazy in Itaewon.

Why are you suddenly talking about that?

I missed you so much.

You always

worked so hard for me.

And you always got hurt.

What's going on?

Are you sure you're okay?

I can't believe this.

My mind

and heart

are both filled with you.

Is this how you felt?

This is very

heart beating.


I love you.

I love you, Yi-seo.

I love you so much.

Those crazy psychos.

Go. Run.

I can't leave without you.

Are you trying to die alone?

The cops will call you.

Answer the phone
and tell them where we are.

You guys are having fun, aren't you?

Trust me and just go.


What a f*cking joke.

If you die,

I'll die too.

Go on. Hurry.


Damn it.

You want to die, right?

Both Seung-kwon and I
put our lives on the line.

Your life means nothing to me.

Crazy bastard.


You f*cking assh*le!

What now, you bastard?


it all ends.

You f*cking bastard.


Die just like your father!

How can you still call yourself human?

Yi-seo, Geun-soo, Ho-jin,

and my dad.

Do you feel no guilt at all?

Do you feel guilty

when you eat livestock?


Because of you livestock,

I lost everything.


Cut the bullshit.

- You f*cking assh*le!
- Shut up, you jerk!

Die, you piece of shit!

Die! Just die already!

Stop. Wait.

I can't beat you.

I lost.

Saeroyi offered me a way out,

so let me just leave quietly.

What about your guys?

What about them?

Look at me.

I can't even take care of myself.

I'll leave them here for now--


Stop talking.

You're starting to make me regret

having worked for you.

A true boss

is someone who takes responsibility.


Go to hell!

Wait. Over there. Please pull over.

Just die, you zombie.

I'm no longer the man I used to be.

Just remember one thing.

If you die,

I'll die too.

I can't let it happen.

I can feel it.

What crap are you talking about?

I think

I will be happy.

That's not going to happen.

Damn it!

Damn, what was that?

It's okay.

I sometimes wonder

if there's really any point in living.

Life is just so pointless

and obvious.

What are you talking about?

We all grow old and die one day
before we even turn 100.

But we all try so hard
to live a decent life.

It would've been nice
if was never born in the first place.

It feels like such a chore.

If it feels that much like a chore,

just die.


I guess you're not that clever.

You talk as if you're some kind of a god.

Every night after work,
I go for a run in the neighborhood.

And when I wake up tomorrow,
I'll open the restaurant

and spend the day working there again.

Your life might seem repetitive.

But no one really knows
what could happen tomorrow.

Seung-kwon once tried
to start a fight with me,

but now he's a waiter at DanBam.

You made my pub get suspended,
but now you're the manager.

Not a single day was predictable for me.

Some days were tough,
and some days were sad.

But something fun always came along
every once in a while.

It's been happening a lot more often
ever since you came.

Every day is full of excitement.

Who knows?

One day,

your boring life might
turn into an exciting one.

It's cold. Let's go.

Me too.

When I'm with you,

my heart beats

and it's fun.

I did it.

It's all done now.


You are okay...

Let's be

let's be happy.


The prosecution carried out
a thorough search of Jangga Co.

for bribery, embezzlement,
and slush fund creation.

Chairman Jang Dae-hee is forbidden
from leaving the country.

And he will be summoned
for investigation within this week.

Based on the seized data
from the offices of Jangga Co.,

the prosecution will focus
on grasping the size and flow

of the embezzlement and slush fund.

A connection with gangsters.

Incitement to commit m*rder. Kidnapping.

Also, Ms. Oh blew the whistle

and disclosed the embezzlement,
bribery, and other irregularities.

There's going to be a search and seizure.

There's no way out of this.

I think

you'll also have to attend.

I'll take the blame for everything.

Anything else?

Mr. Kim.

The pub owners

wish to cancel the contract
and receive compensation.

The Olympics will be held soon.

We just need to wait until then--

The company is on the brink of bankruptcy.

And the board is considering the option
of selling the company.


What are you talking about?

If we sell now,

we'll gain absolutely nothing.

Have they lost their minds?

There's one firm that offered to take over

at a pretty reasonable price.



You seem familiar.

I'm Lee Ho-jin.

"Lee Ho-jin"?

I'm a financial manager for IC Co.

Before that, I used to be

the financial manager
for Director Kang Min-jung.

And before that,

I was a Senior in class one
at Gwangjin Highschool.

You bullied me.


That nerd?

How could you forget me?

The whole thing between Saeroyi and you
started with me.


Did you...

And I get to wrap things up too.

What are you talking about?

There will be a takeover bid
for Jangga Co.


Those days you don't even remember...

"Jang Geun-won is the law."

You could say that
as Jangga Co. had your back.

I wanted to see you
without your background.

All the corruption of Chairman Jang
has been revealed.

He will soon be arrested.

How dare you...

Stop whining.


It's done.

I forgive you.

Hey, Lee Ho-jin.

You moron.

Lee Ho-jin!

You idiot!

Damn it!


Let go of me. Lee Ho-jin!



Where are you going?


I have something to take care of.

I'm going back to the head office.

I see. That's a bummer.


I won't

get to see you often then.

It depends on you.

You can visit me when you come to Seoul.

How could I do that?

You can't?

Then you won't get to see me.

You are so lame.

I'll see you later, Hye-won. Bye.



Director Kang.

You're not my employee.
Why do you call me like that?

You can call me by my name.


Ms. Min-jung.

My goodness.

What was that? It's funny, isn't it?

Can I

give you a ride?

She'll be a lot more
comfortable in that car.

Stay quiet.

The truck is too small for three people.


I will just squeeze in.

You go on ahead.
I'll be there in that truck.

Yes, ma'am.

Let's go.

Please get in.


A whistle blower.

No one would want to hire you.

Why did you do that?

What about you?

Why do you try so hard

for Jangga Co. and Chairman Jang?

Do you not know why?


a salaryman.

I've learned a lot from you.

There's no way

that little brat can run Jangga Co.

Please help me this once.

Mr. Hwang.

What about the Mayor?

I can't reach him.

These old bats.

Only six months ago,
they were intimidated by me.

Damn it.

There is

nothing we can do now.

- Are you saying--
- Chairman Jang.

I mean,


You know your favorite saying.

"The strong prey on the weak."

It's just like that.

We got weak,

so they are preying.

Get out.

That's ridiculous.

I'm Jang Dae-hee.

This is Jangga Co.


It can never happen.

Does this make sense to you?

An ex-convict
who barely finished middle school?

I tried to put up with all that.

Mom, please.

And now what? Kidnap? She got kidnapped?

I'm really sorry.

I can't take this anymore.

I knew it all along when he stopped you
from going to college.

How would I trust you with my daughter
when you're like this?

I'm really sorry. I'll make sure
it will never happen again.

You have to.

I will watch you closely.

Make sure to take good care of her.

Sure. I will take...

Yes, ma'am.

Mom. We have to go. You should go.


All right then. I hope you'll get better.

See you.

Thank you, Mother. Take care.



It's nice to hear.

Go, Mom.


Wait, my legs.

I clearly heard you say
you'd take care of me.


You know I'm not just a talker.


Do you like me?

No, I love you.

Let's go.

What? I didn't hear you. Say that again.

Say what?

What you just said.

I love you. Let's go.

I love you too.

Didn't I tell you I'm upset with you?

I know.

I did get on your nerves

because of Park Saeroyi.

Like you asked, I promise

I won't mess with him again.

Let me get this straight.

It's not that you won't mess with him.

You just can't do it anymore.

We've known each other

for over 40 years.

Why did you call me?

I don't know if you're aware of it,

but I don't

have long to live.

I could build Jangga Co.
into a major company thanks to you.

I can't ruin it just like this.

If you give me one more chance--

Is it because of me?

You told me this before.

You started your business
to feed your family.

Do you still feel the same way?


I really do.

Then let me ask you one thing.

If Park Saeroyi leads Jangga Co.,

will your family starve to death?

Why do you

run your business now?

I've never made you suffer a loss.

If you help me this once--

For you,

we've been together for mutual advantages.

It just goes away

once you lose your value.

Please don't be like this.

What should I do now?

It can't be helped.

You shouldn't be

clinging onto me.

- Ms. Kim.
- There's someone else

who can take care of things.


Welcome to Danbam.

Who is he? Why did Mr. Park come
all the way here to serve him food?

I know. Ms. Jo is here too.

He looks familiar though.

Soft tofu stew?

Please try it.

I'm pursuing the takeover of Jangga Co.

I'm planning to let
Director Kang run the company.

Since the company reputation is tarnished,

and I have hard feelings
toward the company name,

I'm going to change it.

This stew.

Where did you learn it from?

From my father.

Mr. Park?

I thought it tasted similar.

But this one has a unique aftertaste.

We have our own recipe for the sauce.

I give

a lot of care to fermented soybean powder.

A lot of care?

On a cold day,

the warmth spreads throughout the body.

Isn't it good?

I agree.

I got treated with a nice meal like this.

But I'm sorry

I didn't bring any money.

This is embarrassing.

Can I pay in another way?

What are you doing?

Jangga Co. is collapsing already.

There would be no advantage

in taking over the company.

This is all my fault.

This isn't just about resentment.

Jangga Co. is a good company.

I don't have many days to live.

I'm not doing this for my own good.

I apologize

with all my heart.

I've done terrible things

to Mr. Park and you.

I'm deeply sorry.

Please forgive me.

I've always wanted this to happen,

but it doesn't feel great.

I feel bad for Geun-soo.

Please get up.


Do you think

I'm a pushover?



a businessman.

This is about a business takeover.

You just apologized
after losing everything.

What good would it do me?

Let's do business,

Chairman Jang.

The IC Co. will take over

Jangga Co.

Then, Mr. Park Saeroyi,
please say something for us.


Hello, I'm Park Saeroyi,
IC Co. representative.

Jangga Co. is a restaurant company
representing Korea.

There is also a menu
that represents this Jangga Co.

Gochujang seasoned pork bulgogi
and its seasoning.

The crisis in the country,
the days when everyone was in trouble,

It comforted the people
with its low price and delicious taste.

The recent events
have cracked the corporate image,

but it's just an individual's fault.

Jangga Co. is still a good restaurant.

At that time,
it was not only money and gain

that Jangga Co. sought.

The most important things in business.



I will value people and not money.

I will value trust then gains.

With all of you,

we will renew

and prosper again.

Thank you.

Congratulations on your wish fulfillment.

Thank you.




I heard you resigned.

A defeated soldier must retreat.

It might have been uncomfortable today
but you voted for me.

Why did you do that?

Is my vote meaningful?

I just...

I wanted to see it.

You achieved your goal.

I will not harm you
for your father's deeds.

- One day with your abilities--
- It was me.

I told the reporters

about Hyun-yi.

In addition to that,

I approached Seung-kwon

to figure out the IC's movements.

It wasn't the right clothes.

I did everything I could

to win.

I knew from the beginning

that I wouldn't be able to get Yi-seo

even if I took over Jangga Co.

I knew everything but I couldn't stop.

I didn't know how to stop..

My heart...

It's okay.

Because you are just a kiddie.

Come and eat from time to time.



I heard. I wanted to congratulate you.

A whistleblower.

Why did you do that?

It's not because of you.


When I borrowed money

for college from your dad,

I told him I would pay him three times.

Is this



Thank you.

Now I can comfortably

live my life.

As a friend,

can you cheer for me?

I will always cheer for you.

Now that your revenge is over,

can I ask you a favor?

What is it?



I will.


Do you want me to come with you?


What are you doing here?

Geun-soo called me here.

- He called you too?
- Yes.


Why is he so depressed?

He got dumped by his girlfriend.

Hey, it's no big deal.

Do you know how I feel?

You don't even have a girlfriend.

He's right. You don't.

What is this?

Movie tickets?

You can take it.

I don't need it anymore.

Gosh, Toni.



Did he just speak English?

Yes, he learned it.

That was his homework from our boss.

What? It's Geun-soo.

Please forgive me.

Raise your head.

You stabbed us in the back,
so we're paying it back.

Did you hit him hard?

Did I?

Hey, are you...

I guess you didn't hit him right.

Why did you do such a thing

when you would feel bad about it?

I'm sorry.

Yi-seo is coming today.
Make sure to see her before you leave.

Maybe next time.

I'll see her later.

Why don't you stay here and see her?


still a kiddie.

What are you doing here?


I'm going to the States.

I wanted to apologize
to Seung-kwon and Hyun-yi before I leave.

Do you feel better this way?

Saying sorry won't just cut it.

I know.


Take care.


What about

a handshake?

Is it something like an ending

of your long crush?


I know.

I don't deserve it.

Of course,

you do.

You didn't even care
about right and wrong.

You were just faithful to me.

I couldn't accept it,

but I could feel it all.

I'm sorry I took advantage of it.

And thank you.

Take care.

- Is this it?
- Yes.

This place is popular these days.
I'm here to spy on it.

You don't have to spy on me.
Just ask me if you have questions.

- The owner is pretty.
- Oh...

Is this yours?

I recently opened it
with Seok-cheon's investment.

Go ahead and spy.

Come on in.

I'll buy you some tea.

You know what?

Boss and I are dating.

I'm just relieved if it's you.

Take good care of Saeroyi.

What? How nosy.

Why do you even care?

- Let's just go, Hyun-yi.
- Hey.

I'll come again next time.

Hey, wait for me...

I mean it.

Take good care of him.

- That's so...
- Seok-cheon.


A chef is here for an interview.

Oh, right. Where is he?

He's there.




You have to hire him.

He's stunning.


How could a chef look like that?

He should be serving in the hall.

You'll hire him, right?

I'll hire him only when he cooks well.

Please say you like it.
You have to hire him.

Do you like it?

Can you

start tomorrow?

Yes, Boss.

I'll come here starting from tomorrow.

I love it.

It's delicious.

Wow, this is amazing.

What was that?

You startled me.

Why did you call me? I'm busy.

No reason.

I got free tickets.

But I didn't want to watch it alone.

I guess Director Choi has
a lot of free time these days.

It's not like I can sell these tickets.

What are you waiting for? Let's go.

I'm coming.





What are you doing here?

Are you busy?

Why? Is something wrong?

Not really.

A cool breeze is blowing outside.

It's a nice day for a walk.

If you're not busy,

can we go out?

I'm not busy.


I haven't been to Itaewon with you
in such a long time.

I know. We've been busy.

- Boss.
- Yes?

Come here.

- Okay.
- This place is nice.


One, two, three.

- Do you want me to take it?
- No.


Take a picture of me.

- You said you love me, right?
- What? Yes.

I did.


why do you not hold my hand?

Oh, well...

It's just...

It feels a little awkward.

I feel the same way.

I'll try my best

You and I are

different from A to Z.

But we have one thing in common.

One thing in common?


We don't know the warmth of people.

When I heard

about your past the other day,

I wanted to embrace

all your painful past.

I didn't want you to suffer.

I didn't want you to be lonely.

I wanted to make

your bitter night sweet.

When I think of you,

my empty life

fills up with you.

Thank you.

I love you.

I will make you happy.

I wanted to be happy.

Without losing myself,

I wanted to achieve everything I want.

There were difficult days.


I was nervous and afraid.

How did I get through all that?

We can...

- Do it!
- Do it!

With my loved ones,

I've led a hectic life
doing what I want to do.

- We got this!
- We got this!

Staying with them.

Sharing my life

with them.

In search of happiness.

I love you,



The warmth I share with you.

I'm already

happier than I ever imagined

I could be.


I love you

Let's drink.


Who wants to go to a club?

How does it taste?


I work as usual.


And I date

as usual.

What was that?

I just like you.

I guess you like me just a little.

That's not true.

A usual day.

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