07x09 - Doctor Who and the Silurians - part 5

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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07x09 - Doctor Who and the Silurians - part 5

Post by bunniefuu »




Original Air Date: 28th February, 1970
5:15pm - 5:40pm


(Major BAKER is questioning the wisdom of the DOCTOR's peace-making attempts, as the two of them are still contained in their separate parts of the cage.)

BAKER: You had no right to tell them about the Brigadier's plans.

DOCTOR: I was simply trying to prevent a m*ssacre.

BAKER: What guarantee have you got that these creatures aren't going to set an ambush?

DOCTOR: I had to take that risk. At least there's a chance they won't start k*lling each other.

(The YOUNG SILURIAN leader comes across to the cages.)

DOCTOR: Have you seen the humans yet? Have you spoken to them?

YOUNG SILURIAN: I have destroyed them – and now I shall destroy you.

(The YOUNG SILURIAN's third eye glows crimson red as he attempts to k*ll the DOCTOR. The DOCTOR begins to collapse, when the OLD SILURIAN comes over to the cage.)

OLD SILURIAN: Stop. Do not k*ll it. It may be useful. Why were you k*lling it?

(The DOCTOR slumps as the YOUNG SILURIAN is prevented from finishing him off.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: We have no need for it. Or those soldiers sent to attack us. I have dealt with them.

(In the background, BAKER tries to assist the DOCTOR.)

BAKER: Doctor!

OLD SILURIAN: I gave you no orders to do this.

YOUNG SILURIAN: But they were carrying weapons, like this one. They can no longer harm us.

OLD SILURIAN: But now they will send others. You forget there are now millions of these men.

YOUNG SILURIAN: Then we shall destroy them all.


(The BRIGADIER, HAWKINS, and UNIT troops are hopelessly trapped in the caves. The soldiers are trying to break through the rock while Private ROBINS tries to call for help.)

ROBINS: (Attempting to use portable phone.) UNIT leader to base. UNIT leader to base.

(There is no response.)

ROBINS: It's no good sir.

BRIGADIER: Try once more.

ROBINS: (Again attempting to use portable phone.) UNIT leader to base. It's dead sir.

(The BRIGADIER turns away.)

HAWKINS: Alright. It's solid rock as well, sir, we'd need expl*sives to shift it.


HAWKINS: How can it just appear like that? We were able to walk through there a moment ago, and... (Resignedly.) and what are we going to do, sir.

BRIGADIER: Afraid there's not much we can do. We're trapped.

HAWKINS: (Quietly.) I suppose we'll just have to sit and wait until someone gets us out.

BRIGADIER: We can't afford to wait too long.

HAWKINS: At least we've got food and water.

BRIGADIER: Yes but we have a limited supply of air, and we're using it up all the time.

HAWKINS: How long do you reckon we've got, sir?

BRIGADIER: Two or three hours, at the most.


(LIZ is reporting the DOCTOR's investigations to MASTERS.)

LIZ: So you see we haven't been exactly idle down here. Whatever the impression Doctor Lawrence may have given to you.

LAWRENCE: Really Miss Shaw.

MASTERS: It's a remarkable accumulation of evidence.

LAWRENCE: It's a lot of nonsense! The power losses are a technical problem. All I need is more reliable staff, and more facilities. Not a lot of cloak and dagger people cluttering up the place.

(The phone rings and MASTERS answers.)

MASTERS: Masters. (Pauses.) Yes. (Pauses.) Right. Thank you.

(He hangs up.)

MASTERS: That's the UNIT people at the cave mouth. They've completely lost contact with the Brigadier.


(The DOCTOR is desperately trying to get the attention of the Silurians.)

DOCTOR: Please, you must listen to me, I want to talk to you.

BAKER: What do you think you're doing, haven't you done enough damage?

DOCTOR: You're making a terrible mistake. I can stop you from being destroyed.

(The OLD SILURIAN leader comes over to the DOCTOR.)

OLD SILURIAN: We have studied your weapons. They are primitive.

DOCTOR: Look, you've got no idea of the fighting power of the humans.

BAKER: Be quiet!

DOCTOR: They have bombs that can wipe out whole continents...

BAKER: Shut up!

(BAKER tries to reach through the bars of his cage into the DOCTOR's enclosure and throttle him. The OLD SILURIAN stuns BAKER into passivity, much as the YOUNG SILURIAN had tried to k*ll the DOCTOR. BAKER falls, choking, to the floor of the cage. The DOCTOR, exhausted, tries to appeal to reason.)

DOCTOR: Please. Please, let me out of here, let me out of here. Can't you see I can do you no possible harm.

(After a moment, the OLD SILURIAN uses his third eye to unlock the cage and swing open the door.)

OLD SILURIAN: Come with me.

(The DOCTOR looks back at BAKER, who is still lying on the floor of the cage, breathing heavily.)


(The UNIT troops trapped in the caves are beginning to tire from the heat and the greater concentration of carbon dioxide.)

HAWKINS: Shouldn't we try and break out again, sir. I know it seems to be hopeless, but it... but at least we'd be doing something.

BRIGADIER: The more we move... the quicker we use up the air. We'll wait. It's our only chance.

(HAWKINS notices one of the men acting strangely.)

HAWKINS: Sir. Look.

(Private ROBINS is shaking with fear and breathing unevenly. The BRIGADIER and HAWKINS move up behind him.)

BRIGADIER: You alright Robins? Robins?

(Private ROBINS turns to the BRIGADIER, still quaking terribly.)



(The phone once again rings and MASTERS answers. LIZ hangs on MASTER's words.)

MASTERS: Masters.

(Miss DAWSON enters the conference room and is about to speak, when Dr LAWRENCE motions her to be quiet.)

LAWRENCE: One minute please.

MASTERS: I see. (Pauses.) Well continue the search. Let me know if there's any further news.

(He hangs up.)

MASTERS: Search party can't find any trace of the Brigadier.

DAWSON: Search party? Good heavens, if they can't find them they'll be dead by now.

MASTERS: Why do you say that?

DAWSON: I found Doctor Quinn's body, I've seen what these Silurians do.

LAWRENCE: They obviously got lost.

DAWSON: Well then, that's all the more reason to get more men and equipment. You could mount an all-out attack, you could send troops into every one of those caves.

MASTERS: The caves are vast. We'd need hundreds of men.

DAWSON: But there may be hundreds of Silurians down there.

LAWRENCE: Now you don't really believe that.

DAWSON: Yes! (Looking to LIZ.) You've seen them.

LIZ: Yes, so has the Doctor.

DAWSON: Right. (Looking to LIZ.) Three people have seen them. They do exist. And we've got to attack them first.

LIZ: Just because they're an alien species, that doesn't mean we have to k*ll them.

DAWSON: But...

LIZ: The Doctor thinks that we should...

(LIZ breaks off as she realises where this line of conversation will lead to.)

MASTERS: What, Miss Shaw?

LIZ: Never mind.

(LIZ turns away from MASTERS and Miss DAWSON.)

MASTERS: Where is the Doctor?

(LIZ doesn't answer, and MASTERS stands, clearly agitated.)

MASTERS: Where did he go?

LAWRENCE: Well, Miss Shaw? Where is he?

(LIZ still doesn't answer, but turns towards MASTERS guiltily.)


(In a laboratory one of the chief Silurian scientists examines Major BAKER's r*fle. The YOUNG SILURIAN comes across to the scientist's bench and immediately asks for a report on the w*apon.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: As a scientist, what have you discovered about this w*apon?

SILURIAN SCIENTIST: It projects a small piece of metal at high speed.

(The YOUNG SILURIAN picks up the r*fle, and after examining it drops it on the bench.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: Crude. It is a fitting w*apon for apes.

SILURIAN SCIENTIST: The device has a certain ingenuity. Remember, one of us was wounded by such a w*apon.

YOUNG SILURIAN: The apes have become dangerous. They must be destroyed.

SILURIAN SCIENTIST: Our leader seems to have different views.

YOUNG SILURIAN: I know. He has taken one of these creatures into our control room. He is talking to it.

SILURIAN SCIENTIST: Perhaps it may give him useful information.

YOUNG SILURIAN: What information can we gain from apes? His concern for them may be dangerous!

(The YOUNG SILURIAN waggles a claw in the other Silurian's face to emphasise his point.)


(LIZ is still refusing to answer, and MASTERS is determined to get an answer.)

MASTERS: Then let me ask you again. Where is the Doctor?

LIZ: He went down into the caves, ...


LIZ: ... ahead of the Brigadier. He wanted to make contact with the Silurians.

DAWSON: Make contact!

MASTERS: What was he going to say to them?

LIZ: He thought if he could warn the Silurians first...

DAWSON: He warned them! Why, the Brigadier has probably walked straight into a trap!

LIZ: He wanted to prevent bloodshed. He has gone down into those caves to try and help. He is risking his own life.

MASTERS: So now you expect us to send troops down there?

LIZ: No, no, no, that's the last thing he'd want.

DAWSON: Oh, never mind what your Doctor wants, he's done enough damage! Mister Masters, can't you see, you've got to get more troops and destroy these monsters.

MASTERS: (Neutrally.) The search is still going on. I shall wait until I get another report.

DAWSON: Aren't you going to do anything?

MASTERS: Not for the moment.

DAWSON: But if you don't do something now...

MASTERS: I have made my decision, Miss Dawson.


(The DOCTOR is deep in discussion with the OLD SILURIAN in the Silurians' control room.)

DOCTOR: But you must see, this is a highly-developed and overcrowded planet which now belongs to man.

OLD SILURIAN: This is our planet. We were here before man. We ruled this world millions of years ago.

DOCTOR: Then why did you stay down here?

OLD SILURIAN: A small planet was approaching the world. We calculated that it would draw off our atmosphere, destroying all life. We built this place, and suspended our lives till the atmosphere should return.

DOCTOR: A small planet... yes, of course. But don't you see that small planet was drawn into the earth's orbit and became the moon? Your catastrophe never happened!


(Major BAKER gradually recovers from having been stunned and climbs to his feet. He tries to attract the attention of one of the Silurians passing by his cage.)

BAKER: Hey you! Where's the Doctor, what's going on?

(The Silurian ignores BAKER.)

BAKER: Well where is he? What's he telling you?

(Ignored again as the Silurian returns past the cage, BAKER shouts out aloud.)

BAKER: Where are you Doctor? Telling them everything they want to know? You're nothing but a traitor.


(BAKER is loud enough to be overheard in the control room. The DOCTOR looks uncomfortable for a minute, then continues his conversation with the OLD SILURIAN.)

BAKER: (Out of view.) You hear me, Doctor? A traitor!

DOCTOR: But I still don't understand why you stayed down here.

OLD SILURIAN: The hibernation mechanism was faulty. It did not function until a new energy source appeared.

DOCTOR: The power station at the research centre.

OLD SILURIAN: Yes. We are now able to drain off its energy. But soon we shall revive our civilisation, and reclaim the earth for ourselves.

DOCTOR: No, you mustn't. Otherwise there'll be the most terrible w*r. But if you trust me, I think I can persuade the humans that you are prepared to live with them on this planet in peace.

OLD SILURIAN: There is not room for both civilisations.

DOCTOR: Oh yes, I think there is. You see, your people are used to living in extreme heat, whereas these areas on earth are of little interest to man. I believe with your advanced technology that you could build cities in parts of the world that man has hitherto, completely ignored.

OLD SILURIAN: Would your people agree to this?

DOCTOR: Well, they're not my people, but I think I could convince them, on the condition that you release those trapped men first.

OLD SILURIAN: Those apes have only shown hostility to us.

DOCTOR: And you to them. Someone has to make a move, otherwise this whole thing will end up in complete catastrophe.


(The UNIT troops trapped in the caves have nearly exhausted the air in the small cavern. HAWKINS notices ROBINS scraping madly on the far wall.)


(HAWKINS and the BRIGADIER move across to the other side of the cave where ROBINS is frantically drawing silurian-like figures onto the wall with a chalky stone.)

HAWKINS: You alright Robins? (Louder.) Robins?

(HAWKINS taps ROBINS on the back, who suddenly turns and att*cks HAWKINS. HAWKINS backs off and the BRIGADIER and another soldier restrain ROBINS from continuing the as*ault. After a moment ROBINS returns to his cave drawings.)

HAWKINS: What's the matter with him?

BRIGADIER: Same thing happened to one of the scientists at the research centre. Safe to leave him alone.


(The OLD SILURIAN's headcrest and his third eye light up as he faces one of the control panels and mentally invokes the release of the soldiers from the cavern.)


(The BRIGADIER, HAWKINS, and the other UNIT soldiers are suddenly bathed in an un-natural light.)

HAWKINS: Sir, look, it's opening again.


(The OLD SILURIAN's third eye finishes pulsing, and he turns to the DOCTOR.)

OLD SILURIAN: The humans have been released.

DOCTOR: Thank you for your trust in me. I only hope it will not be in vain.

(The YOUNG SILURIAN barges in and confronts the OLD SILURIAN.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: Why have you released the apes?

OLD SILURIAN: I have decided that it is possible for the two species to live together on this planet.

YOUNG SILURIAN: This planet is ours!

OLD SILURIAN: This other species has developed its own civilisation. We must accept them, as equals.


(The YOUNG SILURIAN prepares to storm off, and turns back to utter a parting shot.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: We must destroy them!


(The SILURIAN SCIENTIST is viewing a flat vision panel to compare the face of Major BAKER to that of his simian ancestors from millions of years ago. The comparison isn't all that flattering. The YOUNG SILURIAN again st*lks into the laboratory.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: He talks of sharing our planet with apes! I shall wipe them out!

SILURIAN SCIENTIST: You have no right to disobey him. He is our leader!

YOUNG SILURIAN: Perhaps he is no longer fit to lead us. Soon I shall be the leader! Help me! Or must I destroy you too?

(The YOUNG SILURIAN points to his third eye with a claw.)

SILURIAN SCIENTIST: Very well. I will help you. When the apes used to raid our crops we used this.

(The SILURIAN SCIENTIST indicates a vial containing some murky liquid.)

SILURIAN SCIENTIST: Millions were wiped out. Now, we could conduct an experiment on this ape.


(The two Silurians cross to BAKER's cage, and the YOUNG SILURIAN uses his third eye to release the electronic lock. The door of the cage slowly swings open.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: Leave the cage.

BAKER: Why? Where are you taking me?

YOUNG SILURIAN: Leave the cage!

(BAKER leaves the cage, then suddenly shoves the YOUNG SILURIAN away and jumps out of the grasp of the others. Alerted, Silurians converge from the surrounding area in pursuit of BAKER.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: Do not k*ll it. Do not k*ll it! We need this creature alive!

(BAKER is chased around the central compound by the Silurians and after being intercepted by one Silurian, savagely knocks it down to the ground. BAKER appears to tire quickly.)

BAKER: Oh. Alright, alright. You win.

(As the Silurians close in on him again, he dashes through their outstretched arms and rushes down a corridor leading to the dinosaur, which rears up at him.
BAKER shrinks back in horror, and another Silurian closes in on him from the other end of the corridor. He is driven back down the corridor to where two more Silurians are waiting for him. One of them clubs his back and both claw him to the ground.)

SILURIAN SCIENTIST: Take him to my laboratory. We shall use this creature to destroy all its kind.

(BAKER is left prostrate on the ground.)


(MASTERS, LAWRENCE, Miss DAWSON, and LIZ are silently awaiting further news, LIZ pointedly staring at one of the two phones on the desk.)

DAWSON: How much longer are we going to wait?

MASTERS: Search party hasn't reported back yet.

LAWRENCE: (Sarcastically.) Perhaps we should send another search party to look for them?

MASTERS: Charles, please.

LAWRENCE: Well it's so ridiculous all these people chasing about the caves! How is it supposed to solve my problems?

LIZ: The Brigadier and the Doctor are risking their lives trying to solve your problems.

LAWRENCE: That's a matter of opinion.

DAWSON: Well it's obvious what we should be doing, we should be attacking in force!

LIZ: Oh don't be ridiculous.

MASTERS: We'll get nowhere by bickering amongst ourselves.

LAWRENCE: You don't under...

(The BRIGADIER, fatigued and strain showing on his face, staggers into the conference room.)

LIZ: Brigadier! Thank goodness! Come, sit down.

BRIGADIER: It's alright, Miss Shaw.

LIZ: What's happened? Come on, sit down, please.

(LIZ directs him to the nearest seat and offers him a glass of water.)

MASTERS: What's happened?

BRIGADIER: We were trapped in those caves.

DAWSON: Were the Silurians waiting for you?

BRIGADIER: Er. Not exactly. A rock wall appeared in front of us, and then it vanished again.

LAWRENCE: (Derisively.) Vanished? More fairy stories, Brigadier?

BRIGADIER: I lost a lot of men in those caves, Doctor Lawrence.

MASTERS: Have you brought the Doctor back?

BRIGADIER: Well isn't he here?

MASTERS: He appears to have gone down the caves ahead of you.

BRIGADIER: What ever for?

LAWRENCE: (Sarcastically.) I shouldn't worry about him, Brigadier. He's probably chatting quite happily to his monster friends.


(The DOCTOR is finishing negotiations with the OLD SILURIAN in the control room.)

OLD SILURIAN: Do I have your assurance that the humans will agree to our sharing the planet?

DOCTOR: You have my assurance that I shall tell them of your desire for peace, yes.

OLD SILURIAN: Very well. I shall explain to the others, so that you may return in safety.

DOCTOR: Thank you.

OLD SILURIAN: You will wait here.

(The OLD SILURIAN activates a force field across the door of the control room, which the ever-curious DOCTOR soon discovers he is unable to cross by bumping into it with his nose. He extends his hands to trace its outline but can go no further.)


(BAKER is left unconscious on rocks outside the Silurian base. Waiting out of his direct sight behind a rock, the Silurian scientist rouses BAKER with his third eye, and the lamp on his helmet momentarily springs to life. BAKER recollects his surroundings and gathering himself together, soon flees the caves.)


(Upon finding Major BAKER's cage empty, the OLD SILURIAN has discovered his subordinates' plan to use the bacterial plague to wipe out the humans.)

OLD SILURIAN: You had no right to do this without my authority.

YOUNG SILURIAN: This is the method we used against them before.

OLD SILURIAN: They were animals then. They are civilised now.

YOUNG SILURIAN: That makes them all the more dangerous to us.

OLD SILURIAN: I do not believe so.

YOUNG SILURIAN: You are no longer fit to lead us.

OLD SILURIAN: I shall destroy you if you defy me again. Now go.


(The DOCTOR has discovered a vision panel in the control room displaying the earth as it was in the Silurian era, and is interestedly looking over the achievements of the vanished Silurian civilisation. The OLD SILURIAN disables the force field and enters.)

DOCTOR: You once had a great civilisation. I didn't realise how advanced.

OLD SILURIAN: (Urgently.) The other prisoner has been released.

DOCTOR: Baker? Why, that's splendid.

OLD SILURIAN: Doctor, listen to me. He has been infected with a deadly disease which may destroy millions of his species.

DOCTOR: But this is diabolical.

OLD SILURIAN: It is not my doing. There are those of us unwilling to share this planet.

DOCTOR: Oh, is... is there any cure for this disease?

OLD SILURIAN: No. But I have brought the bacteria. Perhaps your scientists can find a cure.

DOCTOR: Yes. Yes, of course, but you must release me at once.

OLD SILURIAN: Come with me.


(The BRIGADIER is already planning another excursion to the caves, this time to rescue the DOCTOR.)

BRIGADIER: The men have had a chance to rest now, we'll be setting off in a few minutes. Don't worry Miss Shaw, we'll find the Doctor.

(Major BAKER arrives through the door of the conference room.)

LIZ: Major Baker! How did you get out? Have you seen the Doctor?

BAKER: Oh yes, I saw him alright, with his Silurian friends!

BRIGADIER: Major Baker, just exactly what are you implying?

BAKER: Huh! They didn't keep him caged up like an animal for very long. He warned them that you were coming, so that they could set up an ambush!

LIZ: No, that's not...

BAKER: He's gone over to their side!

BRIGADIER: I don't believe that.

MASTERS: Now, wait a minute! They had you caged up, how did you escape?

BAKER: Ah, I got away when they weren't looking. Look it doesn't matter about me – we must blow up every entrance to those caves before the Silurians overrun us!

DOCTOR: That is precisely what we must not do.


(Major BAKER wheels round to where the DOCTOR has just arrived.)

DOCTOR: Now everyone move well away from Major Baker. Now keep right back from him. Right back.

BAKER: Wh... what are you talking about?

DOCTOR: (Slowly.) Major Baker. You are ill. You are very, very ill.

BAKER: Oh, you don't get out of it like that! I'm placing you under arrest.


(As Major BAKER moves to apprehend the DOCTOR and the BRIGADIER moves to intercept him, the DOCTOR leaps up on the desk, yelling:)

DOCTOR: Keep back from him! Look at your wrist. Look at it!

(The BRIGADIER falls back from Major BAKER, the gruesome disease clearly apparent all over the skin of his wrist and forearm. Suddenly seeing this, BAKER slowly sinks to the floor, his eyes rolling back in their sockets.)


(The YOUNG SILURIAN, the SILURIAN SCIENTIST at his side, confronts the OLD SILURIAN in the control room when he realises the Doctor has been set free.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: Why did you give him the bacteria? Do you want this species to destroy us?

OLD SILURIAN: They will not destroy us, and we need not destroy them. Both species can live together.

YOUNG SILURIAN: That is impossible!

OLD SILURIAN: I am the leader! I have decided!

(The OLD SILURIAN turns away, believing he has had the last word.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: Not any more!

(The third eye of the YOUNG SILURIAN turns cherry red as he kills the OLD SILURIAN. The OLD SILURIAN turns around and futilely attempts to claw his attackers, and then falls to the ground dead. The YOUNG SILURIAN turns to the SCIENTIST, and then leaves the control room.)

YOUNG SILURIAN: He was no longer fit to lead us.

(The OLD SILURIAN's corpse is left on the ground.)


(The DOCTOR is urgently discussing the situation with MASTERS and Dr LAWRENCE.)

DOCTOR: This whole place should be closed down and put in strict quarantine immediately.

LAWRENCE: It would bring the centre to a standstill.

DOCTOR: Yes and about time too. Well I must get down to the research centre and try to find an antidote.

LAWRENCE: I refuse to permit this. Look Edward, can't you stop him, this whole story is absurd.

DOCTOR: You just don't understand, do you Doctor Lawrence?

MASTERS: I'm afraid I don't either. You say these creatures have infected us with a plague, but do you still want us to negotiate with them?

DOCTOR: That is precisely what I want. But if this bacteria isn't contained there won't be anybody left to negotiate.

(LIZ rushes in with bad news.)

LIZ: Baker's gone, Doctor Meredith's just taken him to the hospital.

DOCTOR: Well that's the worst thing that could have happened! Why didn't you stop him?

LIZ: I tried, he wouldn't listen.

DOCTOR: Brigadier, we've got to go down to the hospital straight away before Baker spreads that infection.

BRIGADIER: But surely hospital's the right place for Baker?

DOCTOR: Meredith doesn't know what he's dealing with – nobody does! Now please do as I say.

(The DOCTOR turns to leave with LIZ.)

BRIGADIER: Alright. You'll have to excuse me sir.

(The BRIGADIER follows the DOCTOR and LIZ out of the conference room. LAWRENCE looks on powerlessly as MASTERS pulls together his papers into his briefcase.)

LAWRENCE: What do you want me to do?

MASTERS: This could be a national disaster, I must get back to London.

LAWRENCE: What about the research centre?

MASTERS: I'm sorry Charles, but I intend to recommend that this centre be closed immediately.

LAWRENCE: But all my work! The delay will be crippling!

MASTERS: My report will of course exonerate you completely. I'm sure you've done everything in your power. Well I must be going.

(MASTERS rises to his feet, but suddenly feels unwell. LAWRENCE notices his pained expression.)

LAWRENCE: Are you feeling alright?

MASTERS: I didn't get any sleep last night. I'll send you a copy of my report.

(MASTERS collects himself and leaves the conference room. LAWRENCE ruefully speaks to himself.)

LAWRENCE: Thank you Edward.


(The DOCTOR and the BRIGADIER are driving at top speed in Bessie down the road and then the driveway of the nearby hospital. As they approach, the BRIGADIER points out a figure in a dressing gown stumbling out from the hospital near the circular termination to the driveway. As the car pulls up by him they recognise a haggard-looking Major BAKER, who collapses onto the gravel. The DOCTOR and BRIGADIER jump out of Bessie and rush to examine him.)

BRIGADIER: Is he dead?

(The DOCTOR looks up.)

DOCTOR: Yes... the first one.

Doctor Who


Liz Shaw


Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart


Major Baker




Dr. Lawrence


Miss Dawson


Captain Hawkins


Private Robins


Old Silurian


Young Silurian


Silurian Scientist


Silurian Voices






Title music by



Incidental music

composed and

conducted by


Visual Effects by


Script Editor






Directed by


BBC tv

Transcribed by

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