01x11 - Derek the Deinonychus/Don's Dragonfly

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x11 - Derek the Deinonychus/Don's Dragonfly

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks. It's me, the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Visit a deinonychus family and learn about their really sharp

Claws, so come on along with me on the dinosaur train!

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Once upon a time there was a mom

Her name was mrs. Pteranodon sitting on her nest

She heard a scratching and said... ♪

Oh, boy! My eggs are hatching!

♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [squawk]

[Squawk] [humming]

Ok, buddy. Your turn to be the conductor on the dinosaur train.

The conductor walks through the coach like this. Then he

Calls out, "tickets! Tickets, please!"

I think it's more like, "tickets! Tiiickets, please!"

Then he raises his toe claw, takes the ticket--

No. He takes the ticket, then raises his toe claw.

Like this? Whoa!

Ha ha ha! Sort of. He doesn't really fall down.

Ha ha ha! Wow! It's really hard to do it just like the

Conductor. Tickets! He takes the ticket, raises his claw.


[Sighs] we'll never be as good as the

Conductor is.

Maybe not, tiny, but we can keep practicing. If we're gonna

Be conductors on the dinosaur train one day, we have to get

This right.

[Squawk] maybe the best way to see the

Conductor do his job is to watch him on the dinosaur train.

Really? Could we, mom?

I think that's a wonderful idea. It will be a great

Learning experience.


Don and I are gonna stay here with dad and look for new

Things for don's collection.

Sounds fun. See you soon, shiny!


Tickets! Tickets, please!

Ok. Let's watch--i mean, observe the conductor really

Closely. He takes the ticket with that hand, raises his

Foot, holds the ticket up, and the toe claw punches it.

Hmm. Watching me punch tickets?

[Gulp] eh, we want to do it just like

You so we can grow up to be conductors.

You mind if we watch you?

Do I mind? I'm delighted!

Now observe my technique.


Wow! Your troodon claw is so great!

I bet it can punch through everything.

Thanks, tiny, but amazing as it is, my claw can't punch

Through everything, and it's nothing compared to the

Fantastic toe claw of the deinonychus. Take a gander at

That toe claw. It can slice a feather off my head without me

Even taking off my hat.

Whoa! Deinonychus claws are way bigger than troodons'.

They're huge! And scary!

Yep. That's what deinonychus means--terrible claw!

Terrible claw?

Still, I wish we could see how these deinonychus guys use

Their terrible claws!

Well, you're in luck, buddy.

Deinonychus depot is our next stop.

Well, I know a deinonychus family that lives there, and I

Definitely remember their very sharp claws, but they aren't

Terrible. They're very nice.

Can we visit them, though, mom?


[Squawk] sure! It will be an adventure.


Good plan. Good mom! Good grief. It's the tiiiime

Tunnel! Time tunnel approaching!


Deinonychus depot in the early cretaceous time period.

That's your stop, pteranodon family. So long, folks! Keep a

Sharp eye out for those terrible claws!

We will! Bye!

[Whistle blows] up, down, up, down...

Do you hear something?

Use that claw, derek! Up down, up, down, up, down!

[Squawk] oh, this is the deinonychus

Family I've met before. Hello, deinonychus family. Remember

Me? I'm mrs. Pteranodon, and these are my children buddy and


Oh, well, hello, mrs.

Pteranodon. I remember you.

This is my husband mr.

Deinonychus, and here's our son derek. Nice to see you, buddy

And tiny.


Those are terrible claws.

Uh, hi, derek.

Nice to meet you.

We were just preparing derek here for our next hunting trip!

Yeah! You can watch me practice.

Now remember, the conductor said to stay away from the

Sharp claws.

Ok! Show your claws! Jab!

Jab again! Now slash up, now down! Now carve it up!

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

Ohhh, hyah!

Boy, derek seems really fierce.

Now practice jabbing at these!

Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

All right, derek. You've earned a short break.

[Sighs] so, derek. My brother buddy

And i-- buddy, are you scared of my


[Gulp] nah. Buddy's fine. Now,

Derek, it looks like your long claw would get in the way when

You walk or run.

No. I just hold my claws up away from the ground. It works


I've been wondering why your species has such huge, sharp

Claws, and I have a hypothesis.

He means an idea you can test.

Oh. What's your idea, buddy?

My hypothesis is your claw's the tool that you use to jab or

s*ab things when you're hunting.

Yeah! That's right! Raawwr!

The conductor on the dinosaur train uses his claw to

Punch tickets.

Yeah! He's a troodon. They have amazing claws, too.

Not as big as ours! I'm pretty sure that derek could

Punch tickets or anything better than a troodon.

Right! Like this nut!



Way to go, derek!

Mom, dad, can I show buddy and tiny around?

Uh, all right, but remember, we still have more jabbing and

Growling practice.

Ok. We won't go too far.

I'll tag along with the kids.

Ahh. I like how quiet it is here.

Hey, derek. Do you have to practice because you use your

Claws to hunt?

Well, I am a deinonychus, so, yeah. I ve to learn all

Those moves to jab and s*ab the dinosaurs we eat.

But all that practicing. Do you ever get to play games or

Have any fun?

Well, I can show you what I like to do in my spare time. I

Like to hyah! Hyah! Hyah!

[Squawk] amazing.

Derek, you're an artist!

Oh, thanks, but I'm not an artist. It's just something I

Do for fun.

But it's so amazing what you can do with your terrible claw.

Terrible claw. I know that deinonychus means terrible

Claw, but is my claw really that terrible?


It's terribly terrific!

I like that. I'm so glad I met you.

Same here, derek. You made such cool art! How do you do it

So well?

I just do it. I've actually made a bunch of things. Here.

Take a look.

Oh, my!

[Squawk] whoa! You did all these?

Yep! Me and my terrible claw. Ha ha ha! Or my terrific


A fish made out of a nut!

Triceratops made out of a branch! Uh, something with a

Long neck swimming.

Well, I've never seen finer carvings, derek.

Do your mom and dad like your art?

I don't know. I've never shown them any of these.


Actually, I've never shown them to anyone till now.


I guess I didn't think my mom and dad would care. They

Really just like using their claws to hunt.

Wow, derek! I bet if your parents saw your art they'd

Really like it.

That's it, buddy. Derek, how about if you had an art show?

We'll help!

An art show?

Yeah. You can invite your mom and dad and even some


Yeah. They could all come and see your carvings. It would

Be a blast.

Let's do it! W-w-wait. How do we do it?

Welcome to derek deinonychus' first ever art


Leafy snacks, carrion on a stick?

Ooh! I'll try the carrion.

Come on, everybody. Let's look at derek's art.

I call this one "cornferd."

Here's a jumping fish.

A dragonfly and a triceratops.

Derek, this is great stuff!

Aw, thanks.

Your show's a huge success!

Hey. I wonder where my parents are.

We'll be right back.

Derek's wondering where we are?

Well, he should be practicing his jabbing and

Growling! So where is he?

Come on. We'll show you.

What is this? It's interesting.

Uh, yeah. I think it's really good. What do you call


It's called art, dad.

And guess who made it all.

Ooh! Uh, a bird, a lizard?

No, no idea really.

Did. I made them all.

He made them with his claw!

Really? Wow, derek!


Thanks, dad. Thanks a lot.

Derek, I'm proud of you.

Derek, I never thought you'd ever do something like this,

Especially with our kind of terrible claw.

Terrific claw, dad. I'll still use my claw to hunt of

Course, but also to make art.

Hey. Want to try making some?


Hey! That looks like something.

Yeah! It's derek's mom! Ha ha ha! I guess making art runs

In the family, heh.

Maybe. It's nice, dad. I like it.

[Train whistle blows] well, buddy and tiny, we

Have to get going. We can't miss the dinosaur train. So

Long, deinychus family.


Great to see you again!

Buddy and tiny, thanks so much for my art show and the

Greatest day I've ever had.

Here. This is for you.

Wow! Amazing!

Thanks, derek.

This is for your collection, don.

Whoa! The dinosaur train made out of a gourd? Now I've

Seen everything. Thanks, buddy!

Ok. You guys ready? I think I know how to do the conductor

Exactly right. Watch. Tickets!

Tickets, please!

Hello, tiny the conductor.

Thank you, tiny the conductor.


[Laughing] good job, tiny.

Good job, tiny. Bravo!

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist, and this is





Now what's the first thing you notice when you look at

This meat-eating dinosaur?

Big claw.

Exactly. Every deinonychus has a very big, very sharp claw

On each foot, so big and sharp that we call them terrible

Claws. Do you know what they did with their claws?

[Doorbell rings] point of fact. Dinosaurs did

Not put on art shows.


Thank you.

But deinonychus probably did use their terrible claws to

Catch other animals.


Although we don't know for sure, some paleontologists

Think that deinonychus lived and hunted in groups or packs

Like lions and wolves do today.

[Lion growls] [wolf howls]

Living in a group might have allowed a few deinonychus to

Work together to find food and maybe even attack dinosaurs

That were much bigger than they were.

That's scary.

You can imagine that a group of deinonychus coming at you

With all of their k*lling claws and big, sharp teeth would have

Been pretty scary.

Really scary.

Scientists think so, too.

Um, I got to go. Remember, keep watching for more dinosaur


[Giggling] what do you use feathers for?

I have a hypothesis. I have a hypothesis. I have a new

Hypothesis to test out. Tiny, I have a hypothesis.

You mean, an idea you can test?

I have a hypothesis. I think you guys are faster because

Your legs are longer. So I have a hypothesis.

But how can we test that?

It was an interesting hypothesis.

Buddy really likes the word "hypothesis." It means an idea

You can test.

Hello, folks. It's me, the

Conductor. Today, we're gonna meet a cretaceous dragonfly and

See what an amazing flier he is, so come on along with me on

The dinosaur train! All aboard!

Can I sit with you on the train, dad?

Why, sure you can, shiny.

Hee hee hee!


Let's play dinosaurs a-z.

I'll go first. "A"!

Apatosaurus. "B"!

Brachiosaurus. "C"?

Corythosaurus! "D"!


Yep! You and me, dad.

I guess everyone has someone to play with except me.

Everyone's all paired up.

Hey, don. You can play with us.

We're all going to the big pond to play on the beach


Oh, oh! And relax in the hot pools!

Yep! That, too, shiny.

There's nowhere more fun than the big pond!

[Sighs] I'll have no one to play with

At the big pond either.

Come on, don. You'll play with us.

'S better than .

And is better than .

That's what makes a team!

[Train whistle blows] oh, boy! The dinosaur train

Is here!

Well, hello, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Conductor.

My guess is you're here to go on this very train! All




So the big pond, eh? What's the plan?

To have a fun day at the beach.

Play in the sand, relax in the hot pools.

Play games, catch some fish, right, don?

Look! A dragonfly! Hi. I like your red feet.

Wow! He's so blue.

And what cool wings.

How's it going?

[Buzzes] hey! You just waved at me. Hi.

The dragonfly just waved to me.

I have a new friend. Dad, meet howard.

Uh, nice to meet you, howard. Uh, wait. Who am--who

Am I meeting? Who's howard?

My new best friend, a dragonfly--howard.

A dragonfly named howard?

Howard's a fine name for a dragonfly. The pleasure is

Mine, howard, and on this train, dragonflies do not need


Boy, howard really likes to fly.

All dragonflies do. You know, he's not a dinosaur. He's

An insect.

That's not howard. Howard's bluer.

Dragonflies can be all kinds of colors, don, and like howard

Here, you'll see they all have large eyes and two pairs of


Two pairs of wings? Wow.

They must be really fast fliers.

That means I'll have to fly super fast to keep up with


I have a hypothesis. Since we know that other insects

Really like flowers and ants, I'm guessing that dragonflies

Also like to hang out on flowers and plants.

Interesting hypothesis. You can test it at the big pond.

Hey, howard. Buddy says you like to stay on flowers and

Plants. Do you? Howard doesn't feel like answering now.

Ha ha ha!

I have another hypothesis.

Maybe dragonflies hatch their babies on flowers and leaves,

Too. Maybe we'll even see one!

I bet howard can show us some dragonfly babies,

Right, howard?

[Buzzing] howard! Come back! He flew away!

Don't worry. We'll help you find him, don.

Find him? How? Where?

Howard's gone forever!

It's ok, don. There's one place I've always seen

Dragonflies--at the big pond.

Your dad's absolutely right.

It's possible that young howard flew off to the big pond to

Surprise you there, don.

I bet mr. Conductor's right.

Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get to the big pond

Already. I'm coming to find you, howard!

Next stop, big pond!

[Sighs] I don't see howard or any


Well, you have to be patient, don.

Yeah! Meanwhile, let's play catch the stick. Go for it,



Any other takers? Shiny?

Not me. I'm gonna start with a refreshing dip in the cold

Pond and then sit in the hot pools. You coming, dad?

I sure am. Can't wait to soak my tired claws in those

Hot pools.

Ok. Don? Don?

Howard? Howard? It's me--don! Where are you?

Are you howard? Are you?

Are you howard? Hello? Whoa!

Oop! I'm ok. I meant to do that.

Hey! Is that one howard?

Which one? They all look like dragonflies.

That one! The one that looks like howard! I just have to get

Close to him to get a good look.

[Gasp] fly up! Uh, to the left.

Almost. Now!

[Sighs] nope. That's not howard. He has

More see-through wings and redder feet. Howard knows who I

Am, and that guy, he doesn't know me.

Don really knows his howard.

Are any of you howard? Show me your feet.

Well, let's help.

This isn't really working.

They're too fast.

Hey, guys! I have an idea.

Come down. Ok. Let's move slowly into the middle,

Surround the dragon flies...

And find howard. Ready?

Stop, dragonflies. Stop flying!

They left. Well, anyway, none of them were howard.

Howard's probably just playing a game with you.

Yeah. A hiding game.

You'd think we'd find him here. We are in a field, and

That's where dragonflies like to hang out.

Don, buddy, tiny, come to the pond! I see something

Really weird here.

[Gasp] [panting]

What's weird?

Look! There are dragonflies right there, flying near the



Whoa! Why would they be there. I thought dragonflies

Only liked flowers and plants.

They seem to like water, too. Look. They're skimming

Right over it.

Hmm. None of them is howard.

I wonder if he likes water, too.

Well, team, here's what I know about dragonflies. They

Actually hatch their eggs in the water.

Whoa! Howard was born in the water?


But how could a dragonfly start out as a baby in the

Water? They have wings. They can't fly underwater, or do

Dragonflies look different when they're born?

Hmm. Well, that's something I don't know about dragonflies,

Buddy. We'll ask the conductor about that one.

Buddy, I think your hypothesis about dragonflies

Being born on plants was wrong.

Yeah. Way wrong.

[Sighs] what is it, don?

I guess I have to give up finding howard. Thanks for

Helping me look.

Anytime, don! We're brothers.

We're team pteranodon!

That's right, team! I'm proud of you all for trying.

Yeah. Go, team pteranodon!

Don, don't move. There's a dragonfly next to you.

Aw, it's not howard.

What if we all put our arms out...

And stand really still? That might work better than chasing

The dragonflies. They might come to us.

Yeah, and maybe howard will be one of them.

Great idea, team. Ok. Stand still.

[Buzzing] hey. It's working.

[Train whistle blows] oh, no! The dinosaur train!

Sorry, don, but it's time to go. We don't want to miss the

Train back.

Well, there go the dragonflies.

Don, you tried really hard to find howard. You're a great


[Giggling] oh!

Wings, a long body, big eyes, and red feet! Howard, I found

You! How's it going, pal?

[Buzzing] ♪ la la loo ♪

Ha ha ha!

Well, I'll be! It is howard!

You're a really good hider, howard. We looked everywhere

For you. Hey. This is my family. This is tiny, shiny,

Buddy, and my dad.

Hi, howard!

[Buzzing] look! Howard's flying

Backwards. He's amazing.

[Giggling] [whistle blows]

I love the dinosaur train, too, howard.

[Buzzing] well, the caboose.

Well, you found howard, I see.

Yeah, and there were lots of dragonflies at the big pond

Today like you said.

Dad says howard was born in the water.

Well, your dad's correct.

Dragonfly moms lay eggs in the water. Then the babies hatch.

They're called nymphs, and they look like little worms. When

They grow bigger, they sprout claws and soon after wings.

Then they look like howard.

And fly around. I can't wait to fly everywhere with howard

And explore and show him our nest. Right, howard?

[Buzz] and this is our nest.

And here's my collection.

[Buzz] thanks. I love my collection,


[Buzzing] it makes you want to do what?

Whoa! Look at howard. He's flying backwards.

Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz. Oh! Oop!

[Laughing] he's all right.

Hi, there. I'm dr. Scott, the paleontologist. Can you

Name this insect?


Yes, and did you know that dragonflies have been around

Longer than people, even longer than dinosaurs? Now why do you

Think dragonflies have been around for so long?

Because they're fast.

Yep, and they're not only fast. They can fly forward, up,

Down, even backwards.

Dragonflies are quick enough to get away from most animals that

Would like to eat them, and they're also excellent hunters,

Able to catch and eat lots of other insects. Dragonflies have

Huge eyes and amazing eyesight.

So the next time you see a dragonfly, remember, they've

Been around for a long, long time.

Look at that dragonfly go.

[Buzzing] all right. That's it for

Today. Remember, get outside, get into nature, and make your

Own discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods. Let's visit the cretaceous. Many new

Kinds of flowers and insects appeared during this time. The

Most dinosaurs, like tyrannosaurus rex, and flying

Creatures, like pteranodons, lived in the cretaceous, and

That's just one of the stops on the dinosaur train!

And that means fish!

♪ If I could wish for just one dish

My greatest wish would be more... ♪

♪ Fish ♪

Dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train dinosaur train

We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ we're gonna ride ♪

♪ Ride, ride, ride, ride ♪ ♪ the dinosaur train ♪
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