01x19 - King Cryolophosaurus/Buddy The Tracker

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dinosaur Train". Aired: September 7, 2009 – April 12, 2021.*
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Set in a whimsical prehistoric world of jungles, swamps, active volcanoes and oceans, all filled with dinosaur and other prehistoric animal life, and connected by a train line known eponymously as the Dinosaur Train
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01x19 - King Cryolophosaurus/Buddy The Tracker

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, folks! It's me the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Meet a meat-eater named king.

He wears a kind of crown, a flashy crest on his head, so

Come on along with me on the dinosaur train! All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ [whistle blows]

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ once upon a time

There was a mom her name was mrs. Pteranodon

Sitting on her nest she heard a scratching

And said... ♪ Oh, boy! My eggs are


♪ One by one her kids popped free

Baby pteranodons , , ♪

I'll name you tiny, shiny, and don.

♪ But tiny said... ♪ Wait! There's one more, mom!

♪ Last little baby was a different size

With teeth and a tail and big green eyes

He didn't look anything like the rest ♪

What am I doing in a pteranodon nest?

♪ But dear, old mrs. Pteranodon said... ♪

Oh, this is your family, and I'm your mom. You may be

Different, but we're all creatures. All dinosaurs have

Different features. Come on, buddy. We'll take a vacation.

I'll get us a ticket at pteranodon station. We'll

Travel the world in sunshine and rain and meet all the

Species on the...

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

[Whistle blows] ♪ the dinosaur train ♪

[Roaring] [captioning made possible by

The jim henson company] [humming]

Uh, don, what you doing?


Do you hear music? I don't hear music.

The dinosaur train's coming, and that means tiny's gonna

Sing "the dinosaur train song."

I love that song.

Ha ha! Leave it to don to dance to the music he's going

To hear.

Ha ha! That's my don!

[Whistle blows] here it comes!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride the dinosaur train ♪

Come on, buddy. Sing along!

Right out here on the open platform where anybody could

Hear me?

I'm doing it, don's doing it.

I don't know. You guys are more brave about just singing

It out loud.

[Whistle blows] hello, pteranodon family.

All aboard!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪ [cheering]

Oh, ho! That was quite a performance. Say, do you kids

Know the dinosaur who wrote and first performed that very song?

No, sir.

Nope. Me?

It was king, king crylophosaurus.


Oh, gosh. He's a real rock 'n' roll legend.

That's right, mrs. "P." "The dinosaur train song" made king

Pretty famous along the train route.

Did they name him king because of the crown on his


Hmm. Could be, buddy.

We know other dinosaurs with crests on their head,

Hadrosaurs. They make music, too. They have crests that hoot

And toot.

Yeah! Like cory corythosaurus.

So maybe king toots with his crest to make his cool music.

You know, I'd consider that another of your excellent

Hypotheses, buddy.

King's crest is such a different shape. Does it give

Him a really special sound, mr.


Hmm. Can't say. I only met king once. He rode the dinosaur

Train and sang his hit song for me and the passengers. Even got

My picture taken with king, but I never heard him hoot or toot

His crest.

Didn't you ever ask him?

I would, don, but I haven't seen him since. I hear he's a

Nice guy who chooses to spend his time alone in the jurassic

Antarctic. Heck, no one's seen hide nor horn of him since that

Day on the train.

Ooh! A mystery!

♪ Dun dun dun ♪ is king crylophosaurus a

Hadrosaur and a theropod, mr.


Good question, buddy. What do you kids think?

Well, he looks like a theropod. One, big legs with

-Toed feet. Two, lots of teeth for eating meat. , A long tail

For balancing well, and , theropods have a great sense of


Right you are, kids.

Crylophosaurus is a meat-eating theropod.

Well, how hard can it be for one theropod to find another?

Buddy, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yeah! We go try to find king crylophosaurus.

Well, you're in luck. The next stop is crylophosaurus

Crest station!

Can we, mom?

Well-- you can get his autograph!

[Squawk] a chance to meet king

Crylophosaurus? Why not?

[Cheering] pteranodon clan, I like your

Spunk. Ooh! Time tunnel approaching. Next stop the

Antarctic, crylophosaurus crest station in the jurassic time


Here we are, folks, the jurassic antarctic.

Wow! It's so warm here. I thought the antarctic would be

Cold like the arctic.

Nope. There's no snow or ice.

Or any sign of king crylophosaurus.

Good luck, pteranodon clan!


Now where to start searching.

No crylophosaurus under here.

Ha ha ha!

Eyes open, guys. Anything could be a clue to help us find


Look! Footprints!

Now we're getting somewhere.

No. Wait. Count the toes.

, , , Toes.

Hmm. That's no theropod.

Right. Theropods have big front toes.

We keep searching. Keep your eyes open.

Open your ears, too. We might hear him sing.

[Chirping] [croaking]

Hmm. Nothing.

The loudest nothing I ever heard.

Plenty of birds and insects, don, but no singing


[Humming] did you hear that? It came

From over that-a-way!


Tiny, are you all right?

I'm fine, mom. I just tripped in this weird hole.

That's no hole, tiny. That's a footprint.

A -toed one.

King! He's around here somewhere.

[Humming] there it is again! Someone's


Follow the prints!

[Gasp] over there!

My goodness! Look!

[Humming] shh. Behind...that...tree.

Mr. King crylophosaurus sir, is that you?

Well, who wants to know, little lady?

We do! I'm tiny pteranodon, this is my brother don.

♪ Dee dee da da da dee dee da da da ♪

Excited little fella, ain't he?

And this is my brother buddy, and this is our mom--mom.

Ah, little mama.

[Squawk] I mean, oh! I mean...

[Squawk] how do you king, mr. Do? I

Mean, how do you do, mr. King?

Well, very well. Uh, thank you, ma'am, but ya'll didn't

Come all the way out here just to see king, did you?

See and hear!

Your "dinosaur train song" is our favoritest song ever!

It makes me dance!

Along with other stuff.

You kids know that song?

Everybody who rides the dinosaur train knows it and

Loves it, king!

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪ [cheering]

Thank you. Thank you very much. Oh, boy. That felt good.

I got to say. I kind of miss the music.

Well, why? Don't you sing anymore?

Well, not for others, just when no one's around.

You know, king, if I had a cool crest like that, I

Couldn't help myself. I'd hoot and toot it all day and night.

What, this old thing? I can't hoot it nor toot it,


You can't?

You remember how you spotted me behind that tree. Well,

That's what my crest is for, attracting attention.

King's right, kids. His crest certainly got my


You see what I mean? But I don't really want to attract

Attention. That's why I stay out here in the woods.

So you don't hoot or toot with that crest like

Duck-billed hadrosaurs?

Never have, never will. I'm no hadrosaur, little fella.

This crest is solid bone, not hollow.

But you're still a theropod just like me. I love meeting

Other theropods.

Buddy's even in a theropod club. Theropods from all over

The mesozoic come to meet on the dinosaur train.

You have to come to a meeting, king. You'd like the

Snack time, all meat all the time because we're all...


Hoo-ha! Ha ha ha! That sounds great, buddy, but I'm

Not really one for clubs.

But you'd fit right in, king. You've got toes on each

Foot just like me.

And, king, you seem a little bit shy when you meet other


Well, yeah. I am a little shy.

Me, too, sometimes a little, but I do like meeting new


And you never hold back when you have a hypothesis. You just

Step right up, open your mouth, and tell everyone what you're


Whoa! That is true.

Maybe you can do that, too, king.

Yeah. I'm not real big on hypothesizing.

No, but you could do the same when you open your mouth

To sing.

Oh, you're right, little lady. We already sang my song.

That's your only one?

What about the one that you were humming, king?

That? That's something I've been humming for a while, but I

Haven't finished it yet.

Maybe we can help.

Ha ha! You really aren't shy, baby.

No, sir. My name's not baby.

I'm tiny pteranodon.

Ha ha! All right, tiny!

Well, the song starts off telling my story, you know,

About my crest and all.

♪ This big, bright crest been keeping me down

Crazy fans a-been chasing me round

Hid in the woods so I could get some rest

You little kids made me show you my crest

My crest it's the best

It's made of bone I call it my own

Crylophosaurus crest ♪ ♪ please don't call him

A hadrosaur ♪ ♪ or I'll have to show

You cats the door ♪ ♪ it don't toot

But did I mention ♪ ♪ the big, frilly thing

Attracts attention ♪ ♪ my crest

Yeah, it's the best ♪ [squawk]

Ha ha ha!

♪ It's big and blue ♪ I want one, too!

♪ Crylophosaurus crest ♪ [train whistle blows]

Man, take it to the theropod bridge.

♪ -Toed feet with pointy tips make some room for me

To shake my lizard hips big, sharp teeth

For eating meat I top it all off

With a visual treat my crest

Yeah, man, it's the best it's made of bone

I call it my own crylophosaurus crest, man ♪


[Cheering] what a fantastic new song,


Aw, thank you. Thank you very much.

[Squawk] king, if I may be so bold, a

Talent and a crest like yours deserves to be shared.

Well, ma'am, I got a feeling you're right. All right. When's

The next meeting of the theropod club?

Yeah! You jumped right in there and sang, buddy, in front

Of everyone. I'm proud of you.


Mystery solved.

Song written.

Friend made.

This has been one mighty rocking trip on the dinosaur


One more time!

♪ This big, bright crest been keeping me down

Crazy fans a-been chasing me round

Hid in the woods so I could get some rest

You little kids made me show you my crest

My crest yeah, it's the best

It's made of bone I call it my own

Crylophosaurus crest ♪ [cheering and laughing]

Hi. I'm dr. Scott the paleontologist, and this is





Probably the first thing you notice about crylophosaurus is

Its crest. In fact, the name means cold crest lizard because

Scientists discovered this dinosaur way down south on the

Continent of antarctica. It's really cold there now.

Did it live in the snow?

Nope. When dinosaurs were alive, antarctica was much,

Much warmer than it is today.

So what do you think about that boney crest on its head?

It's big.

And it swoops up. The scientists who first discovered

This animal thought that its strange crest looked like the

Hair of elvis presley, a famous rock 'n' roll singer.

[Doorbell rings] point of fact!

Crylophosaurus did not know elvis and did not sing rock



Thank you. Thank you very much.

Well, that's true, but scientists nicknamed

Crylophosaurus the elvisaurus.

Yay! Elvisaurus!

Elvisaurus' one-of-a-kind crest and fun nickname make it

A very cool dinosaur. All right. Keep watching for more

Dinosaur discoveries.

Dinosaurs had feathers!

Troodons have feathers?

Like me!

Whoa! They're amazing!

Well, thanks, buddy.

I'm a northern troodon.

We're different because we got a lot more feathers, eh.

We're looking for a match for this feather.

Hmm. Looks familiar.

I wish I had your amazing feathers. Can we compare this

One to yours?


The feather mystery is solved! Whoo-hoo!

♪ I'm a t. Rex yeah, I'm a t. Rex

A-roaring round the forest tyrannosaurus rex

T. Rex rowr

I'm a tyrannosaurus I'm the biggest carnivore

In the cretaceous forest gonna romp and stomp around

The biggest dinosaur in town a-roaring round the forest

Tyrannosaurus rex rowr ♪

Hello, folks! It's me the conductor. Today, we're gonna

Look at dinosaur tracks, their footprints, and find out what

We can learn from them, so come on along with me on the

Dinosaur train! All aboard!

[Whistle blows] tickets, tickets, please! Well,

Hello, pteranodon family.

Hello, mr. Conductor!

Where are you all off to this fine morning?

The big pond. We're going fishing!

With dad!

And don and I are gonna hang out in the woods and play our

Favorite game--tracking!

Ooh! Tracking, eh?

Yep. I'm buddy the detective, the greatest tracker

Of all.

And I'm detective don, buddy's pteranodon assistant.

We like to search for dinosaur footprints in the dirt

And mud.

My brother buddy has a keen sense of smell. He's a t. Rex.

Hmm. Hunting for dinosaur footprints? You kids have all

The fun. Well, take a gander at this. You can learn a lot about

An animal by its tracks, how big it is and how fast it's

Moving, especially if you find the tracks in what we call a


A trackway?

Yep. A trackway is a pattern of tracks in a row.

I've seen footprints in a trackway before. I just never

Knew it was called that.

Whoops! I lost track of the time. Ha ha! Big pond! Big pond

Station, folks.

Good luck finding dinosaur tracks, detectives, and happy

Fishing, tiny, shiny, and mr.



[Whistle blows] bye!

Everyone here? Good. Last one to the big pond is a rotten

Dinosaur egg!

[Squawk] [giggling]

Let's go!

Bbbllll! All right, team!

Gather round. Let's break it down, let's huddle by the

Puddle. Tiny, shiny, ready to go fishing?


And detective don and I are ready to track some dinosaurs.

Ok, detectives. Just make sure that we stay within

Squawking distance, all right?

Let's test it out.

[Squawk] we're over here, dad!

[Squawk] and I'm over here! Good job!

Let's catch some fish.

Yeah! Come on!

[Squawk] [sniffing]

Hey! I found some tracks.

Ooh. Let me see, let me see.

Hmm. The animal that made these tracks must be pretty

Small. I wonder if it's even a dinosaur. These look like the

Back feet, and these are the front ones.

And look. The tracks are really far apart.

I have a hypothesis.

Goody! An idea we can test!

I think that the animal who made these tracks must jump or


Hey! We know an animal who hops, and she lives at the big


Patricia palaeobatrachus!

Come on. We'll call her!

Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit!


[Ribbit ribbit] [snoring]

Oh! Hi, buddy and don.

[Yawns] what are you doing?

We're tracking!

We followed your footprints.

[Yawns] well, that's fine, but if you

Don't mind, I'm gonna go back to sleep. I had a long night

Hunting bugs. I'm nocturnal, you know.

Oh, yeah.

We're sorry.

Well, good night.

I like patricia. She likes bugs, and so do i.

Well, that was some pretty good tracking, detective don.

Yeah, detective buddy. Now let's try looking in the forest.


[Sniffing] hey! More tracks!

Ooh! Not only tracks...

A trackway!

♪ Dun dun dun ♪ hmm. , , Toes. This

Creature has -toed feet.

What's it mean, buddy?

I think it adds up to this--we're tracking a theropod!

A theropod? You mean-- yep. One, big legs with

-Toed feet. Two, lots of teeth for eating meat. , A long tail

For balancing well, and , theropods have a great sense of


Whoa! You know all that from looking at its footprints?

No. It was just a guess, but let's keep following him, and

Maybe we can find out.

[Squawk] hey! Don't sneak up on me like


We're sorry. We were tracking you.

Just for fun. We're playing detectives!

Tracking me? Oh, wonderful.

What did you discover?

We were trying to figure out what species you are.

I'm called an enantiornithine.


But are you also a theropod?

[Squawk] I sure am!

Cool! Because I'm a theropod, too!

Hey! Let's compare features.

I see we have -toed feet.

And you both have long tails. Do you have a great

Sense of smell?

Ha! I like to think so. Ha ha ha! I smell berries and

Bugs! I better get back to hunting for them. Bye!


Another bug-lover! Tracking is fun!

It is. Let's find some more!

Follow your t. Rex nose, buddy!

Whoa! Look at these, don.

Big, big tracks.

They smell kind of familiar.

, , , , Toes. I think it's some kind of quadruped.

You mean, it walks on legs?

Yep! See, these are its back feet, and these look like its

Front feet, and look at this trackway. It's like the

Conductor said. The prints are far apart. You can tell this

Dinosaur is big!

Maybe we should track something little, buddy. What

If it wants to eat us?

Aw, I bet it's a quadruped, don. They're herbivores. You

Know, herbivores eat plants, not t. Rexes.

What about pteranodons?

Nah. They won't either of us.

Ok, buddy. You're usually right about these things.

Uh-oh. Those are a whole lot of tracks.

Yep! Whatever this dinosaur is, I think we found a whole

Herd of them, you know, a bunch of dinosaurs all traveling


I thought you were gonna say that.

They go this way! Come on!

Um, let me check with dad!

[Squawk] hey, dad!

Hi, don! Everything all right?

Yeah. We found a lot of tracks.

Well, that's great, son. If you need me, I'm close by. Just

Squawk, ok?

Ok. There. I feel a little braver now.

Good! Come on, detecting don!

Ha ha ha!

[Gasp] [grunting]

Hi. Um, I'm buddy, and this is my b-brother don.

Did I hear buddy, buddy the tyrannosaurus? Ooh, buddy, don!

What a nice surprise. t*nk, look who's come to visit.

Hey, guys! Head-butt!


Just kidding.

Ha ha ha!

What are you guys doing out here?

Playing detectives!

We're tracking! What are you doing?

Eating lunch, my favorite, juicy, yumcredible bushes! Want



No, thanks.

Oh, I forgot. You're both carnivores. You eat meat. Well,

Anyway, I better get back to eating. I am hungry.

Sure, t*nk. Go right ahead.

Ooh! You'll have to forgive little t*nk. He's a growing

Boy, and he needs to eat as many plants as he can find.


He's a hungry, hungry herbivore!

They all are. I observe that the triceratops are all eating


You're right! We triceratops like to look for our food as a

Herd. It helps us to protect each other from predators.

Oops! The herd's moving on, t*nk. We better join them.

Bye-bye, buddy and don.

Bye! Have fun tracking!

Bye, t*nk! Bye, mrs.


[Sniffing] hmm. This ground is hard like

Rock. I can't find any tracks.

What about these?

Wow! How come I couldn't smell them? No wonder. They

Don't have any smell at all.

And they're hard as rock!

It's like they're made of rock. Detecting don, this is a



♪ Dun dun dun ♪ let's call dad and tiny and


Well, detectives, you've really found something. I think

These are fossils of dinosaur tracks.

Fossils? You mean, the tracks were made by a big

Dinosaur-- yep, but a long, long time


[Squawk] let's see where the fossil

Tracks go!


Do it!

Aw. They just stop.

I wonder what happened to him.

Kids, those are all great questions. I say we ask the

Conductor, and there's the train now. Heh. Come on!

[Whistle blows] well, fluff my fabulous

Feathers! Fossilized footprints!

Yep! They're in a trackway, and we followed them.

And then they just stopped!

What do you think happened?

I would guess that a long time ago there might have been

A lake here and the tracks you saw might have been made by a

Dinosaur walking along the edge of that lake, and after many,

Many years, the tracks turned to stone, and now those tracks

Are fossils.


Whatever the answer to the mystery is, I'm proud of you,

Detectives, for getting out there and asking some really

Good questions.

And I'm proud of tiny and shiny for catching a bunch of

Fish for our dinner.

Oh, yeah!

[Insects buzzing] [sniffing]

Buddy the detective here, sniffing some fresh tracks with

His fellow detectives, tiny, shiny, and don. Whoever they

Belong to, they sure smell familiar.

Look! The tracks just stop.

I think it flew away from right here.

[Squawk] you found me, t. Rex trackers!

Ha ha ha! Ok. Enough tracking.

Let's eat that fish that tiny and shiny caught. It's


[Cheering] hi. I'm dr. Scott the

Paleontologist, and these are t. Rex footprints.

Paleontologists have discovered thousands of dinosaur footprint

Fossils. They've been found on every continent.

Dinosaur footprints.

Sometimes, we just find one footprint, and sometimes, we

Find a long series of footprints called trackways.

Fossil trackways tell us how dinosaurs move. Tracks tell us

That dinosaurs stood upright with their feet close together,

And since we don't find many signs of dragging tails, we

Know that dinosaurs held their tails in the air.

That's cool.

Paleontologists have also found trackways of sprawling

Crocodiles and slithering snakes and hopping frogs. Of

Course, animals living today make tracks, too. You've

Probably seen some right around your own home. Hey. I've got an

Idea. Get outside, get into nature, and make your own

Footprint discoveries.

Did you know that the dinosaur train travels

Everywhere in the mesozoic era?

Let's look at the map. There was the triassic, jurassic, and

Cretaceous time periods.

Let's visit the jurassic. It was a warm, damp climate full

Of both jungles and forests.

The first known birds and many of the biggest dinosaurs, like

Stegosaurus, lived in the jurassic, and that's just one

Of the stops on the dinosaur train!

Theropods have -toed feet, lots of teeth for eating meat,

Big, long tails to balance well, and theropods have a

Great sense of smell!

Go, theropods, go!

We love playing ♪ dinosaur train

Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train

Dinosaur train we're gonna ride

The dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ Dinosaur train ♪ ♪ dinosaur train ♪

♪ We're gonna ride ♪ ♪ ride, ride, ride, ride ♪

♪ The dinosaur train ♪
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